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  • Ways to remove severe damage from a person with wax
  • Drain on the wax over your head. Ways to remove severe damage from a person with wax

    Drain on the wax over your head.  Ways to remove severe damage from a person with wax

    Removing damage with wax is called casting. This is a very old method of removing induced negative programs. An excellent, indispensable way to treat the evil eye, fear, light damage.

    In magical practices, castings are made on lead, tin, wax and other materials. But we will talk about removing severe damage with wax, since this is the most accessible natural material, very easy to use.

    Wax has the ability to collect dark negative energy on itself, which is why pouring spoilage with wax is so effective. Casting damage is an effective treatment, but also a protection that protects a person from possible aggressive manifestations of the mental activity of others. But, it should also be remembered that removing damage with wax takes away the strength of the healer and the strength of the patient. Therefore, during treatment follows, charmed or holy water.

    What is cured by pouring on wax

    The actual removal of damage and the evil eye with wax is not the only thing that can be achieved using this natural material. You can successfully remove a strong and old evil eye, fear, headaches of magical origin, increased excitability, nervousness, and various neuroses.

    Using the casting technique, people can independently try to help themselves by performing the ritual of pouring spoilage with wax. I will not mislead my readers by saying that in any situation they will be able to help themselves, because this is not so. But, if the situation is not neglected, then home casting can be quite effective.

    In what cases wax removal is useless

    It is impossible to remove powerful magical damage to death with castings, damage done in a church, in a cemetery, intrauterine fear, psychosis, as well as internal negative blocks cannot be removed with wax castings.

    He helped me cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Amulet from the evil eye and damage. It protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it only available on the official website

    Pouring spoilage with wax - methodology and sequence

    To conduct the ceremony, you will need a metal mug, potholder, casting container, for example, a ladle, a deep plate or cup, a towel, a photograph of the patient if the person himself is absent. This will not negatively affect the results of treatment if you treat a person from a photograph.

    Some healers believe that removal of damage with wax should be carried out in the direct presence of the patient. No, it's not necessary. Photography is a reduced copy of a person, physical, energetic and mental. Therefore, it does not matter how castings are made - over the patient or over his photograph.

    For the ceremony you need 100-150 g of wax. In addition, icons and candles are needed, which you will light in front of the icons. Melt the wax in a water bath without bringing to a boil. It is important! Arrange icons, light candles, put on amulets, read prayers. Pour cold water into the casting container. The ladle is put on the photo. If the patient is present at the ceremony in person, hold the ladle during wax pouring need over his head.

    When the wax melts, slowly and carefully pour it into the water, uttering conspiracies from the evil eye, damage, fear, depending on what you cast. The figures appear different, but the images symbolizing the presence of damage and other negative magical programs are similar for different specialists.

    For the best effect, I recommend doing 3 castings at a time:

    • 1 - head (brain, thoughts, coding from the outside, damage and other negative programs, 6th and)
    • 2 - cardiac (heart, blood, hematopoietic system, respiratory apparatus, emotions, damage and other negative programs, 5th, 4th, 3rd chakras)
    • 3 - sexual sphere (gastrointestinal tract, genitals, legs, sexual emotions and experience, spoilage and other negative programs, 2nd and s)

    You need to wait until the casting hardens, then turn it over and examine it in detail. After that, the casting in a water bath must be melted, while reading a prayer to the Life-Giving Cross. So you send back part of the negative, and destroy part. This is how the ceremony pouring spoilage with wax. After completing the ceremony, the water must be poured into a place where no one will step, read the words of the conspiracy “Mother Vodichka, take away from the servant of God (name) illness, sorrow, everything superficial, cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Wax casting is an ancient Slavic system for managing the human soul and destiny. This is the most accessible method of helping yourself, cleaning your energy from alien influences.

    The rite of pouring onto wax is the process of liberating a person from obsolete programs, often not realized by a person, but continuing to torment and lead him away from the path of spiritual development. When a person reaches the peak of his inner despair due to unresolved problems and comes to a knowledgeable person for help, this indicates that the intention to change has matured in him. Sometimes the power of this intention is such that it can change your whole life overnight.

    Wax casting is a rather old method of removing negative programs. Sometimes it is simply not replaceable when removing the evil eye, fear, damage, especially if a person does not know other methods.

    Wax has the ability to collect negative programs on itself, both others' and your own. At the same time, the casting serves as a shield, reflecting all attacks.

    At the same time, the casting takes away the strength of a person: from the one who heals, and from the ward himself. Therefore, it is desirable, during the healing of oneself with castings, to be supported by prayers and necessarily charmed water.

    What can be removed by casting yourself on wax? Energy-informational effects: Damage, evil eye, fear, as well as healing of seriously ill people, intestinal infections, poisoning, influenza, energy disorders, nervous breakdowns, fears, stress, melancholy, spleen, if the situation has not turned into depression, which lasts for several years, and did not develop into a serious mental illness.

    Castings are difficult to remove: damage to death, damage done in a church, in a cemetery, intrauterine fright, a curse, a crown of celibacy - they are almost never removed by castings. Because these types of energy-informational influences imply the Knowledge and experience with which they were brought to a person. Therefore, without special training and qualifications, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to remove them. To do this, you need to know the nature of these influences, the ability of inner vision and experience.

    Briefly about negative programs

    Corruption is the negative energy of Chernobog, embedded in the energy structures of a person, which spoils the aura of the victim, his soul and body. Such an influence occurs due to the fact that a person himself is ready to accept, to attract such energies to himself, since for some time he is in the energies of anger, hatred, aggression, irritation, resentment and other destructive emotions longer than allowed (in other words, more time than necessary to calm down, rethink and move into a state of goodness). In such a negative energy and emotional state, a person can be compared with a strong magnet, which itself pulls on itself all the damage and negative influences that exist in space. And if at the same time he has ill-wishers who purposefully address him with destructive programs, thoughts, messages, then such a person easily picks them up and follows them.

    Signs of energy information programs:

    Chronic fatigue, which begins to be noticed by others;

    Wandering diseases (one passes into another);

    Lack of vitality, sometimes this leads to suicidal thoughts;

    Distortion of muscles, distortion of the body, distortion of the face, grimacing;

    Lack of emotions of joyful perception of the world;

    Confused consciousness and thoughts;

    There is no way to really assess your condition, life is in a fog;

    Hypersensitivity to irritants;

    Causeless longing, irritation, aggression;

    Feelings of depression and fear;

    A person is rapidly losing weight or gaining weight. Here, right before our eyes, it melts or grows fat;

    Sensation of unpleasant odors (others do not feel them), noise, voices in the head, hallucinations;

    Feeling of impotence and constant desire to lie down or sleep.

    The main, most common types of negative that can be removed by casting:

    1. Fright - a state of mind that happened as a result of an unexpected, sudden impact of an animal, insect,
    a person, a natural phenomenon that led to a malfunction in the body and psyche. Sometimes it is transmitted by genus and has roots in past incarnations. There is a fear induced by sorcerers.

    Symptoms: irritability, tearfulness, occasional causeless fear, mania. If the fear is not poured out or not removed, it can develop into a mental illness, a deterioration in well-being: children register, adults stutter, blink (nervous tic).

    2. Prism - a type of damage that is transmitted at a meeting, you can stumble and enter into a negative place, crafts,
    sit down in the place where before that a person with strong negativity in his field was sitting, in a crowd of people, under the influence of emotions, adopt a handicraft, essence, negative energy. You can get into the geopathic zone.

    Symptoms: deterioration of physical and mental health, vitality, fatigue, headaches, emotional breakdowns disappear.

    3. Evil eye, lessons or tracts - a negative influence that comes through the eyes. This leads to envy and encroachment on someone else's with the help of insincere flattering words.

    Symptoms: general weakness of the body, poor sleep, nightmares, fatigue.

    4. Purposeful witchcraft (popularly called "craft", from the word "to do") - the use of magic spells and rituals to harm a person or group of people.

    5. Love spell. This is the same damage that takes away energy and will from a person. The bewitched person has a loss of money, troubles at work, desires do not come true, failures in everything. Obediently fulfills the will of the "owner" of the love spell.

    6. If you find spilled water, garbage, earth, needles, wood chips, tufts of hair tied with knots of thread at the front door. If the doorknob is stained with something (usually soap) Or if you find similar items in your home. This is called a lining. The lining is made for induced damage.

    There are many methods for removing external negativity. This is rolling out with an egg, iosin sticks, and annealing with a candle, and Reiki techniques, and pushing out negativity with one's power, and certain actions on the subtle plane, and many, many others. Let's talk here and now about casting on wax. This method is very ancient and is well suited for beginners who want to help themselves.

    Subtle - energy bodies of a person are nested in each other, like nesting dolls, and interpenetrate each other. The thinner the body, the more energetically saturated it is and the more important role it plays in the functioning of a person as an energy-information system. The physical body, its existence and vital activity depend on the work of all its subtle bodies. The spiritual and energy structure of a person is a 16-dimensional cocoon, which is outside of time and space, and looks like nine rotating clots, shaped like a swastika. All internal cocoons (matryoshkas) interact both with each other and with the worlds of reality, navi and rule, and are assembled in the image and likeness of the Almighty into a spiritual and energy cross. This symbol (cross) was adopted by Christians from the Old Believers and cut off with a dash at the bottom (the feminine principle is cut off, the consequence of this is patriarchy). The spiritual and energy center consists of 144 auxiliary swastikas, 37 main and 9 largest. So, when we make a casting on wax, we are working with just these nine centers. What are these centers and what is their role is described in the corresponding article.

    This cross fills our Soul, Spirit and Body with the vital Force of the Almighty, that energy (REIKI, PRANA, KI, CHI, ALIVE - whoever used to call it), which our entire Universe is saturated with. If there are negative changes in one of the subtle bodies of a person, then these changes will necessarily affect all subtle bodies and, of course, the physical body.
    Wax is a living substance that, when solidified, seeks to restore its inherent form of molecular arrangement - a hexagon.
    Water is an informationally mobile substance capable of receiving and transmitting any information. Naturally, the information carried by the subtle bodies of a person.
    When melted wax is poured into water, it takes on information from the water, or rather, from the subtle bodies of a person through the water. Most often the astral and etheric bodies. When the wax is melted again, it loses this information and it vanishes. If you read conspiracies, prayers or mantras during the melting of wax, then negative information is destroyed.

    What you need: wax (30-40 grams), wax dishes, dishes for a water bath, potholder, your photo, a glass of water that will stand in the photo, texts with conspiracies, mantras, prayers (read those texts that match your faith, philosophy, tradition or religion), a red candle (shade closer to ruby), images of Rod, Svarog, Lada, Perun (or those images that are used in your religion or tradition). The ceremony is best done in the morning.

    We turn to face east. Before starting work and at the end of it, we praise the Gods (those who are used to doing sedition - that is, to turn to the Divine Light):



    “Rode the Most High, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi! You are the God of Our Gods, and the beginning of the whole Divine Family. You are Father-Heaven - Svarog, Grandfather of God, You are the Great Mother Lada - love and the birth of the World. Like Perun, we see You in many battles, which leads us to military victories and the affirmation of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, the God of Rule and Reveal. All the same, you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda. Glory to the Native Gods!”

    If the case is difficult, then you need to make a protective circle and say, turning on four sides: “I will bow on four sides, I will pray to Veles. Father Veles, help me, save my soul. Glory to Veles!

    You can turn to Perun, the protector God, and say a conspiracy to protect your soul: “I will stand in front of the oak, I will call Perun: come, come Perun, come, come terrible, with the powers of Perun, with clear lightning, sanctify the earth with clear thunders. From Alatyr stone, draw out the fire, draw out the fire, light the light. I am riding with the light of Perunov, protected by fire, Ved fire is burning in my soul, enemy forces bypass me, sparing the soul of God's granddaughter Dazh. Perunichi knights, mighty thunders, they will drive away enemies, burn them with lightning. Glory to the Gods Relatives and Light Ancestors!

    Fire, as an element, as a Deity, we must also pay our attention and call on it to help. “You, Fire-Svarozhich, holy and combustible! Cleanse us, weak and old, healthy and young, heal us in all veins and veins, do not allow any indisposition, free us from stasis and slander, from nausea and vomiting, from fears and fears. You, Golden Fire, warm us and feed us, shine on us and illuminate, make us healthy and wise, for You burn evil spirits and illnesses, illnesses and sores, give light and bread. Give us this time bread and warmth, health and strength, a bright mind and a clear path. Glory to the Fire-Sva-mug!”

    Light a candle, put it near the photo of the one you will cast. Put the wax in an enamel bowl and put it in a water bath. In the photo, put a glass of water. When the wax melts, pour it slowly into the water in the glass that is on your photo. You recite a mantra, a prayer (of any religion, who is closer to whom, who is used to praying to whom, you read those prayers. For example, in Christianity, strong prayers from the negative: Archangel Michael, the Life-giving Cross and Psalm 90), a conspiracy (from the negative) - to whom what do you like.
    Muslims recite sutra 1 of the Qur'an. Krishnas praise Krishna. In general, choose for yourself what you like.

    I always read this hymn to Perun, it helps a lot.

    Perun! Wake up to those who call Thee, Glorious and Trislaven! Give the goodness of Svarga and Peace to the whole Holy Race, and the awakening of the Spirit, children, reveal Perun!

    And to strengthen it, we add: Genus glorifying, rule over all, perished so that Spiritual darkness! Taco be, taco be, taco be! And draw Malaya Perunitsa over the wax (⚡). You can read any of the ancient Russian prayers.

    I offer another conspiracy:

    Come out, unclean spirit, from (name). From the head, from the hands, from the abdomen, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus (“from the uterus” is read for a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole body. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! So be it, for so be it!

    You can also recite the following words along the way and on the candle: "Gods Native, Alive-Mother, with your strength, enter into the grandson / granddaughter of Dazhbozhy (name), protect from all evil. As this candle burns out, so the illness (name of the disease) disappears. Like this the candle will burn, the disease (the name of the disease) will fly away. My word of God, my word is strong as the Alatyr Stone. "

    Additional conspiracies. When you pour wax into water, you can say: “I call you Mother Lada and Mother Makosha to help me. It’s not me who casts you, it’s Mother Lada pouring holy wax from a bucket, Mother Makosha whispers you into the bushes, pours you into dry forests. You won’t be here, don’t trample on red blood.”

    It is necessary to pour not in a thin stream, but not strong either. When the wax is poured onto the water, begin to read a prayer that removes the program from the person and seals it in the wax. For example, a conspiracy to wax from fear: “Veles, help, Mother Lada, Native guardian Gods will protect, To help me and my child, drive out the evil spirit, give joy to me and my child, keep the whole world, all the light, joy and glory! Come out fright! Get out the fright! Come out, come out, evil spirit! Whether they pour or slander - do not allow it, Svarozhe. Svarozhichi, whip, chop, drive away from the world, from Dazhgod's grandson (name), from granddaughters, from great-granddaughters, from my child, from my herd, from the whole world in the wide world! I drive out evil: from the head, from under the head. There is no rage in the head, no deafness, dumbness, blindness, no hearing, no knowing. I expel from the womb, from the heart, from under the heart, from the lungs, from under the lungs, from the livers, from under the livers, from the stomach, from under the stomach, from the intestines, from under the intestines, from the spleen, from under spleen, from the kidneys, from under the kidneys, from times, from under times, from any disease I expel trash: from hands, from shoulders, from under shoulders, from elbows, from under elbows, from palm, from under palm , from the fingers, from under the fingers, from the nails, from under the nails. Do not know paralysis, get bread and salt with your own hands. From the sides, from under the sides, from the knees, from under the knees, from the thighs, from under the thighs, from the stretches, from under the stretches, from the bones, from the bones, from the heels, from under the heels, from the soles , from under the soles, from the neck, from under the neck, from the lower back, from under the lower back to drive away tetanus, not to know seventy-seven diseases, not to hear twenty-four winds with deadly lapels, to have glory and health, a clean bed, like God's Svarog, mother Lada to have. To lie - not to lie, not to know the disease!

    There is also a universal conspiracy for all diseases:

    "Come out, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases from a person: from bones, from veins, from joints, from blood, from the neck. Go where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, where the voice of God does not set, where the temples of the Family do not stand where the fires of Svarogya do not burn. There you keep your will, sprinkle sand, wave reeds, Do not occupy the world, twist stumps, break, sprinkle leaves, become hollows, pull out roots, and the World of grief will not have and know. Disappear, perish, from Peace, go away, and take my plot to the Holy Rule! Week with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and Saturday itself - evil spirits and disease disappear. In the week the Sun rises - evil spirits and all diseases recede! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors "Perun's children, help me, evil spirits, all sorts of illnesses, pour out a dashing alien into wax (fire)! Come out, evil eye, fright, whirlwind, whirlwind, draft, draft, wind, wind, lunatic, paralysis. From scrap, from come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases, all diseases into wax (into the fire) in go. From fire, from the sword, from the invasion of the Holy Fiery Spirit. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. From the head, from the ears, from the piercing of the ears. From the spine, from the neck, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from the bladder! Come out, dark spirits, dashing foreign faith and all sorts of diseases. Come out: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, done, sent. From hunting, from work, come out cat, dog, bullock, chicken, sheep, girlish, valiant. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. All dark spirits and all sorts of diseases enter the wax (fire). And stay there forever! Glory to Svarog!" In severe cases, you need to read the plot 3, 9, 12 times.

    When the wax has hardened, take it out, turn it over and examine it. This is an art that comes with experience. For beginners, I suggest doing it easier: cast yourself until you see the casting is fairly even. If you are interested in the details of what the casting wants to tell you, you can order casting diagnostics from us.

    So, firstly, you need to look at the upper part of the casting - this information speaks about programs and events taking place in the explicit world: mood, events in life, the essence of problems in the explicit world and future events. The upper part of the casting shows events from the past, if the drawing is, as it were, drowned in wax - in its depths. This indicates that the cause of a person's problem is old and is no longer noticed by a person. This may also indicate that the influence is already weak and the person is close to understanding the causes, as well as the importance of understanding the cause of the problem for a person, since this problem has been dragging on for so long.

    Secondly, we look at the lower part, which is responsible for the internal state of a person, internal organs, connection with the other world, the world of Navi, thoughts and feelings, past lives.

    Now we turn to the interpretation of the casting. Usually, the one who starts pouring on wax already has his own system of interpretation of symbols, he remembers it from a past life and / or forms it throughout his life.

    In fact, the process of interpretation is the definition of what is seen, the ability to give a name to it, focusing on internal sensations that turn into thoughts and explain what is happening in a person’s life. In order for the interpretation to be as accurate as possible, you need to learn to trust yourself, your feelings, observe all the laws of the universe and especially keep your thoughts pure, communicate with your inner world and listen to its advice and, of course, practice a lot, not forgetting to do so disinterestedly.

    You also need to remember that wax cast on water can never be perfectly even. And if you get the shape of a circle or an oval with more or less integral smooth edges, then this means that the casting is harmonious, like the situation, the human condition.

    If the casting does not have the shape of a circle, but looks like a bizarre shape or a complex of figures, you need to look at what they mean.

    When there are breaks or breaks in the wax circle, this indicates that the person himself is inharmonious. He often experiences and throws out negative emotions on those around him, which creates a negative aura around him, tearing and breaking his own. For example, a person is angry for some time at someone or at himself, or is not satisfied with something for a long time. This can develop into a chronic form, and such a person can hate someone all his life.

    A hole in the wax circle - this means that there is a gap in the human aura and the energy goes to the other world of the Navi or to the energy vampire.

    Figures or faces are the outlines of people or entities involved in corruption, consciously or not.

    The balls are energetically hooked warts, on the physical level they can be cysts, a predisposition to cancer. Large clusters of balls or one huge solid one speaks of hidden grievances. Surrounding images will prompt - on whom. Also, balls on the casting can mean damage.

    Growths on the casting - on the physical plane it can be a tumor.

    A casting that looks like intestines or other internal organs speaks of problems with them or the psychological problems they indicate.

    Weaves - weaves of life paths, weaves in relationships, problems with relationships.

    The milky color on yellow wax suggests that with the help of milk a person could pick up the bad things that were done to him.

    The cat is scared.

    Mountains are barriers to some goal, it is hard to move through life, the heaviness of the soul, fears, blocks on the chakras.

    Dwarf - there are spirits or dwellings next to a person, if cast live. Possibly an evil brownie. It also speaks of the greed and insidiousness of the person himself or the environment.

    Scars - operations or scars on internal organs.

    The lizard is the meanness of either the person himself or his entourage because of envy, maybe a widow or a lonely woman who let a mean person close to her and got carried away by his problems.

    Cones, bunches of grapes, corners in the casting - damage.

    Waves, bubbles - fright (if the dog scared in childhood, the dog is right and looms in the casting), stress, worries, heart disease.

    Uterus with an embryo - intrauterine fright. It means that during pregnancy, the mother suffered some kind of impact on her and this energy blow fell on you.

    Squares and triangles - a curse, a curse.

    The muzzles are different - sharing, obsession. A figurine in the shape of a heart, as well as various symbols that look like genitals (mostly male) - a love spell. Otherwise, different figures mean the same as the images described in the article "archetypes".

    The holes are different, the holes, the casting is uneven, the edges are bent up - energy leakage into the nav or somewhere else.

    Cross - made for death.

    Deep dips - the rite was done through the ground, sharp ledges - the work of the magician with the help of a knife and fire.

    Mountains, peaks, images of animals, animals - fears.

    This is what the cast looks like when all the negatives are removed.

    You can make from 1 to 9 castings at a time, each time moving it through the chakras, starting from the top. Attention, this is important: you need to start casting from the head, moving down. And so many days until the casting from below and from above is relatively even (only even, harmoniously distributed waves or grooves are allowed, but no bumps). Do this procedure on a waning moon. An example of a casting, when all programs were removed from a person, can be seen on the right, I photographed it specifically for an example when the field of a person was cleared of all negatives. If it were also quite round, then it would be the ideal human condition.

    Wax can be used for healing as many times as needed. It means that after each session it is enough just to melt it down and store it somewhere away from strangers until the next one. After the final healing (when the wax is already completely clean), the wax must be melted down for the last time and thrown into the river, but it is better to burn it or bury it in the ground. After the session, we pour the water into the sewer with the words:

    "Mother-Dana water, take away all my illnesses, sorrows, everything superficial, cross to where the sun does not warm, where the wind does not blow, where people do not walk. Turn this water into pure energy. So be it, because it will be so!" , "Good Spirit - on the ground, evil - under the Earth!"

    At the end of the work, we put protection against the penetration of negativity:
    My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one prevent me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful defense against all evil. I thank You, my Father, for taking care of me and my family. Ohm.

    Important: copy this protective prayer from the site by hand onto paper. It was given to me by the Teacher in a handwritten version.
    And we read the conspiracy-amulet: The ocean-sea cannot be bypassed, the white Alatyr-stone cannot be turned off, the child of God, (name), do not condemn, do not dishonor either the sorcerer or the sorceress.

    Important: after the ceremony, we must wash our hands, because as Perun's commandment says: "Wash your hands after deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God."

    Concerning a full-time session of casting to the person. I pissed off. People sometimes come with SUCH negativity that once my mug with wax escaped from my hands (the essence came out like that, or rather, did not want to go out) and poured over the woman’s dress. There, it directly knocks out the evil spirits that sit in a person. It's good that the head was not doused with boiling wax.
    Therefore, I found a way out for myself. A person comes, I sit him down, he sits with his eyes closed, observes the sensations, the colors before his eyes, the images and reports to me about it, and at that time I cast him according to his own photo, which I put next to him. That is, a person needs to be told to bring a photo with him. You can not specify and not tell him the details. Just sit him down, let him close his eyes, and do the work yourself.

    There are many questions about the waning moon. The outgoing era (until 2000) was lunar, Kali Yuga (Fox), so they were guided by the moon and everything had to be observed. Failure to comply with the rules threatened the exact opposite result. But now the era of LIGHT (Satya Yuga, the Age of the Wolf) has begun and, in principle, it is possible to cast without taking into account the position of the moon (if it is very urgent!).

    But beginners should still follow all the rules established.

    Also, after cleansing, you need to harmonize (Reiki helps a lot in this, ask those who know how to do it), fill the place freed from the negative program with something bright so that the old one does not return. Be sure to change your lifestyle, thoughts, habits.

    When not to work with wax?

    On the growing moon and on unfavorable lunar days: 3, 5, 12, 13, 29.

    Women during menstruation. In women at this time, the circuit is open (a set of energy shells), there is a loss of energy, a woman is very vulnerable at this time.

    During pregnancy or lactation. Dear women, before making a casting, please make sure that you are not pregnant. Take a test if you're not sure. Because we had difficult cases when a woman asked for help, who, as it turned out, cast herself and her husband, not knowing that she was already pregnant.

    If you are unhealthy or unwell, you cannot cast others. You can do it yourself if you have the strength and desire.

    If you are in a bad mood and the one who asked you to take a piss is personally very unpleasant and irritating to you.

    You can not make a casting for children under one year old, it can damage him. In this case, it is better to cast the mother of the child herself.

    You can only remove negative from yourself and close relatives (legal wife, legal husband, child, mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, groom, bride: the bride and groom are those for whom the "the rite of naming the bride and groom" and an application was submitted to the registry office) and ONLY AT THEIR REQUEST. You have no right to influence a person if no one asked you to. As one healer said: “Good is what is done on time, when you were asked for it and when it does not deprive you of your own freedom. Evil is what is done at the wrong time, when you are not asked about it and when it deprives of responsibility for freedom and life
    one of the people."

    The article focuses only on time-tested options for pouring wax, thanks to which it is possible to quickly achieve the desired result.

    Other articles on the site will be no less interesting, in which there are quite interesting and practical tips for every day for women.

    Pouring wax magic, sin or not for corruption and fright

    Pouring wax according to church laws is a sin. In human laws, if you bring benefit to someone, what harm is it. When a child is frightened, many problems can arise, so if you help this child, would it be a sin. It’s another matter when they damage with the help of wax, no doubt - this is a big and heavy sin on the soul.

    How to pour out a fear in a child at home on your own with the help of wax and what prayers to read

    Prepare a glass of water, take a spoonful of melted wax. Holding a glass over the child’s head, pour wax into it, read: I’ll take a fright, I’ll remove the commotion from children’s bones, scarlet blood, from the vein and vein, from the head of the boy, girl (name). Amen.

    Pouring wax from stuttering, fright of an adult, evil eye, alcoholism on oneself (to oneself)

    The stutterer is seated on the threshold, holding a bowl of water over his head, poured melted wax from a spoon, read the prayer of Our Father 3 times, then “passions, passions get out of your head, out of curly hair out of clear eyes, out of a clean body, red blood. Mother Mother of God with Angels and Archangels will help. Amen". Water is poured out, a bowl of wax is left, done 3-5 times.

    From adult fear. Fuse about 100 grams of wax from church candles, sit down in front of the window, hold the bowl over your head and pour the melted wax. "I pour out passions, I pour out fears, I pour out fear from the servant of God (name)." Read 9 times. Before starting, read the Our Father 3 times.

    From the evil eye. Holding a bowl over your head, pour melted wax from church candles, about 100-150 grams. “Come out the unclean spirit from the body, from the head, from the intestines and from the heart. Exit and go to 4 sides. Amen"

    It is best to take a break from alcoholism at Easter. Having prepared wax, a bowl of water, pouring wax into it, read Our Father 3 times, then “Help, protect, protect from wine. Give a hangover-free life. I am baptized with the cross and saved from wine. Amen".

    Waxing sickness at home

    At midnight on the threshold, holding a bowl of water, pour out melted wax “Come out dark spirits, dark forces, leave my house. Take all diseases, all infection with you. Go where there is no sun, where the wind does not blow, where water does not flow. All illnesses enter the wax. Drip the used wax into the ground.

    Pouring fright with a raw egg

    Before the ceremony, give a glass of water to the hands of the patient, charge him with energy. Light a candle, roll out the egg clockwise in a circular motion. “I roll an egg, I take off my fear. I roll an egg, I remove fear. I roll the egg, I remove the negative. As an egg breaks, so (name) the servant of God is cleansed.

    Pouring wax on water

    After casting, you can look at the wax, depending on the resulting figures, images and faults, it is interpreted in different ways.

    Pouring wax the meaning of the figures frog, snake

    The frog means quick joy. Pleasant chores.

    The snake warns of danger, perhaps a very wise person who can harm.

    Conspiracies of a Siberian healer from fear in children

    A famous Siberian healer shares a conspiracy from a child's fright. “The wax is pouring, the fear is pouring out of the body. From (name) his eyes, his head, liver, kidneys, heart and lungs. From the veins, blood, each small bone. Come fright to the threshold, from the threshold to the west, from the west to the water, from the water to the empty well. Live there, don't bother anyone. In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen". After use, drip the wax into the ground, pour out the water.

    Directed negative energy destroys a person on a physical and mental level. Modern people do not pay attention to the increasing problems, so the evil program continues to destroy the body and soul with impunity. How does wax casting help? In our review, we will analyze the features of the magical rite.

    Problem symptoms

    In a person's life, a white stripe always alternates with a dark one. But if existence has turned into a stream of negativity, then you should seriously think about it. The reason for the failures may be the ritual of black magic.

    Damage and the evil eye have a number of signs.

    1. Health problems. Illness is a dense part of the life of the victim. Even an ordinary scratch can be accompanied by a lot of complications. There is chronic fatigue.
    2. Sleep disturbance. Regular nightmares followed by insomnia.
    3. Expecting trouble. Constant feeling of approaching horror or catastrophe.
    4. Foreign odors. Aromas suddenly appear where they should not be. At the same time, they are not felt by those around them.
    5. Mood change. A deep depressive state is abruptly replaced by wild hysteria, aggression.
    6. Financial difficulties. The transition from the usual lack of money to poverty, which is accompanied by the loss of work, business.
    7. Influence on the flora and fauna in the house. With proper care, plants constantly dry out. Pets get nervous, get sick, run away. Attempts to attack the host-victim may be noted.
    8. Finding unknown objects. Linings (needles, dolls, ashes, etc.) are found in a dwelling or workplace.

    The main causes of magical rites are envy and resentment. Some people cannot stand the success of colleagues or neighbors, so they use dark rituals to sabotage. Failures on the love front are also accompanied by casting witchcraft on the enemy.

    Features of treatment

    Wax removal is an ancient technique known since pre-Christian times. Our ancestors used the casting of negativity from the chakras. Orthodox healers have improved the methods and now we have a powerful healing complex from black magic.

    Before the ceremony, cleansing procedures were necessarily carried out. The performer fills his soul with positive energy for several days in a row. During this period, you can read the prayers "Our Father" or the guardian angel. It is important to fully prepare for complex actions.

    The rules and methods of wax damage treatment require the use of a fresh natural product. If the substance has already been used in other rituals, then it is not suitable. After the cycle of rites is completed, the "medicine" is thrown away.

    For the sacrament, 200 g of wax and fresh, cold water from a well are prepared. Where to get the substance? A suitable element is best purchased from beekeepers yourself. Such an ingredient makes even the most disguised curses recognizable.

    While they are collecting liquid, they mentally read any known prayer three times. Then they make the sign of the cross. Some healers recommend dipping a silver object into the container at night. After a few hours, moisture acquires magical properties.

    The most suitable time for the ceremony is before or after sunset. Action requires a lot of energy, and this period is characterized by the maximum concentration of force. Wax removal for women is carried out on odd days, and for men on even days. You can not conjure on Sundays and major Christian holidays.

    Water is poured into a basin, and the natural substance is melted over a fire in a metal container, but not brought to a boil. During the action, the prayer “Our Father” is read. The ladle is placed on the photo or held above the patient's head. A thin stream overturn the "preparation" into the liquid. Decoding is done according to the figures that appear.

    Sign meanings

    If the pouring is carried out correctly at home, then the hidden meaning of the symbols can be easily determined. Carefully inspect the frozen substance from all sides. Any branches and tubercles are of great importance.

    An animal figurine (dog, horse) always means that there are signs of a “family” curse. Most often, such damage is done to constant quarrels and failures of all prospects. The presence of the image of a rooster pushes the victim to betrayal, and the bird symbolizes failure in undertakings. The snake most often points to an enemy from close people.

    Irregular bumps on the surface of the wax indicate a burning hatred for the patient. Balls are a sign of the evil eye. The symbol of strong damage will be columns or even knives. And the longer the "fence", the more dangerous the ritual. Frequent small stripes on the substance hint of fright.

    If the wax spilled into the ring, then this is a spell to work. Actions that signify diseases are most often manifested in the form of outlines of the elements of the body (heart, eyes, head). By the way, images of the genitals are obtained after a love spell. Any dark dots and inclusions indicate a ritual aimed at beauty.

    A tree or outgoing branches speak of severe, destructive damage. Any figure ends with a loop? This curse was imposed on a person in the womb of the mother or passed from her by inheritance. Sometimes during the ceremony, numbers or letters appear. If you decipher the designations, then such symbols can name the date of aiming, the initials of the artist.

    If you cannot determine the results yourself, then your enemy is trying to hide the meaning of sabotage. Professional sorcerers have such energy, so people with the same power can help to find out the interpretation of signs and decide what the image looks like. Any torn edge and corners on the surface allow us to conclude that there is a negative interference on a person.

    Remove from home

    If a lining is found near the threshold or inside the dwelling, it is necessary to immediately pour the damage onto the wax. Witchcraft is done on all the inhabitants of the room, so being there is dangerous to life and health. The ritual can be performed independently.

    A simple ritual will help to remove destructive energy. In the morning, a large apple without worms is purchased at the market. Healers advise not to bargain with the seller and not to take the change. The fruit is cut in half and the core is removed.

    Every corner of the house is walked around with a lit church candle. Circle the doorways and windows in a circular motion. After the procedure, the remaining wax is melted and poured into the middle of the apple. Both halves are connected with five needles. For several seconds, the object is held in the hands, imagining how all the evil is sucked into it. Then they take it out into the street and throw it away in a deserted place.

    Remove from child

    To make it more painful for a person, many sorcerers inflict damage on children. Toddlers under seven years of age are not immune to magical attacks, which immediately manifests itself in the form of tantrums or illness. How to remove the consequences and do no harm?

    After repeating the prayer to the Great Martyr Cyprian three times, melted wax is poured into the liquid. It is important to perform all actions carefully and not splash the substance. With the help of a liquid ingredient, the chakra is cleansed, and the negative energy goes away.

    By the image of what happened, you can determine whether it is damage or the evil eye. The shape of the figurines shows the effect of magic on the subtle matters of children: symptoms of the disease and fears appear. Symbols that mean the enemy help to identify the pest. Remember that the ritual requires a lot of energy from the performer and the patient, so you can not do more than one repetition per session.

    Take off yourself

    Can you cleanse your own chakra? Wax methods do not prohibit performing actions on their own, but the ceremony requires maximum concentration. If you are confident in your own abilities, then you can try to remove a slight damage, the evil eye. Attacks of fright are best removed with an assistant.

    You need to cast off negative energy from yourself from a photograph. We recommend taking a fresh image in full growth, without strangers and animals. Do not be lazy and dedicate the first session to diagnostics. According to the resulting images, interpretation is carried out. Remember that any columns rushing through the water to the bottom are a sign of a dangerous influence on death. In this case, the treatment is trusted by a professional magician.

    Unlike rituals with a person, a photo ritual requires maximum concentration. With a container of molten wax, make circular movements clockwise from head to toe. During the action, you can read a prayer to St. Cyprian. Then you pour the substance into the water in a stream.

    Things to Remember

    Many do not dare to remove the evil eye or damage from themselves, considering the method to be ineffective. Mastering the technique is not difficult, it is important to correctly follow all the requirements of the instructions. Cleaning can be learned at any age.

    Each performer before the ritual must make himself a protection. Without an amulet, the "symptoms" of magic will pass from the patient to the healer, so consecrated icons and church candles must be in the room. Before and after the ceremony, the words of a prayer are said.

    Wax can be reused only in relation to the person from whom the damage has already been removed. The number of low tides can be 3, 9, 12 or 27 times, in extremely rare cases 40 may be needed.

    Wax casting at home

    Remove the evil eye yourself. wax casting

    Some patients are afraid of getting sick after the wax ritual. The technique has been tested by our ancestors for hundreds of years, so you should not worry about the danger. The only thing that can happen is burns from carelessness. With the help of the performer, it will be possible not only to conduct the ceremony correctly, but also to determine the results of the diagnosis.

    If you want to know if there is damage on you, then it is better to pour it with natural wax. The technology, proven for centuries, will allow you to determine the presence of a problem, and also tell you what and how much has been conjured. Our recommendations will help decipher the figures and symbols.

    How to help yourself. Wax casting. Waxing

    Attention! This self-help method is presented here for non-Reiki learners. Those who are Initiated in Reiki work with Reiki techniques and methods. Divine energy removes remarkably negative, because this is a different level of work - the energy of God, this is the level of the Spirit.

    Wax casting is an ancient Slavic system for managing the human soul and destiny. This is the most accessible method of helping yourself, cleaning your energy from alien influences.

    The rite of pouring onto wax is the process of liberating a person from obsolete programs, often unconscious of a person, but continuing to torment and lead him away from the path of spiritual development. When a person reaches the peak of his inner despair due to unresolved problems and comes to a knowledgeable person for help, this indicates that the intention to change has matured in him. Sometimes the power of this intention is such that it can change your whole life overnight.

    Wax casting is a rather old method of removing negative programs. Sometimes it is simply not replaceable when removing the evil eye, fear, damage, especially if a person does not know other methods.

    Wax has the ability to collect negative programs on itself, both others' and your own. At the same time, the casting serves as a shield, reflecting all attacks.

    At the same time, the casting takes away the strength of a person: from the one who heals, and from the ward himself. Therefore, it is desirable, during the healing of oneself with castings, to be supported by prayers and necessarily charmed water.

    What can be removed by casting yourself on wax? Energy-informational influences:Damage, evil eye, fear, as well as - healing of seriously ill people, intestinal infections, poisoning, influenza, energy disorders, nervous disorders, fears, stress, melancholy, spleen, if the situation has not turned into a depression that lasts for several years, and has not developed into a serious mental illness.

    Castings are difficult to remove: damage to death, damage done in a church, in a cemetery, intrauterine fright, a curse, a crown of celibacy - they are almost never removed by castings. Because these types of energy-informational influences imply the Knowledge and experience with which they were brought to a person. Therefore, without special training and qualifications, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to remove them. To do this, you need to know the nature of these influences, the ability of inner vision and experience.

    Briefly about negative programs

    Corruption is the negative energy of Chernobog, embedded in the energy structures of a person, which spoils the aura of the victim, his soul and body. Such an influence occurs due to the fact that a person himself is ready to accept, to attract such energies to himself, since for some time he is in the energies of anger, hatred, aggression,irritation, resentment and other destructive emotions for longer than allowed (in other words, more time than necessary to calm down, rethink and move into a state of goodness). In such a negative energy and emotional state, a person can be compared with a strong magnet, which itself pulls on itself all the damage and negative influences that exist in space. And if at the same time he has ill-wishers who purposefully address him with destructive programs, thoughts, messages, then such a person easily picks them up and follows them.

    Signs of energy information programs:

    Chronic fatigue, which begins to be noticed by others;

    Wandering diseases (one passes into another);

    Lack of vitality, sometimes this leads to suicidal thoughts;

    Distortion of muscles, distortion of the body, distortion of the face, grimacing;

    Lack of emotions of joyful perception of the world;

    Confused consciousness and thoughts;

    There is no way to really assess your condition, life is in a fog;

    Hypersensitivity to irritants;

    Causeless longing, irritation, aggression;

    Feelings of depression and fear;

    A person is rapidly losing weight or gaining weight. Here, right before our eyes, it melts or grows fat;

    Sensation of unpleasant odors (others do not feel them), noise, voices in the head, hallucinations;

    Feelings of powerlessness and constantdesire to lie down or sleep.

    The main, most common types of negative that can be removed by casting:

    1. Fear is a state of mindnecking as a result of the unexpected, outsidesudden impact of an animal, insect,
    human, natural phenomenon led to a breakdown in the body and psyche. Sometimes transmitted by genus and has roots in past incarnations. There is a fright induced by sorcerers.

    Symptoms: irritability, tearfulness, occasional causeless fear, mania. If the fear is not poured out or not removed, it can develop into a mental illness, a deterioration in well-being: children register, adults stutter, blink (nervous tic).

    2. Prismite is a type of corruption that transmitted at a meeting, you can stumbleXia and enter into a negative place, craft,
    sit down in the place where you sat before a person with strong negativity in his field, in a crowd of people under the influence of emotions adopt craft, essence, negative energy. You can get into geopathic zone.

    Symptoms: deterioration of physical and mental health, vitality, fatigue, headaches, emotional breakdowns disappear.

    3. Evil eye, lessons or tracts - notnegative influence that comes through theper. This leads to envy and encroachment.on someone else's with the help of insincere flattering words.

    Symptoms: general weakness of the body, poor sleep, nightmares, fatigue.

    4. Purposeful witchcraft (popularly called "craft", from the word "to do")- use of magic spellsand rituals to harm a personor a group of people.

    5. Love spell. This is the same damage that takes away energy and will from a person. The bewitched person has a loss of money, troubles at work, desires do not come true, failures in everything. Obediently fulfills the will of the "owner" of the love spell.

    6. If you find spilled water, garbage, earth, needles, wood chips, tufts of hair tied with knots of thread at the front door. If the doorknob is stained with something (usually soap) Or if you find similar items in your home. This is called a lining. The lining is made for induced damage.

    There are many methods for removing external negativity. This is rolling out with an egg, and aspen sticks, and annealing with a candle, and Reiki techniques, and pushing out negativity with your power, and certain actions on a subtle plane, and many, many others. Let's talk here and now about casting on wax. This method is very ancient and is well suited for beginners who want to help themselves.

    This cross fills our Soul, Spirit and Body with the vital Force of the Almighty, that energy (REIKI, PRANA, KI, CHI, ALIVE - whoever used to call it), which our entire Universe is saturated with. If there are negative changes in one of the subtle bodies of a person, then these changes will necessarily affect all subtle bodies and, of course, the physical body.

    Wax is a living substance that, when solidified, seeks to restore its inherent form of molecular arrangement - a hexagon.
    Water is an informationally mobile substance capable of receiving and transmitting any information. Naturally, the information carried by the subtle bodies of a person.
    When melted wax is poured into water, it takes on information from the water, or rather, from the subtle bodies of a person through the water. Most often the astral and etheric bodies. When the wax is melted again, it loses this information and it vanishes. If you read conspiracies, prayers or mantras during the melting of wax, then negative information is destroyed.

    What you need: wax (30-40 grams), wax dishes, dishes for a water bath, potholder, your photo, a glass of water that will stand in the photo, texts with conspiracies, mantras, prayers (read those texts that match your faith, philosophy, tradition or religion), a red candle (shade closer to ruby), images of Rod, Svarog, Lada, Perun (or those images that are used in your religion or tradition). The ceremony is best done in the morning.

    We turn to face east. Before starting work and at the end of it, we praise the Gods (those who are used to doing sedition - that is, to turn to the Divine Light):



    “Rode the Most High, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi! You are the God of Our Gods, and the beginning of the whole Divine Family. You are Father-Heaven - Svarog, Grandfather of God, You are the Great Mother Lada - love and the birth of the World. Like Perun, we see You in many battles, which leads us to military victories and the affirmation of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, the God of Rule and Reveal. All the same, you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda. Glory to the Native Gods!”

    If the case is difficult, then you need to make a protective circle and say, turning on four sides: “I will bow on four sides, I will pray to Veles. Father Veles, help me, save my soul. Glory to Veles!

    You can turn to Perun - the Protector God and pronounce a conspiracy to protect your soul: “I will stand in front of the oak, I will call Perun: come, come Perun, come, come terrible, with the forces of Perun, with clear lightning, sanctify the earth with bright thunders. From Alatyr stone, draw out the fire, draw out the fire, light the light. I am riding with the light of Perunov, protected by fire, Ved fire is burning in my soul, enemy forces bypass me, sparing the soul of God's granddaughter Dazh. Perunichi knights, mighty thunders, they will drive away enemies, burn them with lightning. Glory to the Gods Relatives and Light Ancestors!

    I propose another conspiracy:

    Come out, unclean spirit, from (name). From the head, from the hands, from the abdomen, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus (“from the uterus” is read for a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole body. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! So be it, for so be it!

    You can also recite the following words along the way and on a candle: " Gods Native, Alive-Mother, with your forces enter the grandson / granddaughter of Dazhbozhy (name), protect from all evil. As this candle burns out, so the disease (the name of the disease) disappears. As this candle burns out, the disease (name of the disease) will fly away. My word of God, my word is strong as Alatyr Stone."

    Additional conspiracies. When pouring wax into water, you can say: “I call you Mother Lada and Mother Makosha to help me. It’s not me who casts you, it’s Mother Lada pouring holy wax from a bucket, Mother Makosha whispers you into the bushes, pours you into dry forests. You won’t be here, don’t trample on red blood.”

    It is necessary to pour not in a thin stream, but not strong either. When the wax is poured onto the water, begin to read a prayer that removes the program from the person and seals it in the wax. For example, a conspiracy to wax from fear: “Velese, help, Mother Lada, Native guardian Gods will protect, To help me and my child, drive out the evil spirit, give joy to me and my child, keep the whole world, all the light, joy and glory! Come out fright! Get out the fright! Come out, come out, evil spirit! Whether they pour or slander - do not allow it, Svarozhe. Svarozhichi, whip, chop, drive away from the world, from Dazhgod's grandson (name), from granddaughters, from great-granddaughters, from my child, from my herd, from the whole world in the wide world! I drive out evil: from the head, from under the head. There is no rage in the head, no deafness, dumbness, blindness, no hearing, no knowing. I expel from the womb, from the heart, from under the heart, from the lungs, from under the lungs, from the livers, from under the livers, from the stomach, from under the stomach, from the intestines, from under the intestines, from the spleen, from under spleen, from the kidneys, from under the kidneys, from times, from under times, from any disease I expel trash: from hands, from shoulders, from under shoulders, from elbows, from under elbows, from palm, from under palm , from the fingers, from under the fingers, from the nails, from under the nails. Do not know paralysis, get bread and salt with your own hands. From the sides, from under the sides, from the knees, from under the knees, from the thighs, from under the thighs, from the stretches, from under the stretches, from the bones, from the bones, from the heels, from under the heels, from the soles , from under the soles, from the neck, from under the neck, from the lower back, from under the lower back to drive away tetanus, not to know seventy-seven diseases, not to hear twenty-four winds with deadly lapels, to have glory and health, a clean bed, like God's Svarog, mother Lada to have. To lie - not to lie, not to know the disease!

    There is also universal conspiracy for all diseases :

    "Come out, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases from a person: from bones, from veins, from joints, from blood, from the neck. Go where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, where the voice of God does not set, where the temples of the Family do not stand where the fires of Svarogya do not burn. There you keep your will, sprinkle sand, wave reeds, Do not occupy the world, twist stumps, break, sprinkle leaves, become hollows, pull out roots, and the World of grief will not have and know. Disappear, perish, from Peace, go away, and take my plot to the Holy Rule! Week with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and Saturday itself - evil spirits and disease disappear. In the week the Sun rises - evil spirits and all diseases recede! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors "Perun's children, help me, evil spirits, all sorts of illnesses, pour out a dashing alien into wax (fire)! Come out, evil eye, fright, whirlwind, whirlwind, draft, draft, wind, wind, lunatic, paralysis. From scrap, from come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases, all diseases into wax (into the fire) in go. From fire, from the sword, from the invasion of the Holy Fiery Spirit. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. From the head, from the ears, from the piercing of the ears. From the spine, from the neck, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from the bladder! Come out, dark spirits, dashing foreign faith and all sorts of diseases. Come out: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, done, sent. From hunting, from work, come out cat, dog, bullock, chicken, sheep, girlish, valiant. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. All dark spirits and all sorts of diseases enter the wax (fire). And stay there forever! Glory to Svarog!" In severe cases, it is necessary to read the plot 3, 9, 12 times.

    When the wax frozen, take it out, turn it over and examine it. This is an art that comes with experience. For beginners, I suggest doing it easier: cast until you see a casting that is fairly even. If you are interested in the details of what the casting wants to tell you, you can order casting diagnostics from us.

    So, first of all, you need to look upper part of the casting - this information speaks about programs and events taking place in the explicit world: mood, events in life, the essence of problems in the explicit world and future events. The upper part of the casting shows events from the past, if the drawing is, as it were, drowned in wax - in its depths. This indicates that the cause of a person's problem is old and is no longer noticed by a person. This may also indicate that the influence is already weak and the person is close to understanding the causes, as well as the importance of understanding the cause of the problem for a person, since this problem has been dragging on for so long.

    Secondly, we look lower part, which is responsible for the internal state of a person, internal organs, communication with the other world, the world of Navi, thoughts and feelings, past lives.

    Now let's move on to casting interpretation . Usually, the one who starts pouring on wax already has his own system of interpretation of symbols, he remembers it from a past life and / or forms it throughout his life.

    In fact, the process of interpretation is the definition of what is seen, the ability to give a name to it, focusing on internal sensations that turn into thoughts and explain what is happening in a person’s life. In order for the interpretation to be as accurate as possible, you need to learn to trust yourself, your feelings, observe all the laws of the universe and especially keep your thoughts pure, communicate with your inner world and listen to its advice and, of course, practice a lot, not forgetting to do so disinterestedly.

    You also need to remember that wax cast on water can never be perfectly even. And if you got a shape circle or oval with more or less complete smooth edges, this means that the casting is harmonious, like the situation, the human condition.

    If the casting does not have the shape of a circle, but looks like a bizarre shape or a complex of figures, you need to look at what they mean.

    When there is in the wax circle breaks or breaks - this suggests that the person himself is inharmonious. He often experiences and throws out negative emotions on those around him, which creates a negative aura around him, tearing and breaking his own. For example, a person is angry for some time at someone or at himself, or is not satisfied with something for a long time. This can develop into a chronic form, and such a person can hate someone all his life.

    Hole in a wax circle - this means that there is a gap in the human aura and the energy goes to the other world of the Navi or to the energy vampire.

    Figures or faces- these are the outlines of people or entities involved in damage, consciously or not.

    Balloons- Energetically hooked warts, at the physical level it can be cysts, a predisposition to cancer. Large clusters of balls or one huge solid one speaks of hidden grievances. Surrounding images will prompt - on whom. Also, balls on the casting can mean damage.

    Outgrowths on the casting - on the physical plane, it can be a tumor.

    Casting similar to intestines or other internal organs , talks about problems with them or about the psychological problems that they indicate.

    Weave- weaves of life paths, weaves in relationships, problems with relationships.

    milky color on yellow wax says that with the help of milk a person could pick up the bad things that were done to him.

    Cat- fright.

    The mountains- barriers to some goal, hard to move through life, heaviness of the soul, fears, blocks on the chakras.

    Dwarf- there are spirits or dwellings next to a person, if cast live. Possibly an evil brownie. It also speaks of the greed and insidiousness of the person himself or the environment.

    Scarring- operations or scars on the internal organs.

    Lizard- the meanness of either the person himself or his entourage because of envy, maybe a widow or a lonely woman who let a mean person close to her and was carried away by his problems.

    Cones, bunches of grapes, cast corners - damage.

    Waves, bubbles - fright (if the dog scared in childhood, the dog is right and looms in the casting), stress, worries, heart disease.

    uterus with embryo - intrauterine fear. It means that during pregnancy, the mother suffered some kind of impact on her and this energy blow fell on you.

    Squares and triangles - curse, curse.

    Muzzles are different - possession, possession. Figurine in the shape of a heart, as well as pVarious symbols that look like genitals (mostly male) - a love spell. Otherwise, different figures mean the same as the images described in the article " ".

    The holes are different, the holes, the casting is uneven, the edges are bent up - energy leakage in the nav or somewhere else.

    Cross- done to death.

    deep dips - the rite was made through the earth, sharp protrusions - the work of the magician with the help of a knife and fire.

    Mountains, peaks, images of animals, animals - fears.

    You can make from 1 to 9 castings at a time, each time moving it through the chakras, starting from the top. Attention, this is important: you need to start casting from the head, moving down . And so many days until the casting from below and from above is relatively even (only even, harmoniously distributed on the lower surface is allowed).waves or grooves, but no bumps). Do this procedure on a waning moon. An example of a casting, when all programs were removed from a person, can be seen on the right, I photographed it specifically for an example when the field of a person was cleared of all negatives. If it were also completely round, then this would be the ideal state of a person.

    Wax can be used for healing as many times as needed. It means that after each session it is enough just to melt it down and store it somewhere away from strangers until the next one. After the final healing (when the wax is already completely clean), the wax must be melted down for the last time and thrown into the river, but it is better to burn it or bury it in the ground. After the session, we pour the water into the sewer with the words:

    "Mother-Dana water, take away all my illnesses, sorrows, everything superficial, cross to where the sun does not warm, where the wind does not blow, where people do not walk. Turn this water into pure energy. So be it, because it will be so!" , "Good Spirit - on the ground, evil - under the Earth!"

    At the end of the work we put protection from the penetration of negativity :

    My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one prevent me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful defense against all evil. I thank You, my Father, for taking care of me and my family. Ohm.

    Important: copy this protective prayer from the site by hand onto paper. It was given to me in handwritten form.

    And we read the conspiracy-amulet: You can’t bypass the ocean-sea, you can’t turn off the white Alatyr-stone, child of God, (name), don’t condemn, don’t dishonor either the sorcerer or the sorceress.

    Important: after the ceremony, we must wash our hands, because, as the commandment of Perun says: " Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God".

    About full-time session castings to man. I pissed off. People sometimes come with SUCH negativity that once my mug with wax escaped from my hands (the essence is socame out, or rather, did not want to go out) and poured water over the woman’s dress. There, it directly knocks out the evil spirits that sit in a person. It's good that the head was not doused with boiling wax.
    Therefore, I found a way out for myself. A person comes, I sit him down, he sits with his eyes closed, observes the sensations, the colors before his eyes, the images and reports to me about it, and at that time I cast him according to his own photo, which I put next to him. That is, a person needs to be told to bring a photo with him. You can not specify and not tell him the details. Just sit him down, let him close his eyes, and do the work yourself.

    About waning moon a lot of questions come up. The outgoing era (until 2000) was lunar, Kali Yuga (Fox), thereforeguided by the moon and everything had to be observed. Failure to comply with the rules threatened the exact opposite result. But now the era of LIGHT (Satya Yuga, the Age of the Wolf) has begun and, in principle, it is possible to cast without taking into account the position of the moon (if it is very urgent!).

    But beginners should still follow all the rules established.

    Also, after the purification, it is necessary to carry out harmonization (Reikiit helps a lot in this, ask those who know how to do this), to fill the place freed from the negative program with something bright so that the old one does not return. Be sure to change your lifestyle, thoughts, habits.

    When not to work with wax?

    . On the growing moon and in unfavorablelunar days: 3, 5, 12, 13, 29.

    . Women during menstruation. In women, at this time, the circuit is open (a set of energy shells), there is a loss of energy, a woman is very vulnerable at this time.

    . During pregnancy or lactation. Dear women, before making a casting, please make sure that you are not pregnant. Take a test if you're not sure. Because we had difficult cases when a woman asked for help, who, as it turned out, cast herself and her husband, not knowing that she was already pregnant.

    . If you are unhealthy or unwell, you cannot cast others. You can do it yourself if you have the strength and desire.

    . If you are in a bad mood and the one who asked you to take a piss is personally very unpleasant and irritating to you.

    . You can not make a casting for children under one year old, it can damage him. In this case, it is better to cast the mother of the child herself.

    You can only remove negative from yourself and close relatives (legal wife, legal husband, child, mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, groom, bride: the bride and groom are those for whom the "the rite of naming the bride and groom" and an application was submitted to the registry office) and ONLY ON THEIR REQUEST. You have no right to influence a person if no one asked you to. As one healer told me: "Good is what is done at the right time, when you are asked for it and when it does not deprive you of your own freedom. Evil is what is done at the wrong time, when you are not asked for it and when it deprives you of responsibility for freedom and the life of one of the people."

    For people who are absolutely strangers to you, this work is done by an experienced person in this matter for a certain payment. Otherwise, you can put on someone else's negativity and karmic debts.

    The best protection is your integrity and peace of mind, then there will be nothing to cling to. Emotions - none. And work on yourself and with yourself. Please, for this we have prepared a whole section for you - Practical techniques for working with yourself. Also visit the self-knowledge page. Dare, work hard, everything is in your hands. Waxtakes away exactly what a person is ready to part with, rethink, change. Casting calms, relaxes the nervous system and body, helps to realize and change your life.

    Attention! Here, in the comments, we do not interpret castings. If you want your casting to be explained to you, what the color means, this or that figure in it, you need to order a personal consultation for this by writing to the site's email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you must have Javascript enabled The service is paid.