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  • Beautiful quotes about spring. Short quotes about spring Spring new life quotes

    Beautiful quotes about spring.  Short quotes about spring Spring new life quotes

    In the spring, all obstacles melt and desires bloom.

    An intellectual, when he goes to the forest for birch sap in the spring, does not stick his pipes into the trees: he reads Yesenin, and the birches themselves cry into his jar.

    On the street along which she was walking, spring was already glowing, as if someone was kissing on the neck, but as soon as they looked back, there was no one but the sun's rays.

    "Rinat Valiullin"

    Spring! Who doesn't love her! The most seedy, lousy darling in the spring loves, grows kind, hopes for something of his own.

    "Tatiana Tolstaya"

    In the spring, when the ground thaws, people also seem to become softer.

    Only now it suddenly dawned on that spring would come in a week and a half. And by spring everything is always incredibly fabulous, you can ask any schizophrenic.

    Miguel Grace

    Spring will come soon, which brought me to you ... soon spring will come without you.

    Love does not add to spring, spring is a difficult test for love, its great rival.

    "Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva"

    Every winter I wonder how it is possible to live outside the city, and every spring I begin to understand this.

    "Paul Palmer"

    Spring is an artist, paints the world around us with bright, rich colors!

    Meanwhile, spring has come, beautiful, friendly, without waiting and deceiving spring, one of those rare springs that plants, animals and people enjoy together.

    "L. N. Tolstoy "

    If it hadn't been for spring, we wouldn't have known how fun it is to squelch in the melting snow in spring ankle boots!

    Every spring, when the kidneys swell, my chest breathes more fully, it seems that my feelings are blooming, reaching out to the world, and in May I already barely manage to control myself: oh, I should jump higher, to the sky, knock a couple of stars down with the crown of my head!

    She had already gone to bed with him several times. Every year - in spring and autumn - she, like a migratory bird, was overwhelmed with the desire to fly away.

    "Erich Maria Remarque"

    It happens that something does not stick, it comes out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and you will understand: this is spring.

    "M. Prishvin "

    Spring is a victory over hunger, over winter, and, if you like, over death.

    Spring came! And I got myself into it again!

    Spring always brings change.

    Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality.

    Henry David Thoreau

    Spring is such a time of the year when you can feel like a complete idiot and smile stupidly for no reason. And on a completely legal basis.

    The plans drawn up in the spring look like this: love, love, love ...

    There is a whole spring ahead to learn to appreciate what will be, and not what has passed ...

    May life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love.

    "Alexander Blok"

    With the beginning of spring, I wish you an enchanting wonderful mood, and family happiness!

    Everything is new in the spring! And the springs themselves are always so new - none is like the other, each has something of its own, which gives it a special, unique charm.

    Lucy Montgomery

    If it had not been for winter, spring would not have seemed so beautiful to us; if there was no poverty, wealth would not be so desired.

    Ah, spring, what a romantic time! .. Everyone is happy, smiling and happy ... Flowers in the hands of friends, love reigns around!

    Spring is a good enough reason to do great stupid things for no good reason.

    There are a lot of shades in whiteness. Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time.

    "André Maurois"

    A small, very gentle man lives in each of us. In the spring, he wakes up to receive his dose of sunshine and love!

    Waiting for spring is like waiting for paradise.

    Stephen King

    Spring is the time of the year when it is good to start something new.

    "Haruki Murakami"

    The landscape with trees shrouded in snow was replaced by a gentle watercolor of spring.

    Arthur Golden

    Spring is a great time to rediscover love in your own heart, recognizing it in the looks of people, in the cries of birds, in a sprout breaking through the thickness of the earth ...

    Delia Guzman

    The largest and greatest artist on the globe is not Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, but spring.

    Feng Jicai

    Spring is the time of plans and assumptions.

    In the spring, even a boot whispers something gentle in your ear.

    "Emil the Meek"

    Soon spring, soon spring, Soon these nights of restless sleep, Again spring, again love, Again blood will play in our veins.

    Winter kills life on earth, but spring comes, and all living things will be born again. But it was hard to believe, looking at the ashes of the recently living city, that someday spring would come for it too.

    "Elizaveta Dvoretskaya"

    Spring is the first thing you recognize by its smell.

    Feng Jicai

    Spring coffee is the best reason to be happy this morning!

    "Maria Berestova"

    Why, spring is in the yard. In the spring he always gets naughty and longs for a new one.

    "Erich Maria Remarque"

    The off-season is always on the verge of a nervous breakdown: autumn picks off leaves, spring - roofs.

    "Rinat Valiullin"

    And again the unresolved question arises - about women and about love.

    "Vladimir Mayakovsky"

    One must always go forward, remembering that after winter, spring always comes.

    Spring is not just a time of blossoming, it is a time of hopes, awakening of the spirit.

    Thomas Foster

    In spring everything is different - the sky is bluer, people are kinder, the days are longer, happiness is brighter!

    Live in peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

    Spring is a time of madness, only by surrendering to which it is possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting.

    Spring also affects people. It extends the backs of those who have dropped their shoulders. Smoothes out wrinkles on faces. Makes you inhale deeper air, intoxicating to dizziness.

    "Albert Likhanov"

    Spring is not invented for catching a spring cold.

    "Elena Ermolova"

    Yes, this is exactly the slogan for the most romantic time of the year.

    This is the time for the revival of feelings, emotions, the time for new discoveries and beginnings. The spring months are created for inspiration, love and great mood.

    Well, so that spring comes to the Internet, we offer you quotes about spring. Some of them will make you think and rethink something in life, others will make you smile and cheer up. Spring in life and in your soul - how wonderful everything is, right?

    Appeared in a trembling lump,
    Dry chicken - spring. "Ariadne Efron"

    Spring is a time of madness, only by surrendering to which it is possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting

    Did you fail to start a new life on the first of January? Start in March ... Spring is another chance.

    In the spring we have to live in the present, we will think about the future on long winter evenings, we will remember the past in the dreary autumn.

    The blanket is still turning white
    Fluffy old snows,
    But we see the beginning of spring,
    The familiar trail of her footsteps. "Vladimir Bolshakov"

    Only youth and love can be more beautiful than spring. Stephen King

    On the street along which she was walking, spring was already glowing, as if someone was kissing on the neck, but as soon as they looked back, there was no one but the sun's rays. "Rinat Valiullin"

    Spring is like a woman, she says - I'm already walking, and she sits in a dressing gown, with a wet head and paints her nails!

    Waking up quietly from sleep
    Happiness knocks tenderly at the window ...
    - Didn't you find out? It's me, spring!
    Open, something important is about to happen! ..

    This spring, start everything new, forget everything old and be just happy !!!

    Spring ... A meter of snow is a little hindering

    I'm waiting for spring, there is a beginning in it,
    Everything began in spite of,
    Like that boat at the pier
    What awaits the awakened river. "Leonid Alekseev"

    Spring ... Everything will be different !!!

    Spring!!! I want something ... Either for a variety to disgrace, or disgrace for a change ...

    A small, very gentle man lives in each of us. In the spring, he wakes up to receive his dose of sunshine and love!

    I will never get used to spring. Year after year she amazes me, she delights me. And neither age, nor accumulated doubts and griefs matter. "Rene Barzhavel."

    Spring again, flowers again, dreams come true again !!!

    Spring ... And the beginnings appear
    All the feelings that excite again.
    Such that even the removed gloves
    They strive to hug each other.

    Spring has come, shining with magic, it is possible to compare it with a deity. Hurry to breathe, hurry to embrace her, take your love from her lips ...

    Judge your health by how happy you are in the morning and spring. Henry David Thoreau

    Spring is a great time to rediscover love in your own heart, recognizing it in the looks of people, in the cries of birds, in a sprout breaking through the thickness of the earth ...

    Spring justifies nonsense. After all, in order to bear fruit, one must blossom, and one cannot blossom without blossoming. "Elena Ermolova"

    Spring is coming,
    Sighs to the top of my chest,
    Winter is about to end
    And the sadness will disappear. "Evgeny Vitalievich Antonyuk"

    May life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love. "Alexander Blok"

    The spring wind carries the scent of happiness.

    Everything is new in the spring! And the springs themselves are always so new - none is like the other, each has something of its own, which gives it a special, unique charm. Lucy Montgomery

    Oh, spring without end and without edge -
    A dream without end and without edge! "Alexander Blok"

    Wind in my head, spring in my heart ...

    Every year something dies in you when leaves fall from the trees, and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring is sure to come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will free itself of ice again. But when the cold rains poured incessantly and killed the spring, it seemed as if the young life had been ruined for nothing. "Ernest Hemingway"

    Spring also affects people. It extends the backs of those who have dropped their shoulders. Smoothes out wrinkles on faces. Makes you inhale deeper air, intoxicating to dizziness. "Albert Likhanov"

    Look in the skies more often in March ... Piercingly blue, deep, into the blue ... In the spring, it is the heavens that are not the sky. They beckon somewhere into the distance, for a dream, soothe, fill the soul with hope and harmony

    Spring will drive anyone crazy. The ice was broken too.

    Spring is like a woman: she paints herself for a long time, picks up a beautiful outfit, and when she comes, her presence will make at least one person a little happier.

    Spring is like a girl laughing, she wants to fall in love with a man ...

    Is it falling in love
    Is it spring
    Or extra modesty
    Finally she left ... "Anna Kudasheva"

    Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality. Henry David Thoreau

    In the spring, everyone becomes handsome if they hurry to meet their dreams.

    Having sheltered each other's lonely spring, the two snowmen exchanged hearts forever.

    There is a whole spring ahead to learn to appreciate what will be, and not what has passed ...

    There, behind the hills, the sun began to sing ... If you take a step, spring is behind you.

    Spring supplies us with a hover of desires.

    If it had not been for winter, spring would not have seemed so beautiful to us; if there was no poverty, wealth would not be so desired.

    Spring! Trees dress, women undress ...

    Remember that the best spring is the one in the shower, and not in a short quote on the monitor page. So don't waste your time searching the internet for spring phrases. Better just try to enjoy the first spring sun.

    Statements about spring

    Of course, when spring comes, when the sun begins to shine more intensely, feelings and emotions are also revealed in us. Blood runs through our body more rapidly, we smile more, we rejoice more in simple things. Spring is a time of love and hope.

    Probably few people have a negative attitude towards spring - this time of year is loved by everyone, especially children, and of course all categories of romantics - Poems are born, I want songs, lyrics, vivid feelings. Someone will say that spring brings joy only to young people, and they will be wrong!

    We will be convinced of this by reading the quotes and statements of the greats about spring!

    Beautiful sayings and quotes about spring

    “The brightest of all springs is the one in the soul. "Vitya Ved and Sasha School

    “Live in peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves. “Chinese proverb

    “Spring is the time of the year when it’s good to start something new. “Haruki Murakami

    “Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day in the morning. “Chinese proverb

    “Spring, spring, time for love. “A.S. Pushkin

    “In the early morning I woke up from my sleep,

    A fierce spring is raging outside the window ... "Ivan Urgant

    "Tulips and daffodils - the orange-golden storm of spring." Erich Maria Remarque

    “Spring is a real miracle. Jenny Downham

    “Waiting for spring is like waiting for paradise.” Stephen King

    “Spring is a time of madness, only by surrendering to which it is possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting. "Elchin Safarli

    “One must always go forward, remembering that after winter, spring always comes. “Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    “Spring will give us incentives to live. "Assai

    “Spring came on time. “Mark Levy

    “Spring is a time of plans and assumptions. “L.N. Tolstoy

    “Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time. “André Maurois

    “Spring stands alone with the whole world and thinks only of itself. "Elizaveta Dvoretskaya

    “Spring is who has filled everything around.” Marianna Goncharova

    "Spring. The sun comes in through the open window and some kind of unpretentious, silly little joy. " Anatoly Mariengof

    “Spring happiness tastes different. Less cream of fleetingness, more heavy cream for eternity and there is a lot of sun in a lush biscuit of feelings. ”Elchin Safarli

    "Spring. Goosebumps run in my stomach: either falling in love, or diarrhea. ”Igor Yagupov

    "Spring. Nafigatsiya opened .. . ”Stepan Balakin

    “Spring is the only revolution in this world ... "Fedor Tyutchev

    "Spring is a thinner of winter." Ludwik Jerzy Kern

    “The beauty of spring is known only in winter, and sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs.” Heinrich Heine

    “Mentally change winter to spring and fall in love. “E. Safarli

    “February is always full of hope. February is practically spring! And in the spring, absolutely everything is possible. Ali Smith

    “We must always go forward, remembering that after winter, spring always comes.” “K.Pinkola

    "Spring. In our clothing store, a 70 percent discount on the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! ”

    "Spring! Trees dress, women undress ... ”

    “Spring is a time of year when even trousers cannot hide your high spirits.”

    "Even spring is not so happy if your vacation has already passed in February ..."

    "Nothing colors spring like a weekend on the May holidays!"

    "In the spring, even a boot whispers something gentle in your ear."

    "Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring ..."

    "If the trees flew out of the window, it means spring is coming!"

    "To a good cat every day in March!"

    Post Views: 170

    If it had not been for winter, spring would not have seemed so beautiful to us; if there was no poverty, wealth would not be so desired.

    Spring is not invented for catching a spring cold.

    "Elena Ermolova"

    Spring is approaching every day. Perhaps you should go out to meet her.

    "Yuri Tatarkin"

    When the apple trees and pears are blooming, there are so many Katyushas around that no wife can save you.

    "Georgy Alexandrov"

    Spring! Who doesn't love her! The most seedy, lousy darling in the spring loves, grows kind, hopes for something of his own.

    In spring, the weather changes as often as the mood of a pregnant beauty courtesan.

    May life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love. ” A. Blok "

    It's even inconvenient somehow. Birds from the south will soon arrive, and we have a complete mess here: the fields are muddy, and the trees are not decorated with leaves yet.

    Waiting for spring is like waiting for paradise.

    Stephen King

    Spring will come - then we will rise. And as we rise up, we will live fully raised up.

    "Yuri Tatarkin"

    Spring is a time of madness, only by surrendering to which it is possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting.

    Some ladies are in bloom, others - only at the stage of buds.

    "Harry Simanovich"

    It's always like this with the April air. It is saturated with an unspoken promise for no one knows what. Usually at the end of May it becomes clear that this was a normal seasonal hormonal disruption in the body. But until the end of May I will probably be a gullible fool. It is foolish to deny yourself such a pleasure.

    Let feelings of love and happiness bloom in your life as magnificently and beautifully as snowdrops in spring

    The happiness he clung to stopped; This April day froze forever, and somewhere, in another plane, the movement of days continued, city spring, country summer - vague streams that barely touched it.

    February is always full of hope. February is practically spring! And in the spring, absolutely everything is possible.

    And an old tree stump dreams of a young birch on a spring day ...

    "A. V. Ivanov "

    Winter is a good thing when it's real winter - with ice on rivers, hail, sleet, bitter frosts, blizzards and everything else, but spring is no good - continuous rains, mud, slush, one word - melancholy, and soon it would be over.

    "Mark Twain"

    Spring is when the whole planet is in flowers, a miracle given to us by God to feel and see paradise, even during our lifetime.

    "Victor Grutsenko"

    This is not that April, not that May, For many years now, everything is the same in a row, And therefore, maybe the wind does not kiss, but gnaws at my face, And even if I disappear, no one will notice the loss, Nobody except the one that disappeared with me, We erased the names, give us new ones, spring.

    In the spring, when the ground thaws, people also seem to become softer.

    "Maksim Gorky"

    It happens that something does not stick, it comes out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and you will understand: this is spring.

    "Maksim Gorky"

    Only now it suddenly dawned on that spring would come in a week and a half. And by spring everything is always incredibly fabulous, you can ask any schizophrenic that. "

    One day in the spring, autumn suddenly came.

    A girl runs through the city barefoot, A girl does not notice traffic lights and wires, A girl passes through trolleybuses and trees, And the world becomes colored - this is Spring ...

    You cannot say to the spring: "Step on immediately and last as long as necessary." You can only say: "Come, fall me by the grace of hope and stay with me as long as possible."

    "Paulo Coelho"

    Spring is pouring into our hearts with oil of parks and divine alleys.

    "Valery Kazanzhants"

    Perhaps I have never met such a daring and unpredictable woman as Spring Weather.

    The spring of water has come. The way is difficult because of the waters of spring.

    "Elena Ermolova"

    According to information leaked from the depths of the Hydrometeorological Center, there will be no spring this year, but next year there will be two of them. Moreover, the second spring will come instead of summer.

    Spring is a time of dreams, inspiration and of course love! Spring is so beautiful that one simply cannot remain silent about it. We offer you a selection of beautiful quotes and aphorisms, funny sayings and statuses about spring. Add them to your pages and get charged with spring mood.

    Spring, as a woman, she either comes suddenly, or makes herself wait. In the spring, not only nature comes to life, but also feelings. In the spring, love overcomes everyone. In spring, more than ever, I want to talk about my feelings, my feelings and soar on the wings of love. Spring comes whether the snow has melted or not. In my heart, spring comes at the end of February, even cats can confirm this.

    Spring is the time of mini-skirts and stilettos. No woman will miss the opportunity to show off her figure and attract the attention of men. But for those who didn’t deny themselves anything for the New Year holidays, spring is a kind of marathon “I will fit or will not fit into my favorite dress”.

    Spring is impossible not to love. She gives life and hope for happiness, but what can I say, spring is happiness. Spring is striking in its beauty. There is nothing more beautiful than realizing that life is raging around. You wake up in the morning - and you see how leaves blossomed on the trees during the night, you go home from work - and you realize that the birds have already returned from the south. By the way, about work ... Here it is in the spring that just seems superfluous! Probably not in vain there are many spring holidays and weekends.

    Beautiful quotes and aphorisms about spring

    While spring is blooming on this planet
    And the beauty of green groves is in bloom,
    And God's mercy is given to everyone in the world,
    May these beauties bloom for us too!

    Spring is the only revolution in this world worthy of being taken seriously, the only one that at least always succeeds.

    Waiting for spring is like waiting for paradise.

    The brightest of all springs is the one in the soul.

    Live in peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

    Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day in the morning.

    Spring is the time of the year when it is good to start something new.

    Quotes about spring and love

    Spring is blooming more and more, making the human heart tremble.

    Spring ... it always smells persistently of love ...

    Spring has come, beaming with magic. It is possible to compare her with a deity. Hurry to breathe, hurry to embrace her, Take your love from her lips ...

    Spring is a light cocktail of thoughts in my head, with a barely audible light and tart note of hope ... for love.

    May this spring be bright and happy for everyone, in the arms of a loved one.

    Love is a disease that has new symptoms every time, but they always appear in the spring!

    Spring omen - if the palm itches, it is possible that a line of love is forming on it.

    Spring has come, and with it love ... the mind has a vacation!

    Cool quotes

    Spring is like a woman. He just paints for a long time, picks up a beautiful outfit. And as soon as he comes, his presence will make at least one person a little happier.

    Either spring, or really there is something in you ...

    The people who helped the spring go and ate the snow! Why did you gobble up the snow and asphalt?

    Spring, do you even know that you should be warm and clear, and not with piles of snow, water and mud?

    Nothing colors spring like a weekend on the May holidays!

    In the early morning I woke up from sleep,
    A fierce spring is raging outside the window ...

    Spring ... Girls solve a problem: How to put on a mini-skirt on a maxi-ass and pull on high boots over crooked legs ...

    Statuses about spring

    Spring! It got warm. On the street, two types of originals were identified. The former are still wearing down jackets, while the latter are already wearing T-shirts and shorts.

    Well, everything, girls, spring has come. It's time to play sports: walking on stiletto heels, shooting with eyes and jumping over goats.

    March stop thinking that you are January!

    I know why spring isn’t coming ... because not everyone has lost weight yet!

    Nothing is as annoying in spring as winter!

    It's getting warmer and warmer outside ... The computer turns on less and less ... Here it is, the vaccine against Internet - SPRING!

    Spring has come, I am too lazy to study, I sit at my desk like a deer.

    Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. She inspires everyone with bright feelings, love and tenderness. In spring, everything is beautiful without exception: warm sun rays, and primroses, and a spring thunderstorm. When spring comes, I want to scream about my feelings and desire to live!