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  • Dream ex-husband came to my house. Why does the ex-husband dream - interpretation in dream books

    Dream ex-husband came to my house.  Why does the ex-husband dream - interpretation in dream books

    What is the dream of an ex-husband or boyfriend? What does a dream in which an ex-husband is present mean?

    If in a dream you see your ex-husband or boyfriend, in most cases, this indicates that you are passionate about the past. It often happens that the past experiences do not leave even when you have a new relationship.

    In some cases, you may not need to really relive the past every minute. In a dream, the subconsciousness turns on and it rolls out everything hidden that worries a person. In reality, you may feel dissatisfied with life, and the reason may be a past relationship.

    • Depending on the context in which the ex-husband or boyfriend is dreaming, different events can be interpreted. Moreover, you should not literally take a dream. In every event in a dream, a subtext is encrypted, which means something specific
    • If a gentle kiss occurs in a dream, it means that in reality you are going to meet a great surprise. If your dream road has led you to have intercourse with your ex, expect trouble or conflict. If in a dream you quarreled and swore, you can hope for the emergence of a new romantic relationship with another person.
    • Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the environment and the events that occur. Meeting with an ex-boyfriend or husband in a dream may mean that in the near future you will commit a frivolous act that you will have to regret
    • If in a dream a person from a past relationship manifests a feeling of love and tenderness for you, you should prepare for unpleasant surprises. Such emotions from the past do not bring anything positive.

    Girl sleeping

    After a dream that you remember well and accurately determine the place of your ex-boyfriend in it, you should carefully consider your current relationship. Perhaps you are comparing the past and the present, this can lead to a quarrel.

    According to Freud's teachings, meeting with your ex-husband in a dream speaks of your fear of betrayal or betrayal. All negative emotions from the ex-boyfriend indicate that in reality he still appreciates and respects you.

    Why dream of visiting an ex?

    Even though the guy is an ex-husband or boyfriend, you still can't let him go. You want to be with him or you build his image in a way that is more pleasing to you. Despite all the reasons for the breakup, you are creating his perfect look and want to return the relationship.

    If in a dream, you went to visit your ex-boyfriend or husband, it is important to understand that subconsciously you miss his attention. Even if in a dream a spark of romance or a romantic relationship did not slip between you, and you communicated only as friends, you should not think that this is just an unconscious burst of memories.

    Carefully study your condition, perhaps you need to overcome your pride and talk to this person in order to calmly and without quarrels finally release him from your life. If you dreamed of his parents visiting your ex, most likely in reality they regret that their son broke up with such a girl. In a dream, they seem to apologize to you.

    In a dream in which you are visiting an ex-boyfriend or husband, it is more important what you or he is doing at this moment than the fact that you are at his house.

    Why dream of hitting your ex?

    In a dream, only the woman who is offended by him can beat her ex-boyfriend or husband. At the same time, irascibility and harshness of character leads to such active actions. In reality, such a dream may mean that you should expect some unpleasant situations that will appear due to your character.

    You won't be able to instantly change yourself, but it's worth thinking, maybe it's time to turn off your favorite bitchiness from the main arsenal that interacts with the outside world. The dream symbolizes failure in past relationships, to a greater extent, because of your relationship with your boyfriend.

    It is not sad to admit it, but fate hints to you that if you do not correct, you can not look for a good and lasting relationship in life. This is especially true if the dream is repeated often, and the methods of influencing the guy are always different.

    Why is the ex dreaming with another girl?

    If an ex-boyfriend or husband is in a dream with another girl who looks like you, then he wants to renew the relationship with you. If the girl is not familiar to you, then soon you will establish your new relationship. The dream indicates that you are no longer connected with your ex-boyfriend by any ties, each has its own life. This frees you psychologically and gives you the right to move forward easily.

    If your ex-husband is arguing with his new girlfriend, then you still cannot forgive him for all the negativity that was between you. Perhaps he was the initiator of the breakdown, and you are offended and angry with him. Try to treat the situation philosophically, the end of an old relationship is the beginning of a new life.

    Dream interpretation: ex-husband got married

    This is a good and kind dream, which indicates that soon your destiny will change dramatically for the better in terms of relationships. Your wedding, a new relationship, or the birth of a child can be laid down here.

    In any case, the dream speaks of a new milestone in life, which finally came after the break with her ex-husband. He completely adjusts his life, and you become open and free. Now between you there should not be any negative, however, as well as positive emotions. Almost two strangers.

    Fate gives you a small hint of the reason for the failure in the past marriage, try to comprehend it and understand that the relationship depends on two people. It is in your power to change yourself and avoid the mistakes that were made in the past.

    Dream interpretation: former in a coffin

    • If in a dream you see your ex-boyfriend or husband in a coffin, then you have to overcome serious trials in life. The outcome of these tests will depend on you, but the greater likelihood of a successful outcome will depend on the circumstances. This does not mean that the path will be easy, you may have to give up something expensive or lose something important.
    • You must believe that whatever is not done leads to better change. It's another matter if you have a dream in which your ex-husband or boyfriend has been dead for a long time. This means that in reality you are in for serious troubles that are associated with past actions.
    • If in a dream you see your ex-husband or boyfriend dying, it means that you will definitely go through all the obstacles in life with your head held high. In any case, such a dream should make you more careful and prudent in life. You should abandon risky activities and spend the next few months as calm and balanced as possible.

    Dream interpretation: the former asks for forgiveness

    If in a dream the ex-husband asks for forgiveness, then your personal doubts about any event from the past are in vain. You do not have to worry, solving important questions in reality, if in a dream you forgave a person. Giving forgiveness means making the right decision.

    If in a dream you do not forgive your ex-husband or boyfriend, then in real life you will regret some of your actions. Most often, such a dream is associated with a new relationship, be attentive to the little things, they can tell a lot of useful things about what lies ahead.

    If in a dream your husband is happy that you have forgiven him, it means that your immediate environment will soon receive a lot of joy after a long black streak in life. This condition will affect your personal well-being.

    Dream interpretation: fight with ex-husband

    If in a dream you are arguing with your ex-husband, it means that in real life you will make peace. Such dreams usually occur after a long quarrel or tensions, which are inevitable after a divorce. Reconciliation does not mean that you will become best friends, it is just that now you will not feel anger at the sight of your ex-husband.

    What does a dream with an ex-boyfriend or husband say: advice and feedback

    • After waking up, do not hesitate to try to reproduce the dream from memory in the smallest detail.
    • Remember during the day everything that was in the dream.
    • Do not try to take literally everything that happens in your dream.
    • Your dreams speak more about your fate than about the fate of other people. Highlight your role in your sleep.
    • Record your dreams to chart a trend. Some dreams have multiple "series".

    Review: Olga, 32 years old

    I dreamed that I was fighting a lot with my ex-husband. In a dream, due to a quarrel, I really hated him. Our son was the subject of the quarrel. It’s hard to remember all the details of the dream, but I woke up very upset. In reality, everything turned out to be quite the opposite. On his son's birthday, the ex-husband came and congratulated him, they had a very good time together. We did not quarrel, but communicated like old friends.

    Video: Why is the ex-husband dreaming?

    The most detailed description: "hugs of the ex-husband's dream book" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

    Why dream of hugging with a loved one or with a former lover: interpretation of such dreams

    If we mean the usual hugs in reality, then scientists have proven that this is an important component of a person's lifestyle. You need to hug at least eight times a day to feel happy. But hugging in a dream does not always mean being happy.

    A woman hugging a man in a dream can hope for material help from this man. The hug of a married woman by a stranger promises the destruction of the marriage because of the husband's jealousy. It is not easy to say why a man's embrace is dreaming, since the details of dreams are very different and differ in the variety of situations in which the sleeper finds himself in a dream.

    If a woman sees a hug in a dream, she must prepare for a dual courtship, the interpreters of dreams say. Hugging as a consolation for someone can turn into problems in family relationships, so it is recommended to show maximum attention to your other half.

    Hugging parents in a dream threatens them with illness, and hugging a stranger - to unpleasant rumors. If a friend needs help, he will have a dream in which there will be a hug with him.

    Sometimes the question arises of why a strong hug is dreamed, the strength of which can be felt even in a dream. Dream books are interpreted as a harbinger of a happy life. At the same time, a strong hug from which you want to, but cannot escape, means the expected difficult period at work in real life. Therefore, it is recommended to be responsible for the performance of your duties.

    The most interesting question about dreams with hugs is the question "Why feel the embrace of a loved one in a dream." Oddly enough, in life everything is the other way around: if in a dream hugs with a loved one were pleasant and he covered a woman with kisses, then in reality one should expect parting, and it may also happen that an act that a woman will do in life may be like this , which she will later regret.

    The dream interpretation considers the hugs of a loved one to be a symbol of feelings that are strongly manifested towards him. For example, if you are in a quarrel with your loved one, then a dream means your regret and desire to improve relations again.

    The interpretation of hug dreams also depends on how a person's personal life develops. Sometimes a dreamy hug speaks of control. Jealous people dream of hugging only for one reason - the desire to control and subjugate a man. And vice versa - having in reality a happy relationship, and in a dream unpleasant hugs and feelings, you need to be ready in the near future for quarrels and disagreements. In this case, in real life, restrained behavior is required, as well as being neutral to provocations.

    There are dreams when a former loved one hugs. What do the dream books say in this case? It is about a woman's attachment to the past, since it is not always possible to let go of it immediately. Therefore, somewhere deep inside, perhaps the girl dreams of returning this relationship. Frequent dreams with the embrace of the past of a loved one speak of just this.

    If we consider the reasons why such a desire appears, then we can see that there may be several of them.

    First: perhaps the current relationship is no better, and maybe even worse than the one that was. The dream book recommends thinking and taking action, drawing conclusions.

    Secondly: there is no one to share today's loneliness with, because the girl had strong feelings for the first guy. The dream book recommends rethinking the situation, trying to renew a relationship with an ex-boyfriend.

    There is another option when a dream with the arms of an ex-boyfriend is interpreted as a surprise. And depending on your feelings in a dream, you will experience the same surprise in the future, that is, surprise will be as pleasant as the hug of your ex-boyfriend.

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    Dream interpretation

    Ex-husband's hug

    Dream interpretation of the hug of the ex-husband dreamed of why in a dream the embrace of the ex-husband is dreaming? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see the Embrace of your ex-husband in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    House of dreams

    what does every dream mean

    Why dream of hugging your ex-husband

    What does a dream about an ex-husband portend?

    Dreams are a completely mysterious and uncontrollable area of ​​life.

    Sometimes dreams give us something that is difficult to forget about all day later.

    This often applies to those people who were close and dear to us once upon a time. For example, a woman may often dream of her ex-spouse.

    Such dreams can be pleasant and not entirely, happen often or extremely rarely, but in each case it is interesting for a woman to find out why her ex-husband is dreaming, because this is not a simple dream!

    What does it mean?

    A former husband can dream of a woman for various reasons. The first thing that a woman thinks is that he thinks about me, yearns, wants to return ...

    Perhaps it is, but don't jump to conclusions.

    The importance of sleep is influenced by several factors, among which there are three main ones:

    • The time when this dream was seen (day of the week and lunar day).
    • The content of the dream (what exactly happened to the husband in this dream?).
    • Woman's mood and thoughts before bedtime.

    When trying to decipher a dream, it is worth considering each of these factors. After all, the same event that happened in a dream can mean different things, depending on the day of the week or on the mood of the sleeping person.

    Having learned to understand these factors, you can easily decipher dreams and apply the knowledge gained to take the right step.

    The day you dreamed of me ...

    It's no secret that dreams tend to be meaningful from Thursday to Friday. Our wise grandmothers knew about this, and they always paid special attention to the dreams that occurred on that particular night.

    But! Be careful: a dream from Thursday to Friday is not guaranteed to come true in all its details. Prophetic means that he is broadcasting something, that is, he wants to communicate. This means that such a dream clearly carries meaning and needs to be understood.

    • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday, so you know, point to our own desires. So, if in your dreams you kissed your ex-spouse, most likely these are your subconscious desires, and nothing else.
    • Dreams from Sunday to Monday are usually empty and mean nothing.

    It is also important to consider the lunar day when your ex-husband dreamed. Open the lunar calendar and read how to relate to dreams on this day.

    The content of the dream: what was there?

    You can find out what the ex-husband is dreaming of by analyzing the events of the dream. Of course, they are crucial.

    Waking up in the morning, remember well all the events of the dream. And then you can decipher it.

    1. If you dreamed about your ex-husband, and nothing special happened in the dream - you just saw him, this is not a bad dream. Oddly enough, he is not related to your ex-spouse himself. Such a dream tells you that you will receive news from the past.

    You probably have some unfinished business that "hangs" on you like a dead weight. Finish all business, break with the past, if it does not bring you joy and benefit.

    2. Dreams in which the husband takes active actions are of another meaning. For example, he kisses you, hugs you, caresses you. What does such a dream mean, from which a woman blushes in the morning?

    Such a dream is a good sign, again, not specifically associated with it. This means that a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, perhaps flirting, hobby, romance.

    3. If, in your dreams, you wanted to kiss the former faithful, but something prevented, for some reason this did not happen, this clearly indicates your desires, which are not realized due to some internal barriers.

    Such a dream gives clear advice: be more attentive to your desires, try to fulfill them. Of course, within reasonable limits.

    4. If you dreamed at night that your ex-spouse returned, this can be understood in different ways. Perhaps this is your hidden desire - admit to yourself honestly if you want it. And if so, why do you hide this desire deeper into the subconscious?

    Perhaps if the husband returned to you in a dream, he himself wishes it. You can find out by simply observing him, talking.

    If he was not alone

    Often another woman appears in such dreams. Any lady perceives separation from a man hard, even if she really wants to leave. All the same, this is a deep mental trauma, and it leaves its mark on the subconscious.

    So such unpleasant dreams are dreamed. And the third woman - be it a new wife or mother-in-law - is always the enemy. Even if you completely deny it, this is how our nature works.

    Therefore, if you are dreaming not only of your ex-husband, but also of your ex-mother-in-law, this is a clear symbol that your peace of mind is disturbed. You are afraid of some kind of force that prevails over you.

    A mother-in-law can mean trouble at work, tensions with superiors, conflicts. Pay attention to this and try to put your relationships with others in order.

    If you dreamed about him with his new woman, this is hardly a pleasant dream. This means that you subconsciously still do not want to give it away, and you cannot come to terms with the fact that it belongs to another.

    Also, a dream in which an ex-husband appears with another wife may mean your fears: fear of being alone, worries about this.

    Such dreams are often dreamed of by those women who have problems in their personal lives. For example, you had a fight with your man, and now you are dreaming of an ex - with another woman.

    So your subconscious mind gives out fears and experiences. Such a dream is a call to calm down, put your thoughts in order, try to take a positive attitude.

    It is very good to do meditation: to imagine your ex-husband and sincerely, with all your soul, wish him great happiness. And imagine how a ray of light from your heart goes to him.

    It is advisable to devote the same meditation on the "message of good" to another woman, if you know each other. Oh, this will be very difficult to do, but believe me, this ritual is incredibly effective, and you will be surprised at how easy it will be in your soul.

    What were you thinking about?

    A woman's mood and thoughts before going to bed greatly affect the world that she dreams of at night. If you fell asleep with thoughts about your past, about your former life ... Why be surprised? The dream interpretation is not needed here, such a dream is just a continuation of your fantasies.

    The advice is the same as above - mentally wish your ex-spouse good and happiness. This person has been the most important part of your life for some, perhaps a long, time, and even if you broke up badly, or he hurt you, there is still something to thank him for.

    Wishing well to a person whom you are not able to completely forget about, will very effectively clear your thoughts of unnecessary things, your mind will calm down.

    It will be helpful to mentally ask him for forgiveness for everything you have done in the past. Do not remember and list all your mistakes in your thoughts, just sincerely apologize. And then forgive him - if you succeed, you will be amazed how not only your condition will change, but also the world around you.

    Dream interpretation kissing ex-husband

    Why dream of kissing your ex-husband in a dream from a dream book?

    If in a dream you are showered with kisses by a person with whom you are divorced, you need to treat your current chosen one with great attention and warmth, he really needs it. Otherwise, your marital status may change. Also, this vision portends a casual date with someone you have known for a very long time.

    Why dream of hugging a man?

    Why dream of hugging a man worries many, including girls, women and grandmothers, and even the men themselves. Who can not dream of this kind of dream? But is it worth taking with hostility the associations of the subconscious and taking offense at it?

    Dreams and dreams express the desires of our brain and subconscious. If a woman had a dream that he was hugging a man, it means that she lacks a man's affection, it can also mean that she needs her, missed a man's shoulder and arms, wants to attract a man into her life and her subconscious mind tells her, that it will soon happen.

    If a man had a dream that he was hugging a man, then this may mean that he either needs friendly support and support, or he subconsciously experiences sexual emotions towards a person of his own sex. But again, do not over-dramatize and exaggerate everything. A man is able to get a gamut of emotions by watching this dream, or maybe he dreams of getting such emotions in real life, but he lacks them.

    It is important to understand that the dream of hugging a man indicates a desire to hug. cuddle up. A woman is able to need tactile contact, and a man also sees an ally not on the side of the female, but on the side of the man.

    So, it is worth understanding that hugs in themselves are associated with touch, support, understand, empathy, commitment to a partner and close friend. What could be more pleasant than a good relationship with a man and hugs with him. A woman may have such a dream, because perhaps she lacks these caresses from her husband. A young girl dreams of such dreams because she wants to establish contact with guys. There is a lot of information about why hugs are dreaming. But the desire to embrace is also quite jewelry. And if there is a desire, then there is aspiration and affection and tenderness.

    And also there is a need for male shoulder and male attention. A guy - such a dream will be dreamed if he needs paternal support or brotherly help.

    So, a dream can captivate by the fact that it brings back not only memories of the beloved man, but also reminds of the way of communicating with a loved one. The hug dream is quite pleasant. Hugging is worth it often and just like that. This indicates that a person dreams of hugs and lacks tactile affection, love and tenderness, so he should continue to hug more often than usual. In real life, you should not be afraid to do this, and moreover, do not hesitate to make hugs, touches and kisses. And then he will not dream, the secret signals of the subconscious that he lacks hugs and affection.

    It is important to know that hugs increase the satisfaction of an individual's life, so they should not be neglected. Also, dreams of this kind are a hint that it is necessary to find a person who needs to be hugged and wants to be hugged.

    So, a dream about a man's embrace is primarily a woman's sensuality and a desire to attract a male person into her life, who will try to decorate a woman's life and create many events in her life. And a good friend will appear in a man's life.

    Why dream of hugging?

    First, you need to pay attention to the fact which person you have to hug in a dream. In particular, it is worth considering whether in reality they are connected by friendly relations or, on the contrary, exclusively hostile.

    If the person with whom you need to hug is a friend, then this means that quite pleasant changes can happen soon. It is also possible that this person will be able to offer very tangible help.

    But, in the case when in a dream you have to hug a hated person or with someone with whom there is a long-term enmity, you must soon expect the onset of various troubles.

    When a sick person dreamed in a dream that he was embracing with one of the deceased relatives, this may indicate an imminent death. When a healthy person dreams of a dream of this type, it means that in the very near future he will have to face a serious illness. Occasionally, such a phenomenon can signify a very serious injury or participation in a road transport accident.

    If a woman who is now legally married dreamed that she was hugging her husband, then most likely he was cheating on her. Moreover, it is quite possible that either a fairly close friend or a relative is the homewoman. That is, someone from the inner circle.

    When a person dreamed that he was hugging his old friends, this may mean that a quarrel will occur between them soon enough. Hugs like these with colleagues at work may indicate industrial conflicts.

    When asking a question about why you dream of hugging a person, you need to understand that there can be a lot of options for interpreting it. For example, when in a dream it is necessary to hug a stranger, this can signal a very fast and quite possibly a rather long trip.

    In the event that a person who recently came to a new workplace dreamed that he was embracing his new colleagues, this may signal that a long enough and, most importantly, quite fruitful work in one place awaits him. It is also quite possible to achieve significant career heights for an insufficiently long period of time.

    True, in the case when a person feels that during a hug someone wants to squeeze him tightly enough, this can be a very bad signal. Most likely, the so-called wars are being waged in the collective. And one of the employees will try to persuade the new employee to their side, presenting the situation in exactly the way it will be beneficial for him. It is quite possible that you get into trouble.

    Very often, a dream in which one person hugs another may indicate that the sleeping person is experiencing rather strong boredom.

    A dream in which the bride and groom embrace is extremely negative. Most likely, either their marriage for various reasons will be in jeopardy, due to unexpected events, or various troubles will occur in the first months of their life together.

    In the case when the mother dreamed that she was hugging her sick child, her baby would recover soon enough. A hug in a dream with a thin person can signal sudden poverty or the onset of such a situation, for the solution of which it is necessary to spend a significant amount of money. Hugs with a full person, on the contrary, signal a rather favorable position in material support. For example, it is quite possible to receive a certain inheritance. Also, this type of sleep can signal a career advancement with a significant addition to wages.

    For an unmarried girl, a dream of this type can signal a profitable marriage.

    A dream in which it is necessary to hug a person who dreamed of a full moon, a growing one, or a new moon portends, in a significant number of cases, only favorable events. As for such a dream, dreamed of on the waning moon, then most often, its meaning is negative.

    The interpretation of the dream of a hug can be quite varied. Very often it all depends on which phase of the moon the dream was dreamed of. An important role is also played by what kind of person, as well as under what circumstances you have to hug.

    Miller's dream book

    Hug your spouse or spouse in a dream- calmly or with sadness, promises you domestic troubles.

    Hug your loved ones in a dream- to possible illness or quarrels. The same promises a dream in which a lover hugs his chosen one. But if you dream that you are hugging someone with a feeling of joy overwhelming you, such a dream portends happiness.

    Hug a stranger in a dream- to unexpected guests.

    Dream interpretation of lovers

    If you dream that you are hugging your wife (husband)- such a dream portends quarrels and troubles in the family. The same applies to a dream in which a lover hugs his chosen one. But if, hugging someone, you feel joy, such a dream promises happiness with your loved one.

    Dream interpretation for bitches

    Embrace- happiness, joy, meeting with distant friends.

    Hug your relatives, friends or loved one in a dream- quarrels, disagreements, domestic problems and difficulties.

    Hug a stranger, stranger- expect unexpected guests soon.

    New family dream book

    A dream in which you hug your spouse while feeling sad- portends domestic troubles.

    But if you dream that you are hugging a loved one with a joyful feeling- great happiness awaits you.

    Embracing a stranger in a dream- in real life, do not be surprised by unexpected guests.

    Modern combined dream book

    Hugging in a dream with a husband or wife- means that in your family you will have disagreements and mutual accusations will sound. Moreover. Disease threatens you.

    Hug relatives- predicts illnesses and misfortunes for them.

    If lovers dream that they are hugging each other, while experiencing overwhelming joy- in real life, happiness awaits them. Otherwise, they will quarrel over accusations of infidelity.

    Embrace strangers in a dream- to uninvited guests.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Embrace- reflection of close contact in general.

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    Sit in the arms of someone- you are loved.

    Hugging someone or carrying something in your arms- fulfill your favorite plan.

    Female dream book

    In a dream, hug your spouse (or spouse) calmly or with sadness- to family troubles.

    Hug your family or loved one in a dream- to possible illness or quarrels.

    If you dream that you are hugging someone with a feeling of joy overwhelming you- such a dream portends happiness.

    Hugging a stranger in a dream - to unexpected guests.

    Chinese dream book

    Hug your husband, wife- portends a happy event.

    Hug your son or daughter- portends a squabble.

    Dream interpretation of a gypsy

    If passionate- be afraid of uncontrollable feelings.

    A strong hug if it's tender- it means a happy family life.

    Danilova's erotic dream book

    Hugs as a symbol of intimacy in the content of a dream- reflect by no means the desire for physical intimacy or for the satisfaction of sexual desires. Obviously, there is someone or something whose loss you fear, because you know that it will be very painful for you. Therefore, anxiety and even fear are expressed in a dream in the form of hugs, when you cuddle up to another person as close as possible so that no one can interfere with the connection of hearts. The feeling of belonging to something pure and good overwhelms your being, and the unwillingness to lose this particle of good is understandable. This feeling gives you a sense of co-presence, without which the existence of any person is inconceivable.

    Unity in an embrace- imparts continuity to connections that give our existence harmony and balance. The tighter the hug, the stronger the attachment that the dream symbolizes.

    Ukrainian dream book

    Hug in a dream- happiness; hug you-love, you hug- success in business.

    Dream interpretation hug with a guy

    Why dream of Hugging a guy in a dream according to a dream book?

    If you dreamed of hugging a guy, such a plot portends misunderstanding and quarrels. Someone from the couple will suspect the soul mate of treason or indifference. Most likely, the claims will be unfounded.

    Other interpretations of the dream are also possible. Sometimes it can inform about an impending illness - yours, a family member, or a person in a dream.

    Have you been in a relationship with the guy you saw in your dream?

    Why dream of hugging a stranger

    Hugging an unfamiliar guy in a dream - to the road. An exciting journey is coming soon, which will give a sea of ​​impressions and memories. A trip to relatives in another city is not excluded.

    I dreamed of hugging an ex-boyfriend

    Why dream of hugging an ex-boyfriend? This is a bad omen. Such a dream portends health problems. The risk of diseases of the genitourinary system is especially high. It is worth undergoing a medical examination.

    Hug a guy you like in your sleep

    The dream interpretation warns: hugging a guy who you like is a conflict with this person. You should not tell him about tender feelings, probably at this stage in his life he considers you only a friend.

    Dreaming about hugging a familiar guy

    If you dreamed of hugging a familiar guy, then you are not completely honest with your boyfriend. Maybe you are passionate about others, but do not find the strength to tell your current partner about it.

    Cuddle with ex-husband

    Dream interpretation Hugging with ex-husband dreamed of why in a dream Hug with your ex-husband? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hugging with your ex-husband by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Dream interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Hug - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you are promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    To hug - to yearn, to be sad about someone.

    Cuddle with ex-husband

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Hug - Friends - help, support. They want to hug you, or hug you without reciprocity - a feeling of loneliness, despite the presence of the environment.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Success in business // quarrel, treason; a guy hugs - it's bad, to illness (the girl); hug relatives, friends - treason, quarrel; a stranger - the road; woman - treason.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Hugging in a dream is making friends with someone.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    “Welcome with open arms” (cordiality), “embrace (embrace) a wide range of issues”, “embrace parting or meeting”.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Relatives or friends means treason, hugging a stranger foreshadows the road.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    If you dream of a fat, beautiful woman in a dark dress, and you hug her in a dream, then, most likely, the next day you will catch an appetizing beast (in our culture, this is a good deal, profit, success).

    Dream interpretation - Husband

    Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete mutual understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

    Dream interpretation - Husband

    A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

    Dream interpretation - Husband, man

    To a woman in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend has married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

    Dream interpretation - Husband

    If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

    Cuddling with an ex-girlfriend

    Dream interpretation Hugging with an ex-girlfriend dreamed of why in a dream Hug with an ex-girlfriend? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hugging with an ex-girlfriend by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    If in a dream you are hugging your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    It is believed that hugging a loved one with a feeling in a dream is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or lover in a dream means that soon you will find out about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be ready to part with him forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a dead person in a dream is a sign of death for a sick person, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

    Dream interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

    A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive fascination with the past.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    You hug your husband - portends a happy event.

    Dream interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

    The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may be diligently avoiding memories of it.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Hug - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you are promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Hug - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you are promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    relatives, friends - quarrels, troubles; hugging a woman - treason

    Dream interpretation - Hug

    Hug - Friends - help, support. They want to hug you, or hug you without reciprocity - a feeling of loneliness, despite the presence of the environment.

    Dreams are a completely mysterious and uncontrollable area of ​​life.

    Sometimes dreams give us something that is difficult to forget about all day later.

    This often applies to those people who were close and dear to us once upon a time. For example, a woman may often dream of her ex-spouse.

    Such dreams can be pleasant and not entirely, happen often or extremely rarely, but in each case it is interesting for a woman to find out why her ex-husband is dreaming, because this is not a simple dream!

    What does it mean?

    A former husband can dream of a woman for various reasons. The first thing that a woman thinks is that he thinks about me, yearns, wants to return ...

    Perhaps it is, but don't jump to conclusions.

    The importance of sleep is influenced by several factors, among which there are three main ones:

    • The time when this dream was seen (day of the week and lunar day).
    • The content of the dream (what exactly happened to the husband in this dream?).
    • Woman's mood and thoughts before bedtime.

    When trying to decipher a dream, it is worth considering each of these factors. After all, the same event that happened in a dream can mean different things, depending on the day of the week or on the mood of the sleeping person.

    Having learned to understand these factors, you can easily decipher dreams and apply the knowledge gained to take the right step.

    The day you dreamed of me ...

    It's no secret that dreams tend to be meaningful from Thursday to Friday. Our wise grandmothers knew about this, and they always paid special attention to the dreams that occurred on that particular night.

    But! Be careful: a dream from Thursday to Friday is not guaranteed to come true in all its details. Prophetic means that he is broadcasting something, that is, he wants to communicate. This means that such a dream clearly carries meaning and needs to be understood.

    • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday, so you know, point to our own desires. So, if in your dreams you kissed your ex-spouse, most likely these are your subconscious desires, and nothing else.
    • Dreams from Sunday to Monday are usually empty and mean nothing.

    It is also important to consider the lunar day when your ex-husband dreamed. Open the lunar calendar and read how to relate to dreams on this day.

    The content of the dream: what was there?

    You can find out what the ex-husband is dreaming of by analyzing the events of the dream. Of course, they are crucial.

    Waking up in the morning, remember well all the events of the dream. And then you can decipher it.

    1. If you dreamed about your ex-husband, and nothing special happened in the dream - you just saw him, this is not a bad dream. Oddly enough, he is not related to your ex-spouse himself. Such a dream tells you that you will receive news from the past.

    You probably have some unfinished business that "hangs" on you like a dead weight. Finish all business, break with the past, if it does not bring you joy and benefit.

    2. Dreams in which the husband takes active actions are of another meaning. For example, he kisses you, hugs you, caresses you. What does such a dream mean, from which a woman blushes in the morning?

    Such a dream is a good sign, again, not specifically associated with it. This means that a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, perhaps flirting, hobby, romance.

    3. If, in your dreams, you wanted to kiss the former faithful, but something prevented, for some reason this did not happen, this clearly indicates your desires, which are not realized due to some internal barriers.

    Such a dream gives clear advice: be more attentive to your desires, try to fulfill them. Of course, within reasonable limits.

    4. If you dreamed at night that your ex-spouse returned, this can be understood in different ways. Perhaps this is your hidden desire - admit to yourself honestly if you want it. And if so, why do you hide this desire deeper into the subconscious?

    Perhaps if the husband returned to you in a dream, he himself wishes it. You can find out by simply observing him, talking.

    If he was not alone

    Often another woman appears in such dreams. Any lady perceives separation from a man hard, even if she really wants to leave. All the same, this is a deep mental trauma, and it leaves its mark on the subconscious.

    So such unpleasant dreams are dreamed. And the third woman - be it a new wife or mother-in-law - is always the enemy. Even if you completely deny it, this is how our nature works.

    Therefore, if you are dreaming not only of your ex-husband, but also of your ex-mother-in-law, this is a clear symbol that your peace of mind is disturbed. You are afraid of some kind of force that prevails over you.

    A mother-in-law can mean trouble at work, tensions with superiors, conflicts. Pay attention to this and try to put your relationships with others in order.

    If you dreamed about him with his new woman, this is hardly a pleasant dream. This means that you subconsciously still do not want to give it away, and you cannot come to terms with the fact that it belongs to another.

    Also, a dream in which an ex-husband appears with another wife may mean your fears: fear of being alone, worries about this.

    Such dreams are often dreamed of by those women who have problems in their personal lives. For example, you had a fight with your man, and now you are dreaming of an ex - with another woman.

    So your subconscious mind gives out fears and experiences. Such a dream is a call to calm down, put your thoughts in order, try to take a positive attitude.

    It is very good to do meditation: to imagine your ex-husband and sincerely, with all your soul, wish him great happiness. And imagine how a ray of light from your heart goes to him.

    It is advisable to devote the same meditation on the "message of good" to another woman, if you know each other. Oh, this will be very difficult to do, but believe me, this ritual is incredibly effective, and you will be surprised at how easy it will be in your soul.

    What were you thinking about?

    A woman's mood and thoughts before going to bed greatly affect the world that she dreams of at night. If you fell asleep with thoughts about your past, about your former life ... Why be surprised? The dream interpretation is not needed here, such a dream is just a continuation of your fantasies.

    The advice is the same as above - mentally wish your ex-spouse good and happiness. This person has been the most important part of your life for some, perhaps a long, time, and even if you broke up badly, or he hurt you, there is still something to thank him for.

    Wishing well to a person whom you are not able to completely forget about, will very effectively clear your thoughts of unnecessary things, your mind will calm down.

    It will be helpful to mentally ask him for forgiveness for everything you have done in the past. Do not remember and list all your mistakes in your thoughts, just sincerely apologize. And then forgive him - if you succeed, you will be amazed how not only your condition will change, but also the world around you.

    Dream Interpretation Former husband, what is the dream of Former husband in a dream to see

    Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana Why does the ex-husband dream about the dream book:

    To dream of an ex-husband on the other - dreams of people who have badly ended their relationship with their ex. Even if it seems to you that everything is in order, remember if you have any unresolved questions left?

    What is the ex-husband dreaming of with the other - leave all grievances, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past.

    Seeing your ex-husband with the other in a dream may mean that you can never be with your ex again.

    Former young man - such a dream clearly indicates that you think about your ex, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

    A young ex-husband dreams of unresolved questions from the past, to which you are now obliged to give answers.

    Why does the ex-husband dream of being drunk - most likely, now your ex is in a strong emotional shock. If you communicate with him, then you can provide him with moral support. It is worth remembering this dream and twisting it in your head again - if your ex is dreaming of a drunken dream - there is a hint in the dream, the key to his emotional state.

    A drunken ex-husband, like a drunken acquaintance, can mean trouble.

    Why is the ex-husband dreaming? The ex-husband who dreamed of a woman says that her feelings for him have not yet cooled down, she regrets the separation or cannot let go of the old love and open up to new relationships. A frequently recurring dream in which a woman sees her ex-husband is a warning that it is time for her to seriously think about her personal life. If in reality the ex-husband proposes to reconnect, you should pay attention to the emotional side of the dream.

    If in this dream she experienced only positive emotions - perhaps she still loves this person and subconsciously strives to return a relationship with him.

    If negative emotions prevail, for example: excitement, fear, loneliness, disappointment in something, it is worth taking up your personal life more actively and completely letting go of this person.

    Dream Interpretation of Wangi What does it mean if the ex-husband is dreaming?

    Seeing in a dream What the ex-husband dreams of is the desire to return the relationship, the desire for reunification, the creation of a marriage. If you dream that you are still together, you let this person go and, finally, you can breathe calmly and meet fate with your new chosen one.

    Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Ex-Husband Dreams:

    A woman's ex-husband dreams of the fact that discord, some coldness awaits her in a real relationship. If in a real relationship, at the same time, everything suits her, such a dream may well be interpreted as prophetic. Pay attention to your actions and feelings in this dream, as well as the feelings, emotions, words or actions of the dreamed. Perhaps in this you yourself will find a secret encrypted by your subconscious in such a dream.

    A dreamed ex-husband can symbolize sexual dissatisfaction with a real partner or an acute desire to meet one. Latent desires often manifest themselves as a dream, therefore, only you yourself will be able to answer the question of what your ex-husband dreamed about with the utmost precision.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Why does the ex-husband dream from the dream book:

    Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding sorcerers, fortune tellers and any other psychics after such a dream. Often dreaming about an ex-husband who has passion or strong love for you is a particularly meaningful dream. Someone may try to trick you into doing things that benefit him with your hands.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    What the ex-husband dreams of is not good. If a woman meets her ex-husband in a dream, she should beware of troubles caused by her own rash actions. More literally, a woman's ex-husband can dream about the illness of her children or her current lover, an unforeseen difficult trip, a complication in business and financial situation.

    I often dream about my ex-husband. Why?



    To see people or objects in a dream that fit the definition of "former" means that not everything has passed without a trace. If in a dream you see your former lover, then there is still a place in your heart for him. If in your dream you are together, as if nothing had happened, then in real life the pain of parting has finally passed. If you dreamed that you were meeting your former classmates, fellow students, colleagues, and so on, then in the near future you will receive news from your friend, who is now far away.

    If you dreamed that your husband left you, and you just cannot understand the reasons for this, then in reality you are in danger of a serious quarrel, but soon everything will be fine. If you dream that your husband is angry and convinced of your infidelity, then in real life you, on the contrary, will earn his trust and respect. Don't get carried away by the attention of other men. To see a husband dead in a dream - to sadness and disappointment, sick and exhausted - to a serious illness, cheerful and beautiful - to happiness and good luck. If your husband dreams of being sick, then perhaps he will be unfaithful to you. If you dreamed that your husband is in love with another woman, this may mean that he is tired of the current environment and tired of failures. If in a dream you are in love with someone else's husband, then in reality you are unhappy with your marriage. And if you are not yet married, then such a dream promises an unsuccessful marriage. If an unmarried woman dreamed that she has a husband, then in reality she will deserve the admiration of men. Seeing her husband in an unambiguous situation at a party means for a young woman that she is in trouble due to the ignoble behavior of her friends. Also, a young woman may dream of her husband being killed while he is with another. Such a dream means impending separation from her husband, as well as other troubles. Loss of some property is possible.


    I asked the same thing yesterday, but there was an ex-boyfriend.

    Just Julia

    loves, wants back

    Ksenia Grigorova

    Once upon a time, people believed that if you were dreaming of a person, then at night your souls met.

    I often dreamed of my ex-husband. And for some reason he for some reason always makes excuses for what it is?



    You are rethinking something at the subconscious level.

    HA LYA

    Maybe he regrets something. Come here.

    Lover of truth

    The deceased dreams of a calm life.

    mila aidinova

    empty at heart, hurt for the past I want to come and apologize let him go, he is not worthy of you, let him live as he wants and you will still have good luck


    You have not finished something with him ... A dream is the fulfillment of a desire ... you need to meet with him ...

    Personal Account Removed

    Either the elemental, or your husband is thinking of you, trying to apologize.
    Read here:
    Taken from the book of the Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa


    It was the same with me. My ex-husband met me a year later, after I had a dream, and asked me to return to him. Perhaps your ex will soon announce ...


    if you have any conversations about him, you may dream. if he thinks about you, he can also dream.
    when my ex-husband is dreaming to me, then within 2-3 days I will definitely meet him.

    Hello everyone, our beloved readers! Today we will look at the interpretation of the dream book, what the ex-husband is dreaming of. Let's find out how different dream books interpret the dream about the ex-husband. And we will find out how psychologists consider dreams in which a woman dreams of her ex-husband.

    Esotericists and psychologists warn: a dream about an ex-husband speaks of a woman's hidden feelings! Read in our article the real reasons why the ex-husband is dreaming!

    Ex-husband dreamed - why?

    Dreams are simply images through which the brain clears memory of unnecessary information. Dreams like that don't mean anything. It is easy to recognize them. For example, after waking up, you do not remember the details, just remember that you dreamed of something. Nothing meaningful dreams are forgotten from a couple of minutes to half an hour after getting up. And rarely there are any emotions from sleep, even if you had fun or scared in a dream.

    And there are dreams that matter. They reveal either a psychological problem of a person, or carry a predictive meaning. Some of us even have prophetic dreams that do not need to be interpreted. In reality, everything happens exactly as in a dream. But this is rare.

    The dream where your ex-husband appears may just be a memory element that your memory is working on. And you remember this dream because parting is always painful, and the ex-husband personifies an unsuccessful marriage and mistakes.

    But if you dream about a dream twice or more, it becomes an alarm bell from your psyche. Or even your guardian angel. The dream can be the same, or they are different dreams, in which the ex-husband is necessarily present.

    I must say that a dream book cannot always truly interpret your dream. Dream Interpretations are compiled in different regions in different years by different peoples. Therefore, different dream books contradict each other. Even the opinions of psychologists from different countries about the interpretation of dreams differ from each other.

    It is best to choose the dream book that matches your ethnicity. This may seem unimportant, but in fact, each nation puts its own meaning in the meanings of dreams. This energy of interpretation has been accumulating over the centuries. And the subconsciousness of the descendants of the compilers of the dream book involuntarily "joins" this energy. And the brain shows exactly the images that our ancestors believed in.

    So if you are a follower of Buddhism, for you a dream can mean psychological release from attachment to your ex-husband. And if you profess Islam, then a dream will mean your feeling of guilt for something. For a Catholic, sleep means material ruin.

    Dream interpretation - what the ex-husband dreamed of

    First, take a look at the calendar. If the day of sleep is not a holiday according to the church, pagan, national calendar, then the image of your ex-husband speaks of your internal problems. The same if it is Monday or Tuesday night. If the day is some important, or it is important for you personally (an interview, for example), then this is already a prediction of the future.

    And remember, in a dream, everything is often the other way around. And what appears to be good is actually bad. Village grandmothers still remember the dream book by heart, today one of the most accurate. This dream book claimed that the dream is fun for grief, and funeral for happiness. If possible, ask your grandmother what the ex-husband is dreaming of. Now let's look at the dream book:

    • According to Freud: interpret your dream literally. The ex-husband is back - he wants to restore your marriage. He is drunk or you are fighting with him in a dream - you cannot believe that he did wrong to you.
    • According to Tsvetkov: any appearance in a dream of an ex-husband bears material losses. The worse the sleep, the more damage.
    • Po Longo: ex-husband is always a change. The dream book shares pleasant dreams - which means that the changes are positive, and unpleasant - you will have to experience humiliation.
    • By Miller: whatever the dream, it carries a grudge - from relatives, colleagues, a passer-by or the ex-husband himself
    • By Vange: the husband thinks about you, because you see him in a dream. He wants to come back. He repented but did not change. In what form you saw him in a dream, in such a state of mind he actually arrives.
    • According to Nostradamus: to see your ex-husband in a dream means that you have fallen under the influence of witchcraft or someone's hatred. Most likely. The ex-husband's mother or his current wife, or he himself wants to take revenge on you.
    • According to Zhou-Gong: a new stage in your life. People and conditions will appear that will turn your destiny towards long-term success in the financial sector.
    • Rural dream book from the European part of Russia: I dreamed that my ex-husband returned, wait for a long loneliness. If the ex-husband did not bring anything, did not give anything in a dream, did not give advice or scolded, then a new lover will appear who will love you and accept your children. If your husband was good in a dream, then expect injury or you will fight. If you were in bed in a dream, then the one who is next to you is deceiving you or cheating on you.
    • Rural dream book from the Asian part of Russia: ex-husband appeared in a dream, take care of yourself from bad people with a heavy look or bad thoughts. Someone harass you, or you put parasites on your own neck. If the husband fought in a dream or was covered in blood, then he will come to ask for forgiveness, and you will forgive. If you kissed him in a dream, then you will not forgive him.

    There is also a Soviet version of the meaning of sleep, in which the ex-husband appeared. During this period, divorces were legalized, and the attitude towards parting among the people changed. According to the interpretation of the Soviet people, seeing an ex-husband in a dream meant material assistance from someone. And sometimes a dream portends a severe cold for your children.

    Dream about ex-husband - the opinion of a psychologist

    From the point of view of the psyche, any recollection of the past means that you are not morally ready to give up attachment. The ex-husband in a dream says that it is hard for you. That you cannot forgive yourself such a mistake as marriage with this man. Perhaps you were financially dependent on him, and after your separation you had to work. You blame him for the breakup.

    If in a dream we made love with our ex-husband, then either you did not have sex for a long time, or at the moment only he could satisfy you. If you kissed your ex-husband, you still love him.

    What is the ex-husband dreaming of - conclusions

    Which interpretation to believe is up to you. Your intuition immediately after waking up sends you a thought. Often it is she who is the real interpretation of sleep.

    For example, you beat your ex-husband in a dream, and when you woke up you thought - what have I done? This means that you are more to blame for the breakup and there is a chance to fix everything. And if you thought that this is what he needs, and you are in a good mood, expect that all your efforts will be appreciated. At work, in money, in new relationships, in legal matters, you will be accompanied by luck and justice.

    Let your dreams promise you only happiness! See you in the next articles!

    People dream every night. Even if after waking up it seems to a person that he did not dream of anything, he is mistaken. Dreams arise every night, it's just that people don't always remember about them. Seeing some vivid, memorable, bad or good, dreams, many try to see in them an omen of upcoming life events. Therefore, after "viewing" this or that dream vision, these people wonder what it can mean and what incidents to predict. One of these questions is, for example, what the ex-husband is dreaming of. The interpretation of such a dream depends on how long ago the spouse became the ex. If this happened recently, then his appearance in a dream is explained by the woman's frequent thoughts about him and the freshness of memories of the relationship with this man. If enough time has passed, and the woman lives in a new way, without remembering the old life partner, then it is quite possible to start deciphering such a dream in order to understand what it may precede.

    Interpretation of sleep by different authors

    To determine what such a dream can mean, you need to find out what the dream book says about it. The ex-husband in dreams is an omen of different events, depending on what accompanies his arrival in a dream vision, what actions and circumstances. There are many dream books and they all interpret this dream in different ways.

    According to Vanga's dream book, if the ex-husband had a dream, and nothing connects with him in this vision, this means that the woman subconsciously has not yet let go of this man and is waiting for the renewal of the relationship. If in a dream they are again spouses, and everything is fine in the relationship, then this is a sign that the woman has forgotten her former life partner, and her heart is open to a new love.

    To see an ex-husband in a dream, according to Freud's dream book, means a possible quarrel with the current chosen one. Visions like these signal a lack of satisfaction in a given relationship. To avoid contention, you should saturate your personal life with a new partner.

    Miller's dream book says that a kiss in a dreamy vision with a former life partner foreshadows some amazing events in life. An intimate relationship with him is a harbinger of conflict with someone. A scandal with an ex-husband in a dream can mean happy changes on the personal front. Parting with him is a failure in a new relationship.

    The fortuneteller Loff's dream book says that marrying your former spouse again is likely to be in trouble soon. An ex's marriage to another bride indicates that a woman cannot forgive someone. The death of a former spouse in a dream - to a new marriage or the birth of a child.

    Nostradamus said that such dreams are a sign that the life partner with whom the woman broke up mentally does not want to let her go. And his thoughts come to her in dreams. Perhaps he is trying to get her back in various ways.

    Other interpretations of sleep

    Numerous dream books interpret this dream in different ways. The ex-husband, present in the dream, can predict a meeting with the past - not only with the ex-spouse himself, but also with old friends or colleagues from the previous place of work. If a woman hits her husband in a dream, this speaks of the remaining disagreements with this man, because of which the separation occurred.

    Physical intimacy with an ex-husband in night vision without a sense of pleasure can be a warning that a woman should try to be less hot-tempered, otherwise it can negatively affect relationships with others. A failed kiss can signal deeply hidden feelings that have a detrimental effect on relationships with other men. A kiss with a former partner is a harbinger of a new love relationship.

    A drunken ex-husband who dreamed of may talk about the frivolity of a woman's behavior during this period. In order not to spoil her reputation, she should be more careful and prudent.

    The wedding ceremony of a former beloved man can be interpreted as an omen of cardinal changes in his personal life, possibly a renewal of relations with the former spouse. Also, such a dreamy vision can mean that a woman will be able to easily achieve some goal, but after some time. To marry an ex-husband, as according to Loff's dream book, means the approach of troubles, quarrels and discord in his personal life. But to see a husband's wedding with another woman - at the risk of finding yourself in an awkward, ambiguous situation. It is recommended not to commit rash and rash acts.

    The death of a former life partner, in addition to the version of Loff's dream book, can also be interpreted as advice to resume communication with him, but not in a love sense, but as a friend or work partner.

    Many dream books "agree" with Miller's version of a dream in which a wife quarrels with her ex-husband. The frequent repetition of such a dream may indicate imminent positive changes in a woman's personal life.

    A smiling ex-lover who often comes in dreams may testify that a woman mentally often compares him to a new chosen one. In this case, a woman should understand herself and her feelings and finally forget about past relationships.

    If an adult woman sees a dream in which there is a husband with whom they separated many years ago, and in a dream they are both young, then this is a sign that she lacks romance, or perhaps she wants some kind of light, carefree romance. Do not deny yourself this pleasure. And if she is already in a relationship with a man, then you need to try to make them more free and romantic. To do this, you need to try to get rid of the severity of everyday worries and, possibly, go somewhere to relax together.

    Obsessive dream of an ex-husband

    If dreams involving your ex-spouse become intrusive, interfere with peace of mind or building new relationships, you need to understand the cause of their occurrence and eliminate it. To do this, a woman must analyze her thoughts, her attitude towards her ex-husband, understand what she wants from him in the future and what she feels.

    If it is a matter of warm feelings for this person, continuing to live in the soul of a woman, and the separation was caused by the irascibility of one of the spouses or both, then it is worth talking to your husband. A pretext can be sent (in any way) congratulations on the birthday to the ex-husband or on any other upcoming holiday. If both spouses regret what happened, then the relationship can resume. But even if this does not happen, it will become easier for both of them to forgive each other.

    If a woman cannot forgive an insult to her ex-husband, this can also cause his obsessive presence in dreams. You must try to forget this insult and forgive this person, for the sake of your own peace of mind and the opportunity to build a new life.

    If the reason for the frequent repetition of such a dream is a constant subconscious comparison of other men with a former life partner, then you need to stop doing this. We need to figure out what is missing in the new relationship, discuss it with the current companion (of course, without mentioning the ex-husband) and try to fill this lack. And not fill the void with memories of your ex-spouse.

    Was last modified: April 20th, 2019 by Elena Pogodaeva