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  • Ranked battles in world of tanks rating. Ranked Battle mode

    Ranked battles in world of tanks rating. Ranked Battle mode

    The second season of Ranked Battles has started, in which, according to the developers, the mistakes of the first beta season have been taken into account. Is everything so rosy? Not really, to put it mildly. And now I'll put it on the shelves. The article will be especially relevant for players who have not yet played in the new season.

    1. Changes in the accrual of chevrons
    In the first season, chevrons were given for defeat, and getting a high rank was not even close to a problem. Now the player will not receive a chevron for defeat. Moreover, in total, 15 people used to leave the battle as cheerful - 12 from the winning team and 3 from the losing team received a chevron. Now this number has decreased by a third - 10.
    My words are well confirmed by statistics - after the first day, the top player had 5 rank points, but last season, the inhabitants of our game on the first day scored 10-15 points.

    2. A large number of points to get into the leaderboard.
    As you know from the 1st beta season, in order for you, the player, to be displayed in the league statistics, you need to score a certain number of points. Last season it was 16, roughly 4 points per stage. Now 12 - also 4 points for the week of the stage, because there are 3 weeks, not 4.
    Everything seems to be the same as it was? But this problem stems from the previous one, you will spend at least three times more time to achieve the results that you had last season.

    3. More chevrons for grades.
    In the first season, for pumping the 5th rank, it was required to get 19 chevrons, in the new season - 25. In particular, for pumping from the 4th rank to the 5th you need to earn 9 chevrons. Quite a lot. Now, only a small part of the players, referring to their skill and the ability to spend tens of hours in the game, will be able to reach rank 5 in one stage.

    4. Inaccessibility of the mode for non-slated players.
    If earlier, a 47% player spent a lot of hours to raise the coveted 5th rank, playing several times more battles than, for example, a 55% player, then this season such players are unlikely to take the 3rd rank. I think, for any adequate player, it is obvious that 48% - 50% is the most common statistics among players, and this huge mass of people will not get into the leaders of the season from now on, and thousands of hours spent in the game, as it was in season 1, will not help ... From this it follows an easy conclusion that at the end of the season, a much smaller number of people will remain in the leaders of the season than it was in the first beta season, which, unlike the current one, had good PR from both developers and streamers and even esportsmen.

    5. Massive "standing" of players.
    This problem has not gone away, unfortunately. Last season, it was not uncommon to see Type 5 Heavy players standing behind everyone and shooting damage at the end of the battle, getting into the top 3 and taking the chevron. Now players are striving to get into the top 5, and they don't really care about the fate of the battle: victory is great, loss is okay. This is especially noticeable from rank 3. Apparently, even such changes in the regulations are not enough to force the players to act as a team.

    As they say, criticize - offer.

    First, you need to start by editing the number of points to get into leagues. It seems that the developers simply forgot about it, and by default they pushed 4 points into the stage, forgetting about the changes introduced into the chevron accrual system. 12 points is too much. This number should be reduced, 9 points will be enough, 3 points per stage, respectively.

    Second. Reduce the number of chevrons required to upgrade a new rank. In the tougher realities of the second season of Ranked Battles, taking 9 chevrons on the way from the fourth to the fifth rank is a rather tangible problem. This can take 3-4 days even for very strong players, which seems unthinkable when you think about the first beta season.

    And the third point is "equalize the players." In DotA, CS and most other MMOs, if you lose, everyone will receive a rating decrease, regardless of your contribution to the battle, and if you win, all players will go up in the rating. Tanks seem to need this. This will somehow make the players move.

    That's all, the end. We believe and expect that season 3 will surprise us, at least not disappoint. Thanks for reading.


    Season- the time period during which ranked battles are available. Different seasons may have different regulations and rewards.
    Stages- the time intervals into which the season can be divided. After the end of the stage, the results in the season leaderboard are saved, and the ranks are reset.
    Rank- an element of progress in the season. The ranks are common for the entire account and do not depend on the vehicle on which the players receive them.
    Chevron - a progression element that determines the distance to the next rank or rank point for a vehicle. According to the results of the battle, chevrons can be obtained, retained or lost. The number of chevrons between ranks and up to the next rank point for a vehicle may differ.
    Combustible rank - the rank that the player can lose (return to a lower rank) if the chevron is lost.
    Fireproof rank - a rank that is assigned to the player and cannot be lost (during the current stage) even if the chevron is lost.
    Glasses- elements of progress that the player receives for each rank or a certain number of chevrons at the last rank (rank points for vehicles). Ranking in the leaderboard of the season is carried out by the sum of points
    Season Leaders - a rating table in which the participants in ranked battles are ranked depending on points and other game indicators. To be among the leaders of the season, you must have a certain number of points for the current season.
    Leagues- Portions of the Season Leaderboard that reflect the player's performance. There are three leagues in total.
    Ceasefire - time during the day when the Ranked Battles mode is not available on the current server.
    Reward container - a container, opening which, the player receives a reward.
    Prime time - the time during the day when the Ranked Battles mode is available on separate servers.
    Game efficiency - the ratio of the number of battles that brought the chevron to the number of Ranked battles fought during the season.
    Ranked Battles Calendar - a calendar showing the period of ranked battles and prime times on servers.
    Pure experience - Experience earned in battle without taking into account the premium account, clan and personal reserves. It is displayed in the "Team Results" section in the post-battle statistics.
    Rank protection - functionality of maintaining ranks when losing chevrons, which is valid for some ranks and has strength points.

    How do I get involved?

    • The first season of Ranked Battles will be available starting February 19, 05:00 UTC.
    • Any Tier X vehicle is required to participate in Ranked Battles.
    • To go to ranked battles, you need to mark them in the menu for selecting modes in the Hangar.
    • Ranked Battles are only available during prime time on separate servers. Prime times may change during the season.
      • Weekdays:
        • RU5: 19:00 - 0:00 (MSK)
        • RU6: 11:00 - 1:00 (MSK)
        • RU8: 11:00 - 19:00 (MSK)
      • Weekend:
        • RU5: 18:00 - 0:00 (MSK)
        • RU6: 11:00 - 1:00 (MSK)
        • RU8: 9:00 - 19:00 (MSK)

    Format and duration


    • Ranked Battles take place in separate seasons.
    • Battles are held in 15x15 format (in the "Standard battle" mode).
    • The duration of the battle is 15 minutes.
    • Victory conditions are the destruction of all enemy vehicles or the capture of the enemy base.
    • The balancer is similar to random battles, but with additional balance by ranks.
    • Available in map mode: "Karelia", "Malinovka", "Himmelsdorf", "Prokhorovka", "Ensk", "Lasville", "Mines", "Murovanka", "Siegfried Line", "Monastery", "Westfield", "Sandy River", "El Halluf", "Aerodrome", "Fjords", "Fisherman's Bay", "Zapolyarye", "Highway", "Quiet Coast", "Tundra", "Windstorm", "Paris", " Industrial zone ".
    • Cannot be played in platoon mode.
    • The economy in the mode is similar to that of random battles.
    • The first season lasts 21 days and consists of one stage.
    • The mode is available from February 19, 5:00 (Moscow time) until March 12, 5:00 (Moscow time).
    • The exact schedule of battles will be available in the World of Tanks client.
    • Players who finish 1-3rd on the winning team receive two chevrons.
    • Players finishing 4th to 10th on the winning team and 1st on the losing team receive one chevron.
    • Players finishing 11-15th on the winning team and 2nd-5th on the losing team retain their chevron.
    • Players finishing 6-15 on the losing team lose their chevron.
    • In the event of a tie, both teams are considered losers.
    • If in the winning or losing team several players have earned the same amount of experience, then all these players receive or retain chevrons. The same scheme applies in the case when players with the same amount of experience take the highest place.
    • If the battle is unsuccessful (the amount of experience earned is zero), the chevron is written off regardless of the outcome of the battle.
    • There are 15 regular ranks available.
    • 1st and 15th ranks are fireproof.
    • The number of chevrons required in Season 1 to advance to the next rank is as follows:
    Ranks 1 2-4 5-6 7-9 10-11 12-14 15 chevrons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Rank protection
    • If the player has protection at the current rank, he can maintain the rank after losing the chevron.
    • The strength of the defense is reduced if the player loses the chevron at the end of the battle.
    • The first fight that brings the chevron will fully restore the defense.
    • At rank 5, the defense completely loses its durability after three battles in which the player should have lost the rank.
    • At rank 10, the defense completely loses its durability after two battles in which the player should have lost a rank.
    • At rank 13, the defense completely loses its durability after one battle in which the player should have lost a rank.
    • The balancer seeks to select teams of players with a difference of no more than two ranks. If this cannot be done, then the boundaries of the available ranks for selection are expanded.
    • Teams will always consist of an equal number of players of separate ranks.
    • The balancer does not take points into account when forming a team.
    • If within five minutes it is not possible to collect teams for a ranked battle, then it is not created, and the players return to the Hangar.
    • For each rank, one point is given.
    • For taking each point of rank for the vehicle, one point is given.
    • Points are awarded only for the first rank. When re-obtaining a rank at the same stage, the player does not receive points.
    Vehicle rank points
    • Upon reaching the 15th rank, the player has the opportunity to earn rank points for vehicles.
    • Rank points for vehicles are endless.
    • After receiving the next rank point for the vehicle, the progress on chevrons begins anew at the same rank.
    • Rank points for vehicles are not tied to a specific vehicle - they are the same for all vehicles.
    • To obtain the next rank point for a vehicle, you need five chevrons.
    Season Leaders
    • Ranking in the Leaders of the Season table is based on the player's total points in the season.
    • If two or more players have the same number of points, the remaining parameters of the season are sequentially compared:
      • the effectiveness of the game;
      • average damage done in mode;
      • average amount of experience (including premium account);
      • average damage inflicted by the player.
    • If all parameters match, the players will go to the league of the one who took the highest position.
    • The Season Leaderboard will become available in the client and on the portal on February 19 at 13:00 (Moscow time).
    • If less than ten players are included in the Leaders of the Season table, the rating will not be generated.
    • The table is updated several times a day.
    • To be on the Season Leaderboard, you must have six points earned during the season.
    • The season leaders are divided into four groups:
      • 1st League: Top 10% of players.
      • 2nd league: next 15% of players.
      • 3rd league: next 25% of players.
      • Players missing from the leagues of the season.


    • 1st rank - 50,000, Hand fire extinguisher, Small first aid kit, Small repair kit, personal reserve for free experience + 200% for 2 hours.
    • 2nd rank - 50, 100,000, 2 hand fire extinguishers, 2 small first aid kits, 2 small repair kits, personal reserve for crew experience + 100% for 2 hours.
    • 3rd rank - 100, 100,000, 3 Hand Fire Extinguishers, 3 Small First Aid Kits, 3 Small Repair Kits, 2 personal reserves for Free XP + 200% for 2 hours.
    • 4th rank - 100, 100,000, 3 hand fire extinguishers, 3 small first aid kits, 3 small repair kits, 2 personal reserves for crew experience + 100% for 2 hours.
    • 5th rank - 150, 200,000, 1 day of premium account, 1 slot in the Garage.
    • 6th rank - 250,000, Automatic fire extinguisher, Large first aid kit, Large repair kit, personal reserve for credits + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 7th rank - 300, Automatic fire extinguisher, Large first aid kit, Large repair kit, personal reserve for experience + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 8th rank - 350, 300,000, Automatic fire extinguisher, Large first aid kit, Large repair kit, 2 personal reserves for credits + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 9th rank - 450, Automatic fire extinguisher, Large first aid kit, Large repair kit, 2 personal reserves for experience + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 10th rank - 600, 300,000, 1 day of premium account, 1 slot in the Garage.
    • 11th rank - 400,000, 3 Automatic fire extinguishers, 3 Large first-aid kits, 3 Large repair kits, 5 personal reserves for experience + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 12th rank - 650, 3 Automatic fire extinguishers, 3 Large first aid kits, 3 Large repair kits, 5 personal reserves for credits + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 13th rank - 750, 450,000, 5 personal reserves for credits + 50% for 2 hours, 5 personal reserves for experience + 50% for 2 hours, 5 personal reserves for crew experience + 200% for 2 hours.
    • 14th rank - 500,000, 5 personal reserves for credits + 50% for 2 hours, 5 personal reserves for experience + 50% for 2 hours, 5 personal reserves for crew experience + 200% for 2 hours, 5 personal reserves for free experience + 300% for 2 hours.
    • 15th rank - 1,000, 1,000,000, 3 days of premium account, 1 slot in the Garage, 5 personal reserves for credits + 50% for 2 hours, 5 personal reserves for experience + 50% for 2 hours.
    The reward is given at the moment of obtaining a rank for the first time in a stage.
    Rewards for the combat mission "Reward for diligence"
    • 50 000
    The combat mission can be completed three times a day only in Ranked Battles. To receive the reward, you need to play seven battles, in each of which you need to get into the top 10 teams by experience.
    Medals and conditions for obtaining them

    Reward conditions for obtaining

    Participant in the first season of Ranked Battles

    • Win 10 victories in the first season of Ranked Battles.

    Ranked Battles Hero

    • Reach the maximum rank in the first season of Ranked Battles.
    • Awarded at the end of the first season in the "Ranked Battle" mode.
    Vehicle rank point rewards

    At rank 15, upon receiving a rank point for a vehicle, the player earns an additional 25.
    Season rewards

    Season rewards will be issued within 14 days after the end of the season, after the rule violators are removed from the list of winners. To receive rewards, you must log in to the game no later than 180 days after the end of the season.

    • 1st league - 4,000, style First League of Ranked Battles", Patch" Gold of the first season ", 7 days of premium account, 2,000, 10 personal reserves for loans + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 2nd league - 2000, style Second League of Ranked Battles", Patch" Silver of the first season ", 7 days of premium account, 1,000, 5 personal reserves for loans + 50% for 2 hours.
    • 3rd league - 1 250, style Third League of Ranked Battles", Patch" Bronze of the first season ", 1 day of premium account, slot in the Garage, 500, 5 personal reserves for credits + 50% for 2 hours.
    Violations and punishment in ranked battles

    In Ranked Battles, the same rules apply as in Random Battles. All penalties are imposed according to The rules of the game and the License Agreement.
    In case of violation of clauses 2.1.2 or 2.1.5 of the Rules of the game (contractual battles), clause 2.1.7 of the Rules of the game (botting), clause 4.2.9 of the License Agreement (use of prohibited modifications), clause 2.1.3 of the Rules of the game ("pumping" accounts of other users), as well as other serious violations, the offender will be removed from the list of winners during and after the first season of Ranked Battles and before the issuance of awards based on the results of the season.

    First, let's tell you when - in the World of Tanks update 9.18 there will be a new mode "Ranked Battles"... The meaning of this mode is that all players will be divided into groups according to their personal rating in the profile. Tankers with the same personal rating will fight among themselves in “ranked battles”. The tanker ranking system for WOT is borrowed from Blizzard and its Starcraft 2 project, where MMR has recently been introduced to all players. Depending on the level of MMR, gamers are divided into leagues - Grandmaster, Master, Platinum, Gold, etc. Each league is divided into 3 groups - Tear 1, Tear 2 and Tear 3. Thus, by playing "ranked battles" you can move up the glory steps. The same system will be introduced into World of Tanks gradually.

    "Ranked Battles" - a new mode for World of Tanks

    As soon as the "ranked battles" mode gains popularity, all players will be assigned its indicator and level, so that one can immediately assess how successfully one or another tanker is fighting. Every 3 months, statistics on "ranked battles" will be reset, giving everyone the opportunity to try their hand at the new season again. The result of each season will be recorded in the player's statistics.

    For the successful implementation of the "ranked battles" mode in World of Tanks, a limitation on the level of technology will be introduced. At the time the mode starts, these will only be tier 10 tanks. Teams of 15 vs 15 tanks will fight for an individual rank.

    After the "ranked battle" has passed, your contribution to the victory of the team will be reflected in a special table. According to Olga Sergeevna (pictured on the right), the outcome of the battle in any ranked battle will not affect the result in the table. The higher you climb in the "Ranked Battles" table, the more difficult your opponents become. Top players in the "Ranked Battles" mode will receive rewards at the end of each season.

    As for the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a ranked mode for World of Tanks, it is focused on the esports component and competitive effect, which fuels interest in WOT in general.

    You have no equal on the battlefield, and you will never meet a worthy opponent? Then welcome to Ranked Battles! This is a seasonal competition where the strongest tankers fight, and the best of the best receive well-deserved awards.

    The "Ranked Battle" mode is based on the Standard Battle rules and is available only for Tier X vehicles. The balancer of this mode selects participants with equal skill levels into teams. Based on the results of battles, players are awarded a rank, which can then be raised by winning battles and earning chevrons.

    Features of the mode

    To participate in Ranked Battles:

    • Select Ranked Battle in the menu to the right of the Battle! Button.
      Choose a Tier X vehicle.
      Click Battle!

    Tier X vehicles

    You can participate in Ranked Battles only in Tier X vehicles. To quickly find a suitable tank, use the filters on the vehicle panel in the Garage.

    Standard Combat Rules

    Ranked battles are held according to all the familiar rules of the Standard battle:

    • Battle format: 15 × 15.
      Purpose: capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy vehicles.
      Battle duration: up to 15 minutes.
      Maps: all except Ensk, Rudniki, Erlenberg, Siegfried Line, Slough, Tundra, Sacred Valley, Kharkov, Windstorm, Promzona, Paris ...

    Rank balancer

    Players are selected to the team according to their personal rank, which they receive for effective combat in Ranked Battles.

    By default, only players of the same rank are included in your team and the opposing team. If this is not possible, then the balancer creates two teams with players of different ranks, but in the same proportion: the number of players of each rank in both teams is equal.


    Ranked Battles are available only during a certain period called the "season".

    Ranked Battles take place only during Prime Time and only on certain servers. Hover the mouse cursor over the mode name in the menu to the right of the button
    Battle! To find out the battle schedule.

    All information about your successes, the Ranked Battles schedule, rules and a list of rewards can be found on the Ranked Battle screen:

    1. Please select Ranked battle in the menu to the right of the button To battle!
    2. Click on the widget Ranked battle under the button To battle!

    Seasons and stages

    As befits a competition, Ranked Battles are not held daily. Mode "Ranked Battle" available only during a certain period, which is called season.

    Follow the news on the official game portal so as not to miss the start of the new season. If the season opening date has already been set, it is displayed under the mode name in the menu to the right of the Battle! Button.

    The Ranked Battles season is divided into four stages, each of which lasts seven days. Accordingly, the total length of the season is 28 days.

    Click on the calendar icon on the Ranked Battle screen to view the current season's stage schedule.


    The main goal of Ranked Battles is to earn ranks. The more often you win and the more experience you earn, the higher your rank and the more valuable the rewards.

    Ranks are earned in one stage. This means that at the end of one stage, all received ranks are reset, and you start earning ranks again in the next stage. But don't worry, the information about the ranks earned is saved and at the end of the season it helps to determine who will be the winner of Ranked Battles.

    Ranks are divided into two types: personal rank and vehicle rank.

    Personal rank

    You can earn 5 personal ranks, from Rank I to Rank V.

    As a rule, ranks are awarded for victorious battles, and in case of defeat, the rank can be lost. Only Personal rank I and V are fireproof - they cannot be lost within one stage, even if defeated.

    Vehicle rank

    Vehicle ranks become available only after obtaining Personal Rank V.

    Unlike personal ranks, the number of vehicle ranks is not limited, but for each vehicle, the ranks are earned separately. What is good, all ranks of the vehicle are fireproof - they cannot be lost even if they are defeated on the battlefield.


    To get a personal or vehicle rank, you need to earn a certain amount chevrons... The higher the rank you strive for, the more chevrons you need to get it.

    Starting from Vehicle Rank II, you will need 7 chevrons to advance to each subsequent vehicle rank.

    In most cases, one victory in battle will earn you one chevron. When you accumulate the required number of chevrons, you get the next rank. However, if you lose, you can lose chevrons, which can ultimately lead to a loss of rank.

    Rules for the accrual and write-off of chevrons

    • Accrued. You get a chevron if you are in the top 12 of the winning team or the top 3 of the losing team in terms of experience earned.
      Without changes. You do not receive a chevron if you are ranked 13th, 14th, or 15th on the winning team.
      Written off. You lose a chevron if you are in the 4-15 position on the losing team.
      If the fight ends in a draw, then both teams are considered losers: the players in the top 3 of both teams receive a chevron, the rest lose a chevron.

    Rank points

    Rank points are awarded for advancement in personal ranks and vehicle ranks.

    If you got a personal rank, lost it and earned it again within the same stage, rank points are not re-credited.

    Unlike the ranks themselves, the rank points are not reset at the end of each stage. The total number of points you earned determines whether you will be included in the Ranked Battles rating table, where you will be in it during each stage, and whether you will enter one of the prize leagues at the end of the season.

    The number of points awarded for each personal rank and vehicle rank may differ from season to season. Follow the news on the official game portal to keep abreast of the current competition conditions.

    Season Leaders

    The most experienced and skillful players will be included in the Ranked Battles leaderboard called “Season Leaders”. Your position in the ranking within each stage is determined by the number of rank points: the more points you earn, the higher your position.

    But not everything is so simple: in order to be among the leaders of the season at each stage, you need to receive a certain number of rank points. For each stage, the minimum number of rank points required to enter the rating table is determined. Read the news on the portal and stay tuned to keep abreast of the current Ranked Battles rules.

    At the end of the competition, the top 50% of the season's leaders are distributed across three prize leagues. The other 50% of the season leaders do not make leagues.


    If you are a member of one of the prize leagues, you will receive a reward for the season. League I gets the best prizes.

    For a long time, players have been asking to add the opportunity to test their strengths and fight with players of an equal level of play. And today we announce: Ranked Battles are coming soon! Truly great battles are coming!

    What are ranked battles

    Ranked Battles will be conducted exclusively on Tier X vehicles and will be divided into seasons. You will get a great chance to show your worth in 15v15 battles! The more you contribute to victory, the higher you will be in the special table of ranked battles.

    In this case, victory will not be the most important indicator: your contribution to the outcome of the battle will play a more important role. And if, despite all your efforts, your team fails, you can still move up the ranking ladder.

    This means that your place in the Ranked Battles table depends entirely on you! As you move up the ladder, both the stakes and the opponent's strength grow.

    In addition, the selection of the enemy also depends solely on your position: in a special queue of random battles, the balancer will only match players with the same rank. And, if you show outstanding results in battle and in the season, pleasant rewards await you.

    Ranked Battles Developers Interview

    My name is Anton Pankov, and today my colleagues - and I will help them with this - will tell you about Ranked Battles.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking ranked battles came from a completely natural need of people to fight with each other and at the same time not meet either too strong or too weak opponents. And we decided to finally try to make the so-called competitive content for high levels, that is, ranked battles mean that people will only play them at level 10 of the vehicle.

    This is such a goal-setting for those who have already pumped and want to stand out from the rest of the players and show that he is really cool. The gameplay is a repetition of our standard Random Battle mode.

    We took it on purpose because this is what the players love, what the players know. This is something that will be absolutely clear and familiar to everyone. That is, as soon as you press the "Fight!" Button, you will immediately understand what is required of you, what you need to do, there will be no differences.

    This mode is initially made for players, roughly speaking, single players. In ranked battles, you can't even play as a platoon. We want this to be a mode in which your personal skill, your skill level, as far as you understand your car, play a decisive role. Those. the higher your rank, the more difficult it will be for you and the more interesting it is to play.

    And the most interesting thing is getting awards, i.e. the better your progress, the more rewards you will receive.

    What ranks are there

    Rank is an abstraction. In general, we thought for a long time about what the rank would be in tanks. The basic concept is pretty simple. Rank is what distinguishes one person from another.

    The ranks are sequential, i.e. the more and better a person plays, the higher the rank gets. We decided that the ranks would look like such original shoulder straps, and the number of stars on the ranks would differ like military shoulder straps.

    And we got in general one small star, two stars, three, four and one big like a general. Whether you gain a rank or lose a rank, and in general how well you perform depends not only on you, but also on your team.

    It seems to me that this contradicts the very concept of Ranked Battles. The whole point is that you come and show: "I play great, guys." Yes, maybe I got into a team now, well, in which there are not necessarily bad players, well, we did not play well, or maybe someone went into battle on a technique that he does not know well, well, there may be many reasons, why they lost, especially in equal intense battles.

    But what's great is that even if you ended up on the losing team, but you performed well, you made frags, did damage, the first three places, sorted by experience earned in the battle, they also get a step - we call it a chevron - on the way to the next rank.

    And accordingly, we thereby give the opportunity for players who are really cool, to advance in ranks, regardless of which team they got into. Well, those who win, of course, won, those great fellows.

    Ranked Battles Rewards

    Upon receiving a new rank, the player will receive a reward. Naturally, this award will not be taken away from him in case of a possible loss of this rank. That is, in our case, in simple terms, these are leagues. That is, this is exactly the indicator of the division of players by skill: the higher, the better your rank, the higher your skill.

    And, accordingly, depending on the ranks, a matchmaker will also be built. That is, for example, if you have the third rank, then you will mainly play with the guys who also have the third rank, or you will periodically be thrown a little higher with the guys from the fourth rank or from the second, and so on.

    In our case, ranks are leagues. There are burnable ranks and non-combustible ones. That is, the player cannot lose the first and last - fifth rank. The rest of the player can lose if it is ineffective to fight.

    Vehicle ranks

    After the fifth rank is obtained, a new activity becomes available to players - earning machine ranks. They are similar in their properties to standard ranks. The only thing is that they do not participate in balancing.

    Those. we continue to balance the player based on their fifth highest rank. But for each such rank, the player continues to receive awards, and he also continues to earn special points that help him rank in the ladder table.

    And only those players who will be at the top of this table will receive the largest and most interesting rewards. If we talk about rewards, then in addition to the standard ones: experience, credits, boosters, intermediate rewards in the form of consumables, which will be given for transitions from one rank to another, we have prepared several special rewards.

    Hardware instructions

    We will give out awards in boxes. Something from a predetermined set falls out of the box, but no one knows what exactly. There is an element of randomness here. What new things can fall out?

    First, a new currency may fall out. , and for this currency it will be possible to buy one of two types of new rewards. The first type of reward is our new consumables. They are called Instructions.

    Equipment instructions work on the principle of improving equipment installed on a player's technique. For example, a rammer will be installed on the player's tank, which gives -10% to the reload speed. Another -2.5% will be added to the installed rammer. So the player can end up with a -12.5% \u200b\u200breload speed.

    The improvement of the equipment differs from the usual one by just the increased characteristics. Let's say that the same rammer usually gives 10% in reload speed. The improved one will give 12.5%. Accordingly, if we put on top of the instructions on the rammer, then all together it will be 15%, and this is just a fairy tale.

    Upgraded equipment in booms will be expensive, and, accordingly, you will need to either save up diligently, leaving everything that was in the stages, and then earn something at the end of the season, or it is very cool to perform, get a bunch of boons at the end of the season and buy equipment for two or three tanks.


    While playing the Ranked Battles mode, you will, of course, receive rewards, but you always want to show off your progress, your achievements. For this purpose, we are introducing a new element for customizing the patch.

    These are icons that the player can place next to their nickname, and they will be visible to everyone in battle. That is, to be displayed in the "ears", in the window on the Tab and at boot. Everyone will see your progress.

    The patches that we issue remain on the player's account and do not disappear anywhere. So the player can always boast of them.

    Seasons and stages in ranked battles

    Our seasons will be short enough. Within the seasons, we will have stages, so that there is no such thing that people who spend much more time there, relatively speaking, they have an advantage, because they have filled a larger number of battles, victories, defeats, it does not matter.

    They will be short enough, intense enough for all players to have the opportunity to take part in them and take certain ranks there. Season is, roughly speaking, a month. Stage is a week.

    They may differ slightly, say, eight days, but the essence does not change. We reset the results every week. That is, in a week you manage to get, for example, to the fourth rank, at the end of the week you receive a reward corresponding to the fourth rank, everything is reset.

    You are again of zero rank and again climbing up. So four weeks. At the end of the season, we look at how many points a person earned in a season. And this amount of points is compared with the same amount of points for each of the players who played Ranked Battles.

    Ranked Battles Table

    Based on this, we build a table. Conventionally: the top ten percent of players, another 15 percent of the best players, and the next 25 percent of the players. This, roughly speaking, turns out three leagues, each league receives its own awards.

    We have taken into account quite a lot of mistakes from previous competitive modes, whether it's Ladder, whether it's Domination, or various modes that have appeared in the game in the past.

    We made a certain number of conclusions, and, accordingly, now the functionality and the new mode are built on these conclusions, on our vision, we present.