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  • verbal days. Verbal Magic Day

    verbal days.  Verbal Magic Day

    Verbal magic(from the Latin "verbus" - the word) - this is a magical effect with the help of words. This type of magic has been known since the times of pagan Russia.

    Verbal magic has the ability to influence the human brain, because it is based on the word - and this is a very powerful force that, under certain circumstances, can even turn into a formidable weapon.

    In a word they treat, in a word they cripple, as they say ..

    In the beginning there was a word...

    Old Testament

    The whole point here is not in the meaning of words, but in the sound vibrations contained in them, in a certain intonation, timbre of the voice - this is a kind of vocal hypnosis.

    Types of verbal magic

    "Verbal" magic is the basis for all its types - household, ritual, nodular, ceremonial and even combat. It includes any impact on objects or events made with the help of words.

    These are prayers, conspiracies, spells,. These are all examples of creative influence.

    But there is also a destructive verbal impact - these are slander, curses, damage. It is used by black magicians and sorcerers.

    The thing is that through words, the very energy of the object of the conspiracy changes - both in a positive and in a negative direction.

    In order for ordinary words to become magical, they must be pronounced in a special rhythm - in a singsong voice, as they sing in temples, with a gradual increase in frequency to a very high and smooth transition to lower vibrations (the so-called conspiracy-prayer rhythm)

    There are techniques where special words are spoken not on the exhale, as usual, but on the inhale - the energy of such conspiracies increases significantly.

    With the help of verbal magic, you can positively influence your Destiny - improve your personal life, improve your health, expand your cash flow. For these purposes, amulets and talismans are created and charged with special verbal formulas.

    In general, doing verbal magic, you need to know and strictly follow all its rules and laws - otherwise it’s possible, as in a famous song - “I wanted to make a thunderstorm, but I got a goat ...” 🙂

    Remember that safety is paramount!

    Alena Golovina

    Interesting on the topic:

    Symbols you can draw in the sand:

    ¦ tree, ¦ five-pointed star, ¦ fish, ¦ cornucopia, ¦ wealth rune F, ¦ dollar sign, ¦ euro sign, ¦ another symbol that you personally associate with money, wealth, or denoting a thing that you wanted to have . While drawing the symbol, visualize. Without visualization, no ritual is meaningful. Although the symbols contain a certain energy, their main purpose is to direct your own energy in the right direction, to tell the forces of water what to do. The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, not necessarily at night. If it is not possible to conduct a ritual near a pond, I offer a home option. Homemade Prayer Draw on a blank sheet of paper, in the center, a symbol that matches your desire (any of those listed above). Don't worry about image quality, draw as best you can. The beauty of the picture, the grace and correctness of the lines do not play any role here; the only thing that matters is your state while drawing. What it should be, you probably already guessed: you need to imagine yourself surrounded by the desired benefits and experience a feeling of joy, emotional uplift, as if your dream has already come true. However, it is not necessary to be limited to a symbol. If you have time and desire, draw a picture that reflects your money dream, or make a “treasure map”.

    "Treasure map"

    For the "treasure map" you will need, in addition to a sheet of paper, something else, namely, several fashion magazines, your own photograph, orange, patchouli or cinnamon essential oil, scissors and glue. Sit back in an armchair or couch if you like, turn on your favorite music, and read magazines. Your task is to choose and cut out pictures that show what you dream of: an apartment, a car, furniture, household appliances, fashionable clothes, etc. Cut out everything, everything, everything that personifies your dream of well-being. Just keep in mind that the pictures should not even have a hint of something bad and sad; "treasure map" should radiate only joy, only well-being, only abundance. After you have completed the selection of pictures, choose from the photo album one of your pictures related to the happy period of your life. Glue the photo on a sheet of paper, in the center, and paste magazine clippings around. So, you have three options to capture your dream: a symbol, a drawing that reflects your dreams of wealth (I repeat, it can depict anything, the main thing is that for you personally it is associated with prosperity), and a “treasure map”. When finished, smear the sheet with essential oil and fold. As you paint, smear, and fold, visualize. After that, the leaf must be given to the water. If there is a body of water somewhere nearby - a river, a sea or a large lake, take the time to get to it today and put your creativity into the water. Two conditions: first, no one should see this; the second is that an overgrown city pond with stagnant water is not suitable for this purpose. In extreme cases, you can transfer your dream to water for the next four days (all this time the sheet should be stored in a secluded place inaccessible to prying eyes).

    moon prayer

    This is a very simple ritual. For it, you only need a bowl (or a small basin) with clean (preferably melted) water, in which sea salt is dissolved - this is necessary to connect to the energy of the oceans. Hart Symbol 1. Stand by a window (if it's not too cold, open it) or on a balcony so you can see the moon. If the sky is covered with clouds, imagine the moon mentally. Take a few deep breaths.
    2. Visualize a green Hart sign on your right palm and place it on your heart. This is an ancient symbol of Divine love, to present it is the same as turning to God with a prayer; it gives energy to our ideas, transfers them in time and space so that they come true in the future.
    3. Lower your other hand into a bowl of water. If possible, stand in a bowl of water with your feet, and put your left hand on your right.
    4. Imagine that the symbol in your palm is gradually increasing. And then you finally find yourself inside the pyramid; it begins to rotate around you in a clockwise direction.
    5. Create an image of your money dreams, such as yourself in a rain shower.
    If it is difficult for you to keep both mental images in your head - a rotating pyramid and a money dream - form your desire in words, come up with some mood-statement that would most accurately reflect the essence of your dream. But you need to do it right, otherwise you will not get what you expected. ¦ The wording should be simple, concise and sound loud, energetic, inspiring. ¦ Formulate the desire in the affirmative form and present tense, as if you have already received what you dream about. ¦ It must necessarily include you, that is, contain the pronoun “I”, “My”, “My”, “I have”. For example: Money flows into my house in a continuous stream! My income is growing every day! Money just loves me and always comes in the right amount! Much more money comes to me than I can spend! I have a lot of money! I'm just swimming in money! My money luck is limitless! 6. After you have presented (formulated) your desire, mentally throw it on the cross at the top of the pyramid: from there it will go to God. 7. Breathe deeply for a few minutes, inhaling the lunar fluids and feeling them in your body. 8. Thank God (in your own words) The twelfth lunar day, I remind you, is the day of the power of the word. Prayer in any form will contribute to an increase in income. Give your money dream a verbal form and let it go. It is better if your prayers, including the phrases uttered during the rituals, are heard aloud, at least in a whisper or in an undertone ..

    The conspiracy is done on an old wallet, but it works especially well if you buy a new one that day and put a coin there for the start. After that, take a pinch of salt, stir it in spring water. Sprinkle the wallet with salt water and say:

    “I will get up, the servant of God (name), after praying, I will go out, cross myself, go out of the hut through the doors, out of the doors through the gates, out of the gate onto the road, to the east side. Through the mountains-slopes on the blue sea. I will stand on the shore, I will start counting the waves in the sea. The waves in the blue sea cannot be counted, the drops in the blue sea cannot be counted, the water in the blue sea cannot be counted, there it does not end, it is not wasted. As there is enough water in the sea, so there would be enough money in more powerful than mine always and now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    On the way to and from work. A conspiracy to ring a bell from lack of money

    Maybe your path passes by the temple? If so, you have a great opportunity to strengthen your financial position. Guess so as to approach the church during the bell ringing.

    Start with the blessing like this:

    “I will rise, the servant of God (name), having prayed, I will go out, crossing myself, out of the door, out of the gate, onto a wide road, onto a high mountain. On that mountain, the holy church stands, shining with domes. The bells ring, the glory of the Lord is announced, there are forty magpies, they have forty languages. No matter how much I, the servant of God (name), live, do not grieve, do not know grief, do not count money. Amen".

    Be sure to give alms at the church.

    Your money dinner

    Spices and cereals continue to lure the energy of abundance. Use rice today and any spices you like.

    The main rite of the day: play "money" music

    Several rituals to choose from. The first is suitable for everyone - it is simple, the second (more complex) can be performed by people who are especially in need of money, and the third is good for those who want not only to attract money, but also at the same time dispel the negative energy in the house that accumulates after such quarrels of such energy. suppress a person that he is simply not able to work well, think, and therefore be successful in business.

    simple rite

    • Charge your water with musical vibrations that mimic drums. Here are some ways:
    • Take a glass of clean drinking water and slowly hit it with a knife, wooden stick or some other not too heavy object. Water as a result of such a procedure will be charged - then drink it in small sips, imagining how it gives you the energy of abundance.
    • Take two stones (any kind will do - even ordinary pebbles) and hit them against each other over a vessel of water.
    • The stones belong to the elements of the Earth, which governs material wealth.
    • Clap your hands over the water.
    • Turn the pan upside down and put a glass of water under it, hit the bottom of the pan with your hands, as if on a drum.

    Important! In order for your music-making to acquire monetary meaning, you need to draw pleasant scenes related to money in your imagination! Say (better out loud, because today the word is also strong):

    Money loves me! Money sticks to my hands! Money is nice to come to me!

    And be sure to try to strengthen, kindle this feeling in yourself.

    Ritual with a drum

    Some of you are in particular need of money. Such people should conduct a more complex ceremony - with a drum.

    Wear green clothes and light a green candle (green is the color of abundance and prosperity). Sit down, pick up a drum (you can use a toy) or a tambourine and start hitting it with your hands. Just do not rush, the pace should not be too fast. When you drum, try not to think about anything else, it is important to fully concentrate on visualization: you are sitting in the rain of money and listen with pleasure to the sweet sound of coins and the even sweeter rustle of banknotes, which keep falling and falling, filling all the space around you. Drum along to these beautiful sounds.

    The duration of the ceremony is arbitrary - from several minutes to an hour. Perhaps during it you will feel like a child. It's wonderful to return to a carefree childhood at least for a few minutes. You may want to laugh. Laugh great! And if your laughter is caused not by skepticism, but by really high spirits, the effect of the rite will exceed all your expectations! Money, luck, luck love merry fellows.

    Called the bell against negative energy

    Any bell will do, the main thing is to like its sound. Start calling, should be from the front door. Then move around the apartment clockwise. Go around all corners and nooks and crannies. There should not be a single place in the house where the bell rang. Try to call even in the cracks between cabinets, under tables and chairs, in a word, wherever you can stick your hand. Do not forget about niches, pantries, bathroom and toilet - they all also need beneficial energy. In addition, bad energy loves to hide in these places - disperse it.

    Going around the house, try not to interrupt the ringing of the bell. You should carefully listen to its sound: if it seems to you that in some places the bell sounds quieter and more muffled, it means that a lot of bad energy has accumulated there. Drive her away: linger in this place, ring the bell until it becomes clear and sonorous.

    We will be grateful on behalf of ourselves and from everyone with whom you shared this material!

    6 lunar days are associated with both verbal magic and smells. Today one can work for well-being with sounds and scents.
    As for verbal magic, we talked about mantras and music in Day 4. On the 6th lunar day, as on the 4th, the universe is more sensitive to sounds than to words. But there are no clear restrictions, so today all the tools of verbal magic will be effective.

    But it would be great if you turned to the bell ringing. I told you how to do it.

    And after cleansing the house of negative energy, burn incense or light incense sticks with the smell of the following plants: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, marjoram, almonds, bergamot, allspice, honeysuckle, cedar, jasmine, patchouli, myrrh, mint, sage, pine, verbena.

    But remember that you are burning incense not to scent the room, but to attract money. Remember to charge the wands with your energy and your desire to get more money. The ritual of charging sticks is very similar to charging essential oil. You need to take a pack of sticks or one in your hands, imagine yourself with money and focus on the desire to increase your income. The visualization should last about 10 minutes.

    Today your home is filled with sounds and aromas that attract wealth. Therefore, it is not far off. Not much patience. Use every opportunity of lunar days to get closer to the goal.

    Auspicious day. It is especially good this time to accept everything as it is, not to complain and not grumble about fate. It is good to spend this day in nature.

    It is good to harmonize your state, spend this day in peace and quiet. Then on this day your insights and discoveries await. You will be able to understand the hidden meanings that have eluded you up to this point.

    On this day, a lot of information comes in, in order to choose the one that is really needed, you need to be calm, relaxed and passive.

    On this day, it is good to do sound therapy, there is an absorption of cosmic energy through sounds and words - this cleanses and fills the internal organs.

    It is good to kindle incense and do breathing exercises.

    A day of work with telepathy, thought transfer, prophecy, absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Contacts, work with the word, fortune-telling are recommended.


    The day is favorable for communication with the opposite sex, for love and intimacy. Good for marriage.


    Rejuvenation is greatly facilitated by a visit to the bath.

    Have you noticed how some people ruin their lives with their words? They can hang labels on themselves and others and give negative wishes. For example, “I’m such a crow, I forget everything!”, “Don’t get sick!” (instead of "Be healthy").

    Or today an accident happened to me on a walk. Our baby stomps along the road (he is a year and seven). And underfoot there is mud, the snow is melting, and all the paths have recently been sprinkled with coal. A woman comes to meet her and says: “Mom hasn’t washed her overalls for a long time. Here it will slap and have to be washed. ”

    Why would she wish my child to fall? It is clear that it is said out of good intentions and a desire to warn. But what words are chosen? Often people do not attach importance to this fact. And is it important. Especially on the day when the word "takes on a special power".

    There is an amazing lunar day that you may not have paid attention to before. 7th lunar day- a magical day, because everything said on this day takes on a special meaning. He's coming tomorrow 10th of March(data for Moscow).

    Let me remind you a little of what is said about the 7th lunar day in the "Rhythms of Life":

    It will be bad for those who decide to lie on this day. Be vigilant on this day, provocations are possible for you to blurt out too much.

    Pythagoras practiced silence on this day. The word on this day has an energy coloring, so some careless words, evil wishes can suddenly come true. “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it.” The word should not get ahead of the thought - before you say any words, you need to carefully consider their meaning and meaning. Each of them has its own code, each has its own basis - no words should be superfluous. Master the Word, conquer the elements, then they will be subject to you. The elements of Air in our concept are the words that we hand out to the right and left.

    What should be done on this day?

    Think about the wish you want to come true in the near future. Choose your words carefully and write them down verbatim. Relax. And say your wish. Loud, loud. And forget.

    When time passes, check if what you wished for did not appear in your life. Check on the record how true life fulfilled your desire.

    Send your observations and interesting cases related to the lunar calendar.

    P.S. If you do not want the letter to be published, write "not for publication. If you are not against publication, but you want your name and surname not to be published, write what signature to put at the end of your letter.

    Want to know more about how the lunar calendar can improve your life?