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  • Where and how to get steel in tera. Alchemy

    Where and how to get steel in tera. Alchemy

    How do you collect?

    Collecting things is very easy: just go to an object that can be picked up and press "F", all such items are highlighted on your radar.

    The professionalism of the collector is a very important parameter, because in order to extract / collect some materials, you need a certain collector skill. Plus, the higher your skill, the higher your chance of successful mining. The skill is pumped with any collection - be it successful or unsuccessful, but a positive result has a better effect on pumping.

    What do I get by collecting?

    The three main crafting resources are obtained by collecting plants, ores and essences. Also, sometimes you can collect rare resources needed for herbalism or alchemy, for example.

    In addition to the resources that you collect, you will also receive a buff. These buffs vary: some can increase your movement speed, some can restore health and mana, or increase your stamina. Each of the buffs can stack up to three times.

    And, of course, your gatherer skill is also pumped.

    Productivity points

    You may notice a box with a decreasing value every time you collect. These are productivity points. Each attempt to collect something will take 10 points of productivity from you, while they are restored by 5 points every 5 minutes. Crafting also takes productivity points from you, but the number of points taken here already varies. If you need to quickly restore these points, you can purchase special potions - Crafter’s Cure and Crafter’s Cure-All to restore a certain amount of points. These potions are available from vendors or Valkyon Outfitters.

    What is craft?
    Crafting allows you to create anything from potions to bombs and top quality weapons. The materials required for crafting can either be obtained or collected, or they drop from monsters in dungeons and in the ordinary world.
    Crafting types
    There are four professions in the game: Alchemy, Weaponry, Armor Crafting, and Etching (from the word "etch"). Of all these professions, only the last one requires level 60 to start learning it. By starting to create the corresponding items, you will pump these professions, if you wish, you can reach the highest level of proficiency in the profession.

    To craft Visionmaker, one of the best sets in the game, your weaponsmith and armor maker level must be at least 400.


    Using alchemy, you can create consumables: potions, scrolls, etc. You can also turn your character into a handsome man. In addition to ingots, cloths and other consumables familiar to the look, alchemy can also use special materials, “refined” rare versions of collectible items.


    You can study this profession in order to create weapons for any class in TERA.

    • For classes focused on physical damage (lancer, ripper, berserker, warrior, assassin), this profession will consume "refined" ingots from ore. Therefore, the combination of professions / skills weaponsmithing-mining is a very important link for these classes.
    • For casters and rdd (priest, mystic, wizard, archer), this profession consumes refined alloys of energy crystals from essences. Therefore, it is better for these classes to train the skill of collecting essences.

    Making armor

    There is nothing special here either: you study this profession and create cool boots / gloves / armor from fabric, leather or metal.

    • For classes with heavy armor (lancer, berserker), the creation of armor will require all the same refined ingots as in weaponry.
    • Leather armor worn by the ripper, warrior, archer, and assassin will require processed hides. This is the only armor that is not associated with gathering, for the skins drop exclusively from slain monsters.
    • Cloth armor used by wizards, mystics, and priests will require refined fibers. For these classes, the skill of picking plants is important.


    Etching allows you to create scrolls that temporarily or permanently improve the performance of your gear. This is the only profession that requires level 60 to start learning. Pickling requires awards in all three gathering professions. They are not very easy to get, so start earning them as soon as possible.

    • Normal scrolls provide 3-day improvement, but critical versions of them provide a permanent effect, also with improved performance.
    Raising the level of crafting
    To start crafting, you need to understand what you need to do. In the main cities - Velika, Allemantheia and Kaiator - there are whole "crafting locations". They are indicated by the following symbols:

    Just go there and buy a few "blanks" according to your taste, from which you will start creating items. Make sure they are NOT gray, as that means they are outside your crafting skill level. Once you have purchased a blank, called in the game "design", just right-click on it and examine it. After that, by pressing J, you can go into the crafting window and study the thing closer.

    The PI will show you how many of these items you can create from the materials you have. It will also show you how much experience you will get and how many productivity points you will have for each unit you create.

    Crafting specialization

    The more you create things, the more experience you will have and the higher your skill level will be. In total, the game has 500 levels of pumping, however, having reached the 500th level, you can try to become a craftsman, a legend of this profession. Each character can only become a craftsman in one profession. You can abandon your specialization, but your crafting skill will then drop to 500 again, and all the crafting recipes you learn will be lost.

    Crafting crits

    When you craft an item, there is a small chance of crit. If you get a crit while refining materials, you will receive an additional amount of them. If you get a crit while crafting a high-level item, you can craft a flawless version of that item, depending on its type. The crafting window itself will show in the event of a crit, whether it passed and what kind of plus you will receive. If you want to increase the chance of this crit, you can try using the artisan additive potion.

    What is a Flawlessly Crafted Item?

    Overall, flawless crafting is one way to add enchanting effects to your item. If the item is flawless, it can have many additional effects. Viewing an item's stock will show you what benefits a flawless version of that item can get.

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    Sometimes, waiting for the perfect monster prey isn't as rosy as it could be. This quest reward isn't enough to jump into the next fight, and you don't feel ready to go through the skeleton zone without better protection.

    What is an adventurer to do? There are four ways to get the best gear in TERA: find, earn, make, or buy. From the examples above, the first two options are straightforward, so let's take a look at what gear crafting is.

    How to produce?

    While anyone can produce anything, not everyone can produce right now. A good selection of patterns is available from manufacturers in major cities, but rare patterns are dropped by monsters.

    To produce something, you need time, a template that matches your skill, exquisite materials and reagents (for making materials you can't assemble) or parts (for making finished products).

    What can I do?

    There are six different crafts in TERA, and your character can learn all of them or not learn them at all, as you choose. You only have to spend money on finding and buying templates and materials, there are no other training costs associated with "leveling up" the craft, and you can even get some experience during this process.

    Crafted items have several advantages over random loot from monsters. The first is that you always know exactly what you will get. If you need a new set of swords, this is exactly what you get. The second advantage of being produced is that it is usually of a higher level than the things that you can get from quests or from monsters.

    Generally speaking, every five levels you will move up to a higher gear level, so consider maximizing your combat potential for your level. It is best when the weapon is the same level as the owner, and less when the character is developing.

    Making Melee Weapons (Weaponsmithing)

    This craft allows you to create spears and shields, axes, dualswords, and two-handed swords. Exquisite ingots are used here, so knowing how to turn the ore you've mined into something useful comes in handy.

    Ranged Weapon Making (Focus Crafting)

    This is a craft for those looking to make their own ranged weapons. It allows you to make bows, discs, scepters and staves by fusing or converting essence gathering energy crystals into weapons for war.

    Making heavy armor (Armorsmithing)

    Lancers and Lancers wear heavy armor, gloves, knee pads and this is a craft you will use to equip them. Crafting heavy armor uses the same ingots as crafting melee weapons, but you will need to learn separate templates to level up your ingot proficiency.

    Making Light Armor (Tailoring)

    Warriors, slayers, and archers wear leather armor, gloves, and boots made from processed hides. This craft is the only one not tied directly to collection. Hides and leather can only be obtained from slain enemies.

    Making clothes (Tailoring)

    Sorcerers, mystics, and priests wear cloth clothing, sleeves, and shoes. You will need to use plant gathering to gather materials that can then be turned into fibers used in the templates for this craft.


    With this skill, your character can create consumables such as potions, scrolls, and paints that can help out on adventures or just look good. In addition to ingots and fibers, alchemy uses its own specialized materials, reworked from rare versions of collected items.


    Basic crafting will help you equip at lower levels, but for really good stuff, you'll have to use runes. Available only as loot from monsters, runes are the magical "glue" that turns your crafting projects into what the adventurer really wants. As the complexity of your templates increases, the type of runes will need to be changed. The best equipment requires large runes that drop from BAMs.

    Unified equipment theory

    In TERA, all equipment (crafted or otherwise) has little in common. When choosing what equipment to wear or make, you should keep in mind the characteristics of your character, the properties of the desired item, the number of crystal slots in it and your level.


    Weapons are something that will be useful to characters of all classes. You always want the most powerful weapon you can beg, buy, or knock out of a monster. As with other equipment that you can wear, weapons have their own level, and the higher this level, the more powerful the weapon.
    Regardless of your stats, you should never equip a lower tier weapon than the one you are using, but that does not mean that you should always upgrade what you have. Not right away, at least. If a lower tier equipped weapon is more appropriate for your tier, keep using it, especially if it has a special ability that you like. Just be aware that if you use a weapon for five or more levels after its “prime of life,” all you really get from it are those very special abilities.

    Weapons have three versatile characteristics, no matter which class uses them.

    • Attack Modifier: Your character's attribute called attack determines how much base damage you do. Your weapon significantly increases this indicator.
    • Extra Damage: Your character's characteristic called Knockdown determines the likelihood of putting your opponent on the ground during combat and varies by class. The extra damage on the weapon increases your chances of knocking over the enemy.
    • Additional MP (Additional MP): Equipping weapons increases the maximum MP.


    Armor levels are the same as weapons and follow the same rules. "Armor" here refers to all types and slots (metal, leather and cloth for the body, arms and legs).
    Basic armor stats are different from weapon stats, but they work in virtually the same way.

    • Defense Modifier: The characteristic of your character, called Defense, is the second most effective way to reduce damage (the first is "do not get hit"). The higher this value, the less damage you will receive. But seriously, don't get hit.
    • Balance Modifier: If you are not standing, you are not attacking. More importantly, you cannot get out of the way of attack if you cannot move. Not falling is a big deal. The higher this stat, the better you will feel.
    • Additional MP: Armor equipment increases the maximum MP.

    All the rest

    Jewelry cannot be crafted by yourself, but necklaces, rings and earrings alter your character's stats in the same way as weapons and armor. They rarely have special abilities, but the better they are, the more likely you will want to keep them for a while.

    • Necklaces and rings: Attack Modifier, Extra Damage and Additional MP (as on weapons)

    • Earrings: Defense Modifier, Balance Modifier and Additional HP (as in armor)

    Craft display stands

    Despite the fact that there are various rewards for collecting, if you already have one or more characters who replenish your bank with materials, you do not need to start a third (or eighth) character walking the same path. Also, if you are in a decent guild, you may have another bank overflowing with materials collected by others.
    To put it simply, if you don't want to go collecting but want to do crafts, then don't worry about it. You will need to borrow or buy raw materials and produce to raise your skill level for this perfect template.

    But what if you don't want to watch your character stand in front of a booth to earn a few hundred skill points? It turns out you don't have to. There are several ways TERA can help ease your pain.

    Stand elsewhere

    You don't have to wait to return to major cities to increase your crafting skill. If you have materials on hand, you can craft anywhere as long as you have a fire. Out of reagents? There is no need to stop the adventure. Vendors in all cities sell alchemical supplies.

    Sometimes spending time waiting for the necessary item to drop from the boss is not so much fun. The cool quest reward isn't strong enough for the next fight, and you don't feel safe chopping through a crowd of skeletons.

    And what should a traveler do? There are four ways to get the best gear in TERA: find it, earn it, make it, or buy it. The first of the two described cases are not the topic of today's conversation, so let's talk exactly about how to create equipment.

    How to craft?

    Despite the fact that any player can craft any item, not everyone is able to craft everything at once. Vendors in major cities have a large selection of blueprints, but rarer ones drop from monsters.

    In order to craft something, you will need time corresponding to your skill drawing, recycled materials, reagents (for making materials from collected raw materials) or parts (for making finished products).

    What can I craft?

    There are six different types of crafting in TERA - your characters can learn all of them at will. In addition to finding or buying blueprints and materials, you do not have to spend money on "pumping" crafting - you will even get a lot of experience during this process.

    Crafted items have some advantages over randomly dropped items. First, you always know what you will get. If you need a new set of swords, you will get it. Second, the level of the crafted item is usually higher than that of the one that will come to you as a quest reward or drop from a monster.

    In general, every five levels you will move up a level in equipment, so think about maximizing your combat potential as you level up. The ideal case is when the level of the weapon is equal to the level of its owner, and decreases as you progress.

    (Weapon Forging)

    You will use Weaponsmithing to create spears and shields, axes, dual and two-handed swords. Weaponsmithing uses recycled ingots, so learning how to process ore collected through Mining into something useful is an important part of crafting.

    Focus crafting

    For those of you looking to craft your own ranged weapons, you need to learn this skill. With Focus Crafting, bows, discs, scepters, and staves are created. At the same time, the energetic crystals collected by “Essence gathering” are combined or processed, turning into weapons of war.

    Lancer and Berserker characters wear heavy armor, gloves and leggings, so Armorsmithing is exactly what they need. Armorsmithing uses the same ingots as Weaponsmithing, but you will have to learn other recipes to upgrade your ingot skill.


    Characters in the Warrior, Slayer, and Archer classes wear leather armor, gloves, and boots made from recycled hides. "Leatherworking" is the only type of crafting that is not directly related to collection. Hides and skins only drop from slain enemies.

    (Sewing business)

    Sorcerer, Mystic, and Priest characters wear cloth clothing and shoes. You will need to use Plant gathering to gather materials, which will later be converted into fiber, used in the recipes for the Tailoring profession.


    Using this skill, your characters will be able to create consumable items such as potions, scrolls and dyes that will help them on their travels and also make them look beautiful. In addition to ingots and fibers, Alchemy uses special specialized materials, reworked from rare versions of collected items.


    The basics of crafting will help you dress at low levels, but you can create really cool things using runes. They can only be obtained from dropped loot. Runes are the magical glue that transforms your crafting projects into whatever the traveler desires. As the complexity of your blueprints increases, so will the type of runes. For better equipment you will need “greater” runes that fall from BAMs.

    Unified equipment theory

    All TERA equipment (crafted or otherwise) has a few things in common. When choosing equipment for crafting or wearing, you need to take into account your stats, the properties of the desired items, the number of slots for crystals that it possesses, as well as your level.


    Weapons are what all character classes need. You will always want to get your hands on the most powerful specimen that you can beg, buy or knock out of the monster. Like other equipment you carry, weapons are divided into tier tiers, with the most powerful weapons at the highest tier tier.

    Regardless of the stats, you should never carry weapons of a lower tier than the one you are using, although this does not mean that you must constantly improve it. At least not right away. If the low tier weapon you carry is better suited to your tier objectives, keep using it, especially if it has a special ability that you like. Just remember that if you carry a weapon for five or more levels, then in the end you will only have that special ability effective.

    The weapon has three universal characteristics, regardless of which class uses it.

    -Attack Modifier (attack modifier): Your character's attack stat determines how much base damage you do. Your weapon significantly increases it.
    -Extra Damage (Bonus Damage): Your character's "Knockdown" stat determines the frequency with which you knock the enemy to the ground during combat, it varies by class. Extra Damage on a weapon increases the chance of knocking the enemy down.
    -Additional MP (extra mana): When you equip a weapon, your maximum mana increases.


    Tier armor levels are the same as for weapons - they follow the same rules. The word "Armor" here refers to all its types and cells (metal, leather and fabric for the body, hands and feet).

    Basic armor abilities differ from weapons, but generally work the same.

    -Defense modifier (defense modifier): Your character's Defense is the second most effective way to reduce incoming damage (the first is to avoid hitting you). The higher its value, the less damage you will receive. But jokes aside - avoid getting hit on you.
    -Balance Modifier (balance modifier): If you are lying down, you cannot attack. More importantly, you cannot avoid attacks if you cannot move. The ability to avoid being knocked down is very important. The higher your Balance score, the better it will be for you.
    -Additional MP (extra mana): Equipping pieces of armor increases your maximum mana.

    All the rest

    Jewelry does not have a crafting skill, however necklaces, rings, and earrings also modify your character's stats in the same way as weapons with armor. They rarely have special abilities, but the better the item, the longer you will want to wear it.

    Necklaces and Rings: Attack Modifier, Extra Damage and Additional MP (same as for weapons).

    Earrings: Defense Modifier, Balance Modifier and Additional HP (same as for armor)

    Item level

    You probably already know that your equipment also has a level, and that two pieces of armor of the same type and tier level can have different stat values. The average of all of your gear is added to your gear score. This figure is largely meaningless, but it is sometimes taken into account when using the dungeon matching system. It acts as a guarantor that you do not waste your companions 'and yours' time in the dungeon, so you need a certain value of it in order to enter the dungeon through the selection system.

    If, however, you only want to go with your friends - or a group entirely made up of players from your world - you won't need to worry about the level of your items, although the appropriate equipment does not hurt.

    The art of crafting

    Despite the fact that gathering (gathering) has its own rewards, if one of your characters has already filled the bank with materials - you should not start downloading the third (or eighth) character in the same way. Plus, if you are a member of a decent guild, you have another bank full of materials collected by other players.

    Simply put, if you feel you don't like gathering but want to start crafting, you don't need to worry about it. Borrow or buy the rare materials you need and craft what you want.

    But what if you don't like seeing your characters hunched over a workbench trying to get a couple hundred skill points? It turns out that you can do without it. TERA offers several options to ease your suffering.

    Another way

    You don't have to wait to return to a major city to increase your crafting skill. If you have materials in your hands, you can craft wherever there is a campfire. Are you running out of reagents? There is no need to stop the journey - the merchants of all cities will sell you the necessary supplies for alchemy.


    The Argon Queen has amazing new Tier 14 gear. The great thing is that it can be crafted, and it belongs to the Bind of pickup category, so players like you are thinking about leveling up to the max. their crafting skills. In fact, the September 24 patch for TERA introduced over a hundred new crafting quests to help players meet this challenge.

    There are quests for all six professions - with their help you can raise your crafting to 350. Quests for crafting armor and weapons will help you to pump them up to a maximum value of 410.

    How to find crafting quests

    Crafting quests come in pairs: the former offers you a recipe that can be used in the latter. You can get the first quest through the crafting panel or message board in any city. Quests of the "guild hunting" category are placed on the same boards. Look for the blue exclamation mark on the map. In this quest, you will be sent to an NPC who will offer you a companion quest.

    The second quest is taken in the crafting process. The NPC will give you unique rare materials or sets needed for the recipe you just obtained. You will need to buy some additional materials from crafting merchants, use the crafting interface to craft 25 of the item, and then eventually give them away to complete the quest.

    As soon as you take any crafting quest - it is displayed in the quest logs of the "Zone Quests" panel. All quests for crafting levels 1 through 250 are shown in the "Crafting Support" section. Quests for crafting levels 250 and above are displayed in the "Your Masterful Support" section.

    To make it easier for you to recognize which quest is for which crafting, the names of the individual quests are listed with the craft and level in the table below.

    Crafting efficiency

    In order to find out how you can save time and money, let's do some calculations. Each pair of quests (except for the last one) covers 50 levels of the crafting skill. For each successfully created item, it is increased by several points. In crafting quests, you need to create 25 items. Therefore, it turns out that you will reach the skill limit before you finish the quest.

    To save time, you only need to craft 9 or 10 items required in the quest in order to reach the skill limit for this recipe. Then you can cancel the assignment and start another pair from the message board. In this case, you will lose quest rewards (maximum - 1.5 gold and 150,000 experience points), so you need to decide whether to cancel it.

    Talking about the money ... although the NPC gives you a lot of materials, you will have to buy some from the merchants yourself. If you are going to craft all 25 items to complete the quest, it will cost you from 2.5 to 19 gold coins. Crafting 9 or 10 items will save you over 60% of these costs (and more than enough will compensate you for the loss of quest rewards).

    However, some players know an even more cost effective route to level 250. If you collected rare materials during pumping, then you already have the lion's share of the materials needed to create ingots: ore, fiber or essence. To increase your crafting level from 1 to 50 - instead of spending 89 silver coins on your first questing craft - you can spend only 10 silver coins for a recipe for processing ore, fiber or essence, plus another 11 silver for 18 reagents required for to repeat the craft 9 times. If you only want to upgrade your crafting, then crafting from the collected materials already available will be much less costly than when completing crafting quests - until you level up the skill to 200. At this point, materials for nine crafting quests items will amount to approximately 7 gold coins - versus more than 9 gold coins for recycling collected materials. And at level 250, the materials collected will not increase your level at all.

    One more point regarding Leatherworking. Since the skins cannot be collected in the world just like that, collecting them is much more difficult. When crafting this way, your costs will increase significantly. If you don't have your own skins, Leatherworking crafting quests can be more profitable, saving you money and time.

    New quests are created to make leveling up crafting easier, but not cheaper.

    * if you already have collected materials


    It is always difficult for beginners. They are offended, disregarded and considered a burden. In an MMORPG, the situation is exactly the same. So, if you have just been accepted into the ranks of this MMO, then studying this guide will certainly add to your theoretical baggage of useful knowledge. So let's go.

    Pay attention to endurance.

    Stamina, or stamina, is extremely important in this game. This fact is often underestimated, preferring to pump the character's damage dealing skills, frivolously forgetting about this very stamina, which is extremely important here. The stamina gauge is at the bottom, just below the mana gauge, and is marked with a heart icon. Always monitor this parameter, trying not to lower it below 30%. If the level of stamina is higher, you will receive a bonus to the reserve of health and mana, and if this level drops, then many of your characteristics will be penalized. Most often, a decrease in the level of stamina occurs due to a prolonged fight or the death of a character.

    If there is no time to rest, but this parameter needs to be restored, then go to the inventory and use the item called "come fire". Press the right mouse button and restore vigor. If the "come fires" knocked out of the defeated mobs are not enough, then return to the city to the merchants and buy this "recovery" from them in as large quantities as possible. It is enough to stand with him for a little more than half a minute, and your energy will be restored. You can get a similar effect after resting in the city by one of the bonfires.

    Chat is the key to a comfortable game.

    Also, insufficient attention is paid to the game chat. In Tera Online, the chat can be customized to suit your needs. Click on the small, unobtrusive button above the chat and customize the look of the chat as you see fit. Change fonts, color, opacity, window size, etc. In addition to a useless but interesting demonstration of your emotional state, chat is perhaps useful for conveying information on objects and their characteristics, as well as for conveying various important coordinates. In general, use chat.

    Adjust the channels if you cannot find each other.

    A typical situation in Tera Online: friends entered the game, came to a specific, pre-agreed point, but still do not see each other, despite the fact that they are standing in the same place at the same time. Once the players check the server names and make sure they match, their confusion will only increase. And it's all about the channels: it's not enough to enter the game from one server, you also need to set up the channels in a special way in order to be able to play in cooperative mode. In Tera Online, each server has multiple channels. Open the corresponding menu located in the upper right corner. There you can switch to the desired channel. This technological innovation can be especially useful for those who suffer from high ping, as by switching options, you can find a less busy channel.

    Use the auction.

    The game has a highly interactive auction system. In order to take advantage of its benefits, you need to find a special NPC in the city called a trade broker. You can sell or buy the desired item from him. Go to the auction menu and adjust the filter, thereby removing items that are not of interest to you. If you need to get rid of an item, then click on the third tab, after which you will be taken to the sales menu. Drag the item you are ready to sell into the auction window and enter your desired price, remembering to include the commissions that the broker will have to pay.

    If you do not raise the price too much, then your product will definitely be bought, about which you will be notified by the system in the form of a special icon that will appear above the radar. If this happened, then you will be able to collect money for the goods sold by returning back to this very NPC, by going to the fourth tab. Right-click on the product and the money will be transferred to your wallet.

    A few words about donate.

    After the Tera Online project was transferred to the free-2-play model, a store appeared in the game, where everyone can, if desired, spend real money. To do this, press Alt and select the appropriate window in the menu that opens. When examining the product, pay special attention to the expiration date of the item, since some items are given not forever, but for a while. Right there you can get the opportunity to modify your character, so if you decide to skimp well, donate immediately in a large batch, because taking one time in bulk is always more profitable than several times at retail.

    Process mail.

    If someone wrote something to you, the corresponding icon will appear above the radar. Go to your mailbox and study the correspondence. To open some of the letters you will have to visit a banker NPC. At the same time, do not rush to empty the mailbox, because some letters may contain objects attached to the body of the letter.

    Professions and pumping.

    Tera Online will offer you six professions. You can't just kill mobs by investing experience points in pumping, say, tailoring or blacksmithing. You can upgrade a profession only through the appropriate activity: you create a potion - you download alchemy, you forge a heavy chain mail - you swing a corresponding profession, etc. Those. pumping is achieved through crafting, but for crafting itself you will need consumables that can be obtained both in battle and from various NPCs. But consumables are nothing without diagrams, patterns, blueprints and recipes. You will get them from NPC traders and mobs. The cooler the mob, the more useful the recipe it can drop.

    To learn the craft, get the desired recipe and right-click on the corresponding icon that appears above the radar. Naturally, the further you advance in leveling, the more consumables you will need.

    Strengthening the character.

    Sometimes you will come across crystals. They are of two types, like those pills in the Matrix: red and blue. These same crystals should be used to enhance your character. Blue ones need to be inserted into armor, and red ones - on weapons. Crystals are usually knocked out of mobs, but you can buy them. Naturally, it will not be possible to insert them into all weapons and not into all armor, but only into the one in which there are corresponding expansion slots. Crystals can also be conditionally divided by their improved characteristics: some will increase your efficiency in PvP battles, some will add damage to dungeon bosses, and some will be more effective against ordinary mobs. Therefore, before using crystals, read their description.

    Improving armor and weapons by sharpening.

    Naturally, for an MMORPG without the so-called. sharpening objects is just a parody of an RPG. Not everything that the eye can fall on should be sharpened. In order to find out whether an object is being sharpened or not, just hover over it and inspect the pop-up menu with a description. In particular, we are interested in the gray inscriptions. If they are present, then the thing is sharpened. Press "T" and see the menu for improving items. Place the item in a free slot, after which two more windows will open in front of you: in one, the destroyed item will be shown, and in the other (right) the ingredient required for improvement. We put everything on the shelves and get an improved item. Practice a little, choosing the right components, because sometimes sharpening can lead not to an improvement, but, on the contrary, to a deterioration in the characteristics of an object.

    Strengthening skills.

    You can also enhance skills in the game. This is done at the expense of the so-called. “Glyphs” that can be purchased from vendors. For a start, buy some simple "glyph", click on it with the right mouse button, and see a menu of characteristics that can be improved. To activate "glyphs", the number of skill points must exactly match the required amount for its activation.


    As you level up, the question of creating your own, or joining a ready-made guild will become acute. To create your own guild, you will need to visit the NPC Consul's office. He will put forward certain conditions for you that you must meet. You must have a certain amount of silver, your group must have at least one character, and the hero himself must be pumped to a certain level. If everything is in order, then you can come up with a name and coat of arms for your guild, and your companion must confirm consent to join the guild.

    After the guild is created, press "G" and examine the profile window. Here you can give orders, contact community members, assign and remove posts, and change the guild scheme.

    That's all. We hope this material was helpful to you.

    The crafting system in TERA Online is quite simple, but extensive at the same time. Here you will have to collect materials and purify them using reagents, then combine with some purchased parts and elements according to the recipe. To create clothes, you will need to collect fiber from plants, for metal - ore from rocks.
    Try your luck!

    Crafting Basics

    The crafting system in TERA Online is quite simple, but extensive at the same time. Here you will have to collect materials and purify them using reagents, then combine with some purchased parts and elements according to the recipe. To create clothes, you will need to collect fiber from plants, for metal - ore from rocks. And if you need to make some alchemical elements, you will have to extract energy from the fragments of crystals. You will have to use alchemy if you want to craft a weapon with increased focus. A drop from monsters can contain runes of two titans that endow items with magical properties:
    Runes of Shara - fill the weapon with Shar's power;
    Runes of Arun - Imbues the armor with Arun's power.
    For high-level weapons and armor, you'll also need Runes of Titans, which infuse items with the power of both titans.

    Any character can create any item, no matter what class the item is for. In the workshops (craft halls) in Velika, Allemantheia and Kaiator, you can purchase the main parts and any pieces you need. In the course of crafting, regardless of the final result, you level up your crafting skill, but successful crafting significantly speeds up the leveling process. Processing enough materials to craft multiple items can increase your crafting skill so much that you can craft those items yourself. Buy a recipe, research it, collect all the ingredients, and craft an item!

    Fine tuning

    To get the most out of your content, you need to know three things.
    First, you cannot buy the best recipes from the store. To find crafting recipes that teach you how to craft the rare and best items, you should kill monsters. If you are lucky enough to learn such a recipe, your abilities will be in great demand among other players.

    Second, you can get rid of things you don't need (intended for a different class, low level, and so on) by what is known as extraction. Extraction recipes available from major vendors will teach you how to decompose items into pieces and obtain rare materials from them. Are these slippers old? Disassemble them into parts from which you can make a new robe. Did you receive this custom ax as a quest reward? Break it down for steel!

    Well, and finally, enchantment. You can enchant all items that have been dropped from monsters. To enchant crafted items, you need to pre-configure them. For this setup, you need to visit the workshop and use the craft shop. If you enchant your item, you will get some benefit. After the setting of the item is done, you can enchant it anywhere and anytime.