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  • The easiest cheesecake recipe. Curd cheesecake with cherries

    The easiest cheesecake recipe.  Curd cheesecake with cherries

    Cheesecake - one word drools! If you don't, then you just haven't tried the "right cheesecake" yet. Well, or didn’t find “your ideal recipe” for this amazing dessert, so popular in America and permanently included in the menus of most restaurants in our country.

    We will not delve into the history of origin, let's just say that the cheesecake is of European origin. However, cheesecake has become so ingrained in America that it has become a classic American dish. And now the classic cheesecake is proudly named "New York".

    It is cheesecake in new york that we will learn to cook at home: we will consider the main points and several valuable recipes with step-by-step photos and video instructions.

    Learn to make a classic cheesecake and you can cook any other! Because according to the idea, a classic cheesecake is a base to which you can add various flavors (all kinds of flavors, berries, syrups and toppings, etc.).

    How to make a cheesecake at home the right way

    The perfect cheesecake is every housewife's dream. And by the way, if you take into account the little tricks, everyone will succeed in preparing an impeccable dessert. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the consideration of the classic New York cheesecake recipes, pay attention to reading the "useful tips".

    Best cheese for cheesecake

    Cheese is the main ingredient in cheesecake. Therefore, the very first reasonable question that comes to mind is: what is the best cheese for cheesecake to buy?

    The composition should not contain vegetable fats, only dairy sources.

    Cheesecake requires cream cheese - ideally Philadelphia cheese. However, it is often difficult to obtain or the price is prohibitive.

    How to replace Philadelphia cheese?

    Philadelphia cheese can be replaced with analogs such as:

    • Curd cheeses: Almette, Unagrande, Hochland "creamy", Zuger Frischkase;
    • Creamy: Violetta, Bon Cream, Arla Natura;
    • Cream cheese (Kremchiz): Hochland Cremette, Unagrande, classic "Baltais";
    • Cheese for confectioners Mana;
    • Soft cheese "Syrko".
    Mascarpone cheese is not suitable for cooking cheesecakes. But it has been used very successfully when making cheesecake without baking.

    However, you can experiment: mix curd cream cheese (Philadelphia or any other analogue) with mascarpone cheese 50% to 50% when making a cheesecake with pastries - the texture of the finished cake will be softer (you get a more “creamy” cheesecake). As they say, the taste and color ...

    As a matter of fact, in search of the ideal texture, you can combine cream cheeses with each other (for example: almette + hochland well, etc.). Well, a couple of words about cottage cheese, but instead of cheese you can use cottage cheese, BUT it will already be something different than a classic cheesecake. For those who need a recipe for cheesecake with cottage cheese, I advise you to look into.

    It's important to know:

    • It is better to remove all ingredients from the refrigerator 30 minutes before the start of cooking. So that they are at room temperature. This will make it easier to get a smooth, uniform texture;
    • It is best to use a split baking dish (this way you can easily remove the finished dessert from the mold). In addition, since the base of the cheesecake consists of cookie crumbs mixed with butter, the bottom of the mold must be lined with parchment paper for baking (again, to neatly remove the cake);
    • Try to choose high-quality cookies for (you can even make homemade cookies - we will show you a couple of options below);
    • Most recipes suggest melting the butter before mixing with the cookie crumbs. However, you can use just softened butter;
    • Cream is needed with a fat content of 30-35%, or 20% sour cream (note, depending on what you choose, there will be slightly different taste and density);
    • When mixing cheese with other ingredients, use a mixer at low speed (or stir by hand). You just need to mix the ingredients together - never whisk! If you add cream to the cheese mass, you don't need to whip it up either! Just pour it as it is - liquid, and stir gently.
    Otherwise the cheesecake will crack! Whipped cream is cream and air, and the presence of air in the cheesecake mass is useless and leads to the fact that when baking, the air tries to get out of the trap and the cheesecake cracks.

    How to bake cheesecake

    Most recipes talk about the unconditional need to bake cheesecake in a water bath. In fact, you can do without this troublesome method. However, both of them have a place to be - that's why we will tell about both.

    Why is cheesecake baked in a water bath?

    Cheese is a rather delicate product that requires gentle handling - accordingly, a pie made from it requires the same. It needs to be baked slowly and evenly, so it will not rise, and as a result it will crack (we are actually afraid of cracks).

    Now the way itself. A water bath is created not by placing a baking sheet with water at the bottom of the oven, but by directly immersing the mold with the dough into a large-diameter mold filled with hot water.

    This is where the difficulty arises for many - to make a cake, you need a form with a split bottom. And how to make sure that the water does not seep to the cake and soak the entire base? In fact, it is quite easy to wrap it in foil in a couple of layers, and that will be enough.

    If you have narrow rolls of foil, see the photo for instructions on how to wrap the form as securely as possible in this case.

    In addition, below, when you get to specific recipes in the video tutorials, you will also see both options.

    So, the first way: tear off 4 identical pieces of foil from the roll and connect them in pairs. Just put the two leaves together and wrap them on one edge (as shown in photo 1-2), tuck them several times. Then we open it like a book - as a result, we get one large sheet (photo №3).

    We do the same with the remaining 2 halves.

    As a result, we get two squares - we lay them on top of each other (we place the seams crosswise). Place the mold in the center and wrap the edges of the foil No. 5-6.

    Second way. We also tear off four strips of foil, and place them on top of each other with an asterisk. The first two are criss-cross (photo # 2) and the remaining ones are diagonal.

    Place the sealed form in a form with a large diameter (baking sheet with high sides), pour the cheese mass onto the base cake. Place in the oven on the lower level and pour boiling / hot water into a large dish (be careful not to pour water into the dough).

    Why on the lower level? - The top of the cheesecake shouldn't be toasting, but the bottom will be fine thanks to the water bath.

    Baking modes with a water bath(baking sheet on the lower level, heats both top and bottom):

    • 160 degrees Celsius 1 hour 20 minutes;
    • 150 ° C 1.30 minutes;
    • 180 ° C 45 minutes + 160 ° C 30 minutes

    Baking tray in the middle, heats the bottom:

    • 160 ° C 60 minutes (mold diameter 20 cm) or 1.5 hours (mold diameter 25-26 cm).
    In general, the temperature and cooking time will depend on the characteristics of your oven. The water in the mold should boil slightly (bubbling, but not bubbling).

    The finished cheesecake is tight at the edges, but slightly shaky in the middle (if you overdo it, it can crack again).

    A variation of the water bath "for the lazy" put the cheesecake on the wire rack in the middle. And a baking sheet with water right under it! It turns out great! In addition, the cooking time is reduced.

    Experiment gentlemen!

    Baking modes without a water bath(put the baking sheet in the middle or one division to the bottom, top and bottom):

    • 200 ° C 15 minutes + 110 ° C hour - hour thirty;
    • 200 ° C 10 minutes + 105 ° C hour fifteen - hour thirty minutes;
    • 200 ° C 10 minutes + 105 ° C 25 minutes + turn off the oven and leave for 1 hour somewhere in the middle (meaning after 30-40 minutes), open the oven slightly.
    If the top starts to brown, just cover it with a sheet of foil. In addition, without a water bath, someone may encounter a problem in the form of an “overcooked base” (cookies). If you run into this problem, next time place the second grate on a level below and place a sheet of foil on it so that it is under the mold. This will reduce the heat from below and the base should not burn.

    For those who have a gas stove (it is difficult to maintain the temperature - some do not have a temperature below 150 degrees), you can bake a cheesecake with a slightly open door.

    Ideally, it's a good idea to get an oven thermometer.

    Option for you:

    • 15 minutes 210 ° C (this is a six somewhere on gas), then 30 minutes at 150 ° C (at the very minimum - 1ka) and at the end of 30 minutes with the door slightly open.

    How to cool a cheesecake

    And the last, but not least, step, cooling down. It is very important not to expose the baked cake to sudden changes in temperature. Otherwise, it may crack even here!

    So, we will cool down in several stages:

    1. After turning off the oven, slightly open the door and leave the cake like this for 30-60 minutes;
    2. Next, take it out of the oven and leave it at room temperature, again for at least 30 minutes;
    3. Then with a damp knife we ​​go along the walls of the mold (separate the cheesecake from the mold, but do not remove it). This is necessary due to the fact that with further cooling it may settle a little more, and if the edges are adhered to the form, cracks may appear along the perimeter and in the middle;
    4. Many people put cheesecake in the refrigerator, covering it with cling film or foil. I would not recommend doing this due to the fact that drops of condensation form on the surface of the film and it drips onto the cake;
    5. We put it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
    The longer your cheesecake stays in the refrigerator, the better. By the way, true gourmets believe that the taste of cheesecake is fully revealed by the third day!

    Classic cheesecake with baking recipes with photos step by step

    Do not be intimidated by the large amount of text above - the whole difficulty lies in the individual characteristics of the ovens. But after all, every housewife knows her stove, so don't be intimidated by baking cheesecakes at home. In order to finally dispel your fears, below we will consider specific recipes with photo and video lessons.

    Cheesecake on a water bath in the oven

    Since we are talking about the classic New York cheesecake, I just have to show you the “original recipe” from Martha Stewart herself! Please note that this recipe adds flour to the cheese base.

    The rest of the recipes will be more "Russified" or something (without flour / starch), but we have prepared a separate article with recipes from Anna Olson and other eminent authors.

    And now a slight deviation from the "norm" - shortbread cookies (in our country it is most often used) and we will mix the crumbs not with butter, but with milk (instead of it, you can take water or coffee - for a chocolate chip cookie). In this performance, the sand base is tender (not dry).

    Well, and one more recipe - this time with "homemade cookies" in the base (more precisely, a whole shortcrust pastry crust below). And by the way, this recipe uses cream cheese + mascarpone cheese (60% by 40%, 450 g cream cheese + 300 g mascarpone).

    Cheesecake without water bath recipe

    I will start this collection of recipes with a couple of recipes with the addition of cornstarch (do not throw slippers at me - a little starch makes the cheese "silk").

    By the way, the recipes from the previous collection can also be cooked without a water bath! In this collection, we will consider recipes that differ only in tiny proportions. As I said, everyone has their own “perfect cheesecake recipe”! - Choose yours!

    See the video for detailed instructions.

    The next recipe for cheesecake andy chef differs from the previous one only by the additional addition of 2 yolks. The cooking process is the same.

    And the third option - art lunch cheesecake - is simplified as much as possible.

    The amount of cream is increased and the amount of sugar is reduced (flavorings in the form of lemon juice and zest can be added, or you can do without them).

    In addition, for this cheesecake recipe, the base of the cookies was prepared with simply softened butter.

    Otherwise, everything is the same:

    1. Crumbs of cookies were mixed with butter, laid out in a form lined with parchment, tamped well and sent to an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10 minutes. After they were allowed to cool;
    2. Meanwhile, the cheese was stirred with sugar, eggs were introduced one at a time (after each addition, stir well) and at the end, cream was poured (not whipped - ordinary liquid cream), again everything was carefully mixed until a homogeneous mass was obtained;
    3. Pour the resulting mixture onto the cooled cookie crust, knock on the table a couple of times (to expel the bubbles);
    4. We put the mold on the middle level in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 105-110 ° C and cook for another 60-90 minutes.

    How to properly check the readiness and cool the cheesecake has already been described above - I will not repeat myself.

    Classic cheesecake recipe at home without baking

    The hot version is considered to be American, and the cold version is considered English. With cold, everything is much easier, but no less tasty. Cold tastes like a creamy ice cream, and hot tastes like ... mmm a creamy casserole, I don't know how to describe the taste better. In any case, tasty this way and that - you can alternate their preparation!

    Moreover, the classic cheesecake without baking will not cause any difficulties at all, because it does not need to be baked for a painfully long time, observing the temperature regime, and cooled. All you need is the ability to handle gelatin.

    Since the article, so, has already turned out to be large, we will consider one classic cheesecake recipe, read more about cheesecake without baking here.

    So, mascarpone cheese and (attention!) Whipped cream are added to the cheesecake without baking.

    Instead of mascarpone cheese, you can take all the same cream cheeses that we talked about at the beginning.

    And one more difference is gelatin. Here you need to take into account the fact that gelatin must stand in water for an hour (swell). Therefore, in this recipe, we start cooking by soaking the gelatin. Of course, if your gelatin requires it (in general, read the instructions on your package).

    And by the way, cheesecake without baking, as a rule, is poured on top with fruit or berry jelly.

    Cheesecake without baking with a photo step by step

    Detailed instructions in the photo step by step and text explanations below.

    1. Pour gelatin for cheese (20 g) with 100 ml of boiled cooled water, and for jelly (10 g) with strawberry juice (or whatever you like). Forget about soaked gelatin for an hour. Just during this time, you can prepare the base.
    2. For the base, crumbling cookies;
    3. Mix it with ghee;
    4. We line the form with a split bottom with parchment, put cookie crumbs on it, distribute them evenly and tamp them with a glass with a flat bottom. We put the form in the refrigerator;
    5. Bring the gelatin soaked in water to a boil, but do not boil, put it aside for now (let it cool a little). For filling ;
    6. Add mascarpone cheese to them, stir gently until smooth. Pour in the dissolved gelatin, mix again;
    7. Pour the resulting creamy mixture onto the cookie crust. And put it in the morizil chamber for 10-15 minutes (we need the top to grab so that the berries do not sink - put pieces of strawberry on top under a layer of berry jelly);
    8. Meanwhile, warm up the gelatin with berry juice. Cut the strawberries into thin pieces. Then we lay it out beautifully on the surface of the cheesecake and (attention!) Do not pour out all the berry jelly at once (otherwise the berries will float unevenly and will not be beautiful), but carefully pour a small amount between all the berries with a spoon. And again put it in the freezer for a few minutes;
    9. Then we pour out all the remaining jelly and now we put the cheesecake in the refrigerator for several hours, or even overnight.

    The result is simply excellent!

    In this recipe for cheesecake without baking, we took 20 g of gelatin - this is quite enough, but someone loves the texture "denser" so you can increase its content to 30-40 g (but you cannot reduce it).

    Use different fruits and berries and you will have a “new cheesecake” every time. So you will never get bored of it! That's why he is a classic cheesecake! In addition to it, it is perfect: raspberries, cherries, peaches, pineapples, pears, blueberries, etc.

    In addition, if desired, pieces of fruit can be added to the cheesecake filling itself.

    Summing up, I can say one thing: a classic cheesecake is a dish that you can experiment with indefinitely! Inspiration and successful experiments!

    Homemade curd cheesecake with vanilla flavor and a bright cherry layer is an ideal dessert both in terms of appearance and taste. A wide layer of cottage cheese filling is not at all like casseroles, cheesecakes and other similar pastries. It is distinguished by its special tenderness, reminiscent of an "airy" soufflé or thick creamy mass.

    Comparing favorably with, the curd analog does not imply the use of hard-to-find or expensive products - Philadelphia cheese, heavy cream. In this case, let's go for a little trick and replace these components with a simple mixture of cottage cheese and sour cream. And to get the smooth texture we need for cheesecake, use the submersible blender attachment.


    • cottage cheese (preferably at least 9%) - 600 g;
    • sour cream 20% - 180 g;
    • sugar - 150 g;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • vanilla sugar - a bag (8-10 g).

    For the basics:

    • shortbread cookies - 200 g;
    • butter - 100 g.

    For the top layer:

    • frozen cherries - 500 g;
    • sugar - 120 g;
    • water - 250 ml;
    • powder gelatin (instant) - 5 g.

    Curd cheesecake recipe at home with photo

    1. First, let's prepare a cherry for the top layer. Pour sugar (120 g) into 250 ml of boiling water, stir until the grains are completely dissolved. Fill the berry and leave for 2-4 hours (until completely defrosted).
    2. Let's prepare the foundation. We grind the cookies in a blender bowl until crumbs or grind them by hand with a pusher.
    3. Pour in melted butter.
    4. Thoroughly mix the mass, soaking all the crumb with an oily liquid.
    5. We put parchment paper on the bottom of a detachable mold with a diameter of 22 cm, and then distribute the cookie crumbs. Ramboya, we form an even layer. We put for 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.

      Curd filling for cheesecake recipe

    6. Grind the curd with the immersion attachment of the blender. Do not skip this step, even if the product initially appears homogeneous. The fact is that the filling of a cheesecake should be perfectly smooth and have a creamy silkiness, and any cottage cheese is a granular mass. If you neglect the rubbing process, the curd grains will be felt in the finished dessert.
    7. Add two types of sugar (regular and vanilla), sour cream. Once again we punch the mass with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
    8. Add eggs one at a time to the curd mixture, stirring with a spoon or a whisk after each.
    9. As a result, we get a smooth mass, similar in consistency to liquid sour cream.

      How to bake curd cheesecake at home

    10. We will bake the curd cheesecake according to the rules of the classic - in a "water bath". We wrap the form with a baked base in 3-4 layers of foil. This is necessary so that water does not leak into the separable container.
    11. Pour the curd filling onto a layer of sand crumbs.
    12. We place the form with the future cheesecake in a deep baking sheet and fill it with boiling water. The water level should be up to the middle of the mold.
    13. We bake, maintaining the temperature at around 160 degrees, for about 80 minutes (the time may vary depending on the characteristics of the oven). We turn on only the bottom heating. To check the readiness, you can lightly shake the container - the filling of the baked cheesecake will "shake" slightly in the center. We release the form from the foil and the baking sheet with water, and then leave it in the turned off oven until it cools down, opening the door.

      Making curd cheesecake

    14. We put the cherries in a colander (do not pour out the liquid). We spread the berry on the cooled curd filling.
    15. Soak gelatin in 40 ml of cold water. We leave to swell.
    16. We measure out 250 ml of cherry juice, warm it up. The liquid should be hot, but not boiling. Temperature 50-60 degrees, no more (the finger is hot, but tolerable). Dissolve the swollen gelatin in heated cherry juice.
    17. After cooling, pour the juice with gelatin onto the cherry layer. We put the form in the refrigerator.
    18. When the jelly is completely solidified, gently run the knife along the sides. Remove the ring, transfer the dessert onto a plate. Before tasting, let the cheesecake stand overnight in the refrigerator so that its structure is completely strengthened.
    19. Homemade curd cheesecake is ready!

    Bon Appetit!

    Cheesecake is a sweet cheesecake served for dessert. It is prepared in many cafes and restaurants. At the same time, there is no single recipe for a traditional American cheesecake, because each confectioner prepares it in his own way: someone uses sour cream to make the glaze, and someone uses cream, and some prefer to add condensed milk. Some people prefer Mascarpone cheesecake, others prefer Philadelphia or Ricotta. Therefore, everyone who decided to cook a classic cheesecake has his own recipe. But whatever the recipe, the dessert turns out to be not only beautiful, as in the photo, but also delicious.

    Cheesecake is a cake whose main ingredient is soft cheese or just cottage cheese.

    Many housewives are sure that making this dessert at home is almost impossible, because the cheesecake recipe is complicated. It is a misconception that only professional pastry chefs can cook this cake. In fact, if you follow the recipe exactly, you will end up with a wonderful classic cheesecake. It is also called "New York".

    "Cheesecake" literally translates as "cheese pie". The name itself suggests that the pie contains cheese. But not every cheese is suitable for cooking. What kind of cheese is used to make "New York", or a classic cheesecake?

    To make New York cheesecake, like any other dessert, we need a soft cream cheese, it has a creamy consistency and a very delicate taste. But don't use processed cheeses. They are completely irrelevant here.

    Yes, cream cheese is very similar in texture to curd. But you won't be able to replace it with ordinary cottage cheese. After all, any curd product will give the dish a sour taste. Nevertheless, some housewives replace expensive cheeses with cottage cheese when preparing this cake.

    Philadelphia cheese is best for cheesecake. It is made from sour cream and cream. This cheese is very delicate and delicious.

    You can replace Philadelphia with Mascarpone cheese, if the recipe allows it. Mascarpone by its consistency resembles heavy cream. You can find his photo, description of the composition on the Internet. Using this neutral in taste cheese, you will be able to prepare a very delicate classic cheesecake. Besides cheesecake, Mascarpone is also used to make tiramisu, a famous Italian dessert.

    It is better to buy cheese for cheesecake in briquettes

    Better to buy cheese packed in a briquette. Those cheeses that are sold in tubes have already been whipped. And in the process of cooking, you will have to beat the cheese again, which will lead to excessive airiness. This is highly undesirable for our dessert.

    Making a traditional pie

    This dessert is popular all over the world. No wonder the housewives want to cook it at home. So, in order to make 8-10 servings of real New York cheesecake, you need the following ingredients:

    For the basics:

    • cookies or crackers (for example, "Yubileinoye") - 300 g;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
    • butter - 150 g.

    For filling:

    • Philadelphia cheese - 450 g;
    • egg - 5 pcs.;
    • flour - 3.5 tbsp. l .;
    • sugar - 1.5 cups.;
    • zest of half a lemon.;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp l.
    • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
    • vanilla - 0.5 tsp

    The recipe is as follows: first, grind the cookies using a meat grinder, blender or just with your hands, mix it with sugar and butter until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mass is tamped tightly in a split form. This will be the base for the cheesecake. The base must be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes, and then cooled. You do not need to remove the base from the mold.

    The base for the treat is ready to bake

    Mix Philadelphia cheese at room temperature with sugar, zest and lemon juice, salt and vanilla. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer at low speed. Without stopping whisking, add flour, then eggs.

    The resulting homogeneous mass must be poured into a mold with a base, having previously greased the edges of the mold with oil. We put the mold in the oven for one hour. Then let it cool for 10-15 minutes.

    While the dessert is cooling, prepare the icing. To do this, mix sour cream, vanilla and sugar in a blender. Spread the icing over the surface of the New York cheesecake and bake for another 7 to 10 minutes.

    After the end of baking, carefully remove the cake from the mold. Before serving, pour over the syrup and decorate with berries. In order to decorate the dessert in an original way, you can view some photos with examples. New York cheesecake is ready!

    The nuances of making a cheese dessert

    At first glance, baking a New York dessert, or any other dessert, is very simple, because studying the recipe, you don't notice any difficulties. But there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account in order for the cheese dessert to turn out not only amazing in taste, but also beautiful, like in the photo, with which the Internet is replete.

    Firstly, the cake should never rise during the baking process. To do this, beat all the ingredients with a fork or whisk by hand. If you do decide to use a mixer, beat the mixture at the lowest speed possible. This will allow less air to enter.

    Surprise your friends and loved ones - bake a cheesecake!

    Beat the cheese only once. When you add the ingredients later, it is best to simply stir until smooth. In this way, you will avoid excess air entering the curd.

    In order for the dessert to turn out beautiful and not to crack on top when cooling, it must be baked at a low temperature. It is best to put the cheesecake mold in the oven in a container of water. By building a kind of water bath, you can avoid burning the bottom and edges of your cheesecake.

    Pour water into this container exactly half the form. In no case should it get into the cake, otherwise the dessert will be spoiled. It is good if the diameter of the mold with water is larger than the mold with cheesecake. The distance between the walls of these two forms must be at least 3 - 5 cm.

    Excessive baking times can also cause cracks. The cake is considered ready when its edges have hardened enough, and the middle trembles a little when shaken. It is at this stage that the oven should be turned off, and the cake itself should be left in it for another hour. After that, the middle of the cheesecake will no longer look damp, but no cracks will appear on the surface.

    If it was not possible to avoid cracks on the surface of the cake, do not be discouraged, they can be easily hidden. Decorate your pie with jam and fruit and you won't see any cracks.

    Delicious dessert cheesecake (English Cheesecake - literally - curd (cheese) pie) is much older than it might seem. Spread throughout the world thanks to the boundless love of American chefs, cheesecake is considered to be an American dish that has some distant English roots. Indeed, a pie based on soft cream cheeses or cottage cheese came to American cuisine along with European settlers and earned popularity there, and at the same time "American citizenship". Now American cheesecakes are prepared not only in the USA and Europe, but in the Middle East, Israel, Hawaii, Japan, Russia, China and many other countries.

    The first mention of cheesecake, or rather the progenitor of all modern types of this dessert, was made by the ancient Greek physician Aejimius, who described in detail the methods of making cheese pies. This is indirectly confirmed by the mention of the work of the Greek in the works of Pliny the Elder. According to John Segreto, who wrote the book "Cheesecake Madness", the first cheesecakes appeared on the island of Samos in the 8th-7th centuries. BC. Olympic athletes and wedding guests were treated to this delicacy in Greece. Having reached Ancient Rome, the dessert fell in love with Julius Caesar, which automatically made its preparation mandatory in the homes of the nobility. The Roman hobby was inherited by the European colonies, primarily to England, where it received a long-term residence permit, especially since England had all the conditions and necessary ingredients for the preparation of this simple and tasty dish.

    Another point of view on the origin of cheesecake belongs to Joan Nathan, who believes that this dessert comes from the Middle East. There, the great cheesecake was prepared like this: milk was curdled, honey, lemon zest and egg yolks were added, mixed and baked. It was this recipe, according to Nathan, that came to Europe along with the crusaders returning from the campaigns.

    It is interesting that cheesecake, or rather a loaf with cheese, has been known in Ancient Russia since the 13th century. In any case, since that time, there are written references to such a dish. But if we consider that there are no surviving written ancient Russian sources older than the XII century, and more ancient chronicles are known only from late lists, then we can assume that cheesecake was eaten in Russia long before the Crusaders, and various cheese cakes, cheesecakes, loaves with cheese and cottage cheese, surviving to this day, only an additional confirmation of this. The curd casserole, familiar to everyone born in the USSR, is also a cheesecake, albeit a little brutal.

    The rich history, traditions of different nations and the complex interweaving of "genealogies" of similar dishes make cheesecake a universal "reconciling" cake, which is equally appropriate in New York, Moscow, for Easter or birthday. This delicious pie is a true internationalist and is great friends with both Chinese or Indian tea, and Caucasian kefir or Colombian coffee. Let's pay tribute to the Americans - the introduction of cream cheese and cream into the pie really changed the taste and appearance of the dessert a lot. Cheesecake has found completely the unique gloss, delicate, soufflé-like structure, diversified itself with additional components and became a frequent visitor of many modern glamorous cafes and restaurants.

    Enough history, let's talk about the dessert itself. Cheesecakes are conventionally divided into two categories - baked and raw. The first became popular due to the American style of cooking, the second, more ancient version is still used in some countries. You can also divide cheesecakes into those made from cream cheese (New York) and from cottage cheese or homemade curd cheeses. Recall that in English, the word cheese, in addition to cheese, means cottage cheese. So there is no “wrong” cheesecake, there is only a variety of cooking styles and recipes.

    The famous New York cheesecake is synonymous with modern cheesecake and, in many ways, its benchmark has emerged thanks to several coincidences. In 1912, James Kraft developed a new method for pasteurizing inexpensive cream cheese, and in 1929 Arnold Ruben announced that cheesecake had taken on a new recipe. Indeed, what was served at New York's Turf restaurant was not at all like homemade baked goods. The dessert has acquired a gloss and a homogeneous structure. It has become almost impossible to repeat it in the home kitchen. It was this good fortune that made cheesecake a "cult American dish."

    Until 1929, cheesecakes were made from cottage cheese or rather expensive varieties of cheese (ricotta, hawarty), but Philadelphia cheese is much simplified the matter. This cheese is ideal for baking, as it is very fatty and is not made from milk, but from cream. It does not require aging, like brie or Italian varieties, it resembles mascarpone in structure.

    In addition to cheese, the cheesecake recipe contains sugar, eggs, cream, fruit and biscuits for the base crust. These are basic ingredients, to which berries, syrups, chocolate, alcohol and other ingredients can be added depending on the whim and skill of the chef. Decorating the top is often done to hide cooking defects such as a crack. The highest craftsmanship can be considered a cheesecake, perfect in shape, without cracks or defects with an open top, only slightly decorated with fruit or chocolate.

    Cheesecake "New York"

    Ingredients (8-10 servings):
    For filling:
    700 g soft cream cheese (Philadelphia),
    100 g cream with 33% fat,
    3 tsp fat sour cream,
    100 g sugar
    1 tsp vanilla extract,
    3 eggs.

    For the basics:
    500 g cookies
    150 g butter
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 tsp ground nutmeg.

    Prepare a collapsible dish with a diameter of 26 cm. Crumble the cookies, mix with melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Lubricate the mold and spread the resulting mass over the bottom. Sometimes the base is distributed along the walls. Preheat the oven to 150 ° C, place the dish on the top shelf for 15 minutes (put a bowl of water larger than the shape on the bottom). Take out the form and, without disassembling, cool.

    Combine filling ingredients other than eggs. Whisk separately the yolks and whites. Stir the eggs gently into the filling, being careful to keep them airy. Place the filling on the base. Bake at 150 ° C for 1 hour. Leave the cheesecake in the off oven for another 15 minutes, then open the oven door and stand for another 10 minutes. After that, let it cool completely, remove the frame and set it to cool for 6 hours.

    Several recommendations. All ingredients must be at the same temperature. Eggs can be beaten cold, in the process they will take the right temperature. To prevent the cheesecake from cracking when parsing the shape, walk with a knife with a narrow blade along the side.

    A very curious version of a chocolate-based cheesecake is offered by the famous chef Ilya Lazerson.

    Chocolate New Yorker.

    For the basics:
    150 g chocolate
    100 g butter
    3 eggs,
    100 g sugar
    75 g flour

    For filling:
    600 g Buko cream cheese,
    150 g of the fattest sour cream,
    3 eggs,
    6 tbsp. l. Sahara,
    3 tbsp. l. flour,

    Melt the chocolate in a butter and water bath until smooth. Beat 3 eggs and sugar until white foam, add chocolate mixture and flour until smooth. Pour onto the bottom of a collapsible form (26 cm). Combine cheese, sour cream and flour. Beat eggs and sugar until white foam and gently combine with slow strokes, trying to maintain lightness. Place the filling on top of the chocolate base. Use a fork to lift the dark threads from the chocolate layer for a marbling effect. Bake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes. The center of the cheesecake should shake slightly after baking. Cool in the oven with the door ajar. Use a sharp knife to walk along the edge to avoid cracking the top. Let the cheesecake cool naturally in a warm place for 6-10 hours.

    In England, where cheesecakes came to the States, the dessert is not baked, but gelatin is added and left in the refrigerator. This makes the process much easier, especially when you want to enjoy a cool and tasty dessert on a hot summer evening. In France, cheesecakes are made from Neufchatel cheese with fruit and berry decorations, and in Brazil, cheesecake is poured with guava jam. In Belgium and Holland, it is customary to sprinkle cheesecakes with crushed cookies and grated chocolate. Cheesecakes are even made in Japan. Asian cheesecakes often contain tea, and some chefs even use tofu, a curd made from soy milk. Most often, Japanese cheesecake is a slightly modified American recipe with the addition of bright green Matcha tea powder.

    Japanese cheesecake.

    250 g Philadelphia cheese,
    50 g butter
    140 g sugar
    100 ml of milk
    60 g flour
    20 g starch
    6 eggs
    ½ lemon (juice),
    ¼ h. L. baking powder,
    2 tsp Matcha tea,
    5 tbsp. spoons of plum jam,
    2-3 st. l. plum vodka,
    icing sugar (for sprinkling).

    All ingredients should be at room temperature. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites into a foam, add sugar and a pinch of salt, beat until thick. Mix the cheese and butter separately, stir or beat with a mixer on low speed until smooth. Add lemon juice and yolks without stopping. Pour in milk and stir. Mix flour and tea with starch, add to the mass and mix gently. Introduce the proteins in a circular motion. Transfer everything to a baking dish, line the inside with baking paper, wrap with 3 layers of foil, place the "wrapped" baking dish in a deep baking sheet, half full of water. Bake for 1 hour at 180 ° C. Take out the cheesecake, peel off the foil, use a sharp knife around the edge of the mold to separate from the mold, remove the rim, separate from the paper and let cool for 2 hours. Refrigerate. Sprinkle the finished cheesecake with icing sugar, serve with warm plum jam and plum vodka sauce (heat in a water bath).

    Russian cuisine does not have its own signature cheesecake, but the classic honey and berry ingredients may well serve as a symbol of the Russian dessert. Do not be afraid to experiment, perhaps your own cheesecake will be able to become a unique Russian recipe, recognizable all over the world.

    The classic cheesecake is an invention of British housewives, although the first mentions of a cheesecake with a similar recipe are from Greek cuisine. Be that as it may, nowadays, cheesecake is more of an American dish that has many recipe variations. In almost every European country, you can find references to the recipe for cheese pie, so this dish can be conditionally considered international.

    Despite the fact that there are many recipes for making this cake, there are some important details that contribute to the correct preparation of this wonderful cake.

    The main nuances of making cheesecake at home:

    • The base for the cake can be very diverse. Usually, ready-made biscuit or crushed biscuits are used. There is also a no-bake cheesecake recipe with many possible options. To do this, all the ingredients are taken ready-to-eat, and then the formed pie is infused in the refrigerator. Some sources may include a slow cooker cheesecake recipe in the cooking algorithm. This technique has long been established in our kitchens and many housewives are happy to try a variety of dishes and even baked goods prepared in this way.
    • The filling is the main ingredient in the cheesecake. To obtain the ideal taste, it should not be too liquid, creamy in consistency. The original recipe uses Philadelphia-style soft cream cheese. Subsequently, as usual, the composition has changed slightly and now cheesecake is mostly made from cottage cheese. To obtain a more delicate and uniform consistency, add sour cream or cream to it. You can use a suitable cheese mass or even thick homemade sour cream. The taste will not suffer from this, and for our sweethearts it will become more familiar. This will also have a positive effect on the cost of the finished dish, because the filling accounts for about 80% of the total pie volume.
    • You don't need a special shape to make a cheesecake. You can use a standard split suitable size. For convenience, cover the bottom and edges with baking parchment or use a silicone container. If the recipe does not include baking, the pie can be made directly in the cake pan for serving.
    • Baking cheesecake is an extremely crucial and important moment. In no case should you overdry the cake, otherwise all efforts will be wasted. For cooking, you need to bake the cheesecake at a temperature of 150-180 ° C for about an hour. The finished cake should shake slightly around the center section. If in doubt, you can leave the cake in the turned off oven for another fifteen minutes, and then cool it down.
    • You can often find recommendations that the best way to bake cheesecakes is in a water bath. To do this, you need to take a slightly larger baking sheet and install the main one in it. Pour water between the sides, usually a level of about half the height of the baking sheet is required. Place the installed structure in the oven and bake in this way.
    • The cheesecake should cool down in a calm environment, away from drafts and temperature extremes. Covering the cake with a towel or napkin is not recommended, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the structure.
    • You can add various fruits and berries, citrus zest (lemon cheesecake) and cocoa powder to the composition. The classic strawberry cheesecake has an excellent taste, with fresh or frozen strawberries added to the filling.

    Each housewife determines the complete algorithm of actions for how to prepare a cheesecake, and our selection of time-tested recipes will help you quickly make a choice and pamper your household with a delicious and healthy dessert.

    The most delicious cheesecake recipes

    The main ingredients can be replaced and assembled in a different sequence. If the usual curd filling seems too bland, you can include orange or lemon zest in the composition, or you can pour everything with chocolate icing on top.

    Most of the ingredients are harmless and therefore cheesecakes are widely used for children's parties as a delicious and healthy dessert.

    The classic cheesecake recipe

    For it we need Philadelphia cream cheese, which can be purchased in specialized departments and large supermarkets. Its delicate taste is perfect for this dish.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Shortbread cookies - 300 gr;
    • Butter - 150 gr;
    • Soft cream cheese - 700 gr;
    • A glass of sugar;
    • 3 eggs.

    How to make a classic cheesecake:

    Grind the cookies and mix with melted butter. Form the bottom and sides of the base from the resulting mixture, level everything on a baking sheet. Heat the cheese to room temperature and beat it with eggs, adding one at a time. At the end add sugar and sour cream, mix everything well.

    Pour the resulting filling onto a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 160-170 ° C. Bake for about an hour when fully cooked. Then cool gently, avoiding sudden changes in temperature. To do this, you can leave the cake in the oven by opening the door. After the final cooling of the cheesecake, refrigerate for soaking for eight hours, you can overnight. After such "hardening" it will become unusually tender and soft.

    Curd dessert recipe

    If you replace the rather rare and expensive cheese with ordinary cottage cheese, then such a curd cheesecake recipe will become more accessible even for everyday use. It is advisable to take cottage cheese with a maximum fat content and a uniform consistency. Ideally, homemade products are preferred.... To obtain the desired consistency, the curd is diluted with sour cream or cream.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Ready-made biscuit in the shape of a baking sheet - 1 cake;
    • Fatty cottage cheese - 700 gr;
    • A glass of sugar;
    • Sour cream 20% fat - 150 gr;
    • 3 eggs.

    How to make curd cheesecake:

    Beat cottage cheese with sour cream, add eggs and sugar one by one. The resulting mixture should be thick enough not to spread out into shape. You can additionally wrap the sides with foil or parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about an hour. Then cool and leave in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

    New York cheesecake recipe

    The name itself testifies to the American roots of this dessert. The recipe for New York cheesecake is extremely simple and involves baking in the oven. To do this, you can prepare an already known base from crushed cookies, and then start making the filling.

    Do you want something interesting?

    Required Ingredients:

    • Shortbread cookies - 150 gr;
    • Butter - 70 gr;
    • Soft cheese of any suitable variety - 650 gr;
    • Sugar - 100 gr;
    • Sour cream or cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
    • 2 eggs;
    • Vanilla and salt to taste.

    How to make New York cheesecake:

    Mix cheese with eggs, sour cream (cream) and beat together with sugar. Vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt are added at the end, transfer everything to the finished base.

    It is advisable to bake in a water bath for about an hour. Leave in the turned off oven until it cools completely, then transfer to the refrigerator. The pie turns out to be surprisingly tender and delicious.

    With the addition of banana

    In order to prepare a banana cheesecake, it is necessary to add a banana, chopped into a puree state, into the cheese or curd mass. Banana cheesecake with cottage cheese has an excellent taste and is especially suitable for little ones with a sweet tooth. Thanks to this duet, the dessert will become not only tasty, but also healthy.

    With added chocolate

    You can prepare a chocolate cheesecake according to any of the proposed recipes by adding a little chopped or melted chocolate to the composition.

    The best option is to pour the finished cake with chocolate icing.

    This must be done after its final solidification so that the chocolate does not drip. This is an unusually tasty dish, which, moreover, is distinguished by its original appearance and elegant presentation to the table.

    A healthy option with pumpkin

    It is simply impossible to pass by such a recipe! The most useful autumn vegetable in this dessert is in perfect harmony with the rest of the ingredients. The Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe is sure to add to your family's cooking book, as well as becoming one of your favorite daily teas.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
    • Butter - 100 gr;
    • Pumpkin - 900 gr;
    • Soft cheese - 300 gr;
    • Cream - 250 ml;
    • Milk - 100 ml;
    • Gelatin - 2 packs.

    How to make pumpkin cheesecake:

    Bake the peeled and washed pumpkin in foil in the oven until the pulp becomes soft. Then beat in a blender until puree consistency. Add cheese, powder and beat again. Make a cookie and butter base using the recipe above.

    Pour gelatin with milk and leave until it swells. Heat and dissolve in warm liquid, leave to cool. Beat the cream well, add dissolved gelatin and cream to the crushed pumpkin and beat everything with a blender or mixer.

    Place the resulting mixture on a prepared base, smooth it well and refrigerate overnight for impregnation. Decorate to your liking before serving.

    Cooking with mascarpone cheese

    The exceptionally delicate taste of this dessert can surprise even the most capricious gourmet. Soft cheese "Mascarpone" is used for its preparation, so the taste of sunny and cheerful Italy is clearly visible in this dish.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
    • Butter - 100 gr;
    • Mascarpone - 500 gr;
    • Cream - 200 ml;
    • Granulated sugar - 150 gr;
    • Gelatin - 2 packs.

    How to make cheesecake with Mascarpone:

    Mash cookies and mix with butter. Then put it in the mold, forming the base, as already described earlier. Soak gelatin in cold water, the volume of which will be indicated in the instructions on the package (it may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer), usually half a glass of water per pack of dry mix.

    Beat sugar and cream with a mixer until thick foam. Then add the mascarpone, stirring thoroughly, but not whisking - the mixture should not be too airy.

    Heat the dissolved gelatin over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Gradually pour into the creamy cheese mass and mix until smooth.

    We spread the resulting mixture on the prepared biscuit base, level it well and leave it in the refrigerator until it hardens for 2-3 hours. This recipe does not require baking, which saves a lot of time. The finished cake can be garnished with grated chocolate, berries or fruits.

    Multicooker Cheesecake Recipe

    To cook cheesecake in a slow cooker, you must select the appropriate mode. A base of cookies or ready-made biscuit is laid out at the bottom of the container. The filling can also be taken from any recipe you like. After that, the appropriate mode is selected and in a few minutes your cake will be ready. The cooking time depends on the model of the multicooker and should be indicated in the recipe book.

    You can use the steaming bowl to quickly and neatly remove the finished cake from the container.

    A pie is turned over at its bottom, and then gently - onto a plate or dish. Next, you need to act according to the above technology: the cake first cools naturally, and then "rests" in the refrigerator, the advantage of this method will be faster cooking and a guarantee of a good result.

    No-bake cheesecake recipe

    For such a recipe, it is necessary to take exclusively ready-made ingredients: a biscuit or crushed cookie crumbs mixed with butter. The filling also needs to be completely cooked, so there are no eggs in this recipe. A simple no-baked curd cheesecake can be made with the following ingredients.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
    • Butter - 100 gr;
    • Soft cheese or cottage cheese - 600 gr;
    • Cream or fatty sour cream - 200 ml;
    • Granulated sugar - 150 gr;
    • Gelatin - 2 packs.

    How to make a cheesecake without baking:

    Pour gelatin with water, insist and heat until completely dissolved. Then strain from the solid residues and mix with pre-whipped cheese, cream and sugar. Pour the mixture into the prepared base of cookies and butter and leave to freeze in the refrigerator overnight. Serve garnished with berries or chocolate chips to your taste.

    Such a cake can be prepared immediately in a decorative cake dish so that the serving is beautiful and effective.

    Low-calorie dietary option

    Despite the fact that the calorie content of cheesecake is quite high: about 400-600 kcal / 100 g, it is quite possible to use such sweets during a diet. The main secret is to replace some ingredients with less high-calorie ones.... Thus, you can reduce its nutritional value to about 300 kcal / 100 g. and at least occasionally indulge in delicious food while dieting.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Cookies for the base - 180 gr;
    • Butter - 90 gr;
    • Soft cheese - 200 gr;
    • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
    • Yogurt - 200 ml;
    • Eggs - 2 pieces;
    • Sugar (powder) - 150 gr;
    • Vanillin - 2 tsp.

    How to make a diet cheesecake:

    Grind the cookies and mix with butter. Put in a prepared baking dish in a thin layer, not forgetting to make the sides two to three centimeters long. Bake the resulting mixture for about ten minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

    Mix all other ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth. Gently distribute the resulting mass over the base and bake in a water bath for about half an hour. Then cool and refrigerate for final impregnation for 3-4 hours. Garnish with fruit and grated chocolate shavings before serving.

    Cheesecake is a versatile dessert, simple yet surprisingly delicious. For its preparation, you can choose a minimum of products, and the process itself does not take much time. The best option is a cheesecake without baking with cottage cheese, it can be prepared for a children's birthday and just for the arrival of guests.

    Curd cheesecake in a slow cooker turns out to be unusually tender, the main thing is to choose the appropriate mode. Such a solution will further simplify the task and make the preparation practically automated. In our article there are some of the best recipes on how to make cheesecake, so you can safely go and try at least one of them.