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  • Fish. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

    Fish.  Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

    Character Pisces mysterious, feminine. They have an excellent memory, subtle intuition, the ability to anticipate events.

    This manifests itself even in childhood, and it is worth listening to their advice, because if Fish say that something will happen, then it usually happens. They may even anticipate something that perhaps no one else has thought of. Moreover, their intuition may contradict logic, but you should not pay attention to this. Often, Pisces simply amaze with their clairvoyance, although they may not be aware of this quality.

    Intuition allows Pisces to understand people well, even their innermost and carefully hidden from others. Pisces penetrate into the deepest corners of the human soul.

    Understanding people, sensitivity, generosity give Pisces excellent quality - the ability to sympathize, empathize. They always come to the rescue at the right time, when people simply need it, they are capable of self-sacrifice, patient nursing. Their philosophy is pity, love for one's neighbor, humanity. For them, these are not abstract concepts, they really worry about the fate of the people around them, their sympathy is genuine, and people are drawn to them, go with their sorrows and troubles. Pisces are able to listen to the complaints of others for hours, to be cordial, sincere, and fair with them.

    Especially give a lot of themselves Fish relatives and relatives. They take care of them, not caring about themselves at all, without such a sympathetic attitude towards others, Pisces cannot live, they do not know how to do otherwise, they seem to be programmed to help.

    Fish that their friends, acquaintances, relatives need, and they themselves are in dire need in a society of people. They cannot stand loneliness, and without people they have no incentive for activity. They feel good and even happy when there are friends around them, they need an environment, lively conversation, laughter, music, in its own way - an everlasting holiday.

    They are witty, cheerful, "the soul of the company", although they can often be in excruciating anxiety, feel inexplicable longing. Quite often, Pisces are in a sad mood. They themselves are in great need of friendly feelings, in the cordiality of others.

    Mental subtlety Pisces inseparable from their vulnerability. Quite often they have a deep depression, they look weak and helpless. They are looking for support in a person who is stronger than them. They just need a shoulder to lean against and cry on.

    Fish they don’t know how to confront real, real life, which can overturn them and give them a lot of trouble, plunges them into even greater melancholy, but life’s realities are never able to turn Pisces face against the wind. The usual reaction of Pisces to the blows of fate is even greater pessimism, to which they can succumb completely, without a trace, and wordless, without resistance to external circumstances, leaving for their inner world "to lick their wounds", hiding in their illusions and dreams. Pisces amuse themselves with the hope that the time will come - and everything will work itself out.

    Thus, Fish never rebel against circumstances and go with the flow, not caring where it takes them.

    There is a lot of indifference in Pisces and in relation to the future: tomorrow does not bother them at all, they are carefree, like children. Therefore, they are indifferent to all sorts of restrictions, inconveniences, to the disorder of life, to the lack of food and the like - as long as this does not prevent them from going with the flow. Therefore, often, for all their vulnerability, Pisces can be indifferent to opinions about them.

    From a person floating at the will of the waves, it is impossible to expect him to be capable of making any decisions. Pisces can evade, elude emerging problems that require their immediate solution.

    Do not know how Fish and specifically, to say "yes" or "no" directly. People who work, live with Pisces need to be aware of this and not try to put responsibility on them or expect that someday they will show determination. You just need to take power into your own hands.

    force Pisces doing something is difficult. Whoever tries to do this by raping them inflicts a painful wound on them. When forcing and forcing a person born under the sign of Pisces, one must remember that he can become isolated, turn into an unapproachable block.

    It is often difficult to communicate with such people because of their extreme vulnerability to criticism. They do not transfer it to their address.

    Fish they are aware of their vulnerability, because they are subject to a continuous change of mood, they get tired of their own worries and experiences, they feel tired in a large crowd, they do not tolerate ridicule, they do not like it when they doubt their sincerity, they do not tolerate when they are deceived. And they try to hide their vulnerability, often shielding themselves with an indifferent look, immersion in pink dreams, passivity, becoming a voluntary victim of illusions.

    They don't want to see the world as cruel as it is, they don't want to know trouble, they can't deal with difficulties, and they don't even want to know that they might arise. They want to live in a different - humane, happy world, and they invent it in their imagination, embellish reality, plunge into pink dreams and self-deception.

    However, one fine moment Fish they understand that they deceived themselves, that the world is what it is, and the soap bubble of their illusions bursts. Pisces experience this as a deep grief. And grief, as you know, must be eased. Often such a sedative for Pisces is alcohol or, even worse, drugs. In them, Pisces find the sense of security they need so much, they find a world free from disappointments and troubles. It is characteristic that Pisces do not feel completely safe in their home and do not seek solace there.

    Of course, if Fish(like and, and) love alcohol, this does not mean that they all become alcoholics, but the likelihood of this is very high. Therefore, Pisces need to lead such a lifestyle that they do not need any sedatives, as well as relaxing or stimulating ones.

    However, still Fish much stronger than it seems at first glance. They show both harshness and indignation, especially if they are very angry. But still more often they "go to the bottom", where they can hide their tears for an unrealizable good world. If they fail, they will laugh so that their tears seem like tears of laughter. Generally speaking, Pisces love a joke, but not everyone understands that with their humor they often hide other feelings that they would not like to show to everyone.

    By the way, Fish- very subtle observers, a penchant for humor, combined with a sharp mind and the ability to notice details, makes them good satirists.

    Despite the fact that Pisces are vulnerable, subject to the blows of fate and not able to fight, they are still happy people: they are incredibly lucky. The surprises and accidents that happen to them usually turn out to be happy. Fortune really helps them survive. Perhaps this is a reward for the ability to give themselves to the mercy of fate, the absolute lack of ambition, for the fact that they never try to dominate others, for the fact that they are disinterested and never guided by material considerations.

    With all their love for coziness, comfort, Pisces do not know how to handle money at all. They understand that money in itself is of no value, that it is valuable only when spent on the very luxury from which Fish will never refuse. So money for them is one thing, but living richly is another. They would prefer the second, rejecting the first. It is impossible for them to understand that one is inseparable from the other, because in the world they invented it may well be.

    Missing from Pisces quite often and a sense of ownership. And not only their own, but also someone else's. How easily they give their own to others, just as easily and without any hesitation they can use someone else's.

    Fish- such a sign of the Zodiac, before which there is a choice of one of two life paths: either down or up, to be either on the ridge or on the bottom. Worst of all, swimming up to the crest, against the waves, is an extremely difficult task for them, and they prefer the easier way. Caught up by the waves, they live easily and carefree, but in fact - wasting their lives in vain.

    But Fish- very gifted people. These are creative, artistic, musical natures. And although their life path looks like endless contemplation and "hovering in the clouds", nevertheless, their talent makes them have a goal, albeit hidden from prying eyes looking at them from the real rough and cruel world.

    Pisces zodiac sign - characteristics

    If you happen to see a representative of the Pisces zodiac sign sitting at the accounting desk or in the boss's chair, be sure: this is a rare, exotic species.

    But if you cast your nets at a séance, at an art gallery, at an opening day, at a concert hall, or at a monastery, your catch will surely be rich. The more bohemian, luxurious and unusual the setting, the more you will find Pisces in it.

    Possessing innate intuition, Pisces do not have an ounce of perseverance and perseverance, preferring to go with the flow and are content with what life provides them. Rare Pisces are able to deal with circumstances and overcome the resistance of the current, but it is they who achieve true harmony and happiness.

    Pisces by nature are so calm and indifferent that it seems that there is nothing that can piss them off. Rage, anger, insults, accusations and reproaches pass by without touching them in any way. Tell Pisces that the end of the world is coming tomorrow, and he will listen absently to your revelations, and maybe even yawn sleepily in response.

    Sometimes it seems to you that he is completely devoid of any emotions. But it's not. Throw a rock into the lake. For a while, the surface of the water will stir, circles will go along it, but then it will again become as calm and even as before. So are Pisces. They may even become indignant and become caustic and caustic for a while, but such a mood will soon be replaced by the former serene calmness.

    Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign like to drink a lot: cold water with ice, ten to twelve cups of coffee or tea a day, soda, fruit, juices. Like other water signs (Scorpios and Cancers), Pisces know very well not to get addicted to alcohol, and most of them do just that.

    Unfortunately, some weak-willed natures seek consolation from their troubles and failures in wine. Of course, not all Pisces who drink an aperitif before dinner or a glass of liquor after dinner become alcoholics, but being soft and supple, Pisces fall into this sin more than others.

    Pisces were born with a desire to see life only through rose-colored glasses. Even having learned about how cruel the world around them is, Pisces do not draw any conclusions from this, preferring to dive into the depths of cool waters, where everything is so magically beautiful. Of course, not everyone who was born in the first half of March necessarily behaves in this way, but in general, such behavior is very typical for Pisces.

    The writer fish can sit in cafes for years over endless cups of coffee, telling the curious that he is busy searching for the meaning of life. An artist fish can sit on a park bench from morning to night, allegedly studying nature and preparing to create the next masterpiece, while his canvases and brushes have long been covered with a thick layer of dust. In fact, both of them are waiting for a patron, a philanthropist who would take on the burden of everyday life while they are busy creating immortal creations.

    Pisces have the gift of foresight. What they see in their dreams; most often it happens. If your Pisces buddy tells you a bad dream before your trip, it's better to postpone your trip or use "another mode of transport. It will surely save you from trouble.

    Pisces is the last, twelfth sign of the Zodiac. Being the last sign, Pisces, absorbed some of the features of all the previous eleven signs. It is not surprising that in Pisces you can find the nobility and directness of Sagittarius, the devotion to the cause of Capricorn, the pride and gaiety of Leo, the speed of Gemini, the slowness of Taurus, and the idealism of Aries.

    In the zodiac sign Pisces, the love of disputes, characteristic of the signs of Air, the love of nature, characteristic of the signs of the Earth, and the bright inspiration, characteristic of the signs of Fire, united. Having absorbed the qualities of all the signs and all the elements, Pisces remained themselves. This sign has the ability to consider itself as if from the outside and see at the same time yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    The most powerful weapon of Pisces is humor. With it, they manage to hide those feelings that are undesirable to prying eyes, as well as express their true attitude towards something when they do not dare to do so, openly. Moreover, the gradation of humor is huge - from mild, harmless jokes to caustic, evil sarcasm.

    Pisces are full of compassion for people and are eager to help those in need. In their pity and sympathy, they do not distinguish between those who truly deserve it and those who do not deserve it at all. Fish help everyone. If you have absolutely no one to turn to for help, go to Pisces. She will not blame and reprimand you, and even more so look at you with contempt. She will try to understand you and help you in any way she can. That is why there are many monks and priests among Pisces.

    The world around is quite cruel, and therefore Pisces, in order not to be ridiculed by the crowd, often wear a mask of indifference. But, under this mask, a tender and vulnerable soul is hidden.

    A rare imagination, the subtlest humor and a sense of beauty create examples of high art, which so often mark all works that come out from the pen or brush of Pisces.

    Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces are elusive natures. They rarely say "yes" or "no", preferring to hide behind an evasive "maybe". The altruistic nature of Pisces is full of indestructible love for everything living on Earth.

    Swimming in the depths of the ocean and only occasionally coming to the surface, Pisces live a very special life, full of lonely insights that they are not always able to convey to others. If you want to become a friend of Pisces, you will have to learn to understand what is hidden behind his seemingly indifferent words.

    Fate helps them live their whole lives on the most shaky, uncertain ground. Such a person knows how to run away, elude dangers and problems that require an immediate solution.

    The illusory nature of the zodiac sign Pisces does not correspond to any of the metals known in nature. But the reflection of Pisces can be seen in two stones at once - purple amethyst and transparent green emerald. Pisces flowers are a lotus and a water lily, which have delicate, fragile flowers with a wonderful aroma and a strong, invisible (due to being in the water) stem that can only be uprooted.

    Other people will never understand in which direction the Fish swims - downstream or upstream. Only she herself over time (if she wants to) will reveal this secret to you,

    Pisces in work, business and finance

    Among people under the rule of Neptune, it is very rare to find those who are chasing fame, prestige, power or wealth. This does not mean that they are indifferent to such things. But they will never achieve it on their own.

    Those of the Pisces who possess the above qualities, for sure, either inherited them, or acquired them as a result of marriage or marriage.

    Pisces motto: "I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want to live the way he lives." The heart of a typical Pisces is free from ambition and greed, because she understands better than others how transient such things are.

    The symbol of Pisces - two fish swimming in different directions - symbolizes the two paths in which they can swim: upstream, towards the goal, and downstream, to nowhere. Moreover, the choice of the path depends solely on themselves, since the nature of the Pisces is extremely talented.

    An example of a Fish swimming upstream is Albert Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity. The same Pisces who choose an easier path are often content in life with the place of a janitor or dishwasher.

    Although Pisces avoid all kinds of competition, some of them, even a timid dozen, manage to become famous where they can best express themselves, for example, on stage. True, in this case, they have to overcome their eternal unwillingness to work and put up with the routine of daily everyday rehearsals. But thanks to the rare gift of reincarnation and a unique memory, Pisces often reach extraordinary heights in acting.

    Their element is chimeras. Cinema, television, theater. Everything liquid is also their "kingdom", including the seas, rivers.

    They can "hover in empyreans", not be able to handle money.

    A sense of ownership (one's own or someone else's) is often absent. With the prevailing Neptune, they do not see anything shameful in taking advantage of what belongs to another. Yes, and others easily give everything that belongs to them.

    Pisces health

    Pisces are under the delusion that they will live forever, which is why they do not care about their health at all. And in vain, since in this sense nature was not particularly generous to them. Pisces are the weakest babies and sickly children. They eat poorly, are restless, and often look sleepy due to poor sleep.

    Pisces often have disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a not very good liver, and weak lungs. They often catch colds and suffer from pneumonia. And yet in Pisces there are some hidden reserves that come to their aid in difficult times.

    It is useful for Pisces to live on the seashore, to make music, poetry. Of the elements - iodine, sulfur. Homeopathy works better for them than allopathy.

    Horoscopes of the zodiac sign Pisces

    - to the end of the queue over there, around the corner. Please don't crowd. There may not be enough fish for everyone. And in general, before you stand in line, think about why you need it.

    - if your Pisces man belongs to the breed that knows when the tide is coming and dives into the highest wave - your happiness. Most likely, fame and fortune await you ahead. But if, more than expected, he is not able to predict the time of the tide, then he may well dive at the moment when the tide has already begun, and you will be forced to splash in shallow water all your life.


    It is unlikely that you will meet this man at the president's table. But among them there are many creative and artistic people. They have little ambition, they practically do not seek power and leadership of other people, even wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they marry "money" or inherit it. Please note that they are not at all against money as such, they will gladly accept it, it’s just that Pisces is better than others aware of the temporary nature of money. They don't want to be millionaires, they want to live like millionaires - that's their philosophy.

    The heart of a typical Pisces does not contain but it has a lack of strength or almost carelessness about tomorrow. They cannot fight and swim against the current they are in. It is much more typical for them, because it takes less effort to go with the flow wherever it takes them. But there is a trap hidden in such floating downstream - a dangerous hook awaits them: a lost life. You will be greatly charmed by his manner and lazy good nature. He is indifferent to any restrictions in life, if they do not prevent him from going his own way. He is even more indifferent to other people's opinions. This is generally an indifferent sign to many important things. Very little can make them act.

    Of course, it cannot be said that Pisces is completely blind, she has a character. If she is completely pissed off, she can be caustically sarcastic. They can irritably beat their tail and start circles in the water. The typical Pisces usually takes the path of least resistance, and the cold waters of Neptune constantly cool her anger. She loves water and other drinks. Many of them also drink stronger drinks more than the norm. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Very few Pisces can come to a cocktail party and stop there. Most Pisces find relief in alcohol. He lulls them with a pleasant sense of security, but it is a dangerous lullaby. All this does not mean that every Pisces becomes an alcoholic, but the percentage is too high among them.

    Pisces are born with a desire to see the world in a rosy light. She is well aware that humanity has unpleasant sides and she prefers to live in her gentle world of water. Indeed, it is terrifying to watch them sink into their rosy dreams, which have not the slightest hint of fulfillment. When life hits them and they experience setbacks, instead of jumping out of this danger, they begin to hide behind pale green illusions that prevent them from making a practical decision. The rejected Pisces also, instead of looking at the situation realistically, begins to create false hopes for themselves, at a time when it would be necessary to make some kind of decision and go along a new and definite path. This could lead Pisces to real success, not imagined. They have a choice: to swim in different currents - up and down. This choice is always in front of them, because. Pisces has no shortage of talents. But for many of them, the difficulty is that they cannot look ahead. Their eyes are set on the sides), and most of them therefore prefer to swim down and often retreat.

    Pisces do not tolerate any criticism in their address. They have an excellent memory. For every Pisces, life is a huge stage, among them there are many truly gifted people. They have the ability to sense. It would be nice to listen to their advice. Pisces is the sign of death and eternity in the Zodiac, as it is the last sign. This is the 12th sign and therefore nature carries a mixture of all other signs.

    The typical Pisces never takes care of themselves. She spends most of her energy helping relatives and friends, taking on their burdens.

    Pisces should try to refrain from various tonics and sedatives, troubles and overwork. Poor nutrition affects the health of their liver and digestive organs. There are cases of diseases of the hands and feet, frequent colds, flu, pneumonia. But on the other hand, Pisces has an internal resistance to diseases.

    Humor is one of the secret weapons. They grin to hide their tears. They are masters of satire. They can express their subtle observations. Their humor can range from warm and harmless to cold and harsh. They have a highly developed sense of pity and a desire to help the sick and the weak. Helping is the very first instinct of Pisces.
    They hate to answer questions directly with "yes" and "no", preferring to say "maybe". They generally very often speak evasively for no particular reason. In Pisces, everything is illusory. Their character is indescribable. Those who want to love her must use all their imagination to understand her strange plans and emotions. They are stronger and wiser than they themselves suggest, but Neptune keeps this secret until Pisces herself reveals it.



    You need to make sure that your man - Pisces, knows his tide, if he rushes into this stream, then you will be happy like no other and fame and fortune await you. But if your Pisces did not notice the beginning of the tide and looked at the stars, missed it, then I warn you that being aground can lead to big troubles in your life. Fish can be, on the one hand, everything you would like, and on the other hand, everything you would not like. The tide in his affairs is synonymous with chance. He needs to be able to make a firm decision, act purposefully and be able to sink all his dreams that interfere with success. But the trouble is that many men - Pisces never see that the tide is beginning, that the water is already splashing at their feet. This man is not weak, he just lingers too long on a fading silver star and misses the bright sunrise and success.

    Not all Pisces are dreamers, but most of them are. However, there is hope, because in life there is always hope. Although the world is in great need of his vivid imagination, there may come times when he will have to go into business in order to earn a living. When he undertakes this, his intuition, combined with his intelligence, can direct him to reasonable goals that will bring him fame and recognition, and perhaps wealth. Let's hope that it is with such a man that you met. However, if, say, at the age of 25, he has not found his current, then, frankly, his future is not very promising. You can stretch the term up to 35 years, but you are already at risk. I mean all this in connection with your life together, and he may consider his own future more or less satisfactory.

    Most of these men live, as they consider, quite tolerably. This is because all they need is their dreams, a decanter of wine and a loaf of bread. And he is happy, like most of us, who have and have great opportunities. This dreamer exists only on bread and wine, but such a diet will not feed his wife. You need, of course, a lot more. There is only one way out with such a husband - you need to be a very rich heiress. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

    All Pisces men are big romantics, they literally breathe it. Of course, you can't buy shoes with that. With such a husband, you need to have a protégé. If Pisces finds a patron, then he can turn into a good writer, artist. But how will he find such a person if all his joys are connected with you? Therefore, one cannot count on such luck. Better say goodbye to your Pisces now. You will cry a little and it might hurt, but not enough to be married to a Pisces, that good walking dream and not have the money to pay the rent. This is really embarrassing.

    Let's talk about those who went with the flow in time. I must say that this is a real find for any woman. He may be a great man. He has many possibilities. He has no prejudice, he rarely criticizes or accuses of something, because he has great patience. He also has great empathy, his friends can trust him with everything without fear of shocking him. The fish are curious. He himself also needs sympathy and a lawyer to defend him. It is difficult for him to understand sometimes that people can misinterpret his words. You can rely on Pisces, he will never give out other people's secrets. Rare Pisces speaks quickly and often, a typical Pisces speaks slowly, does not interfere in other people's affairs, although he himself is full of problems of his friends, relatives and neighbors. They run to him because he listens to them perfectly. You will feel that you want to lay out all the failures to him.

    If there is anything Pisces needs, it's just that he be relieved of his troubles. He needs to relax with you. His nature is so susceptible to other people's troubles that he is saturated with all their problems. The life of such a spiritual sponge can be very difficult for his psyche. He very vividly experiences everything that happens to those who opened their hearts to him.

    Fish need long periods of rest. His soul must be alone at times so that a fresh breeze frees him from all sorts of troubles and brings peace. Therefore, never scold your Pisces when he is silent. He really needs those moments. If he wants to take a walk, let him go. To always be together - in this way you can spoil the whole beauty of love. Remember that he is very sensitive, he can be easily offended. His timidity comes from a painful understanding of his limitations. He needs to know that his virtues are highly valued by those he loves. Cheer him up constantly. This person may be interested in yoga, believe in actual miracles, in astrology. It usually does him good. Stabilize his emotions. Calm his vivid imagination.

    The fish often loses his temper, but his anger is rarely bright and long. When it passes, life becomes peaceful again. Some Pisces express their demands about housekeeping, but they are usually harmless. And it is almost impossible to imagine a Pisces deeply offended, like, for example, Taurus. Imagine how lucky you are. Although it is very difficult for him to understand himself, he is very easy to understand other people, it is difficult to fool him: he sees through you. However, he can fool you if he needs to, as he has the quality of hiding his feelings and thoughts. Your Pisces can sometimes say that he went out to buy cigarettes, and at that time he was actually in the laundry. Why? Nobody knows. This way of hiding himself gives him pleasure.

    He may have even worse habits just to give work to his fertile imagination. He will not have outbursts of jealousy. Even if he is jealous, he can pretend not to notice. But this is a man, despite all his poetic nature, so he needs your jealousy. And you will have to control your jealousy, because. he has many close friends of both sexes. And they will seek his sympathy sometimes at the wrong time. He admires beauty, he may look at beautiful legs from time to time, but make an effort not to pay attention to it. And your reward will be a faithful husband who is both a romantic lover and an interlocutor with whom you can talk about everything. When depression and a gloomy mood attacks him, throw your apron into the corner, buy tickets for a fun show. Pisces easily lend themselves to various offers.

    You will have to teach him to be economical and careful with money. You can teach him, but at the same time be economical yourself, set an example for him. One spender in the family is enough. It is easy to lead a fish if the leader is dear to him and respected by him. The kids will have a lot of fun with it. For them, it will be a living book of fairy tales. They might even adore it. You will punish them, and he will listen to their problems, develop their mind. And this is good.

    Do not stop him from dreaming, but you must help him find a feasible dream and you must not overwhelm him with your complaints. His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. He needs to be supported by a happy family life. Don't criticize or whine too much. And someday his crazy dreams from useless can turn into real ones and coincide with your dreams.

    Pisces is a sign of relaxation. It may make you nervous and frightened, but it's true. You can help him get ready. Serve him a dream for breakfast, a smart joke for lunch, Chopin for dinner. And then, you yourself in the end are free to choose your husband. But in general, you don’t have to be afraid to jump into the water, water is always pleasant.



    Even without astrology, the opinion spread and enough rumors about the charm of this woman. She has, of course, negative traits, but at first glance she is a woman that every man can dream of. It must be said that modern emancipated women, giving the impression of a strong nature, have further increased the value of the Pisces woman. She rarely tries to outshine a man, whether married or not, she has not the slightest secret desire to dominate him. He can calmly give her a chair, light a cigarette, but talk about how beautiful he is. All she needs is for him to protect her, take care of her, she will gladly lean against his broad shoulder and let him know how strong he is and how much she needs him in this world. She will listen to all his troubles. She believes that any man can change the world. And this confidence of hers is transferred to men, and they feel the way they would like. And you still wonder why it is so popular?

    Pisces is a cozy, calm woman for a proud man. It seems that she has nothing to do with traffic noise, neon lamps, her own light is soft and smoky. She is amazingly feminine. Men are drawn to her like bees to nectar. A small conversation with her is enough and the man instantly relaxes. She will never blame a man for anything, it will always be the fault of someone else, but not a man. She will force him to move forward, but only at his own speed, which suits her perfectly. Do I need to explain to you that this woman is the most dangerous for her rivals?

    After marriage, she may begin to put forward her demands. To be frank, it will demand a lot. After all, that's what you deserve for letting her charms get the better of you. She will often be caustic and sarcastic, but every woman has such a mood. As for Pisces, it will often be gentle than scandalous. She will be annoyed by the rigidity and laziness of her husband, and who says that such men do not deserve such an attitude? In addition, her femininity covers her imperfections and more often than not, she is soft, dreamy and feminine. Since Pisces swims in different directions, there are situations that can piss off any other woman, but of course, at times a rude word and an irritable character can piss her off. It is difficult to understand in which direction it is moving.

    They say that Pisces loves depth, so you need to know some of her secret motives. What makes her swim? First of all, she is secretive and even sometimes deceitful when she practices the power of her charm on you. This woman can be quite strong inside and at the same time maintain the appearance of defenselessness and tenderness. She always has a somewhat thoughtful and detached look. She doesn’t understand economics at all, but she manages the household perfectly, manages to dress well, cook a 7-course dinner, pay her rent on time, buy expensive gifts, and all this for the same salary as you and I. She always openly expresses her love and affection to everyone: the butcher, the seller, the yard cats. She can only have one enemy - the man she left when she met her future husband. It is possible that he will do stupid things out of grief, and she probably does not even remember his name.

    Heartless women, these Pisces, secretive and deceptive. But don't try to impress it on her neighbors. Like the March winds, she will have many moods. She's terribly sentimental. When her feelings are affected, she can shed crocodile tears. She will look at you with secret reproach, as if you had killed a small crocodile. Sometimes the thought comes to her mind that she is absolutely not created to withstand the cruel world around her and depression covers her. At such moments, you should tell her that you admire her deep wisdom, her understanding of everyone who met her. This is usually true.

    The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubt. If her fears go far, she moves away from everyone, and then wonders why she is alone. She is often afraid to impose herself, to put too much pressure on someone, although such thoughts never occur to anyone except herself. From time to time, Pisces covers up their timidity and vulnerability with witticisms and sophistication. But this is only a veil to hide the insecurities from the eyes of rude people who can hurt her heart if she exposes it. But for all her artificial independence, she leaves the man to light her cigarette.

    She can fool men by saying, "Who needs husbands? They only make life worse!" And imagine, this is what the Fish says, which needs to lean on you, more than anyone else. She gives her heart to children without encroaching on the place you occupy, she understands their fears and insecurities better than others, she can allow them too much, she practically cannot establish discipline, her lack of firmness and a lack of understanding that she spoils children , bringing them up with constant care. She will gladly allow you to support herself and the whole family, she can be a spender, but if necessary she will refuse champagne. Do not forget about her birthday, wedding anniversary, because. she doesn't forget about it. Whether she is a nun in a convent or a cabaret singer, she will always be 100 percent a woman.

    Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, containing quite a few qualities of other signs. The character of Pisces according to the horoscope is very difficult to describe or understand. But they themselves see through everyone who intersects with them. Pisces have patience, understanding of people and are often the keepers of their secrets.

    What is the character and temperament of Pisces according to the horoscope

    Pisces know a lot and demand the same amount, at first glance they look like dreamy idealists, they are easy to hurt, sometimes fish are shy and preoccupied.

    Many Pisces seek solitude to develop their personality. Almost all fish are people with a deep understanding of life, mystics, they have something from Buddhists and Eastern sages.

    People think a lot and rarely act. In fish, mood can often change, depression appears. It will be very important for Pisces to overcome their doubts and shyness, learn to believe in themselves.

    Almost all astrologers say that Pisces is by nature the most eccentric personality of all the signs of the zodiac. Their curator is Neptune - a mystical, revolutionary, romantic sign, sometimes even insane, and always distant. He causes anxiety and nervousness to his subordinates.

    Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and so very often they put themselves last. Very often, fish do everything for others, without demanding anything in return. People born under the sign of Pisces are very emotional and passionate. However, these qualities can lead to both success and self-destruction.

    The nature of the Pisces sign is vulnerable, and these people need to protect themselves and deal with harsh criticism from those who do not understand them. Mental wounds to Pisces are very easy to inflict, and they heal for a very long time.

    Pisces really like to act as a martyr, and they must deal with their feelings, above all, with the habit of feeling sorry for themselves. They have low self-esteem and self-esteem. Pisces are shy and modest, but on the other hand they are nervous and full of energy. All this mixture of feelings gives them an indecisive and puzzled look. They tend to worry about trifles.

    In no case should Pisces be upset over trifles, or because of their shortcomings, because all they need is to work on themselves, and all shortcomings can disappear just as easily as they appeared.

    Pisces by their nature is highly dependent on those people with whom they are in close relationships. Pisces have a trusting nature and are very easy to deceive. However, if they begin to realize that they are being deceived, they may become secretive and suspicious. Their intellect is like a flame: it flickers from witty, reserved and joyful to melancholic, sleepy and lethargic.

    Pros and cons of the character of Pisces

    The nature of the Pisces zodiac sign is most often very soft, and the nature of Pisces is sensitive and able to support in difficult times.

    The sign signifies two fish holding a binding "silver thread" in their mouth. Traditionally, fish are shown as looking in different directions, which causes some kind of disagreement between the body and the soul.

    Sympathy, versatility, self-denial - in the character of Pisces according to the horoscope. This is a hypersensitive symbol that largely responds to the ideas and feelings of other inhabitants of our planet. Pisces tend to absorb extraneous thoughts and images. Pisces does not have a very strong will, they are dependent on events or on other people. It may be to their advantage to learn to rely on themselves and not on their neighbors.


    Duality symbol. Pisces find it difficult to make decisions, they are often tired, which does not allow them to fully engage in sports, do hard work, or is constantly in suspense. Pisces are not fighters by nature. Their disgust for disputes makes them timid and soft. It is better for them to accept injustice than to fight for their own rights.

    If the persistence and patience of Pisces ends, it is difficult to stop them. Pisces are charming, their charm is humor. Fate opens almost all doors for him. They are given the opportunity to be diligent and precise, like a fish swimming upstream. The mood of Pisces ranges from the last optimism to "black" melancholy.

    Pisces do not aspire to material comforts, because they unconsciously know that the search for the most acceptable option will only bring them more inconvenience and worries.


    Pisces notice the beauty around them and also gravitate toward opposites. Protect their own originality, carefully listen to their own thoughts. They prefer to live in dreams and fictional circumstances. The nature of the Pisces sign is such that it is easy for them to feel in someone else's shoes, which allows them to succeed in acting.

    Musicality is an innate quality of Pisces. There are many artists among them. Often, Pisces are distinguished by a rich and deep imagination. They can well feel someone else's reaction to words and deeds, even if this reaction is negative. They stand out with genuine sympathy.


    Almost all Pisces are ready to do anything to alleviate the suffering of others, for example, to work in terrible and uncomfortable conditions. They devote themselves to the patients and the desperate and do not ask for any reward for this. If they have found themselves, they will be affectionate, noble, obedient, selfless to the last word. They are sensitive and sincere, turning a blind eye to the shortcomings of the people they love.

    Closeness Pisces

    Sensual, gentle, easily influenced by others, excellent people who have a magnificent imagination, impressionable and fickle - this is the core of character. Pisces is a striking symbol of the Zodiac.

    Receptive and artistic, they possess an interesting psychic gift. The bulk of psychics are born under this very symbol, so you have a direction where you need to develop.

    They are completely unselfish, too generous, absolutely unable to handle their funds, wasting them right and left. They make good husbands who will be too correct and obedient. You can rely on them when you are good and when you are bad.

    Pisces are scattered, it is difficult for them to focus on one thing in particular. Ordinary work tires them and does not bring them pleasure. They are distinguished by wit and ingenuity, which often helps them understand what the essence of the matter is.

    The nature of this sign is extremely contradictory, only those who are not far from them and are close to Pisces can understand - wife, colleagues or friends. For the majority of the inhabitants of our planet, Pisces remains a mystery, which is why they remain so interesting to the opposite sex.

    The desires and mood of Pisces change at the speed of sound, they can occasionally erupt, but this passes instantly for them. Their chest beats a golden “vein”. It is worth giving yourself free rein, as soon as there will be a crowd of like-minded people and admirers around them. However, Pisces often cause envy in others, so you need to be careful with this.

    Vulnerability of Pisces

    Pisces are unsurpassedly aware of the feelings of others and listen to them to understand the problem. If you met Pisces for the first time, then you may get the impression that a person has a timid and shy character, but this is not so - this is just a first impression. They are able to be speakers and leaders. Before judging them, take the trouble to find out why they behave the way they do.

    Being able to express yourself can help Pisces get out of trouble they get into easily. The main thing for Pisces, which are in full view of people, is the soul and heart. They can create the inner world of any person, while forgetting about themselves.

    Pisces are extremely gentle towards others, and as such, their main problem. They easily give in to extraneous influences and do not pay attention to their opinion, putting "alien" in the first place.

    Like other signs of the zodiac, Pisces also have strengths and weaknesses of character. Perhaps, superficially looking at the description of people born under the sign of Pisces, you will have the opinion that they are perfect, but this is not at all the case.

    Ruler planet:♆ Neptune, ♃ Jupiter. Element: Water.

    Character Pisces

    Perhaps, in the entire zodiac circle there is no sign more mysterious than Pisces. The depths in which they swim are truly bottomless, and leave little chance for mere mortals to look into them. Their face can be serene and calm, and their behavior can demonstrate daydreaming, indifference, and even some laziness. Even with all the desire, others are unlikely to be able to piss off Pisces: neither scandals, nor accusations, nor stormy scenes can truly deprive them of deep inner harmony.

    Even life itself, with its eternal problems and fuss, is not able to force Pisces to overcome their blissful balance and, having rolled up their sleeves, resolutely get down to business. On the contrary, most often they prefer to rely on Fate and, despite the circumstances, continue to go with the flow, feeling peace and tranquility in their souls.

    However, Pisces cannot be called indifferent to everything in the world. It's just that external events don't carry too much weight for them. Yes, they will not consciously strive for career heights, fame or money, but if for some reason the benefits of civilization themselves have fallen on their heads, Pisces will take them for granted and calmly appreciate them.

    Much more important than the outer world for Pisces is the inner world, and not only their own. That is why Pisces feel art so subtly: they themselves can be talented (and even brilliant) creators and, like no one else, are able to pay tribute to the works of great masters.

    Their tender, sensitive soul, which is hidden under a serene shell, is easy to pity and make them empathize. They are ready to selflessly help with everything they can, to the point that others often shamelessly use their compassion, gullibility and kindness. Soft and supple, Pisces are generally poorly oriented in real life, which is why they have a lot of misunderstandings and problems.

    Having a lot of talents from birth, Pisces does not always manage to realize them - daydreaming and lack of incentive prevents them from achieving much in life. However, if, due to upbringing or circumstances, Pisces nevertheless begin to show will and character, Fate readily elevates them to the very top.

    The sensitivity of Pisces and their harmony with nature makes them incredibly receptive, up to psychic abilities. They may have prophetic dreams, they may have insights. Even the usual anxiety of Pisces or their unwillingness to do something is worth listening to: behind this there may be a premonition in which Pisces themselves are not always aware of, but which in the end may turn out to be important and even save someone's life.

    The element of Pisces is deep Water, and their planet is Neptune, endowing them with dreaminess, spirituality and emotionality. Altruism and inspiration, sensitivity and fantasy, harmony with the world and love for everything make Pisces not only the most mysterious, but perhaps the happiest people in the world. Everyday problems almost do not affect them. Any storms can rage on the surface of the ocean, but they cannot penetrate into the depths - where the world is silent and beautiful and where all the secrets of the Universe and all the treasures of the Earth belong to Pisces.