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  • Cod steak baked in foil. Simple and delicious cod dishes

    Cod steak baked in foil.  Simple and delicious cod dishes

    Cod steaks (baked with vegetables)

    Cod steaks with cheese and vegetables

    Very appetizing cod steaks appeared in the fish rows on the market. Bought. Decided to bake it in the oven. It turned out to be a delicious, beautiful dish that does not require much work.

    Cod steaks do not need to be pre-fried, just marinate and put on a vegetable substrate. Then the fish itself is baked in the oven until the alluring aroma of the finished dish appears.

    Ingredients of the dish

    for 6 servings

    • Cod steaks - 6 pieces;
    • Soy sauce - 50 ml;
    • Table mustard - 1 tablespoon;
    • Carrots - 1 piece;
    • Tomato - 1-2 pieces;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • Cheese - 100 g;
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

    How to cook cod steaks with vegetables

    • Rinse the cod steaks inside and out, remove the black film from the inside. Dry on a paper towel.
    • Prepare the marinade for fish: mix soy sauce, mustard and vegetable oil in a bowl.
    • Marinate the steaks in the mustard-soy marinade, let them stand for about 30 minutes. Turn the steaks over once so that they are evenly soaked.
    • Prepare vegetables for baking fish: carrots - a large grater, tomatoes - in small pieces, garlic - in thin slices. Mix the chopped vegetables, pour the marinade from under the steaks.
    • Line the baking dish with baking paper (or foil. If there is nothing, just grease the form with vegetable or butter). Put vegetables in a mold, and on top - cod steaks. Cover each steak with a thin slice of cheese.
    • Bake cod steaks in the oven (preheated to 180 degrees C), cooking time: 40-60 minutes. Readiness indicator: cheese is melted and lightly browned, carrots and tomatoes have softened.

    Bon Appetit!

    Cooking cod steaks in pictures

    We dry the steaks on a paper towel Steaks are marinated The vegetable part of the dish - put it on the foil
    Put fish on vegetables Put cod steaks on carrots with tomatoes and garlic For each steak - a slice of cheese
    Delicious cod steaks with cheese! Delicious and simple cod steak dish Delicious cod dinner!

    Other delicious cod dishes

    Cod can be baked, stewed, boiled, fried. Menek is a fish similar in appearance and taste to cod, therefore, they can be cooked according to the same recipes.

    (whole fish in foil);

    Cod in the oven is one of the most successful options for cooking this fish, which has an excellent taste and unique composition. Cod meat contains many useful substances: calcium, phosphorus, saturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Cod has a low calorie content, which is appreciated in dietary nutrition. Fish contains valuable biotin, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolism and is recommended for overweight people. In addition, cod is rich in proteins, which is important for fasting people and those who refrain from eating meat products.

    Frozen cod is most often found on sale, which is sold in the form of fillets, steaks or whole fish. It must be thawed before baking. But you should not subject this delicate fish with tender meat to cardinal defrosting in cold or even hot water. It is better to thaw cod at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After defrosting, the fish is washed. If a whole carcass is used, then it is cleaned, the head and fins are removed, depending on the recipe, they are cut into steaks or filleted, removing all the bones. Cod is often baked whole.

    Before baking, cod is marinated using all kinds of sauces and seasonings. Potatoes, carrots, onions, cheese, mushrooms, sour cream, mayonnaise, spices and herbs are used as additional products.

    Baked fish is served as a side dish with mashed potatoes, stewed or fried vegetables, crumbly rice, boiled pasta, and various salads.

    Cod with vegetables is a refined and refined dish that will easily decorate the festive table at any gala event or dinner party. The fish is baked in a special marinade with perfectly selected vegetables and aromatic herbs - many gourmets will appreciate this dish. This amount of ingredients makes 4 servings.


    • cod fillet - 800 g;
    • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • leek - 6 pcs. (only white part);
    • carrots - 5 pcs.;
    • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
    • celery - 4 pcs.;
    • beer - 250 ml;
    • sprigs of thyme - 12 pcs.;
    • salt, white pepper, tarragon.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the leek, finely chop.
    2. From the foil we form peculiar boats (one boat - for one serving), put onions on their bottom.
    3. We wash the fillet, dry it, salt, season with white pepper and tarragon.
    4. We clean the carrots, cut into cubes.
    5. We wash the celery well, cut it thinly. Cut the tomatoes in half. We clean the potatoes, cut into circles. Salt the vegetables a little.
    6. On top of the onion we lay out potato mugs, cod fillet, celery and carrots.
    7. Pour a little beer into each boat (3 tablespoons each), spread sour cream (3 tablespoons) and place 3 sprigs of thyme.
    8. We cover the top of the boats with foil, bake in the oven (170 ° C) for 40 minutes.
    9. The dish can be served directly in foil boats or put all the ingredients on a plate.

    Interesting from the network

    Delicious fish with a delicate creamy taste - the food just melts in your mouth. A simple and affordable dish for everyone, any housewife will cope with its preparation. If you want to get a more dietary option, then replace the butter with olive oil or use low-fat cream. Spices choose to your taste. You can supplement the dish with vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers.


    • cod fillet - 1 kg;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • butter - 100 g;
    • salt, tarragon, parsley, black pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Defrost the fillet, rinse well, dry with paper towels.
    2. We take two layers of foil, grease with oil. Lay the onion rings on top.
    3. Cut half of the lemon into circles, squeeze the juice from the second half.
    4. Sprinkle the fish a little with lemon juice, rub with salt, spices (you can choose any or buy ready-made seasonings for fish). Leave it like this for half an hour.
    5. Put the marinated fillet on the onion rings.
    6. Place thin slices of butter and lemon slices on top.
    7. Carefully wrap the edges of the foil, completely covering the fish.
    8. Bake in the oven (180 ° C) for 40 minutes.
    9. Serve with a side dish, decorate with fresh herbs and vegetables.

    A few simple ingredients - and the usual cod steak turns into an amazing dish. For this gourmet dish, we use lemon, spice onion, honey, a little wine and potato chips. To make the steak acquire an appetizing ruddy crust, bake it in the oven with cheese.


    • cod steak - 4 pcs.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • turmeric - ½ tsp;
    • white wine - 100 ml;
    • liquid honey - 1 tsp;
    • spices for fish - to taste;
    • salt pepper;
    • lemon - ½ pc.;
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • parsley - for decoration;
    • potato chips - 20 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Defrost the steak, dry it a little, rub it with salt, pepper, seasoning for fish, sprinkle with lemon juice.
    2. Peel the onion, cut into rings.
    3. Cut the lemon into circles, and then into 4 parts.
    4. In olive oil, fry the onion until soft, add chopped lemon, honey to it, pour in the wine, season with pepper and turmeric. Mix the mass, simmer over low heat.
    5. Put the steaks in a mold (previously oiled). Spread onion-lemon fry on top.
    6. Bake in the oven (180°C) for 10 minutes.
    7. Grind potato chips, grate cheese. We mix the ingredients.
    8. Remove the steaks from the oven and sprinkle with the cheese mixture and chips. Bake another 10 minutes.
    9. When serving, decorate with parsley sprigs. For a side dish, we offer mashed potatoes or crumbly rice.

    Now you know how to cook cod in the oven according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

    Cod is a tasty and affordable fish that can be purchased at any store. It is easy and simple to make many nutritious and healthy dishes from it. One of the best options for cooking cod is roasting in the oven. You can bake fillet, steak or whole fish. It is good to use vegetables, all kinds of sauces, spices, seafood, wine, sour cream as auxiliary products. There are dozens or even hundreds of recipes for such dishes. We have selected the most simple and successful. Some of the secrets of baking fish will be told by experienced chefs who know well how to cook cod in the oven deliciously:
    • To get rid of the peculiar fishy smell, sprinkle the cod with lemon juice.
    • Fish after cooking is best served immediately to the table. After cooling, baked cod loses its unique flavor properties.
    • When opening foil bags where food has been baked, always be careful. The temperature remains high inside, and you can easily get burned.
    • For fish, it is good to use a combined seasoning, which includes lemon zest, white pepper, white mustard, rosemary and thyme.
    • Before baking, it is better to marinate the fish. White wine is well suited for this, which gives the cod a refined and refined taste. You can use wine or apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, beer or mayonnaise.
    • If you want to get an incredibly tender fish with a pleasant creamy taste, then bake cod with sour cream or cream.

    Surely every housewife had to treat homemade cod liver salads. But this is far from the only option for a delicious dish that can be made from such fish. Often, its fillet is also used for mouth-watering treats. How to cook cod deliciously and quickly in different ways, is described below.

    Ingredients: half a kilo of fish carcass, 1 pc. bell pepper, onion and carrot, salt, a pinch of spicy greens.

    1. The fillet is cut into medium pieces. Each of them is rubbed with a mixture of salt and spicy greens.
    2. In a frying pan, all the vegetables stated in the recipe and finely chopped vegetables are lightly fried.
    3. Fish pieces are laid out on a large piece of oiled foil, sprinkled with roasted vegetables on top. The cover wraps tightly.

    Fish stewed in sour cream

    Ingredients: half a kilo of fish fillet, 230 g of carrots and onions, table salt, 70 g of butter, 1 tbsp. fish broth and the same amount of medium-fat sour cream.

    1. Vegetables are cut rather large. Onions - rings, carrots - straws. These components are immediately sent to the bottom of the stewing dishes.
    2. Fillet pieces grated with salt are laid out on top.
    3. Products are poured with a mixture of sour cream and broth. Instead of the latter, you can use ordinary salted water.
    4. Pieces of oil are laid out on top of the fish.

    The dish is stewed for a little less than half an hour until the vegetables soften and the cod is ready.

    Chinese style with soy sauce

    Ingredients: 920 g cod fillet, large onion, 4-5 garlic cloves, 60 ml soy sauce, 40 ml vodka, a handful of rice flour, a mixture of peppers, a pinch of coriander.

    1. The onion is peeled, washed, cut into large pieces and the first is sent to the blender bowl. All the declared seasonings, halves of garlic cloves, vodka and soy sauce are added there.
    2. All components are ground to a puree-like consistency. At this stage, salt is added to the mass, if necessary.
    3. The fish fillet is cut into medium-sized pieces, placed in the resulting sauce, covered with a lid or cling film. Cod should be marinated for at least an hour.
    4. Prepared fish slices are rolled in rice flour and fried in hot oil until golden brown.

    Typically, the frying process takes 6-7 minutes on each side of the slice. The fish is served hot with any side dish.

    Pan-fried cod pieces

    Ingredients: 830 g of fish, half a liter of fat milk, 170 g of wheat flour, large egg, salt, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, freshly ground black pepper.

    1. Cod is cleaned of everything superfluous (innards, fins). The head is cut off from the carcass. Next, the fish is washed well with cold water.
    2. The prepared carcass is cut into portioned pieces and poured with salted milk. In this form, she goes into the cool for the whole night.
    3. The next morning, the milk drains into the sink. Fish slices are dried with paper towels, poured with lemon juice, salted, peppered and left to marinate for half an hour.
    4. A raw egg is broken into a separate bowl. It is slightly salted and whipped until smooth.
    5. When the fish is marinated, its pieces are first rolled in flour, and then immersed in a beaten egg. After that, the cod is sent to a frying pan with hot oil. It is cooked to a golden, appetizing crust.

    Fried cod in a pan also goes well with any side dish.

    Cod fillet with vegetable marinade

    Ingredients: a kilo of fish fillet, large yellow bell pepper, medium carrot, onion, half a glass of canned tomatoes, salt, seasonings.

    1. For the marinade, all vegetables are washed and chopped. Onions and carrots can simply be grated on a coarse grater and put in a frying pan.
    2. Mashed canned peeled tomatoes and small cubes of pepper are sent to them.
    3. The mass is salted, flavored with seasonings and stewed with an average heating of the stove for 8-9 minutes.
    4. The fish fillet is cut into small pieces, salted.
    5. Half of the vegetable marinade is laid out at the bottom of the heat-resistant form. Fillet pieces are distributed on top.
    6. Next, the remaining vegetable mixture is laid out.
    7. The fish is cooked for 20-25 minutes in a well-heated oven.

    The treat is served at the table with fresh herbs.

    In mustard cream sauce

    Ingredients: 2 fish carcasses (total weight - about 1.5 kg), a bunch of fresh dill, flour for breading, seasoning mix for fish, 2 tbsp. l. mustard seeds, 170 ml low-fat cream, salt.

    1. Fish carcasses get rid of fins and tails. Then they are well washed and dried with napkins. Cod is cut into pieces, which are salted and rubbed with seasoning. Then they are fried until golden brown in hot oil.
    2. For the sauce, mix the remaining ingredients. The dill is finely chopped beforehand.
    3. Fried fish is laid out on a baking sheet and poured with sauce.

    The dish is prepared for 20-25 minutes at medium temperature.

    How to cook cod steaks?

    Ingredients: 4 fish steaks, white onion, 90 ml dry white wine, 80 g cheese, salt, 1 tsp. honey, 30 g potato chips, lemon. How to cook cod steaks deliciously is described below.

    1. The fish is washed, slightly dried, salted and sprinkled with the juice of half a citrus. Then it is left for half an hour - let it marinate.
    2. The second half of the fruit is cut into thin slices and sent to fry along with onions. Honey is poured into the pan, wine is poured. The mass is salted and languishes for 12-14 minutes over low heat.
    3. Marinated steaks are laid out in a heat-resistant form, and lemon roast is distributed on top.
    4. The dish is baked for 15 minutes at 190 degrees.
    5. Then the steaks are sprinkled with a mixture of finely grated cheese and crumbled chips.

    Baking continues for another 17-20 minutes.

    Delicious fish cakes

    Ingredients: 830 g fish fillet, 90 g white bread, 80 ml milk, egg, half an onion, 4 tbsp. l. crumbs, salt, spices.

    1. A loaf without a crust is poured with milk.
    2. Fish fillet, along with onions, turns into minced meat using a meat grinder or blender. A squeezed loaf is laid out in the mass and a raw egg is added.
    3. Minced meat is salted and flavored with spices.

    Small cutlets are formed from it, which are rolled in crumb crumbs and fried in well-heated oil.

    Casserole with cod and potatoes

    Ingredients: a pound of fish fillet, 130 g of hard cheese, 2 onions, a pound of potatoes, salt, a mixture of peppers, refined oil.

    1. The fillet is cut into small pieces and poured with a mixture of oil, salt and peppers. In this form, the cod should stand for about half an hour.
    2. The potatoes are boiled in their uniforms, after which they are peeled, cut into circles and laid out in a mold. The vegetable is sprinkled with a little salt.
    3. Prepared fish pieces are distributed on top, and then onion half rings fried until golden brown.

    It remains to generously sprinkle the future casserole with grated cheese and send it to the oven, heated to 210 degrees, for half an hour.

    Fried in beer batter

    Ingredients: a kilo of cod, 90 g of first-class flour, proteins from 2 eggs, sea salt, 160 ml of light beer, 3 tsp. olive oils.

    1. The fish is cut into small pieces and rubbed with salt.
    2. Flour is sifted into a bowl, combined with olive oil and warm beer. The mass is salted. It should turn out without lumps.
    3. Proteins are whipped to a strong foam and very carefully introduced into the dough.

    Fish pieces are dipped in batter and fried until golden brown in hot fat.

    Cod with Lemon Ginger Sauce

    Ingredients: 550 g cod fillet, 2 large lemons, 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger, 80 g butter, 2 tbsp. l. water, salt, 2 tsp. Sahara.

    1. The fillet is cut into small pieces.
    2. One lemon is cut into thin slices, the zest is removed from the second and the juice is squeezed out.
    3. Fruit juice, sugar, ginger and grated zest are mixed in a bowl.
    4. In heated butter, fish pieces are fried on one side until golden brown, turned over and immediately poured with fragrant marinade.
    5. The dish is stewed until the fish is fully cooked.
    6. Pieces of cod are transferred to a separate plate, and lemon slices are fried in the remaining oil and marinade.

    Ready fish is poured with sauce from a frying pan and garnished with fried lemon.

    Many interesting and varied dishes are prepared from cod, both for a festive table and for a family dinner. For example, cutlets are excellent from this meat, since it is fleshy and does not contain small bones. Dishes made from cod in the oven stand apart, as they are distinguished by their indescribable taste and festive look.

    Cod is a large fish, therefore, as a rule, it is not cooked whole or in large pieces. Best: cod fillet in the oven or cod steaks in the oven. Cod cut in this way makes it possible to cook different types of dishes in the oven: cod in the oven with potatoes, cod in the oven with sour cream, cod in the oven with cheese, cod in the oven with onions, cod with carrots in the oven. But in order for you to get delicious cod in the oven, you must remember that cod meat is a little dry in its pure form. Cooking cod in the oven must necessarily include measures to preserve the juiciness of the meat. Therefore, for example, they cook cod in the oven in foil or a sleeve, as well as cod in the oven in sour cream or other sauce. Cod baked in the oven in foil perfectly retains its juiciness, acquires tenderness and additional flavor nuances. If an oven-baked cod fillet is not wrapped in foil beforehand, it will lose most of its meat juice before being cooked.

    But these details should not scare you away from such a wonderful delicacy. Be sure to cook the cod in the oven. Recipes on our website for your attention. Here are photos of the stages of cooking cod. Do you have cod in the oven in your plans for the evening? The photo will definitely help you make a choice in favor of this dish. For starters and convenience, you can try cod fillets in the oven, recipes will help you. In addition, cod fillet in the oven, photos of this dish look very appetizing. So, we cook cod in the oven. Recipes with photos to help you.

    Did you choose cod fillet for this? In the oven, the photos of this fish are very attractive! Study!

    And don't forget to share your successes with us. If you succeeded in a wonderful cod baked in the oven, show us the recipe for the dish, we will publish it. Perhaps you have your own version of the dish “cod in foil in the oven”, the recipe should not be hidden from diet lovers. Or you managed to cook some special cod steak in the oven. Do not forget the recipe, write it down for everyone who is interested.

    After reviewing our recipes, having tried to implement them in the kitchen, you will be able to confidently explain to beginners how to cook cod in the oven.

    Surely you will show interest in our tips for preparing and cooking cod:

    Defrost fish in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for several hours before cooking.

    After preparing and cleaning the fish, dry it with paper towels.

    Minced cod is well suited for cooking zrazy. Prepare the stuffing to your liking. Try greens with rice, boiled egg with dill, cheese.

    For juiciness, cod before cooking in the oven can be pre-boiled until half cooked in a small amount of liquid. Water or white wine with water is fine. You can also use sour cream, mayonnaise or tomato sauce.

    Cod with vegetables in the oven is well cooked in foil or a sleeve, so it retains juices and tenderness.

    It is important not to overexpose the cod in the oven, you can dry it too much.

    How to bake cod steak? Even a not very experienced hostess can cook a cod steak in the oven. This healthy but slightly dry fish needs to be accompanied by ingredients that will make it more juicy and add brightness to the taste.

    Recipes are different. Cod can be baked with sauce or cooked in foil, both options guarantee a balanced taste and delicate texture of the dish.

    Among the fish diversity, cod has always occupied a special place. White dense meat is highly nutritious and low in fat, fish has a neutral taste that harmonizes perfectly with any ingredients: salty, sour, spicy or spicy.

    This fish is very easily absorbed by the body, which makes it possible to recommend cod for children's and dietary nutrition. Restaurant chefs are happy to experiment, inventing new and interesting cod recipes.

    For home cooking, it is best to use ready-made fillet steaks, deboned. How to cook cod steak correctly? It is important to ensure that the fish does not dry out, otherwise it will be tough and tasteless. Therefore, in the oven, cod is cooked under a lid or wrapped in foil. Experts offer different recipes.

    Steaks can be fried to form a golden crust, and then brought to readiness in a preheated oven. For more juiciness, you can prepare a sauce based on tomato juice, fish broth, butter or cream. The resulting mixture is poured over the fish before cooking or the sauce is served separately and poured over the dish already on the plate.

    Unusual recipes: cod with tarragon sauce

    This Mediterranean-style dish has a rich, slightly spicy taste. Cod in sauce can be served with young potatoes lightly fried in butter. A good accompaniment would be a salad of fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers.

    • 1 kg of cod, peeled and cut into steaks;
    • 0.5 cups of dry white wine;
    • 4 sprigs of fresh tarragon (tarragon);
    • 1 st. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of crackers from white bread, previously crushed;
    • salt, black pepper.


    1. Rinse salmon fillets in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. In a thick-walled pan, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, then salted and peppered fish, pre-washed and dried tarragon are laid out. Everything is filled with wine.
    2. The pan must be closed with a lid and placed in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour. After that, the dish is evenly sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs and left in the oven for another 10 minutes. In order for the cod to be covered with a golden crisp, before removing it from the oven, you can turn on the grill for 1-2 minutes.

    How to cook cod steak in foil: simple recipes

    Fish cooked in foil has a pleasant delicate taste. Pre-fried onions will add original nuances, and a sauce based on butter and lemon juice will complete the dish. Cod prepared in this way is served with mashed potatoes or crumbly rice. A glass of well-chilled white wine will be a good accompaniment.

    • 750 g cod fillet, cut into medium-sized steaks;
    • 1 small onion;
    • a bunch of parsley;
    • 1 lemon;
    • 100 g butter;
    • salt, ground black pepper to taste.


    1. The onion is finely chopped and fried in hot butter until golden brown. It is important not to let the onion darken, otherwise the dish will acquire a bitter taste.
    2. The foil is cut into squares, in the center of each is placed a cod steak, previously washed, dried and grated with a mixture of salt and black pepper. Each piece is sprinkled with the oil remaining in the pan.
    3. The fried onions are evenly spread on top. Cod rolls are wrapped so that the juice does not flow out, and then laid out on a baking sheet. The dish is cooked for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven.

    Melted butter, fish broth, lemon juice and finely chopped parsley are mixed in a separate bowl. The sauce can be beaten with a blender, it should become slightly cloudy. Cod steaks are laid out on heated plates, poured over with an oil-lemon sauce and served immediately.

    Cod with tomatoes

    Cod in foil can be cooked differently. Fresh tomatoes will add the necessary piquancy to the dish. It is best to choose ripe vegetables of fleshy varieties with a rich sweet-sour taste.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 4 large cod steaks;
    • 2 ripe tomatoes of medium size;
    • 100 g mozzarella;
    • sea ​​salt;
    • freshly ground black pepper.


    1. Washed, dried and rubbed with sea salt, the steaks are laid out on squares of foil. Tomatoes and mozzarella are cut into thick circles. Mozzerella is laid out on each steak and covered with tomato slices.
    2. Rolls with steaks are placed on a baking sheet and baked in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes. Then the bundles unfold and the baking sheet is placed in the oven for another 5 minutes.
    3. Ready portions are carefully released from the foil, laid out on warmed plates and sprinkled with freshly ground black pepper. Each serving can be garnished with fresh basil leaves. White bread toasts fried in butter are served separately.

    How to bake cod steak with potatoes

    A very tasty dish for a family dinner - cod steaks on a potato pillow. Olives and herbs will add original nuances. Classic Mediterranean recipes call for basil, but rosemary, thyme, or parsley can be substituted.

    To prepare the dish you will need:

    • cod steaks (total weight about 1 kg);
    • 1 kg of potatoes;
    • a handful of pitted olives;
    • 3 red onions of medium size;
    • balsamic vinegar;
    • olive oil;
    • 0.5 lemon;
    • a few sprigs of fresh basil;
    • salt;
    • freshly ground black pepper.


    1. The potatoes are thoroughly washed with a brush, peeled and cut into large cubes, then the root crops are boiled until half cooked in salted boiling water and lean back in a colander.
    2. Finely chopped onions are fried in hot olive oil until golden brown. Add pitted olives cut into rings, salt, freshly ground black pepper and a small amount of balsamic vinegar to the onion. Then the potatoes are laid out in the mixture, gently mixed.
    3. Grease a large heat-resistant form with oil and spread the potato-onion mixture evenly over the bottom. Cod steaks are evenly laid out on top, sprinkled with salt, pepper and chopped basil.
    4. Each piece is lightly sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The dish is baked in a well-heated oven for about 25 minutes, served with a green salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.