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  • How does moulin rouge translate? Parisian cabaret Moulin Rouge

    How does moulin rouge translate?  Parisian cabaret Moulin Rouge

    The Moulin Rouge is the hallmark of Parisian nightlife, a world famous classic cabaret, art cafe, easily recognizable by its red mill with whirling wings. This symbolism was chosen for a reason: the functionality of the mills requires wind energy, so the programs are always rich, energetic and unforgettable.

    Over the years of its existence, since 1889, cabaret has not lost its popularity: tickets are sold out in advance, especially on the eve of the holidays.

    Show program

    Extravaganza - this is the definition that most accurately describes what is happening within the walls of the Red Mill. Extravaganza is fantasy, magic in stage performances, where 80 artists are involved (60 of which are on tour), 1000 costumes with feathers and rhinestones from famous Parisian designers, unique sets of shimmering outfits from Italian designers, unforgettable performances that tell stories, as well as music on which a troupe of 80 musicians and 60 choral singers worked.

    The entire program is divided into five story plots. Duration - 1 hour 45 minutes. So:

    • Scene 1: Moulin Rouge yesterday and today

    Intro. Spectators will see artists performing in retro costumes.

    • Scene 2: The Pirate's Story

    The story of the pirate Sandohan, whose boat is in Indonesian waters. It tells about the feelings of a lonely pirate who went ashore and met the temple of priestesses and orgone, surrounded by snakes.

    Whether the lady of the heart will accept the pirate's stolen treasures or a sacrifice in the name of love awaits him - only the one who will watch the second scene to the end will know the answer.

    • Scene 3: Circus show

    There is a real circus performance on the stage, where you can see clowns, Siamese twins, jugglers, acrobats, wild animals and six ponies.

    A colorful performance completes the costume parade with dancing.

    • Scene 4: The history of cabaret from the beginnings to the present day

    The fourth scene is dedicated to women who, from the very beginning, glorified cabaret with their appearance and talents. The legendary Kankan dance can be seen at the end of this section.

    • Scene 5: Chicago Show

    Here, spectators will find a theatrical performance that promises to be full of surprise and fun. On the stage there is a permanent trio, which will show acrobatic stunts on roller skates, observing the style and theme of the performance - Chicago.

    Performances are held every day. Beginning at 19:00, at 21:00 and at 23:00

    Ticket prices

    A cabaret is not a stage and standard bench-chairs lined up in rows are tables set according to a paid dinner, and there is no possibility to choose a table in advance. If you are with a company, get in line all together and tell the waiter to be placed at the same table. It is possible that a couple of lucky ticket holders can sit at the same table.

    If you want to get to the Dinner Show (at 19:00), you must pay not only for the show itself, but also for the dinner, which is accompanied by half a bottle of Laurent-Perrier champagne for one person. If you come alone, then they bring you a miniature bottle of champagne with a volume of 0.375 ml.

    The price of tickets is usually lower for the last performances that are not tied to treats, but in this case you still have to order something from the menu so as not to be considered a black sheep, otherwise there is a possibility that you will be put away from the stage.

    On the prices from the menu: snacks will cost from 18 to 35 euros, main courses from 30 to 51 euros, cheese platter with fruits - 20 euros, desserts - 18 euros. The bar offers a choice of both wine and beer, as well as mineral water, expresso, tea, herbal tea or fruit juice. Prices range from 10 to 20 euros. Vegetarians and vegans will find separate menus. There is a children's menu. (Children are allowed, by the way, from the age of 6).

    Considering the question of how to save money, we strongly recommend that you view the ticket prices for the coming days - prices here vary from 5 to 15 euros in one direction or another.
    Vip tickets are more expensive, approximately 1.5-2 times.

    Prices for performances:

    • 19:00 - from 200 euros a regular ticket, from 400 - VIP
    • 21:00 - from 115 euros regular ticket, from 210 - VIP
    • 23:00 - from 77 euros a regular ticket, from 210 - VIP

    It is worth mentioning the VIP zone in more detail. So, if you arrive at 19:00, then you are offered more comfortable seats, a three-way dinner, ½ bottle of premium champagne per person, pasta for dessert, a gift, a photo souvenir, as well as a separate dressing room.

    If you arrive at 21:00, the price includes: a separate dressing room, comfortable seats, a bottle of champagne for two, pasta, as well as the cost of the show itself.

    The most recent show in the VIP area is the same set as at 21:00, but cheaper. Why? The fact is that the last show may be delayed for "technical" reasons for 10-20 minutes, and even at such a late hour, upon completion, you need to take care of how to get from the Moulin Rouge to the hotel. Alternatively, which is not cheap in Paris.

    On the right bank of the Seine in the Montmarthe hills, not far from Place Pigalle (the famous red light districts) and the second metro line - Blanche station, the Moulin Rouge cabaret flaunts, this is a "sanctuary" of incendiary music and tantalizing dance.

    The history of the emergence of Moulin Rouge

    The Paris World Exhibition in 1889 was the reason not only for the construction of the Eiffel Tower, but also inspired business partners Joséf Ohller and Charles Ziedler to open their own cabaret in Place Blanche under the sign of the Moulin Rouge.

    The name of the institution is translated as "Red Mill", and it was not chosen by chance. Mills have long been considered the symbol of Montmart, and were used for grinding grain, crushing gypsum and grapes.

    The name combines dedication to an old tradition with a hint of belonging to the "red lanterns", since the Pigalle square was already famous for its piquant pleasures at that time.

    An ordinary wooden mill, which does not stand out in any way from others, two creative businessmen decided to transform, turning it into an entertainment institution. For help in decorating, they turned to Leon Adolphe Villett, who made it completely scarlet.

    From time to time, the Moulin Rouge has taken on a more modern look, and today in the evening it is clearly visible from afar thanks to bright flashing lights and rotating blades.

    Glamorous symbol of Paris

    Debubble the champagne and it will lose its playfulness. Deprive Paris of the Red Mill, and it will lose most of its charm and soul.
    Only after opening, the institution instantly gained fame as a fun house, where seductive beauties demonstrate flexibility of body and manners.

    People came here to enjoy the heady spectacle of the cancan dancers lifting slender legs. What we now consider to be moderately erotic was previously considered depraved, and not everyone dared to step over the canons of strict upbringing, in order to satisfy their own curiosity inside the dark walls.

    Due to its location near popular attractions, the Moulin Rouge quickly acquired a regular audience. Fed up with spiritual food during the day, people happily plunged into the enchanting atmosphere of a cabaret in the late evening, so that the "eye rested" on the charms of the seductive bodies of cankaners.

    To the accompaniment of Offenbach's musical accompaniment, the girls opened a magical picture to the male gaze, throwing up their puffy skirts high to expose their long legs in stockings with red garters, accompanying the movements with inviting gazes and snooty screams. And as soon as one of the spectators gape from the first row, a hat flew off his head, as if accidentally hit by the toe of a dancer's shoe, falling on a twine.

    The first cancan was a mix of gallop and quadrille, and originated in the 1920s in Paris. Swift kicks and a spectacular split were borrowed from Charles Mazurier's acrobatic act. But movements with puffy skirts appeared at the end of the 19th century.

    If in Paris the cancan was danced solo, then the English and American versions differed in that the corps de ballet took part in it - an ensemble lined up in a line. Choreographer Pierre Sandrini combined both types of dance, complementing the result with female squeals and mischievous laughter, creating the famous French cancan (French cancan). By the way, it literally means "noise and din".

    Famous visitors

    In the saloon of the cheerful cabaret one could see a wide variety of audiences from the middle class to the aristocracy, and the Prince of Wales was also spotted here. But, as you know, the servants of the muses have always been especially in need of performances with peppercorns. Oscar Wilde and Picasso loved to visit the Moulin Rouge in Paris, and the representative of the count's family, artist, specialist in advertising posters and graphics Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was generally considered the main patron of the variety show.

    Almost every evening he took a table closer to the stage in order to be inspired again and again by the relaxed, light, erotic movements of the seductresses.
    Thanks to his posters, the Parisians started talking about the institution, and learned about the most incendiary dance. Henri captured courtesans in many of his paintings, depicting, in particular, star dancers: Jeanne Avril, nicknamed "Dynamite"; Louise Weber, known as La Gulya; as well as the singer Yvette Guilbert and the clown Sha-Yu-Kao.

    Thanks to the numerous paintings and posters with which the artist glorified himself and the Moulin Rouge at the same time, cabaret became more and more popular, and in 1891 it was at its peak.

    In addition to the fact that the institution has worked in its role the longest, it also has other memorable moments. There is a mention that in 1893 it was here that striptease was born, when several young artists came to relax and have fun with their models. The girls sorted out sparkling champagne, jumped on the tables, and began to bare themselves to the music, bending invitingly. Although the police kicked out the perpetrators, the idea of ​​striptease stuck.

    But other sources, defending the reputation of the club, categorically deny this event, stating that this has never happened. However, having an already ambiguous fame, the institution is unlikely to radically change after this incident. On the contrary, curiosity would make new spectacle-lovers hotter.

    Next, the cabaret is waiting for another idea by Leon Villette, which turns it into the only building in the whole of Paris so far, illuminated by electric bulbs. With the onset of darkness, at 22:00, bright lights turned on, attracting visitors like moths, and the building itself made it even more modern, fashionable and recognizable institution.

    In 1915, the legendary Red Mill burned down, stopping the rotation of the blades for as long as 6 years. But the First World War ended, and people realized how much they yearned for entertainment, and therefore in 1921 it was decided to restore their favorite variety show.

    On his account two mentions in the Guinness book. The first time a record was set, when the girls managed to make the famous leg movement 29 times in 30 seconds. Later, they beat their own achievement, having already made 30 strokes in the same time. The event fell on the 125th anniversary of the cabaret. Several films have been made about him, and the 2001 musical reawakened interest in the institution, returning it to its former glory.

    Many celebrities of the twentieth century also visited the stage of the Parisian variety show. The first steps in a career here were made by Jean Gabin and so far unknown Yves Montand. Maurice Chevalier, legendary Edith Piaf and Ell Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and Charles Aznavour, Elton John and Liza Minnelli bathed in the spotlight and applause of the audience.

    Growing up cabaret

    Like wine, Moulin Rouge only gets better over the years, making the numbers more varied and honing the skill of their execution. The initial fame as an obscene institution, where respectable citizens do not enter, is being replaced by a much healthier one.

    In 1924, the ball here was ruled by the group Hoffman Girls under the direction of the choreographer Gertrude Hoffman, who also danced in her time. Gertrude's numbers were so imbued with sensuality and eroticism that they were often shocked, causing ambiguous and sometimes negative opinions.

    Since 1937, the cabaret has been rebuilt, turning it into a modern music hall with a well-thought-out repertoire, which presents not only dance numbers, but also various attractions and magic tricks. The famous cancan has not gone anywhere either, since it has become the club's hallmark.

    Spectators still come to admire the beautiful forms of the dancers. Once in an atmosphere of relaxedness and fun, it is impossible not to succumb to the general mood, and the champagne you drink further enhances the degree of emotions.

    Tough natural selection

    Choosing girls for the Moulin Rouge show, we always strictly adhered to the rules established more than 60 years ago. And all so that the viewer has the impression of deja vu, as if there is one dancer on the stage, and the rest are just fantasy, a whimsical joke of shadows and light.

    All candidates are measured and weighed. They should be 168-172 cm tall, slender and fit, skin in flawless condition. Even the length of the legs; the size, shape of the bust and the distance between them must match. The figure of the cananers is also strictly monitored, weighing and measuring them once a week. It is worth gaining a little more than a kilogram, and the loser is removed from the number until she regains her lost shape.

    Although on stage girls are called to give pleasure to the viewer, after the show they are expected to behave chastely. Leaving the music hall through the back door, they drive home in a car with a driver. Anyone who breaks the strict rules is fired without delay.

    Another necessary condition is to work under a pseudonym invented by a manager. The true names remain a mystery, and the fictitious ones remain until the end of their career at Moulin Rouge.

    Girls from any country can get into a dance group if they have enough talent. Since it has become prestigious today to work in a variety show, choreographers from all over the world also offer their services. It also happens that celebrities are invited to their dance shows, and you could see them next to Dita von Teese, Christina Aguilera, and Carmen Electra.

    Music hall show

    Since 1964, a completely new number has appeared with a huge aquarium, to which men eager for spectacles come to watch in the Moulin Rouge in order to instantly be conquered by naked beauties resembling outlandish fish or seductive mermaids.

    This aquarium is still a part of the "Extravaganza" show, which has remained unchanged and the most successful performance for many years. The fabulous Extravaganza includes several elaborate and polished performances lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes. During this time, you are carried away into the world of perky music, exotic outfits and a riot of colors, incredible precision of movements and a variety of images, an enchanting cocktail of sparkles and colorful lights.

    To diversify the assortment, the administration periodically introduced other musical and theatrical numbers: revues, operettas, and even films were shown, but nothing interests the viewer so much as a mesmerizing cancan.

    Underwater fantasy

    The most extravagant is the underwater phantasmagoria, where soft lighting creates a magical atmosphere. Among the bubbles with neon reflections, the girl's body wriggles, entangled by snakes, rivaling them in flexibility.

    Everything happens to the rhythm of the heartbeat, which adjusts to the perfect cadence of the music. Naked bodies seem to pulsate, fading and reviving again, awakening the basic instincts of life and inspiring love, freedom, bold thoughts and actions, devoid of boundaries.

    Cancan - an expression of love for freedom

    Thanks to the talent and subtle flair of the musical facets of Jacques Offenbh - the most popular composer of France in the 19th century, the cancan became known all over the world. Initially, it was part of the operetta "Orpheus in Hell", and was called the infernal gallop.

    Not everyone can withstand the frantic pace of the dance, but dancers need not only endurance, but also an excellent vestibular apparatus, since they have to perform sharp tilts of the head and body, alternating with quick turns. Try repeating several movements at the same pace, and you will have even more respect for the performers.

    Looking at the beautiful nymphs, wrapped in silks, feathers and sparkling tinsel, skillfully combining the strawberry of eroticism, natural coquetry with dignity, it is difficult to look away ... and why?

    Light show

    Lasers, spotlights and other lighting equipment elegantly fit into the production and are an integral part of it. With the help of multi-colored lighting and scattering rays, the colors of the outfits become even brighter, turning the plumage of the girls into firebirds, and the miracles taking place on the stage are breathtaking.

    Enjoy this magnificent sight while spicing it up with sparkling champagne. Do not miss a single dance step, because you will not be allowed to take a photo or video as a souvenir in the Moulin Rouge, so open your eyes wider, because you can only take your impressions with you. The brighter they are, the longer they will excite your imagination.

    Tickets for the Moulin Rouge in Paris

    The music hall can accommodate 850 people at the same time, seating 4-6 people at tables, and to get there, you have to buy a ticket.

    The price for tickets in Moulin Rouge does not depend on the location of the table, but on the additional set of services. If you want to pre-eat, you'd better buy a ticket that includes dinner. Depending on the menu, it will cost 175-200 euros.

    In this case, you need to come a couple of hours before the start of the show. This procedure was invented for two reasons - during the show, the lights in the hall are turned off, and you simply will not see the plate in the dark. And then, how can you be distracted by food when something incredible happens on stage?

    For 105 euros you can buy a ticket that includes drinks - champagne or an alternative to it. This version is preferred by the majority, because the atmosphere of the cabaret itself disposes to playful drinks as well as to a playful mood.
    And the last option is a ticket for 95 euros exclusively to the show, which does not include any food or drinks.

    There are no seats on the tickets, and you can take any free one. If the waiter who meets you at the entrance brings you to a table that you don't like, ask him to provide another, and he will fulfill the request. They are arranged so that the performance can be clearly seen from any point, but if you want to be closer to the stage, it is better to come half an hour earlier.

    Tickets to the Moulin Rouge are sold on the websites of travel agencies, on the official website of the variety show itself, and directly at the box office near the institution.

    Moulin Rouge on the map

    Moulin Rouge videos

    Dress code

    To enter, you do not need to dress up in evening dresses and tuxedos, but a T-shirt with shorts is not the option in which it is customary to visit the music hall. Remember that a holiday awaits you, and therefore it is best to opt for a discreet classic style of clothing that is perfect for a relaxed atmosphere.

    Yes, and also a memo for smokers - v Moulin Rouge is smoke-free!

    The exact address: 82 Boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France

    Telephone: +33 1 53 09 82 82

    Moulin Rouge Photos

    Photogallery of the Moulin Rouge in Paris

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    Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris

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    The legendary Moulin Rouge cabaret is the birthplace of the modern form of cancan dance. The building, located on Boulevard de Clichy, is easily recognizable by the fake red mill on the roof, posters for it were drawn by Toulouse-Lautrec, and Yves Montand, Piaf and Sinatra loved to spend evenings here.

    The Moulin Rouge was once known as a "first-class brothel". But after the cabaret began to be visited by aristocrats and people of art, it gradually turned into a fashionable institution.

    Today, the Moulin Rouge hosts dance and song shows for the adult audience. Since the performances are very popular, it can be difficult to get to them. Tourists who decide to visit Paris are better off booking a table online in advance. The entrance to the nightclub costs 100-140 EUR. Those who are going to not only watch the show, but also have dinner, will have to pay a larger amount - 180-205 EUR.

    Moulin Rouge is a symbol of Parisian nightlife. For more than 100 years, the legendary cabaret amazes and delights visitors every evening with a bright, noisy show. Each performance is staged by professionals - choreographers, musicians, designers, decorators, dancers and vocalists. Photos and videos are not able to convey the atmosphere of this action. This extravaganza is a must see.

    Below you can find a brief description of the history of cabaret.

    Where is the Moulin Rouge

    The cabaret is located in Montmartre (18th arrondissement), on the Boulevard de Clichy.

    How to get there:

    • Metro - st. Blanch.

    The history of the creation of the Moulin Rouge

    The legendary Moulin Rouge cabaret opened on 06.10.89... The name translates as "red mill". At the end of the 19th century, Montmartre was the outskirts of the city, distinctive but provincial. Cabaret, which today is one of the brands in France, was originally a place with a dubious reputation... The main visitors of the new cabaret were representatives of bohemians who loved to have fun - not rich artists, musicians, writers. Entertained the audience with booze and cancan. Here you could find absinthe, opium, and a girlfriend for the night.

    Some representatives of creative youth spent every evening in a fun institution. Toulouse-Lautrec spent all his time at the Moulin Rouge. He created many paintings, posters, depicting dancers, scenes of everyday life.

    P. Picasso and even the famous gay O. Wilde visited to chat with cheerful girls. The fame of the institution grew, the more moneyed public began to visit the cabaret. I spent several evenings in the Red Mill Prince of Wales, the future king of England.

    The Moulin Rouge became a place visited by people from all walks of life, a poor artist and heir to a family of aristocrats could sit at adjacent tables, everyone was united by incendiary music and dances.

    A little about cancan

    The cancan first appeared in France; it was danced in working-class neighborhoods and was considered the successor of the square dance in the 1830s. The dance was considered indecent and migrated to cabarets, cafes and other entertainment establishments. World famous dance owes Moulin Rouge.

    One of the cabaret owners, Joseph Ollard, invited choreographers. They took the very best of the cancan - bright, fluffy skirts and stockings, jumps and splits. All of these elements delighted the audience.

    Cancan was originally a solo dance... The performers danced alone or in groups, but not in line. The collective performance of the cancan by the dancers lined up in one line was first seen in England.

    In the 20s of the last century, the Moulin Rouge combined a single cancan with a collective one, added shrieks and shouts, they call this kind of dance "French cancan". The word "cancan" is translated as scandal, noise.

    How did striptease appear

    The Moulin Rouge has never performed striptease, but it is believed that this is where he appeared.

    In 1893, a student ball of artists was held in the cabaret. When the fun was in full swing, two drunk young ladies, jumping on the table, began to slowly undress to the music. History has even preserved their names - Sarah Brown and Manon Laville, the girls worked as models. This behavior was defiant even for the Moulin Rouge. The participants were brought to trial and sentenced to heavy fines.

    Moulin Rouge in the XX century

    In 1915, the cabaret building was damaged by fire and reopened, according to Wikipedia, in 1921.

    In the 30s, a number of changes were made in the cabaret. The program was updated, in addition to the cancan, the visitors began to entertain performances of illusionists, acrobats and artists of other genres. They were united by one thing, all the rooms were bright, cheerful, noisy.

    In the late 50s, a kitchen was opened in the Moulin Rouge. Watching the show began to be combined with a gourmet dinner.

    World pop stars performed in the cabaret. In the 1920s and 1930s, they sang on the stage of the "Red Mill" M. Chevalier and J. Gaben... In the post-war years, visitors enjoyed singing E. Piaf and I. Montana... S. Aznavour delighted his fans in the 50s. Later you could hear here L. Minelli, F. Sinatru, E. John.

    Fashion is changeable, including dancing. When the cancan ceases to be popular, the Moulin Rouge maintains its position. The audience is attracted by the operetta, the stars of Broadway, and the stage is provided for talented performers.

    Moulin Rouge today

    Today, the "Red Mill" is not only a first-class entertainment establishment, but also a rather popular attraction in the French capital. Almost every tourist, during his trip to Paris, spends an evening at the Moulin Rouge. Here, for over 100 years, they have adhered to the main rule - every evening, every performance should be a real extravaganza. And they do it, talented dancers, bright costumes and amazing music make every show unforgettable.

    Today, the Moulin Rouge does not change its traditions, except for modern shows, every evening visitors can see the dance to which the institution owes its success - cheerful, noisy, somewhat vulgar, but attractive cancan.

    Did you know? When performing the cancan, the dancer must raise her leg high 32 times per minute.

    Show Extravaganza

    The most popular program today is show Extravaganza... The show lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. The show features 80 artists, thousands of costumes from French and Italian designers. 80 musicians worked on the musical accompaniment.

    The show consists of five parts:

    • Moulin Rouge today and yesterday;
    • Pirate;
    • Circus;
    • Cabaret history;
    • Chicago show.

    Each part has its own plot, its own costumes, but the whole program is united by fiery dances, wonderful music, incredibly beautiful costumes. The spectacle is truly enchanting. The reviews of tourists have only an excellent degree - magnificent, indescribable, a holiday of the soul.

    • In the 60s, a new show was presented at the Moulin Rouge, which amazed the audience. In a large aquarium, several naked girls swam and splashed gracefully.
    • In 1982, the Queen of Great Britain attended the cabaret show.
    • Six films of the same name have been filmed about the Moulin Rouge. The most famous, starring Nicole Kidman, was released in 2001.
    • The stage costumes of the dancers are very bright, some are bulky. The heaviest suit weighed 10 kg.
    • Dancers are selected according to certain criteria. Height 168-172 cm. Girls' legs and arms must be of the same length.

    Working hours

    There are three performances every day at 19.00, 21.00 and 23.00.

    Ticket prices

    • 19.00 - from 200 euros.
    • 21.00 - from 115 euros.
    • 23.00 - from 77 euros.

    The ticket price includes half a bottle of champagne for 1 person.

    VIP tickets: at 19.00 - from 400 euros, 21.00 and 23.00 - from 210 euros.

    What to see nearby

    • visible from anywhere in the city. It rises on the 130 meter high Montmartre hill. This is one of the most popular Parisian landmarks. Tourists are attracted by the mixture of architectural styles and the unusually white color of the building. The Sacre Coeur was built from a rare stone that gets even whiter after every rain.
    • Tertre square- a gathering place for artists. Here you can buy a finished painting or order your own portrait. There are many cafes and souvenir shops with handicrafts on the square.
    • Cemetery Montmartre unofficially called the "artistic necropolis". Actors, painters and other creative personalities have found their last refuge here. Stendhal, Dumas, Delilah and many others are buried in this cemetery.

    Moulin Rouge is one of the historical sights of the French capital. The famous cabaret in the red light district teased with its cancan, stunned with striptease, sometimes shocked the elite Parisian audience with exotic dances. It was a symbol of hopes, broken and united hearts, symbiosis of creativity and vice, beauty and ugliness. Cabaret works today, uniting people of different social strata and groups, blurring the lines between high and low, individual and collective, vulgar and graceful ..

    1. The name "Moulin Rouge" is translated into Russian as the red mill. This institution was different from the real buildings of the industrial sphere, of which there were about 30 in Montmartre at the end of the 19th century. The location was not chosen by chance. Opening a cabaret in an alcohol tax-exempt area proved to be beneficial from all points of view. Montmartre was a popular entertainment destination for French bohemians.

    2.Oller and Ziedler, the founders of the cabaret, opened their doors to their first visitors on October 6, 1889. The highlight of the performance was the French square dance, about which the whole of Paris soon spoke. The vulgar dance, later called the cancan and evoking a wide variety of emotions - from anger to admiration - is a visiting card of cabaret to this day. The well-known cancan woman Margarita Rigolbosh admitted: “To dance the cancan, you need to have a very special temperament, an exceptional spirit, here you cannot limit yourself to the reproduction of a figure composed according to the rules. Here it is necessary to invent, create. Cancan is foot craziness. When I dance, I am seized by a kind of insanity: I forget everything ... Music shrinks in my chest, rushes to my head, like a pair of champagne ... "

    The name "Moulin Rouge" is translated into Russian as the red mill

    3. "Moulin Rouge" was visited by famous writers and artists (Oscar Wilde and Pablo Picasso), the heir to the British throne, Prince of Wales, lovers of luxury, sophisticated aristocrats. To look at the stunning, extraordinary dancers with such expressive names as La Gulyu (literally - "glutton"), Rayon d'Or ("Golden ray"), Nini-Pat-en-l'Er ("Nini-paws top ”), Jane Avril (the public christened her Melinit-Dynamite), Yvette Gabrielle, the Sha-U-Kao clown, guests from all over the world came here. The real star of the cabaret was La Gulyu (Alsatian-born Louise Weber).

    La Gulyu - Louise Weber

    Her sparkling dance brought the audience into indescribable delight. Together with their partner Valentin Renaudin (nicknamed Le Desosse - Boneless), they created a real extravaganza, striking with amazing pas and plasticity.

    La Gulyu was the real star of the cabaret

    4. "Moulin Rouge" can rightfully be considered the cradle of striptease. For the first time, dancers Manon Laville and Sarah Brown appeared in public nude in 1893. Then it caused a wave of indignation, a lawsuit and even human casualties. As it turned out later, they were not in vain - today the taboo on erotic dance with a slow, gradual undressing has been lifted.

    5. But the cabaret was not only an entertainment establishment, it was also a famous place of amorous pleasures. "Moulin Rouge" - "the kingdom of night, pleasure, where the rich and powerful of this world play with young and beautiful creatures from the bottom of society."

    6. The most famous posters "Moulin Rouge" belong to the pen of one of the regulars of the institution, the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Spending time in noisy companies and in the arms of beautiful dancers, he captured them in his paintings. Thanks to his work, you can personally imagine the history of the Moulin Rouge.

    7. Crazy nights here continued until the outbreak of the First World War. In 1915, the cabaret burned down, but after 6 years it again received visitors, becoming a real temple of the music hall. Famous artists - from La Gulyu to Mistinguet, from Edith Piaf to Josephine Becker, from Maurice Chevalier to Yves Montand - considered it an honor to perform here. In the 20s. in the cabaret they staged operettas and revues, showed films. In 1937, the nightclub program, in addition to the traditional cancan, included various tricks and attractions. The next break in the work of the Moulin Rouge came during the Second World War. After the liberation of Paris, in 1944, artists again appeared on the stage - the famous Yves Montand and Edith Piaf. The new hall, which opened in 1959, delights visitors with a gastronomic variety, offering clients who come here from all over the world a "show-dinner" with a wide choice of dishes and, of course, a concert, which already had a high international reputation at that time.

    The most famous Moulin Rouge posters belong to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

    8. The new Frou-Frou program, which opened in 1963, made a splash. The performance was a huge success. Superstitious cabaret manager Jackie now chooses names starting only with the letter "F" ("Frou-Frou" ("Rustle"), "Frisson" ("Shiver"), "Fascination" (Fantasy), Festival, Follement, Frenesie, Femmes, Femmes, Femmes, Formidable "(" Magnificent ")." Feerie "(" Extravaganza ").

    9. In 1964, the Moulin Rouge attracted the attention of visitors to a huge aquarium in which naked dancers swam. And in the show "Extravaganza", the most successful performance of these years, the girl splashed in an aquarium teeming with snakes.

    10. Since its opening, the Moulin Rouge has not toured anywhere. Only once, in 1981, was the troupe invited to London to perform for Her Highness Queen Elizabeth II. Among other artists, famous chansonniers Charles Trenet and Charles Aznavour performed at the Moulin Rouge.

    11. "Moulin Rouge" is captured in art. Films were made about the famous cabaret in 1928, 1934, 1940, 1944, 1952, 2001.

    Many songs and musical compositions have been written about Moulin Rouge, the most famous of which is the collaboration of Christina Aguilera, Pink, Lil Kim and Maya “Lady Marmalade”.

    The writer Pierre La Mura has a novel “Moulin Rouge. The Tragic Life of Toulouse-Lautrec "(1952), which was screened in 1952.

    Moulin Rouge is one of the largest buyers of champagne in the world

    12. On St. Patrick's Day 2011, the Moulin Rouge switched from red lights to Irish green for one night.

    13. "Moulin Rouge" is one of the largest buyers of champagne in the world, its visitors drink about 240,000 bottles a year!

    14. The cast of the Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris has set 6 world records, including the Cancan dancers being awarded for the most kicks ever.

    15. Today, the cabaret presents a revue "Extravaganza", which features the best dancers, about 1000 costumes and luxurious decorations. The modern "Moulin Rouge" is an elite establishment, the basis of which is a show, an eternal endless celebration.