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  • We reveal the secrets of the lunar health calendar: Moon in Gemini. Moon in Gemini - health, aromatherapy, beauty, fitness Moon in Gemini and money

    We reveal the secrets of the lunar health calendar: Moon in Gemini.  Moon in Gemini - health, aromatherapy, beauty, fitness Moon in Gemini and money

    Gemini is a sign associated with air, ruled by Mercury. A person with the Moon in this sign is a good thinker, researcher, poet or writer; he is resourceful, loves to learn. The minds of such people can quickly transfer from one subject to another, and often such people try to do too many things at the same time. They are friendly, skilled in trade, and speak convincingly. Very addicted to sex. Succeed in mediation and communications. Can copy others well; they make good students. They are witty; can deliver messages well. The moon in Gemini creates a certain amount of mental anxiety, but gives a keen intellect and the ability to understand well the thoughts and motivations of others. The usual appearance of such people is a beautiful, upturned nose, curly, curly hair, a pleasant face; they have a good appetite and love variety. They often change the style of clothing, love jewelry, jewelry. Gemini people are attached to music, art and entertainment; they may be proficient in singing or playing musical instruments. In ancient texts, they are described as people who are confident, skeptical, skillful, romantic, but not very deeply in love, easily succumbing to strength; secretive; they need special exercises or some other outlet for their excess mental energy.
    Gemini is a double sign, so such people may try to pursue their careers in several directions at the same time, or they may have many marriage partners. They make good office workers, lecturers and people engaged in intellectual work. They spend most of their time indoors. They are charming, unstable, and resemble children in character.

    Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

    Here the Moon is visiting Mercury, in the sign of the element of Air.
    The moon in Gemini will give you unconscious variability, a kind of airiness, susceptibility to fluctuations, infidelity, attraction to contacts, a statement. Surely you are unconsciously tuned in to communication, contact, communication, receiving and transmitting information. In general, you are an excellent conductor of what your first reaction is directed at, what affects you in a situation that is changeable, fluctuating, internally renewed and unstable. Apparently, you have a high degree of mental mobility, variability, experience emotional fluctuations: at the slightest change in the situation, your state instantly changes. Within an hour, you may even experience 5-6 changes in your emotional state, you are attuned to this by nature. Probably, you have a strong enough need for a change of scenery and you are constantly unconsciously tune in to something new, to search for new information. At the same time, you may not be aware of what you need, and if you ask you, then most likely you will definitely provide some kind of rational motivation for your actions and desires. But the true spring of your actions will be that you are determined to seek information, you must have new contacts, assimilate and transmit information. At the same time, you may have a strong need for external influence, since such a position of the Moon turns you into an excellent guide: you have heard and transmitted, and you seem to have almost nothing left, you assimilate information, as a rule, only when something is on you something or someone is acting.
    It should be noted that you, apparently, will not interact well with the same person with the Moon in Gemini, because each of you expects assistance from the other in obtaining information. Your expectations are usually not met. But you have excellent relationships with people who have the Moon in other signs.
    In the highest manifestations, you can become, as it were, a cosmic guide, while you are perceiving cosmic information. But these situations are rare enough.
    Medical contraindications. Most often you are characterized by diseases of the lungs, bronchi, asthma, various nervous disorders of speech, stuttering, diseases of the hands (shoulders, hands, fingers).
    All lung procedures (except in exceptional cases), as well as all breathing procedures (pranayama), will be contraindicated for you, as the lungs become very vulnerable. But this is true for cases when the Moon is not in trigon and not in conjunction with the Sun, that is, when the Sun is not in air signs.
    In general, if the Moon is in Gemini, then you (especially if the air cosmogram) may well have partially difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. In addition, this position of the moon often gives a strong reaction to air pollution. Even if the ascendant is in Gemini, then the Moon in Gemini will cause you, as a rule, intolerance to stuffy rooms and a desire for fresh air.
    Naturally, during the transit moon in Gemini, operations on the lungs and bronchi are dangerous, but all "bleeding" procedures, taking medications that accelerate the blood and are indicated for the liver, are allowed.
    During these periods, people who are associated with writing or typing will find it difficult to work, since the shoulders and arms become vulnerable (energetically weakened).

    Het Monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

    A kaleidoscope of sensations, quick reactions, richness of thoughts. They talk incessantly, annoying the listeners; always "hang" on the phone. Often they do not really know what they feel, because they are always trying to somehow rationalize, "check with their minds" their own feelings. They are very restless, nervous, travel a lot, prone to a kind of nervous restlessness. They scatter, grab onto several ideas at once and quickly throw them away. With good aspects, the moons easily deal with practical difficulties. With bad - emotions dominate the mind.

    Catherine Aubier. Astrological Dictionary

    Light and somewhat superficial sensuality is subordinated to Mercurian prudence. Sociability, contact. Intellectual excitement. Clarity of mind. Instability, nervousness. In the woman's card - protracted youth, independence. In the man's chart - attachment to women-intellectuals, difficult to predict and spiritually rich.

    Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

    Moon in the signs of Air. Great plasticity. Balance between yourself and the outside world. The ability to communicate easily. Sensitivity and openness. Dogmatism is not peculiar to man. A very great instinct to adapt.
    Twins. The Mercurian Moon gives unconscious volatility, fluctuation, infidelity, attraction to contacts. Such a person knows how to do several things at once. But these are champions in demagoguery.

    Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

    The moon in the sign shows the main way to comfort a person; Lunar Gemini in a difficult moment of life should be entertained with gossip, talk, taken to an interesting society, at least to the cinema or to the theater. Because information is the main type of food for them, without it they wither and fall into deep melancholy. The moon gives Gemini exceptional inner mobility and exacerbates the problem of the lack of an inner core; deep down, they don't care which point of view to take, as long as there are more of them. In a harmonious version, lunar Gemini are inclined to learn foreign languages ​​- they generally love sign systems, for example, astrology, in the afflicted one they internally fuss all the time and cannot stop their attention on anything, clutching one thing or the other, and nothing really carried away. The karmic task in this case is to determine internally, and not throw at everything (in fair amount) tidbits of information and superficial mental products that come across on the way.

    Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

    You do not come across as overwhelmingly emotional or sentimental, and you are often unaware of your own deeper feelings and emotional needs than usual. Tears and outbursts of irritation of other people baffle you, and you feel rather bad in such situations. You would rather resolve differences through reasonable and logical conversation. If a situation arises when it is necessary to plunge into the depths of feelings, you strive to turn everything into a joke.
    You avoid complex, multidimensional, emotional behaviors. You are careful and do not take on unnecessary responsibility.
    You have a strong need for an environment of intellectual competition or cooperation and feel a sense of closeness to people with whom you can share thoughts and interests. It is very important for you to be able to talk. You avoid strong, taciturn people.
    Iridescent feelings, quick grasping, richness of thoughts. They say incessantly what they annoy the listeners with. They are very restless, nervous, looking for changes, scattered about, do not bring the matter to the end. Good scent thanks to emotion. Departures, change of apartments (exchange of apartments). Women with the Moon in Gemini are graceful, slender, cunning and fickle.

    Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

    Sensitivity, flexibility of the psyche, contact, constant search, a tendency to change places. In the air sign, the Moon gives flexibility of thinking, which helps scientists (Louis Pasteur) and writers (Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Kipling, Darrell, N. Ostrovsky), philosophers (Berkeley, Malthus, Freud, Husserl, Plekhanov, Kafka, Teilhard de Chardin, Krishnamurti ), as well as the flexibility of the psyche, which is favorable for musicians (Mussorgsky, Dvorak, Gershwin, Rossini, Haydn, Offenbach, Karajan). The ease of contacts and the constant search for something new often creates a surprisingly large circle of acquaintances and the opportunity to travel frequently (for example, the work of a guide) and change the place of life (a person may have several shelters or not be at home at all). But this position also provides a surface for perception. The changeability of impressions brings intellectual excitement and does not allow the expression of truly deep emotional feelings. A somewhat childish attitude towards the world can present a problem both for the person himself and for those around him. At the same time, clarity of mind makes it possible to reveal the most primary and deepest processes of the psyche. Examples of this are Freud (Taurus), Dostoevsky and Turgenev (Scorpions), for whom the solar characteristic provides depth.

    The days of Gemini are those two or three days in the month that are marked in the lunar calendar by the presence of the moon in the sign of Gemini. Moon in Gemini makes people contact, free, mobile. There is a growing need to receive and transmit information, to exchange ideas and thoughts. People want to know what is happening around, what others are doing. The position of the Moon in this sign enhances the richness of the imagination and ingenuity. The mind becomes more agile, the hands become more dexterous, and people become talkative to the point of loquacity. Mental activity at this time is so active that it can lead to insomnia. Attention is usually dispersed on many things at the same time, there is a desire to take on everything at once. As a rule, during this period, the volume of correspondence and the number of phone calls increase, but also more frequent errors in telephone connections. Delays to the appointed time become frequent, a tendency to evade duties is clearly visible. Traffic accidents, misunderstandings in office work, primarily related to letters and documents, are not uncommon. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness increase. Frivolity, a tendency to ill-considered decisions and statements increases. Thefts are more common. Children at this time are restless and absent-minded, tend to be late. They must be monitored especially carefully, as well as with domesticated animals, as they can get lost. Writers and typists are advised to limit the amount of work to relieve stress on the hands.
    With the tense aspects of the Moon to the planets, frivolity, superficiality, and recklessness are brighter. A lot of effort is spent on trifles. Due to the nervous tension and internal anxiety typical of this time, people become fussy, inattentive, may behave inappropriately, which often leads to accidents or all sorts of misunderstandings. For example, you can forget to take change at the store or confuse the platform from which the train leaves. The information is unreliable and contradictory, so it is better to double-check it. Possible delays, communication disruptions, traffic schedule.

    Good time (if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day and auspicious Lunar day forecast ):

    • for short-term, fleeting affairs and those that require the ability to quickly adapt to the right people, things and circumstances;
    • for signing contracts, applying for a new job;
    • for scientific, creative or intellectual work, teaching, giving lectures and reports, preparing materials for publication, writing and calculation work, sending correspondence;
    • for study, passing exams, defending theses and dissertations, mastering new professions;
    • for contacting various organizations, legal departments and written applications of a business nature, collecting information and information;
    • for everything related to communication, the establishment of all types of communication, the search and exchange of information, the execution of official papers;
    • for intellectual entertainment, spiritual pursuits, visiting cultural and public places - museums, exhibitions, libraries;
    • for announcements, advertisements (especially during the full moon), radio and television appearances, interviews, business phone calls and meetings;
    • for visiting trade enterprises, shopping (except for property, furniture, household goods);
    • for commercial transactions, exchange transactions, sales and auctions;
    • for any purchases, except for real estate, furniture and other large items;
    • for a short vacation or time off, hiking, excursions, since these days it is desirable to be more in the fresh air;
    • for the beginning of trips and business trips over short distances, preferably on the 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th Lunar day;
    • in order to sow, plant and plant everything that winds (with a young moon);
    • for planting and sowing flowers;
    • for pest control.

    Bad timing (especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th lunar day and is unfavorable Lunar day forecast ):

    • for important and long-term affairs;
    • for matters requiring concentration and perseverance;
    • for long and long journeys, business trips, travel, especially to mountainous places;
    • for the purchase and sale of durable items - furniture, large household appliances, etc .;
    • for the purchase of works of art and jewelry;
    • for love flirting, intimacy, engagement, wedding;
    • for surgical intervention in the area of ​​the respiratory system, upper limbs, especially fingers. Any stress on the arms and shoulders is doubly heavy on Gemini days, they do more harm than on other days;
    • for breathing exercises and procedures related to the treatment of lungs (except in exceptional cases), the nervous system and mental disorders.

    Danger :

    • delays, road accidents;
    • misunderstandings related to letters and documents, theft and fraud;
    • colds, shortness of breath, shortness of breath.

    The moon in Gemini endows its charges with mobility, spiritual wealth and excellent intelligence. They can and can do a lot, but often such natures are very ambivalent. They can go to extremes, take on several things at the same time and still not finish what they started. There are a lot of interests in their lives, knowledge too, but there are practically no real hobbies and deep knowledge. It is problematic for them to focus on one thing or concentrate on completing one task, hence the legs of most of their problems grow.

    Moon in Gemini for a man

    The first thing I want to advise the Moon Gemini is to be more attentive to themselves, their feelings and true desires. Nature has done so that they tend to think with someone else's mind, be led by the opinion of others and try to squeeze into the ideas of other people. They can live in constant anxiety, irritation and anxiety, which negatively affects their psyche. This manifests itself in frequent and abrupt mood swings, excessive excitability, emotional exhaustion, etc.

    They can often be seen looking for new experiences that will give them another dose of adrenaline. They live in a rush and can ignore the really important things and events. Organization and discipline are not for them, their heart is drawn to constant travel and movement, so if possible, they will change their place of residence like gloves. They practically never make plans, act in the course of events, live in the present, and needless to say that such a position in life does not lead to anything good.

    They did not hear about modesty and shyness at all. They are very sociable individuals who are always open to people. The latter, by the way, are drawn to them like a magnet. They like to be aware of the latest events, to be the first to know about what is happening, to be aware of the life of others, sometimes even unfamiliar people. It is difficult to imagine that the Moon Gemini will suddenly run out of topics for conversation, and others may get the impression that all their stories cannot be listened to at all. It is problematic for them to be alone with themselves, and loneliness is almost the most important fear of such people. If they are suddenly left alone, they will definitely fall into a depressive state. But at the same time, among hundreds and thousands of acquaintances, they almost never have real friends, and if they do, then literally one or two with whom they communicate since childhood.

    They are constantly tormented by the feeling that they may not be in time for something, which pushes them to quit what they started and start a new business. They should learn to harmonize their internal energy and try to channel it into a peaceful channel, then with all their potential they will be able to achieve great success.

    Moon in Gemini woman

    Moon Gemini are not inclined to constancy and it is difficult for them to be loyal, so they almost never associate their life with one person. What can we say about creating a strong family for life. If a relationship is established, then the partner has to be very difficult, because not everyone is able to withstand such inconstancy and energy pressure that comes from them. They can use this quality in a good direction and manifest themselves as a creative nature. After all, it is very important for people of such professions to constantly look for novelty, love travel and learn everything new.

    They are very friendly, sentimental and always have family ties. They tend to do everything in their own way and not listen to the opinions of others. If you work out their quality of grasping at a lot, then they can really manage to do a lot of things and at the same time with high quality, which will bring excellent results. An activity where you need to think quickly and be in constant motion is ideal for them.

    Such women often dream of several children, and they will put a lot of effort into their upbringing, so that comprehensively developed and quick-witted personalities grow out of their children. Such a mother will provide for everything, and so that the kids dress beautifully and eat right, but even more will be devoted to intellectual development. These are not typical strict mothers, for their offspring they become rather friends who communicate easily and naturally. This is very good, because babies initially perceive their mother as an understanding person and always come to her for advice, even when they are already becoming adults. She will always support, help with advice and never judge.

    Moon in the sign Gemini - lunar day possibilities:

    The moon in Gemini has a mostly positive effect on people. She helps in finding friends, allows you to get a positive assessment of others, promotes acceptance of a certain place in the team, to adequately respond to everything related to spiritual growth, freedom, uniting people with common views on life. The time when the Moon is in Gemini is convenient for receiving and exchanging information, as well as for making short trips.

    Usually, during this time period, attention is dispersed to several things at once, and there is a desire to take on everything at once. Late arrivals, disruption to communications and traffic, interruptions in power supply, an increase in the number of thefts - all this refers to the influence of the Moon in Gemini.

    On the other hand, the Moon in Gemini promotes the development of contacts between people, makes them mobile, free. Opportunities for receiving and transmitting information, exchange of thoughts and ideas are increasing. People want to be aware of all the events happening around them, they want to know about the life and occupations of others. You can cheer up with friendly gatherings and chatter.

    Moon in the sign Gemini - influence on mood:

    The passage of the Moon by the sign of Gemini gives us for these few days unconscious variability, infidelity, susceptibility to fluctuations and doubts. Within an hour, your mood can change five to six times. Fridays in such a week will not be seven, but much more. With the Moon in Gemini, we need external influences, we are more conductors than leaders, led, but not leading. The need for changes, for a change of scenery, for obtaining new information is very strong these days. The perfect time to start learning something new.

    Moon in the sign Gemini - influence of the phase of the lunar day:

    New Moon in Gemini- Time of idleness. Everyone tries to pass their time easily, without tiresome explanations and quarrels.

    If the Growing Moon is in the sign of Gemini- People are not inclined to make any serious and responsible decisions. Everyone begins to relate to life more at ease and often simply laugh at their failures than mourn their hard lot.

    Full moon in Gemini- Chaos appears from nowhere. A lot of things arise out of nothingness, one thing is superimposed on another, causing a feeling of complete confusion. People lose the ability to act consistently and meaningfully. The bosses more often than on other days, and not only the bosses, but simply other people, are accused of carelessness and stupidity. To emerge victorious from this situation - listen to yourself and your feelings. All cases cannot be redone, prioritize and, as the importance of the cases, carry out those that are urgent.

    If the waning moon is in the sign of Gemini- Frequent mood swings occur in all people. People cease to understand you and you rarely find real sympathy from anyone. To somehow relax from an incomprehensible nervousness - listen to your favorite music, watch some good movie. A comedy movie or, conversely, a melodrama is especially well suited.

    Tips for the signs of the zodiac while the moon is in Gemini:

    Aries: according to the lunar calendar, you need more communication, business negotiations, manifestation and expression of your thoughts and be sure to walk in the air.

    Taurus: there is a need to solve financial issues, purchase purchases and give gifts.

    Gemini: one tip: it's time to take care of your image, transform your appearance and bring beauty.

    Cancers: allowed to relax, take a break from work and daily duties.

    Leo: there will be friendly communication, planning your future life.

    Virgo: you need activity and assertiveness in achieving your goals, for career development, you can help them achieve the desired result.

    Libra: you need to travel to distant countries, visit temples and monasteries, therefore, expand your horizons, the stars advise.

    Scorpios: strict compliance with laws is required, because questions may arise regarding alimony or tax payments, intimate contacts should be given a certain time in their schedule.

    September 20, 2017 6:17 pm

    MOON in Gemini

    It is believed that the place of the moon's joy is Gemini. Because cracking for Life is joy and relaxation for people. And where a person is not tense and behaves naturally, there is also the joy of the Moon.

    If we are talking about subjectivity, then, in my opinion, air signs have the least of it. Here the Moon falls into a rational, cold element and it is very difficult for her to behave instinctively. Nevertheless, the Moon is just an instinct. Only in this case it is subordinated to the mental element.

    Here any unconscious action will be explained from the point of view of rationality, the person behaves easily, there is a lot of communication and no one bothers. Moon in Gemini will avoid oppressive, painful situations. Complexity and routine weigh on her. The moon subconsciously tunes a person to search for new information. We need variety and a change of scenery! Lunar Gemini are very greedy for new ideas, enthusiastically dive headlong into new situations, without a clue of how they will get out of there. But this does not bother them much. In search of a new one, betrayal is possible, by the way. The moon in Gemini holds little to the foundations and does not greatly value the foundations.

    I will say more: all air elements can give the impression of being ruthless. And this is not out of malice or depravity. God forbid! It's just that the air element is not a place to merge with the feelings of another (as the Moon in Pisces would have done). This is the element of a cold mind. The moon in the air element gives an abstract and abstract perception of other people. This is the scientist's approach. There is interest in the sphere of feelings, but there is no way to feel these feelings in full. The moon in air signs is always suspended! We will see the apotheosis of this position in Aquarius. That's where the maniacs are!

    But if something really happens for which there is no rational explanation (again, feelings or something that cannot be structured and logically built), then we see a nervous reaction. Anxiety, concern. Nervousness. A person cannot sit down and wait. He needs as much information as possible on the problem that has arisen, and phone calls are used to clarify the relationship. It is important to own the topic. Lack of data is killing.

    In life, there can be many relatives, friends, communication, in general, people around. Moving, business trips. A very "funky", active life. They are often party-goers. These comrades are generally easy-going. Sitting at home in a garden under a cherry tree is not for them. In general, material values ​​are not here. Mental, informational, communicative, please. The best rest is with a book in the lecture hall or social networks, where can we go without them. Or on a trip. With friends.

    A woman with a moon like that, of course, is not particularly feminine. And her interests are not in the plane of comfort and "eat". She would rather forget to feed, but her children will visit all scientific and educational exhibitions. She knows everything and is very easy to communicate. Children reach out to her - because she is democratic and acts as an older sister. Doesn't press! (it is important). It's easy with her. But it is important not to fall into a changeable mood. Gemini's problem is inconsistency, and the Moon will give exactly this kind of inconsistent behavior that cannot be controlled.

    Men with such a moon also need to "be in the know." I'm afraid it's gossip too. To wash the bones with taste is a kind of relaxation. He will look for a smart and intelligent wife. And by the way, without an increased feminine Essence. Which no man calmly perceives (or rather, is afraid). Because this ancient instinct cannot be controlled and predicted. In this case, such men will gravitate towards girls with boyish behavior or appearance. And the mother of this man, as you know, did everything in her time to make her son a well-read and clever child. Well, it is unlikely that the boy had pies and cakes on weekends.

    Let's talk about health: these are nerves. A strong nervous reaction, a person can be addicted to even a trifle if there is an unpleasant transit in the sky or the Moon itself is struck in the chart. Astrologers are looking for compensation to drain the negative. I would immediately say grounding. This is a win-win. I advise everyone to dig something. Tinkering with the ground. Yes, yes, I know, flowers die in this position of the moon. But nothing, the process is important. Walking at a brisk pace, again, will do. The crossword puzzle is the best rest.

    And the entire respiratory system is under attack. Don't catch cold. The bronchi, the lungs are very vulnerable. Problems with speech, but more often with the defeat of Mercury. Diseases of the fingers. By the way, fresh air is just shown! Breathe good air. Sleep with open windows - it is important to get oxygen.

    A very interesting selection of Soviet actresses with this position of the moon!

    I will give you a list and you will immediately understand the pattern:

    Valentina Serova 02/10/1919 Kharkov

    Lyudmila Gurchenko 11/12/1935 Kharkov

    Natalia Kustinskaya 04/05/1938 Moscow

    Inna Gulaya 09.05.1940 Kharkiv

    All these ladies were very active. Not in the sense of sports-hiking. And in the sense of a get-together, versatile communication, a lot of people around, life is mobile and little tied to home / family in the classical sense of the word. All these women were somewhat superficial when it came to everyday life (Moon). They did not germinate, did not get fixed. And each of those listed here has a family as a problem "place". The moon will also show lesions of the nervous system and psyche. And of all those listed, only Lyudmila Markovna steadily led herself through life. The rest of the ladies have obvious pathologies.

    Let's open the cosmogram of Lyudmila Gurchenko. I did not find the time of birth anywhere, there is an opinion that in the evening, but we will not compose. We are interested in the Moon in Gemini. You know, but looking at her map, I see that she had everything through overcoming. I thought, I will find now the talent of a dancer, an actress, I will see the Diva in the end ... Nope. Everything was given to her with difficulty. But that's why she didn't become what she became. The moon is struck by Saturn. It is immediately-limiting. A person does not relax "in life". In everyday life, this generally translates into diets, exhausting workouts and every day as overcoming oneself, grinding, honing. Saturn in tense aspects with the Moon gives either childlessness, or little children (litter for clumsy) + generally stinginess on feelings. Not always! Ladies, all I write is ARE COMMON intelligence. In the end, it can be just childhood in a ballet school or a Suvorov school. Or just a hungry childhood. Either the child thinks (subjectively!) That he is not loved, or was raised by his grandmother. This is something that just occurred to me now. Choose ...

    At the same time, the moon is also struck by Neptune. Here we come to the classic feminine aspect. All tense aspects between the Moon and Neptune speak of a mobile psyche. But for Gurchenko, both of these planets stand in signs subordinate to intelligence / Mercury. Therefore, she was always "smart enough" not to slip into feelings, but to manage them. There is another point that should be noted. Queens between Mars and the Moon. Queacons is a peculiar aspect. Long - for life. Usually at the beginning of the path it gives tension, then the person is "drawn in", begins to react correctly, and this is already a talent or a bonus. In this case, we are talking about its colossal performance, which opened closer to 35-40 years old (Mars is at the North Node, that is, it started working after 36 years) and it simply “flooded”. Well, the trine between Venus and the Moon! This is talent and harmony - she was liked by those around her and herself. But the Opposition to the Moon from Jupiter gave insatiability. Gluttony with glory! Popularity. Recognition. It was never enough for her.

    Take an actress with a completely depressing fate. Inna Gulaya.

    She flashed in the excellent film "When the trees were big", led a completely "Moscow" bohemian lifestyle of the 60s, a beautiful woman, a talented husband-scriptwriter Gennady Shpalikov. Only light and beautiful awaited her. But everything went to pieces. The husband confronted and argued with the authorities - as a result, creative lack of demand. Being a nervous person, at first he drank for a long time, then hanged himself. They stopped filming Inna. She reached the age of 90 in obscurity and died of an overdose of sleeping pills. Their couple with Shpalikov always seemed to me so bright and so doomed ...

    So her card.

    I don’t know the time, but I’ll build the so-called. a thematic map that will allow me to "spy" on the very Essence of Inna.

    What is immediately evident here. The moon in Gemini has no strongly aspect from any planet. In fact, this is the so-called. The moon is "in the mine." The energies of this planet are not controlled, not realized creatively, but how it goes. And this is the Moon! Life itself, the survival instinct, our adaptability to the conditions, to the environment ... And okay, if the Moon stood in some kind of "vital" element - in "water" or "in the ground", it would give a natural "feel". And here is the mental. Detachment from life, no grounding. Like a leaf on a branch. In fact, she was doomed. And then there's the painful aspect from Saturn to Pluto - the burden of life is like a plate. There are many indications of talent! For beauty. And all this, unlike Gurcheno-free. Take it, use it. As a matter of course. Trines, trines, sextiles ...

    She didn't have to strain at all. But this is the catch. Astrologers DO NOT like good, sleek charts with an abundance of harmonious "caramel" aspects. People with such configurations do not know how to survive. They are not sharpened for battle. These are potential suicides in one way or another, but often "Neptunian" methods - alcoholism, drug addiction - are used. Or just degradation. The death of her husband and her departure are encoded in her chart as a gorgeous trine from Neptune to the Sun (that is, the person selflessly collapsed and did not intend to stop), and squares to Mars from Neptune and the Black Moon. This is the topic of suicide clearly.

    As a researcher, I got into the map and Gennady Shpalikov, I wanted to see suicide in his map. And yes! There is exactly the same set of planets as in the Guloi map. Sun, Neptune, Mars and Black Moon. He left clearly at the North Node, accurately according to his horoscope - at the age of 37

    Very sorry for both of them ... Such a Fate. But from an astrological point of view, their charts are very useful. ... I took them to my favorites, it is very bright, clearly. A clear example of an unhappy fate with an abundance of talents from the beginning.

    And by the way! Both have the MOON in the mental element! In the air. Ladies are a classic example of the "helplessness" of the air Moon in the face of everyday difficulties. There is no grounding, the rational structure collapses, and that's it. A person cannot come to his senses. Nerves and breakdowns begin. Especially with a "smooth" horoscope.

    So the carelessness and "indifference" of the Moon in Gemini is very deceiving.

    Hmm ... it turned out unoptimistic, but not trivial.

    Next post next week to add paradoxes. THE MOON IS IN CANCER!

    The literature that I use when writing posts can be seen here