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  • Psychological work with children with disabilities. Advanced training course "psychological and correctional support of children with secondary education in a secondary school under the conditions of the introduction of fgos"

    Psychological work with children with disabilities. Refresher course

    In accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard, children with special educational needs can attend any preschool educational institution. The tendency of modern education is towards inclusion, that is, not just the inclusion of children with disabilities into society, but also the adaptation of the environment to such children. The purpose of inclusion in a preschool educational institution is to ensure the adaptation of the child in society as early as possible, to socialize him. But at the same time, the other side of the coin is such that not all parents and teachers are ready for the fact that a special child will be trained and brought up in a group with normally developing children.

    Nevertheless, the statistics are disappointing, every year there are more and more children with special educational needs.

    Children with disabilities include children:

    • with visual impairment;
    • with hearing impairment;
    • with speech disorders;
    • with intellectual disabilities (from CRD to severe mental retardation);
    • with cerebral palsy and movement disorders;
    • with violations of the emotional and volitional sphere;
    • with complex developmental defects.

    Also, do not forget about children with behavioral disorders and unidentified diagnoses, who also need a special approach from teachers and specialists.

    Recommendations of a teacher-psychologist for teachers working with children with disabilities

    Teachers often experience fear and lack of confidence in their abilities when a “special” child first comes to the general education group. This is quite justified, because such a child needs more attention and the creation of special conditions for learning and development. What about the rest of the children? And then the teacher comes up with the idea of \u200b\u200bsending the child to another group or to a specialized kindergarten, because "he will be better there." They try to convince parents and the administration of this in every possible way, turn to specialists with a demand to issue referrals to the commission, etc.

    First of all, the teacher should know that parents themselves have the right to decide where their child will be trained and educated. And if they choose a general education group, it means that they value not only special education and child development (which, by the way, can be obtained additionally in developmental centers), but also communication with other children and parents. They want to be on an equal footing with everyone, they want their "special" baby to be accepted and understood as well as other children, so that he lives and develops in society. And the main role in this, of course, belongs to the teacher.

    The teacher must internally accept such a child, because it depends on how the child will be perceived by other children, how the parents of normally developing children will react to the appearance of a child with disabilities in the group.

    When working with a child with disabilities, a teacher should take into account the following features:

    1. As a rule, parents of "special" children are ready to cooperate and interact with a teacher. Very important at the very beginning discuss emerging problems and look for joint solutions. You should ask the parents for the characteristics of the character, interests and preferences of the child. Based on the data received from the parents, the teacher can more effectively organize his work with the child in a kindergarten. It is important to have a constructive dialogue with parents, not to evaluate the statements, but to try to learn as much important and useful information as possible about the child.
    2. Another important point in interacting with a child with disabilities is relying on his strengths. You should not see only negative traits in the baby - this will lead to negative emotions that do not contribute to the development of the baby and will not change the situation for the better. It will be more correct to focus on the child's successes and achievements, albeit small, but very important for him. For a child with disabilities, it is very important to be constantly rewarded for the slightest successes - this develops in him faith in his own strength and capabilities.
    3. It should be remembered that children with disabilities need other methods and ways of presenting information. They often take longer to accept an adult's instruction and complete assignments than other children.
    4. In no case should a teacher compare a “special” child with other children, because his development follows a different, own path.

    Thus, a child with disabilities in an educational institution faces many difficulties, he definitely needs help, support and understanding of a patient adult. And if this adult is a teacher, then we can say with confidence that the baby and his parents will not be left alone with their problem, but will take another important step towards the harmonious development of the child.

    An important task of psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities is the work of a teacher-psychologist with parents.

    When working with parents of children with disabilities, the educational psychologist pays more attention not so much to the forms of work, because they do not differ from working with other parents (conversation, mini-lectures) as much on the content. Children with disabilities need correction, and parents need psychological help.

    The birth of a child with disabilities in a family completely changes the established way of life, influencing its quality, causing a large palette of emotional reactions in parents, which can be called “parental anguish”.

    This state has its own dynamics and stages of development:

    1. Stage - fear, shock, confusionand even helplessness in the face of the current situation and the future.
    2. Stage - negation... This stage manifests itself in different ways: someone does not want to acknowledge the child's diagnosis (for example, "this is not true"), someone recognizes the problem, but at the same time becomes an unjustified optimist regarding a positive prognosis for the development and rehabilitation of the child, not understanding the whole the depth of the problem (for example, "my child will still improve, will outgrow").
    3. Stage - depression... Comes after realizing and understanding the problem of their child. During this period, parents are immersed in deep sadness.
    4. Stage - adoption, there is an awareness of what happened.

    Whichever of the above stages the parent is at, the educational psychologist should structure his consultations in such a way that the parent feels support and leaves with the so-called “resource”. The teacher-psychologist, in consultation with parents, acts under the slogan: "Help for a parent is help for a child"... This slogan is dictated by the fact that the life position of the parent and his value orientations are the basis of family education, which in turn affects the formation of the child's “I” image and, as a result, his attitude to the world. It is in the family that unique conditions are created that form the basis for the development of the child's personality as a whole.

    The upbringing work of parents in the family is, first of all, self-education. Therefore, each parent needs to learn to be a teacher, which means learning to accept their child as he is, and learn to manage the relationship with the child. But not all families fully realize the whole range of possibilities for influencing the child.

    The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do this, others do not understand why this is necessary, but in all cases, qualified pedagogical assistance is needed, which will help in determining the right path:

    • how to educate
    • what to teach
    • how to teach.

    Consequently, a necessary condition for a successful correctional and developmental impact on a child is the cooperation of the family and the teacher-psychologist.

    Thus, the tasks of the psychological and pedagogical work of a teacher-psychologist with parents of children with disabilities are

    • prevention of overloads, as the choice of a mode of work and rest at home adequate to the psychophysical development of the child
    • providing professional assistance in matters of education and in solving emerging problems;
    • choice of a strategy for relationships with a child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, as well as the structure of his development disorder;
    • preparation and inclusion of parents (official representatives of the child) in the process of solving correctional and developmental problems.

    Establishing communication between a teacher-psychologist and parents is carried out in stages:

    First step - building trusting, frank relationships with parents, (denying the possibility and necessity of cooperation). Conversation is used for this purpose.

    The second stage is based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the child. At this stage, the following goal is set - discussion of the problems of parents, their attitude to the difficulties of the child.

    The third stage is the solution of the following tasks:
    - parenting informationabout the upbringing and development of the child;
    - mastery of parents receptions interaction with the child;
    - the ability of parents to notice and accept the individual characteristics of the child;
    - expanding parental knowledgeconcerning play, exercise and other types of interaction and development of children;
    - individual workshops on teaching parents joint forms of activity with a child, bearing a correctional orientation.

    Thus, an increase in the competence of parents and the formation of an adequate assessment of their child's condition is one of the main expected results of psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities.

    In addition to the planned ones, the educational psychologist also provides consultations at the request of the parents themselves.

    The criterion for the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities is the optimization of communication between parent and child.

    It should be noted that only under the condition of vigorous activity in which a teacher-psychologist and parents of a child with disabilities are involved, it is possible to achieve the goals: increasing the psychological culture of the parents, the degree of acceptance of the defect of their own child. And with due diligence on both sides, patience and cooperation, positive results can be achieved that improve the quality of life of a child with disabilities. That, in fact, is dictated by the general goal of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities.

    What does the abbreviation HIA mean?

    The decryption reads: disabilities. This category includes persons who have features in development, both physical and psychological. The phrase “children with disabilities” means that these children need to create special conditions for life and learning.

    Children with disabilities, their types, provide for correctional training schemes, with the help of which a child can be relieved of a violation or significantly reduce its impact.

    Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

    Each type of violation requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

    1. Psychological safety.
    2. Help in adapting to the environment.
    3. Unity of joint activities.
    4. Motivating the child to the educational process.

    The initial stage of education at a preschool educational institution includes cooperation with educators and specialists, an increased interest in performing various tasks.

    Parents should learn to perceive a child with a disability as a child with latent abilities. In difficult life situations, at least, there are always three options:

    1. leave everything as it is, or change something;

    2. change your behavior, habits, attitudes, attitudes or change the circumstances in which the problem arose;

    3. if you cannot change the circumstances, then you can change the attitude towards the circumstances, that is, accept them: as a necessary given; as a lesson to be taken; as a catalyst for intrapersonal resources and capabilities; as something positive, which is contained in what is still perceived as negative.

    1. Never feel sorry for a child because he is not like everyone else.

    2. Give your child your love and attention, but do not forget that there are other family members who also need them.

    3. Organize your life so that no one in the family feels like a “victim” by giving up their private life.

    4. Do not shield your child from responsibilities and problems. Solve all matters with him.

    5. Give your child independence in action and decision making.

    6. Monitor your appearance and behavior. The child should be proud of you.

    7. Do not be afraid to deny the child something if you think his demands are excessive.

    8. Talk to your child more often. Remember that neither TV nor radio can replace you.

    9. Do not limit the child in communication with peers.

    10. Do not refuse to meet with friends, invite them to visit.

    11. Use the advice of teachers and psychologists more often.

    12. Read more, and not only special literature, but also fiction.

    13. Communicate with families with children with disabilities. Pass on your experience and adopt someone else's.

    14. Do not harass yourself with reproaches. It is not your fault that you have a special child!

    15. Remember that someday the child will grow up and he will have to live independently. Prepare him for the future life, talk with your child about it. And always remember that sooner or later your efforts, persistent patience and exorbitant work in raising a child with disabilities will definitely be rewarded!

    Advice for parents raising a child with disabilities.

    Adhering to the following rules will make your life and that of your child easier:

    1. Overcome fear and despair.
    2. Don't waste time looking for the culprit. It just doesn't exist.
    3. Determine what kind of help your child and your family need, and start contacting specialists:

    - medical assistance (consultation with a child psychoneurologist and other specialists);

    - psychological and pedagogical assistance (training in a preschool educational institution based on the recommendations of the PMPK)

    Due to the huge role of the family and the immediate environment in the process of the formation of the child's personality, such an organization of society is necessary that could maximally stimulate this development, smooth out the negative impact of the disease on the mental state of the child.

    Parents are the main participants in psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, especially if the child, for one reason or another, does not attend educational institution.

    To create favorable conditions for upbringing in a family, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of the child's development, his capabilities and development prospects, organize targeted correctional classes, form an adequate assessment, and develop the volitional qualities necessary in life.

    But there are children with special needs. These are children with developmental disabilities resulting from learning and adaptation difficulties. Developmental disabilities are found in different areas, but one thing unites special children - problems in socialization and the need for individual support.

    HVD - disabilities. However, since 2016, this concept has been replaced. It is more humane to say “children with special needs”. In this formulation, the emphasis is on the imperfection of society, and not on the defects of people. This society, its institutions and systems, due to their own limitations, cannot provide equal conditions for every child. Therefore, the emphasis is on changing environmental conditions, modernization in the interests of special children.

    Types of developmental disorders:

    • mental retardation (PD);
    • emotional and behavioral disorders;
    • autism syndrome;
    • hearing impairment;
    • visual impairment;
    • speech disorders;
    • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

    Each of these problems has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look:

    • Children with mental retardation are distinguished by a lag in one or more areas: speech, emotional,. With competent psychological and pedagogical support, this feature is eliminated. These children are dominated by play motives. There is a meager vocabulary, fatigue. In one or more areas, such a child corresponds to children of a previous age, it is noted.
    • When talking about emotional and behavioral disorders, they imply. These are sustainable personal changes in one or more areas. It is customary to distinguish excitable, unstable, asthenic, psychasthenic, schizoid, mosaic (combination of several features) accentuation. Until the age of 12, they talk not about accentuations, but about a difficult character.
    • Autism looks like a shell on the outside. The child is in his own world, alienated from society. Autistic actions are stereotyped, emotions are stingy. The main feature is. There is a delay in speech development, they talk about themselves in the third person.
    • Hearing impairment involves qualitative and quantitative changes. Allocate complete hearing loss and hearing loss, the latter is 4 levels.
    • Visual impairment affects posture, gait, motor skills. Children experience slow assimilation and processing of information.
    • Speech disorders cause changes in all areas: attention,. Control and organization of activity is complicated. Rapid fatigue and distraction of attention, inertia are observed.
    • Support apparatus disorders are the most extensive group. All disorders are of a congenital or acquired medical nature. The maintenance plan depends on the specific disorder and the compensatory capabilities of the organism.

    According to UNESCO, 2 million Russian children suffer from some type of mental and physical health disorder. According to the Ministry of Education, the number of children with disabilities is increasing by 5% annually.


    Accompanying children with disabilities is a system for creating socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions for socialization and with special needs.

    It is necessary to take into account the nuances of the child's development for each type of violation. And build work on their basis.

    Impaired mental function

    What is important to know about a child with CRD:

    • Visual and effective thinking prevails. There is no need to overload with images and logical connections.
    • The child successfully assimilates knowledge in practice in joint activities with an adult.
    • Difficulties arise in the analysis, generalization, classification of objects.
    • The impossibility of establishing a causal relationship.
    • He willingly interacts with an adult, accepts help.
    • Difficulty memorizing. Involuntary memory predominates. Non-verbal, visual material is better remembered.
    • Instructions are followed only with the help of adults, reminders.
    • Memorization is best done through the method of visual grouping.
    • Increased distraction, decreased volume and concentration.
    • The inability to independently set the goal of the activity. Focusing on the little things.
    • Games like "Hot Chair" are useful for developing communication skills.

    For the development of perception, games for knowing your own body are suitable (show your right ear, touch your left heel), orientation in space (put the pencil to the left of the notebook), games with pretexts (who, for whom, why), graphic dictations, drawing unfinished figures. Graphic dictations and painting also help in the development of writing.

    For the development of memory: memorizing poetry, recognizing the rhythms of music, memorizing pictures, identifying changes in the environment, learning dances.

    For the development of thinking: drawings, diagrams, tables and other material that simplifies perception; orientation of the theory to the life of the child; situations of success; drawing up a story based on a number of pictures; exercise of the "fourth extra" type.

    Development of attention: breathing exercises, exercises in a standing position, warm-ups, finding differences in pictures, searching for a way out of the maze.

    Speech development: increasing the active vocabulary, story according to plan and pictures.

    Fine motor skills development: massage, shading, sand therapy, origami.

    It is useful to use games with rules and pantomime to form motives.

    Behavioral disorders

    To correct accentuation, the conditions of education are changing. It is necessary to structure the environment, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, avoid provoking situations and direct education to strengthen the positive traits. Conversations and observation allow to reveal the specifics of accentuations of a particular child. Without correction, violations go to.

    Children with autism

    What you need to know to accompany children with autism:

    • They are distinguished by isolation and selectivity, a lack of emotions. Children with autism avoid social contacts, are egocentric, but in non-social activities they are many times superior to their peers.
    • The underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere is compensated by a phenomenal memory or outstanding musical abilities.
    • Autistic people have no expressed need for communication. They are suitable for independent individual activities.
    • A sudden change of scenery is unacceptable. For autists, stability is important. They react to changes with aggression, auto-aggression or withdrawal. Any little thing, for example, the teacher's new clothes, can cause such a reaction.
    • Praising your child is important. Consider rapid fatigue.
    • The activity should begin with the help of an adult. Fear and negativism are inherent in autists, no need to put pressure on them.
    • It is necessary to provide a minimum choice. The banal question "what do you want?" introduces the autist into a stupor. He does not perceive himself.
    • Avoid a competitive spirit. Children with autism are insecure.
    • Every second there should be an adult with the child who will help to understand what the child loves, what he wants, what he likes.

    Autism has 4 degrees of severity. Accompaniment depends on the severity of the syndrome. In the last stages, comprehensive assistance is needed, including medical.

    Hearing impairment

    Wearing a hearing aid is a must, but it doesn't solve all problems. Difficulties still arise with the assimilation, development and understanding of oral speech.

    Features of escort:

    • If appropriate, you should arrange the desks in a semicircle.
    • The child should have free space on the desk.
    • It is necessary to use vision, compensate for auditory features. The teacher should stand up in the light, wear bright clothes.
    • A minimum of gestures, do not cover your mouth with your hands.
    • Do not turn your back to the child.
    • To talk slowly.

    Visual impairment

    Due to their visual characteristics, children cannot work with black and white manuals, contour drawings. Tunnel vision predominates, so you don't need to rely on peripheral vision. You need to talk to your child right in front of your face. The workplace should be in the center of the class. The teacher must not stand against the light. In addition, you need:

    • slow down the pace of the lesson;
    • speak slowly, ask clear questions;
    • reduce the requirements for the quality of the letter;
    • provide additional time to complete the task;
    • work with stencils and shading;
    • change activities, gymnastics for the eyes is required;
    • to pose questions specifically, briefly, slowly; give time to think;
    • use specialized equipment and visual techniques for organizing space for a better perception of the properties of objects;
    • in graphic assignments, it is not accuracy that is evaluated, but the correctness of the execution.

    Speech disorders

    Children with speech disorders are highly excitable. Disorders in the cognitive sphere, lack of learning, distraction, fatigue are noted. The purpose of support is to improve environmental conditions to minimize the impact of developmental features. Family cooperation is necessary. In addition, be sure to:

    • interaction of teachers, psychologists and doctors;
    • creating a situation of success;
    • novelty in the presentation and content of the material;
    • encouragement, calm tone of the teacher, support;
    • individual approach;
    • game elements;
    • exercises for the development of fine motor skills;
    • visibility.

    Musculoskeletal disorders

    The most common violation is cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy). Insufficient control of the nervous system is observed. As a rule, the disease is combined with mental and speech disorders. Cerebral palsy is treatable.

    The essence of the escort:

    • constantly comfortable conditions for the child;
    • regular expansion of the boundaries of the possible, maximum disclosure of potential;
    • exclusion of unexpected external stimuli (sharp noise, approach from the back);
    • taking into account the sensitivity of the child, touchiness, anxiety;
    • warm-ups during classes;
    • help and supervision of an adult, reminding children with salivation to swallow;
    • test tasks for children with motor impairment;
    • exercises for orientation in space (put your hand to the right of the notebook);
    • clear speech with numerous repetitions, without raising the voice;
    • increased time to complete the task.

    It is necessary to draw up an individual training plan, taking into account the specifics of the environment, distance to school, the needs of the child, temperament, etc.


    The learning environment plays an important role in the organization of escort. The necessary environmental conditions are spelled out in the state educational standards.

    Interaction between parents and teachers is mandatory. In almost every school, in addition to a full-time psychologist, there is an inclusion specialist and a psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk). For a special child, passing the consultation and commission is mandatory. Specialists will draw up an individual program for the development and support of the child, offer parents several options for training, tell you how to interact with the child specifically in their case.