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  • February 26 solar eclipse how to observe. This tau-square will also involve Mercury, which is in conjunction with Ketu and in square with the Black Moon.

    February 26 solar eclipse how to observe.  This tau-square will also involve Mercury, which is in conjunction with Ketu and in square with the Black Moon.

    This is the period of two weeks between the Lunar and Solar Eclipse, or between the Solar and Lunar. And this, by the way, is very important to consider.

    According to the design of the corridor, there are always only two directions in it - to the left or to the right 😉

    That's exactly how the Eclipse corridors work - The solar-lunar corridor directs us inward, to work with yourself, and Lunisolar - outside, to work in the world.

    The corridor between the Lunar Eclipse on February 11 and the Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017 is a work in the outside world, over situations, projects, our relationships with the world and people.

    On the approach to the Lunar Eclipse, in about a week, surprises usually begin to pour in from all sides)) Conflicts, partings, dismissals, violations of agreements in some areas of life are accompanied by unexpected long-awaited improvements and stabilization in others.

    Therefore, the period of corridors is always very contrasting in events and emotions.

    Speaking of emotions. During this period, they are extremely saturated, both in plus and minus, therefore, knowing the influence of Eclipses, try to treat yourself and others with understanding and patience.

    Lunar Eclipse February 11, 2017

    During the period of the Lunar Eclipse, the principle “where it is thin is where it breaks” works, so you should not regret parting. Lunar Eclipse always removes only what no longer has a chance.

    That is why now it is worth taking care of your health! Do not miss even the slightest signals from the body - if something bothers, be sure to check and pay attention to it.

    A Lunar Eclipse in general always affects the body first of all. The eclipse on February 11 will be at 23 degrees Leo. Leo is responsible for the heart in the body, so take special care to support it - at least avoid excessive physical exertion, alcohol, overeating. Get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air and avoid violent showdowns. Banal, in general, recommendations - but it's amazing how effectively they help)))

    23 degrees of Leo is responsible for vitality in general, and therefore, people with the Leo Sign highlighted in the birth chart can now feel a breakdown and a general tone is reduced, they want to sleep under the covers and sleep-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ....))) Well, here it is sleep to your health)) By the way, I will especially note household injuries for the same reason - the body is not in good shape, coordination of movements can be unpredictable)))

    The Lunar Eclipse on February 11 closes a long program that started in 2008. What does it mean? What began then has reached its maximum today, and nothing more will grow and develop in this topic. Therefore, the choice is yours - either leave it as it is, or remove it, or move to another level. Remember what important began in your life in 2008? What decisions did you make? What were the goals?

    Now is the time when you are dealing with the consequences and results of that period. And now is the best time to sort and put in place everything important and necessary, especially what you can use further, but for new goals and tasks. And to part with what hinders and slows down.

    You may not like it, but the most important thing to consider is that you are dealing with your own decisions during this Lunar Eclipse. Therefore, all awards are your well-deserved. As are the bumps.

    Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017

    And here there will be more than enough energy)) You may want to spur all the horses and drive beyond the horizon without stopping))

    BUT! Keep in mind that we are talking about subtle energy, emotional, therefore it is better to arrange exclusively virtual races.

    After the total inventory of the Lunar Eclipse, now is the best period for DREAMS!

    The most useful thing you can do on a Solar Eclipse is to create your own “blue dream” and be inspired to the very top of it))))

    And here is a very important note - the Heavenly Office during this period will consider only big and useful projects, so if you dream of a new car — alas, your dream will remain a dream.

    But seriously, this period is a super opportunity. lay the foundation for your own self-realization for the next 9 years! The main condition is to do what you not only know how to do, but also love. So don't dream about a fish - dream about a fishing rod 😉

    And finally, a bonus for especially gifted those who read to the end 😉

    Live the two weeks of the Eclipse Corridor as if you already were what you want to be.

    In the firm belief that you already have what you are striving for and you are already enjoying it. The imprint of your emotions and the state of these two weeks from February 11 to February 26 will be imprinted in the information field for the next 9 years!

    Just imagine the possibilities that open up for you! If you want to acquire a good habit or vice versa, get rid of a bad one, it is enough to live these two weeks in accordance with your desire. And let others look at you in surprise.

    We know what it can lead to 😉

    Separately, for those who decide to pass off this text as their own, I do not recommend it. The style of my texts is too recognizable, so there will be no trouble. Liked the article? Either a repost indicating the source, or a painstaking rewrite to help you.

    From time immemorial, solar eclipses have been considered harbingers of various kinds of problems. Psychics have a sharply negative opinion about eclipses, but astrologers do not always speak categorically about them.

    A solar eclipse means that the shadow of the moon will fall on the Earth, which will stand between the Sun and us. This is a beautiful sight, but it is usually not seen in all parts of the world at the same time.

    Features of the coming eclipse

    February 26, Sunday, we are waiting for the so-called annular solar eclipse. This means that the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, forming a circle within a circle. Unfortunately, this eclipse will only be visible in the southern hemisphere. It can be observed in South America and Africa.

    The eclipse will last approximately 3 hours. It will start at 16:15 Moscow time and end at 19:31. From an esoteric and astrological point of view, it will be extremely strong, so try to have time to do all the important things before Sunday evening.

    The opinion of astrologers about the eclipse on February 26

    The solar eclipse will take place under the auspices of the new moon in the constellation Pisces. On this day there will be a New Moon, which is very rare for such an event.

    The combination of these facts allows astrologers to give some warnings for February 26th. First, the very fact of a solar eclipse should alert you. The fact is that eclipses confuse the cards for all people. They begin to act long before the day when the Moon rises between the Earth and the Sun. However, this impact is not felt much. A thousand times more important is what will happen during the three hours of February 26th. The fact is that it doesn’t matter where the eclipse will be visible - its energy can be felt by people anywhere in the world.

    A solar eclipse in Pisces is a special sign, for the Sun will also be in Pisces. This will be a very strong energy event that will leave its mark on your life and the life of every person.

    Pisces is not only a zodiac sign that patronizes creativity. This is the Sign that helps to look inside yourself. This means that February 26 will be a great day for meditation, self-hypnosis. Even those who are familiar with meditation practices relatively recently will be able to know their inner world.

    Astrologers recommend spending this day at home, next to your loved ones. Fortunately, this will be the last day of the week when most people do not work. A solar eclipse can debilitate you along with the New Moon. This combination requires caution and discretion in all areas of life.

    Psychics about the eclipse on February 26

    Psychics believe that on February 26 amulets and talismans are simply necessary. In the period from 16 to 19 pm, negative energy will be everywhere. Quarrels with people can be devastating for everyone. Negative thoughts will materialize much faster than positive ones. That is why you should not give yourself reasons for frustration, depression.

    This day will be extremely difficult, so be alone with yourself. Try not to cross anyone's path and be as flexible as possible. Use affirmations for a couple of days before and after an eclipse to force yourself to think positively. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    February 26 at 17:58 Moscow time an annular solar eclipse will take place. This regular astrological phenomenon is due to the conjunction of the Sun with the lunar nodes - the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu.

    The sun in astrology represents our "I", the spirit, the principle of self-awareness. The energy of the Sun gives life, light, motivates a person to self-expression and development. During an eclipse, the Sun falls under the influence of the shadow planets, representing the course of time, karmic conditioning. Therefore, the moment of the eclipse is special in the year: a person is faced with his karmic issues, attachments of the past and aspirations for the future. Deep tendencies may come to the surface, the consequences of past deeds and connections with people may appear, unexpected events may occur due to karma. Also, the eclipse opens access to our talents, purpose and global tasks of this life. This is a special time in which it is important to maintain a clear and calm state of mind, accepting circumstances and directing attention deep into yourself. Meditation and prayer are especially effective during this time.

    On the day of the eclipse, as well as a few days before and after Not recommended starts new projects, conclude contracts, hold important meetings. Any undertakings can turn into unexpected consequences.

    The eclipse affects each person differently depending on his individual horoscope. If the eclipse falls on important points of the natal chart, for example, on 1 house or natal planets, then a person can feel the influence of the eclipse on himself in the corresponding area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. It is believed that the consequences of events that occurred on the day of the eclipse last 6 months. Be attentive to what is happening these days, and if the events seem unfavorable to you, then take them as the fruits of your karma and important lessons for further development.

    February 26th eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in the nakshatra of Shatabhish, the carrier of the energy of purification and zeroing. Shatabhisha is associated with the deity Varuna - the ruler of cosmic waters and rain. At this point in the sky, from the jug of Aquarius, water pours out in a stream of healing, connecting with the ocean of consciousness. This is an impulse to overcome limitations, go beyond the comfort zone or generally accepted ideas, here a new vision and desire to know the whole is born.

    The eclipse will be attended by Mercury, which is in the sign of Aquarius and also in the Shatabhish nakshatra. Mercury represents rational thinking, the ability to convey intuitive and figurative phenomena in the language of symbols and words. Mercury is speech, writing and communication. Thus, the eclipse opens up the opportunity to recognize and intelligently comprehend the deep vision of Shatabhisha, to express it in communication.

    (c) Valeria Zhelamskaya

    Any Solar Eclipse is a time of new beginnings that can completely change your Destiny! At this time, you need to make incredible plans, launch new projects and goals. Raise the bar on your ambitions. And if you do it consciously and at the right moment, you can actually move to a completely different, higher level of realization of your Destiny. With everything attached to this higher and more beautiful level.

    And it's wonderful! But…!What do you want to do with this February eclipse? How can you consciously make plans and goals if Solar Eclipse February 26 will happen in Pisces? A sign hovering in the clouds, full of fantasies and altered states of consciousness. Reaching the depths of the subconscious and inspiring the greatest creators to immortal works of art, and monks to selfless service. Rising to the heights of altruism. But, to the greatest regret, it is so little adapted to the simple and sometimes cruel realities of the modern world and, due to its nature, it is so difficult to achieve specific (especially material) results.

    What to do? Of course, follow his nature! And instead of trying to build conscious plans, wholeheartedly allow yourself to just follow your Dream during this Eclipse.

    And more precisely - you can and should afford the Dream and make the conscious decision to just go for it!

    By the way, another feature of the zodiac sign Pisces is sacrifice. And in connection with this eclipse, I will allow myself to slightly expand its interpretation. If you replace the word sacrifice with infinite, boundless, total trust in the world and the ability to surrender to its flow without resisting - it will fully express the energy of this Eclipse.

    If you can do it now, then the course of your Destiny will take you where you need to go.

    But no matter how easy this task may seem to you now, believe me, it will be very difficult for you to complete it at this particular time.

    And to understand how, why and how difficult it will be for you these days, just look at astrological chart of the solar eclipse on February 26 and its main aspects.

    The first difficult aspect Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries square Pluto and in exact opposition Jupiter. A highly explosive and unpredictably destructive combination of planets.

    In this regard, here are six specific tips.

    First- Be extremely careful while driving. Ideally, on the day of the eclipse, try to keep travel to a minimum.

    Second- keep your mouth shut and do not get involved in any scandals and quarrels. Relationship breakdowns these days will be fatal.

    Third- do not try to sort things out with your partners these days. It will not lead to anything good, because. and you and they will, to put it mildly, not quite adequate condition.

    Fourth- Avoid crowded places.

    Fifth- do not make any abrupt spontaneous decisions, and especially actions that may affect your future.

    sixth- by any means keep yourself from aggression both towards yourself and towards others. Drink peppermint tea, meditate, watch quiet movies, lie in a warm bed reading a quiet book.

    Because the world around you in the days of the Eclipse seems to go crazy and you need to promise yourself not to take part in this in any way.

    It is in such harsh external conditions that you will have to accept the gentle and mysterious challenge of this Eclipse. It is extremely simple. Just decide to follow your Dream.

    And even if you manage to completely distance yourself from external events, the most important trap you will face, even when you close the doors of your house behind you, is yourself.

    Another astrological configuration that makes this Eclipse truly special.- this is a multiple cluster of planets at the very point of the eclipse. And they will all be in Pisces. The conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune and the South Node of the Moon - and all this in square to the Black Moon.

    I explain in simple human language how this will manifest itself in your life

    On the days of the eclipse, you will unwittingly, without noticing it yourself, fall into a distorted space of reality. Like a mirror maze, but the mirrors will be distorted. And, despite all my warnings, it will just seem to you sincerely that you are right. That you need to make plans, set goals, clarify relationships, immediately make brilliant and final decisions.

    Please don't do this. Let's do things differently.

    Since you cannot avoid the energies of the eclipse, it is better to sincerely and completely immerse yourself in them. Live them. Use them. Only, consciously and for the benefit of yourself and your Destiny.

    Let's do it.

    Everything that I write below you can do any day. from 21 to 26 February. And it's even better if you do right now. As long as what is written is alive in your memory and not distorted under the influence of the Black Moon.

    To begin with, take a break from reality and completely immerse yourself in the space of your most incredible, most fantastic, most magical Dreams.

    Imagine that they gently envelop you like warm multi-colored jets of water, and you trustfully lie down on them, arms outstretched, and swim, completely relaxed and trusting their flow. Here are all your dreams, starting from those distant times when you were a little gullible girl. Your dreams are wonderful. And you don't care if they're real or not. You don't care if they become your goals or plans. They don't have to be real. The main thing is that they are beautiful!

    And when you enjoy this magical feeling to the full, trust your inner voice and feel what you are dreaming about now. Right now, on the eve of a magical Eclipse in Pisces, which does not need your goals and plans. He needs your most cherished, most magical Dream and your trust.

    And as soon as you feel that this is exactly what you dream of, immediately proceed to the next step. Destructive. But not for you, but for the enemies of your Dream.

    Yes, yes, each of your dreams had an enemy because of which it never became a reality. It is also in your today's dream. And if you want it to come true, you need to get rid of it. Rigidly, consciously and irrevocably. Just in the style of the destructive energies of this Eclipse. Therefore - choose!

    Here are the seven enemies of your Dream.

    - laziness

    - the opinion of others

    - excessive kindness towards other people

    - your established habits

    - disbelief in oneself (lack of self-worth)

    - worry about other people's feelings

    - excessive perfectionism

    Now take the second step - choose which one is yours. Which of these seven enemies is why most of your Dreams in the past never came true? Which of the Dreams have you said goodbye to, never enjoying their realization just because you could not cope with or overcome your personal enemy of your Dream?

    The task of this Eclipse is not to let it interfere with you again. Which means you need to get rid of it.

    Don't think long. Right now, choose from these seven enemies of your Dream the one who is most likely already ready to prevent it from being realized. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale exactly seven times and on the last exhale say "I can be myself." Repeat these phrases until you feel the power filling you. Deep and calm strength of willingness to follow your Dream. AND as soon as you are ready - write under this article your personal enemy of your Dreams. Only one!

    And we will do the rest for you. Because for us this Eclipse is also a challenge! And we sincerely believe that your Dreams should not dissipate like smoke, leaving a feeling of disappointment and bitterness. Your Dreams should come true easily and beautifully, to the delight of you, the world and the people you love.

    Write here the main enemy of your Dreams, and we will write it on a separate piece of paper. Even if there are not just a lot of comments, but a lot, we will transfer them all to separate sheets of paper.

    And exactly on the Day of the Eclipse, in the evening, we will kindle a fire in our magical garden of the Seasons of the Soul and put them on fire! So that they turn into ashes and go up in smoke and do not interfere with your Dream this time! Let them dissolve and turn into an illusion. They, not your Dream!

    So write right now. We are ready!

    And after you write, close your eyes again and say the most important, amazing, liberating phrase.

    "I Matter"

    And repeat it as many times as your Soul requires. You can repeat it every day during this Eclipse. Like a mantra that will give you the strength to just follow your Dream.

    And in order for your Dream to begin to take on real embodied forms right now - Give someone a gift between February 21st and 28th. He can be anyone. Price and form do not matter. The main thing is your sincerity, good intentions and altruism. After all, these qualities will be your entry ticket to that version of your Destiny, where your most cherished Dreams come true easily and beautifully. Just because today you decide to just follow your Dream!


    Liked: 2 users

    Original post by Galina_Parkhomenko

    Any Solar Eclipse is a time of new beginnings that can completely change your Destiny! At this time, you need to make incredible plans, launch new projects and goals. Raise the bar on your ambitions. And if you do it consciously and at the right moment, you can really move to a completely different, higher level of realization of your Destiny. With everything attached to this higher and more beautiful level.

    And it's wonderful! But…! What do you want to do with this February eclipse? How can you consciously make plans and goals if the February 26 Solar Eclipse happens in Pisces? A sign hovering in the clouds, full of fantasies and altered states of consciousness. Reaching the depths of the subconscious and inspiring the greatest creators to immortal works of art, and monks to selfless service. Rising to the heights of altruism. But, to the greatest regret, it is so little adapted to the simple and sometimes cruel realities of the modern world and, due to its nature, it is so difficult to achieve specific (especially material) results.

    What to do? Of course, follow his nature! And instead of trying to build conscious plans, wholeheartedly allow yourself to just follow your Dream during this Eclipse.

    And to be even more precise - you can and should afford the Dream and make a conscious decision to just follow it!

    By the way, another feature of the zodiac sign Pisces is sacrifice. And in connection with this eclipse, I will allow myself to slightly expand its interpretation. If you replace the word sacrifice with infinite, boundless, total trust in the world and the ability to surrender to its flow without resisting, this will fully express the energy of this Eclipse.

    If you can do it now, then the course of your Destiny will take you where you need to go.

    But no matter how easy this task may seem to you now - believe me, it will be very difficult for you to complete it at this particular time.

    And to understand how, why and how difficult it will be for you these days, just look at the astrological chart of the Solar Eclipse on February 26 and its main aspects.

    The first tricky aspect is Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries square Pluto and exact opposition Jupiter. A highly explosive and unpredictably destructive combination of planets.

    In this regard, here are six specific tips.

    First, be extremely careful while driving. Ideally, on the day of the eclipse, try to keep travel to a minimum.

    Second, keep your mouth shut and don't get involved in any scandals or quarrels. Relationship breakdowns these days will be fatal.

    Third, do not try to sort things out with your partners these days. It will not lead to anything good, because. and you and they will, to put it mildly, not quite adequate condition.

    Fourth, avoid crowded places.

    Fifth, do not make any abrupt spontaneous decisions, and especially actions that may affect your future.

    Sixth, by any means, keep yourself from aggression both towards yourself and towards others. Drink peppermint tea, meditate, watch quiet movies, lie in a warm bed reading a quiet book.

    Because the world around you in the days of the Eclipse seems to go crazy and you need to promise yourself not to take part in this in any way.

    It is in such harsh external conditions that you will have to accept the gentle and mysterious challenge of this Eclipse. It is extremely simple. Just decide to follow your Dream.

    And even if you manage to completely distance yourself from external events, the biggest trap you will encounter, even when you close the doors of your house behind you, is yourself.

    Another astrological configuration that makes this Eclipse truly special is the multiple cluster of planets at the very point of the eclipse. And they will all be in Pisces. The conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune and the South Node of the Moon - and all this in square to the Black Moon.

    I explain in simple human language how this will manifest itself in your life

    On the days of the eclipse, you will unwittingly, without noticing it yourself, fall into a distorted space of reality. Like a mirror maze, but the mirrors will be distorted. And, despite all my warnings, it will just seem to you sincerely that you are right. That you need to make plans, set goals, clarify relationships, immediately make brilliant and final decisions.

    Please don't do this. Let's do things differently.

    Since you cannot avoid the energies of the eclipse, it is better to sincerely and completely immerse yourself in them. Live them. Use them. Only, consciously and for the benefit of yourself and your Destiny.

    Let's do it.

    Everything that I write below you can do on any day from February 21 to February 26. It's even better if you do it right now. As long as what is written is alive in your memory and not distorted under the influence of the Black Moon.

    To begin with, take a break from reality and completely immerse yourself in the space of your most incredible, most fantastic, most magical Dreams.

    Imagine that they gently envelop you like warm multi-colored jets of water, and you trustfully lie down on them, arms outstretched, and swim, completely relaxed and trusting their flow. Here are all your dreams, starting from those distant times when you were a little gullible girl. Your dreams are wonderful. And you don't care if they're real or not. You don't care if they become your goals or plans. They don't have to be real. The main thing is that they are beautiful!

    And when you enjoy this magical feeling to the full, trust your inner voice and feel what you are dreaming about now. Right now, on the eve of a magical Eclipse in Pisces, which does not need your goals and plans. He needs your most cherished, most magical Dream and your trust.

    And as soon as you feel that this is exactly what you dream of, immediately proceed to the next step. Destructive. But not for you, but for the enemies of your Dream.

    Yes, yes, each of your dreams had an enemy because of which it never became a reality. It is also in your today's dream. And if you want it to come true, you need to get rid of it. Rigidly, consciously and irrevocably. Just in the style of the destructive energies of this Eclipse. Therefore - choose!

    Here are the seven enemies of your Dream.

    Opinion of others

    Excessive kindness towards other people

    Your ingrained habits

    Self-doubt (lack of self-worth)

    Concern about other people's feelings

    Excessive perfectionism

    Now take the second step - choose which one is yours. Which of these seven enemies is why most of your Dreams in the past never came true? Which of the Dreams have you said goodbye to, never enjoying their realization just because you could not cope with or overcome your personal enemy of your Dream?

    The task of this Eclipse is not to let him interfere with you again. Which means you need to get rid of it.

    Don't think long. Right now, choose from these seven enemies of your Dream the one who is most likely already ready to prevent it from being realized. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale exactly seven times and on the last exhale say “I can be myself”. Repeat these phrases until you feel the power filling you. Deep and calm strength of willingness to follow your Dream. And as soon as you are ready - write under this article your personal enemy of your Dreams. Only one!

    And we will do the rest for you. Because for us this Eclipse is also a challenge! And we sincerely believe that your Dreams should not dissipate like smoke, leaving a feeling of disappointment and bitterness. Your Dreams should come true easily and beautifully, to the delight of you, the world and the people you love.

    Write here the main enemy of your Dreams, and we will write it on a separate piece of paper. Even if there are not just a lot of comments, but a lot, we will transfer them all to separate sheets of paper.

    And exactly on the Day of the Eclipse, in the evening, we will kindle a fire in our magical garden of the Seasons of the Soul and put them on fire! So that they turn into ashes and go up in smoke and do not interfere with your Dream this time! Let them dissolve and turn into an illusion. They, not your Dream!

    So write right now. We are ready!

    And after you write, close your eyes again and say the most important, amazing, liberating phrase.

    "I Matter"

    And repeat it as many times as your Soul requires. You can repeat it every day during this Eclipse. Like a mantra that will give you the strength to just follow your Dream.

    And in order for your Dream to begin to take on real embodied forms right now, give someone a gift in the period from February 21 to February 28. He can be anyone. Price and form do not matter. The main thing is your sincerity, good intentions and altruism. After all, it is these qualities that will be your entrance ticket to that version of your Destiny, where your most cherished Dreams come true easily and beautifully. Just because today you decide to just follow your Dream!

    The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 will take place in the 8th degree of the constellation Pisces, when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction with Neptune and Mercury. Neptune, responsible for spiritual ideals, gives hope for a brighter future; stars from this celestial sphere always promise happiness and good luck.

    The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 will bring the same positive energy as the lunar eclipse on February 10, 2017. Working together in the coming months, the heavenly bodies will enable you to make your dreams come true through your natural, God-given talents.

    You can observe positive stable results (especially in relationships) for as long as you are ready to be humble and grateful to higher powers. Intemperance, greed and selfishness will put an end to your success, and this will most likely happen at the beginning of the next phase of the eclipse in August 2017.

    Solar Eclipse: meaning in astrology

    Like a new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The strongest and most important aspect in astrology is the Sun in conjunction with the Moon. During this period of time, everything depends only on you, limitless opportunities open up before you when you need to boldly make plans for the future.

    You should revisit old habits, preferences, and patterns of behavior to find new ways to achieve success; this is the perfect time to start over with a clean slate.

    The annular solar eclipse will be a successful "continuation" of the penumbral lunar eclipse, which will occur on February 10, 2017, and the total eclipse awaits us in August 2017.

    Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: a star that grants wishes

    The solar eclipse in February 2017 is in the constellation of Aquarius, however, due to the precession of the equinoxes (shifting of the points of the spring and autumn equinoxes), it falls into the sign of Pisces in the horoscope. The eclipse will have the strongest impact on those born in the first decan of the constellation Pisces (February 19-28) and the very beginning of the second decan of the constellation Pisces (February 29-March 10).

    Two celestial bodies will tell you in detail about how the solar eclipse will affect your life over the coming months: Skat - a fixed star from the constellation of Aquarius and located just a few degrees above it - the mysterious blue planet Neptune.

    The fixed star Skat will coincide with the solar eclipse in February 2017 and will bring good luck, lasting luck, as well as the ability to quickly find a way out of any critical situation. This star favors success in many areas of activity: economic, social, technical and others. The name "Scat" means "desire"; a solar eclipse will help fulfill any of your desires, but the promised happiness and good luck await only those who truly deserve it.

    In interaction with the Sun and Moon, this star has a particularly beneficial effect on relationships. You can make new and powerful friends, get help and valuable gifts, or find love and start a family. Skat will give you increased emotional sensitivity, which will improve your intuition or a “sixth sense”, however, at the same time, criticism from others may be exacerbated.

    Solar eclipse February 26, 2017: Neptune's influence

    Neptune, the patron of spiritual ideals, invites us to give up excessive selfishness and find harmony in communication with people around us and with life in general. It is quite scary to step into the unknown, but the influence of the positive side of Neptune will intensify just during the period of a solar eclipse.

    A solar eclipse in general is a positive event, giving a boost of energy for new beginnings.

    The Sun in interaction with Neptune increases sensitivity, sharpens compassion and empathy, as well as intuition. During this period, you will be able to achieve unity with loved ones and enjoy this feeling. Charity, helping animals and nature, working in the social sphere will bring great satisfaction; this is a good time to go to the movies or escape from reality by immersing yourself in reading a fantasy novel.

    The Moon in conjunction with Neptune increases emotional sensitivity. You can discard unnecessary doubts and direct your energy in the right direction. Some mental and emotional states may be caused by the influence of the planets, but your compassion and empathy for others is genuine. During this period, you can become a good helper for everyone who needs your support, attention, conversations or friendly advice. By listening to other people's problems and providing moral support, you will give the interlocutor emotional comfort and peace of mind.

    The interaction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune gives great potential for sharpening the "sixth sense", so do not ignore your intuition, starting from February 28, 2017.

    Solar eclipse February 26, 2017: what else do the planets say

    The union of the Sun, Moon, Neptune and the fixed star Skat will certainly have a beneficial effect on your life, however, success and luck are at risk due to the great opposition in the sky in the form of a red line, which some planets will line up during a solar eclipse in February 2017.

    Jupiter in opposition to Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong desire to overreact to all prohibitions or rebel against anyone who interferes with having fun and doing what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will happen that will give a splash to your emotions and energy and lead to significant changes in life circumstances.

    However, not only this opposition of the planets will occur simultaneously with the solar eclipse; the Sun-Jupiter square will make you feel very self-confident, enhancing feelings of pride and optimism. The outcome of any situation will depend only on how you express your enthusiasm; when making decisions, be restrained and disciplined, observe moderation in everything that will allow you to achieve success, as well as avoid losses and failures.

    The Sun-Uranus square will put you in a state of uncertainty, you may begin to feel awkward and anxious, as well as to feel the coming changes. The accumulation of nervous tension can lead to unpredictable behavior on your part, which can manifest itself in a change in mood, behavior, or possibly the appearance of various troubles.

    The addition of Mars to the above planets can further aggravate the situation: strengthen your rebellious spirit, greed and selfishness.

    Square Sun - Mars can have a strong influence on your competitors or enemies. Male executives or male leaders will want to demonstrate their strength, which will lead them to conflicts. You may feel aggression from your boss, you may become easily irritable and impatient, perhaps overreacting to any provocation or threat of aggression. Resist pressure and stay calm, this is not the best time to be in conflict with management.

    Solar eclipse: summing up

    After the solar eclipse in February 2017, you can become extremely sensitive to everything, you may have a "sixth" sense or intuition will sharpen. You need to show more compassion and generosity to others, take care of others, which will allow you to find harmony with yourself and the outside world, as well as find your spiritual path, achieve happiness and success.

    The coming solar eclipse will become a "companion" of the lunar eclipse, while the spiritual nature of the solar eclipse is perfectly combined with the mystical essence of the lunar eclipse. Under the influence of two heavenly bodies in the coming months, relying on your natural, God-given talents, you will be able to make dreams come true (especially in the field of relationships with people).

    To achieve your goals, stay true to your morals and life principles, since luck and success are always inextricably linked with your spiritual development. Excessive lust, greed or selfishness will not lead to anything good. In addition, the relationship of the heavenly bodies during the solar eclipse in February 2017 means that your mistakes can also negatively affect your loved ones.

    @ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer