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  • Dream interpretation water gun. What is the dream of firearms according to different dream books? Dream Interpretation - Holding bread in hands

    Dream interpretation water gun.  What is the dream of firearms according to different dream books?  Dream Interpretation - Holding bread in hands

    In a dream, a weapon can be dreamed of victory over enemies, the successful completion of a case, a test. There are quite a few explanations of why such a dream is dreamed. Interpretations are given by many dream books. But, their accuracy depends directly on the actions that you performed with the weapon.

    A large family dream book says that such a plot portends only good in reality. Shoot your weapon for a quick and hassle-free victory over your enemies. A dream carries an erotic message if a shot is fired directly into the face of a representative of the opposite sex. If so, in real life, prepare yourself for an emotional sexual adventure.

    The Big Family Dream Book also explains why the firearms dream that you are trying to load in a dream. Such a plot predicts an extremely successful completion of all current affairs. Lubricate parts and put on fuses to avoid trouble with your foresight.

    According to the same dream book, with a cold weapon, injure yourself to the problems that you will get into because of your own stupidity and imprudence. It is best not to do anything or start new business all day after such a dream. Examine the firearm and admire its peculiar beauty and hidden power to end a long conflict.

    The dream interpretation explains why the dream of a weapon in your hands, with which you are standing in the ranks. In the near future, difficult work will have to be done in real life. Like-minded people will support you in this difficult matter.

    A few more interpretations

    In the interpreter, you can find explanations of what the machine gun, pistol and rifle dream about. The machine gun seen in a dream promises a danger in reality. It is worth exercising the utmost care and discretion. Failure to do so can easily end up in serious trouble. Make shots from a pistol to get married soon. Just seeing a gun in your dream is a sign of trouble.

    The rifle predicts in reality a desperate and very long-term struggle with enemies. Miller's dream book explains what shooting from a weapon means. Such a plot, seen in a dream, promises numerous troubles and misfortunes. Probably, in reality you will lose your job and face a serious lack of money. Shooting someone yourself is dishonorable. If in a dream soldiers came with weapons and shot you, then in reality you will have to seriously worry about the interference of ill-wishers in your affairs.

    For a woman to dream of a weapon according to Miller's dream book to scandals that will ultimately negatively affect her reputation. If a woman is married, then outside representatives of the fair sex will be to blame for her troubles. The husband will have a hobby on the side, which is palpable and, perhaps, even irreparable, will harm family life.

    One of the dream books explains why one dreams of burying weapons and bandits. The plot says that you will successfully cope with problems and avoid a serious threat from enemies. A pomegranate seen in a dream promises money or important news in real life.

    According to the interpreter of lovers, armed bandits in a dream promise problems in relationships with a partner. Strangers will serve as the cause of difficulties and disagreements. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the gap only thanks to wisdom and boundless patience. Otherwise, the relationship will end. Moreover, with a scandal.

    Dream interpretation gun in hands

    A weapon in a dream is a sign of increased attention, logic, the ability to accurately notice details. There is another interpretation: a compact weapon, including a pistol, is dreamed of when a person suffers from disorder and too free behavior of others. This is a kind of subconscious urge to exclude the irritant from your society.

    Holding a gun in your hands in a dream is a pretty good sign. He says that in a difficult situation the dreamer will have an undeniable trump card, and it is he who will control the course of affairs.

    In addition, such dreams indicate that the dreamer knows how to set goals correctly and can skillfully achieve them.

    It is clear that in real life the use of weapons does not lead to anything good, but if they dream, it means that a person has enough self-control and will of character to solve any problems in reality.

    Weapons in different dream books

    If you dreamed of a gun in your hands

    Since dreams about weapons are quite rare, few people can remember from memory what they dream about. And if the vision was rather disturbing, then the person is looking for any available dream book. Not all of them agree on interpretation. Sometimes the explanations are just the opposite. It is important to focus on your own feelings and sensations in a dream and immediately after waking up.

    Trouble - Miller's dream book

    Miller's dream book does not share such an optimistic symbolic interpretation if a gun was dreamed of. Since in his native country, weapons are more than available to everyone, the attitude towards him is sharply negative.

    • Seeing a gun in your hands predicts misfortune.
    • Holding your personal weapon - the dreamer will be overwhelmed by the most terrible vices of humanity. If he does not cope with them, then a significant part of his life will be built exclusively on base instincts.
    • Hearing gunshots is ridiculous rumors.
    • Shoot yourself - envy is a very powerful motivational feeling right now. The dreamer is quite ambitious, so he will be able to "catch up and overtake" the object he envied.
    • Eavesdrop on a conversation about someone's pistol - you will be able to find out in advance about the insidious plans of enemies. Their efforts to slander the dreamer will lead nowhere.

    Violence - Freud's dream book

    If you were shooting from your weapon

    A fairly logical explanation is given by Freud's dream book, but again with an emphasis on the sexual sphere. He says that if he dreamed of a gun, then this suggests that the dreamer does not at all seek to learn about the feelings of a partner, and does not consider the desire for sexual intimacy at all.

    • If you dream of a gun, it means that the dreamer's egoism has exceeded common sense, and he often forces a partner to have sexual intercourse. This is not always brute physical force, moral pressure, threats and manipulation are also considered elements of violence. Such a relationship cannot lead to anything good.
    • Shooting from your own weapon - the situation will require decisiveness and a strong-willed decision. Otherwise, a relationship with a partner will become impossible. If the dreamer cannot easily make decisions of this kind, his partner will be disappointed and the relationship will come to naught. At the same time, hasty conclusions and loud words will not be perceived as a step towards action.
    • Threatening others to shoot themselves is a tendency towards unusual ways of sexual gratification. If pain and humiliation bring more pleasure to the dreamer than trouble, this does not mean that the partner is ready to try this on himself.

    Noble dream book

    Pistol inlaid with stones

    Since the nobility class used weapons to resolve disputes (duels), the attitude towards it was ambiguous. Every man should have been able to use it. Accuracy and endurance were greatly appreciated. But in vain to use a pistol was considered pampering and licentiousness. On the other hand, the family and award weapons were very much appreciated, and if it was it that figured in a dream, then it was considered a sign of victories, success and honors.

    • Seeing weapons - violence and rampant arbitrariness did not bring anyone to good.
    • To keep in hands ready to shoot - force majeure will cause serious harm to the dreamer.
    • Aim or shoot is a warning that the dreamer needs to be extremely careful.
    • To receive an award pistol - for military personnel - is a high position, many people are subordinate, glory.
    • Dreams of weapons inlaid with expensive stones - power, high social status.

    What the dreamer felt

    As we see, there is no unequivocal interpretation of what the weapon is dreaming of. But besides the explanations of the dream books, it is also important to focus on your own feelings and sensations. What does the understanding that there is something in the hands that can force those around me to obediently carry out all conceivable and inconceivable orders of the dreamer?

    • Aim, but not shoot - it is difficult for you to quickly respond to a changing situation. Making decisions without much deliberation is not about you.
    • Feel the power and omnipotence due to the fact that in the hands of weapons - basic instincts can take over. The world does not consist of money and sexual intercourse, it is important to remember that high feelings can bring many pleasant moments.
    • Be proud of accuracy - a strong moral core helped in a difficult situation. If a controversial moment comes, you need to act as always - according to your conscience.
    • Feeling overwhelmed or feeling guilty about having to take a shot - you just need to accept the situation as it is. There are times when there is no right solution.

    The gun in your dreams is usually a sign with a negative meaning, foreshadowing many quarrels, scandals and conflict situations.

    It represents destruction and various difficulties in the dreamer's life. If you carefully understand all the details of the dream, you can see not only the upcoming difficult situations, but also try to predict their further development.

    A woman dreams of a gun

    A woman dreamed of a gun in real life, he prophesies to be drawn into all kinds of conflicts and showdowns, and not of his own free will. This will not bring much harm in life, but it can fray a lot of nerves.

    If the gun is not loaded or is defective, then such a dream foreshadows difficulties in business, due to the incompetence of colleagues. Shooting at targets in a shooting range or at a shooting range means having goals in real life and persistently going towards it. Just looking at a gun in your hands means that in real life you will have to face manifestations of aggression, and even something dangerous and unpleasant.

    Dreamed of a man

    If a man saw a gun in a dream, then such a dream in reality prophesies conflicts and various difficult situations.

    Charging a pistol means preparing for a solution to difficult problems that will require a lot of material costs.

    But if everything is solved successfully, then everything will pay off. If the pistol was found, then in life one should be careful, false accusations from competitors or envious people are possible. Shoot a pistol at targets- means to clearly know your goals and objectives in waking life. Disassembling a pistol in order to clean it means that you have to make a difficult choice, the further course of affairs will depend on it.

    Hold a gun in your hands in a dream, speaks of your determination in real life. Lubricating or otherwise preparing him for shooting means that in reality you are already close to achieving your goal.

    Putting a weapon on the fuse means that in reality it will be possible to avoid conflicts and other problem situations, thanks to your personal qualities. It is the withdrawal from the conflict that will help to achieve success in the business you have begun.

    Hold a pistol with a gift engraving, such a dream means that at this moment in life you can receive a reward or recognition for a job done. Also, this dream can mean that you are under the protection of higher powers, but at any moment they can turn away from you.

    They shoot you with a pistol

    Seeing in a dream like from a pistol- it means that there will be an offense or other nuisance in life. Most likely, friends, or close friends will apply it.

    Seeing the one who shoots at you is a warning sign that in life you should exercise restraint and caution in the event of conflict situations, if they do arise. Better to avoid them, otherwise they can be very expensive. If a familiar person shoots, then this means a betrayal of a loved one, and such an act can be unsettling for a long time.

    from a pistol in a dream, means that your hidden enemies will soon show themselves, and in an aggressive form. If a killer with a pistol met on the way, then such a dream means obstacles in life, which alone will not be able to overcome.

    A fatal shot in the back - such a dream means that in life friends can betray. Also, such a dream can mean family problems and quarrels. Remember the killer's face- means to be ready for troubles in life, and to respond to them in a timely manner by taking measures.

    If it was an accidental shot, then such a dream is a warning about the danger of an accident, the consequences of which can be the most dire.

    Hear shooting sounds in a dream- a sign foreshadowing major family quarrels and scandals. Fleeing from a firefight is a good sign, especially if you managed to hide from bullets, it portends a successful solution to difficult cases with minimal costs.

    Participate in the shootout yourself- such a dream means that in reality there is a risk of being drawn into an unnecessary conflict and it will not bring anything but harm. To be wounded or killed in a shootout means to innocently suffer or become a victim of someone else's showdown.

    If someone close to you is injured in a shootout, then such a dream predicts losses, losses and waste. You started a firefight - it means that in the near future there will be an incident that will greatly "cool" your ambitions.

    Big dream book

    A gun in a dream Is a symbol of aggression and destruction. His appearance promises many conflicts, quarrels and problems. Charging a pistol means that the dreamer is preparing for a conflict and it will not be possible to avoid it.

    Disassembling a pistol and lubricating it means fatigue due to constant psychological stress. Shooting at targets means clearly knowing your goal. But if you shoot and never hit the target, such a dream means that you are wasting your strength.

    If there is a bunch of bullets, and you do not know which of them will fit the gun, which means that in life it will be very difficult to make the right decision. To witness a shootout - such a dream means being an unwitting participant in an unnecessary scandal.

    White dream book

    A gun in a dream- this is a sign of the manifestation of aggression both towards the dreamer and his own aggression towards others. Such a dream usually carries negative signs. Shoot with a pistol at targets, see and have clear goals in life and not meet obstacles on the way to achieving them.

    But if you shoot at people- means making enemies, and they will bring a lot of problems. Load a gun in a dream means to prepare for a real battle in reality.

    Being wounded from a pistol means that health problems are being cut in life. A lot of wounds, such a dream portends bad news from relatives. For women, such a dream portends a collision with unpleasant people and family quarrels and problems in life.

    Lunar dream book

    If you dreamed about a gun, then in reality there will be a conflict or quarrel in the family. Holding a gun in your hand means endangering family members.

    To find a gun, such a dream predicts that you yourself will find problems out of the blue because of your intemperance and this can be expensive.

    If the gun is defective, then in real life this sign indicates unwillingness to solve the current problem. Shooting at targets means that in order to continue the path to the goal you have to stop and think, is this the right thing to do? Charge or clean, means that the conflict cannot be avoided and it will be expensive.

    A gun in dreams it is a negative sign, it carries destruction. Holding a gun in your hands means that in reality there is a serious conversation ahead, which will easily develop into a conflict.

    Seeing or examining an old pistol is a rare dream; it portends waste and loss. And if you buy it, then - this is a good investment and making a profit.

    To become a witness or victim of a shootout means to innocently suffer in reality because of other people's conflicts that affect the dreamer. Shoot targets in the shooting range, this dream speaks of determination in achieving the set task, and all obstacles will be bypassed.

    To be wounded or killed with a pistol means meeting an obstacle on the way, which you cannot get around on your own.

    Wanderer's dream book

    Seeing a gun in a dream- a bad sign in almost all cases. Buying a weapon means that in life there is a risk of being drawn into a criminal case. Selling it can mean losses and waste in real life.

    Shooting at targets means making an important decision in life.

    Become a victim of a shootout- such a dream means an unexpected blow of fate.

    And if you escape from the shootout, then to the successful completion of business and making a profit.

    To clean weapons - speaks of thoroughness and the fact that things are going well with you, but envious people can ruin everything.

    Find a gun- means to bring trouble to your home. And if you lose him, such a dream means losses and losses in the present life.

    A pistol seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune, a gas pistol - to tears.

    A revolver in the hands of your lover, with which he wants to kill you or shoot himself - this means a conflict between you in real life, which can lead to a separation forever.

    Seeing a Colt in a dream means that you will take part in a business that is obviously doomed to failure.

    Mauser - to prosperity and well-being.

    Browning is good luck after long adversity.

    Parabellum (luger) - to the loss of money and respect of others.

    Walter is a love adventure.

    Nagant is adultery.

    If you see an old flintlock pistol, this is a great misfortune or an absurd death.

    A dueling pistol - to a ridiculous misunderstanding.

    If you are shooting with someone or see duelists aiming at each other with pistols, such a dream portends a threat of attack or robbery.

    A personalized pistol with a dedicatory inscription on a metal plate attached to it is a harbinger that in reality you will enter into a conflict that can be avoided.

    To kill a person in a dream with a pistol means family squabbles.

    Loading a pistol - to receive upsetting news, disassembling or assembling - you will be in serious danger, cleaning and lubricating - frustration from children.

    Play Russian roulette in a dream - you will experience the pleasure of communicating with funny and risky people.

    If you pull the trigger of a pistol and a misfire occurs, you have to change your initial opinion about a person known only by hearsay.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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    Dream interpretation - pistol

    Carry a pistol in a holster with you - you have a secret trump card with which you will defeat all enemies.

    Threaten someone with a gun - your arguments will convince anyone.

    Imagine that you are walking down the street with a pistol in a holster at your belt. Everyone makes way for you.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Dreams are a reflection of our real life. Experiences, worries, joys and other emotions result in dreams, sometimes not the most pleasant ones. For example, our subconscious mind gives a sign in the form of a dreaming weapon. This time we will turn to dream books and try to find out what the pistol is dreaming of.

    The meaning of the symbol in the interpretations of various dream books

    In everyday life, not all of us held a pistol in our hands. Most often, we see this type of weapon on the TV screen. And as a rule, he does not bode well. And what about the dream?

    Interpretations of the dreaming pistol are slightly different in various dream books. But everyone agrees that this symbol is alarming, talking about the actions taking place around, causing you anger or irritation. Perhaps it should be taken as a warning against rash actions.

    • Miller's dream book interprets the dreaming gun as an unhappy omen.
    • In the dream book of the soothsayer Mara, the pistol is described as a negative sign that carries destruction.
    • The lunar dream book associates this symbol as a real threat of conflicts and quarrels in the family.
    • Miss Hasse, in her dream book, describes the gun as dislike and anger.
    • A dream interpretation for a bitch (yes, there is one) encourages you to be on your guard and show attention and discretion.
    • A modern dream book associates a pistol with failure.
    • An intimate dream book claims that a person who dreamed of a gun is inclined to use violence in his personal life in real life.
    • And Freud points to the unconscious tendency of aggression in the manifestation of even tender feelings.

    A dreaming gun is often a disturbing symbol.

    Interpretation of sleep for men and women

    It turns out that the dreaming gun can be interpreted in different ways depending on the sex of the dreamer.

    What does the interpretation depend on

    For a correct interpretation of sleep, the following factors should be considered.

    The dreamer's actions: hold, shoot, kill, etc.

    If you dreamed about a gun, then the actions associated with it are quite possible. They are also interpreted differently.

    1. Shoot a pistol in a dream - get ready for some decisive action. If you dream that you are shooting a pistol, then most likely this means your willingness to take revenge on someone for an insult or insult. Perhaps this is a hint of strained family relationships that can lead to breakdowns and scandals. Target shooting indicates that you have clearly set objectives in your life and that you are moving towards your goal. Shoot and hit right on target - portends a series of luck and controllability of situations. If you are shooting with someone, then this warns of the possibility of robbery or assault.

      Shooting in a dream indicates decisive action

    2. Aiming a pistol at someone in a dream, but not shooting, may mean that you are intriguing and spreading gossip about someone.
    3. Shooting a toy gun is a dream in case of your insincerity in a relationship with the opposite sex.
    4. Kill someone. In general, shooting a person with a pistol in a dream is a good sign. This reflects your confidence in solving problems. If the murder happened in self-defense, then this means a sense of security. In Grishina's dream book, the personality of the murdered person is of no small importance. An enemy defeated in a dream in reality means success. Shooting a specific person in the head in a dream symbolizes an attempt on your part to influence the course of thoughts and actions of this person.
    5. If they shoot at you, but do not hit, then be prepared for the fact that someone will show ardent feelings towards you. This is stated in Vanga's dream book.
    6. Hold or examine a gun. The gun in your hands symbolizes a certain trump card, the ability to keep the situation under control. Perhaps, manifestations of aggression from someone's side await you, dangerous or unpleasant situations will make themselves felt. But you are determined. If in a dream you are considering an old pistol, get ready for unnecessary expenses and losses.

      If you are considering a gun in a dream, then in life you have a certain trump card.

    7. Hide the gun. This dream can be a harbinger of a peaceful and calm life. This is a warning against dangerous hobbies. But there is another interpretation - you are trying to shift your blame onto someone else and avoid responsibility.
    8. Buy a gun. You are the blacksmith of your own happiness, to put it simply, you yourself must choose the path that you think is correct.
    9. Stealing someone else's gun, whether deliberately or spontaneously, means that you are interfering with someone's plans and possibly disrupting them. Find a gun - be responsible for other people's actions, bring trouble to your home.
    10. The loss of a pistol in reality will result in losses.

    Weapon color

    The color of the gun that appears in your dream should also be taken into account. The golden pistol warns you that the pursuit of material well-being can lead to dire consequences. The values ​​of life are paramount, and everything material should fade into the background.

    Golden gun - you have to make a choice between material and spiritual

    Types of pistols: toy, gas, etc.

    • Seeing a gas pistol in a dream - to tears.
    • A toy gun is a misunderstanding that will make you smile.
    • A dreaming Mauser portends material well-being.
    • Colt - participation in affairs doomed to failure in advance.
    • Walter dreams of amorous adventures.

    Selected nuances

    To decipher the dream more accurately, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

    Other interpretations of the dreaming gun

    • A defective pistol indicates a real-life unwillingness to solve the current problem.
    • Cleaning or loading a pistol in a dream is an inevitable and serious conflict.
    • If you play Russian roulette in a dream, you are pleased to communicate with funny people who love risk.
    • Hearing someone talking about a gun in a dream means that you have to learn about insidious plans against you and, possibly, upset them.
    • Giving a gun to someone is an inevitable fight.

    A pistol seen in a dream is an unpleasant symbol. But do not be very suspicious and take everything literally. Remember the saying - "Forewarned is protected." Having made the right conclusions, you will surely find the right way out.