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  • Hearthstone achievements and rewards. How can I earn gold in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft? Hidden Quests All Expert Set Cards

    Hearthstone achievements and rewards. How can I earn gold in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft? Hidden Quests All Expert Set Cards

    A quest in the Hearthstone game is a specific task, upon completion of which you will receive a reward. This is mainly gold, but sometimes you can get a unique card or even a pack.

    There are several types of tasks: daily and unique quests. Every day, after restarting the servers (1 am Moscow time), you will receive a new daily quest. You can see them in the "Task Log". Unique quests are secretive and can be at any time, you can find out about them only at the time of execution.

    Daily tasks (quests)

    The player receives daily quests every day at 1 am Moscow time (for the "Europe" server). New players also receive the quests "First Blood" and "Duelist", in the future these quests can no longer be obtained.

    Current daily quests can be viewed in the Quest Log. Each quest has its own name, reward and description. The most common quests for 40 gold, but you can also find a quest for 60 and 100 gold. Since May, the "Watch and Learn" quest has appeared, for its completion a "classic booster" is given.

    Quest replacement.

    Once a day, the player can replace the quest. A new quest will appear instead. All results of the old (replaced) quest are lost in the new quest. You can change the quest once a day.

    In total, you can have no more than three daily tasks. If you have reached this limit, other quests are lost.

    List of daily quests:

    Quest name Quest requirement Quest reward
    Victory by [hero # 1] or [hero # 2] win 2 games with [hero # 1] or [hero # 2] 40 gold
    Celebration by [hero # 1] or [hero # 2] win 5 games with [hero # 1] or [hero # 2] 60 gold
    Destroy everyone! Destroy 40 creatures 40 gold
    Only the strongest Play 20 creatures worth 5 or more mana 40 gold
    Blessed are the meek Play 30 creatures that cost 2 or less mana 40 gold
    Spell Master Play 30 spells 40 gold
    Knockdown Cause 100 damage to an enemy hero 40 gold
    Great start Win 7 games in any mode 100 gold
    3 wins Win 3 games with any hero 40 gold
    Watch and Learn Watch a friend's victory in spectator mode Booster "Classic"
    Come on, everyone here! Win 5 Brawl games 60 gold
    Druid's Victory Win 3 games as Druid 50 gold
    Hunter Victory Win 3 games as the Hunter 50 gold
    Mage Victory Win 3 games as the Mage 50 gold
    Paladin Victory Win 3 games as Paladin 50 gold
    Priest Victory Win 3 games as a Priest 50 gold
    Rogue Victory Win 3 games as Rogue 50 gold
    Shaman's Victory Win 3 games as Shaman 50 gold
    Warlock Victory Win 3 games as Warlock 50 gold
    Warrior Victory Win 3 games as Warrior 50 gold

    Combinations of heroes in quests.

    Unique tasks (quests)

    The game has several unique tasks, below is their list, description and reward. They cannot be completed a second time.

    Quest name Quest requirement Quest reward
    5 games in game mode Win five games in Game Mode 1 "classic" booster
    First blood Finish the game in game (or arena) mode 1 "classic" booster
    Duelist Play three games in Game (or Arena) mode 100 gold
    Level rise Reach level 10 with any hero 1 "classic" booster
    Time to tinker Spray the map 95 Arcane Dust
    Gladiator Enter the Arena free arena pass
    Arrrr! Collect all Pirate Cards (from the Classic Set) 2 regular Captain's Parrot cards
    Golden Arrrr! Collect all Gold Pirate Cards (from the Classic Set) 2 Gold Captain's Parrot Cards
    Mrglglglgl! Collect all Murlocs Cards (from the Classic Set) common legendary card "Old Darkeye"
    Golden Muggleglegle! Collect all Gold Murlocs (from the Classic Set) Gold Legendary Card "Old Dark Eye"
    Big win Win 100 games in any mode 300 gold.
    Complete superiority Win 1000 games in any mode 300 gold.
    Willingness number one! Unlock all heroes 100 gold.
    Defeat them all! Defeat Artificial Intelligence in Expert Mode 100 gold.
    Learn the basics Collect all cards from the base set 100 gold
    One each Collect all cards from the Classic set 100 gold
    You are a Legend! Reach Legend rank in ladder Back of Legend cards
    Golden Malfurion Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Malfurion Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Rexxar Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Rexxar Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Jaina Win 500 games in Jaina's game mode (ladder) Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Uther Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Uther Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Anduin Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Anduin Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Valeera Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) by Valira Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Thrall Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) by Thrall Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Gul'dan Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) by Gul'dan Golden portrait of a hero
    Golden Garrosh Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) by Garrosh Golden portrait of a hero

    If you have any questions about daily and hidden quests, write in the comments. The article is constantly being improved.

    Good day! In this resource, I would like to highlight the economics of the HearthStone game. Oddly enough, it is in the game, and when planning it, it allows you to most effectively replenish your collection of cards or accumulate gold for playing in the arena.

    Within the framework of this topic, 2 questions will be considered:

    • HearhStone Achievements;
    • Effective execution of daily tasks (daily quests).


    Today not a single game can do without achievements (achievements). Nice gifts and bonuses for certain game progress or for fulfilling special game conditions make the game even more enjoyable and interesting. Many players play only for the sake of obtaining achievements, as well as many games, especially casual ones, build their gameplay on the basis of obtaining achievements.

    In addition, achievements in HearthStone will allow you to get extra gold, dust, booster packs, and even rare cards that cannot be obtained through crafting.

    So, here is a table of achievements and bonuses for getting them:

    Attainment Reward
    Ready number 1 (unlock all heroes) 100 gold
    Learn the Basics (Collect All Cards in the Core Set) 100 gold
    Crush Them All (Win All AI Opponents at Expert Level 100 gold
    Big Win (Win 300 matches in any mode) 300 gold
    Total Dominance (Win 1000 matches in any mode) 300 gold
    Crafting Time (spray 1 card) 95 dust
    iComplect (play XC match on iPade) 1 booster (set of expert cards)
    Beta Hero (Available in Beta) Gelbin Mekkatorque Card (Gold)
    Golden Mrglglglglgl (Collect all Golden Murlocs) Old Darkeye Card (Gold)
    Golden Piastres (Collect all Golden Pirates) Captain's Parrot Card (Gold)
    Golden Hero (Win 500 Hero wins in Ranked Play Golden hero
    Good friends (play friendly matches) Friendly Card Back
    You are a legend (get a rank - "Legend" Legendary Card Back

    As a result, after completing the first 5 achievements, you can earn 900 gold, which is equivalent to 9 sets of cards. And by spraying 1 unnecessary (it is advisable to wait until you have the first extra (i.e. there will be more than 2 cards) simple expert card (with a white crystal on the card), you can get almost 100 dust - and these are: 2 simple expert cards and almost 1 (still need 5 dust) rare expert card.


    Every day at 4 a.m. Moscow time, you get one daily task (daily, daily in English) out of 25 possible (if you have two or fewer of them) and the ability to cancel any task once, receiving another one in return (a cross appears on the right top). Tasks are piled up to a maximum of three (that is, if you already have three tasks, then the fourth, fifth, etc. will be destroyed). Job cancellation options are not cumulative.

    This leads us to the next strategy:
    If possible, do not complete tasks for 40 gold, but cancel them. With a 38% probability you will receive a task for 60 gold, and with a 4% probability - for 100 gold.
    Never cancel 60 and 100 gold quests.
    Try not to complete tasks, but save up so that there are three of them, the most effective in gold and close to each other. When you have accumulated three tasks, if possible, cancel the inconvenient task for 40 coins in order to arrange tasks as close as possible to the class requirements.

    Example. Yesterday you deliberately did not complete the task and today received another task along with the option to cancel. For you, this means that you can now choose which one of the two jobs you can cancel (which gives you more choice to cancel). Today you again play so as not to complete tasks. Tomorrow you will have three tasks to choose from and the ability to cancel any of them.

    Thus, you have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 220 gold, a minimum of 180 in 3 days, instead of 120 in 3 days, but completing tasks every day for 40 gold.

    Complete list of tasks

    The task Reward (Gold)
    Great Start (Win 7 matches in any mode) 100
    Druid or Hunter Triumph (5 wins by Druid or Hunter) 60
    Druid or Rogue Triumph (5 wins by Druid or Rogue) 60
    Priest or Warlock Triumph (5 Victories by Priest or Warlock) 60
    Triumph of a mage or shaman (5 wins by a mage or shaman) 60
    Hunter or Mage Triumph (5 wins by hunter or mage) 60
    Paladin or Warrior Triumph (5 Paladin or Warrior wins) 60
    Triumph of a Paladin or Priest (5 wins by a Paladin or Priest) 60
    Rogue or Warrior Triumph (5 Rogue or Warrior wins) 60
    Triumph of a shaman or warlock (5 wins by a shaman or warlock) 60
    Blessed are the Meek (Play 40 creatures for 2 mana or less) 40
    Destroy everyone! (Destroy 40 creatures) 40
    Spell Master (Play 40 Spells) 40
    Knockdown (Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes) 40
    Druid or Hunter Victory (2 Druid or Hunter Victories) 40
    Druid or Rogue Victory (2 Druid or Rogue Victories) 40
    Priest or Warlock Victory (2 Priest or Warlock victories) 40
    Mage or Shaman Victory (2 Wins by Mage or Shaman) 40
    Hunter or Mage Victory (2 Hunter or Mage wins) 40
    Paladin or Warrior Victory (2 Paladin or Warrior Victories) 40
    Paladin or Priest Victory (2 Paladin or Priest Victories) 40
    Rogue or Warrior wins (2 Rogue or Warrior wins) 40
    Shaman or Warlock Victory (2 Shaman or Warlock Victories) 40
    Only the strongest (Play 20 creatures for 5 mana or more) 40
    Three victories! (Win 3 matches with any class) 40

    And some more tricks ...

    Fast decks

    Use rush and aggro decks to play more games in less time. This way, if you don't always win, you can save time and earn more gold.

    Low rating game

    You can deliberately lower the rating to play with weaker opponents. In normal play, you may also encounter Legend ranked players testing a new deck. So playing at a low rating to earn gold is more efficient.

    Play in the arena

    Yes, the arena is a lottery. Everything here depends 90 percent on luck, but with constant play, you will be able to consistently make 3-5 wins, and this in most cases covers and sometimes pays for (at least 7 wins) the cost of entering the Arena, and in addition to gold, you will receive pleasant bonuses in the form of dust and sometimes even a gold card.

    Hope this guide will help you accumulate gold faster and become a more successful HS player !!!

    Gold is the main game currency in Hearthstone, thanks to which you can buy card sets, both basic and from the "Goblins and Dwarfs" expansion, as well as purchase arena passes.

    There is no denying that if you just started playing Hearthstone, then you want to quickly get as many game cards as possible in order to create your own invincible decks. That is why many players ask the question "How to earn gold in Hearthstone?" and today we will tell you absolutely all the ways to get in-game gold as quickly as possible!

    How do you earn gold?

    There are several ways to get precious coins in Hearthstone at once - completing daily tasks, winning battles with other players, rewards for battles in the arena, as well as one-time rewards for completing in-game achievements. Let's take a closer look at each of the ways to get gold!

    Getting gold for completing daily tasks

    Daily Quests, or in Hearthstone slang - daily quests are one of the easiest ways to fill your treasury with sparkling coins! Every day you will be given one task in random order (provided that you enter the game), which must be completed. At the same time, the task itself and the reward for its completion may differ.

    The daily tasks in Hearthstone themselves are divided into 4 price categories - 40, 60, 100 gold or 1 set of cards. Below you can see the complete list of game tasks and find the ones that will suit you.

    In addition, once a day you can replace one task that you think is too difficult or not suitable for you by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner. Do not worry, this way you do not get rid of the task, but only replace it.

    It is important to remember that the maximum allowable number of tasks is 3 cells, if you do not complete them on time, you will not receive new tasks, which means you will lose the opportunity to get game gold!

    Druid or Hunter Victory Win 2 games with Druid or Hunter 40 gold
    Druid or Rogue Victory Win 2 games with Druid or Rogue 40 gold
    Hunter or Mage victory Win 2 games with Hunter or Mage 40 gold
    Mage or Shaman victory Win 2 games with a Mage or Shaman 40 gold
    Priest or Paladin Victory Win 2 games with Priest or Paladin 40 gold
    Paladin or Warrior victory Win 2 games with Paladin or Warrior 40 gold
    Priest or Warlock victory Win 2 games as a Priest or Warlock 40 gold
    Rogue or Warrior Victory Win 2 games with Rogue or Warrior 40 gold
    Druid or Hunter's Triumph Win 5 games with a Druid or Hunter 60 gold
    Druid or Rogue Triumph Win 5 games with a Druid or Rogue 60 gold
    Triumph of the Hunter or Mage Win 5 games with Hunter or Mage 60 gold
    Triumph of the Mage or Shaman Win 5 games with a Mage or Shaman 60 gold
    Priest or Paladin's celebration Win 5 games with a Priest or Paladin 60 gold
    Triumph of the Paladin or Warrior Win 5 games with Paladin or Warrior 60 gold
    Priest or Warlock's celebration Win 5 games as a Priest or Warlock 60 gold
    Rogue or Warrior celebration Win 5 games with Rogue or Warrior 60 gold
    Three victories! Win 3 matches with any class 40 gold
    Great start Win 7 matches of any class 100 gold
    Destroy them all Destroy 40 enemy creatures 40 gold
    Only the strongest Play 20 creatures for 5 mana or more 40 gold
    Blessed are the meek Play 40 creatures for 2 mana or less 40 gold
    Spell Master Play 40 spells 40 gold
    Knockdown Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes 40 gold

    Victories in battles with other players

    Another way to get gold in Hearthstone is by playing with other players. For every 3 victories, you are guaranteed to receive 10 units of gold, which is a nice bonus to your games. At the same time, you do not have to win 3 games in a row, the only limitation is that the maximum possible number of gold for battles is 100 coins per day.

    That is why we recommend that you combine games with other players and daily tasks. For example, if you received the task "Triumph of the Mage or Shaman" - try to play with a deck of one of these classes. Then the chance to get additional gold for victories, as well as to complete the daily task, increases significantly!

    Getting gold in the arena

    The Hearthstone arena is perhaps the best way not only to earn gold, but also to expand your collection of cards, as well as increase your playing skills. We will talk about the arena in more detail in a separate article, but for now, let's focus specifically on getting gold in arena battles.

    The arena pass is paid and is 150 game coins or $ 1.99. Regardless of your result of battles in the arena, you are guaranteed to receive 1 set of cards from the "Goblins and Dwarves" expansion. But the best part is that the better you fight in the arena, the more attractive your reward will be!

    In order to recoup your investment for the arena pass, namely 150 gold, you need to make 5 victories, which is not so difficult to do. And don't forget the fact that the arena will allow you to improve your playing skills, to better understand the mechanics of Hearthstone and to familiarize yourself with cards that are not yet in your collection.

    Arena rewards table depending on the number of your victories:



    Possible reward

    0 Newbie 25-30 gold / dust
    1 Apprentices 30-50 gold / dust
    2 Mercenary 40-50 gold / dust
    3 Bronze 30 gold, 25/30 gold / dust
    4 Silver 45-60 gold, 25 gold / dust
    5 Gold 55 gold, 55 gold / dust
    6 Platinum 75 gold, 55 gold / dust
    7 Diamond 150-180 gold, 25 dust
    8 Champion 150-220 gold, 25-50 dust
    9 Ruby 150-300 gold, 25-70 dust
    10 Frosty 150-350 gold, 25-75 dust
    11 Lava 150-485 gold, 25-90 dust
    12 Light 150-525 gold, 25-90 dust and / or additional card booster

    Remember that rewards in the arena can be not only gold, but also dust, card sets or cards in a single copy. But for now, this is the best way to get gold in Hearthstone!

    Achievement rewards (Hearthstone achievements)

    To make it easier for beginners to get used to the world of Hearthstone, the game developers have introduced achievements that can be earned only once. But every achievement you complete will be pretty generously rewarded.


    The purpose of the assignment


    First blood Complete a match in game mode 1 pack of cards
    Duelist Play 3 matches in game mode 100 gold
    New level Reach level 10 with any class 100 gold
    Time to tinker Spray the map 95 Arcane Dust
    Gladiator Enter the Arena 1 free Arena
    Piastres Collect all pirate cards 2xCaptain's Parrot
    Golden piastres Collect all Gold Pirate Cards 2x Golden Captain's Parrot
    Mrglglglgl! Collect all Murloc Cards Old Grimeye
    Golden Mrglglglgl! Collect all Golden Murloc Cards Golden Old Grimeye
    Big win Win 100 matches in any mode 300 gold
    Complete superiority Win 1000 matches in any mode 300 gold
    Willingness number one Unlock all heroes 100 gold
    Beta Hero For help testing the store Gelbin Megatorque
    Crush them all !!! Defeat all AIs at expert level 100 gold
    Learn the basics Collect all base cards 100 gold
    One each Collect all Expert Kit cards 100 gold

    Try to complete all tasks as quickly as possible, this will allow you to get a faster start in the game and, of course, increase your reserves of gold, which you have to spend wisely, but more on that below.

    How to quickly accumulate gold in Hearthstone?

    Let's assume that you are just starting your journey to Legendary rank. How to quickly and easily earn gold in the game? We offer you the following tactics for starting gold farming:

    Once you complete the game tutorial, continue to fight the Mage with other players in the normal game mode, or start training with bots.

    By unlocking all 9 class heroes, you are guaranteed to receive 100 gold. At the same time, for every 3 victories you get another 10 gold (by opening all the heroes in the game mode, you make 8 victories, make another one), in total in your treasury already 130 gold.

    Since you are playing in the normal game mode and have already made 3 victories, you unlock the achievement "Duelist", which brings you another 100 gold, and the total fund is 230 gold coins.

    Now you can fight bots in expert mode and after defeating all 9 classes, you will receive a new achievement that will bring you another 100 gold. Now you have 330 gold.

    Most likely you have already reached level 10 as a Mage, for which you began your journey in the world of Hearthstone, which means another 100 additional coins and total 430 gold.

    It remains only to get level 10 with all classes in order to replenish gold reserves for another 100 coins and bring your treasury to 530 gold... In addition, since you will be making victories, you will receive 10 more gold for every 3 matches won, thus your total fund will be 600-700 gold.

    Well, now we go to the arena, study the mechanics of the game, open better keys for victories and get more valuable rewards!

    Players who do not want to spend all their free time all day long, earning in anyfree -2- play game internal currency, usually buy whatever they want for real currency. But most sharewareMMO extremely gluttonous and how many of them are not fed, they are always hungry, and if they are full, then not for long. It is quite acceptable to pay (donate) for what you likef 2 p -game the amount comparable to the purchase of a collector's edition of any game of the corresponding class. If we are talking about a high-budget, interesting and excitingMMO , then pouring 3-6 thousand rubles into it is not a sin, only on condition that you really really liked it. You also need to take into account that such an amount will not make you an invincible player and will not allow you to get all the advantages, which means you need to invest it on time. When? At the very beginning - early, you still don't know if the game will catch on and you have no idea what it is better to invest in to make it worthwhile. But it is also not worth delaying, because it is better to get advantages in the early stages. INHearthstone I would recommend opening the Curse of Naxxramas dungeon for 1500 rubles all five fragments. Well, then - we play, study, collect decks, open all the characters, complete quests. It is by completing quests that we can earn gold, which we will subsequently spend on purchasing new sets of cards and the right to participate in battles in the arena. Quests are daily - everything is obvious with them and they are very simple to complete (in most cases these are just tasks to win a couple of battles, playing for a certain class of hero). Quests that are completed once bring more gold. This means that their implementation should not be postponed indefinitely. The more strong cards you open, the stronger your decks will be and, as a result, it will become easier for you to win, this will happen more often, and you will be able to earn gold from victories on a regular basis.

    Quests completed once (hidden quests):

    First Blood - Complete the game on Game Mode \u003d Reward 1 Classic Card Pack

    Duelist - play 3 games in Game mode \u003d 100 gold reward

    Level Up - Reach Level 10 With Any Character Class \u003d Reward 1 Set Of Classic Cards

    Crafting time - spray 1 card \u003d 95 units reward. arcane dust

    Arrrrr! - collect all the classic set pirate cards \u003d 2 captain parrot cards

    Golden Arrrrr! - Collect all the Classic Bundle Gold Pirate Cards \u003d 2 Gold Captain Parrot Cards

    Mrlmrlmrl! - Collect all the classic set Murloc Cards \u003d Old Murloc Eye Card

    Golden Mrlmrlmrl! - Collect all Gold Murloc Cards in the Classic Set \u003d Gold Old Murloc Eye Card

    Chick - Win 100 matches in any mode \u003d 300 gold

    Do you like our site? Your reposts and ratings are the best praise for us!

    You can play Hearthstone without investing real money. By effectively distributing in-game gold and arcane dust, you will get the cards you need faster. In this guide, we will show you several ways to increase your gold reserves, which will help both beginners (more efficiently start playing) and experienced players (you may learn something new about gold mining in the game).

    • Completing daily tasks (daily quests);
    • Performing unique tasks;
    • Game mode wins;
    • Playing in the Arena.

    2 Daily quests (daily quests)

    Every day you get 1 new daylik, which will be stored in your Quest Log. You can accumulate these tasks up to 3, but after that you will not receive new tasks (until you complete at least 1 of the 3 tasks).

    Daily rewards range from 40 to 100 gold. They can be completed both in game mode and in the Arena. With a few exceptions (daily 100 gold), you cannot complete these tasks while fighting with friends or against AI.

    Once a day, you can replace one of the tasks you did not like, replacing it with another (randomly selected) in the Quest Journal. We do not advise you to refuse quests for 60 or more gold. the chance of their falling out is rather low.

    Here is a list of all the daily deals so far:

    Job name

    What should be done


    Druid or Hunter VictoryWin 2 games with Druid or Hunter40 gold
    Druid or Rogue VictoryWin 2 games with Druid or Rogue40 gold
    Hunter or Mage victoryWin 2 games with Hunter or Mage40 gold
    Mage or Shaman victoryWin 2 games with a Mage or Shaman40 gold
    Priest or Paladin VictoryWin 2 games with Priest or Paladin40 gold
    Paladin or Warrior victoryWin 2 games with Paladin or Warrior40 gold
    Priest or Warlock victoryWin 2 games as a Priest or Warlock40 gold
    Rogue or Warrior VictoryWin 2 games with Rogue or Warrior40 gold
    Druid or Hunter's TriumphWin 5 games with a Druid or Hunter60 gold
    Druid or Rogue TriumphWin 5 games with a Druid or Rogue60 gold
    Triumph of the Hunter or MageWin 5 games with Hunter or Mage60 gold
    Triumph of the Mage or ShamanWin 5 games with a Mage or Shaman60 gold
    Priest or Paladin's celebrationWin 5 games with a Priest or Paladin60 gold
    Triumph of the Paladin or WarriorWin 5 games with Paladin or Warrior60 gold
    Priest or Warlock's celebrationWin 5 games as a Priest or Warlock60 gold
    Rogue or Warrior celebrationWin 5 games with Rogue or Warrior60 gold
    Three victories!Win 3 matches with any class40 gold
    Great startWin 7 matches of any class100 gold
    Destroy them allDestroy 40 enemy creatures40 gold
    Only the strongestPlay 20 creatures for 5 mana or more40 gold
    Blessed are the meekPlay 40 creatures for 2 mana or less40 gold
    Spell MasterPlay 40 spells40 gold
    KnockdownDeal 100 damage to enemy heroes40 gold

    3 Unique Hearthstone Quests

    Unique quests offer you a good reward, but you can only complete them once. Here is a list of all the unique quests in the game:

    Job name

    What should be done


    First bloodComplete a match in game mode1 pack of cards
    DuelistPlay 3 matches in game mode100 gold
    New levelReach level 10 with any class100 gold
    Time to tinkerSpray the map95 Arcane Dust
    GladiatorEnter the Arena1 free Arena
    PiastresCollect all pirate cards2xCaptain's Parrot
    Golden piastresCollect all Gold Pirate Cards2x Golden Captain's Parrot
    Mrglglglgl!Collect all Murloc CardsOld Grimeye
    Golden Mrglglglgl!Collect all Golden Murloc CardsGolden Old Grimeye
    Big winWin 100 matches in any mode300 gold
    Complete superiorityWin 1000 matches in any mode300 gold
    Willingness number oneUnlock all heroes100 gold
    Beta HeroFor help testing the storeGelbin Megatorque
    Crush them all !!!Defeat all AIs at expert level100 gold
    Learn the basicsCollect all base cards100 gold
    One eachCollect all Expert Kit cards100 gold

    4 Wins in Game Mode

    3 wins in game mode will give you 10 gold, so you can get a maximum of 100 gold per day. This limitation applies only to the game mode i.e. you can still get extra. gold from daily or Arena.

    5 Playing in the Arena

    Playing in the arena costs 150 gold (or $ 1.99 / 66 rubles). Regardless of the result, you will receive a card booster from each Arena. It is best to invest the gold you earn into playing in the Arena, and not buying boosters. If you are able to make 5 or more wins on, the booster will get you "for free", besides, you will receive more gold. In addition, playing the Arena will improve your understanding of the basics of the game, the mechanics of the various classes, and expand your knowledge of most maps. By becoming the best player in the Arena, you will be able to get more from this game mode, which ultimately means "inexhaustible" gold supply.

    Below we provide a list of possible rewards depending on your success in the Arena. In addition to the listed rewards, you will receive a card booster, and there is also a chance to drop a random card (gold or regular, depending on the number of victories). Each time you receive an additional card, the gold reward will decrease. When we talk about a combination of gold / dust, it means that the value of these rewards is not fixed. For example, if it says that you will receive 50 gold / dust, this means that the reward can be:

    • 50 gold / 0 dust;
    • 50 dust / some gold;
    • 20 gold / 30 dust, etc.

    Please note that each victory modifies the key with which you subsequently open your reward.

    Number of wins


    Possible reward

    0 Newbie25-30 gold / dust
    1 Apprentices30-50 gold / dust
    2 Mercenary40-50 gold / dust
    3 Bronze30 gold, 25/30 gold / dust
    4 Silver45-60 gold, 25 gold / dust
    5 Gold55 gold, 55 gold / dust
    6 Platinum75 gold, 55 gold / dust
    7 Diamond150-180 gold, 25 dust
    8 Champion150-220 gold, 25-50 dust
    9 Ruby150-300 gold, 25-70 dust
    10 Frosty150-350 gold, 25-75 dust
    11 Lava150-485 gold, 25-90 dust
    12 Light150-525 gold, 25-90 dust and / or additional card booster

    6. Better start to playing Hearthstone

    After completing the training, you need to focus on completing Unique assignments.

    • 1. Get a level 10 mage. This will give you 100 gold.
    • 2. Unlock each class (defeat them in game mode or fight against the AI). This will give you 100 more gold.
    • 3. Achieve level 10 with all classes. This will give you another 100 gold, and you will also unlock all base class cards.
    • 4. Defeat all bots at the expert level. This will give you 100 more gold.
    • 5.Play 3 matches in game mode. This will give you 100 gold and a card booster.
    • 6. Go to the Arena. The first game in the Arena will be free.

    From now on, from reliable sources of gold, you will only have the Game Mode and the Arena. It is best to spend the accumulated gold in the Arena, but in order not to play the most efficiently, we recommend you.

    The PVP mode can give you up to 100 gold per day, but you need to win at least 30 matches, which can take you a long time. The best way to earn gold in this mode is by using aggro decks. they are much faster and more accessible.

    On our website, you can find basic decks for each of the classes in the game. You can use them to get started, and with experience you can build your own playable decks.