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  • Salad ham cheese pickled cucumber. Salad “Gentle” with ham and cucumbers

    Salad ham cheese pickled cucumber.  Salad “Gentle” with ham and cucumbers

    If you want a fresh, light and at the same time hearty snack dish, then a salad with ham, cucumbers and cheese will be an excellent option in this case.

    The meat component - ham - will give satiety and supply the body with protein. Cucumber is tenderness and freshness, as well as healthy light carbohydrates and moisture.

    Cheese - sharpness of taste and piquancy, in addition, like all fermented milk products, it is rich in microorganisms so necessary for digestion.

    It turns out that the combination of ham, cucumber and cheese in one dish is just perfect both in taste and in benefits for the body.

    However, there are a number of different variations of this dish.

    Basic principles for preparing a salad with ham, cucumbers and cheese

    The main condition for preparing a tasty and healthy salad is the use of quality products. Ham should be of normal shelf life, with a pleasant characteristic smell and color. Fresh cucumbers are strong, without stains and mold. Salted or pickled - without foreign odors, not softened. Cheese depending on the variety to meet their requirements.

    By the way, cheese of different varieties can be used in the salad. But most often it is a solid type of Vityaz or Lambert. In some cases, soft Feta cheese or other similar ones are taken.

    As mentioned above, cucumbers can be salted, pickled, fresh - depending on the conditions of the recipe. You can replace one with another, but be careful: you need to take into account the combination with other products.

    Most often, the components of the salad are cut into strips or cubes. However, cheese is rubbed in many recipes.

    In addition to the ingredients mentioned, various products can be used in a salad of ham, cucumbers and cheese. These are vegetables - boiled potatoes, carrots, fresh carrots, onions, garlic, green peas, sweet corn. Fresh sweet pepper and tomato, cabbage, radish, different types of radish. Boiled eggs, there are even recipes with crab sticks.

    Such a salad is seasoned with vegetable oil less often than with mayonnaise or sour cream, yogurt dressing.

    Salad can be both mixed and layered. It is suitable for the daily table, and for a festive feast.

    Simple salad with ham, cucumbers and cheese

    This is a basic recipe that can be varied by adding other products if desired. But this salad is beautiful in its original form. Three products and dressing make a wonderful combination, and greens decorate the dish and complement the flavors. This recipe allows you to replace a fresh cucumber with a pickled one.


    Ham - about 300 grams

    Two medium fresh cucumbers

    Hard cheese - 200 grams

    Salt to taste - you may not need it

    Two tablespoons of mayonnaise

    Greens of dill, parsley.

    Cooking method

    Cut the cucumber into layers, and cut them across into strips. It should turn out cucumber straws.

    Also cut the ham.

    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, set aside a small handful.

    Chop the greens finely, also set aside a pinch.

    Mix the main part of the cheese with ham, cucumbers, chopped herbs.

    Add mayonnaise, mix, try. Salt if necessary.

    Arrange the salad on a platter.

    Sprinkle with cheese chips, decorate with herbs.

    This salad is good both as an appetizer and as an independent dish.

    Hearty option: ham, cucumber and cheese salad with egg

    This salad uses pickled or pickled cucumbers. Thanks to the introduction of eggs, it becomes more nutritious. Green peas complete the flavor.


    Ham - 200-300 grams

    Two boiled eggs

    Two pickled or pickled cucumbers

    small bulb

    200 grams of hard cheese

    100 grams of green peas

    Two tablespoons of mayonnaise or mayonnaise in half with sour cream

    Ground black pepper.

    Cooking method

    Cut ham, cucumbers, peeled eggs equally. It can be either cubes or straws.

    Cut the onion in a similar way - in half rings or a small cube.

    Sprinkle with vinegar and leave to marinate.

    Cheese can be grated, but it is better to cut it too. It looks especially beautiful in the form of cubes.

    Collect all ingredients in one container. Onions, if too sour, can be rinsed with vinegar.

    Green peas are also put in the salad, leaving a spoon for decoration.

    Add dressing, pepper, mix.

    Put in a bowl in which the salad will be served on the table.

    Decorate with green peas.

    Salad with ham, cucumbers and cheese "For unexpected guests"

    This salad is really done in a matter of minutes when you need to feed unexpected guests. Of course, provided that the products are in stock. Nothing needs to be cooked for a long time, however, onions and carrots will have to be fried. But it will not take much time, but it will add taste, aroma and satiety to the dish.


    Ham - 300 grams

    Pickled cucumber - 3 pieces

    A jar of canned champignons - chopped or whole

    large bulb

    large carrot

    Clove of garlic

    Spoon of vegetable oil

    Hard cheese - 100 grams

    Mayonnaise optional.

    Cooking method

    The first step is to fry the vegetables. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrot coarsely.

    Mushrooms, if they are whole, cut.

    Put the onion with a spoonful of oil into the pan and cook until golden brown, stirring.

    Add mushrooms and carrots, fry until golden brown.

    Turn off, add the garlic passed through the press, mix.

    Cucumbers also grate.

    Finely chop the ham.

    Combine all ingredients, mix. If too dry, add mayonnaise, but you can do without it.

    Put in a salad bowl.

    Finely grate cheese on top.

    Cocktail salad of ham, cucumbers, cheese and tomatoes

    Serving means a lot - the simplest salad, if served in bowls or glasses, will be perceived differently. And the combination of beautiful cucumbers, tomatoes, light cheese and dark ham excites the appetite and pleases the eye.


    200 grams of ham

    100 grams Lambert cheese

    One large cucumber

    Two medium tomatoes

    Half cup unsweetened natural yogurt

    small clove of garlic

    Several sprigs of parsley

    Salt to taste.

    Cooking method

    Prepare bowls or portioned salad bowls.

    Finely chop the cucumber, put equally in each container. Salt a little.

    Cut the ham into thin strips, arrange in salad bowls.

    Cut tomatoes, remove seeds and juice. Cut into cubes. Spread on ham.

    Crush garlic and mix with yogurt. Salt a little.

    Pour the dressing over the contents of the bowls.

    Grate cheese and arrange on top.

    For piquancy, you can add pickled onions to this salad - soak the rings in vinegar with salt and sugar, rinse, put on ham. Then you don't need to add garlic.

    Onion salad with ham, cucumbers and cheese

    And in this salad, onions play one of the most important roles. It is necessary to properly prepare it, remove excess sharpness. And then it will enrich the taste of a familiar salad and it will play in a new way.


    Two large onions - you can take white and red

    200 grams of ham

    100 grams of cheese

    2 pickled cucumbers

    Jar of chopped canned champignons

    A teaspoon of vinegar essence

    Salt, pinch of sugar

    A spoonful of vegetable oil.

    Cooking method

    Cut the onion into rings thinly. Salt, add sugar, vinegar and water to hide the onion.

    Hold for half an hour. Then drain the marinade, rinse the onion with water.

    While the onion is marinating, fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil.

    Cucumbers cut into strips.

    Also chop the ham.

    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

    Put cucumbers, ham, onions, fried mushrooms and cheese on top in layers.

    If desired, the layers can be smeared with mayonnaise, but you can do without it: the juiciness should be enough from onions, cucumbers and mushrooms, which are fried in oil.

    Salad with ham, cucumbers, cheese and crab sticks

    An unexpected combination at first glance turns out to be quite tasty as a result. A recipe for those who are not afraid to take risks. And also - who loves crab sticks very much. Additional shades of taste in this salad are made by the use of sweet bell pepper. It is most beautiful to take yellow peppercorns.


    Ham - 200 grams

    Crab sticks - 200 grams

    Hard cheese - 200 grams

    Cucumber large

    sweet pepper

    The bulb is small

    Two or three tablespoons of mayonnaise

    Cooking method

    Onion cut into cubes, salt, mix, let lie down.

    Spread in layers on a dish: onion, ham, cucumber, crab sticks, pepper.

    Coat each layer with a small amount of mayonnaise.

    The top layer is cheese cubes.

    Layers can be swapped if desired. For example, top make a cucumber or crab sticks.

    Tips and Tricks for Making Ham, Cucumber and Cheese Salad

      Almost any of the above salads can be garnished with sweet corn - it goes well with salted ham and cheese. Do not use corn where there are green peas.

      If the ham is too soft, you can slightly freeze it for ease of cutting - but do not freeze it.

      If a fresh cucumber is sluggish, put it in cold water for an hour.

      Not everyone likes a lot of garlic. You can not put it in a salad, but simply grate the dish in which it will be served. You get a pretty subtle scent.

    If you need a satisfying and at the same time delicious refreshment for your family, prepare a salad of ham, cheese and fresh cucumbers. As part of the salad, ham, which will give satiety to the finished dish. Fragrant cucumber will add a touch of tenderness and freshness, and hard cheese will add incredible piquancy. All components perfectly complement and emphasize the tastes of each other. Salad according to this recipe can be prepared for a whole year, both for every day and for the festive table.

    To make the salad tasty and healthy, use only high-quality ingredients, the freshness of which you have no doubt.

    Taste Info Meat salads


    • Ham - 200 g;
    • Fresh cucumber - 150 g;
    • Canned peas - 150 g;
    • Hard cheese - 150 g;
    • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
    • Salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise to taste.

    How to make a salad of ham, cheese and fresh cucumbers

    Cut the ham into thin strips and place in a deep convenient bowl in which you will mix all the ingredients.

    Rinse the cucumber under running water and cut into the same strips. Try to make the size of all chopped products the same so that in the future the salad looks neat and keeps its shape well. If you come across a cucumber that is very bitter in taste, then peel it.

    Drain the canned peas and add them to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

    Cut hard cheese into small cubes or grate on a coarse grater. Leave about a third of the cheese you need aside for garnish.

    Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool and chop very finely. So that the eggs do not crack during cooking and are well shelled, add 1 tbsp to the water in which they will be boiled. salt. Send the eggs to a bowl along with a little mayonnaise. Season with salt and black ground pepper. Mix thoroughly.

    Salad with ham, cheese, eggs and cucumbers is ready. Serve it in a common plate or use a special metal ring to arrange a snack in portions. Sprinkle the remaining finely grated cheese on top and serve immediately before the cucumbers release their juice and make the dish too watery.

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    Cooking Tips:

    • For more spice in mayonnaise, you can add 1 clove of garlic, passed through a press.
    • The salad will become very satisfying and nutritious if you use canned red or white beans as an additional ingredient. It does not need to be prepared in any way, just drain the liquid from the jar and add the beans to the salad.
    • Green onions will be harmoniously combined in this dish, which must be chopped and added to the salad before mixing.
    • When serving in portions, you can add a bright color accent to the salad with a cherry tomato, cut in half and laid out on top of the cheese.

    Salad with ham and cucumbers is one of the most respected on Russian holiday tables. It is prepared quickly, since nothing needs to be cooked, just chop and mix all the ingredients. In these salads, in addition to ham and cucumbers, put cheese, eggs, corn, cabbage or fresh tomatoes. There are a lot of options. I think everyone tried this delicious salad, and many made it on their own. Try one of my recipes today. I will be very pleased if you and your guests like it.

    Salad with ham and cucumbers is very tasty and has a festive, elegant look. With proper design, it will completely decorate any holiday table. It is called - salad "Tenderness" or "Gentle". Call it whatever you like, it won't make it any less delicious. Here are some of the most popular cooking methods. Choose any and cook with pleasure!

    In this article:

    Salad with ham and cucumbers "Tenderness" - a step by step recipe with photos

    All products are quite affordable and simple. You only need to boil eggs. The rest of the ingredients just need to be cut.

    What you need:

    How to cook:

    1. Eggs are hard-boiled and peeled. I'm starting to collect a salad from these products.
    2. My cucumbers are harsh, so I peel them off and cut them into small cubes. If the cucumbers are young and the skin is thin, it is not necessary to peel them. I pour them into a large bowl.
    3. I rubbed the cheese with eggs on a coarse grater. I poured it into a bowl with cucumbers.
    4. The ham is cut into strips. Bigger or thinner, decide for yourself. Who loves.
    5. All the ingredients in a bowl, salt, pepper and add the garlic pressed through the press. I mix it all up well.
    6. If the salad is not served immediately, then let it stand for now. Before serving, I season with mayonnaise, mix and turn the bowl over onto a dish. I decorate a mound of lettuce with parsley sprigs. I'm trying. Overeat!

    No less wonderful recipe for this salad from Olga Orlova's video channel "Women's Council"

    Salad with ham and cucumber, with Korean carrots - video recipe

    Our beloved, all-Russian New Year holiday is approaching. If you, like me, collect recipes for the festive table in a piggy bank, I advise you to pay attention to the fact that such a salad looks especially impressive with tomatoes.

    Salad with ham, cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese - step by step recipe with photo

    What you need:

    How to cook:

    1. I cut the ham or sausage into small pieces. I pour it into a deep salad bowl.
    2. My tomatoes and cut into small cubes. I add them to my salad bowl.
    3. My cucumbers, cut into small cubes and pour there too.
    4. Cheese, as always, on a coarse grater. I send it to the salad bowl.
    5. I clean the garlic, cut it smaller. Can be squeezed out through a press. Stir to distribute the garlic throughout the mass of the salad.
    6. I dress the salad with mayonnaise and salt just before serving, because the vegetables will quickly release the juice .. Do not be too lazy to cook Homemade. Salt and pepper with caution, because the mayonnaise is already salty.
    7. I mix everything well and immediately invite everyone to the table. This delicious salad should be eaten fresh. At all feasts, this salad is one of the first to be swept off the table.

    And another incomparable version of this fresh salad from the video channel of Oksana Valerievna

    Salad with ham and cucumbers, Chinese cabbage and canned corn

    We have sorted out the most popular salad ideas with ham and cucumbers. Write in the comments if you liked our recipes, or would you like to add something to them?

    And I say goodbye to you until the next recipes. Bon Appetit everyone! And I want to especially thank those who cooked with us today!

    Salads are one of the most common appetizers on the Russian table. The most satisfying are salads, which include cucumbers and ham. As additional ingredients, you can add eggs, cheese, green peas or tomatoes, each time coming up with different variations.

    Cheese salad with ham and cucumbers

    You will need: - ham - 300 g; - hard cheese - 150 g; - medium-sized cucumbers - 5 pcs; - sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons; - mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons; - garlic - 2 cloves; - salt - to taste.

    Cut the ham into thin strips of small length. Wash cucumbers and cut in the same way. Combine these ingredients in a salad bowl.

    In a separate cup, mix mayonnaise with sour cream until smooth and add chopped garlic to them. Dress the salad with the mixture. Grate the cheese on a very fine grater. Sprinkle over the salad and toss lightly. Serve to the table.

    It is better to store salads with cucumbers in the refrigerator for no more than a day, because after this time the cucumbers will release juice, and the appearance of the salad will be spoiled

    Salad with canned peas

    You will need: - ham - 300 g; - medium-sized cucumbers - 4 pcs.; - canned peas - 250 g; - mayonnaise or sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons; - salt - to taste.

    Cut the ham and cucumber into small cubes. Add canned peas to them. Mix everything and salt. Season with mayonnaise, chill for about 20 minutes in the refrigerator and serve.

    Canned corn can be substituted for peas in this recipe.

    Salad with sweet pepper and egg

    You will need: - ham - 300 g; - cucumbers - 3-4 pieces; - egg - 2 pieces; - hard cheese - 150 g; - garlic - 2 cloves; - Bulgarian red pepper - 1 piece; - olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons; - lemon - ½ pcs.; - pitted olives - 7 pcs.; - herbs and salt - to taste.

    Hard boil the eggs. Cut them into cubes. Ham, sweet peppers and cucumbers - straws. Cheese grate on a fine grater.

    Prepare your dressing. To do this, mix olive oil with the juice of half a lemon. Add some salt to it and garlic passed through the press. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Mix chopped foods with finely chopped herbs and olives. Pour dressing over salad, cool slightly and serve.

    This salad recipe is very tender and nutritious. It will appeal to those who limit their intake of fatty foods and do not eat mayonnaise.

    I suggest you cook a wonderful salad of ham, cheese, cucumbers and eggs. These ingredients go great with each other and with any salad dressing. The composition of the salad is quite common, so let's make it puff! And we will make the dressing ourselves, tasty and tender. Shall we start? Cooking time will take quite a bit, and you will be satisfied with the result.

    So, for a salad of ham, cheese, cucumbers and eggs, let's take the right products.

    We will send the eggs to boil, but for now we will cut our products for the salad. Ham - thin straws.

    We also cut the cucumber into thin sticks.

    Cheese can be rubbed on a coarse grater, but I like sliced.

    But we rub the boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Leave one yolk for the sauce, and half for decoration.

    Let's make salad dressing. Mix olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, sugar and egg yolk. You can add pepper and mustard to taste.

    Put lettuce leaves on a plate, put a forming ring and collect the salad. Let's put the ham first.

    Lubricate the ham with sauce, lay out the eggs.

    Add more sauce, put cheese on top.

    Garnish with grated yolk on top, remove the ring and serve. Salad of ham, cheese, cucumbers and eggs is ready! Invite relatives and guests to the table, no one will remain indifferent.

    Bon Appetit!