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  • Where is the cave of time in wwii. How to get from Stormwind to Tanaris: practical tips

    Where is the cave of time in wwii. How to get from Stormwind to Tanaris: practical tips

    Instance quests

    Achievements in the instance

    Standard opponents in this instance and the sequence of your actions:

    Before conflict erupts in Stratholme, a cutscene will play in front of the city and show you one of the most important stories in the Warcraft universe: Arthas breaks with his mentor Uther and his beloved Jaina. He decides to wipe the city off the face of the earth after you find out that the grain is contaminated. You then speak to Arthas in the center of Stratholme to start the event.

    In the first part of the instance, you will have to destroy 10 echelons of the advancing Scourge troops. However, this is only a show, undead do no damage. While Arthas is waiting at the gate, you need to fight your way to the elite opponents. Your group runs through entire streets of Stratholme, all the time in the direction of the flags marked on the map.

  • Ghouls, necrorachnids and patchwork creatures, supported by necromancers and acolytes, await you. Concentrate your attacks first on the wizards, or the high-damage golems and necrorachnids. Weak ghouls that roam Stratholme in droves are the most unnerving for wizards, but even with a weak AE spell, they can be quickly disposed of.
  • After the fourth group, the first and, perhaps, also the most difficult boss of the instance, the Meat Hook, will appear. After defeating him, you will have to withstand 4 more waves of the same opponents, and then you are already confronted by the second boss Salramm the Fleshcutter.

    Meet Arthas at the entrance to the town hall after defeating Salramm. Talk to him and the next presentation phase will begin.

  • With Arthas, you will defeat 4 groups of 4 dragons from the Infinity line. Concentrate your damage on the hunters as they supply their companions with stackable speed buffs and do a lot of damage.
  • Let Arthas attack the groups a little before you. This way, you will prevent the tank from immediately taking hits from all mobs and reduce the damage you take. Arthas, as a paladin, willingly heals himself, but not always, so be on the alert.

    After the Chronolord of Ages, the already known opponents of the Scourge will again go. Let the future Lich King take on enemies again. Your tank will take over the elite undead, which you will destroy together. But be careful not to attract the next elite mobs in the turmoil, as this may end in disaster. At the end of the street there will be the main culprit of the "celebration" - Mal'Ganis.

    Meat Hook



    The fight against Meathook is relatively simple and has almost no special features. The tank attacks the monster and gains aggro, while the healers and damage distributors keep their distance. Meathook can hit incredibly hard and stun one of the group's wizards from time to time for 5 seconds. If it turns out to be a healer, then the tank will have to strain to survive this time without healing. As a last resort, you can drink a medicinal drink and activate abilities, such as "Not a step back" from the warriors. Except for the tank and melee fighters, it is better for no one to stay near the Meathook - this way it will not hit you with the "Cloud of Infection".

    Salramm the Fleshcutter



    Salramm, although a wizard, can nevertheless beat a tank decently. Therefore, the healer mainly monitors the state of the tank. Salramm's token is "Calling Ghouls." Soon after calling, he detonates them, causing great damage. Therefore, there is a demand for classes with damage to the areas: "Seed of Corruption" of a warlock, "Chain lightning" of a shaman or "Hail of arrows" of a hunter, quickly neutralize explosion hazard. Damage distributors are better off keeping a safe distance from Salramm anyway.

    Chronolord of Ages


    Curse of weariness Increases the mana cost of spells and abilities by 100% for a period of 8 to 10 seconds.
    Stopping time Stops time for 2 seconds.
    Time distortion Slows down time by 6 seconds. Attack, casting, and movement speed are reduced by 70%, for 6 sec.
    Time step Ages attacks one player and inflicts about 3000 (2850 - 3150) damage to him. physical damage.
    Wounding blow Wounding one player - dealing 100% weapon damage and 750 HP. physical damage every 1 sec. for 4 seconds Reduces the healing effect by 25%.


    The Chronolord of Ages has many abilities with which he can manipulate time. Therefore, first of all, your healer should, whenever possible, constantly cast Heal on time (Hot) on the tank. Use your mana sparingly, especially the Age curse that is not removed in time drains the blue bar significantly. Chronolord also swoops down on a random player from time to time. If your healer is running low on mana, prepare a healing potion.




    "Dark Flock" is the most dangerous spell in the arsenal of the last boss in the instance. This effect of dealing damage in the area is always cast on the player with the greatest threat - ideally, of course, on the tank. The tank turns Mal'Ganis at the beginning of the fight, away from the group and Arthas so that the rest of the group will not be harmed by the Dark Pack. The healer takes care of the damage done by the boss's "Mind Blasts". Interrupt the sleep effect as soon as Mal'Ganis uses it on a partner. By the way, you can also interrupt it yourself, with PvP accessories such as Medallion of the Alliance. Also remove immediately "Vampiric Touch ”From the tank so Mal'Ganis doesn't heal himself. After the boss runs away, you will find loot in a crate to the left of the portal.

    Almost all computer games related to MMORPGs are distinguished by a dynamic plot development and the ability to work in a team. One of them is World of Warcraft, the storyline of which has not been interrupted for several patches. The update, which players call "Lich King", has several rather interesting dungeons, after passing which, players delve into the essence of the events taking place in Azeroth, that is, they understand the reason for the strengthening of the so-called Scourge. After conquering them, you can go to battle with the Lich himself, hiding from enemies in the Citadel

    Known to WoW players as The Culling of Stratholme, the dungeon that many players cannot find has a very interesting story and is the next stage on the way to the battle against the rule of the Scourge. The plot through which everyone who enters this instance has to go is beautiful and terrible at the same time. The main topic of our article is the location of the dungeon. In addition, we will try to tell you about everything related to this place.

    Stratholme - the city that burns to this day

    Stratholme was one of the largest cities in the northern human kingdom. Within its walls was founded an order of paladins called the Order of the Silver Hand, led by Uther the Lightbringer, the greatest paladin, mentor and friend of Prince Arthas. It was the young prince who turned one of the most beautiful and greatest cities into blazing ruins that are now seen by all the inhabitants of the WoW gaming world.

    During the third war, the kingdom of Lordaeron was struck by misfortune - a plague. Arthas, without much hesitation, undertook to investigate it in order to stop the infection as soon as possible and save his people from a terrible fate. Traces led him to the city of Stratholme, where through the tainted grain the plague spread among the inhabitants, killing and turning them into undead. In the city, the prince met Mal "Ganis, better known as the Lord of Terror. It was he who told him about the plague and presented him with a choice: to destroy all the inhabitants with his own hands or watch his people slowly die, replenishing the troops of the king of the dead. Arthas made a difficult decision: kill their subjects, destroy and burn the entire city, so that no man becomes a slave to the Scourge.

    This is exactly what players will have to do in the Culling of Stratholme dungeon. How to get into it? We will tell you about this very soon, and before that we will find out what conditions the creators of WoW put before players who want to get into this instance.

    Who can access the dungeon

    Characters who have reached level 75 can get into Stratholme "WoW". The level of mobs in this place, of course, will be higher than that of the players, but this is what allows you to pump the character faster. In normal mode, the passage can be repeated until the characters reach level 77. The harder dungeon “The Culling of Stratholme” (Heroic Mode) can be mastered from level 80. It will be almost impossible for players to cope with mobs alone, so it is recommended to assemble a group of 5 people. This can be done through the search for dungeons.

    If the group is recruited in advance and includes members of the same guild, players will receive additional rewards and a special achievement. If the character has a higher level, then you can go through the dungeon alone. But for this you need to know the location of the Culling of Stratholme insta. Where is this dungeon located? Let's find out about it right now.

    Where is the dungeon located?

    So, it's time to find out the location of the insta on the map. To find the dungeon, players will first need to enter the Caverns of Time, which can be found in Tanaris. In this place, many dungeons and raids are concentrated, the passage of which will help to dress the character and get several battle pets, mounts and complete game achievements. The cave is a large central hall, from which several passages depart, one of which leads to the Culling of Stratholme, where there are several powerful bosses at once.

    Getting to the Caverns of Time

    There are several ways to get to the Caves. The first and most difficult thing is to get to them on your own. To do this, you must first get to Gadgetzan, a small village in Tanaris. Difficulties with this should not arise, since the route to this place opens already at level 50-60. The Caverns of Time are located near this town inhabited by goblin mechanics, in the northern part of the location.

    An easier and faster way to get to the caves is to navigate through the portals. First you need to teleport to Dalaran, the capital of Northrend. Then you should find the Violet Citadel in the city, in which any player can find a portal to the Caverns of Time. It is located on the second floor of the building. If for some reason the player does not see the portal, he can contact the NPC and ask him to go to the location you need.

    For those who have just started playing open-world computer games, it is worth remembering that the Caverns of Time are a contested territory. This means that, once in this place, you can face representatives of opposite factions. On PvE servers, such a meeting is not dangerous, but those who play in the PvP world may need to confront enemy players.

    Entrance to Stratholme

    So, your character has made it to the Caverns of Time. Where can we find the entrance to the dungeon we need? First, you just need to look around. Since the Culling of Stratholme, judging by the plot, is a city, the passage to it should look like a city street. If you don't have time for a long search, you can unfold the map and see the exact location of the dungeon. It is worth noting that to enter the inst, you will need to walk along a fairly long passage, that is, a street, at the end of which you will see a portal to the dungeon.

    Dungeon bosses

    Who will the brave five players have to face in the Culling of Stratholme dungeon? The first to stand in your way are Meathook and the necromancer Salramm the Fleshcutter. The first fully corresponds to its name - "abomination". From a ripped belly hangs something quite unpleasant to look at, and his body is swollen and deathly pale. The Carpenter looks more decent, but it also smells of death.

    This is followed by the Chronolord of Ages and the final boss Mal "Ganis. On the heroic level of difficulty, you can catch an additional boss - the Defiler from the Infinity clan. He can be found in front of the last boss, if you turn left. Bronze Dragon.

    The first stage on the road to the plague-infected city

    Immediately after entering the dungeon, players will be transformed: regardless of the faction and race of the character, he turns into a human. In order to start the test, you need to get out of the excavated basement of the tavern, which, in fact, is the entrance to the inst. Climbing upstairs, you should find a baby named Chromie and take the quest "Destroyer" from her. In the course of this quest, you must find and neutralize 5 crates filled with plague-poisoned grain. You can find them in any corner of the small settlement, which you will find yourself in after going outside the tavern.

    After the completion of the quest, Chromie will offer a new quest, which consists of escorting Prince Arthas to Stratholme. The meeting with him and Uther the Lightbringer is to take place at the city gates. To get there faster, you can ride any mount. Players will witness a conversation between two crowned persons, after which it will be possible to go to the city to save it from the plague.

    Stage two: battle

    After entering Stratholme, Arthas will remain at the gate, and players will have to fend off many attacks from the Scourge. In order to better navigate which side the next attack will follow, you will have to constantly look at the map: the places of concentration of enemy troops will be marked with white flags. It is worth noting that you will need to move very quickly, fighting off undead mobs on the go. Scourge groups are made up of a selection of random mobs, including mages, abominations, giant spiders and zombies.

    After the fifth wave, the first boss appears in a random place of the city. Having coped with it, the players will have the same running around the streets of Stratholme. This will continue until then. While you are 5 packs of Scourge troops, after which the second boss will enter the battle. By killing him, although you will move forward, you will not complete the cleansing of Stratholme from the forces of evil at all. Next, players will meet with Arthas at the door of the town hall. Having assured him of your support, you will be able to advance towards the three remaining bosses no longer alone, but together with the prince.

    Tactics for passing the dungeon in normal mode

    Like other dungeons, The Culling of Stratholme will require a certain amount of skill and coordination from players. There should be no problems with the first boss, since the Meathook does not have unpleasant abilities. But the necromancer Salramm the Fleshcutter can cast a spell on any member of the group and turn him into a skeleton. This does not affect the character's abilities in any way, so it is important to continue the fight regardless of this factor. The Fleshcutter also periodically summons hordes of ghouls to be controlled by the tank. The boss with his abilities can blow up one of the ghouls, so the healer should carefully monitor the health of the tanking player.

    What should players pay attention to at the second stage of the passage of the dungeon? Prince Arthas, who will follow the group, and sometimes even get ahead of it, during the fight with bosses, needs a heel. It is important to monitor his health all the time and not let him die. Otherwise, you have to start all over again.

    The third boss of the Ages has the ability "slow down", which reduces casting time, running speed and attack speed by 75%. To reduce the chance of getting hit by this blow, it is important for a group of players along with the heal to be behind the boss as close to him as possible. The same recommendations are also relevant for the last boss of the Cleansing of Stratholme dungeon, Mal "Ganis. The fact is that he is able to put any party member to sleep for 5 seconds. If this happens to a fighter, then it's okay. If the heal gets hit or a tank, then the group will face an unsuccessful outcome of the battle.

    Heroic Mode Walkthrough

    In terms of tactics, the heroic dungeon mode is not much different from the usual one. Nevertheless, players should prepare for the fact that the mobs will be more powerful, and the abilities of the bosses will cause more significant damage to the group. In addition, the heroic passage opens access to an additional boss - the Defiler. To enter into battle with him, it is important to go through the first bosses in a certain period of time. There shouldn't be any difficulties with killing him, the main thing is to put maximum damage into the boss and still heal Prince Arthas.

    Dungeon loot

    As loot in the dungeon, players can get a variety of items of equipment, ice cloth and ice balls, for which you can purchase recipes and components for creating items. A mount can also be obtained here, but only in heroic mode and from that same additional boss - the Defiler from the Infinity clan.

    Increasing dungeon reputation

    By going through this dungeon, you can increase your reputation with several factions at once. The largest number of "turnips" plus with the Dragon Alliance: from 165 in normal mode to 325 in heroic mode. The player receives a slightly smaller amount of reputation from the League of Explorers and representatives of the Taunka. What does it do? Firstly, a character with the "Respect" and "Exalted" reputation level will be able to buy unique items of equipment, raw materials for professions and even mounts from the merchants of these factions. Secondly, by improving relations with the many peoples inhabiting Azeroth, you can get access to additional tasks and even get achievement points. Agree, just for the sake of this it is worth finding out where the Culling of Stratholme dungeon is.

    This sub-zone houses eightinstances ( 6 Dungeons and 2 Raids)

    1. Old Hillsbrad Foothills ( D)
    2. Black swamps ( D)
    3. The Culling of Stratholme ( D)
    4. End Times ( D)
    5. Twilight Time ( D)
    6. The summit of Hyjal ( R)
    7. Dragon Soul ( R)

    Comment by Darkaara

    Anyone else thought that while CoT is great and all, it "s just an excuse to fight / fight beside every major character in Warcraft lore?

    Comment by Akajry

    For anyone trying to get here in BFA, a quick route is porting / hearthing back to Dazar "alor (Horde city in Zandalar) and using the portal to Silithus in the Great Seal. Tanaris is two doors down, just fly east over Un" Goro Crater and keep going and you "ll be in Tanaris. After that, go as east as you can and you will eventually come across the Caverns of Time entrance. (/ Way Tanaris 61.0, 49.0)

    Alliance players: I "m sorry that I don" t have an example for you here, but I "m assuming Boralus (Alliance city in Tiragarde Sound) has a Silithus portal too.

    Comment by Zuckerguss

    A few ways to get to Caverns of Time:
    • Dalaran (Legion): Portal from the basement of The Chamber of the Guardian.
    • Dalaran (WotLK): Portal from the Violet Citadel.
    • Shattrath: Teleport from World "s End Tavern if revered with Keepers of Time.
    • Stormwind / Orgrimar: If you accept the quest End Times / End Times in Stormwind / Orgrimar, you will get portaled to the beginning of the dungeon End Time. If you abandon the quest without turning it in, you can use this as a portal again.

    Comment by mgdimarc

    After the SW portal squish, the fastest ways to the Caverns of Time (outside of setting your Hearthstone to Gadgetzan) will be the follows:

    Take the SW Cata port to Uldum and then fly east to the Caverns of Time (initial Uldum quest chain must be completed).
    - Take the SW portal to Shattrath and speak to Zephyr at the World "s End Tavern and have her port you straight to the Caverns like the old Dalaran port used to (must be revered with Keepers of Time reputation).

    Comment by Pakulia

    So, after the portal in old Dalaran was removed, in order to be able to quickly port to the Caverns of Time, you should:

    Purchase the teleportation cloaks from a Guild Vendor (in any large city):
    Horde: Cape of Cooperation, Cloak of Unity, or Robe of Coordination
    Alliance: Cape of Cooperation, Cloak of Unity, or Robe of Coordination
    - Wear and use the cloak to land in the new portal room in Orgrimmar or Stormwind
    - Walk to the new portal to Caverns of Time. xD

    Take the portal to Shattrath City
    Find the drunk and floaty belf

    World of Warcraft is a cult MMORPG that unites millions of players around the world. It has many locations and mysteries, secret paths and large, but quite dangerous paths. Sooner or later, every player who has chosen the side of the Alliance has to think about how to get from Stormwind to Tanaris.

    Possible ways

    Currently, there are several options for how to get from Stormwind to Tanaris relatively quickly:

    • through the port in Pirate Bay;
    • across the Menethilov bay;
    • through the airship in Stranglethorn Vale.

    Each of these paths has both advantages and disadvantages.

    Way through the port in Pirate Bay

    This path is the most used one. At the same time, novice players may have quite serious problems with movement along it.

    About that, from Stormwind through the Pirate Bay, they will tell quests that will need to be gradually passed. First, you will need to head from Stormwind to Duskwood. There is a road in its southern part. In the future, you will have to move constantly south. The so-called Pirate Bay will be located at the very bottom of the map. This settlement is neutral, so here players from the opposing faction can attack any character. In the western part of the bay there is a pier, to which a ship arrives every 5-7 minutes, which goes to Kolimdor.

    After a trip on the ship, you need to get off it and head west along the only road to the place of its infusion into the main path that crosses all the Northern steppes. In the future, you should turn left and move along the main path. It will lead directly to the gorge dividing the steppes into its northern and southern parts. Then you need to head through the southern steppes, all along the same path to the location "Thousand Needles". It is almost completely filled with water. You should cross it in the direction to the east. This can be done both by water and by rope bridges stretched between the mountain ranges. The waterway will be safer, but somewhat longer. For players with a high level, running along the bridges is quite simple. Lurking monsters will not be able to deal significant damage. As for the low-level characters, they will have to wade through crowds of opponents that are quite dangerous for them.

    The entrance to Tanaris will be located in the southeastern part of the "Thousand Needles" location.

    The path through the bay of Menethilov

    Before getting from Stormwind to Tanaris along this path, you must first decide which way to reach Ironforge. There are 2 options:

    • by train from the Dwarven quarter;
    • with the help of a griffin from Stormwind.

    After arriving at Stollhorn, you will need to cross Dun Morogh towards the east. There will be a passage in After the character is in this location, you need to head north along the western part of Loch Modan. In the northernmost part of the location, there will be a passage to the Swamp. After that, you need to go through the main road to the west to the Menethil Bay. From there, every 5-7 minutes, a ship leaves for Theramore, already located in Kalimdor. This city is located in the "Dustwallow Marsh" location. If you follow the main road to the west, you can go to the Southern Steppes. In the future, the path will correspond to the previous one.

    Path using the Stranglethorn Zeppelin

    This path is the least frequently used by WoW players. How to get to Tanaris from Stormwind with his help, a much smaller number of gamers know. After the player passes the path indicated in the first option, through the Duskwood, and heads through Stranglethorn Valley, then immediately after the Garubashi arena, he should turn right and go to the orc settlement through the jungle. There will be a landing site. With a frequency of about 10 minutes an airship flies up to it. He will take the character directly to Durotar, located on Kalimdor. In the future, you will need to get out along the western road to the Northern Steppes and move south, as described in the first option.

    These are currently the only viable options for getting from Stormwind to Tanaris.