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  • Lunar calendar for October Unfavorable days for planting and sowing seeds

    Lunar calendar for October Unfavorable days for planting and sowing seeds

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    October 1, 2019 3-4 lunar day, the growing moon in Scorpio. Do not waste your time on trifles, only by concentrating on your goal, you will achieve maximum results. This day will inspire you to new ideas and present a lot of pleasant and necessary acquaintances. Enjoy every second.

    October 2, 2019 4-5 lunar day, the growing moon in Scorpio. Day of debt repayment: if you have debts and you pay off today, then you will not need to resort to loans later. Only take on well thought out and carefully planned things. It is useful to start doing a set of health exercises.

    October 3, 2019 5-6 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. Dedicate this day to relaxation and fun, today nothing prevents you from relaxing and going all out. Keep your phone away to reduce distraction by extraneous matters and be careful with meat, there is a risk of eating something wrong.

    October 4, 2019 6-7 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All things started during this period are going well. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Listen to every word you say. This will help you understand your purpose in this life.

    October 5, 2019 7-8 lunar day, the growing moon in Capricorn. This is a day of wisdom, loneliness and concentration, which will require prudence and rationality. An ideal time for self-knowledge, deepening, austerity and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended; light a candle and walk around a room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.

    October 6, 2019 8-9 lunar day, the growing moon in Capricorn. The day is not very suitable for new acquaintances, business or personal meetings. Better to spend it among old acquaintances or alone. Take care of household chores, those for which there is usually not enough time or desire. Do not enter into conflicts and disputes with anyone. This will lead to dire consequences.

    October 7, 2019 9-10 lunar day, the growing moon in Aquarius. This is the day of false deception by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. In no case do not take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Refrain from vigorous activity. Rest, relaxation, meditation - that is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

    October 8, 2019 10-11 lunar day, the growing moon in Aquarius. Today, more than ever, monitor your diet, exclude fried and spicy foods, possibly exacerbation of old diseases or the acquisition of new ones. Better to temporarily go on a diet, it will turn out to kill two birds with one stone: correct your health and become the owner of a fit figure.

    October 9, 2019 11-12 lunar day, the growing moon in Aquarius. On this day, it is undesirable to do something and start, Pay off debts well, keep promises, especially for children. Refrain from visiting big shops and places with a lot of people in general. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

    October 10, 2019 12-13 lunar day, the growing moon in Pisces. The growing Moon in Pisces has a romantic and mystical influence on a person, you want to believe in a secret or just a fairy tale. With the growing moon in the sign of Pisces, our feelings are deep and sentimental. Today it is great to devote time to art, to do handicrafts. But at the same time, our beliefs do not become easily changeable under the influence of external arguments, you can clearly see the events and understand their background, but make the conclusion not correct, but the one you like best.

    October 11, 2019 13-14 lunar day, the growing moon in Pisces. A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Do not lie or gossip, do not give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

    October 12, 2019 14-15 lunar day, the growing moon in Aries. Do not overexert yourself and do not succumb to fuss. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today's plans, thoughts and desires have every chance to come true.

    October 13, 2019 15-16 lunar day, the growing moon in Aries. Get in the habit of holding back your anger and irritation, even if you are right - be able to yield. The rest of the day is neutral, you can do any business, today there will be no victories and losses, everything will be ordinary and even boring.

    October 14, 2019 16-17 lunar day, full moon in Aries. Today you will be marking time. Don't be upset, everyone has bad days. Look at this from the good side, why waste energy on something that does not develop, do something more pleasant and useful. A very good time to meet friends.

    October 15, 2019 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. Your versatility and interest in many aspects of life will provide you with many chances and offers that will later make you a successful person. Work should be fun, go for it.

    October 16, 2019 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. Be confident and make decisions quickly, otherwise someone might take advantage of your shyness. Learn from other people's mistakes, use the wisdom of your elders and listen to what your heart tells you, then everything will turn out as successful as possible and you will have no reason to be upset.

    October 17, 2019 19-20 lunar day, waning moon in Gemini. If this day does not work out well, if everything falls out of hand, this means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who criticize you today: they will help you to look at yourself soberly, assess your achievements, capabilities and resources.

    October 18, 2019 20-21 lunar days, waning moon in Gemini. The best time to relax. Communication with nature is favorable. It is good on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, about how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to succumb to fuss, talk less and listen more.

    October 19, 2019 21-22 lunar day, waning moon in Gemini. The day is favorable for communication, establishing contacts and useful connections, for new acquaintances. Day of generosity and mercy. Help today those who need it - and you yourself will receive help if necessary.

    October 20, 2019 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. You can not borrow, arrange loans in banks, leave as collateral - there will be difficulties with the return! With the appropriate indicators in the individual horoscope, the Moon in Cancer will turn into a debt pit. You can lend only to very reliable people - otherwise there is a big threat of no return. You should weigh your words and actions: the risk of inadvertently offending a very good, close person, with a careless word or selfish act.

    October 21, 2019 23-24 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer. A good day to socialize and make new acquaintances, and completely unsuitable for starting trips and travels, as well as for real estate transactions. It is useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna, beauty salon, beautician.

    October 22, 2019 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. An emotionally unstable day. Avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflict is possible today, so give yourself a good physical activity in the gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable, it will be difficult to find rapport with people.

    October 23, 2019 25 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. It is a great time to start a course of physical preparation for the spring, today you can easily get used to a new diet, and learn a set of exercises. Your body will quickly acquire the desired silhouette.

    October 24, 2019 25-26 lunar day, decreasing Moon in Virgo. The day will delight you with increased attention of the opposite sex, there will be no pass from compliments and praises, but do not rush to succumb to flattering words. Today it is easy to lose your head and surrender yourself to passion, but see that you do not have to shed bitter tears tomorrow.

    October 25, 2019 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo. A light flirtation or a non-binding romance is the result of today's acquaintance with the opposite sex, but control yourself, do not give in to fleeting feelings, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences, and you will soon regret this connection.

    October 26, 2019 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. The perfect time to get married. Those who are married on this day will live in harmony and mutual understanding, the family will be strong and happy to the envy of everyone. Also, the day is great for all kinds of exploration, but mass events should be avoided.

    October 27, 2019 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. Today all the possibilities will open, it's time to realize your long-standing desires. If you are a creative person, on this day you will be overwhelmed by a wave of inspiration, do not miss the moment and take advantage of it one hundred percent. A very successful period for a love relationship.

    October 28, 2019 29, 1-2 lunar day, new moon in Scorpio. A good day for building material plans, for planning your life at least a month in advance. You can engage in any business aimed at strengthening material well-being.

    October 29, 2019 2-3 lunar day, the growing moon in Scorpio. A successful day, both at work and in personal matters. Despite this, go back a little to the past and dig deeper into old files, documents and letters, you are clearly missing something. What the hell is not kidding, maybe you will find a better and shorter way to the end point.

    October 30, 2019 3-4 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. Do something unusual, the result will surprise you, and perhaps you will find a new hobby. All kinds of handicrafts have a great effect on the nervous system and concentration, develop patience and diligence, which in the future will help you achieve your goals.

    October 31, 2019 4-5 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. Today you should be more reasonable and careful, be compliant to negative moments from outsiders and forgive your ill-wishers, it will only bring you good luck.

    Moon without a course (idle Moon) in October 2019

    • From October 2, 12:46 pm to October 2, 2:44 pm
    • From October 4 10:34 to October 4 20:43
    • From October 7, 2:25 to October 7, 6:42
    • From October 8 at 21:26 to October 9 at 19:05
    • From October 11 12:55 to October 12 7:46
    • From October 14 0:59 to October 14 19:24
    • From October 16 11:37 to October 17 5:30
    • From October 19 5:14 to October 19 13:43
    • From October 21 15:39 to October 21 19:28
    • From 23 October 12:14 to 23 October 22:29
    • From October 25, 15:59 to October 25, 11:20 PM
    • From October 27 11:22 to October 27 11:29 PM
    • From October 29 20:34 to October 30 0:58

    The moon has a profound effect on the physical and emotional state of a person. The influence of the Earth's satellite is especially active during the full moon and new moon. At this time, health and intellectual abilities undergo strong changes, which have an extremely negative effect on life. A person becomes more irritable and aggressive, his immunity decreases, and chronic diseases are exacerbated. But this phenomenon also has advantages: energy and activity increase, making it easier to solve complex problems and problems. To avoid difficulties and troubles, getting the maximum benefit, you need to know in advance when the full moon and new moon are in October 2019.

    What to expect from the full moon and new moon?

    These days:

    1. Brain activity increases, which can lead to sleep problems.
    2. The emotional state worsens: irritability, aggression and nervousness arise.
    3. Reduced attentiveness, which becomes the cause of frequent accidents.
    4. Chronic diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems are manifested.
    5. There are frequent quarrels and disputes with employees and relatives.

    Moon phases

    To prepare for possible problems and difficulties, you need to know what date the new moon is in October and when the moon will be full. To provide this information, a lunar calendar has been created, with which you can draw up a schedule of affairs, receiving the maximum benefits.

    dateDay of weekMoon dayPhaseZodiacSunrise time /Note
    1 Tuesday3,4 + Scorpion09:48/ On this day, thought processes reach their peak. This makes it easier to make big decisions and deal with difficult tasks. It is recommended that you start planning and start implementing new ideas.
    2 Wednesday4,5 + 11:14/
    3 Thursday5,6 + Sagittarius12:35/
    4 Friday6,7 + 13:47/ Thanks to the increased intuitive abilities, this time is well suited for solving legal and legal issues. It is recommended to build relationships with friends and family.
    5 Saturday7,8 I quarterCapricorn14:48/
    6 Sunday8,9 + 15:36/
    7 Monday9,10 + Aquarius16:13/
    8 Tuesday10,11 + 16:40/ These days are good for mental and creative activities. Communication with managers should be minimized. It is recommended to go in for sports, self-education and spiritual pursuits.
    9 Wednesday11,12 + 17:02/
    10 Thursday12,13 + Fishes17:19/
    11 Friday13,14 + 17:34/
    12 Saturday14,15 + Aries17:47/
    13 Sunday15,16 + 18:00/
    14 Monday16,17 Full moon18:14/
    15 Tuesday17,18 Taurus18:29/ On this day, financial transactions are successful. Cognitive activity increases, and energy decreases. It is recommended to engage in self-improvement, lifestyle changes, planning.
    16 Wednesday18,19 18:47/
    17 Thursday19,20 Twins19:10/
    18 Friday20,21 19:40/
    19 Saturday21,22 20:22/ This time is characterized by an increase in impulsivity and intellectual activity. This makes it easier to solve short-term tasks, but it is better not to start implementing complex projects.
    20 Sunday22,23 Crayfish21:17/
    21 Monday23,24 III quarter22:26/
    22 Tuesday24,25 a lion23:45/
    23 Wednesday25 –:–/
    24 Thursday25,26 Virgo01:12/
    25 Friday26,27 02:42/ This day is well suited for hard work. Thoughtfulness and seriousness makes it easy to solve financial issues. The body tends to be passive, so it is recommended to engage in leisurely activities.
    26 Saturday27,28 scales04:12/
    27 Sunday28,29 05:43/
    28 Monday29,1,2 New MoonScorpion07:13/ This time is best suited for making responsible decisions. Thinking activity and self-criticism increase significantly, which contributes to new beginnings, drawing up business plans, and playing sports.
    29 Tuesday2,3 + 08:43/
    30 Wednesday3,4 + Sagittarius10:09/ On this day, the tendency to abstract thinking increases. Thanks to this, business trips and work trips are successful. It is recommended to engage in active networking and avoid superficial judgment.
    31 Thursday4,5 + 11:28/

    Knowing what date the full moon and new moon are in October 2019 can help you prepare for tough days. October 14 and 28 are the most difficult numbers in the lunar month for the physical and emotional state of a person. The following rules will help you cope with them, avoiding losses:

    1. Don't drink alcohol.
    2. Postpone the solution of serious issues.
    3. Planning for future endeavors.
    4. Reduce physical activity.
    5. Avoid conflicts and disputes.
    6. Pay attention to health.

    On a full moon in October 2019, it is best to:

    1. Go on a diet.
    2. Plant seeds or plants.
    3. Start implementing business ideas;
    4. Remember old friends.
    1. Creativity.
    2. Mental work.
    3. Physical training.

    Look video about myths and facts about the full moon:

    According to the lunar calendar for October 2019, the month will be varied in events.

    The lunar calendar for October 2019 is based on special calculations, taking into account the position of the moon at a specific time period. The lunar calendar is a cyclical change of the four phases of the Earth's satellite. So, in this calendar you will find the lunar phases, taking into account the influence of the moon on your well-being, as well as warnings about what you should not do on specific days of the lunar calendar.

    Influence of the Moon in October 2019

    New moon, full moon, as well as the days of the first and last quarters of the moon is a period of enhanced interaction between the sun and the moon. These days are unfavorable for a person.

    Favorable for October:

    The cycle in the calendar of the Moon lasts about 29.5 Earth days - from one new moon to another, passing through four phases, which are also called quarters. A typical lunar day lasts from one moonrise to the next. A lunar day is longer than a solar day, and the moonrise the next day is always later than the previous time. The moon rises not only at night, but also in the middle of the day - that is why everyone at least once observed the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.

    Detailed lunar calendar for October 2019

    Unlucky days of October 2019:

    This month is quite favorable, since there are only three unsuccessful days and they will pass easily. During this period, it is not recommended to make large purchases, change your place of residence and arrange a showdown with loved ones. Also, do not go on a trip and ask for a vacation.

    On other days of the month, there is no particular activity and you should act at your own discretion.

    10th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius.

    Time to pay tribute to tradition. Try to gather the whole family around the table and take time to chat with everyone. It is also good to establish new habits and traditions.

    Birthday people: Andrey, Anton, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladislav, David, Pavel, Sergey, Spiridon, Stepan.

    11th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius.

    On the agenda are tests and checks. But everything is not so bad: it will allow to draw the right conclusions and bring it to a new level, stimulate further development.

    The day is characterized by "emotional swing", be prepared for this.

    Birthdays: Eugene, Euphrosinia, Maxim, Nikolay, Pavel, Roman, Sergey.

    12th lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces.

    Essentially Thanksgiving. It is worth remembering all the good and kind, do not forget to say thank you for this. Today you are in the spotlight. Make time for your inner peace. Also, don't forget to do something good for your health and beauty.

    Birthday people: Alexander, Vladimir, Dmitry, Efrem, Ivan, Nikolay, Tikhon.

    13th lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces.

    A surge of energy, desire and the ability to move mountains. That being said, it is important to listen to the advice of experienced people in order to avoid mistakes. Favorable time for the introduction of a new one, for the "pumping" of existing projects.

    Birthdays: Benjamin, Victor, Dmitry, Mikhail, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Fedor.

    14th lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces.

    It is important to follow your principles without straying from the path and not reacting to the barbs of others. Now everything needs to be subjected to an increased check, because there is still a chance to make corrections in time.

    Period for cleansing the body.

    Birthdays: Alexander, Anna, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Cyril, Mark, Maria, Tatiana.

    15th lunar day. The growing moon in Aries.

    For those who yearned for drastic changes - a golden time. Now you can change everything and literally start over. An ideal moment for moving, changing jobs and activities. But for romantic meetings, this is not the day at all!

    Birthdays: Ivan, Cyprian, Theophan.

    16th lunar day. The growing moon in Aries.

    Search for harmony. On the one hand, it is necessary not to slow down the pace of business activity, since now excellent results can be achieved. On the other hand, try to find an opportunity to rest so that the fuses do not burn out.

    Birthday people: Alexey, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Semyon.

    17th lunar day. Full Moon in Taurus.

    It is important to "let go" of the problem and try to relax your head. Everything in your power you have done. Now you just need to contemplate, wait for the results and think about the future. Make appointments with friends and allow yourself to laze a little.

    Birthdays: Alexander, Alexey, Vera, Georgy, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Fedor.

    18th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

    Day of symbols, revelations. The universe will send signs that are important to listen to. If something is embarrassing, give up taking action. The voice of intuition should not be ignored either.

    Birthdays: Andrey, Anna, Boris, David, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Yakov.

    19th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

    The day will require triple attention. You should be especially wary of traumatic activities. At the same time, today, most likely, you will have to make a choice. And also take some risks and concessions. But the game will be worth the candle.

    Birthdays: Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Rustic, Feodosia.

    20th lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

    A breakdown is likely, so do not overwork and hypothermia now. You should also be careful with alcohol. In short, take care of your health!

    Birthday people: Vasily, Veronica, Vladimir, Gury, Dmitry, Erofey, Iona, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Tikhon, Yakov.

    21st lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

    It’s like a specially created day for friendship, forging and maintaining relationships. Make appointments, friendly gatherings. Besides, it would be great to go on a trip now.

    Birthdays: Alexandra, Alexey, Gabriel, Gregory, Demyan, Denis, Evdokim, Iona, Innokenty, Kuzma, Makar, Matvey, Peter, Tikhon, Philip.

    22nd lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer.

    A day is not suitable for active work, but it is also impossible to spend it in idleness. The best solution is to plan a variety of recreational activities.

    Birthdays: Ivan, Makar, Nikanor, Thomas.

    23rd lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer.

    Alas, it is difficult to control emotions. Literally everything around will irritate. But if you give a response, it will be even worse. Be patient and tackle activities that require total immersion and switching.

    Birthday people: Demyan, Iona, Joseph, Leonty, Mark, Nikolay, Pelageya, Sergey, Julian.

    24th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo.

    We'll have to take responsibility for many sometimes completely unexpected cases. Circumstances will require instant mobilization and decision-making.

    Actually, because of the unnecessary fuss - not the best day for romantic dates.

    Birthday children: Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Elizabeth, Ivan, Jonah, Maria, Nadezhda, Nikolay, Pavel, Pakhom, Pelageya, Peter, Seraphim, Taisiya, Tatiana

    25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo.

    On this day, creative people under the special patronage of Fortune. Today it will be possible to find a balance between the spiritual and the material. All business must be started with pleasure, this will be the main secret of success. The blues should be crushed by an abundance of bright deeds.

    Birthday people: Abraham, Constantine, Maxim, Peter, Stepan, Yakov.

    25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo.

    Alas, alas! The best thing to do today is doing nothing. In fact, all efforts will be in vain, so try to take it philosophically and go about your daily routine.

    Birthdays: Andrey, Anton, Evlampia, Efim, Hilarion, Innokenty, Kirill, Kuzma, Pavel, Savva, Sergey, Simon, Stepan, Thomas, Yakov.

    26th lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo.

    It is easy now to become a pawn in someone else's game. Don't be manipulated and pressured. Follow your path clearly and do not respond to sweet promises.

    Birthdays: Alexander, Ambrose, Anatoly, Anton, Zinaida, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Leo, Makar, Moses, Nikon, Theophanes, Philip.

    27th lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra.

    Acquaintances and romantic encounters are the green light. In addition, it is now worth tackling the problems that have long been troubling. Make an effort and take matters into your own hands. The solution is not hidden as far as it seems.

    Birthday people: Alexander, Denis, Ivan, Kuzma, Lavrenty, Makar, Maxim, Nikolay, Taras, Fedot.

    28th lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra.

    Day of gaining new experience and knowledge. Now is a great opportunity to learn more than any other day. Probable meetings with wise people. Listen to their advice, they will definitely come in handy.

    Birthdays: Anton, Benjamin, Zlata, Innokenty, Karp, Nikita, Nikolay, Trofim.

    29th lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio.

    You should devote the day to spiritual enrichment, purification. Now it is important to get forgiveness from those whom you have offended, make amends and, of course, try to avoid bad deeds and thoughts. Minimize communication with unpleasant people, today it is fraught with unnecessary temptations.

    Birthdays: Ignatius, Kuzma, Maxim, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Svyatoslav.

    1st and 2nd lunar days. New Moon in Scorpio.

    It is now important to lay the groundwork for upcoming big events and projects. Do not ignore the preparation: the more careful it is, the more you will be able to achieve. It is also good now to act as a mentor and benefactor. What is given will return a hundredfold.

    Birthdays: Afanasy, Dmitry, Denis, Efim, Ivan, Semyon.

    3rd lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio.

    An energetically powerful day. It is worthwhile to be clear about your immediate goals and to act actively. Otherwise, the positive energy will turn into negative. For example, aggression. Don't sit back and let your emotions run wild.

    Birthdays: Alexey, Georgy, Eugene, Ivan, Leonty, Terenty.

    4th lunar day. The growing moon in Sagittarius.

    A choice has to be made today. And again, you have to show patience and the ability to control yourself.

    Do not strive to set records on this day. The results will not depend at all on you now.

    Birthdays: Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton, Demyan, Joseph, Isidor, Kuzma, Lazar, Leonty.

    5th lunar day. The growing moon in Sagittarius.

    The first half of the day is likely to bring disappointment and resentment. But after noon, "life will improve" and everything that seemed dusk will appear in a new light. In the evening there is a chance for a successful date and negotiations. The main thing is not to fuss and follow your plan.

    Birthday people: Andrew, Gabriel, David, Euphrosinia, Elizabeth, Joseph, Zlata, Luke, Nikolai, Sergey, Semyon, Fedor, Julian.

    Lunar calendar for October 2019: video

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    The 15th lunar day is actually one of the important stages of the entire lunar month. Today the Moon is at its apogee, the peak of energy saturation. On this day, you can use the entire reserve of human strength, if you did not have enough of them somewhere, today you will definitely have enough. Today you can move mountains and win even in the most seemingly extreme situation, of course, if you have a clear plan.

    15th lunar day - is called the period of carnal temptations. Today a person is tempted by many things; he becomes suggestible, malleable, succumbs to any earthly temptations. On such a day, the inner serpent of a person is activated, which tempts him to carnal and base pleasures, so you need to learn to conquer yourself and your flesh in order to protect your inner purity, the bright beginning, otherwise the degradation and destruction of your own inner core is inevitable. The main task of the fifteenth lunar day is to defeat your own ego.

    On such a lunar day, you can witness claims and quarrels. This happens because we are given a huge Lunar energy, but it is very difficult to control it. Only when a person has an all-consuming goal, only in this case can he intelligently control this powerful energy that the moon gave us.

    Many people blame the full moon for things going wrong, awry, but this is a complete misconception. The energy of the Moon in this period greatly enhances what we ourselves have sown, and we only have to reap the benefits.

    Dreams today can be prophetic, but they are difficult to decipher.

    Love and relationships

    It is better to postpone romantic dates and meetings to another period, this is a difficult day in the entire Lunar cycle and romance is unlikely to be found. People easily succumb to provocations, do not control themselves.


    Today you only need to do your favorite work, if cleaning the house cheers you up, then do it. Any favorite work is only welcome today.


    On the 15th lunar day - fasting and dieting well, overeating is not recommended today. Today, the intestines and pancreas are vulnerable, so people with diabetes should pay special attention to their health. Blood loss should not be allowed, and surgery is also not recommended.

    Business and money

    On the fifteenth lunar day, there is no need to start any important business. If possible, transfer all financial affairs and important negotiations to another day, and not listen to any advisers.


    Dangerous times - conflicts, arguments, emotional stress, impulsivity and irascibility. On other days, Aries behave more restrained and calm. At this moment, a lot of people born under the sign of Aries take harsh actions, get involved in extreme situations, become bold and fearless. Even the kindest, sweetest and most pleasant person can turn into a rude person who does not care about the feelings of the people around him.

    These days are good for Aries in order to throw off a heavy, annoying burden, a burden, in one fell swoop, to get rid of a problem that has long tormented and did not allow them to feel freedom, happiness and tranquility. But still, it should be borne in mind that these days emotional tension is maximum: Aries needs to learn to get rid of stress and control their actions.

    At this time, Aries needs to reduce physical activity, free themselves from heavy household chores, important and difficult matters. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a good result. Better to fully relax and gain strength.

    Second phase (quarter) of the moon

    Element: Water. Approximately on the eighth or ninth lunar day from the beginning, the first quarter of the moon comes or is still called the first quarter of the moon. During this period, the level of fluid in the human body is concentrated in the middle of the chest. In this regard, diseases of the organs that are located here may occur, in the event that there are hidden pathologies. It is necessary to pay attention to the changes occurring in the body, especially when they are not directed for the better. If the body begins to have problems that you yourself do not yet guess about the second phase of the moon - it's time to identify them. At this time, a person becomes sensitive, the energy continues to grow, but not as actively and rapidly as in.