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  • Vorpal's Budget Face Hunter Guide. Aggressive Standard Mode decks! Face hunt standard mode serge heavy bird

    Vorpal's Budget Face Hunter Guide. Aggressive Standard Mode decks! Face hunt standard mode serge heavy bird

    Good day, dear readers! Before the advent of the Old Gods and a full-fledged Standard Mode, there are only a few hours left. Most of the players have already prepared - they have accumulated gold, dust or pre-ordered kits. With the onset of the update, they will all rush to test new cards and decks. According to numerous forecasts by professional players, streamers and various analysts, the Hearthstone meta should slow down. And there are objective reasons for this: nerfing a lot of cards used in aggressive decks, as well as adding new opportunities for table control and long fights. However, there is reason to believe that a number of old aggressive decks are destined to survive and even become stronger than the previous one. And when the meta is unstable, and even at the end / beginning of the season, they can be especially effective. They will be discussed in this article.

    Agro Shaman

    Agro Warrior

    The next deck, which also gained a lot of good from the new expansion, is Agro Warrior .

    Now Agro Warrior focuses on pirate synergy.

    The first mate of N'Zoth is the best first drop that our Warrior can count on. This is putting a pirate on the table and weapons in one bottle. In the future, synergy with Improvement is possible, Sailor of the South Seas, A daring raider, etc. The only drawback of this card is that it cannot always be deployed in the late game when you are equipped with the best weapon. But this minus is not comparable to the negative effect of the Cursed Blade, which was used in some older builds of the Agro Warrior.

    Pirate Cultist has optimal characteristics for the third drop and a useful weapon upgrade ability. In theory, its effect should be quite difficult to implement, but in reality, our deck has enough cheap pirates and weapons to make it work.

    As a result, the Agro Warrior still has big problems with drawing cards and depends on Sir Finley Mrrgglton. Ironbeak had to be replaced with a slower one The spellbreakerand Death's Bite is an Arcanite Reaper. But the new pirates smooth out these losses, making the Agro Warrior stronger. You can try adding to the deck Captain of the South Seas, Captain Zelenyams or Leeroy Jenkins, for example, instead of the second Upgrade or Wolf rider.

    Face Hunt

    The last aggro deck we want to showcase today is, of course, Face Hunt.

    Standard mode took the Mad Scientist from the Hunter, Glaive Thrower and the Obsessed Crawler. The Arcane Golem became completely unplayable, and Leprognom, Dagger Juggler, Ironbeak and Hunter's Mark were also nerfed. With the departure of scientists, the value of secrets, and with them,

    Face Hunt decks have been, are and are likely to be hugely popular with Hearthstone players. What is the secret of her popularity? Today we will try to answer this question, and also bring to your attention one of the most balanced options for this deck.

    Face Hunt Deck

    Face Hunt strategy

    Contrary to popular belief, playing with the Face Hunt deck you shouldn't always be directing all your available damage in the face of your opponent. Yes, of course, in 90% of cases it is worth doing this, but there are times when it is best to trade with your opponent's creatures. If you start to feel these moments, then you can instantly rise to a new level of the game, and reaching the Legend rank will not be an impossible task for you.

    When is it worth going for exchanges, you ask? It is worth doing this only in two cases - to protect yourself from the threat from the opponent or to protect your creatures. So, when playing against Oil Rogi, you should keep in mind that in one turn, having a creature on the table, she can do more than twenty damage units starting from the fifth or sixth turn. So if you see that she has stopped destroying your creatures and is trying to direct all her available damage in your face, start playing more carefully.

    The second case is more common. Let's try to consider this situation: let's say you have a Leprognom card on your table, and your opponent has a Mad Scientist. On the third turn, you cast the Pitometsi spell and you gain the Haffer. In this case, the Leprognome strike is best directed at the Mad Scientist, and with the Haffer hit in the face of the enemy - this way you save your last card. There are many similar situations, it is simply impossible to describe them all - it should only be noted that you will have to trade to a greater extent when playing against aggro decks (Face Hunt, Zoo Warlock), trying to knock out their key cards.

    Also try to use as many combos as possible - for example, the Dagger Juggler is best used in conjunction with the Release Dogs card or in the event that you are going to break the Obsessed Slider, which were played on the previous turn.

    Always consider the amount of damage that you can do not only on this, but also on the next turn. If you feel like you are killing your opponent in the next three or four turns, stop paying attention to all of the enemy's creatures and direct all available damage to the hero, while trying to use your hero power every turn.

    Mulligan (Starting Hand)

    The initial phase is the most important for the Face Hunter. Your next game will depend on how you start - with a bad start, this deck is very likely to easily lose to any other good deck. However, with a good start, you can inflict enormous damage on your opponent already on the first moves, after which it will be very, very difficult for him to recover.

    So, Ironbeak, Dagger Juggler and Mad Scientist are the cards around which your initial game will revolve. Moreover, Ironbeak is best left against almost any class - it is very convenient to use it against the Mad Scientist, Dagger Juggler and Armor Master. But don't be discouraged if it didn't come to your starting hand - later it can also come in handy for you, especially if your opponent uses a large number of strong provocateurs.

    In no case leave traps in your starting hand - ideally, they should all be hung up for free using the Mad Scientist.

    Possible combinations of the Face Hunt deck

    All the available combinations of this deck lie on the very surface, and there are not too many of them. However, they are well worth being voiced.

    • Try not to waste your mana on playing the secrets you have - the Mad Scientist's Deathrattle Cards will help you hang them for free.
    • If you have an unopened secret hanging, or you have a Mad Scientist on your table, do not rush to spend all weapon charges Eagle Horn Bow - remember that after opening the secret, the bow will receive an additional charge - and this is 3 additional damage!
    • Almost never use the Kill Command card without a beast on the battlefield. Two missed damage can have a great effect on your further game.
    • Try to play Juggler with daggers in the event that he immediately starts shooting - for example, together with the Release Dogs card or when the Obsessed Crawler's death rattle triggers. Your opponent will most likely kill him in the next turn, and a couple of damage from Juggler's daggers is always nice, isn't it?
    • Strengthening Scolding Sergeant can be given to creatures with the dash ability. Two extra damage per mana is very, very good.

    All of the above combinations are optional, but highly desirable.

    it unique deck of the Face Hunterwhich I played in the June 2015 season. As many people know, there are several different types of decks of this class in the current meta. Purple recently took the first Legendary rank on the NA server with Midrange Hunter. JAB finished the season in first place in the NA and eighth on the EU server. Midrange is the most popular hunter archetype. However, the best answer for this deck is the same class. The best way to deal with her is Face Hunter.

    Over the last year i have done several changes in the deck... During this time, only a few cards came out that deserve to be added to the deck. The first such card was Glaive Thrower, which significantly changed the matchup against other aggro decks. This map appeared in the previous expansion and has been in the game for almost six months. The most important card from recent Blackrock Mountain is Rate of Fire.

    Eagle Horn Bow is the second weapon used in this deck. It can fulfill different roles. This is an important mid game weaponthat can hit an opponent in the face or control the table. Combined with two secrets from the deck, it can do a lot of good at the expense of free charges.

    This is a required card for all Hunter decks, at least one copy must be in each deck. For the Face Hunter, the initiative, which can be intercepted with a first hit for 3 damage, makes the Eagle's Bow indispensable in some match-ups.

    - any of the three creatures that can be summoned by this spell are simply stronger than other third drops. Haffer is an Arcane Golem with no debuffs. The Haffer is the best of the three as it deals damage instantly while placing a 4/2 creature on the table. Leok and Misha are a little worse if they are not needed at a particular moment.

    There are very few situations in which I will not play the Pet on an empty table on turn 3. Sometimes, even if there is something on the table, I will play it to see which of the 3 creatures I get.

    Take commandGood old "skill" team... IN MOST cases, this card is required keep until flew... I can’t count the number of times this deck is missing before flying, and it is saved only by the command "Take!" ... However, he always has it.

    Around the sudden damage from this card is almost impossible to play. Moreover, due to the fact that she is also beneficial in terms of mana, she is simply great. Even if you don't have the beast to deal 5 points of damage, sometimes 3 points is enough to kill an opponent.

    Pull the dogs is a great card for comebacks as it is one of the few cards in the game that punishes your opponent for controlling the table. Combined with Dagger Juggler, she has enormous potential to turn the table around.

    In addition, Release Dogs has excellent synergy with

    Introduction. Two words about the archetype.
    Tactics. How to resist them.

    Good day. Today I continue to write about the main archetypes, and this is perhaps the most popular face hunter. Somehow we had it, but it was not a face hunt in its purest form, but you can say a homemade midrange, so today we will dot all the points.
    Before directly analyzing the cards, I want to bring a little light about this deck, to tell where it got such popularity, since many people mistakenly consider this class to be imbalanced.
    So popularity. Its components are two: availability and simplicityThe fact is that this type of decks is really budgetary, so she does not need either epics or legendaries, and so, a couple of racks and missed it. And this is the first reason, and the second, let me remind you, is simplicity. And simplicity is not in the gameplay as many think, but the simplicity of taking the rating.
    Shta? -Now I will explain: the game of this deck also provides for a certain strategy, and is also divided into stages. The same facehants who think that EVERYTHING goes in person, as a rule, rise no higher than 13 rating. After all, only after gaining the necessary experience from the game, you will begin to understand when it is better to use the basic ability, and when to put a creature for 1 mana, thereby leaving 1 unit of mana unused.
    Also, the mistake of many: 1-3 moves to face hunt can, and often even necessarily involve a trade, and not Face is the place. A banal and simple example: a matchup against a paladin (agropals are also very popular). You bet and he responds in kind. You don't want to waste the advantage as you go first and go face. And on the second move, he either buffs him by +3 and goes in your face, overtaking you in damage and you already have to trade, or he gives him a shield and changes, and the result will be like this: you have an empty table, and your opponent has -2 hp but a leprognome on the table.
    1.Trades the first few moves take place! 2. Consider the class of the enemy. 3. Beginning with 3-4 mana we go strictly in face.
    So, simplicity.The simplicity is that it is easier for agrodecs to take a rating due to streaks. After winning 5 games in a row, you get not 5 stars, but 8. And this is the MAIN reason for love of face. After all, playing on a cartridge, oil or frieze is very difficult to make streaks, since this is a combo deck and if the card did not enter you, excuse me.
    As Trump said in his video and where I agree with him 100%: Despite the fact that facehunt is a very simple class, this is not an archetype that should be learned to play and used by beginners.

    AHTUNG! Video is in English!

    Change your deck every few ranking positions (unless you are a facehunt of course :)). You may have heard that even by changing one, not even a key card of the deck, it already changes significantly. Yes, of course it is. And every few ranking positions, the "local meta" changes. Basically, faces reach the 5th rate, and then they play with slow decks, since there are too experienced players there to easily take the legend with a face.
    Why am I? I'll just give my example: you may have seen. Then you will see what I changed in the deck:

    Yes, I added the second one instead. It would seem: 3 hp extra healed. Yes, but! One more early drop appears, which changes with 2 hunt creatures, and then, in conjunction with my potential HP becomes 44 instead of 41. I hope you understand where I am leading: Play 15 rats-\u003e You notice the influx of faces-\u003e Add to deck taunt or extra heal .-\u003e Raise the rate-\u003e Look at the situation there-\u003e?

    Deck parsing

    1.x2 2 damage minimum)
    2. a good drop, because most likely it will remain standing until the next move.
    3.x2 in all agrodecks he has a place, an excellent unit. In fact, the same leprechaun only, as it were, through battlery
    4.x2 is a good creature, especially when you are afraid of AOE from your opponent, because after the crawler there are two more damage left on the table. It opens especially well under ...
    5.x2 we have a lot of cheap drops, so it can throw the enemy by the collar. Priority target for the enemy.
    6. shut up the provocateur, or an unpleasant drop.
    7.x2 is the only gem in terms of obtaining a card, since it sits in the depths of the naks, but believe me: you will never replace it with anything today. I tried, but in vain.
    8.x2 card is excellent, usually used on an empty hand, as the hunter's cards come out quickly for the reason of cheap drops. If there is no Blackrock Mountain, then take it instead.
    9.x2. Great weapon 2/2 and +1 per creature. It couldn't be better for an agrodek.
    10.x2. In this deck, it is not even always for defense, but for 2dmg in the opponent's face. If there is no scientist, you will have to bet yourself, which significantly lowers your pace.
    11.x2 is usually a finisher, since simply giving a mana crystal to an opponent can be fraught with danger, but still, if this is the last card in your hand, and the enemy is alive, of course we bet. If, I repeat, IF you have, then insert instead of 1 golem, but I don't recommend crafting on purpose. Personally, I have)
    12.x2 3 damage directly to the opponent's face. As a rule, it does not live longer than 1 move.
    13.x2 in all hunt decks. Either the finisher or easy cleaning of the table from light drops.
    14.x2 summon huffer? -Yo! summon leokk? -no!
    15.x2. Cheap weapons for 6 damage each + secrets can give 3 more.
    another huffer? -yo!
    17.x2 with a beast on the table 10 damage for 6 mana through taunts. Game!
    Well guys, that's all, I described the main nuances above. Is that the evidence about the mulligan: everything that falls above the second drop is removed. We pull 1-2, since the most expensive drop in this deck is drop 3. You will not need the same rate of fire and the command to take in the starting hand.

    Easy rate to you guys, especially with this xD article! We go face? -Yo

    Everyone hates playing against Face Hunter, as people think this deck is cheap, low skill and too powerful. But this does not really bother them, since they still continue to play against us, and therefore, without further ado, let's go straight to discussing the key aspects of Vorpal's Face Hunter deck.

    Creatures ()

    Spells ()

    Scolding sergeant2

    Ironbeak 2

    Obsessed Crawler1

    Wolf rider2

    Arcane Golem2

    Rate of fire2

    Explosion trap2

    Take command2

    Pet 1

    Let the dogs down 2

    Glaive Thrower 2

    Eagle Horn Bow2


    With 19 cards that cost 2 or less mana, it will be very difficult for you to get a bad starting hand. If you don't have a Coin, then mulligate in favor of the first drops, if you have a Coin, then both the first drops and the second ones will come off. and are our best examples for the first move, and and are our best for the second move.

    Play style

    Playing with this deck does not mean that absolutely all the time you will be walking in the face of your opponent, since there are situations where exchanging creatures will be a much more profitable move. For example, leaving creatures kind of alive for more than 1 turn, you can often get a lot more benefit from it. So yes, sometimes you just need to donate your precious. Since, most likely, it will not be able to do more damage in general than. As a rule, all face to face teamed up with strong weapons and your class ability is the best option for this deck, sometimes you will feel like you are just walking on a tightrope, but at least you will love it!


    In general, this deck destroys other aggressive decks, handlocks and most midrange decks. Since the aggressive archetype is still the most viable and popular in the ladder right now, this deck also remains meta-friendly and should have a high win rate in a competitive ladder. Another plus of the deck is that it is extremely economical. Its cost of roughly 1,300 dust is one of the main reasons for the popularity of this deck, especially among budget players.


    Heavy control of the deck leaves us almost no chance, and if you saw the Warrior, then, most likely, the game for you will end in disastrous results. But don't let that upset you and keep hoping that the gods of randomness will be on your side. Perhaps the worst part of Face Hunter is the backlash you get for playing with this deck, especially if you've managed to reach high ranks with it. Although it seems to me that this should not prevent you from choosing a more time-saving and effective option for raising the rank. However, if you see Warriors in the ladder too often, then you might want to consider switching your deck to something more relevant.

    Synergy and combinations

    , you will get a 2/1 creature with a divine shield that can deal damage to the enemy for more than one turn.