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  • General meaning in divination. Slavic rune ud Rune ud inverted

    General meaning in divination.  Slavic rune ud Rune ud inverted

    Actually, the meaning of the word UD is a limb, any of the members of the body, and in a narrower sense - a male ud, phallus. Accordingly, the meaning of the Rune is closely connected with lust, the power of sexual and creative desire, it is Yar, youth, bright fire, the power of love and sex, the god Yarovit is the patron of this Rune.

    Throughout the Indo-European mystical tradition, the lingam, the member of a man, was a symbol of the fertile and fertilizing power that changes Chaos, gives birth to the Ordered in it. This force, which has a pronounced fiery nature, was called Eros, Yarya among the Slavs (by the way, the words are from a common Proto-Indo-European root).

    The God of this feeling has always been considered the son of the Father of the Gods. Among the Scandinavians, it was the name of Odin Baldr, among the Slavs, the son of Veles Yarovit, or Yarilo. The rune embodies the power of this deity. This strength gives men purely masculine traits of strength, determination, self-affirmation, and makes women more feminine.

    In this case, the meaning of the rune concerns not only the fire of carnal love in the narrow sense, but also the passion for life, the desire to live and win, the force that connects opposites, which defeats Chaos and fertilizes it, puts it in order and realizes it as Creation. This rune among the Scandinavians is expressed mainly by the Uruz rune, as well as part of the meanings of the Inguz rune.

    The meaning of a straight rune.

    A straight rune means love, sex, the birth of a relationship, desire, falling in love and just passion, for example, for your business. It may indicate the birth of new projects, new deeds, new ideas that immediately go into action. This Rune does not share intent and action, but implements them immediately and jointly. It reflects the conviction of many women that a man should have a minimum distance between thought and deed, between decision and action.

    The meaning of the inverted rune.

    The inverted Oud rune shows two different sides at the same time. On the one hand, it is a stupid, uncontrolled lust, an uncontrolled fire of desire, an unreasoning passion that leads to critical and unpleasant consequences.

    Foolish realization of desire, violation of all rules and dedications, waste of energy, leading to trouble, exhaustion and numerous problems that will have to be solved. The second meaning is impotence, impotence, the absence of creative Force and, in general, any desire to live and create; depression and failure in business from impotence and inability to "pull oneself together."

    Rune Oud in magic.

    The Oud rune is used for its intended purpose: to increase potency, ensure partner satisfaction, improve appearance and attractiveness for the opposite sex. It is widely used to charm, lure a sexual partner - just for sex, and not for long-term relationships.

    The colossal power of this Rune is also used in healing, for spa therapy, and can be used for speedy rehabilitation after illness. It has an excellent effect on fertility, the number and health of offspring in animals, the development of plants, especially during the first growing season.

    Rune Oud(Yarovit)
    source of sexual energy and sexual attraction. The Slavic word "ud" has the meaning "limb, member", in the sacred context it acquires the specific meaning of the phallus.

    In all branches without exception Traditions the symbol of the male member, the lingam, is associated with the fertile creative power that transforms Chaos.

    This fiery power was called by the Slavs - Yar.
    The rune Ud is dedicated to the god Yarovit, who was revered as the son of Veles by the Slavs. The rune Oud or otherwise the rune Yarovit embodies his power - Yar, what makes men masculine and women feminine. This is not only the fiery power of love, but also a passion for life in general, a force that connects opposites and fertilizes.


    TRAINING CONDITION: Level 2 availability Alive and Harmony

    Channel Purpose:

    1. To endow a person with sexuality and sexual attractiveness, as well as to help in the recovery and maintenance of physical, psychological and energy health in the sexual area;
    2. The channel helps to make the blood young, hot, warms it up and activates it well, opens the fifth energy center, regardless of gender (in men and women);
    3. Helps induce sexual attraction the person to whom it is directed. In this case, the heart center is involved - Whirlwind Yarilo (Anahata Chakra), so it is much more than the usual lust.

    A certain attachment is born between a woman and a man, very similar to love, in the future, which can develop into love, it all depends on the lovers.


    The course is designed for 7 days of daily practice and useful learning for each channel.
    The first successes await you after the 1st lesson.
    Enough of your intention, in contrast to the practice with the physical rune, you will immediately feel the energy and action of the Runic Channel (feelings may be different, depending on situations).

    ✅ FORMAT:

      The initiation will be transmitted remotely to each student, you can take it at a convenient time for you time. Instructions for dedication will be sent after payment. The term of preparation for the initiation is 1-3 days.
    2. After the dedication, a methodological guide will be sent to your e-mail. 11. Practice from the Ud-7str.doc rune screen - 7 pages of A4 format.

    With the knowledge gained, you will be able to:

    1. Practice healing yourself or the patient.

    2. Use force and power runic channel in other healing practices.

    According to historians, the earliest complete runic series of 24 characters was carved on a Gothic stone from Kilver. It was found on the island of Gotland in Sweden at the beginning of the 5th century.

    What awaits you in the near future:

    Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Slavic runes.


    Basic properties

    Associated with the god Yarilo, and therefore symbolizes the power of fire, the desire for change and creation. Gives new creative opportunities and prepares fertile ground for many achievements. Able to turn the desert into a vibrant oasis filled with love. In Slavic mythology, it means the masculine principle and sexual power, which gives strength for fruitful work.

    The magical meaning of the Oud rune

    It is the embodiment of the power of love and passion, connects the masculine and feminine.

    General meaning in divination


    Big changes are coming in your life. You will find success in a new endeavor, excellent health and good family relationships. At the moment, you are overwhelmed by the desire for creativity, and you can achieve any goal you set. Pay attention to your desires: some of them may violate generally accepted norms and laws. Do not listen to the sweet speeches of other people: they can lead you astray.


    At the moment you cannot understand what is going on in your life. Success is passing by, and all dreams have not yet come true. You are annoyed by someone else's success, and you strive to repeat it. But this lacks the appropriate skills, a little luck and a strong friendly shoulder. Your life is like chasing yourself and has become a vicious circle. It can be torn apart by hard work, despite the fact that the current work is not particularly to your liking.

    Interpretation of the rune in the layout for business


    You will be changing jobs soon. It will not be possible to achieve serious results in a new place: you are destined for the role of a small cog in a huge machine. For a person who occupies a leadership position, the rune predicts an early test. Prepare well for the arrival of guests, put all the documentation in order and get rid of compromising data.


    Your business is in danger of ruin. This time, the competitors turned out to be stronger and occupied your niche in the market. In this situation, it is best to curtail production and reduce costs as much as possible. At the moment, you do not have a clear plan, and therefore you should not take decisive action. You need to wait some time. An alternative interpretation of the alignment is ruin due to a loved one or a negligent employee. Perhaps the chief accountant pulled a scam, and you signed fake documents. Do not waste time: order an audit from professionals. If you don't, you will face serious consequences.

    Interpretation in the layout of health


    Your health is pretty precarious. But there is no way to improve it yet. Do not blame the doctors - they gave everything 100% and provided assistance correctly. Further recovery depends on the internal resources of your body. Try to avoid gloomy thoughts: they worsen the state of mind and can exacerbate the problem. A more accurate interpretation of the alignment depends on the runes that are located nearby.


    Soon there will be health problems. We are not talking about mortal danger: everything will cost a standard hospital or protracted course with a temporary loss of working capacity. This situation requires a special attitude: do not swear with a sick person, he needs care and a positive mood. This is a temporary situation: soon it will change for the better.

    Personal and relationships with loved ones


    There will be dark days in your relationship. The problem lies in a quarrel with a loved one. Most likely, you are not understood and reproached for something. It is also possible betrayal by a loved one. He is carefully seduced by a professional gigolo or a girl of easy virtue. The situation is complicated, but it can be solved by a frank conversation.


    Your relationship is devoid of passion and sensuality. Your marriage is like a relationship of best friends and all actions follow a well-known scenario. The cause of the problem must be sought within the family: perhaps you are too carried away by your own hobby or work is alienating you from your loved one. A frank conversation cannot be avoided: if it's time for a divorce, then try to maintain friendly relations. Feelings can be saved by a romantic atmosphere and the awakening of an extinct love. Fight for your family, all is not lost.

    The protective properties of the rune Ud

    The amulet helps in the realization of creative possibilities and opens a person's eyes to his own potential. Thanks to the amulet with the Oud rune, you can return to the right path of development and see your main life goal among the little things. The amulet will also help with making a difficult decision.

    rune can help you

    • Turn old dreams into reality
    • Get rid of obsessive thoughts and unnecessary objects,
    • Accumulate internal energy for decisive action,
    • Catch luck and resolve the controversial issue in your own interests,
    • Improve perseverance and increase the level of performance,
    • Open your own business and complete it with a successful result,
    • Gain independence and get rid of the influence of other people.

    The corresponding stone and its properties


    This mineral has long been used by sailors and travelers. The stone is able to protect from troubles during a long journey, protects from fatal consequences. The carbuncle talisman attracts good luck, opens oratorical abilities in a person, increases the level of popularity, inclines strangers to good deeds. The stone protects during the conduct of hostilities and can save the life of a military man bound by an oath. That is why the stone is popular with both officers and enlisted soldiers.

    The corresponding plant and its properties


    This tree is a symbol of purity, purity and feminine beauty. Birch has magical properties and is able to heal a sick person. Amulets and talismans are often made from its branches, which are usually worn on the body. Cribs were made from its trunk and protected babies from many diseases. The delicate aroma of its wood improves mood, protects against pessimistic thoughts and saves from protracted depression. The amulet is able to destroy witchcraft spells and slander.

    Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

    Analogue of the elder rune Urus. By design - contains the full inclusion of the Urus rune, but with an elongated left column. Urus - "wild bull, tour", and graphically the rune conveys this particular symbol. In Oud, the lengthening on the left symbolizes high horns. This is, rather, not a tour, but a male deer. His horns are a phallic symbol, a symbol of enormous vitality concentrated in the object itself.

    General value

    At the end of the stage there is the consciousness of "I", being in communion with all living things, is exposed to the instinct of integrity and selfhood. The "I" cannot remain long outside of self-identity. And in Oud the "I" seeks to identify the Source of Life with itself. And define it for yourself. Oud is a male sexual organ, a symbol of sexual energy and strength, this energy guides. The pleasure experienced in the Is lasts, but the "I" desires to possess the source of this pleasure in order to control it. And it self-identifies with the source, raising power from the unconscious to the lower layers of the subconscious, to the sphere of the sexual instinct of reproduction and pleasure.

    If in the Is "I" was simply a life without sexual (and other) separation, without a definition - what kind of life, in what form to live, then in Oud there comes separation and, on the one hand, separation and gender determination (masculine or feminine), but, on the other hand, the desire for the original union of opposites. In addition, there is an active desire to create, generate, engender life in its form, the form of a person, to continue oneself further and more.

    The source of life is realized in itself, and the "I" wants to actively spread the flow of energy "from itself", outward, creating the Universal process of Life and enjoying it.

    In orgies, this process resulted in a mass sexual act, where social differences did not play any role, where the most suitable couples, biologically and energetically suitable, "merged" together. And after that, conception always came, and the tribe received the most healthy and full-fledged children. In Slavic traditions, this was preserved on the night of Ivan Kupala, where conceived children were accepted as a Gift of God. In the primary communities, the biological and social fathers were quite clearly separated. The real father was the woman's husband, socially responsible for the child and "giving birth" to his personality. And the biological one was considered as a conductor of the will of the gods, through which the woman and the tribe were given the future in children.

    This personal sexual impulse, directed from above, manifests itself in Oud. If we disidentify from bodily-sexual analogies, and move on to considering sexuality as a way and aspiration to find for oneself the part of the “I” missing for integrity, then Oud shows an active impulse to create, create, continue oneself outside: personal aspirations to give oneself to the world, "inseminate" it, fill the basis of future affairs, and the woman - to accept the existing, "conceive" new deeds and future events. In this, the Oud differs significantly from the Urus. The Urus is a pure flow of energy, most often realized through anger and the erasure of boundaries (the chaos of "conquering virginity" is also the prerogative of the Urus. And, given that any new love is always virgin, the Urus also strives for integrity). Oud is the force that has already structured this flow. However, Oud itself - the biological father, is not yet a guarantee of the successful realization of the conceived child. We need a social father, a completely different personality, relating to the child on a completely different level. And this is the task of another rune.

    Mantic meaning

    Oud straight

    A wonderful period of saturation with inner confidence, aspiration, a desire to act - and success in these actions. You are overwhelmed with energy, and this is transferred to others who help you. But people with a higher degree of energy control see your delusions and stubbornness. And they can easily use you for their own purposes. You are now confident in what you are doing and think is right. But do not forget about single-row runes - Need and Beregina. In Need, try to build your active actions in terms of existing rules and really necessary desires. In Beregin, remember the finiteness of any process and the penetration into the zone of action that seems to be controlled by you of some hidden subconscious desires, ambitions, complexes that can simply pervert and ruin everything.

    The process of confident actions, as a rule, ends where forces penetrate your living space that are not controlled by you and for which your confidence is absolutely not important.

    Oud inverted

    Confusion, loss of support, feeling of being in a trap, from which it is very difficult to get out. Life around is in full swing and developing, people are busy with business, even your close friends seem to achieve success, but here you are - out of life. And most importantly - the lack of internal support for your conscious requirements - "you need it, and you don't want it." This is not the time to count on the flow of desire and pleasure. Switch to the rune of Need - "you need everything!", which means we will do it, although you may not achieve maximum success.

    The rune Ud is (the eleventh rune of the Slavic 18 rune series) associated with the god Yarilo, flame, brilliance and youth. Our ancestors used this rune as a talisman to help make a difficult decision. It symbolizes the male reproductive organ, personifying fertility, creative power, the transformation of Chaos. Some rune Oud is called the rune of love, referring to carnal desires, which are an important component of human relationships. The rune Ud is dedicated to Yarilo, revered as the son of Veles by the Slavs or the son of Odin (Balder) by the Scandinavians. Oud is the embodiment of the power of Yarilo - Yari, it is not only the fiery power of love, but also a passion for life in general, it is a force that connects opposites, fertilizes the power of Chaos.

    Aspects of


    The dropped rune Oud indicates that you are waiting for good luck in the love field. If you decide to get the attention of the opposite sex, consider that you already have it in your pocket. Success can turn your head, and this is already a bad sign. Try to act not aggressively, but gently. Remember the main thing - we are always responsible for those in whom we were able to awaken love feelings. Any relationship is always a responsibility, therefore, be careful so that later you do not have to answer for your own windiness and recklessness.


    The dropped rune Oud indicates that the time has come to reveal your potential, the time to enter the path of creation, the time when the light of truth will appear in the darkness of darkness. You have every chance to make the right decision. Any of your ideas can come true if you start implementing them today. You have all the resources to implement your plans, the main thing is to take the first step. Seeds that have fallen into fertile soil will certainly give good shoots.