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  • The best online games. Bless North (Hieron) Faction Overview

    The best online games. Bless North (Hieron) Faction Overview

    A little over 10 days are left before the start of the second closed beta of the high-budget Korean MMORPG Bless. From articles on Korean sites, we managed to find out a few more details about the upcoming testing.

    So, Habichts, Sylvan Elf and Lupus from the Hieron faction will join the races Aqua Elf, Pantera and Amistad (representatives of the Union faction) available on the first CBT (we have already written about the availability of the new faction). The classes available on the second CBT will be: Guardian, Berserker, Ranger, Paladin. Unfortunately, we most likely will not see the character editor at this stage of testing.

    The developers also reported that the combat system underwent a major rework, which received many complaints after the first stage of testing. Now combat has become faster and more intense. Graphics and optimization have also been improved. There are Royal Quests - RvR content for high-level players. Sieges and a political system with an election of ruler and lords will be the culmination of the second PTA. From what we have been able to find out, the systems will be very intricate and interconnected.

    Do you like the atmosphere of fantasy and MMORPG? Then take a look at the game Bless, which perfectly combines both. Bless servers, whatever they are, will allow you to plunge into the world of the Middle Ages in the style of fantasy ... Adventures, battles and an exciting role-playing system await you. The two factions have been fighting for ten years now, and what happens in the end depends on you! There is no hint of elements here, so the genre correspondence is met in detail.

    Bless game - detailed review

    Are you familiar with the games of the genre? Like? Then in the Bless review you will not be surprised that you can choose a class and race here, because this is the unwritten standard for such video games. However, there are some peculiarities: the race determines the faction, that is, by choosing this parameter of the character, you also choose the side of the conflict.

    "Union" and "Giron" - two sides, clashed in a ten-year battle, taking place with minor differences on different servers. The first faction represents the south and the second represents the north. What to choose? What you wish! In any case, you will have the opportunity to choose 8 races and 8 classes.

    The following races are available:

    1. Silva;
    2. Valors;
    3. Mask;
    4. Rugaru;
    5. Amistads;
    6. Marrians;
    7. Targhars.

    The Musk race is available for those who have chosen Soyuz and for those who want to play for Giron. Please note that the choice of race will also affect the possible choice of the Bless class, because not every race is suitable for a particular class. In general, the character creation system is elementary, and there will be no difficulties.

    What's with the graphics? It is at its best (even better than in the previously described simulator), because the game uses Unreal Engine 3. It was the Bless game that was the first to use the utility developed by Epic Games for displaying landscapes. The gameplay is balanced enough not to tire you out and be fun at the same time. A great opportunity to spend time with friends.

    Which Bless servers to play on

    Since the game has appeared recently, there are not so many Bless servers yet. It is a Korean game, like so, so many Korean servers can be found.

    But you are unlikely to meet Russian-speaking players there. Yes, there is one server with a large Russian-speaking community. However, if you want as many players as possible to understand you, wouldn't it be better to go to Russian-language servers?

    Server for Bless # 1. Giracon

    This server is popular with many Russian-speaking users. The server is convenient and will hardly let you down. If you're new to the game, Girakon is a great choice. You can find on this server for Bless some kind of guild (an organized community of players with the same goals).

    Server for Bless # 2. Padana

    At least one guild also plays here, so you can join it if you wish. In general, the server is not much different from Girakon. Perhaps it is not so popular in comparison with its predecessor, but it is still in demand.

    Server for Bless # 3. El Lano

    Another decent server for Bless. Basically, you can choose any of the three, despite the difference in popularity. If you are a beginner gamer, then the difference in the number of players is unlikely to mean much to you.

    Bless classes overview

    Class is an important choice for the player. The skills and abilities of the hero, his further career and destiny will greatly depend on this parameter. This is why it's worth considering in advance what character you would like to play, and what you would like to achieve in the game at all.

    The table shows the Bless classes that are possible or not possible for the envelope race. A possible combination is indicated by the "+" sign.

    Bless game class table:

    Class / Race





    If a class suits the player's goals and playstyle, that's half the battle! However, no class in Bless can provide an optimal set of abilities, because, for example, Bless clearly does not belong to a category. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. This is why playing in a team of five can be very effective.

    Team play is also useful when completing dungeons. Distribute so that each player completes their tasks. Perhaps, within the framework of even the most complete review of the game Bless, no more than three main roles of characters can be distinguished: Tank, Fighter and Healer. Make sure that all of these team roles are occupied by someone. For example, if the group consists of five people, then three can act as fighters, but the other two roles will be played by the rest.

    Video about the game Bless:

    The tank will take on the main blow, while the soldiers will be able to deal damage. For greater efficiency, there should be several fighters. The team needs at least one healer, because the damage cannot be avoided, even if it is insignificant.

    You should not try to combine many features in one character that are not easy for the hero to master (do not forget to take into account the requirements of the servers, which are often different). Better to improve what a particular class is good at, because Bless is not one of the numbers. Then the effect will be maximum. Then just find those who are good at something else to create a truly unbeatable team!

    Conclusion on the game Bless

    So, our small review of the Bless toy comes to an end. The game is a very typical multiplayer role-playing project. It will be interesting to many, because old games and their worlds are boring. Balanced gameplay, high-quality graphics will allow you to enjoy a great game alone or in a team.

    Knowledge base for the game Bless online helps you better understand the virtual world MMORPG ... Secrets, tips for passing, various useful information - all this awaits you in this article.

    System requirements

    Minimum requirements:

    • Operating system: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (32 bit / 64 bit)
    • Processor: Intel Core i3 550 / AMD Athlon II x4 620
    • Video card: GeForce GTS 250 / Radeon R7 240
    • Memory (RAM): 4 Gb
    • DirectX Version: 9.0c
    • Hard disk space: 34 Gb
    • Network: broadband internet
    • Operating system: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (64bit)
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 3570 / AMD FX 6350
    • Video card: GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon R9 270
    • Random access memory (RAM): 6 Gb
    • DirectX Version: 9.0c
    • Hard disk space: 34 Gb
    • Network: broadband internet

    Races and factions

    There are two different factions in the game. They are located on the same peninsula, but in different parts of it. In the northern part is the Giron Empire, in the southern part - the Union. These factions are constantly at war and attack each other.

    Empire of Giron more advanced in technical progress. The form of government is a monarchy. The Imperials value longstanding customs and traditions, and valor, courage, and loyalty are key concepts for them. The empire was created to protect against the raids of wild tribes from the south and its goal is to seize complete control over all the lands of the peninsula.

    Union - an alliance of wild peoples from the south, who for centuries unsuccessfully attacked the north and united under the same banner. Here, the most appreciated are strength and the ability to maintain power, as well as the ability to fight and win. The pride of these tribes does not allow them to be under the yoke of the Empire, so their goal is the rich and fertile lands of the north.

    Races of the Empire

    1. Habicths (Valora) - a race of people, it is they who are the defenders of the faction and created a powerful empire. They value courage and honor. They are loyal to their leader and fight to the end. At the moment, the race is thriving and wants to expand its influence over the southern faction. They can be distinguished by their large, powerful armor.
    2. Sylvan elves (Silva or Wood Elves) - A race of elves who are considered the keepers of great knowledge. They willingly help less developed races, sharing with them their richest experience. They are rightfully considered the real long-livers of the Empire, however, from this they look down on everyone, considering their race the most civilized. They wear light armor, as they like to move quickly and dodge enemy attacks.
    3. Lupus (Rugaru) - a race of wolf-like creatures that fully share the ideals of the Empire. In battle, they turn into ferocious warriors. We will live our whole life in the northern forests and have become the best hunters of the faction.
    4. Fedayin (Faori) - a race that came from another dimension. There they were the elite of society, but decided to seize power and failed. They had to leave their world, and now they are part of the Empire. The Faori have learned the lesson of the failed rebellion, so now they value loyalty most of all.

    Alliance races

    1. Amistad (Amistad) - a race of people. Their main priorities are independence and freedom. They love various types of art. Freed from the influence of the Empire, they united all peoples. Their armor is not as conservative as the Valor's, more elegant and refined.
    2. Aqua Elves (Marrians or Aqua Elves) - a race of elves who at one time moved to the south in search of free thought and equality. This is the only race that does not live on the peninsula itself, but is located on the islands. Their city was created using magic and their goal is to create a technologically advanced independent society.
    3. Pantera (Targars, or Panthers) - Like the Rugaru, this race lives in battles and battles. Previously, these were scattered tribes attacking and plundering the northern lands, but now they have become a powerful fist of the alliance's fury, uniting all their peoples. The panthers do not tolerate submission to anyone, so they sided with the Union.
    4. Iblis (Iblis) - semi-demonic creatures that came from another dimension. They renounced their dark knowledge and now remain forever locked in our world. After joining the Alliance, they continued to do what they do best - to set their demons free during bloody battles.

    Neutral races.

    1. Siren - a race that managed to survive after a global catastrophe, when a volcanic eruption began in the very depths of the sea. Few of them managed to survive, and now they are busy rebuilding their race. They are the nicest sailors and also have incredibly beautiful voices.
    2. Mascu (Mask) - a race of small creatures who accidentally ended up on the continent after their airship crashed due to a hurricane. They are excellent traders and control all trade routes in the Empire.


    In total, the game has eight different classes that the player can choose for his character. Not every character can choose a certain class, it all depends on his race - each race has a certain set of classes that can be chosen. Consider the characteristics of all classes.

    1. Mystic - the class that is closest to nature. The main skills and abilities are aimed at healing, various buffs and, of course, attacking opponents. It is not so easy to play a mystic, this is not a one-button character, it will take some time to get used to the controls.
    2. Warlock - a sorcerer who uses black magic in battle. He can summon demons and force opponents to fight on his side. In addition, it is great for completing the game in PvE and for massive battles in PvP.
    3. Mage - a class that is able to command the elements. As in all games, it attacks from a distance and has a weak defense. Quite difficult to control, as it requires knowledge of many spells.
    4. Assassin is the most agile and stealthy class in the game. Can become invisible, which is very helpful in close combat. He has a fairly high movement speed, and he is able to deal a lot of damage from one hit.
    5. Ranger - analogue of an archer, likes to attack from a long distance. He can make good use of the terrain to gain an advantage over his opponents. In his arsenal there are various traps that are capable of stunning, slowing down or damaging opponents.
    6. Paladin - a class that specializes in protection and healing. He can act as a tank or support. This class is great for both PvP mode and PvE.
    7. Berserker is a melee warrior who deals a lot of damage to several opponents at once. Usually dressed in a bunch of armor, which makes him quite tenacious. It is a pleasure to play with it, and besides, it is suitable for all types of modes.
    8. Guardian - a real tank. They have excellent protection and good damage. Always at the forefront of the battle. Most often they play the role of a support in a team, luring opponents to themselves.

    Pet taming

    In Bless Online, it is possible to tame almost any mob. There are more than 800 such varieties in total. They fall into three main groups: mounts, loot collectors, and workers. Riding mobs, in turn, can be both ground and air.

    To tame a pet, you first need to obtain a taming scroll. You can get it in large cities from a trainer or in small settlements from a grocer.

    All scrolls are not the same, as are the pets that can be tamed with them. The higher the level of the scroll, the more chances of taming, respectively, the higher the level of the mob, the harder it is to catch it, but the cooler it will be after taming.

    Some captured mobs can give additional buffs to your character. Buffs only work when you summon a pet. Having collected several pets of the same type, you can increase their level, thereby improving their abilities. You can also increase the rank of your pet. To do this, you need to collect at least one more mob of the same color or higher and use it to raise the rank. Success depends on the randomness.

    You can see all your pets in the list of companions

    How to create a guild

    IN Bless online there is a guild system, that is, any player can either join an existing guild, or create it himself. Together with other members of the guild, you can fight opponents in massive PvP, go down into the dungeon and much more.

    To create a guild, you need to gather a group of two people who are not members of other guilds, find a special NPC (guild manager), apply for creation, having previously selected a unique name for it. As soon as the guild is created, the person who submitted the application becomes the leader, and the players from the group become full members. The guild itself gets the first level.

    The creators of the anticipated fantasy MMORPG continue to acquaint players with the history of the gaming universe. This time we will learn about the race of people and the difficulties they had to face.

    The human race was born during the most turbulent times, during the mad wars that threaten to swallow the entire universe. Then in the world there were many creatures created by the ancient gods. The problem is that all creatures had a life "program" inherent in them and stubbornly followed the general line of their destiny. People who emerged as a result of evolution had their own will and very soon began to take leading positions.

    At the very beginning of their existence, people had to pass the test of life, fighting with the orcs. It was done brilliantly, and the hero of the war, Lumen, gave the name to the newly born state. At the same time, people entered into an alliance with the elves from El Gradis, which gave impetus to the scientific development of the state. In Lumen, sciences, crafts and magical knowledge developed, there were a lot of wizards in the state. This went on for hundreds of years, until Ermekis, the first monarch of the state, sat on the throne.

    However, not everyone liked the monarchical system, usurping power in one hand. The first to murmur were the magicians, who collected colossal magical knowledge. Unable to seize power on their own, they opened a portal to an alien world and called on thousands of demons for help. Since then, endless wars have begun, devastating the Lumen and causing it to decline. The demons invading the universe returned the barbarian strength and intelligence, which they used - people have another enemy.

    It was possible to solve the problem of savages and throw them away from the borders by uniting with the elves and the rugaru. Then it was decided to create a united empire, which was named Valor. Later, the elves and rugaru received the status of full-fledged citizens of the empire, which again changed the name of the empire, now it was called Giron. And, of course, all three races nominated their prince candidates for the throne, which immediately led to civil war.

    For seven years, clashes between political opponents lasted, during which time the empire began to creep apart. The first to declare independence were the southern cities that created the state of Amistad. Realizing that the empire of Giron would certainly wish to reclaim the lands, the rebels made an alliance with the sea elves and the feisty Targars. The Imperials invading the south received a mighty rebuff and returned home.

    This is how the era of endless confrontation between the remnants of human greatness - the Empire of Giron and the Union of Independent Races - was born. It is at this historic moment that players will step into the game.

    According to information from the developer, it is known that 10 races are expected in Bless, divided into two warring factions

    I present them to your attention


    Mascu appeared on the continent as a result of the accident of their commercial airship caught in a hurricane. Over time, they formed as a separate race within the Heieron Holy Empire. This race is responsible for trade in the Empire. Mascu has unique and wonderful technologies that differ slightly from those of the entire continent.

    One of the oldest races in the forested part of the continent. Strong, brave and dexterous hunters. They value loyalty and dedication, discipline and obedience. Respect and value other peaceful races. But on the battlefield they turn into a predator and few people manage to resist their pressure. They are part of the Holy Empire and share its ideals.

    Wood Elves are a beautiful and noble race. They are considered the keepers of the knowledge and traditions of ancient civilizations. They share this knowledge with young, by their standards, civilizations of other creatures that have not yet matured. The Wood Elves are part of the HIERON Holy Empire.

    The second part of humanity that adheres to the traditional values \u200b\u200bof loyalty and courage. By uniting the savage tribes of the northern part of the continent, they have achieved prosperity and want to extend their influence to the south in order to gather all the peoples of the continent under the single banner of the Holy Empire.

    Like IBLIS, FEDAYIN are aliens from another dimension. In their homeworld, they were the elite of society. As a result of the ridiculous uprising that they raised, they had to leave their homeland and flee to the Empire. These people remember the lessons of the past and do not want to repeat mistakes. Now they guard the borders of the Holy Empire from the invasion of evil.

    After the fall of the Kingdom, part of the elf people moved to the south of the continent and settled there. These exiles came to call themselves Aqua Elf. Their lands are located on an island separated from the mainland by a wide strait. The main goal of this people is the creation of a society built on the principles of free thought and progress. Aqua Elf is a member of the Cosmopolis Union of Southern Nations. Here, no one bothers them to live and think the way they want.

    Iblis were originally inhabitants of a different dimension. A world ruled by adherents of the devil. But as a result of the uprising, much has changed. They came to the continent leaving their homes. All paths back were cut off by rejecting knowledge and skills about moving between worlds, they forgot about them. In essence, they are still demons and nothing demonic is alien to them.

    Strong and courageous warriors who do not recognize anyone's power over themselves. Elegant and noble kings of the prairie. Previously, they lived in scattered clans engaged in robbery and robbery, they managed to unite and become part of the Cosmopolis coalition as equals among equals. Unstoppable and aggressive, they only recognize the honor and glory gained in battle.

    Siren's hometown was destroyed by underwater volcanic eruptions, and the sea swallowed their homeland. A small handful of survivors and survivors on the ark, a field of long wanderings across the ocean, washed up on the shores of the continent. They live in unity with nature, they are preoccupied with survival, recreating the species and former power. They are famous as unsurpassed swimmers, divers and sailors. They have an amazing and wonderful voice.

    The race is a member of the COSMOPOLIS union. For freedom, independence, scientific progress, various arts such as music and poetry are of great importance. At one time, they freed themselves from the influence of the Empire and organized an alliance of peoples inhabiting the south of the continent. Now they compete on equal terms with the Empire, and no one has the opportunity to interfere in their affairs.

    Of all the existing classes, information is available only about 4 of them, which I will talk about in my next blog