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  • What to do found a knife under the fence conspiracies. Find a knife: omen

    What to do found a knife under the fence conspiracies.  Find a knife: omen

    Ancient superstitions that have survived to this day are often disturbed by promises of trouble. Finding, breaking a knife are bad omens. However, the ancestors knew what needed to be done to protect themselves from adversity. Why not arm yourself with this experience?

    Famous beliefs about the knife

    The most common signs about knives are based on the observation of what events can occur if this device and weapon are mishandled. In childhood, we were not at all frightened by horror stories, but were warned.

    Do not eat from a knife - you will be angry!

    Fell - wait for uninvited guests.

    Broke - to difficulties.

    Give (or receive as a gift) - to a quarrel.

    This is only part of the superstitions, which over the centuries have acquired a variety of details. Let's look at them in order.

    The sign about why it is better not to try food on the tip of the point has existed for a long time. All interpretations on this score are unfavorable. And the point here is not at all that you can hurt the tongue.

    Among the ancient Slavs, it was part of the occult rituals, protection from evil spirits. They sincerely believed that this item was capable of killing unkind entities from the other world.

    To this day, he participates in various magical rituals. Improper handling invites evil spirits that can cause harm.

    Also, the device is able to transfer a negative charge to someone who tastes a piece of food pinned on the tip.

    Health problems

    There is also such a popular superstition: "eating with a knife - to pain in the heart." It is explained by the fact that piercing and cutting objects negatively affect the biofield.

    From the point of view of esotericism, evil accumulates at the end of the tip, which, at a close distance to the human body, can be transformed into a charge of negative energy, threatening to destroy the integrity of the aura. As a result, weakness and malaise (both physical and spiritual).

    Troubles in family life

    There are also meanings of this sign, relating only to ladies:

    Eat with a knife - the spouse will get drunk or will change.

    Here's what else is fraught with the habit of trying products at the tip of the blade:

    • You can become stupid (the mind will cut it off).
    • By eating food like this, you shorten your age.
    • Husband goes bald.
    • He who tries from the edge - he will be jealous.
    • Get snarky.

    The sign “knife fell” has an exact interpretation - wait for the guests. Since the blade is a masculine item, a man is to be expected. If you pay attention to how exactly the item lay down, you can determine with what intentions they are going to your house:

    • The handle touched the floor first - a well-known person will visit.
    • Stuck - a stranger.
    • Stuck and the blade is looking in your direction - an uninvited guest with bad intentions.

    It matters which knife fell. Signs in this regard promise:

    • its edges are smooth - the visitor gathers for a pleasant conversation; uneven - a man pursues some kind of goal;
    • drawing on the pen - they will bring the news.

    If you are not ready to receive guests, do a simple ceremony that will help avoid their arrival. Pick up the fallen thing from the floor and tap the handle on the table, saying three times:

    Sit at home, don't go out for a walk, and don't come into our house.

    You can use other methods as well. Hold the blade a little over the fire, rub it with salt or wash it with holy water - the visitor will bypass it.

    The most terrible sign is considered when the knife fell out of the hands while cutting bread. She is a relative's illness. To prevent grief, you need to pick it up and, without uttering a sound, knock the pen on the table three times. Remain silent for a few minutes.

    It doesn't just happen. Of course, a factory marriage is not excluded. But if the blade suddenly rusts or even breaks into pieces,
    should be wary. Indeed, all over the world they believe in the omen “a broken knife is not good.”

    • A breakdown signals that a lot of negative impact has hit its owner. Maybe someone tried damage and the thing took the hit. You should think about protecting the house from the machinations of ill-wishers.
    • An accidentally broken knife can mean a quarrel, separation from a lover, a showdown.
    • If you notice rust on the blade, pay attention to your health (your own and your family). Steel (or silver) is covered with it when there are disturbances in the owner's aura.

    The knife is endowed with mystical power and is able to be jealous. While you have just planned a replacement, you will already feel it: it will become dull, it will slip out of your hands, it can hurt.

    What to do with broken

    Do not leave damaged items in the kitchen. You can throw it away, after wrapping it in paper, with the words:

    Let this knife break, sorrows do not concern me.

    Such a ceremony will help protect the house from the encroachments of ill-wishers who trade in magical dark rituals, or from the unintentional evil eye.

    Despite the fact that spectacular knives can be a great surprise for the anniversary, . There are a number of reasons for this:

    • According to popular belief - to a quarrel with the person who received it.
    • Because of the love of evil spirits for such things. Presenting to someone, together with him give evil spirits.
    • For the newlyweds, the device presented at the wedding will attract misfortune.
    • Giving for the New Year is a failure.

    But what if you still want to give the hostess a set? There is no need to give up.

    The person accepting the gift must pay a few kopecks for it. Then the item will be considered bought for money, and the misfortunes that people's predictions prophesy will pass by.

    Finally, a warning from practicing magicians: if you find a knife on the street, in no case do not bring it into the house!

    Since knives have been attributes for more than one hundred years

    Even in ancient times, our ancestors associated many signs with a knife, and if they had to meet such a find, they were wary of it, because it could cause contention, disagreements and scandals in the family. Let's analyze what it means to find a knife or, even worse, to lose it.

    Item Energy

    It would seem that the usual knife is bad, and even more so a pocket knife, because such a useful item in everyday life can be used in different ways: to sharpen something, tuck it in or tear it off. An equally useful and important attribute in any kitchen is a kitchen knife, and a woodcarving tool is even more equated to an artist's brush.

    Our ancestors were aware of the powerful power of such an object, so they used it everywhere. It was placed under the pillow of a woman in labor to protect her from evil spirits. They hid in a secluded place in a baby cradle to protect the child from the evil eye before baptism. In a word, this item was the most powerful amulet in the old days.

    But finding a knife is not a very good omen for a person, because before it could belong to anyone. Perhaps someone was killed with it or someone was robbed with the help of it. Even despite the special attractiveness and high cost, it is strictly forbidden to take it. The alien energy that such an item stores is transferred to the new owner.


    Depending on where the knife was found, the interpretation of the signs will be different. Let's consider each case in more detail.

    Outside the house

    Finding a knife on the street, in the woods, along the coast of a river, or in someone else's room is a nuisance. Such a find promises disagreements, quarrels, scandals and abuse. There may also be problems in financial affairs and at work. To protect yourself, you need to bypass the find side without touching it.

    In the House

    Finding a knife on the street or in the forest is half the trouble, but what if such a find appeared at home in a closet, under a bedside table, under a rug or under a bed? It is worth thinking carefully about whether there are envious people and ill-wishers who want to harm. Even if there were no such people from the entire list of acquaintances, most likely someone new appeared, about whom nothing is known yet.

    Often such an item is used by magicians and sorcerers as a lining to cause damage. Only a person strong in spirit and faith who does not believe in the action of black forces can resist this. Faith is his own defense against evil. A suspicious person cannot fight this, therefore, in this case, suspiciousness and self-doubt are a kind of nourishment for depraved people and haters.

    What to do with a found knife at home? So that the negative prediction does not come true, you need to take any fabric or scarf, carefully wrap the find without touching it with your bare hands, and take it away from home. The previously found thing should be buried deeper in the wasteland and returned home without turning around. You should light a church candle and go around all the corners in the house with it.

    Item condition

    It is important not only the location of the knife, but also the condition in which it was found:

    • a sign about finding a knife, which has an old blade and is covered with rust, promises a person grief, longing, sadness and tears due to parting with a loved one;
    • if you managed to raise a new knife with a sharp blade, you have to be careful: the omen promises new life tests;
    • an object with a broken blade or handle is a sign that some plans cannot be realized.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to part with a knife found on the street, especially if it is an old and very valuable thing. What to do with the found item? You can leave such a thing, but in return for the place where the find lay, you need to throw a coin. It will be like a kind of payoff or a deal. Thus, the object found is considered cleansed of all negativity and the past, a new life begins in it.

    Item loss

    Outside the house

    This sign has several interpretations:

    • Some believe that the loss of a knife on the street, in the forest or by the river is a good sign. It is believed that the enemies who sharpened the knife will soon be left alone.
    • Other interpreters regard such a loss as a danger to the very owner of this little thing. Such a sign came to us from the Scandinavian countries. If you had to lose a knife, this is a sure sign that there is a life-threatening danger.
    • Even in ancient times, the loss of such a thing for a man was more important than for a woman. Having lost a knife, our ancestors could get rid of such an event with a breakdown or a strong, but curable disease. For men, such a loss marked death.

    Lose at home

    The situation when there is a loss of kitchen weapons of labor is quite frequent. Knives can disappear in the house both for certain reasons and for no reason. Often, in a hurry, the hostess can throw away this item along with potato skins or other products. But if it disappears without a trace, many begin to look for an explanation for this. Is there some mysticism in this?

    In ancient times, our ancestors regarded such a loss as a prank of a home patron - a brownie. It was believed that if the knife disappeared without a trace, then it was taken away by an angry brownie. The problem was solved quite simply. At night, they put a plate of milk on the table or on the floor and, going to bed, they said the words.

    A knife is one of the most necessary items that performs many different functions. They can injure and even kill, protect themselves, make many useful things, cook food. In a word, in good hands it is an assistant and protector, and in evil hands it is a dangerous weapon. Naturally, many beliefs and signs are associated with the knife. What does it mean to "find a knife", and how to deal with the find so as not to incur trouble?

    What does the find in the form of a knife warn about?

    In the traditions of all peoples, finding a knife means receiving a warning of danger. It can be an attack, bodily injury, quarrel, separation, ruin.

    Our ancestors, the Slavs, believed that to find a knife that lies as if cutting the path of the finder with its tip is to death. If the knife blade is rusty, get ready to part with your loved one. If it is broken, it means that a black streak will come in life associated with unexpected obstacles that will disrupt all plans.

    But losing the knife yourself is a good sign. The loss of a knife symbolizes getting rid of a major trouble or problem that has not been solved in any way. Sometimes fate takes danger away from you in this way.

    If you are not lucky, and you accidentally stumbled upon an ownerless knife, do not panic and, moreover, do not study the find, do not pick it up, do not pick it up. Just bypass it.

    Knives tend to absorb the energy of their owners and therefore have a powerful force. Appropriating such a find for yourself, you take away the fate of its owner, first of all, his failures, sins and bad thoughts, and hence the responsibility for them. This can manifest itself not only in trouble, but also in poor health, neuroses, depression and changes in personal qualities.

    Any superstition works only if you believe in it and experience emotions about it - fear, anxiety, even horror. Do not focus on bad feelings, rather pay attention to your safety. Signs often give reason to think, but are you doing everything right, in good conscience? The misfortunes that happen to us are not unfounded. They are always based on our grievances, fears or bad intentions. If you found a knife, maybe it makes sense to reconsider your behavior and be kinder, calmer or more circumspect?

    There are a lot of signs associated with a knife. The most harmless of them - a knife that fell to the floor warns of an unexpected male guest. The rest of the signs, as a rule, do not bode well.

    Be careful and handle knives with care. Keep them away from children, do not leave them on the table. Do not give knives or accept them as a gift. If it is inconvenient to refuse a gift, be sure to pay the giver at least a few coins.

    Do not store broken knives, but if only the tip of the blade is broken, on the contrary, sharpen it. This breakdown is an exception. It means that you somehow got lucky to get rid of negative energy.

    Discoveries are never random. Most often they warn of unexpected turns, so you should be careful about such things and consider them as signs from above. It is believed that the sign "to find a knife" is one of the unfavorable, but whoever is warned is armed. Do not pick up the find from the floor, and if you did accidentally do it, avoid potentially dangerous situations, and you will be able to avoid consequences.

    Even in the old days, knives were given a special symbolic meaning. Finding a knife is a sign that warns of changes in fate. With the necessary knowledge, the negative effect can be eliminated.

    Possible interpretations

    For a long time, people have been very careful about the unexpected finding of objects, even if it was money or precious stones. This was especially true of the knife - the favorite subject of witches and sorcerers. And also it was used as a powerful amulet, placing a newborn child in the bed. Future mothers left him under the pillow, they believed that he was able to protect them from demons at night.

    In the traditions of all peoples, a sign to find a knife is a warning about a number of negative events:

    • attack;
    • quarrel with relatives;
    • separation from family and friends;
    • bodily injury.

    If a knife harmed a person or took his life, then this will pass to a new owner. Such a unit will absorb all the emotions and qualities of the old owner and bring nightmares and baseless remorse to the new one.

    The most common beliefs of European culture say, if you find a knife:

    • rusty - symbolizes separation and imminent parting with a loved one;
    • acute - a sign of life's difficulties and failures;
    • well-ground with a broken end - failure to fulfill dreams and plans;
    • with a broken blade - you should get ready for a black streak in life.

    But the loss of a knife is a good sign. It symbolizes liberation from major troubles and troubles.

    Find on the street

    Knives absorb the energy of their owners. Therefore, they have powerful power, which they transfer to the one who finds it. Appropriating the object to himself, a person absorbs the fate of the previous owner. This applies to failures, problems, sins, bad thoughts. If you take the knife found on the road for yourself, then you can expect poor health, neurosis, and depression.

    According to popular superstition, finding a knife on the street means:

    • parting with a loved one;
    • dismissal from work;
    • chronic diseases;
    • unwanted move to a new place;
    • prolonged severe illness.

    Such a find promises material losses, quarrels and troubles. It can also be financial difficulties or disagreements with colleagues. It is better to bypass the find, then the negative sign will not work.

    Finding a house

    Finding a knife in your house or apartment does not bode well. A sharp object thrown to a person promises misfortune; it could be used in various occult rituals of black magic.

    If the found knife was not left by you or the residents of the house, then you should pay attention to the condition of the item and its location. The object is sharp and with a little rust - a symbol of ailments and depression. It contains inscriptions or scratches - a sign of imminent suffering and death.

    A knife as a lining for imposing damage is placed:

    • in a pedestal;
    • behind the battery
    • under the carpet;
    • in the closet;
    • under the bed;
    • near the front door.

    In these cases, it is specially made in order to bring suffering, failure, misfortune, career problems to the residents of the house. In case of spoilage, the health of all family members deteriorates sharply. And it should be immediately removed from the house. A thrown object affects the state of health, provokes a breakdown and mood swings.

    Protection from negativity

    To avoid negative consequences, you must not lift the unit with your bare hands and bypass it. Whatever it is, it can store uncontrollable negative energy, the evil eye, or a curse. If damage is imposed with the help of an item, then it cannot be brought into the living quarters.

    If you liked the find and want to take it home, then you should perform some rituals. To rid her of negative energy. There are several rules for conducting a ritual to eliminate the effect of a negative omen:

    • You need to calm down, panic entails trouble coming from the knife.
    • With the help of a handkerchief or other dense fabric, you can lift the knife, and leave a coin in its place. If he was in the house, he must be taken out into the street.
    • Pour holy water over the find and light church candles and read a prayer.
    • Hold the knife in a container of salt.

    If the knife is not needed, it must be buried away from home, along with a handkerchief. The rooms in the house should be cleaned, church candles should be lit in them and walked around the corners with them, reading the prayer “Our Father”. You can carry out a general cleaning, it is important to wash all the mirror surfaces.


    The reason why the sign of finding a knife is negative lies in the object itself, which contains some negative energy. But any beliefs act with the force with which they are believed. When finding such an object, it is important not to feel fear or anxiety and not to concentrate on bad forebodings.

    What is magical damage to a knife, and what is its effect? This is a curse on quarrels and failures of any nature. One of the clearest signs of such an impact is a knife turned upside down. It happens that after a professionally severe damage to a knife, the charmed knife in an incomprehensible way itself constantly turns upside down.

    How they can bring black damage to a knife - they do damage in a cemetery

    They take a dull rusty knife, and read over it three times, send damage through the knife on their own. Then the charmed knife is taken to the cemetery and stuck into the grave with the name of the victim. It is imperative to leave a ransom at the grave. Having done a dirty deed, they quickly leave the cemetery, without looking back, without talking to anyone on the way to the house.

    You can’t look back, even if it seems that from the side of the cemetery they are calling you by name! It is very dangerous! Professionals know about it, but self-taught people sometimes fall for this trick of evil spirits. Then be in trouble.

    The words of a conspiracy of strong damage to a knife from the grave

    “A fierce beast howls in the forest, a dog barks, the wind carries. The damask knives became dull, covered with rust and dirt. Dryness found on the slave (slave) (name), aches attacked, melancholy tears the soul, yawning does not allow to close the mouth. Arms and legs are taken away, eyes are closed, white light is not seen, ears do not hear anything, hair is falling out, teeth are rotting. The good of someone else's slave (slave) (name) is not for the future, my word is true under an iron castle! No one will unlock that castle, the dog faithfully guards. The word is said, the deed is done. Amen, amen, amen."

    He helped me cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Amulet from the evil eye and damage. It protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it only available on the official website

    What do you need to remove damage to a knife yourself?

    If a very strong damage to the knife is made through the cemetery, then the magician, who will carry out detailed diagnostics and help you cleanse yourself of witchcraft filth, will certainly tell you about this and take all the necessary actions, the result of which will be the complete removal of the negative program.

    However, magical spoiling with a knife not always done through the cemetery, there are other ways. For example, they can send damage to a knife for free at a distance from the photo, or do a magical deed directly in the victim’s house if the ill-wisher freely enters the house.

    If severe damage is brought to the knife located in the victim's house, it is necessary to get rid of the weapon of witchcraft. But don't throw it away! The knife must be cleaned with a conspiracy, i.e. neutralize the negative program.

    In order to independently remove damage to the knife, they do this: they light a church wax candle, and do the following with a candle. The knife is heated over the flame of a candle and at the same time they say: “What is sworn on is taken by fire.” They dip the knife into a bowl with spring water, they say: “What is sworn on, it is washed with clean water.” Then they go to an abandoned crossroads, stick a knife into the ground up to the very hilt with the words: “What is cursed for, then it is taken by damp earth.” Here, at the crossroads, they pour out water and leave a stub of a candle, while they say: “All evil burned down, washed, covered with damp earth. Amen". They leave the intersection without looking back. In the morning, a magpie is ordered in the temple about the health of the patient. This is a simple but effective way to get rid of spoilage made through a knife. &one