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  • Diablo 3 which hero is better. Who is the best to play? Profession guides

    Diablo 3 which hero is better. Who is the best to play? Profession guides
    This article will not answer unequivocally the question of the superiority of one class of heroes over others, since such a bias in Diablo 3 will not and will not. Patches for the game are coming out and will be coming out constantly and very quickly in the near future, so the game balance will be constantly adjusted. However, the interest from the game can and will differ, and the choice of the best hero depends on the player's personal preference, his playing skill, the goals that he will pursue in Diablo 3.

    Let's start simple, each hero class has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the characters specialize in close combat (barbarian), others in the use of magic or special abilities, which guarantees the destruction of monsters at a distance (wizard, demon hunter). There is a group of characters that combines in its arsenal both options for influencing the outside world (monk, medicine man). In the latter case, you can get both an ideal balance and a hero who has not succeeded either in melee or in ranged combat .. I prefer highly specialized characters, however, with the right equipment and combat skills, any character class can achieve success. The best hero of Diablo 3 will be the one whose fighting style suits your desires. If you don't like running in circles after small enemies with an ax raised over your head or standing on the front line in complete surroundings, then it is better to choose a more interesting hero than a barbarian. If constant health control is not part of your plans, then you should also refrain from frail hero classes. By and large, personal testing can be difficult to do without. It is also worth considering that any hero class will reveal itself only in the appropriate equipment, which is very difficult to assemble.

    The single player campaign of the game does not represent a reliable testing ground, since any hero can comfortably pass diablo 3 on normal difficulty. In this situation, the best hero of the third part of Diablo is the one that you like the most, regardless of criteria (objective or subjective). However, an increase in the difficulty level in a single-player game will also not fully testify to the strength of a particular class of Diablo 3 hero. The fact is that the gameplay of the game is optimized for a network game. Many fans of the single player passage of the Diablo III campaign will play the pirated version of the game, so there is no need to talk about applying the latest patches in this case. As a result, the balance of power can be upset, and any class of heroes will dominate. There may be a case when monsters will not be able to provide decent resistance to the player, regardless of which hero class he chose. So a real assessment of the hero's strength in diablo 3 can only be given by playing on

    Here we meet another parameter that determines whether your hero will be the best in Diablo 3. This is the interaction of the current character class in a party against mobs (computer-controlled monsters) or in an arena battle against other players (pvp). Moreover, these qualities can be very different. The fact that now, when the level of a Diablo 3 character is increased, the main parameters of the hero increase automatically in a certain proportion, simplifies and equates the development of characters depending on the level. Skills are also now researched automatically, but we can choose an active skill set for ourselves at any time. So the influence of things, equipment increases even more.

    Finding things, and a certain set, depending on how you decided to develop your character, is a time consuming task. Searching for loot (trophies) is almost the main pastime of players in the entire series of Diablo games, starting with the first Diablo. Auction in Diablo 3 can make it easier to collect equipment, but it requires real money. So do not expect that choosing the best hero at the start of the game will guarantee you dominance on the battlefield. Let me remind you that in the game it will be possible to bind several heroes to one account, and there will also be a common chest in the game, which will allow you to exchange items between your characters. There is a high probability that some of the players will not be enough, so again we will see mules (characters for carrying objects), characters sharpened to search for new objects, etc. So making your Diablo III hero the best will take a lot of money, effort and time. It is possible that the final cost in this case will not correspond to the value of the task itself.

    Also, do not forget about the mortal heroes (hardcore), which brings a completely different mood and values \u200b\u200bto the game. So the best hero in normal mode can be extremely difficult for a mortal hero to play. It may also remain the best, but it will require more effort and concentration from you while playing.

    A formidable warrior using heavy weapons; a wanderer who once guarded the sacred Mount Arreat along with other warriors of his tribe.

    • Fights fiercely with melee weapons.
    • Uses brute force, fighting with deadly two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons in each hand, or a weapon and shield.
    • Builds rage when it deals or takes damage, then unleashes it on enemies in the form of deadly moves.

    Class overview video Skills


    The crusader is a champion of justice, dressed in heavy armor and wielding magic. When the forces of evil creep out of the shadows and raise their head, the crusader is always ready to fight back. A noble warrior will not allow evil spirits to cause suffering to people.

    • The crusader bears righteous retribution, wielding a heavy flail and hiding behind a large shield. By the way, he can also use the shield as a weapon.
    • The Crusader prefers to fight enemies at medium and close range, using many different skills. Thanks to his principles, he is able to increase the combat capabilities of those who resist the darkness.
    • The crusader is overcome with anger that gradually builds up, allowing him to make extremely powerful attacks.

    Class overview video Skills

    Demon hunter

    Demon Hunter is one of the few people who survived the attack of the servants of the Underworld. His body and soul serve only one eternal purpose - the purification of the world from the demonic filth that threatens Sanctuary.

    • Uses ranged weapons such as grenades, bows, and crossbows to kill enemies.
    • Thanks to the ability to avoid damage, he is a very mobile hero. In addition, in his arsenal - dangerous traps, which will certainly fall into demons.
    • Relies on hatred, a rapidly blazing inner fire, and concentration, a marksman's ability to recover at a moderate rate.

    Class overview video Skills


    A monk is a holy warrior, a servant of the gods, who has become a deadly weapon in their hands.

    • Destroys evil with lightning-fast blows of fists or unique melee weapons - cathars and staves.
    • Appeals to the powers of a thousand and one gods, which grant him protection, healing and the ability to cast out evil.
    • In battle, accumulates spirit - internal energy, which allows you to use skills that increase movement speed and dodge attacks.

    Class overview video Skills


    The necromancer has come to Sanctuary to restore balance to the universe. He wields terrifying magic of blood and bone, casting curses on enemies and commanding armies of skeletons and mighty golems.

    • Commands armies of skeletal warriors and magicians.
    • Sends terrible curses on opponents, making them easy prey.
    • Gathers essence from opponents to gain power over life and death.

    Class overview video Skills


    The sorcerer possesses the power of the Formless World and is able to summon beings from the other side of reality.

    • Summons undead and other terrible creatures to attack and defend.
    • Uses poisonous, acidic and fire attacks.
    • Expends on spells and summons mana from a slowly replenishing, but deep source of energy.

    Class overview video Skills


    The sorcerer is an unusually gifted magician who commands time and the elements in pursuit of fate and power.

    • Arcane magic allows you to control time, space and natural elements.
    • Can freeze and incinerate enemies, and keep them at a distance.
    • Performs powerful spells using magical energy - a rapidly regenerating resource.

    Class overview video Skills

    The question of which hero of any game is the strongest often arises among players. We can say that in Diablo 3 the balance has been honed by the developers to perfection, but this will not be true. First, perfection is unattainable; second, the balance is poorly provable. Discussions of the strongest hero, imba (imbalance, imbalance) are practically indestructible and eternal.

    The strongest hero in the computer game Diablo 3 is a barbarian, all other things being equal. These include the bonus to strength, which gives the equipment and the level of the hero. Naturally, such a categorical statement applies when literally considering the issue. The strongest hero in the game is the one with the highest strength parameter. Naturally, the process of destroying monsters in close combat using brute physical force is the prerogative of the barbarian ..

    However, a specific comparison of the heroes only in strength, bearing in mind the primary parameter of the character, is incorrect. Let me remind you that secondary parameters such as defense, evasion, damage depend on the primary characteristics of the characters. The point, however, is that depending on the character class, the chain of dependencies changes radically. So the increase in strength will not have a positive effect on the damage of the wizard or medicine man. And in any case, the level increase of parameters is no longer dependent on the players, everything happens in Diablo III automatically. So the guides for character development in the new game of the Diablo series will take on a completely different look: the description of what parameters at what level to download, what skills to develop will go into the past.

    Whether it will be interesting to play the most powerful barbarian is a controversial question, then whoever likes it, which style of play who prefers. I find the choice of melee characters less interesting: it will be easy to play at first, then this approach to destroying enemies can get bored. About whether the strongest will become the best hero in diablo 3, and why not. One way or another, but tank characters are needed in many teams, however, the question of the number remains open. Regardless of the choice of class, your hero will need high-quality equipment. Since it is the things that will largely determine the effective strength of the character, the skills are standard, the basic parameters are the same.

    Choosing a barbarian as a mortal hero (hardcore mode) seems more correct, although not worth looking at in general terms. However, a clear health advantage will only benefit this hero class. However, with the change in the main path of replenishing the staggering health of the character from bubbles to health orbs, it will also affect the mighty melee warrior. In any case, choosing a barbarian does not negate the need to collect quality equipment. Maybe in order to make the diablo 3 auction more popular, the developers are strengthening the role of things, who knows ..

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    Classes (characters) in Diablo 3 are charismatic and distinct role-playing characters, each of which has its own background, its own fighting style, its own unique skills. Blizzard promises that in Diablo 3, each class will even have their own motives for fighting evil, and each class will watch and comment on the same event in its own way.

    In Diablo 3, we are asked to choose one of 5 classes:

    • Barbarian is a strong and tenacious melee warrior, the only class that can not only stand in the center of the battle, but also receive a bonus from this (quick rage regeneration due to the hits received);
    • The Sorcerer is a classic mage who strikes his enemies with elemental spells
    • The Demon Hunter is the only class specializing in bows and crossbows, and there are also traps and shadow magic in the arsenal.
    • Monk is an agile and fast melee fighter, with useful utility mantras
    • The sorcerer - the "dark" opposite of the sorcerer - summons spiders, toads, bats and other nasty living creatures. Sends curses and controls the dead.

    Features of classes in Diablo 3

    • Each class has both single target and area damage skills;
    • Each class has skills that allow them to move quickly, increase their survivability on the battlefield;
    • All skills and runes become available upon reaching the required level. Each class can use all the skills for this class (but only no more than 6 at one time) and all the runes upon reaching level 60;
    • All characteristics are distributed automatically. But the ability to make your character stronger or, for example, more enduring is compensated by large increases in characteristics from objects;
    • Barbarian and Monk, as contact classes, have an innate 30% damage resistance, which makes them more tenacious;


    Starting value (+ per level)

    Characteristics of Diablo III Heroes
    Class Force Agility Intelligence Endured. Of life Armor Resource Damage Congenital res. damage
    Barbarian 10 (+3) 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 10 (+3) Rage 100 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) 30%
    Sorcerer 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Arcane power 100 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) -/-
    Demon hunter 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 8 (+1) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Hatred 125 (+0) / Discipline 30 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) -/-
    Monk 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 8 (+1) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Spirit 150 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) 30%
    Witch 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Mana 150 (+10) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) -/-

    Class FAQ

    Will there be new classes in the expansion?
    Yes, but which ones are unknown.

    Is there a tank in the game? Hiller?
    No. In Diablo 3 there is no division into tanks, damage dealers, healers, as is customary in many online games. From each class, at the expense of things, you can make both a damage dealer and a tank.

    The FAQ is being finalized. Ask your questions by class in the comments, and we will add to the list of frequently asked questions.

    P.S. This is introductory information so that everyone can determine the class. More detailed information about the characters and each skill will come soon.
    Well in general 5 classes, I will not torment, here are all the heroes worthy of great battles:

    Demon Hunter

    History: the little orphan girl was picked up by hunters, their goal was to create the perfect weapon against hordes of demons. They managed to bring up a real master of crossbows and explosive traps.

    The main resources are rage and discipline, they allow you to use different skills, it is desirable to keep a balance between these parameters.
    Ideal in attack from afar, loses in melee, you know why. He knows how to call on the dark forces for help, set traps, slowdowns and other things that help in retreating and keeping distance from monsters.

    Outcome: decent class for single player, has a powerful ranged attack. It is possible to inflict great damage on bosses and elites without being attacked, and also to kill small mobs with explosive traps, you need to constantly be in motion or hide behind the backs of your comrades.


    History: 20 years ago, the homeland of the barbarians was destroyed, leaving only a desert. One of the descendants of the barbarian clan reached Sanctuary and decided to revive his culture.

    A self-sufficient strongman, can break through the legions of hellish creatures, has endless brute strength. It is during the fight that he feels power, because when he kills or receives damage, rage accumulates, and this makes his attacks even more destructive. Well, when the rage reaches its maximum, nothing can stop the barbarian ...

    Outcome: a strong character, always ready for battle, a huge crowd of mobs will not frighten him, but rather only provoke and give strength. On bosses, he can turn on passives for armor and also laugh in his face. A good solo character and an irreplaceable "tank" in co-op.


    History: a holy warrior, he spent many years in spiritual training in the temple, honing his body and mind, creating unique weapons from them. The most part for him is the instructions of the gods, even the uprising of the forces of darkness around the world will not scare him, at any cost, even his own life, he is simply obliged to destroy the source of evil and restore the balance of power in Sanctuary.

    An impeccable expert in hand-to-hand combat, he can kill demons with his bare hands, heal allies with the power of spirit. His fists are so powerful that they can penetrate even heavy armor, although he can also hold weapons (one-handed swords and staves). Resource - fortitude, which must be accumulated and then carried out the most destructive attacks. It can create positive effects both for itself and for nearby allies. The monk does not wear heavy armor, I rely on my lightning attacks.

    Outcome: A fast melee fighter with a focus on combos, bonus auras and tactics rather than brute force like the Barbarian. A very valuable class in cooperative play, as it can apply effects to comrades and heal them. Alone it will not disappear, but on high difficulties, due to weak armor, one may not cope with bosses.

    Witch Doctor

    History: There are savage tribes living in the jungle and worshiping ancient gods, waging ritual wars and still practicing sacrifice. But one of the warriors rebelled against his gods and tribe and went his own way with the intention to meet the offspring of darkness face to face.

    The witch doctor is good at dealing with ancient diseases and curses, the main resource is mana, it is restored by itself. He does not wear special armor, loves ritual clothes that enhance magical power. Deals damage with spells or scares enemies to death, and also forces you to fight with each other. And he also knows how to summon creatures from another world.

    Outcome: class for those who like to summon creatures, slow poisoning and demoralizing attacks. Unique "debuffer" that reduces the parameters of enemies. May cause a flock of fire bats or rain of frogs. He compensates for his weak armor by calling a mighty warrior who can defeat any demon with one blow and take hits from bosses.

    The Wizard

    History: House of sorcerers Kaldium shared magic with people to show her boundless power. But one sorceress was too interested in magic and she was able to master long-forgotten spells. She believes that by traveling a lot and fighting with the dark forces that have rebelled throughout Sanctuary, she will become famous and become a truly famous ruler of the ancient forces.

    Possesses various forms of magic, the main resource is secret energy (Arcane power), which is restored rather quickly over time. Thus, the combat power is limited only by the maximum supply of this energy. For the most part, the forces of the elements are massive, but there are also powerful single spells, for example, a ray of pure energy that purposefully hits in any direction.

    Outcome: character for lovers of magicians, weak, but massively destroying everything around. Weak armor is compensated by a chronsphere, in which everything except the sorcerer himself slows down and can also teleport. Turning into a Mighty Arcaan, she will have an endless hapas of energy and, accordingly, endure huge crowds of opponents. It is difficult to control, but with the proper skill and reaction, it will show itself well in all game modes.