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  • The incorporation of a demon into a person. Interesting additions to the settlements

    The incorporation of a demon into a person.  Interesting additions to the settlements

    The settlement of an entity in a person living nearby in the same house, apartment with you is an occasion to think about. Since the "byaka" in a person is aimed not only at pretty spoiling the life of the donor, but also of people living next to him. Often, in the house where the essential person lives, astral corridors, holes and windows are open, which makes it possible for all energy creatures to penetrate from the unmanifested world into the real one.

    Of course, simply cleaning the apartment without cleansing the biofield of the essential person will bring only a short-term effect, since the living creatures in it seek to re-establish contact with the subtle world. After 3-6 months, everything will return to normal, it will also be difficult to be in the room, there will also be a feeling of depression, heaviness and fatigue.

    Purification of the biofield of an essential person should also be accompanied by cleaning of the living space so that the astral living creatures in the house do not have a detrimental effect on his biofield.

    How to determine that there is a subsistence of the essence in a person?

    The presence of a demon in a person's field is quite easy to detect, since the demon itself seeks to show itself. Many probably have an idea from the films what a possessed person is, and what an exorcism session is. So, the signs of the subsistence of the essence have little in common with this. One hundred percent to say for sure whether there is a connection of the essence on a particular person, only esoteric specialists will be able to tell you. But there are moments by which you can establish the presence of an energy entity yourself.

    How to determine the subsistence of essence in a particular person

    You can say for sure that you have an essential person if

    • If you are very tired of communicating with this person, you constantly yawn in his presence, if you are overcome by an internal tremor.
    • If you avoid communication with him in every possible way, his presence depresses you or irritation appears.
    • If, after talking with him, you have a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, weakness, a feeling of a “squeezed lemon”.
    • If, after interacting with it, your digestion worsens, various disorders and poisonings occur.
    • If you feel uncomfortable in a place where an essential person often stays, sits, lies, or does something.

    How to determine the presence of a subsistence of an entity in itself?

    An outside view makes it easy to identify people who have connections to energy entities. It is much more difficult to diagnose for their presence itself. The following are the signs and symptoms of determining the presence of otherworldly influences.

    If you find that you answer yes to at least three of them, then you are influenced by this or that entity, then you do not always act as you really want. So, what does the presence of energy essence in your biofield say about:

    • If you have a drug or alcohol addiction.
    • If you have a quarrelsome nature, you like to provoke a negative response from people around you.
    • If you like to complain about life, fate, like to procrastinate gossip, constantly express dissatisfaction with life, often stir up the past, especially its negative moments.
    • If provocation to scandals is one of your favorite activities, if you are always looking for pretexts for a quarrel, if you like to blame, humiliate human dignity and consider yourself right in everything.
    • If you like to talk too much, to the point that your interlocutors tend to leave you quickly, yawn in your presence and sometimes even fall asleep.
    • If you like to wield flattery, play mask shows, weave ingenious intrigues.
    • If you like to mow down a stupid one in order to spin the interlocutor into lengthy explanations, transfer the conversation to an abstract topic with verbal diarrhea on your part.
    • If you have any phobias.
    • If you hear some voices and commands of a destructive nature that clog your inner voice and are too intrusive.
    • If you have thoughts of a suicidal nature, are passionate about gambling, are prone to conducting promiscuous relationships, a vagrant lifestyle.

    It is important to determine in time in yourself and people close to you a sick biofield in order to turn to specialists and help yourself live a life free from negativity. Getting rid of influence on your own is real, but quite difficult. The help of a specialist is not only in diagnosing the presence of a settlement, but also in freeing your biofield from this influence, installing protection. But it should be remembered that not everything is within the power of a specialist. If you do not strive to improve, understand and control your emotional states, thoughts and actions, then even the strongest esotericist will not be able to rid your biofield of essence forever. Sooner or later she may return.

    Most of the population lives and does not realize that they carry in themselves a kind of "lodgers" that poison their lives and destroy their energy protection.

    As a rule, the entity is an otherworldly being, the soul of a person who could not leave our world due to a sudden death. Such spirits need the energy of living people at the moment of its activity (when a person feels fear, envy or other negative emotion).

    A creature not from our world becomes a settler entity. It settles in the human body imperceptibly in order to take away its energy. But sometimes a settler is able to control the actions of the one in whom he lives.

    A settler can be the spirit of a deceased person who, for any reason, remains in our world. But most often, dark demons inhabit the bodies of people, which steal strength, energy and health in this way.

    Signs of the presence of settlers and their varieties

    The resettlement occurs when a person's natural defenses are violated. This may be a consequence of mental trauma or weakness, as well as intemperance in anger, the use of intoxicating substances (alcohol, tobacco and drugs).

    The main symptoms of exposure include a sudden change in human behavior. He becomes fussy and irritable. Experiencing obsessive and unreasonable fear, programming himself for the obviously harmful influence of the entity. Looking at a person you know, you seem not to recognize him, as if another person says words and performs actions.

    Obvious signs of initial obsession:

    Constant fatigue;


    Panic attacks;

    Detachment from the world;

    Uncharacteristic behavior;

    Bad luck.

    The next are demons or astral bodies that exist due to the bad habits of a person. Delicious food for them is an unstable emotional background. The more a person depends on his pernicious passions, the more freely the demon feels inside the owner.

    Why are entities dangerous?

    The transformations of human behavior after being moved in are hardly noticeable to others. Only over time, relatives begin to notice changes unusual for a person. It can be unreasonable craving for alcohol, gambling, rudeness and inattention to wives, children or parents.

    An exemplary family man suddenly leaves the family, a restrained and kind person becomes excessively aggressive and rude. The hard worker begins to drink alcohol and loses his job.

    The possessed in rare cases begin to hear voices and even see the very vampires who draw life energy from them. They impose tactics of behavior on their master, force them to commit cruel acts that a person is not capable of in ordinary life. Such a settlement may well destroy a person's psyche and bring him to a psychiatric hospital, and in the most neglected case, to suicide.

    Do not fall into despair. At the first sign of a settlement, perform cleansing rituals, as well as strengthen tribal protection and energy.

    Methods for getting rid of settlers

    The most accessible way to get rid of the settler inside yourself is prayer. However, it is only effective if the changes in behavior are minor. If the larva sits deep, it is necessary to perform an exorcism ritual.


    it is known that entities are afraid of high temperatures, which means that a bathhouse, sauna or bath with hot water should be in the first place on your list of things to do. A candle is also suitable for intimidation. If there is no church one, light the usual one while taking water procedures.

    The negative energy raging in you is best exorcised on the waning moon. The lunar calendar will help you determine the most successful day for this.

    (Taken from the Internet. Abbreviated version)

    Valentina Rezbaeva

    I will give you an Essence that will give you superpowers! I will plant an Essence on your enemy that will destroy him and turn his whole life into continuous suffering! I will hook up your business competitor with an Essence that will confuse all his affairs and ruin him! Write to me, indicate what exactly you want to get with the help of a settler, and I will choose the Essence that is most suitable for you. Next, I will penetrate into the world where the necessary Essence lives, with my spells I will instill it in the person you specified, and you will be able to get results from the activity in the very near future! All this is within my power, for I, the magician Zakhary, by the will of the Gods, who were before the beginning of everything, are endowed with the Power that subjugates the inhabitants of the world of Darkness, and the Essences that live in these worlds are obedient to me! The sacrifice I brought to the altar of the Gods will be accepted by them and all the power of Those who created this world will be turned in your favor!
    Send me the full name and photo of the person you want to place the Essence into, indicate what it should do, what goal you are pursuing, and I will solve your problem!

    Living in a three-dimensional world, we rarely notice the work of beings from other dimensions. And their presence is not denied even by religion. Do you know what astral entities are? How and why do they come to a person? Why are they harmful and how to protect yourself from them? Are you saying this is a hoax? Such naive confidence will quickly disappear as soon as you interest astral entities in something. Their types are so diverse that it is rather difficult to understand the results of their activities. Let's figure out what they are and why people are afraid of them.

    General concept

    There are several theories regarding these objects unknown to the common man. Drunvalo Melchizedek wrote that they are inhabitants who by chance came to our world. Astral entities live by their own rules. They are ignorant of human laws. However, the people themselves are interesting. The fact is that we differ from other inhabitants of the vast Universe in that we are able to generate energy. Our guests eat it. Everything is very simple. They themselves are not able to get food from space. But any person is very good at it by definition. It is arranged in such a way that its body and soul function in two streams, on which, like a bead on a thread, it “dangles” in space. A person continuously receives and processes the energy of the Universe and the Earth. We feel it as feelings, thoughts, emotions. Astral entities stick to the aura and take away part of this incredible wealth. But clean energy is not suitable for them. These creatures feed on low-frequency energy. In our understanding - evil, hatred, resentment, doubts and so on.

    What do entities do with a person?

    You are probably familiar with the term "possessed". It is applied to a person who, in certain circumstances, is characterized by inappropriate behavior. The priests say that he is possessed by demons. These astral entities (photos make you horrified) have settled in the aura of the unfortunate. His will is suppressed partially or completely. They are led by creatures from another world. They provoke people to do strange things. They need the unfortunate person to experience negative emotions and make others do it. The energy emitted by a human being is not suitable for demons. They are truly afraid of the bright side of the personality. Therefore, they try to push a person to sin. Possession is an extreme case.

    Subtle human bodies and entities

    To understand the topic, we present a diagram. Imagine that a person is a balloon filled with air. Schematically, this is how the aura is often depicted. This ball has two inputs and outputs through which energy constantly flows in and out. Its average quantity is such that the volume remains unchanged. The content of the ball is exactly what the entities are after. But they will not be able to stick to a tightly stretched shell. This happens when the person is happy and satisfied. If a person often has negative thoughts, he is angry, offended, grumbling, indignant, envious, suffering (then list it yourself, based on experience), then the elasticity of the shell decreases. Or, in another way, dark spots appear in the aura. It is very easy for entities to get to these places and gain a foothold on them.

    It should be understood that there are quite a lot of these around us. Everyone hunts for their own type of negative energy. If, for example, you are prone to jealousy, a larva will stick, which will provoke precisely this feeling. She will also call a friend who "feeds" on wine. Together they will push for a glass. Do not resist - the larva of alcoholism will also appear in the aura. And they will arrange a mountain feast on your energy, taking away the forces that are given to organize a happy life. The person himself will transform them into negativity in order to feed his unwanted neighbors.

    Astral entities: types

    We have listed the most common astral entities. Their classification, according to esoteric theory, is much broader. But even on the examples given, it will be possible to get a general idea of ​​​​the methods of their work and the level of harm caused to a person. Let's take a closer look at each.


    Incubus and succubus

    Photos of these objects sometimes appear in various sources. It is difficult to judge the authenticity of these images. In any case, experts call most of them fakes. In principle, the essence is not in the photographs. Demons are the source of many misfortunes. They drag a large number of people into the funnel of inferno (negative energy), forcing them to kill and die. But the demon cannot move into the first comer. He needs a suitable energy space for life. And it is created by the person himself with negative, destructive, dangerous thoughts and actions. They say about such people: they lost their conscience. But clean energy is most afraid of astral entities. They are afraid of divine, which means love that does not depend on anything. To people in whose aura it is present, they do not settle down.


    At the moment of death, the soul is released from the human body and goes to the astral plane. But there are exceptions. Sometimes, due to attachment, due to magical influence, or for other reasons, the soul does not want (or does not have the opportunity) to fly into the space allocated by the Lord for its existence. She settles into the aura of a loved one. Elementer cannot be called a negative entity in the literal sense. It exists due to the energy of the living, slightly weakening its field. However, it does not provoke destructive activity. He is not afraid of pure energies. In addition, due to the connection with the Universe, the elementary is able to protect the person who accepted it from worldly dangers. However, this condition is not considered natural. The essence is not able to go to the subtle worlds, it cannot leave the carrier's aura on its own. She loses the chance for a new incarnation, which is very bad for her personal fate and for the whole family.

    Astral entities: classification according to L. G. Puchko

    • The deceitful spirit forces its victim to lie. A person falls into depression, loses touch with reality. As a rule, a deceitful spirit settles in those who suffer from any addiction (gaming, alcohol, drugs). This unfortunate one constantly, aimlessly, senselessly lies.
    • Lucifer enters the victim's aura on a full moon. It pushes a person to unreasonable tough aggression. A person cannot restrain impulses. He argues with everyone, scandals, is capable of violence, including sexual.
    • Archimania is an entity that chooses stingy people. The victim seeks to have as much as possible of what he considers valuable.
    • UFO appears in people obsessed with contact with aliens.
    • A nerve blocker makes a person suffer from pain.
    • A leech is an alien energy structure that attaches itself to people with a low level of vibration. The victim quickly gets tired, becomes irritable, often gets sick.
    • The shell forces the person to abandon naturalness. A person puts on a mask, becomes fake, like a bad actor.
    • A witch is an entity created by a sorcerer. It is meaningful and aimed at making the victim behave in a certain way. A kind of negative energy-informational program, popularly referred to as spoilage.

    It should be noted that L. G. Puchko focused on harm to human health, highlighting the types of astral entities. They also have a negative effect on memory. The fact is that these formations take energy from the victim, forcing him to experience hunger, which is extremely harmful to his body and brain.

    In addition, it is recommended to change the diet. It is not in vain that there are fasts in any religion. Restrictions in the sphere of physical pleasures contribute to the purification of energy. Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits.

    It should be noted that not all entities can be dealt with on their own. Sometimes you should trust a specialist. Thus, the astral essence of a person (elementary) will not leave the aura as a result of prayers and diet. It should be removed by a special ritual. To combat the most common entities, they reprimand with prayers, sometimes in church. The possessed are treated in monasteries. Weak entities can be dealt with on their own. It is necessary to clear thoughts, get rid of negative emotions. That is, fill your entire field with light energy. There are special methods of multidimensional medicine that help to quickly deal with the problem. They consist in the fact that the patient is invited to read vibration series.


    Where there is attention, there is power! Strive to guide her towards love. This does not mean a feeling that brings a man and a woman together for procreation. Love is divine. This is a state of perfect happiness, when everyone is happy, nothing angers or irritates. The soul of every person yearns for it. Although on earth this is impossible. Only an angel manages to stay in a state similar to the ideal. But this does not mean that a person does not have the right to strive for divine love. Even the intention will already fence off most of the entities from you. They will not be able to get anything, therefore, they will lose interest in your aura. In fact, the world is very harmonious. Astral entities are drawn to those who themselves create satisfactory conditions for them. Why waste so much energy? What do you think?