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  • Battle on all fronts of the wwii. Warfronts in Battle for Azeroth

    Battle on all fronts of the wwii. Warfronts in Battle for Azeroth

    The basics

    Fronts is a 20-player PvE game mode. The war is already on the doorstep of your home, and members of each of the factions are fighting with each other for control of a strategically important place.

    Inspired by Warcraft III's Real Time Strategy (RTS) Warfronts, you play as a commander leading a small group of warriors into battle.

    Together with other members of the group, you will have to build fortifications, ensure the supply of resources, establish routes for the delivery of supplies, train soldiers in the art of war, and, finally, capture the enemy's fortress. However, unlike in Warcraft III, you will not be leading the battle from a height - you will get a role in the front ranks!

    Will I have to participate in PvP battles in the fronts?

    Fronts, while reflecting the conflict between the Alliance and Horde, are not PvP content. By queuing up to participate in the fronts, you do not queue up to participate in a battleground, or a PvP dungeon like Ashran. Once at the front, you will go into battle, accompanied by 19 allies, under your command will be NPCs, and you will have to fight with bosses and enemy soldiers.

    Cycle of fronts

    In total, the cycle includes 4 stages. Blizzard provided the following description of the stages:


    • The Alliance initially controls arathi highlands, and Horde players challenge them: they donate items made with professions, gold and resources for warto prepare your faction to attack. All players in the region take part in the preparation.
    • As soon as the required amount of supplies has been collected in the region, front "Battle of Stromgarde"... Horde players will be able to queue up and take part in the battle. You can get to the front within a certain period, so that those who wish can complete tasks at the front, taking into account their schedule.
    • After the end of the battles arathi highlands passes into the rule of the Horde. While the players of this faction are in control of the zone, unique local boss, a number of rare opponents and other rewards.
    • Then the heroes of the Alliance begin collecting items and preparing to attack the territory of the Horde.

    The first phase of the accumulation of resources lasted 5 days, after which the representatives of the Horde were given 7 days to queue up for the passage of the front-line scenario.

    Representatives of the Alliance were able to fight with the local boss and rare opponents in Arathi only once during the cycle - the traditional system of weekly discharges did not extend its effect to the above creatures.

    Initiating a front-line battle

    Fronts will use the same mechanics as buildings on the Broken Shore - your faction will need to accumulate enough resources to initiate a frontline battle.

    After the resources are collected, your faction will be able to start the battle. The team that wins the frontline battle will gain control of the base and access to special content in the open world, while the losing team will focus their efforts on amassing resources to take revenge.

    For each contribution, you will receive a large number of Azerite units and reputation points.

    Item level requirements

    To be able to queue up for the frontline scenario, a character must reach level 120 and have at least level 320 equipment.

    How are fronts implemented in the game?

    The first front is the Battle of Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands. The basic principles on which the fronts are built are as follows:

    • Resources - the game has three types of resources associated with fronts. You can familiarize yourself with them by opening a special interface window, which can only be accessed at the front. Wood and iron are used to construct and upgrade buildings, while Essence of the Storm (a rare currency) is used for - powerful buffs applied;
    • The buildings - the game features various structures that you can build. With the help of these buildings, you can call for reinforcements, install weapons, produce armor and equipment. We recommend that you build structures in the following order: Chieftain's House\u003e Barracks\u003e Armory \u003d Altar of the Storm\u003e Fortress\u003e Workshop\u003e Citadel;
    • Base - Players can take control of the base by planting a flag and defeating nearby hostile NPCs. As a reward for taking the base, you will receive various bonuses.

    The team that initiated the front-line battle is guaranteed to win - this was done in order to exclude a situation in which the front is constantly held by one of the factions. The American and European game worlds will follow the same cycle.

    A frontline battle is considered over when the enemy commander who controls Stromgarde Fortress dies.



    In Arathi Highlands you can acquire a variety of vehicles, pets and toys, incl. Swift Albino Raptor (Alliance) and Broken Highland Mustang (Horde) from fallen enemies.

    Transmog Items and Azerite Powers

    As a reward for participating in the front-line battle in Arathi Highlands, you will receive a set of armor, made in a remarkable color. Plus, with a bit of luck, you can get PvP oriented Azerite traits without taking part in PvP combat.

    • You will be able to receive items from the most modest set of equipment for participating in the fronts at random after winning the Battle of Stromgarde. The receipt of this reward is automated - you will receive a notification of its receipt after the opening of the window notifying of the victory in the front-line battle. Within one week, you can receive several of these awards.
    • Items from the second set of equipment for participation in the fronts are obtained from the bodies of rare enemies and fallen bosses - "Lion's Roar" / "Doom Howl" in the open version of the Arathi Highlands, and are also rewards received from the Ambassador's chest and can be purchased from the quartermaster The Honorbound / 7th Legion after receiving a certain number of reputation points.
    • Items from the most luxurious set for participation in the fronts can be obtained after the opening - a reward received after completing the weekly task "Front: Battle for Stromgarde". The objective of this quest is to win the Battle of Stromgarde this week.

    Check out our review "".


    The game features achievements for participating in frontline battles!

    • Squad leader
    • Squad Leader Hire one unit of each type during the Battle of Stromgarde.
    • Hit fast
    • Hit Fast Conquer all areas during the Battle of Stromgarde.
    • Hit hard
    • Hit Hard Conquer an area during the Battle of Stromgarde.
    • Horrors of war
    • The Horrors of War Complete the Battle of Stromgarde.
    • Battlefield tour
    • Tour of the Battlefield Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle of Stromgarde.

    Local bosses

    If your faction controls the front, then you can fight the local boss - a war machine reinforced with Azerite. to view the list of abilities and the loot table.

    Stromgarde history

    • From the first volume of the publication The Chronicles Of Warcraft»We learn that Stromgarde, called Strom, was once the capital of the great kingdom of Arathor.
    • During the Second War, Stromgarde was a thriving port city that allied with Lordaeron against the Horde.
    • Stromgarde, due to a disagreement between Thoras Trollbane and King Terenas, left the Alliance. Thoras wanted Terenas to annex part of Alterac and annex it to Stromgarde in gratitude for the losses the kingdom had suffered.
    • During the Third War, Stromgarde supported Jaina Proudmoore on her expedition to Kalimdor. Thoras died tragically at the hands of his own son, Galen.
    • After leaving World of warcraft, in
    • In Battle for Azeroth, the Alliance controls all of the Eastern Kingdoms as the Undercity lies in ruins.
    • The battles in the Eastern Kingdoms are concentrated in the Arathi Highlands, a strategic point where the interests of both factions intersect. The Alliance wants to take control of the Highlands to prevent the Horde from attacking from Silvermoon City, and the Horde wants to regain control of the North, and not lose sight of Gilneas.

    Patch 8.1: Battle for Darkshore Front

    The second front that will appear in the game with the release of Patch 8.1 is called “ Battle for Darkshore". As you might guess, the battle will take place in Darkshore, and the main theme of the front will be the confrontation between the Forsaken and the night elves, which is a logical continuation of the "War of the Thorns" that led to the burning of Teldrassil.

    • There will be new buildings and improvements, such as ballistae.
    • The first faction to donate supplies will be the Alliance.
    • The open world of Darkshore will also change - rare opponents of the maximum level will appear in the zone, and representatives of the faction that controls the front will always find something to do.

    Are you ready for the battle for Stromgarde? An epic military confrontation awaits between the Horde and the Alliance for control of a critical foothold.

    What are fronts?

    The Front is a massive battle where warring factions fight for control of a strategically important point.

    The new mode is rooted in traditional real-time strategy games in the Warcraft universe: you play the role of one of the officers leading the troops on the battlefield. Together with 19 other players, you must organize an offensive and take by storm the enemy's fortress - for this you will create an outpost, extract resources, establish supply lines and train troops. Unlike Warcraft III, you will see the battle with your own eyes and take part in it instead of watching the battle from a bird's eye view. You will find yourself at the forefront of massive 20-player PvE battles.

    As your faction gains a foothold on the Stromgarde front, you will be rewarded with access to a variety of new materials for your faction's characters exploring the nearby area of \u200b\u200bthe Arathi Highlands.

    Senior Producer Michael Bybee and Senior Game Designer Andrew Chambers talk about the fronts.

    How does it all begin?

    While the Arathi Highlands are originally under the control of the Alliance, the Horde is preparing to attack and take over Stromgarde. But before the offensive begins, all players in the region (for example, in the Americas) belonging to this faction must unite and donate to the war campaign.

    While the Horde prepares to attack during the fundraising phase, Alliance characters will be able to complete a variety of new missions in Arathi Highlands, as well as defeat a special world boss: the Doom Howl tank.

    If the Arathi Highlands belongs to your faction, you gain access to a new world boss. Alliance characters will need to defeat Doom's Howl, and the Horde will fight the Lion's Roar. Each of these fearsome war machines is a marvel of technology, built to bring destruction.

    Once Horde players in your region have made enough donations, Battle for Stromgarde will become available, allowing you to queue up to get to the front. The queue will be open for a specified time so that players can visit the front when it suits them. During this time, Alliance players will still be able to complete missions in the Arathi Highlands.

    Players will no longer be able to queue when the Horde frontline assault ends. The Horde will control the Arathi Highlands and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. Now a new round of the war cycle will begin: the Alliance players will begin to collect donations.

    You can find out who is in control of the Arathi Highlands at the moment by going to the Fronts map: Alliance players will find it in Boralus Harbor, and Horde players in Zandalar Harbor.

    The first cycle begins in all regions this week - Horde players will begin donating resources first (to make a donation, you must go to Zuldazar Harbor). The map will show the progress of collecting donations from players of your faction. Once the donation has reached 100%, Horde players will be able to queue up to get to the front.

    There are many ways to get resources for donations. You can donate gold or items received as a reward for completing tasks. Representatives of various professions (for example, fishermen, herbalists, alchemists, blacksmiths, miners) can donate manufactured or extracted materials. When preparing to fight an enemy faction, even the smallest contribution is important.

    As a reward for showing zeal for the good of your faction, you will receive artifact power and reputation points from the 7th Legion or the Honorbound.

    First dispatch to the front

    When the front is unlocked for your faction, you will need to queue up using the fronts map in Boralus Harbor (if you are playing for the Alliance) or in the port of Zandalar (if you are playing as Horde). There, you will join 19 other players to take part in the battle for Stromgarde.

    You will start by collecting resources (iron and wood) to build and improve your base. You can build various structures, including:

    • House of Chiefs - your main base, the first building that you need to build in order to advance further along the map. It is impossible to build other buildings without it.
      • Possible improvements: fortress, citadel.
    • Barracks - a building that trains warriors who will go into battle, proudly bearing the name of their officer.
    • Armory - this building will allow you to improve the weapons and armor of the warriors trained in the barracks.
    • Altar of the storm - allows players to get powerful buffs (for a certain price) .
    • Workshop - here you can make impressive siege machines that can destroy the gates of an enemy fortress.

    As with classic Warcraft strategies, you will need to develop balanced tactics. To be successful, you will need to focus on capturing the most important objects on the map.

    Capturing important objects

    As you build your base, replenish troops and produce siege weapons, you will need to gradually capture more and more important objects, moving along the map. When attacking a base, you will have to defeat its commander and capture its flag. However, for your opponents, different rules apply: if you allow them to gain a foothold in your territory or destroy a base you just captured, an important object will again go to them.

    In addition to exciting new challenges, these important objects provide access to new types of warriors, and sometimes additional bonuses for your main base or troops.

    Way to victory

    At the front, Horde players will have to fortify their defenses, build up their military might, and defeat new enemies as they advance across the map towards their ultimate goal of Stromgarde Keep.

    Alliance players in this mode will have to re-establish themselves in Stromgarde and go on a campaign to the AR "gorki - the fortress of the Horde.

    It will not be so easy - you will have to make your way through the enemy positions, storm the gates and fight in the fortress with the main boss, about which nothing will be known in advance.

    Trophies of the winners

    Among the various trophies that can be obtained at the front, everyone will find something interesting for themselves - be it pets, mounts, toys, Azerite or resources for a military campaign. You can also add to your collection of flowers for transmogrification. For more details on the available rewards, see

    Prepared a guide to Warfronts in WoW Battle for Azeroth. We will tell you how the battle takes place on the Front, how to start the battle and what rewards you can get for participating.

    Battle for Azeroth Overview

    Fronts Is a co-op for 20 players, the events in which will unfold in a specific location, available for capture and control by each faction.

    The first area available for battle is Arathi Highlands.

    The mechanics of the fronts are based on the principles of real-time strategies (for example, Warcraft III) - each player can feel like a lieutenant doing everything necessary to win his faction. You will be able to command troops, teach them new abilities, extract resources (using the captured Sawmill and Mine) and build various buildings from these resources.

    The key difference from conventional real-time strategy is that you will not be in control of everything that happens from the top - players will take a direct part in the battles, directing and coordinating soldiers right in the thick of the battle.

    Front - PvP Event?

    No. Despite the fact that the events of the fronts mostly consist of inter-faction battles, they are not considered by game mechanisms like PvP.

    Front stages

    Combat actions within the fronts will be predictable and cyclical - consider their sequence using the example of Arathi Highlands:

    1. Collection of resources. It all starts with the Alliance in control of the Highlands. Horde players collect resources (gold, profession items, etc.) to challenge the forces of the Alliance. For more information on the required resources, see the Initiating a Frontline Battle in Arathi Highlands guide.
    2. Capturing the front. As soon as the required amount of resources is collected, access to the "Battle for Stromgarde" front is unlocked. It will be possible to take part in the battles within a certain, predetermined time, so that everyone who wishes will have time to contribute.
    3. Territory control. When the Horde attack succeeds, the territory falls under the control of the winning faction. Now representatives of the Horde will be able to try their hand at destroying local bosses and rare monsters, as well as gain access to other unique rewards.
    4. Collecting resources by another faction. Now the forces of the Alliance must collect resources in order to take revenge - then events will unfold in a similar way.

    A detailed plan of military operations on the Arathi Highlands front can be found in the Arathi Highlands Front Strategy Guide.

    Key objects

    Frontline battles revolve around a few basic elements:

    • Resources. Within the front, there are 3 resources - wood and iron (needed for the construction and improvement of buildings), as well as the rare currency Essence of the Storm, which helps allies with the Storm Call buff.
    • The buildings. There are several types of buildings that can be built for the resources extracted. For example, Barracks, where you can train new soldiers, or Workshop, where your engineers can build combat vehicles. The recommended sequence for building buildings on the front is: Great Hall\u003e Barracks\u003e War Mill \u003d Altar of Storms\u003e Stronghold\u003e Workshop\u003e Fortress.
    • Base. Players can capture bases by burning the flag of the enemy faction installed there, as well as destroying the guards of this flag (the principle is the same as in the Arathi Basin PvP event). Capturing each base brings certain benefits.

    Detailed information on all available buildings and bases can be found in a separate guide on Arathi Highlands.

    Important information: the faction that launched the capture of the Front always wins. This mechanism was introduced into the game in order to prevent permanent control of the territory by one faction. Victory at the front is awarded at the time of the death of the commander-in-chief.

    Battle of Stromgarde

    How to start a battle


    The frontline deposit system is organized along the same lines as the similar Broken Shore system. Each player can track the process of preparing to launch the front at any time by simply hovering over the front icon on the location map.

    When your faction has collected 100% of the required resources, players will be able to take part in the battle at the front. At the end of the battle, the territory, with all its advantages and local bosses, goes under the control of the winners - while the opponents move into the phase of preparation for revenge, collecting resources.

    Daily tasks

    Horde members should travel to Zuldazar Marina, while Alliance players should travel to Boralus Harbor. There they will find many new NPCs, each of which is associated with a specific profession. It is these NPCs that accept various items, bringing your faction closer to battle at the front. In addition, there are a couple of NPCs that accept common gold and War Resources.

    Full list of items:

    Profession Required items
    Herbalism and Alchemy Monelite ore х60
    Mining engineering Coastal Mana Potion x20
    blacksmith craft Monelite-Reinforced Horseshoes x2
    Engineering Frozen ammunition х3
    Cooking and Fishing Meaty Haunch x60
    Inscription War Scroll of Battlecry x3
    Skinning Rough Leather х60
    Leatherworking Rough Leather Horse Armor х2
    Jewelcrafting Kyanite Versatility х15
    Enchanting Enchant Ring - Mark of Versatility x3
    Tailoring Battle Banner: Quick Collection
    Gold х1100
    War Resources x100

    All of the listed tasks can be completed only once a day by each character (with the exception of Resources for the war - the related quest can be repeated several times during the day).

    Contribution awards

    Completing any quest (repeatable or not) will earn:

    • 750 Azerite Strength, which is pretty good (for example, completing a World Quest brings only 200 Azerite Strength);
    • 500 reputation with the Honorbound or 7th Legion. This reputation is needed to unlock the War Campaign and one of the allied races (Mag'har Orcs or Dark Iron Dwarves). In comparison, a typical World Quest earns 75 reputation.

    Warfront Rewards

    When a faction seizes control of the Arathi Highlands, a number of new opportunities open up for their representatives: world quests, access to rare mobs, and the opportunity to receive a number of new achievements and rewards. In this section, we will consider all the available bonuses in more detail.

    World Quests

    At the moment, only two identical World Quests are known in which you are required to destroy the war machine of the enemy faction - Doom's Howl / Lion's Roar.

    Rare monsters

    Regardless of which faction controls the front in Arathi Highlands, you will always have access to rarniks in the location. From them you can knock out new pets, toys and even mounts!

    The map below shows all the interesting places to visit in the Arathi Highlands:

    What are the symbols on the map:

    • Yellow dots - world bosses
    • Purple dots are rare mobs from which toys fall
    • Red dots - rare monsters from which mounts drop
    • Blue dots are rare mobs from which you can knock pets
    • Green dots are giants from which various useful objects fall


    • Players receive equipment with the standard front appearance at random at the end of the Battle of Stromgarde. This reward is automatic and displayed on the screen so you don't miss it. You can get it several times a week.
    • Armor with an improved appearance can be obtained by destroying rare mobs and local bosses (Lion's Roar / Doom Howl), as well as as a reward for pumping reputation with the Honorbound (Horde) / 7th Legion (Alliance).
    • The best gear can be found in the Frontline Gear Chest reward from the weekly quest, Battle for Stromgarde.

    Alliance Armor as a reward for winning the Front


    A number of new Fronts-related achievements have been added to the game. Here is some of them:


    The giants that roam Arathi Highlands provide items that, when used, summon an ally to fight by your side for 10 minutes.

    These items are especially useful if you decide to go Rarnik hunting alone.



    Essence of the sea
    Thunderstorm Essence
    Flaming giant

    World bosses

    Both of the bosses available in the location were already mentioned above - these are Lion's Roar and Doom's Howl.

    They drop epic level 370 items + gold. These bosses use several dangerous abilities, so the fight with them can be quite difficult - learn tactics and coordinate with other players.

    Both bosses are located at the same point - 38.8, 41.4.

    World Warfront Bosses - Doom Roar and Lion's Howl

    Mounts, pets and toys

    Each rare monster on the territory of Arathi Highlands can drop a useful item, be it a new mount or an interesting toy.

    The table below lists all possible rewards and the coordinates of their current owners:

    Rare mob



    Moves between 67.9, 66.5 and 65.8, 70.0 Swift Albino Raptor
    56.6, 44.5
    67.9, 66.5 Witherbark Direwing
    27.5, 55.7
    Knight-Captain Aldrin 49.0, 40.0
    Doomrider Helgrim 53.8, 58.2


    47.6, 77.9 Morion milk
    Cowork 25.0, 49.1. In the cave (entrance to it - 28.9, 45.5)
    62.8, 80.8 Witherbark Gong
    Cor'gresh Cold Fury 48.9, 84.3. In the cave (entrance - 48.1, 71.7

    Introduced in Battle for Azeroth, Warfronts are a new weekly event that for some players will be a nostalgic nod to the days when the word "Warcraft" was associated only with strategy. For those who do not feel any nostalgia, fronts will be just a great opportunity to get good equipment, a couple of mounts, and also have fun in the process. In the future, there will be more fronts, but now only the Battle of Stromgarde front is being prepared for the opening on September 4 - our guide is dedicated to it.

    Stages of the Battle of Stromgarde

    PvE battle The battle for Stromgarde consists of certain stages that replace each other for the most part by themselves. The players only affect how quickly these stages change. It all looks like this:

    1. The Alliance controls the territory, the Horde gathers forces

    At this stage, the Alliance gets access to quests with pleasant rewards and mini-bosses on the territory of Arathi Highlands, from which mounts, pets and toys can even drop (we'll talk about which ones a little later). The horde at this time the whole world collects resources to storm the fortress - players can donate both gold and items made with the help of their profession. If the fronts are already available, then on the Zuldazar map for Horde players, the location of the military camp will be marked, where resources for the assault should be stored. As a reward for donating, players will receive a certain amount of Azerite to enhance their Heart of Azeroth amulet.

    2. The Alliance controls the territory, the Horde is advancing

    No donations are being collected at this stage, and Horde players can join the Battle of Stromgarde. It is impossible to lose this battle, but how quickly and efficiently and quickly the players act depends on how quickly your faction will seize control of the territory and how long it will retain this control.

    3. The Horde controls the territory, the Alliance gathers forces

    At this stage, exactly the same thing happens as at the very first one, only tasks and world bosses go to the Horde players. Alliance players, meanwhile, will have to collect resources - the military camp will be located in Stormsong Valley, and the corresponding icon will appear there.

    4. The Horde controls the territory, the Alliance advances

    At this stage, the Alliance players are already fighting, and as soon as they win the battle, the 1st stage of the Battle of Stromgarde begins again.

    Battle of Stromgarde tactics

    Once on the territory of this front, the first thing players need to do is defeat the mini-boss of the enemy faction (with a lot of luck, you can knock out equipment level 370 items from it) and capture a mine with a sawmill that will produce Iron and Wood - the main resources required to recruit troops and the construction of buildings. After that, it's time to go on the offensive. To do this, you just need to collect resources, build buildings at your base, hire troops, and then together with them smash enemy soldiers and destroy enemy buildings. For players participating in the battle, it will be most effective to divide into groups of attackers and gatherers - the attacking group must have at least one tank and one healer. And while the attackers, in fact, attack, the gatherers must ensure a constant flow of resources and reinforcements - for this they will have to build on the basis of their faction and run around the map in search of additional resources. Such tactics are much more effective than violent raids on enemy fortifications with the whole crowd, but only if you want to win and receive a reward for it.

    This is important: the main goal of the gatherers during the offensive is to build a Workshop and collect siege engines on it - as soon as the siege engines are ready, the gatherers will be able to join the attacking team with a clear conscience. The attackers should remember that it is not worth breaking into the main enemy base just like that - first you need to capture the points of interest surrounding it, for example, New Zealand.

    After the attackers secure their faction control over the territory around the Stromgarde fortress, and the gatherers prepare the siege engines, you can begin the assault on the enemy's main base - the Horde's goal will be the Stromgarde fortress, and the Alliance's goal will be the Horde fort of Ar'Gorok. You just need to break down the gate and kill the commander of the enemy troops - this will lead your faction to victory in the battle.

    Types of buildings and methods of their use

    In the Battle of Stromgarde, buildings that must be built by players using the resources collected throughout the location play an important role. The buildings themselves are not so many, but they bring a lot of benefits in the framework of the Battle of Stromgarde.

    1. Town Hall

    This is the main building required for the further development of the base. The Town Hall itself speeds up the collection of Iron and Wood, but it can be upgraded to a Fortress, and a Fortress can be upgraded to a Castle. Building a Fortress opens up access to Barracks, and building a Castle allows you to strengthen siege weapons.

    2. Altar of Storms / Altar of Kings

    Previously, such buildings allowed the resurrection of dead heroes, but now they serve to strengthen the living. It happens as follows - players throw resources on the altar, and receive for this, for example, an increase in damage done. This effect will no doubt be very useful in combat.

    3. Barracks

    Everything is obvious here - you spend resources to recruit troops that will defend your base and attack the enemy.

    4. Forge

    It works in the same way as in strategies - you spend resources to strengthen the units that are hired in the barracks.

    5. Workshop

    This building is used to build siege vehicles, without which a normal assault on an enemy base will not work.

    This is important: the construction of buildings requires resources, and Iron for some reason always requires more than Wood - do not forget about this when you are collecting. It is also best to discuss in advance with your allies what resources will be spent on in the first place - coordinated actions will speed up the progress of equipping the base and bring your victory closer.

    Additional rewards

    After the Battle for Stromgarde ends with the victory of your faction, you will gain access to an updated version of the Arathi Highlands location. While exploring this location, you will probably stumble upon several opponents who have mounts, toys and pets for you. You just have to find and how to beat off these opponents.



    1. Ghost Mask - allows you to put on a ghost mask. Dropped by Ghastly Ghost (26, 35 or 20, 61)

      Syndicate Mask - Equip an orange Syndicate mask when used. Drops from

    What are fronts, how to collect resources, defeat opponents and get loot.

    What are fronts?

    Fronts is a 20-player cooperative PvE mode, which is a large-scale battle for a certain territory. As part of a team, you will have to build and improve outposts, provide resources, create supply lines and train troops in order to ultimately conduct a stunning attack and conquer an enemy fortress. However, unlike in Warcraft III, you will not be in control of the action from above, but will fight in the forefront.

    Event start

    Before the front starts, you will need to collect resources by completing daily quests, for which you will receive an impressive amount of reputation and Azerite.

    It works similar to construction on the Broken Shore. Every time you bring resources, you get a reward. And so on until you collect them all.

    A few words about front mechanics

    • Resources. Fronts use three types of resources. Their number can be seen on a special panel, which is available only in front mode. Iron and wood are used to construct and upgrade buildings, and the rare currency, Essence of the Storm, grants the powerful Storm Call buff.
    • The buildings. You can build different types of buildings. They are used to train troops, improve equipment, and create siege weapons. We recommend building in the following order: Barracks\u003e Armory\u003e Altar of the Storm / Altar of Kings\u003e Stronghold / Fort\u003e Workshop\u003e Citadel / Castle.
    • Base. Players can conquer the base of the enemy faction after over the enemy captain. Each base has its own advantages.

    Arathi Front Rewards

    • Base armor pieces are randomly awarded after winning the "Front: Battle for Stromgarde" event. This is an automatic reward that appears on the front victory screen and can be earned multiple times over the course of one week.
    • Appearance Set 2 Armor Parts are awarded for killing rare creatures and world bosses of Lion's Roar / Doom's Howl in the outer version of the Arathi Front, as well as the Honorbound / 7th Legion reward from the NPC that issues reputation rewards and emissary of world quests ...
    • The rarest armor pieces are obtained randomly from the front-line equipment chest and are awarded for the weekly quest Front: Battle for Stromgarde on the first victory this week.
    When your faction controls the front, you can access a special world boss. But, regardless of whether you control the front, you can farm special mounts, pets, and toys in Arathi Highlands!

    Capturing mine and sawmill

    Immediately after capturing the base, your team must split into two and go to capture the mine and sawmill located nearby. It is better to send more people to the sawmill, since when you kill the ancient ones guarding it, the loot will be distributed to everyone. It is also worth considering that the ancients spawn quite quickly, so additional forces will not be superfluous.

    Target of the Horde

    Sukhovsov mine - mine, Lumberjack ridge - sawmill.

    Lumberjack ridge
    Defender: Lumberjack Leo - 1.88 million health
    Abilities: Brutal Crush, Crushing Swing

    Sukhovsov mine
    Defender: Overseer Crix - 1.88 million health
    Abilities: Vicious Pickaxes, Dynamite Toss

    The purpose of the Alliance

    Galson Mine - Mine, Upper Cuttings - Sawmill.

    Upper clearings
    Defender: Grohl - 1.88 million health.
    Abilities: Brutal Crush, Crushing Swing

    Galson Mine
    Defender: Overseer Crix - 1.88 million health
    Abilities: Vicious Pickaxes, Dynamite Toss

    Collect as many resources as possible before returning to base. In the mine, search minecarts and destroyed kobolds until you collect 200 iron. At the sawmill you need to cut down trees nearby and kill the ancient one until you collect 100 wood. Only one player gets resources from the tree and minecarts. If other players are gathering resources near you, it is better to move to another place, so you will cover a large area.

    Prompt: the drop from the kobolds and the ancient is shared among all nearby players.

    Stage 2: basic strategy

    After capturing the sawmill and the mine, enemy forces will begin to attack them and your base. At this stage, you have three priority goals that need to be divided between two groups of players.
    • Collecting resources
    • Protection
    • Attack
    At this stage, you need to start constructing buildings, after which it will be possible to create Destroyers / Siege Engines to destroy enemy towers and gates. It is very important to keep the mine and sawmill under control, as without them you will quickly run out of resources and you will lose your advantage in battle. But it is even more important to defend the main base, since its loss will lead to defeat.

    Stage 2: defending / gathering resources

    For this, it is worth highlighting 10-12 players. Collecting materials and supporting resources is one of the most important roles. To start collecting them, you need to complete one small quest at the sawmill and the mine. You will have to fight only with kobolds and ancients, which players with any level of equipment can cope with, but it is better to take one tank with you.

    Building and gathering

    The main task of the defending group is to focus on collecting iron and wood, and upon reaching the required amount, spend them on building and upgrading the base. Having collected the maximum amount of a resource, players need to take it to the base. Iron is a higher priority resource, but it is also mined more slowly, since it can only be found in periodically appearing minecarts, unlike wood, which is obtained by felling trees.

    Prompt: iron is slowly generated in the chest next to the Great Hall, don't forget to pick it up. But also remember that you can collect a maximum of 200 resource units.

    First of all, all resources must be spent on the construction of the barracks, since this building provides serious assistance in attack and defense. After the barracks, resources should first of all go to the construction and modernization of the base itself, but if necessary, they can be spent on other things. The optimal order of building buildings is as follows:

    The progress of construction is displayed in the interface of the "Desktop" of the building, as well as when you hover over its icon on the map. It also displays the required amount of iron and wood to complete the construction.


    Players collecting resources must also play the role of defenders of the base, sawmill and mine, as they constantly move between them. The tank must hold back the waves of enemy attacks, protecting the captains of its base. This is a serious threat, underestimating which you can easily lose your base. You should react to such attacks as quickly as possible, since if they are not stopped, the captains of the bases can die very quickly. Sometimes the enemy's attacks can be intercepted by the attacking team, but you should not hope for this, since it is still the work of the defense team.
    • The base will be lost if your NPC captain dies. It can be recognized by the name and flag of your faction.
    • If you lose the base, an enemy captain with reinforcements will immediately appear there, who will need to be defeated in order to recapture the base.
    • When your captain loses a lot of health, warnings will appear on the screen and in the chat.
    After upgrading the base to a fortress / fort and building a workshop, focus on building Destroyers / Siege Engines. Only three units can be built at a time. Once they are built, resource collection fades into the background and the defending team can advance to the attacking team to help defend the siege weapons.

    Stage 2: attack

    The optimal number of attacking team players is 8-10. This is enough to take almost any base except the Circle of Elements. With a well-equipped tank, even a group of three can do this. This group should contain the best equipped players so that they can quickly capture bases without involving too many people. Remember, no matter how strong your party is, you will need Destroyers / Siege Engines to destroy the gate anyway. The optimal composition of the team: 1 tank, 1 healer, all others - DD.

    Prompt: the attacking team should also collect resources on the way to base.

    Capture of New Earth

    Today Novozemye is one of the best bases to capture. It gives the opportunity to train the strongest types of troops - wolf riders / knights, and a little later - war kodos / elekk riders. Also, New Earth is much easier to capture compared to other bases, therefore, it is better to capture it as soon as possible in order to immediately start enjoying all its advantages on the battlefield.

    After capturing New Earth, collect as much wood as possible from the surrounding areas, and then return to the base. Don't forget to pick up the iron from the chests. Spend most of your resources building buildings and upgrading your base (). You can also invest some of the resources in the troops, if necessary. If you have already upgraded your base to Fortress / Fort level, you will need to train at least two wolf riders / knights who will act as excellent guards. They have powerful AOE attacks and can also slow enemies down, which is very useful when fighting waves of opponents and clearing enemy bases.

    Target of the Horde

    New earth
    Defender: Lumberjack Leo - 2.69 million health.
    Abilities: Flurry, Stunning Shot

    The purpose of the Alliance

    New earth
    Defender: Rider Zugg - 1.88 million health.
    Abilities: Dash Charge, Fire Bomb

    Capture the Nest

    After capturing New Earth and improving the base, it is best to move the front line to the center of the map towards the Nest. Capture Braveglass Road / North Crossroads located directly in front of your base, and then head to the Nest. This will give you breathing space between waves of attack on your base and create a safe path for the Destroyers / Siege Engines.

    Target of the Horde

    North crossroads
    Defender: Lieutenant Valen - 1.88 million health.
    Abilities: Shock Heaven

    Defender: Rokk Stonesblood - 2.69 million health

    Prompt: after capturing the Nest, players will be able to fly between all controlled bases.
    For completing the Establish a Connection quest, which will become available after capturing the Nest, players will receive an Upgrade Flight Master's Whistle: Fronts, which will allow them to quickly return to base while they are at the front.

    Capturing the Circle of Elements

    The Elemental Circle is the hardest base to capture. It is useful only as an additional line of defense for the mine, and helps a little with the final attack on the enemy base. This base is still worth capturing, but only after more and more priority targets are under your control. Capture it only when the enemy is not attacking the rest of the bases and you have the opportunity to select 10 players necessary to capture it. Otherwise, you should postpone the capture until the next stage.

    To capture the Circle of Elements, you will need to defeat the tamers of fire, guarding the spirit of fire, and then himself. As soon as they are defeated, the base will go to you. As soon as the health of the spirit reaches 30%, he will begin to cast the spell Apocalypse. If he succeeds, then all his health will be fully restored. Therefore, it is better to take as many players with the best equipment as possible to fight him in order to kill the spirit before he finishes the spell.


    Circle of elements
    Defender: Spirit of Fire - 2.69 million health.
    Abilities: Flame Burst, Apocalypse

    Stage 3: escorting siege weapons

    After building a Workshop and creating Destroyers / Siege Engines, it is no longer necessary to constantly extract resources. Passive iron gathering will suffice. Defense and offense teams can come together and act together.

    Waste of remaining resources

    Before moving on, players should visit the base again and spend all their resources in the following order:

    Also, each player can:

    Escorting siege weapons to the Nest

    At this point, you should already be in control of the Nest. If this is not the case, then proceed with the capture as soon as possible. If the Nest is under your control, Destroyers / Siege Engines will safely get there without the need for an escort and start firing at enemy siege towers on