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  • Creative office design. The most creative offices in Russia and the world

    Creative office design.  The most creative offices in Russia and the world

    Design solutions for the office should be aimed at increasing its functionality and attractiveness. To create an environment for productive work, you can use interesting details, such as original chairs, shelves made according to your own sketches or flowers in pots.

    • If you live in a small apartment, this will not stop you from bringing office design solutions to life. Yes, you will have to use some space, but a loft bed and a compact desk under it can be placed in any free niche. If you know where to put documents and magazines, use a vintage wooden crate.

    • If you don't have a place to store anything in your house, a few shelves and drawers can help to organize all the documents. For such a compact niche, as shown in the photo, proper organization of space is required, if, of course, you want to create conditions for productive work.

      Stack your books on a shelf near your desk, hang magazines on the rungs of a wooden staircase, and then your home office will be just fantastic.

      For those who spend a lot of time in a seated position, a comfortable chair is very important. Make sure that you choose not only a functional, but also an aesthetically pleasing model.

      Turning one of the corners of the room into a home office requires some effort, but the result will certainly please you. Custom-made furniture allows you to arrange everything so that everything has its place.

      This office is bathed in daylight reflecting off the cream surfaces of the furniture, while the walls are decorated in gray tones that absorb excess light and create a calm environment.

      Choose lighter colors. A whimsically shaped mirror table, a floral carpet, a Lurex-embroidered chair cushion and other feminine elements set the tone for the room.

      Another way to add femininity to workplace design is to combine natural light and calm elements.

      On the example of the design of corner home offices, we can consider ways to store office supplies. Good lighting does not allow even the most secluded corners of this mini-study to plunge into darkness.

      Casual elegance is what makes a home office feel cozy. Decorate its interior the way you like, but do not forget that the atmosphere should be calm.

      Organization is the main condition for starting work every day with pleasure. Using baskets, boxes, colored folders for files and documents, you will not only save yourself from having to look for something at the most inopportune moment, but you will also be able to maintain a constant order.

      Deep colors combined with a simple design will make the office original and dynamic. Even creative people work more efficiently in rooms free from useless details.

      Books, family photos, and storage space can share the same space, creating a balance between home and work environments.

      An office filled with natural light and designed with thoughtful details will help you relax when you take your eyes off your computer screen.

      A white writing desk next to a sofa by the window makes a great workspace for writers, designers, and those who seek inspiration from books and nature.

      When simplicity and productivity collide in interior design, inspiring home offices are born.

      Art has a significant impact on our daily life. By hanging colorful paintings on the background of a monochrome wall, you can completely transform the interior of the room.

      This photo makes us appreciate the details: deep colors, stonework, wooden floors.

      Decorating a home office with cherished items and cheerful hues can give a sense of comfort that is rarely achieved outside the home.

      If your home isn't big enough to make an entire room an office, try to find a space that you barely use and create a work environment in it.

      The room in which the home office is located can easily become a place of negotiations and meetings.

      The attic is a great place for a home office. In this interior, Scandinavian simplicity is combined with carefully selected furniture, functional and attractive at the same time.

      Home offices, fortunate enough to have access to a garden or patio, allow their owners to take a break from the work routine in the fresh air at any time.

      Bright and airy, this office has been designed for two family members working from home. The rest of the space offers enough space to store papers or to work - as the owner wishes.

      The design of this office is inspired by the laconicism of the Scandinavian style. Against the background of a long table, a Jacobsen chair with a fluffy cape looks very impressive.

      This office is an example of the competent use of decorative landscaping and therefore evokes joyful feelings. It will be easier to work in a stylish and practical environment.

      This office is full of feminine and playful features. A small desk pairs interestingly with an Eames chair and a juju hat, considered a symbol of prosperity in Africa. She seemed to have absorbed the elegance, beauty and fragility of birds.

      Why not add an animal print to the interior? Combining an elegant white table with floral wallpaper, transparent shelves and exotic details, you can achieve a brilliant result.

      The bright and cheerful office was designed by creative director and graphic designer Yulia Kostreva for herself. It's a very private space where she can work from the comfort of her own home.

    Whatever your work, the productivity and efficiency of your home office can be matched with stylish details. Maybe these ideas will give you inspiration to create your own unique workplace.

    Most people spend most of their time in offices working for companies. And very often their workplaces are faceless, stuffy "boxes" that do not contribute to dedication in any way. Fortunately, this trend is gradually changing, and managers are creating all the conditions to encourage employees to work productively. This review presents the best examples of unusual offices that inspire creativity.

    1. Office in the form of a pirate ship

    When the specialists developed the design of this office, they were clearly inspired by the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". Company employees Invention Land spend their working time on the deck of a ship built right in the pavilion.

    2. Office in nature

    Company architects Selgascano decided to combine business with pleasure and designed an office space for themselves right in the forest. Now, instead of gray "pressing" ceilings, foliage rustles above their heads and birds sing.

    3. Office with an "Open Space" layout

    Most of this office is designed in the "Open Space" style. Working in the same room helps to strengthen the team spirit of the company's employees dropbox. The original interior with hanging fabric ribbons muffles excessively loud sounds during active communication.

    4. Facebook Campus

    For company employees Facebook not just office space was built, but a whole campus, which consists of 9 buildings. On this territory, employees can work anywhere: in cozy offices, spacious living rooms or at open-air tables.

    5. Google offices

    In company Google there is no standard office. In an attempt to attract the most creative and talented employees, managers create an appropriate creative atmosphere for them.

    6. Office that inspires creativity

    To create an office that matches the spirit of the company Airbnb, the architects were among the employees for four months. They have developed a space where the workers themselves choose where and how they want to work. Bright colors, a variety of furniture, a lot of space - all this contributes to the creative and productive work of employees.

    7. Futuristic underground office

    Swedish company office Bahnhof Office built on the site of a former Cold War bomb shelter. The natural granite walls of the room, combined with unusual furniture, create the impression of a futuristic exotic.

    8. Offices in containers

    A budget, but very functional project was presented by the company Clive Wilkinson Architects. The architects designed the office space in shipping containers. Fluorescent lamps are used for lighting, and air conditioners are installed where employees work most of the day.

    Many leading companies in the world, in addition to the creative environment in the office, also care about the healthy well-being of employees. And some even equip

    Moving forward and for the better does not leave unchanged the transformation of office spaces, the approach to designing which has changed significantly in recent years. Today's design of a modern office is the use of new forms of arrangement of premises in order to create the most favorable working environment for staff and cooperation with partners and clients, which in turn is the key to a positive image of the company, its successful prosperity and capital growth.

    How you want to see your "brainchild" is influenced by many factors. Among them are the layout of the premises and its stylistic image, the color scheme of the working areas, the availability of utility rooms, the convenience of furniture, the location of equipment, lighting, temperature, air quality. Let's say, how many enterprises, so many decisions can be in the design of offices, but there are some boundaries that should not be gone far.

    About how to properly and competently plan the office space and organize workplaces so that a person is happy to go to work, we propose to consider in the current publication "Dream House".

    Modern office interior layout

    The creation of any interior, including office, begins with a layout that is of great importance for the performance of the entire enterprise. When drafting a future office, it is necessary to be guided by what type of activity the company conducts, and what is the number of its employees. For the internal layout of office space, several methods are used:

    • according to the principle of the cabinet system;
    • open (Open Space);
    • using modular partitions;
    • mixed.

    Today, offices with huge lobbies, long corridors and numerous offices can be found mainly in huge corporations, where the field of activity spans many industries and requires an individual approach to many issues. Huge offices include suspended glass ceilings, chic lobbies with stairs, parapets and columns that are made of granite or marble. In the design of lobbies, as well as offices and reception areas, wall panels made of wood are also used, which is still in demand.

    Medium and small companies welcome the organization of space like an open space or modular office, which combines ergonomics, freedom and visual beauty, which corresponds to high-tech styles and. The main advantages of such layouts are the rational use of space, the possibility of close interaction between colleagues and an open relationship with the client.

    But sometimes even the field of activity of a small firm requires silence and concentration. In this case, if square meters allow, preference is given to a mixed-type office layout.

    If the area has to be saved, such a move is used as the creation of one closed room for negotiations and resolving issues that require privacy.

    Many offices have a reception, a reception for clients and partners, a conference room and separate offices for management. Their design may differ somewhat from the general interior of the office and work areas. Let's say the reception desk may have a brighter finish, and the boss's room may be expensive and solid.

    Part of progressive offices, in addition to the dressing room and toilet room, is the presence of other office space, the presence of which will prove the concern of the authorities for subordinates. So, with an irregular working day, a rest room will bring moral satisfaction to the team, which, in addition to comfortable chairs or a sofa, may include a place for snacks, a billiard table, a small gym and a shower room.

    Modern office design: color and style

    Today's offices are stylish, comfortable, practical and positive. Preference is given to interiors in which the decoration of walls, ceiling and floor, the design of furniture and equipment represent a single ensemble. It is clear that there are many styling options, and each specific office is an individual decision, and it should be such that the desire to work does not leave.

    In the first place is the work on the color environment. Preferred colors for a modern office:

    • pastel - blue, green, beige, yellow, cream;
    • neutrals - dark gray, metallic and white.

    Pastel cold shades used for interior design of a modern office are suitable for structures whose activities require concentration and logical thinking, warm ones are appropriate where the work is creative.

    Huge windows, polished metal furniture, glass partitions, smooth surfaces, light, simple accessories, chrome and silver fittings, lamps on brackets built into furniture impress business and strict offices in hi-tech and Manhattan styles.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting the design of the office in a classic style, which always remains advanced. It is characterized by cabinets, tables and chairs made of dark wood, with noble upholstery and massive legs. The decoration of such interiors is rich libraries, expensive paintings and various antique items. Massive chandeliers and are used here as light sources.

    Relevant in the organization of office space is, which is aimed at discipline and collectivism. Its distinguishing features are the refined harmony of colors, accessories and furniture. Simple furniture, light colors, lots of light, lightness, asymmetrical repetition of elements are the design principles in the spirit of Japan.

    For offices where work is related to artistic or creative activities, the interior is suitable in styles and, which are the elegance of lines, openwork partitions, screens, draped furniture, painted walls. They are characterized by unusual things, bright accessories, forged products, in general, everything that helps to immerse yourself in the world of art.

    Arrangement of the working area of ​​a modern office

    In addition to creating a beautiful and stylish office space, providing staff with comfortable workplaces is no less important. The situation in which a person stays for a long time affects his emotional state, which, in turn, affects the attitude to his duties and, in general, labor productivity.

    Important rules:

    1. The furnishing of each workplace should not only meet the style of the company, but be of high quality and comfortable. At a minimum, this is a table, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will be enough to complete the tasks, as well as a chair with the correct back position.
    2. To decorate the floor of a room where people spend at least 8 hours, it is used, or, unlike tiles, these materials are not so cold, and also, due to their diversity, beautifully complement any interior.
    3. If the work area is an open space or grouped in blocks, you need to take care of the soundproofing of the room. They do an excellent job with this task.

    Creative ideas for the office

    Modern creative ideas for the office allow you to transform even the most boring room beyond recognition. At the same time, the use of unusual ideas will be appropriate, both in the design of offices of creative enterprises, and in the development of design for industrial premises.

    The designers did a great job decorating the premises of the Energoprom company, which is located in the capital of Russia - Moscow.

    Preference was given to the loft style, which is complemented by elements of street art and elements of popular culture of the sixties of the last century. The premises testify to the creativity of employees and the modern vision of the company.

    Style selection

    The usual concrete structures, which are the main element of the loft style, were used as facing materials.

    The simplicity of the material is emphasized by drawings and graffiti on the walls, which can depict colorful abstractions and black and white geometric lines.

    Wall decoration

    Offices of employees are separated by transparent partitions. On the one hand, this allows you to isolate yourself from other employees while performing your duties, and on the other hand, it makes it possible to constantly feel like a part of a large and friendly team. Transparent partitions are decorated with matte patterns, which is a familiar element of street art.

    Separation of offices

    The office of the director of the enterprise, as expected, is a separate room, decorated in an individual style. A simple brick was used as facing materials.

    And the design is dominated by bright colors and shades that favorably affect the mood. There is a reception desk in the corridor, behind which there is a huge window without curtains. All this perfectly complements the idea of ​​simplicity and minimalism.

    Director's office

    The design of the corridors is no less original. The concrete structures of the ceilings are decorated with decorative pipes, which are ideally suited to the direction of this enterprise.

    Wall cladding is either simple painted plaster or bright brickwork. The floors are filled with concrete monolith. In places there is carpet or laminate. As for the selection of colors, then in the interior you can find all sorts of bright shades.

    It was thanks to experiments with color that it was possible to perfectly repeat the principles of the street art technique, which is complemented by unusual graffiti and images of celebrities popular in the last century.

    Corridor style

    Selection of original cladding

    Flooring Variations

    French facade in design

    Street art

    Graffiti in the interior

    Design of business premises

    Interior color scheme

    Loft style in the common hall

    The choice of industrial plant design does not have to be strict and restrained. The brighter and more original the idea is chosen, the more creative the work of the staff will be.

    The choice of bold solutions and unusual design styles will create a relaxed atmosphere and increase the efficiency of the team.

    Home offices, marked by an elegant feminine atmosphere, are the result of a combination of decorative and functional elements. Stylish Solutions for a Productive Home Workspace can be found in details such as custom-made shelves, comfy chairs for those who have to work long hours, or indoor plants that will purify the air and thoughts when you need inspiration.

    30 creative ideas

    It doesn't matter what your workplace looks like: maybe it's a spacious office, or maybe just a quiet corner with a table - the essence of your work remains unchanged. So why not indulge in an elegant, sculptural work environment that not only speaks to your personality, but complements it as well?

    If you and you need to make the most of your living space, an alcove can be the place to place a mezzanine bed and a compact home office underneath. Even if the room doesn't have enough storage space, a couple of vintage wooden crates are great for storing magazines and papers.

    If your home doesn't have an alcove that's large enough to hold all your work essentials, a few shelves and drawers can help. In a small office, located in a small niche, as in the photo above, the correct organization of the workspace is a key condition for maintaining a working environment.

    Doesn't take up a lot of space, but definitely takes a fair amount of creativity. The idea of ​​placing books on vertical shelves next to an elegant work desk and hanging magazines decoratively on the rungs of a wooden staircase really sounds like a great solution for your home office, doesn't it?

    The corner of the living room can also become a workplace. Carefully selected décor elements that blend in style with the decor of the entire room make this home office an integral part of the overall design style. A comfortable office chair is an extremely important detail for those who spend a lot of time at their desks, so choose a chair that both provides comfort while working and looks aesthetically pleasing.

    Turning a small niche into a home office is both challenging and enjoyable. Custom-made furniture will help to limit the work area in which everything is in its place, and you feel only comfort and peace.

    A feminine style home office is more than just the bare essentials. For example, a computer and an outlet for connecting all the devices you need to work, but also a color scheme that maintains balance, textures that create comfort and pieces of furniture that both accommodate everything you need to organize work activities and decorate the workplace. The small home office pictured above is a prime example of appealing simplicity.

    But when finding space for a home office is not a problem at all, and your office takes up an entire room, there are ample opportunities to create a stunning, inspiring workspace where your needs match your desires. The home office interior pictured above, bathed in natural light bouncing off the creamy furniture, was complemented by gray walls to balance out the overly bright lighting. The result is a cozy, soothing work environment.

    By choosing light gray tones and adding feminine details - such as a shiny cushion on an armchair or cream-colored decorative crowns - you will emphasize your attention to details that create. A glamorous touch has been added to the interior of the office in the photo above, with the help of a table with mirrored edges, while a live orchid and a floral patterned carpet set the main design motif.

    Another way to add a feminine touch to your workspace is to combine soothing nuances with natural light. This long and narrow office with two working areas was spacious enough to accommodate two armchairs: a great way to add comfort and style to a space you use so much.

    Corner home offices are a great example of tailoring your workspace to your own needs and accommodating all your work essentials. Good lighting allows you to keep everything you need in view and at the same time maintain a positive atmosphere, even in the darkest corners. Can you imagine such a workplace in your home?

    Casual elegance is what makes a home office truly cozy. It's not about pretending you're in a real office, but rather about creating a pleasant and inspiring work environment where your dreams come true. So organize everything in your home office according to your own taste and needs, but don't forget to maintain a relaxed atmosphere.

    Since the home office is a place, it is worth paying special attention to both physical and mental comfort. Organization is the main condition for a vigorous start to the working day, and it also helps to manage time properly. So choosing bins, drawers, colorful file and document organizers will not only save you so much valuable time, it will also create an order that you will want to maintain regularly.

    Bright colors combined with a simplistic interior style add personality and playfulness to the atmosphere of a home office. Creative people work much better in a space that is not crowded with unnecessary trifles. The example above shows just how charming a home office can be when color replaces clutter.

    Books, family photos and storage work together to form a home office and create a balance between cozy home and essential work environments. Creating such a special home office, inspired by ideas and stories from books, seems like an incredibly wonderful start to the career path.

    A light-filled space promotes openness and a lack of tension, reminding us of the world outside. Sunlit office and composed of carefully selected details and natural tones, exudes vitality and gives even more spiritual strength every time we look away from the computer screen.

    An almost neat interior, furnished with bright decor items, is a truly interesting workplace. In the photo above, a white table standing next to a window sofa must be the perfect place for writers and thinkers, for those who find inspiration in books and nature. It also looks very handy for writing letters, a hobby that is now considered part of the past, but in fact, it is part of our ability to communicate with someone on a completely different level than we are used to in the fast pace of modern life.

    When simplicity and productivity collide in interior design, truly inspiring home offices are born. In the modern home, the workspace is becoming increasingly important as technology advances and our understanding of the world advances. Working from home is no longer considered wrong or unprofessional, and we are quickly learning to look at our own home as both a living space and a work space at the same time. The boundary between these two worlds is in our perception.

    Art has a significant impact on everyday life, whether you admit it or not. Decorating a rather dull workspace with a colorful painting can completely change the aesthetic appeal of a home office. The small workspace in the photo above, nestled between a bookcase and a window, helps you concentrate on your work and at the same time leaves room for inspiration. Here's what an uncluttered workspace might look like.

    Let's move on to bolder office interior design: The cabinet in the picture above has the ability to transport us into a world of important details. Vivid, feminine colors are paired with a brick wall and a soothing wooden floor. Sunlight bounces off a metal countertop, giving this eclectic workspace an even bigger dimension.

    If your home office is spacious enough to allow both you and your visitor to feel comfortable, decorating it with personal items, cheerful tones and colors, you will feel so comfortable that it would never occur to you that you can be anywhere, except at home. Bright natural light reflecting off the white walls has been softened with colorful details.

    The absence of a lack of storage space contributes to the organization of the workspace that any office needs.

    It may also happen that there is not enough space in your home to organize even a small office, but you can find a place that has not been used before and create a small workspace on it. As an example, you can take the photo above: a simple table, a cabinet with drawers that matches the style - and a place appeared where the owners of the house spend their working time. And if you think that such a home office occupies only a small part of the mezzanine ... Here's what it is creative home design in a limited space!

    A room that has been completely converted into a home office is easily and simply transformed into an elegant, sophisticated space for work and business meetings. The office pictured above has one of the walls, décor and personal items, leaving the modern-style desktop completely clutter-free. A colorful, geometric patterned mat breaks the monotony of white and gray, giving this inspiring workspace more dimension.

    The idea of ​​turning the attic into a workspace and reading room is great for several reasons: an attic with bright natural light looks great, being alone is not a problem because your family is unlikely to disturb you while you work, and there is usually enough space to accommodate everything you need. The way the interior of the attic home office in the photo above is decorated easily stimulates the imagination. Here, Scandinavian simplicity is combined with carefully selected pieces of furniture that speak of modernity and functionality.

    A home office that boasts access to the outdoors outside is a real dream because you have the opportunity to break the monotony of the workflow by taking a break from a busy work schedule. And because color and bright sunlight go together so well, a home office exuding femininity and elegance through playful color schemes is the key to truly inspiring workspace decor.

    The bright, high-ceilinged home office above was designed specifically for two people working side by side. This workspace has plenty of storage space, organized to fit the needs of the owners.

    Inspiration comes to us in all shapes, sizes and shades. Take a look, for example, at neat home office in this picture: everything is white here, focusing on bright pictures lying here and there, as if the owner of the house had just left to get a glass of water, and is about to return to the workplace. Inspired by , this office features a soft-covered Jacobsen chair as an interior detail. Complements it with a large number of places for placing things. Just a dream, not an office, right?

    Take a look at this office in a simple, clean design and with nice details in the form of . It exudes a sense of pure joy that surrounds you, combined with a practically organized space that seems to be much easier to work in. What a sense of freedom comes when you realize that you can make your own work schedule, and work in the comfort of your own home!

    Feminine and playful, the home office pictured above shows a small office table and a similar molded plastic Eames chair and wall decoration in the form of a Juju hat (a Cameroonian headdress is a symbol of prosperity, representing the sophistication, beauty and fragility of birds). Simple, small, inspiring, this beautifully decorated office is feminine in every detail, thanks to the use of cheerful colors combined with floral and geometric patterns.

    Who doesn't like a bit of exotic in life? Pairing an elegant white table with floral wallpaper that adorns the shelved wall and complementing this combination with exotic details can be the answer to your question of how to decorate your workspace.

    When bright sunlight floods your desktop, you can be sure that all your work duties will be carried out with unfailing ease. The home office in this picture was created by graphic designer Yulia Kostreva for herself: a very personal workspace where you can work on creative projects from the comfort of your home.

    What is your style?

    Whatever work you do, if it requires organizing your workspace, make sure that all the functional and stylish details inspire you to the fullest. This is your home, your workspace, your home office. All you need is some inspiration to get started!

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