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  • Broken Shore. Broken Shore in WoW Legion Wow legion Broken Shore

    Broken Shore. Broken Shore in WoW Legion Wow legion Broken Shore

    Demonic Scenery of Broken Shore

    Broken Shore (Broken Shore), also known as Tal "dranath (English Thal "dranath) is a territory that was once part of Suramar and is located on the southeastern side of the Broken Isles archipelago. Unlike other islands, the Broken Shore has been at the bottom of the ocean for ten thousand years, while the Ghul" did not raise this island during the Second War to gain access to the Tomb of Sargeras.

    Several years passed before Ghul Dan from alternate Draenor reached the Tomb and opened a huge portal inside it, through which the Burning Legion's new invasion of Azeroth began. The first major battle between demons and mortal peoples took place on the Broken Shore. Among the defenders of Azeroth were the Alliance , The Horde and the Argent Crusade, who underestimated the Legion and were crushed.

    Tomb of Sargeras

    In ancient times, this land was part of Suramar, and on it stood the huge Temple of Elune, in which priestesses served their moon goddess. With the onset of the War of the Ancients, the demons of the Burning Legion attempted to open a portal inside the temple to summon reinforcements to Azeroth. Although they managed to devise a complex magical scheme, the Highborne of Suramar, led by Elisande, closed the portal with the Pillars of Creation and left five powerful seals that would prevent the demons from rediscovering it.

    When the War of the Ancients ended with the Great Sundering, the Temple of Elune and the area around it found themselves on the seabed, where they spent the next thousand years. The Highborne seals were still active, however, and caught the attention of Aegwynn, keeper of Tirisfal. She was looking for a place to bury the remains of the avatar of Sargeras, whom she defeated in Northrend. Aegwynn decided that the seals would be able to neutralize the evil that remained in the dead body, and buried it inside the temple. Since then, this place has been called the Tomb of Sargeras. When the Guardians of Tirisfal began to hunt for her, Aegwynn created her refuge here, in which she spent several hundred years.

    In the Second War, Ghul Dan, upon learning of the Tomb's existence, used magic to lift the former temple and surrounding areas from the ocean floor. In the following years, a Horde force from Draenor visited the new island to retrieve the Scepter of Sargeras, Illidan Stormrage, and Maiev Shadowsong. Both the Kirin Tor and the Guardians learned of the place and made sure it was not a threat, and many clever magical castles and wards were installed around the tomb, permanently barring thieves, adventurers and messengers of evil.

    Legion invasion

    Source of information in this section - add-on Legion to World of Warcraft.

    After the war, on the alternative Draenor, the local Ghul Dan arrived on Azeroth, listening carefully to Keel's instructions from the Jaeden. He reached the Tomb of Sargeras and easily destroyed all protective spells thanks to his power. The Burning Legion had by then studied the seals that protected the portal. The spell killed any demon that would try to destroy the defenses, but Ghul "was not given by a demon. Khadgar and Maiev Shadowsong could not prevent him from destroying all five seals and launched a new Legion invasion, which was the largest in the history of Azeroth.

    Battle of the Broken Shore

    Khadgar alerted the leaders of the Alliance and Horde to the invasion, and the mortal peoples of Azeroth immediately dispatched a massive army straight to the Broken Shore to deal with the demons before it was too late. They underestimated the power of the Burning Legion and were amazed to see the sheer number of demons and their advanced technology. This was not the Legion they had fought before.

    The army consisted of three large units - the Alliance, the Horde, and the Argent Crusade. The Argent Crusade was likely the first to arrive on the Broken Shore and were defeated during the landing. The few survivors, including Highlord Tirion Fordring, were captured. Alliance and Horde flying ships carrying Varian Wrynn and Sylvanas Windrunner were shot down by Infernals and Felbats. When they crashed into the ocean, the faction leaders struggled to escape and fought against the demons shoulder to shoulder.

    The scene changed slightly by the time Alliance and Horde reinforcements arrived on Broken Shore. Varian Wrynn and Vol "Jin, accompanied by allies, held back demons at various points on the island. Alliance reinforcements landed from the southwest side of the Broken Shore, and the Hordes from the southeast. Fighting the demons on the coast and closing portals, they fought their way inland. where they teamed up with groups led by Varian and Vol "genie.

    Both factions began their search for Gul Dan and the destruction of demons in the Black City. Captives from the Argent Crusade were found here, who spoke of the defeat and that Tirion Fordring was captured by the Legion. The Alliance and Horde began to push their way further and from different directions approached the place where Ghul "dan" magically held Tyrion over the Fel Lake. Chuckling at the threats of the leaders of both factions, Gul "dan allowed the summoned demon Kros to scorch Tirion Fordring with fel flames. The Highlord, who had tried to summon the Light to help, fell into the lake of dark magic with a cry, feeling his flesh burn away. Although Tyrion has since been considered dead, the remnants of the Vanguard soon found out that he was still alive and tried to free him.

    The Alliance and Horde battled Kros and other demons that emerged from the Fel Lake. Finally, they continued in pursuit of Gul Dan, who had already returned to the Tomb of Sargeras by that time. Sylvanas Windrunner informed Varian Wrynn that together with the Horde they would occupy a high ridge above the plateau near the tomb to cover another faction. The alliance led by Varian Wrynn went straight on the plateau and appeared before Gul Dan, who summoned a huge number of powerful demons to help him. The Horde succeeded in capturing the specified ridge, and Sylvanas' archers defended the Alliance from the attacks of felbat from the sky. But the Horde suddenly discovered that the demons had created a new portal on one side of the ridge and called for reinforcements.

    Concept art for the Tomb of Sargeras

    In the midst of the battle, Varian Wrynn decided to summon another Alliance flying ship for reinforcements, and instructed Genn Greymane to inform Sylvanas that her archers should cover the ship with their arrows. The Alliance did not see the Horde fighting a large number of demons right on the ridge. Ox "genie was mortally wounded by a poisoned spear, and the other chieftains continued the battle with difficulty. Sylvanas Windrunner raised Ox" genie on his horse, and he asked her to ensure that the Horde did not die completely that day. Sylvanas had to make a difficult decision as she listened to the Wol "gen" and watched the new squadrons of demons. Finally, she blew on her horn and summoned the Val "kir, who began to move the wounded to safety, and then gave the order to retreat.

    The ridge left by the Horde was instantly occupied by the demons, and Varian Wrynn, not knowing what had happened from above, assumed that the Horde had abandoned them on the battlefield. Without support, the Alliance no longer stood a chance against the Legion, and Varian ordered his troops to retreat via the flying ship. Although King Wrynn managed to grab onto a rope ladder, he saw Ghul Dan summon with a grin from the skies a huge fel Reaver who grabbed the ship and forced many of the Alliance soldiers to tumble down. Varian realized that without destroying the Fel Reaver, his faction would be destroyed and decided sacrificing himself to save her. ”Quickly climbing upstairs, he handed Genn Greymane the letter he had prepared for Anduin, and then jumped down.

    Varian pierced the Fel Reaver's head with his Shalamein blade and secured the Alliance ship's release from capture. The king fell down and found himself face to face with Gul Dan, protected by demons. Varian, splitting Shalamayne into two swords, tried to fight his way to the warlock and destroy him. He slayed several demons before his chest was pierced twice with blades. The gloating Gul Dan approached to the dying Varian and declared that he would be remembered as a king who gave his life for nothing. Wrynn looked defiantly into Gul'dan's eyes and uttered his final words, “For the Alliance!” The Warlock infused Varian's body with an enormous amount of Fel, which caused him to perish in agony and caused a magical flash seen from the departing ships and by Genn Greymane, and Sylvanas Windrunner.

    Pursuit of artifacts

    After the first battle, the heroes of Azeroth have returned to the Broken Shore again and again to try to save someone or obtain the artifacts necessary to defeat the Burning Legion. For example, the paladin who would later become the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand traveled here to find Tyrion Fordring, who had been captured by demons and lost the Ashbringer. The famous sword was found and used in the battle with Balnazzar, although the nathrezim managed to escape. But Tyrion suffered too much and died soon after, declaring the hero who saved him the new owner of the Ashbringer before dying.

    The history of the Valarjar is connected with the coast, the future leader of which went here together with a famous warrior from his faction, which were Varok Saurfang and Danath Trollbane. Here, the hero met with a squad of vrykul who fought with demons, and almost died in the battle. But Niskaru, the Book of Medivh and the Eye of Dalaran. Many demons and servants of the Legion gathered at the entrance to the Tomb to protect the ritual process. But a warlock from the Council of the Black Harvest was able to pretend to be an ally, infiltrate the ranks of the Council of Shadows and disrupt the ritual, when Ghul "dan allowed him to use the Scepter, since he himself supported the creation of portals from the side of Argus. With the help of the Scepter, the hero destroyed many demons and members of the Council of Shadows, before than escaped from the Broken Shore.

    • World of Warcraft: Legion Introductory Trailer directly related to this location: the ships of the Alliance and Horde are sent to battle on the Broken Shore. The plot of the video turns into a game scenario, where twenty representatives of the Alliance and twenty representatives of the Horde will fight against demons and make their way to the Tomb of Sargeras.
    • Initially, the game's developers wanted the Broken Shore to be covered in coral. This would reflect the fact that Gul Dan lifted the island from the bottom of the ocean during the Second War. However, later the artists decided that the landscape of the location seemed too calm, and made it completely demonic. This does not change the previous story: the invasion of demons simply changed the external view of the island.
    • Tal "Dranath was originally intended to be a large island southeast of the Broken Shore, which would open in updates after the launch of World of Warcraft: Legion. It was planned to be the site of ancient night elf ruins captured by the Burning Legion. But in development from this idea was discarded as the subject of elven ruins is well covered elsewhere. Tal "Dranath was used in the Tomb of Sargeras audio drama as an alternate name for the Broken Shore.

    You can gain access to the Broken Shore after completing a scenario that gives access to the Army of Legionfall faction. After completing the scenario, you can complete world quests on the Broken Shore and earn reputation with the new faction.

    With patch 7.2, the pre-patch currency is back again. They are used to purchase rewards for reputation with the Army of Legionfall and “discarded” blanks for making armor.


    Ridge Pinnacle is the main base on the Broken Shore. It is there that you can make your "contribution" to the construction of new buildings that give various bonuses (including the opening of access to new content). A one-time fee is 100 Legionfall Army Supplies (issued as a reward for completing quests, obtained from rare elite monsters). Construction is carried out by the forces of one faction from all over the region.

    The player can build three different buildings - the Tower of the Mages, the Headquarters of the Command and the Void Destroyer. Each of these buildings will give one permanent bonus that affects all of them, as well as one random bonus that changes when a new building of this type is built. To receive bonuses, you need to talk to Commander Chambers after the construction of a new building.

    At the end of the construction, the armies of the Legion will attack the erected structure for 3 days until it is completely destroyed. During the attack period, bonuses from the construction will not work. To start new construction, you need to wait 1 day.

    Mages Tower

    The permanent bonus from the Mage Tower is Fel Treasures. It unlocks access to Artifact Trials, Hidden Wyrmtongue Chests, and a Portal Network.

    Artifact Challenges: This is a single-player content that allows you to try your hand at battles against powerful opponents. Upon successful completion, the player gets a new look for his artifact. For every attempt you have to pay with Nether Shards. There are 7 different challenges for each specialization.
    Hidden Wyrmtongue Chests: Players gain the ability to see Unusual Wyrmtongue Caches. To open the chest, you need a Wyrmtongue Cache Key, which can be purchased for 500 Nether Shards from Treasure Hunter X'reeged. X'reeged appears after completing the quest chain that starts with the Spider, then? ... He sells Wandering Wyrmtongue Essence for 5,000,000 Nether Shards.
    Portal Network: The Mage Tower contains portals that allow you to travel across the Broken Isles (Azsuna, Highmountain, Val'sharah, Stormheim).
    Random bonuses


    The player can buy discarded blanks and the Wonderworker Vashrin. Each of the blanks is worth 5,000 Nethershard. These blanks allow you to get an item of equipment for your specialization (there is even a small chance that the item will be legendary).


    Cerberax is a Legion warship that flies over the Broken Shore and attacks specific areas. From opponents who will be in the shadow of the ship, you can get beacons used to open portals with demons. These demons drop Nether Shards, as well as materials for crafting items using professions and reinforced beacons that serve to summon additional opponents.

    There are several types of lighthouses.

    Comment by Kvant85

    Patch 7.2 brings a lot of new content to the Broken Shore. Now this is not a "stub" for the open world, but a large quest zone.

    At the moment of the development of the plot (patch 7.0.3), Broken Shore is of interest only to fans of aesthetic excursion and collectors of one.
    The island is awash with elite demons, many of which have unique names.

    It is impossible to get tea in the Tomb of Sargeras - the debuff of the Eye of the Legion is hung on a character who comes too close to the Citadel, which kills the character. You can remove it by moving a short distance from the place of receipt. However, in some places you can approach the tomb so that the debuff is not hung on the character, but the location of the game has changed. Then the terrible music from the Tomb will sound. You cannot ride mounts in the Tomb zone.

    Ruined Temple Island, to the east of the Broken Shore, turned out to be a very interesting place. Puddles of atypical yellow lava stick to it, nevertheless dealing damage like a lava ordinarium. Blizzard tried to give the island an atmosphere of destruction - there was a temple, now there are gaps where you can fall and break. In the center of the island is a small green rune circle, in which, most likely, a certain boss will soon be standing; the dying Tyrion was in the scenario for receiving the Ashbringer (retribution paladins). There are no NPCs on the island.

    There is a flight director on the small northern island. The islet is guarded by the Illidari group. Among them is the trader Falara Nightsong, who can be repaired. By the way, a stone path not shown on the map leads from the island to the main island.

    P.S. if you want a discount - write to the operator before buying by any of the contacts on our website :)

    With Patch 7.2 finally arriving in Legion, players from all over the world have a long-awaited opportunity to settle accounts with the Burning Legion for their past defeat. Now demons will not be able to hide from hundreds and thousands of those who want to farm a new currency - Shards of the Void, as well as those who just want to complete quests or get to new dungeons. This guide will help you understand all the new items related to setting up a base on the Broken Shore, as well as completing World Quests and farming new currency.

    How do you get to the Broken Shore, where do you start?

    First of all, you need a character with a maximum level of 110. When such a character logs into the game after the release of patch 7.2, you will soon receive a message from Khadgar, along with a quest that will send you to the Broken Shore. The quest is straightforward - you just need to complete the scenario by taking a piece of the Broken Shore from the Legion to build a base. After the base is built, you will unlock all the new world quests, the hunt for mini-bosses, as well as events with the Void Shards farm, which are necessary to buy equipment or toys for the new faction.

    At your base on the Broken Shore, you will also receive a few simple one-off missions, with which you will open new flight points in a new location and receive some Void Shards or supplies for the construction of buildings in the base.

    Among others, there will be a quest " Broken Shore: Exploration", the essence of which boils down to knocking out the item Mysterious Runed Scroll. This scroll can fall from any inhabitant of the Broken Shore.

    Hunting for rare mobs

    From time to time on the map you will notice icons in the form of green skulls - these are rare mobs that carry with them exactly what you need - resources, currency, and sometimes even random equipment. Alone, you are unlikely to be able to cope with one such mini-boss, so it makes sense to take several friends on the hunt or just wait for other players to show up. Sometimes mini-bosses are hunted by whole groups of players - you can also just follow them and help in combat.

    Rare mobs are also needed to complete the Tomb Infiltration achievement, and one of them, Lord Hel'Nurat, even carries one of the warlock class mounts with him (you can read more in our class mount guide).

    Also, after the Nether Destroyer is built at the base, new world bosses will become available, from which a level 890+ item of equipment may well drop.

    Broken Shore World Quests

    The essence of world quests has not changed since they are now on the Broken Shore - you also get certain useful items and reputation with the local faction for completing them. Added to the usual Order Resources, Artifact Power, Gold, and Random Gear, Void Shards and Legionfall Supplies, which are only useful on the Broken Shore, have been added. There's also something for the seasoned pet tamer - there are three new foes with powerful pets on the Broken Shore.

    All available world quests are displayed on the location map and now this is the only way to level up reputation with a new faction, except for some one-time quests.

    Farming Void Shards

    As soon as you visit the two new vendors at your base on the Broken Shore, you realize that the first thing you need is Void Shards. The fact is that new toys and a whole heap of various items of equipment, including epic and legendary quality, are sold for this currency. Rare Blue Gear can be purchased for as little as 400 Void Shards, but usually you can only count on an item with random level 860 stats. If you want to get something really powerful, you will have to lay out 5000 Void Shards at once, but there is a chance that such an item will become legendary. However, you yourself can make epic equipment legendary, although it costs already 8000 Shards. The answer to the reasonable question "where to get such a mountain of Oskolkov?" is the farm.

    So, Shards are farmed only from ordinary demons, who are felled in whole herds from low-level portals. At this stage, a difficulty may arise in front of you in the form of other players of the opposite faction, from whose blows the demons cease to bring you at least some benefit. To avoid such situations, you can simply choose a couple of portals for yourself, next to which there is no one, and also gather a group to farm the Shards and take mobs from the representatives of the enemy faction on your own. The greatest benefits when farming can be brought by classes with powerful AOE - warlocks, warriors, monks, etc., as well as tanks, which must carry everything that appears from portals.

    After you farm the Shards at each point of the appearance of the "Cerberax", you will be awarded the achievement "Looming Lights".

    If you do not have the time and desire to farm Void Shards, you can delegate this work to us. You can order the farm of Nether Shards on this page.

    Broken Shore buffs

    Scattered throughout the Broken Shore are various items that can help you farm Shards and complete World Quests, as long as you know what to look for.

    Firstly, you can find elven sanctuaries - if you use a glowing sphere in one of them, you will receive a 1 hour buff that can increase the damage done, reduce the damage taken, and also increase all the main or additional characteristics.

    Secondly, corrupted flowers and books can also enhance your abilities, but they increase the damage taken or reduce the value of maximum health for the duration of their action - consider whether such buffs are needed.

    Thirdly, if you come across a green core lying alone on the ground, then grab it without hesitation - with its help you can inflict huge damage on any enemy in a small area, but only once, after which you will need to find a new core.

    Also, do not forget to rummage through the caches scattered throughout the location - in them you can find gray items with a good value in gold, Order resources, Void Shards or Legionfall Army supplies.

    Farm reputation with the Legionfall Army

    Reputation with the new faction is pumped just as slowly as reputation with the Nightborne, but this is necessary if you want to be able to fly around the Broken Isles and the opportunity to buy new toys.

    Reputation is very straightforward - with the help of World Quests on the Broken Shore, but there are some other ways to do it. The first way is to complete one-time quests that are related to the main plot of the location, and which open gradually until the opening of a new raid - the Tomb of Sargeras. The second method is related to your class stronghold, but it depends solely on random probability - among the quests for companions in the stronghold, quests with a reward in the form of reputation may appear, and sometimes this is a reputation with a new faction.

    Make sure to regularly visit the Broken Shore for faster flights to the Broken Isles.

    Setting up a base on the Broken Shore

    Once you arrive at your base on the Broken Shore, you will be able to invest the Legionfall's supplies into the construction of one of the special buildings - Mage Tower, Command Headquarters, or Nether Destroyer. Each building will allow you to advance in the Broken Shore storyline and get closer to flying in the Broken Isles.

    It is up to all players in your game world to decide which building will be built first, so if everyone decides to invest supplies in the Tower of Mages, it will be the first. You can get supplies through World Quests or from Caches - you will need 100. in order to invest in construction. In addition to progressing one of the buildings, you will receive a chest with a random piece of equipment and a reputation with the local faction, so saving up supplies is useful.

    Once the building is completed, you will receive significant bonuses, which will be discussed below, however the demons will try to destroy the building. If the building is destroyed, it will have to be repaired, which also requires an infusion of supplies, but the bonuses are worth it.

    1) Tower of Mages

    The Mages Tower is a useful thing. She can provide you with portals to all locations on the Broken Isles, as well as to Dalaran. Also, the Tower of Mages will allow you to complete solo trials, which reward you with new skins for artifact weapons. And as a small bonus, you can find more caches of resources throughout the Broken Shore.

    If the tower is already built, then talk to Commander Chambers nearby to get one of the buffs that last for the allotted time or until the demons destroy the tower:

    1. Knowledgeable - You get more Artifact Power in raids and dungeons on the Broken Isles.

    2. Overwhelming Power - You get more Artifact Power for completing World Quests.

    3. Worthy of Respect - You gain 30% more reputation with The Legionfall Falls whenever it is credited.

    4. Like a fluff - you get the ability to ride on water if you are on a mount.

    2) Headquarters

    Command Headquarters is also a good help for heroes, providing the "Order Strength" bonus. This bonus will unlock additional world quests for you in dungeons on the Broken Shore, and when fighting outside the dungeons on the Broken Shore, you will be assisted by ordinary NPC representatives of your class. The class hall will also unlock additional missions for allies with good rewards.

    Just as in the case of the Tower of Mages, by building the Command Headquarters, you can choose one of the additional buffs:

    1. War Campaign - you get more supplies of the Legionfall Falls, which will allow you to invest them in construction more often.

    2. Worthy Defenders - Quests for companions in the stronghold can bring you legendary equipment for companions.

    3. Powerful Boost - Completing World Quests on the Broken Shore has a chance to receive a Boost Rune, which will come in handy in Heroic and Mythic Raids.

    4. Ready - All your stats are increased by 10% while in the Broken Shore.

    3) Nether Destroyer

    The rivalry between the other two buildings is the Void Destroyer - a magical focus that, according to the plot, copes with demons, and the gameplay is a source of good bonuses. First, the Destroyer summons 4 new world bosses to the Broken Shore, from each of which you can knock out level 890+ equipment. Secondly, portals appear on the Broken Shore, from which mini-bosses can appear, carrying a whole lot of resources with them. Thirdly, players with a pumped profession that allows you to make equipment will be able to receive an Armor's Commendation Letter, which is necessary for making legendary items of equipment.

    The rebuilt Nether Destroyer will also give you the option to choose from several additional bonuses:

    1. Determine your destiny - once a day you can get an additional Seal of Broken Destiny, which is used to obtain additional items in raids. You will receive the seal, provided that the building was not destroyed by demons.

    2. Fate smiles at you - when using the Seal in a raid, you will be able to return it back, if instead of an item you dropped the power of artifacts.

    3. Netherstorm - Whenever you get Nether Shards, there is a chance that you will receive additional Shards.

    4. Reinforced Reins - Allows you to interact with objects and gather resources while mounted.

    The Tower of Mages is essential for early mastering of the 7.2 content, and also comes in handy if you need more Artifact Power. Command Headquarters will greatly simplify your daily visits to Broken Shore and provide additional boost to allies. The Void Destroyer is needed, first of all, to get additional and improved equipment, helping to quickly dress your character.

    This is the end of the Broken Shore guide, but may receive an update in the future. We hope that our guide was useful to you.

    • 1st week: (already in the game)return to the scenario on the Broken Isles, there will also be new game events and tasks, the continuation of the class halls campaign (for those who completed the first part and activated all 35 features of their artifact weapons).
    • 2nd week:the Legion assault begins and the first PvP brawl appears (frozen Arathi Basin).
    • 3rd week: Chapter 5 of the Order Order Campaign opens. You will have access to new Companions, new Order Improvements, and special class assignments.
    • 4-11 weeks: further development of the plot will lead to the opening of the raid "Tomb of Sargeras" and the opportunity to get class vehicles.

    The Broken Shore is a real headache for the people of Azeroth. The demons of the Burning Legion have settled here, and it looks like their attacks will never end. It is a timeless reminder of the defeat both the Horde and the Alliance have suffered. But the invaders must be stopped! The heroes of Azeroth must return. And this time they'll be ready to fight back the demons

    Assault on the Broken Shore

    The Legion is not hospitable, so don't expect a warm welcome. You will need to fight through the ranks of opponents, clear the coast and organize a strong point. As with the Legion expansion, once you reach max level, you will be able to take on a mission from Khadgar to begin a solo scenario on the Broken Shore.

    The fight against the Burning Legion will take place for you and your allies in several stages. The climax will be a sortie on one of the ships of the Legion, where you will have to fight the dreadlord Mephistroth - and this will not be your only meeting with him.

    After completing the first stage of the storyline, you will find yourself on the Top of Deliverance. This stronghold will provide a safe base for members of all class halls who have arrived on the Broken Shore to join the Legionfalls in the new campaign.

    Ridge Pinnacle and the fighting on the Broken Shore

    The first thing to do on the Broken Shore is to assess the situation and find out more about this Fel-ravaged land. Ruins and debris of past greatness - all that remain of the once mighty civilization of the elves - keep the memory of the events of the past. But even the statues bear traces of the Legion's destructive influence.

    As you journey through the Broken Shore, you will be presented with several new World Quests that you will receive rewards for completing. You will also further develop your artifact weapons.

    Completing World Quests on the Broken Shore will also reward Legionfall Fallout supplies and reputation with that faction. Both can be obtained in other ways: for example, by killing rare elite monsters that roam the island. The Legionfall's supplies will come in handy for building powerful structures at the Pinnacle of Deliverance. These buildings will be invaluable resources to explorers on the Broken Shore.

    There is something for everyone on the Broken Shore. And there are plenty of demons here, so be on the lookout.

    We keep the defense

    Organized a base and investigated the situation? It's time to join forces and contribute to the construction of powerful structures that will help you destroy the Burning Legion stronghold on the Broken Shore.

    You can spend supplies to construct three different buildings using the Legionfall desktop. Once the building is created, you will see a short scene after which you can get the buffs associated with this building. Each building has its own advantages, in addition, you have a chance to receive additional bonuses from any of them. Don't neglect them! The extra bonuses can be a powerful argument when deciding what to donate to. These donations are cumulative for each region, so choose wisely.

    Each building requires a steady supply of Legionfall's supplies to build. After completing the construction, players will have three days during which they can take full advantage of the building's advantages. During one of these days, the building will be attacked and eventually destroyed, so it will have to be rebuilt. It will be possible to start re-construction a day after the destruction of the building.

    These are the buildings that can be built here.

    Mages Tower

    Harness magical energies to aid the advance of the Army of Legionfall in the Broken Isles and uncover the Legion's allies.

    • Building advantages: the Fel Treasures effect, which allows you to pass artifact trials, find additional treasures and use portals leading to cities.
    • "Aware": when you get an item that increases the power of an artifact in a raid or dungeon, you have a chance to get an additional token of artifact power.
    Command rate

    A fortified base where the leaders of the class halls together plan an assault on the Broken Shore.

    • Building advantages: The Force of the Order effect, with which you can complete world quests in dungeons, summon Legion Bane reinforcements and take on challenging quests.

    Let's give an example of just one of the positive effects that the construction of this building can give.

    • "War Campaign": When mining Legionfall supplies, you have a chance to receive additional supplies.

    Here you can also use the strategic card of your class hall - you will not need to return to the class hall to send followers on missions.

    Nether Destroyer

    An ancient elf moonwell that is able to fight back the energy of the Void emanating from the tomb and reveal the secrets of the past.

    • Building advantages: effects "Epic Hunter" (with which you will fight against bosses outside the dungeons), "Volatile Portals" and "Letters of Commendation of the Armor Man".

    Let's give an example of just one of the positive effects that the construction of this building can give.

    Fortified Reins: allows you to interact with objects without dismounting.

    Order Continuation Campaign

    Classholds are determined to thrive where factions have failed, and with your new weaponry, those plans may well become a reality. On the Broken Shore, heroes of all classes will be able to continue the campaign of their stronghold, as well as return to improving artifact weapons.

    Those who have already reached the 25th level of knowledge about the artifact will now be able to advance to the 26th level and beyond.

    Those whose knowledge about the artifact does not yet reach level 25 will have the opportunity to go to Dalaran and increase it in an accelerated mode.

    Those who have unlocked all 35 ranks of artifact weapons for at least one specialization will have a new task and the opportunity to continue improving. By completing a short chain of tasks, you will unlock 4 new features for your artifact weapon.

    For those who have not yet unlocked all 35 ranks of the artifact's features, a corresponding task will appear, which can be completed before moving on.

    As at the beginning of the expansion, your Order Hall storyline will evolve as part of the Broken Shore main storyline. In a few weeks, you will receive a new Follower and new class-specific World Quests on the Broken Shore. In some of these tasks, you will have to help other classes.

    Glow of Cerberax

    The Legion flagship Cerberax looms high above the island in the fog. Fighting with the creatures lurking in its shadow, you can get a special beacon, at the signal of which the ship opens portals. These portals summon even more Legion demons - you just have to deal with them. With each level, the opportunity to get a higher-level beacon increases, which, in turn, opens portals with even more dangerous enemies.

    Open portals and defeat enemies, and then over time you will be able to fight the raid boss in the company of several friends. Needless to say (but we will say anyway), this is a great opportunity to get hold of the Void Shards.

    Nethershard is a valuable currency that can be spent on gear of a high enough level that will immediately make you feel comfortable on the Broken Shore. To do this, contact the merchants at the Pinnacle of Deliverance: Battlemage Kat "lynn and Wonderworker Vashrin. The shards can also be used to increase your chances of obtaining higher tier gear. Hopefully luck will be with you!

    Do not be disturbed by the thought that for the sake of the fragments you will have to settle for a long time in the dark shadow of Cerberax. They can be obtained in many other ways as you explore Broken Shore.

    Cathedral of Eternal Night

    After completing the starting scenario and completing the first quests on the Broken Shore, you will be able to travel to a new dungeon: Cathedral of Eternal Night, although it is not required to visit it in order to progress through the story. Khadgar will offer you a task in which you have to climb to the top of the cathedral and once again meet with Mephistroth.

    There is plenty to do on the Broken Shore, but don't be surprised if at some point you have to be distracted by things like.

    Your efforts to fight demons on the Broken Shore will ultimately lead to a clash in the Tomb of Sargeras like no other. With powerful artifact weapons and the power of the Pillars of Creation, victory over the Burning Legion and Keel "Jaeden is closer than ever!