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  • United States Central Intelligence Agency. Cheating as a profession

    United States Central Intelligence Agency.  Cheating as a profession

    MOSCOW, August 28 - RIA Novosti. The American intelligence services, which told the New York Times that they had informants in Russia, were bluffing to develop their allegations of Russian "interference" in the US elections in 2016, Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer and executive director of the US National Interest Council, told RIA Novosti.

    "High-ranking intelligence officials never so simply and openly admit that they have high-ranking sources in the Kremlin," Giraldi said.

    Earlier, NYT, citing sources familiar with intelligence information, reported that US intelligence services began to receive less and less data from their informants and informants in Russia due to Russian counterintelligence.

    According to Giraldi, the newspaper's article contains many "inaccuracies and open lies." Thus, he notes that, contrary to the information that was presented in the newspaper, there is no evidence that Russia tried to kill sources or intelligence agents, and the Skripal case is full of dubious allegations and questions that make accusations against Moscow unacceptable.

    In May, Donald Trump demanded that the Justice Department investigate whether the FBI interfered in his campaign. The media reported that the bureau's secret informant in the investigation of "ties with Russia" against members of the Trump campaign was ex-CIA agent Stefan Halper. The conclusion was made on the basis of an analysis of earlier publications in the American media about this secret informant, whose name, at the request of the FBI, was not called.

    The investigation into Russia's alleged "interference" in the US elections, as well as Donald Trump's alleged links with Russia, which are denied in the White House and the Kremlin, is being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, as well as in both houses of the US Congress.

    In the English city of Salisbury on March 4, according to the British authorities, former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned, which provoked a major international scandal. London believes that the Russian state was involved in the poisoning of the Skripals with A234, but Moscow categorically denies this. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in May that the "Skripal case" was crumbling before our eyes due to the lack of any evidence of Russia's guilt.

    Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said earlier that about 60 diplomatic notes had been sent to the Foreign Office in the Skripal case demanding that Russia be granted access to the investigation, the affected Russians, as well as a request for legal assistance and proposals for cooperation, including joint investigation, but the British authorities did not respond to them.

    Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in March accused Russia of poisoning Skripal, arguing that the evidence of Moscow's guilt was "staggering". The accusations turned out to be false. The head of a secret laboratory at the British Ministry of Defense later said that experts could not determine the source of the substance, which, according to the British side, poisoned Skripal and his daughter. The British Foreign Office on the same day admitted that the conclusion about Russia's involvement in the poisoning of the Skripals was made, including on the basis of its own assessments of the information.

    The CIA was created under the National Security Act signed into law by President Truman on July 26, 1947. Formally, the CIA began to exist on September 18, 1947.
    The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports directly to the President of the United States and is not part of any of the American departments.


    Rear Admiral Suers, Sidney William (Souers, Sidney William) - January 23 - June 10, 1946.
    Lieutenant General Vandenberg, Hoyt Sanford (Vandenberg, Hoyt Sanford) - June 10, 1946 - May 1, 1947.
    Rear Admiral Hillenkoetter, Roscoe Henry - May 1, 1947 - October 7, 1950.
    Lieutenant General Smith, Walter Bedell October 7, 1950 - February 9, 1953

    Dulles, Allen Welsh (Dulles, Allen Welsh) - February 9, 1953 - November 29, 1961 (February 9-26, 1953 - acting).
    McCone, John Alex November 29, 1961 - April 28, 1965
    Vice Admiral Rayborn, William Francis, Jr. (Raborn, William Francis) - April 28, 1965 - June 30, 1966.
    Helms, Richard McGarrah June 30, 1966 - February 2, 1973

    Schlesinger, James Rodney February 2 - July 2, 1973
    Lieutenant General Walters, Vernon Anthony (Walters, Vernon Anthony) - July 2 - September 4, 1973 (acting)
    Colby, William Egan - September 4, 1973 - January 30, 1976

    Bush, George Herbert Walker January 30, 1976 - January 20, 1977
    Nouch, Inno Henry (Knoche, Enno Henry) - January 20 - March 9, 1977 (acting).

    Admiral Turner, Stansfield (Turner, Stansfield) - March 9, 1977 - January 20, 1981.
    Casey, William Joseph (January 20, 1981 - January 29, 1987)

    Gates, Robert Michael December 18, 1986 - May 26, 1987 (Acting)

    Webster, William Hedgcock May 26, 1987 - August 31, 1991
    Kerr, Richard James - September 1 - November 6, 1991 (Acting)

    Gates, Robert Michael November 6, 1991 - January 20, 1993

    Admiral Studeman, William Oliver (Studeman, William Oliver) - January 21 - February 5, 1993 (acting).
    Woolsey, R. James February 5, 1993 - January 10, 1995

    Admiral Studeman, William Oliver (Studeman, William Oliver) - January 11 - May 9, 1995 (acting).

    Deutsch, John Mark May 10, 1995 - December 15, 1996
    Tenet, George John (Tenet, George John) - December 16, 1996 - July 11, 2004, (December 16, 1996 - July 11, 1997 acting).
    McLaughlin, John Edward - July 11 - September 22, 2004 (acting).
    Goss, Porter Johnston September 24, 2004 - May 5, 2006

    Hayden, Michael Vincent May 30, 2006 - February 12, 2009

    Panetta, Leon Edward February 13, 2009 - June 30, 2011

    General David Howell Petraeus
    (David Howell Petraeus) - July 1, 2011 - November 9, 2012.

    John Owen Brennan
    (John Owen Brennan) - March 8, 2013 - ?.
    Michael Richard "Mike" Pompeo - since January 23, 2017.

    CIA leadership

    The US Central Intelligence Agency is rightfully the most famous of modern American intelligence agencies.
    The CIA's leading position in the world is not determined by the fact that it is the largest or most funded intelligence agency of its member organizations. Neither in terms of the number of employees, nor in terms of the size of the budget, the Central Intelligence Agency does not occupy the main positions, yielding, for example, to the same National Security Agency.
    The thing is that the CIA received its leading role when it was created by President Truman - it was created to coordinate the activities of all the countless and various American intelligence agencies. The CIA is civilian in nature, and those of its employees who are military personnel are in the cadre of the Department of Defense.

    CIA headquarters

    The headquarters of the CIA is located in the small town of Langley, Virginia, located near Washington.
    On October 20, 1998, by decree of President Clinton, it was given the name "George Bush Intelligence Center".
    The CIA complex at Langley consists of two buildings - the old and the new.
    The construction of the old building was completed in November 1963. It is built of concrete and looks like a university campus.
    The usable area of ​​its premises is 1,400,000 square feet.
    The new CIA headquarters building, a steel and glass structure, was completed in March 1991. It adjoins the western facade of the old building and consists of two six-story towers connected by a four-story inner building.
    Its usable area is 1,100,000 square feet.

    CIA structure

    As for the structure of the CIA, it is known in more or less detail.

    Senior leadership of the CIA
    Under the National Security Act of 1947, the Director of the CIA is nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.
    The Director of the CIA reports directly to the President of the United States.
    Until 2005, he was also the director of central intelligence, that is, he headed the US Intelligence Community and coordinated the intelligence activities of its constituent departments.
    As a rule, civilians are appointed to the post of director of the CIA, although occasionally generals and admirals fall into this post.

    In addition to the director, the top leadership of the CIA includes:

    — First Deputy Director(Deputy Director) under an amendment to the National Security Act of 1947, passed by Congress in April 1953, like the director, appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.
    The first deputy helps the director to manage the Department and replaces him in case of absence, illness and other cases.

    - Assistant to the First Deputy Director(Associate Deputy Director).
    This position was introduced on 5 July 2006 to replace the previous position executive director.
    The Assistant First Deputy Director is the third person in the CIA hierarchy and performs day-to-day management of the CIA.

    Chief of staff. He is subordinate to:

    - executive secretariat;
    - Analytic Support Team;
    - support staff (Executive Support Staff);
    - protocol department.
    The headquarters of the CIA include:

    General Counsel(General Council). Pursuant to an amendment to the Intelligence Powers Act of 1997, appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. Reported only to the director of the CIA and his first deputy.
    He is a legal adviser to the director on all matters relating to the activities of the CIA. The General Counsel is in charge of the General Counsel's Department, whose staff oversees the observance of the Constitution and laws by employees of the department, as well as applicable rules and regulations.

    Congressional Relations Department(Congressional Affairs) - responsible for the CIA's contacts with US legislators.

    Public Relations Department(Public Affairs) - Responsible for working with the media, politicians and the general public.
    Consists of two divisions:
    - on working with the media (his task is to create a favorable image of the CIA in the American mass media, maintain the CIA website, as well as analyze publications and public statements about the CIA in the American and foreign media and report on the results to the director of the CIA and other heads of the Office) ;
    - public relations (responding to letters, faxes, phone calls coming to the Office, lectures about the CIA and its role in the Intelligence Community in colleges, universities, other institutions and organizations).

    Inspector General. Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
    Reported directly to the director and first deputy director of the CIA. He heads the department of the inspector general, which is engaged in conducting disciplinary checks and internal investigations of the activities of the CIA units.
    The department of the inspector general has its own budget and autonomous (within the CIA) personnel apparatus.

    Assistant directors on military affairs(Associate Director for Military Affairs).

    Head of Financial Service(Chief Financial Officer). Controls all financial activities of the CIA.

    Head of information service(Chief Information Officer).

    Head of Human Resources(Chief of Human Resources).

    Operations center(Operations Center). 24/7 analyzes incoming information in order to identify signs of brewing crisis situations that threaten US national security and immediately inform the CIA leadership about this.

    Department of Strategic Management(Strategy Management).

    Diversity Plans and Programs Department(Diversity Plans and Programs).

    Equal Employment Division(Equal Employment Opportunity). Ensures that CIA personnel are not discriminated against in any way.

    Department of Political and Corporate Coordination(Policy and Corporate Coordination).

    Department of Relations with Foreign Intelligence(Foreign Intelligence Relationships).

    Open Source Center for National Intelligence(DNI Open Source Center).

    The main part of the structure of the Central Intelligence Agency is:

    Intelligence Directorate(Directorate of Intelligence) - has existed since November 1952, performs the processing and analysis of intelligence information received from various sources and prepares reports based on it for the president, the National Security Council and Congress, as well as for members of the US Intelligence Community.
    The number of its employees is estimated at 4,000 people.

    National Secret Service(National Clandestine Service) - the most secret part of the CIA, engaged in obtaining intelligence information, as well as coordinating undercover intelligence carried out by all intelligence agencies from the US Intelligence Community.
    At one time, the number of employees of the Operations Directorate was estimated at 8,000 people. After the US victory in the Cold War, it fell to 2,000, despite the fact that it is now rising again.
    The structure of the National Secret Service includes:
    Nonproliferation Office(Counterproliferation Division). — is engaged in countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    Center for Combating Terrorism(CounterTerrorism Center) - suppression of terrorist acts at the earliest possible stage.

    Counterintelligence Center(Counterintelligence Center) - ensures the security of the intelligence activities of the CIA residencies, carries out undercover penetration into foreign intelligence services, works with defectors.

    Regional and transnational administrations(Regional and Transnational Issues Divisions) - carry out intelligence activities and covert operations in their respective regions. The number and names of departments are classified.

    Technical Support Office(Technology Support Divisions) - support services responsible for the technical support of the activities of the National Secret Service.

    Scientific and Technical Directorate(Directorate of Science and Technology) - was established in 1963 and is responsible for conducting research and development in the field of technical means of collecting information, servicing special-purpose equipment and exchanging information with the largest scientific centers in the United States.

    Support Directorate(Directorate of Support) - work with personnel, logistics, global communications, information services, work with finances, purchase of equipment and materials, security issues, medical services.

    The CIA has a number of intelligence schools to train its agents.
    The main one is located at Camp Pirie, a US military base near Williamsburg, Virginia. Its students are career CIA officers who receive 18 weeks of "operational intelligence" training there.
    Those who complete the courses are generally assigned to the National Secret Service.
    Another CIA training center is at Harvey Point, North Carolina.
    Individual officers of the Office are trained in the US Special Forces training units, which are located in Panama or in remote areas of the United States.

    CIA headcount and budget

    The total number of employees of the CIA is estimated at 18-20,000 people, the annual budget of the CIA is more than 4 billion dollars. In addition, a significant part of the CIA's spending goes under the closed items of the budget of the Department of Defense.

    Sources of information:

    1. Pykhalov "CIA and other US special services"

    CIA Category Articles

    Several fascinating films about how the agents of the CIA, the FBI and other mysterious intelligence agencies live.

    Spider in the web

    Spider in the Web, 2018

    Once Aderet was considered the best in the espionage business, but now they plan to dismiss the secret agent - according to his superiors, he is too old for all this, he does a lot of hacks and forges reports. Finally, he has a chance to restore his reputation as a tough specialist: Aderet goes on the trail of a chemical weapons supplier and flies to Belgium to investigate. Young operative Daniel is assigned to look after him.

    22 miles

    An agent from a top-secret American intelligence unit, which even the US government does not know about, receives a task: he must secretly take a person who has very important information out of Indonesia. To get to the plane, you need to drive only 22 miles, about 35 km. But this is a very long 22 miles - a fierce hunt is being carried out on the informant.


    American Assassin 2017

    Holidays in Ibiza turn into a tragedy for the hero - his girlfriend dies during a brutal terrorist attack. From now on, the guy's life is ruled by rage, a thirst for revenge and a desire to personally destroy the terrorists. Mitch spends his days at the gym and at the shooting range, where the CIA people pay attention to him. When a self-proclaimed hero tries to infiltrate a terrorist cell, intelligence agents have a reason to get to know him better.

    Secret agent

    CIA agent Alice Rainsin was framed, and now the terrorists know the secret information. She needs to correct her mistake, otherwise London will be subjected to a biological attack. The trouble is, Alice doesn't know who can and can't be trusted.


    FBI agent Kate Macer is invited to take part in a CIA sting operation to combat drug trafficking. Along the way, she realizes that rather frostbitten types stand guard over the order, and her principles in this underground reality mean nothing.

    Jack Ryan: Chaos Theory

    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, 2013

    A very smart CIA analyst must prevent a terrorist act that will lead to the collapse of the entire US economic system. To understand all the intricacies of the case, he travels to Russia, where the attacker lives.


    Evelyn Salt generally has a hectic life and work, and since one of the prisoners said that she was spying for the CIA in favor of the Russians, it has become quite troublesome. You have to change your appearance and arrange your own special operation.

    Bourne identification

    The Bourne Identity, 2002

    The first and best film in the Jason Bourne franchise. The young man survives, despite being seriously injured under unknown circumstances. He does not remember anything about himself, but he understands that the case is rubbish. Someone is hunting for him all the time - either the police or the killers.

    Three days to kill

    3 Days to Kill, 2014

    The CIA agent is mortally ill, so he decides to leave the service and spend the remaining six months with his family. But then a lady from his former colleagues rolls up to him and offers a wonderful cure in exchange for killing a dangerous merchant named Wolf. The drug helps to fight the disease, however, from time to time it causes hallucinations.

    Agents of A.N.C.L.

    The Man from U.N.C.L.E., 2015

    A little fun in this seriously dramatic list. Two talented guys, a CIA special agent and a KGB officer, hate each other, but are forced to join forces to neutralize the terrorists. A pretty lady gets confused under their feet - the only clue on the way to the goal.


    Some figure in the CIA decides to remove the former agents who know too many secrets. But, despite the fact that pensioners are already over 60, this is not so easy to do. They are definitely not going to give up without a fight, and they have vast operational experience behind them.

    The names of the performers of the secret operations of the CIA got into the network

    For most of the population of our planet, the secret operations of the CIA seem to be a kind of analogue of UFOs - everyone has heard about them, but almost no one has observed them with their own eyes. And this is extremely dangerous, because it contributes to the total mythologization of the issue, which is then very easy to fit into another conspiracy theory. In fact, the United States has done an amazing thing - they have turned real crimes into a collection of fascinating tales. Hence the incredible hatred of Snowden and Wikileaks, because it was through their efforts that legends and myths turned into concrete names and documents, triggering a most dangerous mechanism. Even on its own, it has far-reaching implications, reverberating across many facets of American politics.
    However, this is only half the trouble. The second half is that as part of this process, more and more people are appearing. So, most recently, the FBI arrested a man who worked with the NSA, being an employee of the consulting company Booz Allen Hamilton. The suspect has an interesting name not only - Harold Thomas Martin III, but also the charges against him. After all, he is credited with nothing less than stealing the source code of the NSA, designed to hack Russian, Iranian and Chinese systems. And as a tangible appendage, there is the fact that it was thanks to him that a list of CIA agents operating abroad and taking an active part in the abduction and torture of foreign citizens was published on the network.

    This news has already appeared on several major Western portals such as Homment and Cyberguerrilla, not to mention publications on social networks. In addition, at least one of the uncovered agents, one Jose Rodriguez, may have been involved in the arrests of businessmen who refused to sell their companies to large corporations. In general, the list is quite entertaining, especially in the aspect that concerns geography. Arrests and torture were carried out in a vast area, from Poland and Romania to Pakistan and Morocco.
    What is very important, we are talking only about staff members, about the Americans themselves. And this despite the fact that the lion's share of such operations is carried out "by proxy", when a person who must speak or disappear is given to the Saudis or Jordanians. It also has its own program, which they do not even try to camouflage under arrests. These are exactly the abductions, and this can be seen in the example of the posts occupied by agents:

    Rodney Guy Smith, head of the CIA Special Operations Division in 2003-2006, currently an executive director at Abraxas;

    Alejandro D Martinez,("Duece Martinez"), analyst, CIA freelancer;

    Robert Bickle, CIA investigator in the 2000s, current status unknown;

    Robert Kandara, head of the CIA's Major Detention Program (HVD) from 2003 until at least 2004;

    John Bevan, CIA officer, deputy head of HVD, still with the CIA in 2009;

    Thomas Fletcher, CIA officer, participant in the HVD program, current status unknown;

    Alan Jorsey, in the 2000s, he took part in CIA operations as a pilot;

    Alfreda Bukoski(depicted in the movie "Target One"), the senior officer of the HVD program is probably still active;

    Jose Rodriguez, from 2004 to 2007 was the Director of Operations for the CIA, and was also the director of the National Secret Service, currently retired;

    Gina Haspel, head of the CIA station in London in 2009, former member of HVD;

    Bruce Jessen, a CIA contractor, advised interrogators;

    Frank (Francisco) Chap, according to some reports, an HVD officer, in 2009 he was transferred to work in the NSA;

    Michael K. Winograd, in 2002 to 2005 head of the CIA station in Bangkok; possessed or still possesses records of interrogations;

    James E Mitchell a CIA contractor, formally part of the Joint Staff Recovery Agency, currently a private contractor for Bruce Jessen, interrogation adviser, was in charge of destroying records of their conduct;

    Michael D"Andrea in 2002, head of operations conducted by the CIA Counterterrorism Center; later head of residency in Cairo;

    Robert Grenier, 1999 to 2002 head of the CIA station in Pakistan, from 2004 to 2006 head of the Counter-Terrorism Center, currently retired, as of 2009 worked for Kroll in Washington;

    Kirk Hubbard in the 2000s, CIA psychologist, interrogation adviser;

    Carol S. Rosenblum, CIA psychologist, another interrogation adviser;

    Richard Blee, in 2004 CIA chief of station in Pakistan, later in charge of publications, currently a private consultant, also involved in the HVD program;

    Martin (Marty) Martin, senior officer from 2000 to 2005, later head of residency in Cairo, participant in the interrogation program:

    Robert Dannenberg, from 2004 to 2006 head of the Central Eurasia Division, which included Romania, Poland and a number of other European countries, an employee of the Special Operations Division, the Counter-Terrorism Center and the HVD program;

    Robert Richer, Assistant Director of Operations (ADDO) until the end of 2005, in 2002-2004 head of the Middle East and South Asia Division, participant in the program in charge of the extradition of suspects;

    CIA agents: John Radsen, Jonathan Fredman, John Rizzo, Robert Eatinger, Paul Kelbaugh, Robert Monahan, Steven W. Hermes- associated with extradition, torture and the HVD program;

    James Pavit, in 1999 to 2004 Deputy Director of Operations of the CIA, participant in a number of arrests and interrogations;

    John Sano, in 2005 head of the East Asia Division, in 2005 - 2007 deputy director of the National Secret Service, currently retired;

    Jami Miscik, in 2002 - 2004 Deputy Director of Intelligence, retired, participated in the activities of the Special Operations Division;

    Scott White, Assistant Deputy Director of Intelligence 2002 - 2004, Director of Assistance 2006 - 2008, Assistant Deputy Director who replaced Michael Morell in 2009;

    Ronald Czametsky, in 2002 - 2005 the head of the CIA station in Poland, in 2009 the head of the station in Moscow;

    Paul Zalucky, head of residency in Poland from 2005 to 2007;

    Larry Seals, director of the CIA Aviation Division from 2001 to 2004, head of extradition programs from 2004 to a date that is not yet possible;

    Scott D. Wever, in 2001 - 2004 an officer in the CIA Aviation Department at various locations, hired as a CIA contractor - CSC in 2004 - 2005, re-hired in 2006 - 2007 to participate in the extradition program;

    William L. Ballhaus CEO of DynCorp International, CIA contractor in the extradition program in 2002 - 2005;

    Stephen Lee manager at CSC/Dyncorp from 2001 to 2005 participant in the extradition program;

    Willian Vigil manager of CSC/Dyncorp, contracted CIA operations officer, managed CIA air force operations from 2005-2007, then moved to McNeil Security in 2007, which is also a CIA contractor;

    Lawrence Dan Engelhaupt director of CSC/Dyncorp, contracted CIA operations 2002-2007, also joined McNeil in 2007;

    Steve Dugre another CSC/Dyncorp manager, CIA contractor from 2001 to 2007, McNeil employee since 2007;

    Michael Edward Anderson, Aero Contractors of North Carolina, CIA Air Force N379P, N313P pilot, flew missions to Afghanistan, Morocco and Poland.

    PS. Leaks of this kind are reminiscent of the last years of the existence of the USSR, when various traitors leaked information about our intelligence networks in the United States and Western Europe to the West, or even exported information about the structures of the KGB of the USSR to the West.
    The very same revelations of this kind have been going on since the last years of the Bush Jr. government, when the scandal over legalized torture and secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe hit the Republicans very hard. Attempts to justify themselves in the Senate or even by promoting the idea in the mass media that "torture is good" did not give any result, therefore, since 2010-2011, there has been an active cleansing of evidence related to both the organizers and executors of directives on torture and secret prisons . But due to the fact that this issue still haunts American public opinion, various services periodically dig up this topic again, and in the case of the upcoming US elections, a stream of various revelations that cast a shadow on both Republicans. and the Democrats are increasing.
    Elections will certainly take place, but among the streams of slop that the parties pour on each other, slips and truly valuable information. In one case, this may be data on Clinton's connections with sponsors of radical jihadism in the Middle East , in this case, these are lists of former and current CIA officers who participated in implementation of directives on torture and secret prisons, some of which still hold important positions in the American establishment.
    The fact that these people were not held accountable should not be surprising, especially if we recall that after the Second World War, many human cogs of the Third Reich machine found refuge in the United States, polluting themselves with various crimes against peace and humanity.
    via colonelcassad
    And a few more CIA hitmen:
    Norman Hodges Norman Hodges
    James Hayworth James "Jimmy" Hayworth
    Keith McInnis Keith McInnis