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  • Pumpkin porridge for a child 1.5 years old. Carrot pumpkin casserole

    Pumpkin porridge for a child 1.5 years old.  Carrot pumpkin casserole

    It has long been used in cooking due to its pleasant taste and many useful properties. When can you introduce this fruit to a small child and what can be prepared from pumpkin for babies in the first year of life and older children?

    Pumpkin attracts children with its shape and bright color.


    • Pumpkin is rich in various useful substances, including vitamin C, iron, vitamin D, calcium, silicon, B vitamins and many other compounds. Thanks to this composition, the inclusion of its fruits in the children's menu has a positive effect on the growth and proper development of the child's body.
    • Among all the vitamins, beta-carotene is the most valuable in the composition of pumpkin, which is most abundant in bright fruits. Carotene is important for vision and bones, as well as immunity.
    • This melon culture contains a lot of pectin, known for its ability to remove harmful substances and toxins from the body.
    • The presence of dietary fiber makes pumpkin a valuable product for regulating digestion and preventing constipation. Baked and boiled pumpkin is recommended for high acidity, and juice - for bloating.
    • The decoction and juice of pumpkin with the addition of honey is noted for the ability to calm the nervous system, improve memory and sleep, and help with stress and depressive moods.
    • Pumpkin has a choleretic effect, so it is recommended for the prevention of diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
    • Since pumpkin fruits are rich in magnesium and potassium, dishes from them have a diuretic effect, which is important in the presence of kidney disease.
    • The low calorie content of pumpkin dishes makes them a good choice for overweight children.

    For information on why pumpkin should be introduced into baby food, see the video from Humana.

    Health benefits of pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds have a mild laxative, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic effect. Their regular use improves digestive function and eliminates constipation. This product is rich in natural healthy fats, vitamins D, K, A, E, as well as many trace elements, among which iron and zinc are especially prominent.

    It is important to note that seeds are useful only in raw or dried form. If they are fried, most of the beneficial properties will be lost. In addition, you should be aware that pumpkin seeds are not recommended for children under 3 years old.

    Pumpkin seeds have anthelmintic effect

    Harm and contraindications

    • Too frequent consumption of pumpkin dishes can be the cause of "carotene" jaundice.
    • Pumpkin complementary foods should not be given with individual intolerance to the product.
    • Pumpkin is contraindicated in diabetes and hepatitis.
    • Cooking pumpkin for babies with exacerbations of diseases of the stomach and small intestine is also not recommended.

    Not all babies can eat pumpkin

    Is there an allergy?

    Pumpkin is one of the foods that can cause an allergic reaction because it contains a lot of carotene. For this reason, the introduction of pumpkin dishes into the children's diet is carried out gradually and very carefully.

    How to make puree?

    Many kids like pumpkin puree because it has a pleasant sweetish taste. It can be prepared in many ways from both fresh and frozen pumpkin. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

    Many kids love pumpkin puree.

    How much and how to cook pumpkin?

    Fill the peeled pumpkin with water, put the saucepan on the fire, let it boil, close the lid and simmer on the smallest fire for 20 to 25 minutes. You will know that the pumpkin is ready when it is soft. After draining the water, run the cooked slices through a sieve to ensure there are no fibers. If necessary, add milk to make the consistency more liquid (for children under one year old - mother's or a mixture).

    In a slow cooker

    Take 350 g of pumpkin, separate the peel, fibers and seeds from the pulp, then cut into small cubes. Add 200 ml of water to the vegetable (you can also add a little sugar), place it in a slow cooker and turn it on to the “stewing” mode. After 40 minutes, remove the pumpkin, transfer to a blender and beat until a smooth puree is obtained.

    For feeding crumbs, pumpkin grown in your own garden is best suited

    In a double boiler

    After cutting off a small piece from the pumpkin, remove the skin and cut the vegetable into cubes. Arrange them in the steamer basket, place them in the appliance and cook until softened (usually a 20-minute process is enough). Beat the finished pieces in a blender if the baby has just begun to taste the pumpkin, or knead with a fork for babies who are learning to chew. After cooling the puree to a warm state, you can offer it to your child.

    In the oven

    Place the peeled and diced pumpkin in a heavy-walled container and add 1/2 cup water. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes until the dish is soft. Next, the pumpkin can be passed through a sieve or mashed with a fork, depending on the consistency that your child likes.

    When baking pumpkin, sprinkle with sesame seeds if it has already been introduced into the child's diet

    How to introduce complementary foods?

    The introduction of pumpkin into the baby's diet can be carried out after the baby has tasted zucchini, broccoli or other vegetables. Usually, these vegetable complementary foods are introduced from the age of 6 months, although it is permissible for artificially fed crumbs to include pumpkin puree in the menu a little earlier (from 4.5-5 months).

    The first portion of pumpkin, which a child under one year old will meet, should leave no more than half a teaspoon (or even better, only a quarter of a spoon). Puree for such a first sample should be homogeneous, so breast milk or a mixture is often used to dilute it.

    Give the first time the pumpkin to the crumbs in the morning feeding, and then carefully observe the little one until the evening. After making sure that there are no problems after such a meal, you can increase the portion to the recommended age norm of vegetable dishes.

    Calculate your feeding schedule

    Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 07/20 January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE JUNE September 2013, October 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

    Generate a calendar

    Recipes for children over 1 year old

    Take one apple of sweet and sour varieties and a slice of pumpkin so that each component is in the same amount. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, pour boiling water over it and boil until tender. Next, add a diced apple to the boiled pumpkin, boil for another 5-10 minutes and rub the mass through a sieve. Honey can be added to the finished puree.

    Pumpkin-apple puree will be even healthier if the products are cooked in a double boiler.

    pumpkin salad

    You will need to take the same amount of apple, pumpkin and melon. Cut the melon and apple into cubes, and grate the pumpkin. Mix the ingredients, add honey and lemon juice.

    Pumpkin with meat

    Boil a piece of pumpkin, carrots and celery until cooked (take carrots half as much as pumpkin, and celery - three times less). Make mashed vegetables. At the same time, boil the turkey or chicken, disassemble into fibers or chop finely. Mix meat with vegetables or lay out separately, depending on the preferences of the baby. Sprinkle greens on top if the child likes it.

    pumpkin fritters

    Grate 150 g of pumpkin and pour half a glass of cream. Simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat and while still hot, add a tablespoon of semolina, a little sugar and one egg to the pumpkin mass. Next, cook like regular pancakes. Serve with sour cream.

    Pass the washed and chopped vegetable through a juicer and dilute it with water. Give your child this juice up to 2 times a week. It is important that the juice is squeezed immediately before drinking.

    Pumpkin juice can be mixed with apple, carrot or pear nectar

    How to cook soup?

    Take the following ingredients for pumpkin soup:

    • 150 g pumpkin
    • 1/2 carrot
    • 1 potato
    • 500 ml water

    Washed vegetables need to be cleaned. Next, the potatoes and pumpkin are cut into cubes, and the carrots are finely rubbed. After cooking the vegetables for 30 minutes in boiling water, the dish is homogenized with a blender. In conclusion, the soup should be salted and add a little vegetable oil.

    Another easy way to make pumpkin puree soup is to use a slow cooker:

    • Peel 300 g of ripe pumpkin from the skin, remembering to remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into medium cubes.
    • Also peel two onions, four potatoes and one carrot. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into strips, and potatoes into small cubes.
    • Turn on the multicooker on the "baking" mode. Heat a little vegetable oil in a bowl, then add the vegetables and fry for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Next, switch to the “stewing” mode and leave the dish to cook for one hour.
    • Remove the vegetables from the appliance, salt and chop with a blender.
    • Add 400 g of cream with a fat content of 20%, mix well and pour the puree back into the slow cooker.
    • Select the "soup" mode, bring to a boil. In bowls, soup can be garnished with herbs, croutons, butter.

    Pumpkin puree soup will be appreciated by many adults

    Kashi with pumpkin


    To prepare millet porridge, grate 100 g of peeled and pumpkin seeds. Boil a glass of milk, pour a tablespoon of millet into it and cook with constant stirring for 10 minutes, then add the grated pumpkin. Continue to cook until thickened, let the porridge cool slightly, and season with honey and butter before serving.


    Cut 300g pumpkin, peeled and seeded, into cubes. Putting it in a saucepan, pour 340 ml of milk into it, bring to a boil and cook until soft. Dilute two tablespoons of semolina in half a glass of water. With continuous stirring of the pumpkin boiling in milk, slowly pour the semolina into the saucepan. Salt and add sugar to taste. Cook until the porridge is thick enough. At the end of cooking, you can add chopped dried fruits, such as raisins and prunes.


    Peel and cut into pieces 150 g of pumpkin, pour a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of sugar and cook under a closed lid for 15 minutes. Add 50 g of rice cereal and half a glass of milk to the pumpkin. Continue to cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. After turning off the heat, add salt and 15 g of butter to the dish.

    Porridge with pumpkin is a very healthy and nutritious dish

    • Choose a medium-sized squash, as very large squash are either excessively dry or watery.
    • Take a good look at the pumpkin when buying. Do not take fruits with scratches and damage, as well as with areas of decay. The skin of the pumpkin should be very dense and not pressed through with a fingernail.
    • When purchasing a cut pumpkin, choose a fruit with a rich yellow or orange color. The brighter the purchased pumpkin is, the more carotene it will contain.
    • If you purchased a whole pumpkin and cut it at home, do not store it for a long time after that. Your best bet would be to either buy a small piece of pumpkin to use immediately in cooking, or freeze chopped pumpkin pulp for future cooking.
    • A whole pumpkin should not be kept in direct sunlight and in a very cold place, as this contributes to its decay. It is better to put the whole fruit in a ventilated place with a temperature of + 10 + 15.

    Teach your baby to this healthy vegetable from the first years of life.

    Pumpkin is delicious and easy to prepare. Due to its many beneficial properties, it is an ideal complementary food for babies. Pediatricians recommend introducing mashed potatoes from this vegetable into the diet for up to a year.

    It is not in vain that pumpkin is one of the first to be introduced into complementary foods. Due to the high content of water, as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals, it has a positive effect on the growing organism:

  • beta-carotene - responsible for vision and cleanliness of the skin;
  • vitamin E - contributes to the normalization of protein and fat metabolism, improves the absorption of vitamin A, and is also an antioxidant;
  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, helps fight viruses and various infections;
  • vitamins B6, B1 and B2 - strengthen the nervous system;
  • vitamin K - responsible for cell growth and blood clotting;
  • vitamin T - promotes muscle building;
  • vitamin D - prevents the development of rickets;
  • iron - participates in the process of hematopoiesis, fights weakness, fatigue, anemia;
  • potassium - removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling;
  • fiber - normalizes intestinal motility, helps fight constipation;
  • pectins - remove toxins and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • When to Avoid Pumpkin

  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • intestinal colic.
  • Individual reaction to pumpkin: how allergenic is the vegetable

    Despite the undoubted benefits of pumpkin for the body, it should be remembered that excessive consumption of this product can cause intestinal upset and lead to "carotene jaundice." It manifests itself in the yellowing of the palms, the sclera of the eyes of the feet.

    Industrial production or home cooking

    Pumpkin puree doesn't have to be homemade. It is sold in the children's section of any supermarket. But how can you be completely sure of the quality of the finished product? In addition, food made with love by mom always tastes better.

    When preparing pumpkin at home, it is important to choose the right fruit. This will help the knowledge of simple rules:

  • the peel should be smooth, without rot and visible damage, the tail should be dried up;
  • to start complementary foods, it is better to take a fruit with a peel that is not too bright in color (the brighter the color, the greater the likelihood of allergies);
  • weight should not exceed 3.5–5 kg.
  • Having chosen and prepared a pumpkin on her own, the mother can be sure that she will feed the baby with a healthy diet.

    Rules for introducing a new product at an early age

    Doctors say that early acquaintance with adult food can adversely affect the health of the crumbs, namely, cause allergic dermatitis. Parents should remember that any change in nutrition is stressful for the baby, so complementary foods start with small portions. Pumpkin puree is introduced into the diet from half a teaspoon, and juice - from a few drops, then supplemented with breast milk or formula. If there are no negative reactions to the product, the next day the portion is doubled and gradually adjusted to the age norm.

    At what age can you start giving pumpkin to a baby

    Introducing the baby to the pumpkin should be after the baby tries the zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. These are vegetables with a low allergenicity index. In addition, the baby is unlikely to want to eat them after a sweet pumpkin.

    How often to give a vegetable

    After the baby gets used to the new product, it can be given as a one-component puree (without adding other vegetables or fruits). Do not get carried away and feed your child a pumpkin every day - enough 2 times a week. No more than 1 teaspoon in the form of an additive to porridge or other dishes can be given every day.

    Basic recommendations for the introduction of products in the child's diet

    These rules apply not only to pumpkin, but also to other dishes that the child tries as complementary foods:

  • a new product is given only if the baby is absolutely healthy;
  • do it better in the morning;
  • you need to feed the child not from a bottle, but from a spoon;
  • you should not introduce the baby to a new product a week before and a week after vaccination;
  • complementary foods should be started with a liquid consistency puree or vegetable juice;
  • food temperature should be 37-39 0.
  • Between the introduction of new foods into the diet should take at least two weeks.

    Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the start of complementary foods

    Is it possible to introduce raw pumpkin into complementary foods

    Raw pumpkin contains a large amount of nutrients, some of which are lost during heat treatment. But still, giving the baby a product in this form is not worth it. The fact is that eating a raw vegetable and juice from it can cause intestinal upset, bloating and nausea. In addition, the pumpkin pulp is quite tough, and the baby will not be able to chew it.

    Raw pumpkin is given to a child only after three years.

    Pumpkin puree for babies: how to cook it right

    Pumpkin goes well with many foods. You can cook it in any way: boil, stew, bake. It is better to start giving pumpkin in the form of mashed potatoes.

    How long does a vegetable cook

    The heat treatment time depends on the size of the pieces and the method of preparation. Readiness is checked with a knife or fork - they should easily enter the pulp.

    Table: how long to cook, stew and bake pumpkin

    Puree for the first feeding (basic recipe)

    Now almost every kitchen has modern household appliances (blenders, food processors), and parents often use them to grind baby food. However, to prepare the first complementary foods, it is better to remember the "grandmother's method" and grind the pumpkin through a sieve. After grinding with a blender, coarse fibers remain in the grated mass, which can cause a gag reflex in an infant.


  • Wash the pumpkin, cut off a small piece weighing 150–200 g.
  • Remove the skin and seeds from it.
  • Cut into cubes, cover with water and boil.
  • Grind the finished product to a state of homogeneous mass, bring to a boil and cool.
  • After introducing vegetable oil into the diet, you can add it to the puree (2-3 drops each). In combination with this product, beta-carotene from pumpkin is absorbed better.

    At the beginning of complementary foods, puree is diluted with breast milk or formula. This is done so that the mass does not turn out too thick.

    Recipes for children's meals

    As new foods appear in the diet, pumpkin dishes become more diverse.

    With yolk


  • Prepare pumpkin puree in the usual way.
  • Boil the chicken egg separately, separate the yolk and add it to the pumpkin mass.
  • Beat with a blender.
  • To make the puree not very thick, you can dilute it with formula milk or breast milk.
  • with dill

    Pumpkin puree with dill helps to normalize digestion, removes bloating and colic.


  • Wash and finely chop the dill sprig (do not use the stem).
  • Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  • If the puree is thick, add breast milk or formula.
  • With apple or pear


  • Put the prepared fruits and pumpkin in equal proportions into a saucepan and pour water over it.
  • Cook for at least 20 minutes (until soft). If you cook food in a multicooker in the “stewing” mode, the cooking time increases to 30 minutes, in the case of using a double boiler - up to 25 minutes.
  • Drain excess water carefully.
  • Grind the mass through a sieve or blender.
  • With dried apricots

    The use of dried apricots helps to increase hemoglobin, normalizes the immune system, improves the functioning of the heart and digestive tract. The baby is introduced to this product no earlier than 10-11 months. Allergy to it, as a rule, does not occur if you do not exceed the recommended amount of the product (up to 50 grams per day).

    In order for dried fruits to soften well, they are soaked in cold water for at least 12 hours before cooking. It is better to do this at night.


  • Boil 3-4 pieces of dried apricots for 1-2 minutes.
  • Rub through a sieve.
  • Cook the pumpkin in the usual way and combine with dried apricot puree.
  • Giving pumpkin puree with dried apricots more than 2 times a week is not recommended, as this can lead to a strong relaxation of the stool.

    With meat


  • Boil 50 g of turkey or chicken.
  • Separately, boil chopped pumpkin (150 g).
  • Combine the components, beat with a blender or grind through a fine sieve.
  • Add a few drops of vegetable oil.
  • with rice

    Nutritionists advise starting complementary foods with rice porridge. It does not injure the delicate gastric mucosa, quickly restores energy. In addition, this cereal does not contain gluten (gluten), so it is considered hypoallergenic.


  • Rinse 1.5 tablespoons of rice under running water until it becomes clear.
  • Boil rice until tender in a glass of water.
  • Cool and rub through a sieve.
  • Combine with prepared pumpkin puree.
  • Beat the mass with a blender.
  • With zucchini


  • Prepared pieces of pumpkin and zucchini (without peel and seeds) in equal proportions (100 g each), pour water, boil until soft.
  • Drain excess liquid.
  • Grind the mass through a sieve.
  • Add milk or mixture.
  • Milk pumpkin soup


  • Prepare pumpkin puree according to the basic recipe.
  • Pour boiling milk into the mass. Depending on what consistency of the finished puree you need to get, the amount of ingredients may vary up or down.
  • Boil the soup for 5-7 minutes and beat with a blender.
  • Add 3-5 drops of vegetable oil.
  • baked pumpkin


  • Put the peeled and chopped pieces of pumpkin on a baking sheet and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  • Bake until soft.
  • Take out, transfer to a deep plate and mash with a fork.
  • Pour in milk if necessary.
  • Semolina porridge with pumpkin


  • 100-150 g pumpkin cut into pieces.
  • Boil in 100 ml of water.
  • Add 100 ml of milk to the pumpkin mass.
  • As soon as the liquid boils, pour in a thin stream of 1 tablespoon of semolina.
  • Cook for 5-7 minutes with constant stirring.
  • Beat the mass with a blender.
  • With potato

    In a small amount, pumpkin puree can be added to potato puree.

    Photo Gallery: Foods to Pair with Pumpkin

    Egg yolk is suitable for complementary foods from 8 months From 11 months, the baby's diet can be enriched with greens Pears and apples are usually introduced into complementary foods after 7 months

    Dried fruits, including dried apricots, are introduced into the diet after 1.5 years. From the age of 9 months, the child can begin to be introduced to poultry meat. Rice is a hypoallergenic cereal, therefore it is one of the first to be introduced into the diet.
    According to nutritionists, it is better to introduce semolina after 1 year.
    Baby can taste potatoes from 6 months

    Video: pumpkin in a slow cooker

    How to make blanks: ways to store pumpkins

    The whole fruit keeps well in a dry place for several months. A cut pumpkin wilts quickly. In this form, it can only be left in the refrigerator and no longer than 7 days.

    How to freeze a vegetable

    Portions for babies are small, so making pumpkin puree just once is quite difficult. Leftovers can be divided into portions, put into ice cube trays and frozen. Useful and taste qualities of the product will not change from this. In the future, it will only be necessary to get the puree from the freezer and add it to other ingredients or simply warm it up for 2-3 minutes.

    You can also freeze raw fruit. To do this, peel the pulp, cut it into small pieces, put them on a cutting board and place in the freezer for 45-60 minutes. When the pumpkin is frozen, divide it into portioned bags and take it out as needed. The process of cooking pumpkin dishes frozen raw is no different from the usual process.


    Pumpkin puree can be preserved in jars. For this you need:

  • Wash the fruit, cut off the peel, remove the seeds and cut into pieces.
  • Put in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and add 250 g of brown sugar.
  • Put to cook on a small fire.
  • Wash 200 g of cranberries and squeeze the juice from the berries.
  • Pour the juice into the pumpkin mass and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove from heat, cool and grind with a blender.
  • Boil, put in sterilized jars and roll up.
  • Pumpkin is very useful and you can make many delicious dishes from it for children and adults. You can get acquainted with the pumpkin quite early, although not earlier than 6 months. However, it is better not to put pumpkin first in order when introducing complementary foods.

    Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C, E, group B. It is also important to remember that pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D valuable for a child's body. Pumpkin also contains rare and necessary vitamins K and T.

    Pumpkin can be served to children as a puree, with or without other vegetables, fruits, meat. You can also make soufflé, stew, pancakes, soup and more. We offer you several recipes for pumpkin dishes for children, and feel free to add or change ingredients.

    Dishes for children from pumpkin (what to cook from pumpkin)

    Pumpkin puree with pear from 7 months


    • 100 g pumpkin
    • 50 g pear

    For an older child, you can increase the amount of food in a ratio of 2 to 1.
    Wash the pumpkin, clean, cut, simmer for 15-20 minutes under the lid until soft. In parallel, prepare the pear (cut into small pieces). Then beat the pear and stewed pumpkin with a blender. Older children, if necessary, can sugar a little.

    Vegetable puree from 9 months


    • 50 g pumpkin
    • 30 g potatoes
    • 30 g carrots
    • 30 g cabbage
    • 30 g zucchini
    • A little vegetable oil

    Wash all the vegetables, cut, simmer until cooked with a closed lid with a little water. Then beat with a blender and add vegetable oil. Older kids can be salted.

    Pumpkin puree with meat from 8 months


    • 150 g pumpkin
    • 50 g poultry meat (chicken, turkey)
    • A little vegetable oil

    Wash the pumpkin, cut it, simmer until tender with a closed lid with a little water. Separately, cook the meat until tender. Then beat with a blender and add vegetable oil. Older kids can be salted.

    Pumpkin cutlets from 1 year old


    • 500 g pumpkin
    • 1 egg
    • 50 g cream (10%)
    • 1 tbsp semolina
    • breadcrumbs
    • Salt, sugar to taste

    Wash the pumpkin, clean it, grate it, squeeze the juice. Simmer the pumpkin for 5 minutes under the lid, adding juice and cream. Then we shift the stewed pumpkin into a bowl, add semolina, yolk. For older children, sugar can be used. We form cutlets, after which we dip in protein and breadcrumbs. It's better to cook for a couple.

    Pumpkin soufflé from 1.5 years old


    • 150 g pumpkin
    • 1 tsp butter
    • 2 eggs (whites only)
    • Sugar to taste and powdered sugar

    Wash the pumpkin, clean it, cut it into 4 parts. We put it in a mold, fill it with water and bake in the oven until soft. Using a blender, make pumpkin puree, then transfer to a small container and add sugar. Cook over low heat until thickened. In parallel, beat the proteins, mix them into the pumpkin puree. It remains only to bake in the oven (15 minutes at 180 degrees), after greasing the form with butter. Sprinkle the finished soufflé with a little powdered sugar.

    Pumpkin and apple fritters from 1 year old


    • 200 g pumpkin
    • 1 apple (small)
    • 1 tbsp flour
    • 1 egg
    • a little vegetable oil

    Wash and grate pumpkin and apple. Add egg and flour, mix. Fry in vegetable oil.

    Pumpkin Casserole with Apple

    Pumpkin-apple casserole is a healthy, nutritious, and most importantly - a very tasty dish.

    Pumpkin is not only an elegant, sunny fruit, but also a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Potassium is needed for the normal functioning of the heart, vitamins C, A and E are necessary for the normal functioning of the body as a whole. In addition, both pumpkin and apples are a rich source of fiber.

    It is better to choose apples for casseroles that are moderately sweet and not very watery, otherwise the casserole will “float”. If the apples are very juicy, after rubbing on a grater, put the mass on a layer of gauze or a clean napkin and lightly express the juice - you can give it to the child to drink while the casserole is being prepared.

    We take:

    Pumpkin -300 gr.
    medium-sized apples - 2 pcs.
    egg - 2 pcs.
    wheat flour - 2-3 tablespoons
    butter or vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
    cinnamon - optional
    sugar to taste, but remember that pumpkin gives quite
    enough sweetness


    Wash apples and pumpkin, cut into slices, peel, grate on a coarse grater, transfer to a deep bowl, add eggs, sifted flour.

    Lubricate the baking dish with half the oil that you and your child eat, and add the second spoonful of oil to the dough.

    Put the pumpkin-apple mass in a greased form, smooth it. Place the filled form in the oven preheated to a temperature of 180º, for 40 minutes. Bake until a beautiful ruddy shade.

    When the casserole has cooled slightly, invert the pan onto a serving dish and remove the mold. You can wait 15 minutes, cut and serve.

    It is best to serve pumpkin (as well as carrot) dishes with cream, sour cream and other fermented milk products so that milk fats help to better absorb useful vitamins and minerals.

    It is good to serve fruit compote with pumpkin-apple casserole.

    Zucchini casserole for kids

    Zucchini is one of the first children's complementary vegetables. Dishes from zucchini are actively used in baby food, as it is considered a hypoallergenic vegetable. But like any other food, zucchini in its pure form quickly bothers children, and here we begin to come up with more complex and tasty dishes from this healthy vegetable, for example, zucchini casserole for children.

    To make the zucchini casserole look more appetizing, in addition to zucchini, you can add a little carrot to it. Together with carrots, zucchini casserole turns out to be a delicious golden color. But this is not necessary if your child suddenly does not like carrots, although in a casserole it takes on a completely different taste (not like boiled carrots).

    We take:

    Young zucchini - 2 pcs. (about 800 gr.)
    carrots - 1 pc. (150 gr.)
    chicken egg - 3 pcs.
    sour cream - 150 gr
    wheat flour - 6-8 tbsp. l.
    vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


    Wash and clean zucchini and carrots. Grate half of the vegetables on a coarse grater, and the other half on a fine grater. So the structure of the casserole will turn out more interesting. Squeeze the vegetable mass lightly to remove the juice and the casserole does not turn out to be too liquid.

    Add 3 eggs, sour cream and flour to the vegetable mass. The amount of flour will depend on the thickness of the sour cream, the amount of vegetable juice in the mixture, and the size of the eggs. Flour must be sifted before adding.

    Mix the mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and lightly beat the dough, saturating it with oxygen. So the casserole will turn out more magnificent.

    Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil. Pour the batter into the mold and smooth out.

    Bake the zucchini casserole in the oven at 200 degrees for about an hour. When the casserole is well browned, check the readiness with a match or a toothpick.

    It is best to remove the casserole from the mold when it has cooled slightly. Serve zucchini casserole cut in portions with compote or tea for children.

    Vegetable casserole with chicken

    Vegetable Casserole with Chicken is a very easy dish to prepare, as well as tasty and healthy. We hope that not only your children, but the whole family will like it.

    We take: chicken fillet - 400 gr
    frozen vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) - 1 pack
    milk - 1 glass
    flour - 1 tablespoon
    butter - 1.5 tablespoons.
    cheese - 50 gr
    Cut the chicken into small pieces, lightly fry in vegetable oil, salt to taste.

    Put chicken fillet in a greased baking dish first, then washed and chopped vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli and carrots), pour milk sauce, sprinkle vegetables with grated cheese on top.

    Put to bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes at t = 200 gr, until golden brown.

    milk sauce

    flour - 1 tbsp
    milk - 1 glass
    butter - 1.5 tablespoons.

    We put the saucepan on the fire, pour the flour into it and put the oil. We mix everything well. Then dilute with hot milk, pouring it in gradually. Cook the sauce stirring continuously for 7-10 minutes.
    If we need it for a vegetable dish, add salt, if for a sweet one - sugar.

    Semolina casserole with fruit

    We take: semolina - 1 cup
    milk - 4 cups
    salt - to taste
    sugar-2-3 tsp
    any fruit or berry jam - 100 gr.
    eggs-2 pcs.
    oil - 2-3 tbsp.


    Boil semolina porridge in milk. Add sugar, eggs, salt, oil to the finished porridge. All this mix and put in a greased form, smooth and sprinkle with sugar. You can mix half of the berries in semolina. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

    Before serving, put fresh boiled or canned fruits on the porridge and pour over with fruit sauce or grease with berry jam.

    Rice casserole with apples

    We take: rice - 150 gr
    milk / water - 400 gr
    apples - 100 gr
    carrots - 100 gr
    raisins - 70 gr
    sour cream - 2 tsp
    chili oil - 2 tsp
    sugar - 15 gr
    salt - a pinch


    Rinse the rice, boil it, put it in a colander to drain the water. Wash the raisins, peel the apples and cut into slices. Peel carrots.
    Beat an egg with 1 tsp. a spoonful of butter. Transfer the rice to a bowl, add the egg mixture, 1 teaspoon of sugar, raisins. Mix the resulting mass.
    Lubricate the mold with oil and put half of the cooked rice mass there. Arrange apple slices on top and sprinkle with a little sugar. Top with the remaining rice. Smooth the surface and sprinkle with melted butter. Bake until light golden brown.

    Beetroot casserole

    We take:

    Boiled beets - 300g
    bread, preferably stale - 400g
    raisins - 100g
    eggs - 4pcs
    margarine - 40g
    breadcrumbs - 40g
    maybe some sugar


    Cut the bread into thin slices without a crust and lightly moisten with water or milk. Grate boiled beets on a coarse grater, mix with steamed raisins, sugar and 2 eggs. In a form greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, first lay out a layer of bread, then a layer of beets, then bread again. Pour 2 beaten eggs on top and sprinkle lightly with breadcrumbs. Bake for 40 minutes. Very tasty with sour cream or syrup.

    Meat casserole with pasta and cabbage

    We take: beef -150 gr.
    pork - 150 gr.
    onion - 1 pc.
    pasta - 100 gr.
    cabbage - 200 gr
    egg - 1 pc.
    butter - 40 gr.
    cheese - 50 gr.


    We prepare minced meat from meat and onions, salt it. Cook the pasta, chop the cabbage and simmer a little in butter. Combine pasta with cabbage, add a raw egg, mix well. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil. And first put the minced meat in it, with a layer of about 2 cm, and then pasta with cabbage. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 180 degrees for about 30-35 minutes.

    Casseroles are tasty and healthy, with the exception of one moment - a fried crust.

    For children up to two or three years old, as well as anyone who has problems with the digestive system, it is better to make "casseroles". If you do not have a double boiler, a water bath will help you out, which you can always organize - at home, at a party, and in the country.


    • grated pumpkin - 200 ml
    • grated carrots - 200 ml
    • milk - 100 ml
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.
    • egg - 1 pc.

    Carrot pumpkin casserole - recipe with photo:

    Peel a piece of pumpkin of a nutmeg variety, rinse and grate on a fine grater. Also grate peeled and washed carrots. Carrot and pumpkin mass should be about 200 ml each (just poured into a measuring cup, not pressed).

    Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Put the pumpkin and carrots in the pan, reduce the heat so that the vegetables are slightly stewed. When all the milk has evaporated (and absorbed), remove the pan from the heat and cool the vegetable mass.

    Add sugar and egg, stir. You can put less sugar, and if you cook for a very small child, then you can generally remove it from the dish. Both carrots and squash are sweet, so unless your child is accustomed to very sweet foods, it will be delicious without sugar.

    Put the semolina and mix the dough well so that there are no lumps.

    Take a small deep plate and transfer half of the dough into it. Pour 1.5-2 cm of water into a small saucepan, put a plate with dough in it, cover the pan with a tight lid and put everything together on a small fire.

    The water in the pan should not boil violently so that splashes do not get inside the plate. Also, make sure that the water does not boil away, because the carrot-pumpkin casserole is very quickly saturated with the smell of a burnt pan (tested from my own experience).

    After 20-25 minutes after boiling water, the casserole is ready.
    You can sweeten it with a little powdered sugar.