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  • Legends and truth. The number of the Old Gods

    Legends and truth. The number of the Old Gods

    When the Titans arrived in Azeroth, they faced a hostile force - the elementals and their masters - the Old Gods. The war for Azeroth has begun: between the Titans and the Old Gods. The armies were led by their main servants:

    Ragnaros the Firelord.

    This powerful fire elemental was banished to the Elemental Plane after the fall of the old gods. But many years later, during the war of the three hammers, Thaurissan summoned him in the hope that the powerful Lord Elemental would help him. But Thaurissan died, and Ragnaros hid in the Molten Core of Blackrock Mountain. Later he joined Deathwing.

    Terazana Stone Mother

    Lord of the earth, mud, rocks and mountain ranges. She is worshiped by earth elementals and all underground creatures. It is believed that she is Mother Earth, who is so revered by the tauren.
    After the war with the Titans, in which she fought on the side of the Old Gods, she was burned along with the rest of the elemental in the Elemental Plane. Unlike the other two Elemental Lords, she did not side with the Earth Aspect.

    Neptulon Tide Hunter

    He is worshiped by all the water elementals. He is the master of all waters, be it a stream or an ocean. Mariners who entered his domain without special permission will know the fate of imminent death.

    Al "Akir Lord of the Wind

    Weakest of the four elemental lords. His world, the Heavenly Heights is the sky above the Abode of the Elements, which is in contact with all the other elements. His mood changes as quickly as the weather.
    Al "Akira is revered by air elementals and all winged creatures. He himself says that he knows about any air spell, wherever in the universe he is not conjured - and, although this seems to be true, he himself rarely takes part in magic, only if sorcery is not affects him personally He is one of two Lords to join the Aspect of Earth.

    The Pantheon destroyed most of the enemy's strongholds and divided the three Gods. Without the support of their overlords, the elementals were defeated and banished to the Elemental Plane. There are no chronicles of that war, and if they were, they were lost forever. After the victory, the Titans established that the Old Gods are part and possibly the foundation of Azeroth itself and the destruction of the DB will entail the destruction of Azeroth. Therefore, the Old Gods were imprisoned. The exact number of the Old Gods is unknown. Someone says that there are five of them, and who claims that there are 4. It is assumed that one was killed - his remains are in Darkshore, at the Sword of the Ruler .. Also, one Old God was killed in the Valley of Tirisfal. Of the remaining, Azeroth knows the names of only two.

    To "Tun

    When the war was lost, defeated but not destroyed, he hid in the depths of the Silithus desert. For many years he slept and watched. He saw the invasion of the Legion. And he was still making plans. He discovered the primitive Silithid race and saw in these arachnids suitable servants who could restore his power and destroy other rebellious creatures. Therefore, he endowed them with the ability to think and endowed with part of his power. This is how the terrifying Qiraji race was born, and their ancient city, An'Qiraj, was located in Silithus, in the far south of Kalimdor, and was the capital of a huge empire ruled by the twin emperors Vek'Nilash and Vek'Lor.

    After K "Tun waited thousands of years, until his children finally created an army capable of revenge on all of Kalimdor. The Titans left and only the Caldorei could defend themselves. Soon all Silithus was invaded by the Silithids and the night elf army was thrown through the crater of Un" Goro, to the desert Tanaris. But with the help of the dragons, the Silithid armies were driven back. There the insurmountable Scarab Wall of rocks, roots and stones arose.


    After the war, Yogg-Saron was imprisoned in Ulduar and the Guardians were put on his guard: Loken, Thorim, Hodir, Mimiron and Freya. Gradually, their will was broken and they were enslaved. The first to fall was Loken, the warden of the prison. he was seduced by the whispers of Yogg-Saron. The last to fall was Thorim, deceived by his brother and the prison's curator Loken. Yogg-Saron's whispers also played a role in Garona's betrayal of King Llane, which marked the fall of Stormwind and the end of the First War.

    This Octopus-like Old God is responsible for the corruption that covered the Grizzly Hills and the destruction of Nordrassil. When the roots of a mighty tree pierced the walls of his dungeon, Yogg-Saron infected him. The Druids destroyed the tree as soon as they learned of its illness, but the corruption continued to spread and infected the Greymaw furbolgs, who later populated the remnants of Vordrassil and tried to grow it again. The Furbolgs used corrupted wood magic to resurrect Ursoc, the bear god, who was also corrupted.

    Traces of the Old God can be found throughout Northrend. This is his blood - saronite. His minions, the Faceless, live in An "Kakhet and other buildings of the nerubians. They serve him faithfully, such as General Vezax.

    Worship of the Old Gods.

    The will of the DB prisoners breaks through Azeroth and enslaves some of its inhabitants. Thus, the most famous cult of DB ministry was created - the Twilight's Hammer. At first, the orc clan, not related to the DB, became not only orcish. It consists of both dwarves and people and orcs and trolls. Representatives of many races of Azeroth serve as DB.


    Although the DBs were defeated with their fate, they did not accept. An evil will seeps into Azeroth and leaves noticeable and fatal traces in the history of the world. It is they who are to blame for the clouding of the mind of Neltharion, the Aspect of the Earth. It is they who, judging by the "War of the Ancients" trilogy, created a temporary vortex and imprisoned Nozdormu in it. They are responsible for the origin of the Emerald Nightmare. The curse of the flesh, the rise of the Qiraji, the assassination of King Llane, the desecration of Nordrassil are all traces of the Old Gods.

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    The evil and cruel Old Gods unhindered sowed chaos in Azeroth, but were overthrown and doomed to eternal imprisonment in the depths of the planet. This measure partially eliminated the influence of evil forces on our world, but did you know that the Old Gods had the opportunity to free themselves? No, this is not about the An "Qiraji War! I am talking about the War of the Ancients. Broxigar, Rhonin and Krasus fell into the past due to a time anomaly and saw the world as it was 10,000 years ago, when the night elves were considered the supreme race of Azeroth. The gods created this anomaly to change the course of events and free them from prison, and they needed a portal strong enough to summon Sargeras to rescue them.

    However, the time anomaly has completely rewritten history. The War of the Ancients, which took place without the participation of Broxigar, Rhonin and Krasus, no longer existed - it gave way to the War of the Ancients, in which these characters fell. Confused? Let's explain with an example. In the original War of the Ancients, Houndmaster Hakkar survived and took part in the Third War. In the War of the Ancients, with the participation of Broxigar, Rhonin and Krasus, Hound Hakkar was killed by Malfurion, and from that moment the events developed according to a fundamentally new scenario. Initially, Rhonin and Krasus did not want to interfere with the world around them. They feared a negative impact on the future. At some point, Ronin thought about killing Broxigar so that he would not do a lot of things, but, fortunately, he quickly realized that this would not help anyone. As a result, Broxigar, Ronin and Krasus intervened in the war and contributed to the victory ...

    Now you know that the anomaly was created by the Old Gods, and without the intervention of guests from the future, Sargeras would have come to Azeroth and freed the great evil, but it is worth noting that the Old Gods were striving not only for freedom. Their ultimate goal was ... the assassination of Sargeras and complete control of the Burning Legion. Before the release of the book "World of Warcraft: Chronicle", fans had a long debate about who is still stronger - the Old Gods or the Titans, and many were inclined to the first option. As an argument, the fact was cited that it took several titans at once to defeat one and only Old God, so together they could easily deal with Sargeras. The Titans seemed weak and defenseless to the Gods, and Sargeras, as one of them, did not pose much of a threat. Surely you, too, have heard the suggestion that if the Old Gods were free, Sargeras would have prayed for mercy. This suggestion was made by Krasus, who pondered the future of Azeroth after the coming of Sargeras.

    And it sounded creepy, because in those days, Sargeras was far from weak. Krasus also said that if all dragons, including Deathwing and his kin, united against the fallen titan, they would still have no chance of victory. According to him, if all the demons of the Burning Legion passed through the portal to Zin-Azshari and attacked Azeroth without Sargeras, the dragons would have a better chance of winning than fighting Sargeras alone. In short, he was incredibly strong, and I think the point is clear - the Old Gods were confident in their strength, since they expected to get their hands on the entire Burning Legion along with Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and other demons. However, in the "Chronicles" we see that the titans are not warriors at all who fight the Old Gods on a physical level, as one would think looking at the old art. Titans are larger than planets and may well defeat any Old Gods.

    When Sargeras lost his faith and betrayed the Pantheon, he found a world similar to Azeroth, with its Old Gods, but unlike the Pantheon, which carefully cleansed Azeroth and restored its original state, Sargeras resolved the issue radically. He simply destroyed the world along with all the inhabitants - gods, masters of terror and a titan that was born in the bowels of the planet. However, in the original story, the Old Gods were very powerful and poised to take over the Burning Legion. Today it is believed that the titans can literally deal with the gods with two fingers (I mean the death of E'Sharaj - Aman'Tul pulled him out of the earth and tore him apart). I like both versions, but for some reason I am more willing to believe in the story told in the Chronicle. We fought K'Tun and Yogg-Saron and were able to send them back to the prisons. It is unlikely that 10, 25 or 40 mortals could defeat the Old God, Of course, during the years of imprisonment, their powers were extinguished, even in this case, the old version, according to which the free Old God could kill titans left and right, including Sargeras, to put it mildly, is not viable.

    8. Names of Gods

    All the names of the Old Gods were inspired by the characters in the books of Lovecraft. Ktun is named after Cthulhu, Yogg-Saron after Yog-Sothoth, Isharaj is named after Shub-Niggurat, and Nzoth was probably named after the character Nyogt.

    7. Dark Empire

    Going back to the times when the Old Gods ruled over Azeroth, you need to know that they created the Dark Empire at that time, it was the first such civilization in the world. They were ruled by the Gods, however, the order was kept by the lieutenants.

    6. Defeat the Old Gods

    The Old Gods thrive solely on chaos and anarchy. They are incredibly strong and powerful, so they can only be defeated with the help of the titans. I had to use 21 stone giants in order to defeat the servant of the Old Gods - Soggoth.

    5. Blade of the Empire

    In the current expansion, Legion, Priests of Darkness have the opportunity to obtain a legendary item called Xalatat, Blade of the Black Empire. The blade is said to be forged from the claw of an Old God. He has a will of his own, and his strength allows him to exude powerful energy, summoning tentacles.

    4. Curse of the Flesh

    Yogg-Saron became close to the players at the moment when he became the target of the raid, although our task was to kill him, he constantly whispered something to us, reminders of the most important events of World of Warcraft. It is he who is responsible for the Curse of Flesh, due to which many of the creatures of the titans completely changed their appearance, turning only into a pathetic likeness of themselves.

    3. I'sharaj

    Killing an Old God can destroy and consume the earth, however killing most of them can destroy everything we know and love. When Y'Sharaj was killed, the lands were mutilated. The Klaxxi tell stories about how they lived in the shadow and greatness of the great Ancient God.

    2. Akiri

    Akir was a race of insects that united into one empire. Their empire consisted of the Qiraji, Nerubians, and other insects that served the Old Gods. Their Empire was divided due to the war between the Akirs and the Trolls, who wanted to exterminate all life in Kalimdor. As a result of many wars, the nerubians fled to the north, and the Qiraji to the south.

    1. War of the Ancients

    The War of the Ancients, the events of which are described in the game, are actually rewritten and differ from the original battles.

    Initially, the Old Gods tried to achieve a distortion of time and space in order to escape from their prisons, because of this, anomalies were created. Shamans of the Horde were sent to investigate these anomalies. This explains many things, for example, Broxigar's falling into the past.

    »Section: 1. Classes

    Old Gods

    The Old Gods are some of the most powerful beings that Azeroth has ever inhabited. Nobody knows their true names and nature. It is only known that there were five of them. Four elemental lords were their servants. The Titans, having come to the future, in order to build a normal world in it, could not do this, since the Old Gods were against it. A war of cosmic proportions has begun.
    The Elemental Lords were Ragnaros (fire), Neptulon (water), Al'Akir (air), and Ferazan (earth). Though incredibly powerful by mortal standards, they were easily defeated. By combined forces, the Titans defeated each of the Old Gods. There was also a one-on-one battle between the titan and the Old God, who would later be called K "tun. The fight ended in a draw, both K" tun and the titan were defeated (but it is not known whether the titan died). Until the end, the titans could not kill all the Old Gods. After destroying the citadels of the Old Gods, they bound them underground in Azeroth. The Titans killed one in five. Part of his body sticks out of the ground, pierced by a sword
    titanium. K "tun was also badly wounded. Without the power of their masters, the elementals were disembodied and trapped in the Elemental Plane of Azeroth, where they fought among themselves.

    After the defeat of the Old Gods, the chaos in Azeroth ended and the Titans began building the world. However, not all Old Gods were finally defeated. Three of them, after the departure of the Titans, were able to establish a connection with Azeroth. They made various plans for their release. Telepathically, the Old Gods could communicate with the various inhabitants of Azeroth in order to manipulate them for their own purposes. So they connected with the then young race of tauren, one of the first mortal races of Azeroth. They taught the tauren how to hunt the stag demigod Malorne (Cenarius' father). The tauren hunted Malorne and nearly captured him, but Elune saved the demigod.

    To "tun

    The defeated K Tun fell into the barren lands of Silithus. He fell, but did not die.
    K "tun was in such a state of millennia, saw the change of the world, the birth and death of races, the invasion of the Burning Legion, but he did not stay idle, but created a plan to revive his power.
    In the desert into which he fell, K "tun found primitive life forms known as the Silithids. The Old God created personifications from the Silithids in his own image - Kiraji. And the Silithid race itself was developed and on its basis the Akir empire was created - the insidious, evil arachnids The large fortress city of Az "Akir was created to house their growing armies and prepare for the arrival of K" tun.

    The Troll empires Gurubashi and Amani had little sympathy for each other, but they rarely fought against each other. At that time, their greatest common enemy was the third empire, the Az "Akir civilization. The Akiri were consumed with trying to destroy all life of primitive Kalimdor. The trolls fought them for thousands of years, but never succeeded. But in Ultimately, due to the persistence of the trolls, the Akir empire split in two.

    As a result, two city-states emerged, Azol-Nerub in the north, and An "Qiraj in the southern desert. Although the trolls suspected there were other Akiri colonies outside Kalimdor, their existence was never verified.

    Several centuries later, the Qiraji opposed the alliance of the Night Elves and Dragons, over the territories required for the arrival of K "Thun. To prevent further invasion, the entrance to An" Qiraj was sealed - using the combined magic of both dragons and Night Elves.

    For thousands of years, the Qiraji have worked tirelessly to revive K "tan in his true physical form.

    Recently, the Scarab Wall was opened and rumors circulated that K "tan is here in its incarnation - a huge eye surrounded by many terrible tentacles. Warriors of many races, as well as adventurers united together, broke into An" Qiraj and ended the terrible incarnation of the old god. but only with incarnation ...


    One of the Old Gods found followers in Northrend. The Nerubians, who founded their underworld Azol-Nerub in the lands of Northrend, began to worship one of the Old Gods, known to them as the Forgotten One. Servants of the Forgotten were the Faceless, supposed relatives of Hakkar. The Faceless ones hibernated underground in Northrend in Azol-Neruba, and numerous legends about them existed among the Nerubians. As Illidan's magical blows shook Icecrown, the Faceless Awakened in Azol-Nerub. Together with them, a weaker incarnation of the Forgotten came from the depths of the underground. When Arthas and Anub'Arak fought their way through Azol-Nerub to Icecrown, they, along with a squad of undead, killed the Forgotten in this incarnation, but he himself survived. WotLC tells the story of the Forgotten One. Long ago, the night elf druids tried to create the World Tree in Notrend - Vordassil. But something went wrong and Vordassil was cut down. Later, furbolgs settled on the remains of the felled Vordassil, who built their city there - Grizzlemaw. With the help of the remaining magic of Vordassil, the furbolgs tried to resurrect their god - Ursoc (one of the bear demigod brothers who was killed in the War of the Ancients). For this, they began to restore the World Tree. But Vordassil was infected with a strange corruption, which was transmitted to the resurrected Ursoc, and through him also touched the furbolgs. It was true that the roots of Vordassil touched the abode of an ancient, terrible creature that was reawakening due to the attempts of the furbolgs to resurrect Ursoc. It was Yog-Saron, a monster with a thousand mouths. Perhaps this is the Forgotten One.
    As proof that the Forgotten is the Old God: In Dark Factions, the dead Old God in Darkshore is called the Forgotten, Blizzard was told that Azol-Nerub was the Old God.

    Elemental Lords

    Netulon Tidehunter

    He is the lord of water and the most powerful of the elemental lords. He rules over the watery portion of the Elemenatal Plane. According to legends, the Gurubashi empire fell after Neptulon sent powerful creatures, called the Krakken in legend, to the trolls. It may have something to do with the Stone of the Tides, a Gurubashi relic that allowed the trolls to manipulate the power of Neptulon's water. Neptulon may be associated with the transformation of the Highborne Azara into naga. Beneath the Eternal Storm, northeast of the naga capital of Nazhyatar, are the Gishan Caves. Even nagas who are not superstitious people avoid these caves, believing that they are home to giant aquatic creatures. It is possible that Neptulon or his servants live there.

    Ferazan the Mother of the Stone

    Unlike the rest of the elemental lords, she is not sinister or aggressive. She patronizes creatures that live underground and plants. Ferazan is in constant conflict with the elementals of other elements attacking the land of the Elemenatal Plane under her control. Some druids believe that the destruction wrought by Deswing, the fallen Aspect of Earth, inflicts pain on Ferazan.


    230 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the War of the Three Hammers fought between the three dominant clans of dwarves: the Wild Hammers, the Bronzebeards, and the Dark Iron. At the end of the war, the leader of the Dark Iron summoned Ragnaros to the Black Stone. The incarnation of Ragnaros on Azeroth caused a firestorm that destroyed parts of the Red Mountains. The Burnt Barrens formed to the south of Black Stone Mountain, and the Burning Gorge to the north. Ragnaros enslaved the Dark Iron dwarves, and the Firelord's avatar remained in the depths of Black Stone Mountain.

    Al 'Akir Vlastlin Wind

    This elemental lord rules over the sky and air of the Elemenatal Plane. Al "Akir is the weakest of the four elemental lords. His element, air, comes into contact with all the others and therefore interacts with them more than others. The Lord of the Wind has the ability to transform himself into a thunderstorm and tornado.

    Zanderaan and Akhun

    The Elemental Plane once had an Elemental Split. This battle between the elemenatl lasted for five thousand years, and during it Ragnaros the Firelord tried to devour the prince of Zanderaan, son of Al "Akir. Ragnaros caught Zanderaan by surprise and was victorious. But he was unable to completely absorb the essence of the prince of air. Part of it was invested in a special talisman Ragnaros split the talisman in two and gave the parts to his assistants.

    Akhun - Lord of Cold, servant of Neptulon. The Cult of the Twilight's Hammer wants to summon him to fight Ragnaros, thereby provoking an elemental war on Azeroth.

    Participation in the War of the Ancients.

    Nearly six thousand years after that, the three Old Gods began to carry out another plan of their liberation. They connected to the Well of Eternity. The Old Gods began to push some of the Highborne to contact the Legion in order to lure the latter to Azeroth. They also created a gap in the fabric of time. Thanks to this break, they were able to send from time a few months after the RoC several individuals to the past, exactly before the War of the Ancients (Ronin, Krasus and by mistake the orc Broxigar). Their plan was this: thanks to the intervention of the transferred individuals, the course of the War of the Ancients would change and the Old Gods would manipulate events for their own purpose. They drove Neltharion insane and gave him the idea of \u200b\u200ba Dragon Soul. Neltharion persuaded the other four Aspects to put part of their essence into the disk that the goblins had made, creating a super-powerful weapon. The Old Gods have put their corruption on the Dragon Soul.
    In the midst of the battle with the Legion, a distraught Neltharion betrayed the night elves and fellow dragons, became the Deathwing and took the Dragon Soul (renamed Demon Soul) for himself. After a while, Farion and Brox took her away from him.

    Meanwhile, Illidan, who was jealous of Tyrend for Farion, went to Zin-Azari, swore allegiance to Sargeras (it was then that Sargeras burned his eyes and inscribed runes on his body) and promised the Fallen Titan to bring the Demon Soul in order to further strengthen the portal to Well. Illidan and the Highborne captain Varo "ten took the Demon Soul from Farion. Illidan brought it to Sargeras. In fact, Illidan's goal was to do this: When the Highborne continued to open the portal to the Well, he would reverse the Demon Soul magic and the portal would expel the Legion and Sargeras from Azeroth. Illidan made the appropriate changes to the spell, taking some water from the Well of Eternity.

    In fact, the effect would be very different. The Old Gods (who corrupted the Demon Soul) wanted the Soul to be used in the ritual of opening the portal, because in this case, when Sargeras passes through the portal to Azeroth, he will open the way for the Old Gods from their prison. Perhaps after that, they planned to change the outcome of their battle with the titans in their favor.

    When the final battle in Zin-Azari began, the Deathwing took the Demon Soul, but the essence of the Old God struck him with enormous power. After that, Farion and Illidan took the Demon Soul and joined forces to channel its magic in the other direction, causing all the demons of the Legion, including Archimonde and Mannoroth, to be banished from Azeroth. But Sargeras was still going through the portal and was almost there. Broxigar jumped into the portal and stabbed Sargeras' leg with a magical wooden ax (which Cenarius had created for him), inflicting a minor wound on the titan at the cost of his own life. Krasus, Rhonin, and Alexstrasza stabbed the wound together, holding Sargeras for a moment long enough for Farion and Illidan to finish the spell. The portal was destabilized and the Well of Eternity exploded. After the Sundering, the Aspects cast a spell on the Demon Soul that prevented the Deathwing and dragons from touching it.

    During the War of the Ancients, Nozdormu held back the gap in the fabric of time and therefore was not present when the Demon Soul was created, but transferred part of his essence in the form of an hourglass. After the Sundering, he successfully contained the gap and sent Rhonin and Krasus back to the future. The plans of the Old Gods never came true. Most likely, after the Sundering, the Old God, who manifested at the Well of Eternity, remained under the Eternal Storm in his partial incarnation (WoW addon with the South Seas). Transformed by the explosion of the Well of Eternity, Azara and her Highborne became naga, servants of the Old Gods.

    Silithids and Qiraji

    K "tun turned his attention to the southern silithids. He decided to create avatars from them in his own image. Many silithids, changed by the energy of the Old God, became the Qiraji, a race of a completely intelligent powerful race. The Qiraji subjugated the remaining silithids, who did not have intelligence. and founded an underground city-state - An "Qiraj. For many millennia, the children of K "tun have been creating an army capable of capturing Kalimdor and freeing the Old God. It was from the qiraja that K" tun got its name.


    Zayetar, eldest son of Cenarius, and Feradas, daughter of the elemental ruler of the land Ferazan, gave birth to the centaurs, the illegitimate descendants of Cenarius. The centaurs killed their father Zayetar. Feradas remained in the crystal caves of Terramoka, her abode in Kalimdor.


    The Great Sundering caused very dire consequences for the jungle trolls of the former Gurubashi empire. Their kingdoms were destroyed. In addition, Neptulon and his elementals attacked the troll lands. In a desperate attempt, they asked for help from Hakkar the Soul Eater, the Blood God of the Trolls. Hakkar was one of the servants of the Old Gods, it was rumored that he was even the son of one of them. Hakkar revealed his bloody secrets of magic to the jungle trolls, which helped them expand their holdings to almost the entire Stranglethorn Valley in southern Azeroth. The evil deity demanded that sacrifices be made to him every day. Hakkar sought to incarnate on Azeroth in order to consume the souls of all mortal beings. A group of troll priests loyal to the Blood God was called Ata'lai. The Ata'lai also summoned the avatar of Hakkar. Over time, the jungle trolls realized who they were serving and rebelled against Hakkar and Ata'lai. A terrible war began. As a result, the rebellious trolls destroyed the mortal avatar of Hakkar and expelled his priests. But the Gurubashi state split. Civil wars soon began. In one such war, the Darkspear tribe was driven out of Stranglethorn. The Darkspear trolls have settled on the islands near the Eternal Storm. The surviving priests of Hakkar did not abandon their attempts to summon the Blood God. They believed that his coming would bring them immortality. In the Swamps of Sorrows north of Stranglethorn, they built a temple in which they planned to summon Hakkar, but Ysera, upon learning of this, destroyed the temple. To this day, green dragons guard the sunken sanctuary. The Ata'lai learned that the only other place where they can summon Hakkar is Zul'Gurub, the ancient capital of the Gurubashi.

    Shortly before the events of WoW, the Atal'ai began to make progress in summoning Hakkar. His avatar was summoned to Zul'Gurub. To suppress the incarnation of the Bloody God, the trolls chose five priests who embodied the five main Deities of their Pantheon: Bat, Panther, Tiger, Spider and Snake. Although the priests held Hakkar back, they were subdued by the Soul Eater. By the events of WoW, Hakkar's avatar resides in Zul'Gurub. After a while, he was killed by adventurers.

    Nightmare in the Emerald Dream

    Fandral Staghelm and a group of like-minded druids took the acorn of Nordassil and on the island of Kalidar near northern Kalimdor, created a new World Tree - Teldrassil, which means "Crown of the Earth" in Darnassian. Their goal was to restore the night elves to the immortality they lost when Farion directed the forces of Nordassil against Archimonde. However, the new World Tree was not associated with the Well of Eternity or the Emerald Dream, and was not blessed by the dragons with the Aspects, so immortality did not return to the caldorites. Soon after the creation of Nordassil, Farion and several other druids once again departed for the Emerald Dream for an unknown reason. It may have had something to do with the improperly created Teldrassil. Later it became known that the Nightmare penetrated into the Emerald Dream, a force that attacks the sleeping entities and even changes the Dream, causing damage to it. Farion and the other druids, along with the spirit of Cenarius and green dragons, fight the Nightmare. If the Nightmare takes over the Emerald Dream, it will take over Azeroth through it. The Nightmare entered the Emerald Dream via Teldrassil. The Old Gods and Hakkar created the Nightmare. Nightmare has already infected four green dragons, turning them into Nightmare Dragons. They emerged from the Emerald Dream in Azeroth at the Great Trees (paths to the Emerald Dream). Eranikus, the green dragon who was supposed to destroy the avatar of Hakkar summoned in Zul'Gurub, fought the Blood God, but was consumed by Nightmare and enslaved by Hakkar.

    Old Gods and Aspects.

    Not long ago, the Infinity Dragons, a previously unknown species of dragon, began to attack the time tunnels of the Caverns of Time. They began to break through to different time periods in the past in order to change different events. Bronze dragons began to send various squads of heroes through the Caverns of Time in the past in order to prevent history changes. When the plans of the dragons of infinity to disrupt an event were thwarted, the bronze dragons changed the time, removing interference from the present. As you know, by the time of the events of WoW, Nozdormu is absent from the Caverns of Time, dealing with some important issues. Infinites are known to seek to create chaos in time, changing important events in Azeroth's history. This may well allow the Old Gods to recreate the time gap that they had previously created, thus changing the outcome of the battle in Zin-Azari. It is likely that the Old Gods subdued Nozdorma and created the dragons of infinity. The Hourglass of Eternity, which the bronze dragons used to find out who the leader of the infinity dragons was, was shown to Nozdormu.
    During the events of WotLK, Malygos intends to throw the magic of Azeroth back into the twisted Nether through the ley lines. The transfer of magic by Malygos to the Nexus will cause magical and environmental disasters in Azeroth, thinning of Azeroth's magical tissue and cracks in the earth. This will undoubtedly help the Old Gods free themselves, as they are trapped underground. Perhaps it was they who pushed Malygos to the decision to start a war with the mages of Azeroth.

    Other information

    Elemental invasions have recently begun to occur in various parts of the world. Obviously, this is due to the increased activity of the fire elementals of Ragnaros and the summoning of the avatar of Hakkar, both of whom are servants of the Old Gods. The cult of the Twilight's Hammer also began to manifest itself more often. When the Twilight's Hammer was wiped out by Orgrim Doomhammer's forces during the Second War, some of that Twilight's Hammer's orcs survived and continued their mission to draw the apocalypse. There were others, representatives of various races, who became interested in the Old Gods and their servants. Together with the surviving orcs, they founded the Twilight's Hammer, an organization of worshipers of the Old Gods. Lately, Twilight's Hammer cultists have begun to appear in various places on Azeroth. They draw their strength from areas where elemental power is great, try to resurrect the Old God on the Dark Coast, and work to strengthen the paths to the Elemental Plane in Silithus.

    It is also possible that in Tirisfal Meadows in Lordaeron, there was an influence from one of the Old Gods. The exiled Highborne of Dath'Remara landed in Tirisfal Glades and built a settlement there. Over time, some of them began to go crazy. The Highborne left Tirisfal shortly thereafter. There is a version that something evil is sleeping in those places, but this has not been confirmed.
    The head of the slain Old God still sticks out of the ground on the Dark Coast, pierced by a titan's sword.

    Among the tame animals of the Old Gods were sea monsters - hydras. The strongest of them is Aku'mai. When the Great Sundering occurred, one of the temples of Elune was flooded and Aku'mai settled there. Some hydras have been tamed by the naga.

    At the moment, it looks like the Old Gods are attacking from all directions. Sent the Nightmare to take over Azeroth through the Emerald Dream; made Nozdormu mad to use the dragons of infinity to change the course of history in their favor; instilled in Malygos aggression towards mages in order to cause a cataclysm in Azeroth for their liberation; arrange invasions of elementals. I wouldn't be surprised if they use the Lich King and Illidan for their own purposes. In addition, they remove one Aspect after another. Driven mad by Neltharion, Malygos, Ysera (there are hints in WotLC that Nightmare infected her), possibly Nozdormu. Only Alexstrasza remained.
    The Forgotten will re-emerge in Azol-Nerub during WotLC.

    Images associated with the Old Gods:

    Old God? It's not entirely clear what is depicted in this concept art. Perhaps this is the capital of the Nagyatar - Nagyatar, but there is no such certainty, since Nagyatar is under water. Possibly the Dragon Isles carved from WoW in the South Seas. Most likely, the concept depicts the Old God and is located in either of these two places. It is possible that in Nazhyatar. In the RPG book Shadows & Light there is a story in which a group of adventurers (witcher troll, human paladin, high elf technician and dwarf pilot) want to use a special device, which will be thrown off by a goblin airship, to raise the earth to the surface under the Eternal Storm.

    Three Arracoa in the Valley of the Dark Moon are performing a certain ritual with a creature very similar to K "Tuna.

    I like +1 - 0

    we compare real versions of events from the history of Azeroth with the legends about them that have become part of the folklore of the peoples of Azeroth. We also compare material from canonical and outdated sources. Today we take a look at how the Old Gods have evolved over the course of Warcraft history.

    It is easier to split this topic into two parts. In the first, we will take a look at how the number of Old Gods has changed in Azeroth, and in the second, at their numbers throughout the universe.

    Of course, now we already know that in the Dark Empire, which fought against the Guardians, there were four Old Gods. And it is possible that in the early days of this empire there were five of them. As a result, the keepers imprisoned K'Tun, N'Zot and Yogg-Saron in dungeons, and also created a repository for the heart of E'Sharaj, whom Aman'Tul personally killed. And all in the Great Darkness there is an unknown number of Old Gods who were thrown there by the Lords of the Abyss. But this time we will try to understand exactly how this story took its current form.

    Ancient Gods of Azeroth

    The Old Gods were first mentioned inwarcraft 3: Reign of Chaos manual(2002):

    "The Elementals, who worshiped a race of unfathomable evil creatures known only as the Old Gods, vowed to drive out the Titans and keep their world untouched by the touch of these metal invaders."

    This guide described an early story of the Ordering of Azeroth: the war of the titans against the elementals and the Old Gods; the conclusion of the Old Gods; Ordering Azeroth with Titan-Formed Races and Blessing the Aspects. And it also mentioned the number of imprisoned deities:

    "The Pantheon destroyed the citadels of the Old Gods and imprisoned these five evil entities deep below the surface of the world."

    Then in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (2003) were first shown creatures associated with the Old Gods: Forgotten and Faceless. In the game itself, no one called them servants of the Old Gods, but the connection was still obvious.

    “I won't let you walk through this door, traitor. Recent earthquakes have awakened dark things under the ice ... ancient, terrible things. ” - Beilgun Firebeard

    “These are the horrors the dwarves talked about. I thought they were just a legend. "- Anub'arak

    In one of the books on board RPG,Lands of Conflict (“Lands of Conflict”; July 2004), the first hints emerged as to what kind of beings might be the Old Gods.

    As a reminder, a series of RPG books (also known as WoW RPGs or "rulbooks") has been announceduncanonical ... And also remind you not to confuse the WoW RPG with the rest of the Warcraft literature.

    So that's it. In most of these "rollbooks" information was presented on behalf of the famous researcher Brann Bronzebeard, so it was sometimes worth taking it as material written by an experienced traveler, but still not an omniscient super being.

    This is how Brann called Hakkar the ancient god, but for some reason not with a capital letter:

    "Long ago, local trolls tried to summon and subdue Hakkar, their ancient god."

    Brann also wondered if a creature named Ula-Tek, the Snake Goddess, was an Old God:

    “Zul'Aman is a temperate forest of towering trees. There are dark shadows everywhere, and with them ancient ruins and ziggurats. I thought these ruins and strange stepped pyramids were here from the Zul'Aman Empire, but they may be much older. Perhaps something left over from the Titans or the Old Gods? "

    "They worship ancient deities, but I don't know if they are mythical Old Gods or some strange creation of their voodoo medicine men."

    Ula-Tek shrine (city, 7000): Ula-Tek Shrine is a giant ziggurat. The trolls have gathered around this structure, and their capital lies right among the local ruins. Unpretentious huts here side by side with collapsed stone walls. This area is very well guarded - too well for me to go any further. I ambushed a lone forest troll miles from the sanctuary and got the information I needed. It turned out that Ula-Tek is a snake goddess. Perhaps one of the Old Gods? Trolls revere Ula-Tek and consider the ziggurat to be their shrine. Among the ruins there they perform their dark rites and voodoo rituals. Also, the trolls keep their treasures accumulated over many centuries inside the ziggurat - this is another reason why they guard it so vigilantly. "

    “The great witch doctor Ral'jin is becoming an increasingly influential figure in Zul'Aman. Ral'jin has ordered the hunters to capture hundreds of prisoners, whom he intends to use for a huge sacrifice. With this ritual, he is going to summon Ula-Tek, the Snake Goddess. Obviously, this information does not bode well, but the dwarves of Ironforge are especially worried about it: they have seen the destruction that leads to the rebirth of the elemental lord, and the real Old God must be even more powerful. However, the Dark Iron dwarves are simply jubilant. Ula-Tek, perhaps the Old God, could serve as an ally and ally of Ragnaros. They sent a contingent of their forces to Zul'Aman to show their goodwill and protect Ral'jin while he completes his lengthy ritual. ”

    of. art for Lands of Conflict

    Comparison with canon: This whole story about Zul'Aman fell out of the canon. Ula-Tek simply does not exist in the current canon, because apart from the WoW RPG it was not mentioned anywhere else. And most likely, it was conceived not by the Old God, but by another loa of winged serpents like the same Hakkar - but this is certainly not known.

    True, we still have a chance to see the giant ziggurat of Zul'Aman one day. After all, in WoW, this kingdom of forest trolls was presented as just a small raid, and on the maps of the Eastern Kingdoms from Warcraft 3 and the original WoW manual, the ziggurat of Zul'Aman was still marked.

    map fragment from the original WoW guide

    And what is more interesting - the story of Ula-Tek inspired one of the storylines of the first volume of "Chronicles". It's about a c'traxie named Kit'ix. It was a faceless general, thanks to whom the Az'Akir empire was founded and the war of trolls and aqirs began. In the end, the trolls emerged victorious from this war, and the trolls tracked down the badly wounded after the battle with the loa of Kit'ix. In the same place where they killed this c'trax, the trolls founded the temple city of Zul'Aman.

    It is quite possible that the hypothetical return to the land of the forest trolls will be connected precisely with the history of this monster - just in the manner of the history of Ula-Tek. This is supported by the fact that Zakazha (similar to c'thrax) was able to resurrect the Twilight's Hammer. And even after he, being in a weakened state, was killed by a nameless warrior, the same Twilight's Hammer cult tried to resurrect him again. The Zakazh was finally destroyed only when his power was consumed by Xal'atath and the High Priest of the Conclave.

    Curse Lord Malacrass is also known to have tied the essence of his tribe's darkest loa beast to him. The developers know what the loa is, but they still don't want to reveal who it was. Is it possible that it was not a loa at all, but just Kit'ix?

    Returning to the "Lands of Conflict". There, for some reason, they pointed out the Old God and Ragnaros. Perhaps this error was caused by the fact that it was in this book that the Lord of Fire was first mentioned. Or it was a deliberate mistake that would show that Brann's or the people of Shadowforge were wrong. But it looks more like the first option.

    "However, he inadvertently summoned Ragnaros, the blazing Old God whose birth tore the earth to pieces."

    "Their eyes glow with an orange flame - one of the many gifts of their Ancient God master."

    In November 2004 atthe official WoW website the page appeared “History of Warcraft " ... In particular, there was an updated version of the Ordering of Azeroth text from the WC3 manual. The new version of the text differed in some details, for example: the titans created not dwarves from stone, but earthen; The elementals did not disappear by themselves after the imprisonment of the Old Gods, but were imprisoned in the Plane of Elements. And they also changed the number of Old Gods from five to four:

    "The Pantheon destroyed the citadels of the Old Gods and imprisoned these four evil deities deep below the surface of the world."

    In November 2004, the release of the mostWorld of warcraft ... And then already in the game itself it was possible to read an in-game book, repeating the text of the paragraph of the same name from the page with the office. site -.

    The next source that mentioned the number of the Old Gods was the final novelwar of the Ancients trilogy by Richard Knaack -War of the Ancients: The Sundering (July 2005). In this novel (as in the second part of the trilogy), the worldview and thinking of the Old Gods were more fully revealed, describing how they themselves see what is happening in the world and plan to escape from their prisons. We are talking about the trinity of the Old Gods, who communicated telepathically with each other. But that's not all, Krasus argued that there were not four or five of the Old Gods, but only three in general:

    “The Old Gods seemed like nothing more than a legend, even to most dragons who were born at the dawn of this world. But thanks to his irrepressible curiosity, or as Rhonin put it “an irrepressible desire to poke his nose everywhere,” Krasus knew that the Old Gods were something much more.

    According to legend, three dark entities once ruled a bloody chaos that even the demon lords of the Burning Legion could not have imagined. They ruled the original plan until the coming of the creators of the world. This was followed by a war of cosmic proportions, and in the end, the Old Gods fell.

    The Trinity was cast down into eternal confinement. The place of their imprisonment was hidden from everyone, and their forces were broken to the end of time. That was how this saga should have ended, but Krasus now began to suspect that the Old Gods had somehow found a way to reach out to the mortal plane and search for something that could free them. ”

    Now we know that this trinity included K'Tun, Yogg-Saron and N'Zot. And it turns out that Krasus was simply mistaken, trusting the legend, and believing that the representatives of the current trinity were the only Old Gods.

    In the update 1.8: Dragons of Nightmare (October 2005) the name of the first Ancient God finally became known -K'Tun ... In that update, many new quests were added to Silithus, and one of them revealed"Prophecy of K'Tun"... This was the first mention of K'Tun and the Qiraji - before that no one knew what exactly was hidden behind the Scarab Wall in the destroyed kingdom called An'Qirazh.

    This prophecy was written by the prophet Skeram and is the folklore of the Qiraji. The prophecy says that the qiraji were created by K'Tun from silithids born from the ether of the Source of Eternity. In fact, the qiraji are the akirs who conquered the An'Qirazh prison complex. The presence of the Old God nearby slowly changed their appearance until they became the race now known as the Qiraji. However, the question remains of how the silithids came to be. Perhaps they were part of the original aqirs, or they only appeared with the Qiraji civilization.

    The prophecy also omits the fact that the modern kingdom of the Qiraji was built on the ruins of a Titan-forged prison complex.

    And the most important thing in this story:

    “Before the beginning of time, when this world had just been born, a fierce battle took place on this very earth between the Titan and the essence of unimaginable power and evil. The prophecy does not say if the Titan was slain in this battle, but it says that the Titan fell. The Old God also fell — or so they thought. ” - geologist Echidnaya

    We now know that the only direct intervention of the real titans in the war against the Dark Empire was the assassination of Y'Sharaj by Aman'Tul.

    “Aman'Tul, the leader of the Pantheon, literally ripped Y'Shaarj from the ground and crushed him in the grip of his fist. And Y'Shaarj was the strongest of the Old Gods of Azeroth, and then there were no prisons that could contain his power or capture his body the size of a mountain. E'Shaarj was so strong that he was one step away from driving the whole army of titan-forged, including the Guardians (who were also terribly powerful in those days), mad with his whispers and visions. The situation was so deplorable that Aman'Tul personally intervened in the case. And he handled it just playfully. " - fromspoiler Alert part 2 of Patch 7.3

    And if the strongest Ancient God could not oppose anything to the titan, then what can we say about K'Tun?

    In general, until this moment, the Pantheon did not intervene in the war personally, because it was afraid to hurt the world-soul. And after that, the titans became even more cautious, because the death of E'Shaarj left a terrible wound on Azeroth's body. Another such wound threatened to kill the soul world, so it was decided to imprison the Old Gods. But in general, suffice it to say that it could not be a titan, because we know the names of all the titans of the Pantheon, and they all successfully survived the conflict with the Old Gods.

    However, it is possible that some unnamed titan-forged played a role in the victory over K'Tun. Or it was one of the Guardians. After all, the peoples of Azeroth very often mistakenly call the Guardians titans and attribute their deeds to the Pantheon. But this is still just speculation.

    “The Titan-Forged then traveled southwest to the chaotic temple city that grew around the third Ancient God, K'Thun. The Guardians and their allies cleared the area of \u200b\u200bthe swarms of n'raki before laying siege to the Ancient God himself and subduing him. As with N'Zoth, the guardians buried this entity alive underground and built a prison around his body. ” - the first volume of "Chronicle"

    And already in the update1.9: Gate of Ahn'Qiraj(January 2006) K'Tun became the final boss of the An'Qiraj raid.

    In another nownon-canon Lands of Mystery (“Lands of Mysteries”; April 2006), there are new reflections from Brann about the personalities and location of the Old Gods:

    “Sword of the Overlord: This unusual monument is a large statue (or corpse?) Surrounded by a small lake. Once a sacred land of the night elves, the area is now under the control of the Twilight's Hammer. After I dragged one of these robed psychos around a corner, I came to the conclusion that the statue was something like a divine corpse, the remains of an Old God. The term “Sword of the Overlord” refers to one of the parts of the monument: if you examine everything carefully, it turns out that the strange statue or mound in the center is a shell-like skull pierced by a huge blade. I guess it is possible that the Titan killed one of the Old Gods or their servants here. "

    Comparison with canon: During the Cataclysm, the Twilight's Hammer cult was able to unearth the remains of this creature, at the same time it became known who it really was:

    “The Overlord's Sword is an ancient battlefield. The Titans sent twenty stone giants against the Soggoth. Of the twenty, only one survived.

    The tablets say that Cronn, the largest of the giants, allowed the Soggoth to bind him with his tentacles - so that the monster would lift him closer to his head ... just within reach for his mighty sword to strike. It's good that he's dead ... we don't have twenty stone giants around right now to stop him again. " - archaeologist Groff

    "Valley of Bones: Valley of Bones is considered by many to be cursed, which is why most centaur clans avoid it. It is believed that the surface of this valley is dotted with the bones of the Old Gods. This area is occupied by necromancer centaurs from Magram and skeletons.

    Comparison with canon:It is still unknown to whom these two skeletons, now known as Dead Goliaths, belong. But it is clear that they were not Old Gods.

    It is not known when exactly this happened, but byupdate 1.11: Shadow of the Necropolis (June 2006) number of Old Gods from the in-game bookThe Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth changed from four to five. Onofficial website this change happened later - in August 2006:

    "The Pantheon destroyed the citadels of the Old Gods and imprisoned these five evil deities deep below the surface of the world."

    The in-game book still talks about the five Old Gods. From a plot point of view, this can be attributed to the fact that this book was written by someone from Azeroth, which means it may contain errors. And this particular error could have been caused by the same legends about the former existence of Ksal'atat to the Old Gods.

    Then the personalities of the Old Gods were remembered in the next nowuncanonical a book on board role-playing game,Horde Player's Guide (Horde Player's Handbook, November 2006):

    “Perhaps Hakkar is a child of the Ancient God? It's hard to say: I'm not even sure they can have children. And I don't really want to know the answer to this question. "

    Comparison with canon:The personality of Hakkar is a mystery that deserves a separate discussion. In WoW itself, there were also hints of its possible connection with the Old Gods, but things never went beyond these hints. At the moment, it is known that Hakkar is a loa. True, very specific.

    In November 2008, an add-on was releasedWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King... It revealed the name of the second Ancient God -Yogg-Saron ... The influence of this monstrosity was felt in various places in Northrend, and as a result, he became the penultimate boss of the Ulduar raid introduced inpatch 3.1: Secrets of Ulduar (April 2009).

    In April 2009 atofficial website once again they conjured over the number of the Old Gods - this time it was decided to completely remove it:

    "The Pantheon destroyed the citadels of the Old Gods and imprisoned these evil deities deep beneath the surface of the world."

    At Blizzcon 2010 (October 2010) Chris Metzen revealed the name of the third Ancient God -N'Zot ... But in the game itself, N'Zota was first mentioned only in the update4.3: Time of Twilight (November 2011). Although it hasn't been shown in WoW yet, it was still done in the expansion."Whispers of the Old Gods" for Hearthstone (April 2016).

    In February 2012Nyorloth , who was then the community manager of the official history forum, gave a rather lengthy answer to the question about the confusion with the number of Old Gods in Azeroth:

    ““ They don't live; they don't die. They are out of the loop. ”

    Perhaps, in order to truly kill something that lives outside space and time, life and death, it needs to be completely erased from being? Perhaps this will explain why the records of the Old Gods seem so ... contradictory?

    Only those on the other side can know for sure ...

    Just empty thoughts, never mind. "

    By the way, about the death of the Old Gods. In March 2017, Game Master Kelethross answered a question about their deathsthe following:

    “We discussed this today with a team of historians, and according to them, both options are not really suitable here. Yes, they are clearly defeated, but technically not dead in the sense that we usually put into this word.

    E'Shaarj was ripped out of the planet by Aman'Tool, and his remains eventually became sha after they rained down on Pandaria. K'Thun and Yogg-Saron were not defeated in this way, but even if they did, the sha only refer to E'Shaarj. Each of the Old Gods is quite unique in their ways of achieving goals, in what form they take and in what they are capable of.

    The Sha would not have appeared if K'Thun or Yogg-Saron were also plucked from the planet. But you can safely bet that there would be much more madness and saronite in the world! "

    September 9, 2012 add-on was releasedWorld of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria... In it, the fourth Ancient God of Azeroth was introduced into the plot, who, moreover, was already dead -E'Shaarj ... This deity is mentioned in mogu legends and Klaxxi legends. In "Whisper of the Old Gods" from Hearthstone, E'Shaarj, like N'Zoth, also received the first official image of his person.

    In March 2016 came outthe first volume of "Chronicle", in which revealed many previously unknown facts about the Old Gods. It became known that the Old Gods were created by the Lords of the Abyss in order to desecrate one of the soul worlds and thus create a dark titan. And if we talk about the primordial power to which their abilities go back, then the Old Gods are the physical manifestations of the Abyss.

    The first volume does not mention a specific number of Old Gods who fell on Azeroth:

    “The elemental lords revel in the primordial bedlam until a group of Old Gods collapsed onto the world from the Great Dark. They crashed into Azeroth's surface, attaching themselves to various locations around the world. These Old Gods towered above the earth, mountains of flesh adorned with hundreds of gnashing mouths and black, unfeeling eyes. A miasma of despair soon enveloped everything that lay beneath their writhing shadows. "

    Dark empire

    However, it is known that at the time of the victory of the Dark Empire over the Elemental Lords of the Old Gods, there were four.

    A map of Azeroth ruled by the Black Empire

    from the first volume of "Chronicle"

    In August 2016, an add-on was releasedWorld of warcraft: legion , in which a new character appeared -Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire... In the history of this artifact described in the in-game book"About Light and Abyss", it is mentioned that in time immemorial he could be the Old God:

    “There are many theories about the origin of the blade. The most outlandish of them claim that the dagger is all that remains of the forgotten Ancient God, who was devoured by his own kind in the early days of the Dark Empire. Other theories say that Xal'atat is Y'Shaarj's claw, torn from his monstrous body and gifted to his servants for use in ritual sacrifices.

    As incredible as these theories are, there may be some truth in them. Xal'atath pulses with the hideous essence of the Old Gods. Moreover, it is said that the blade is capable of bestowing visions of the Dark Empire upon its wearer, but everyone who looked at these horrors fell prey to madness. "

    “Xal'atat has a mind of its own. Ignore his maddening whisper. Do not trust the lies that he entangles you with. Take what you need from him, but always remember that the dark presence in the blade is not your ally. "

    At the same time, the essence of the dagger often whispered various advice to the high priest, which, for the most part, turned out to be relatively practical. And that is not all. Someher quotes add tangible weight to the theory that she was once an Old God:

    “We may face some of my kin in this conflict. This perspective - I like it. Their strength will be mine. They will pay for what was done to me a long time ago. ”

    “It's ironic that the weakest of us can be the ultimate winner. K'Tun, Yogg-Saron, E'Sharaj and ... well ... only one could stay to consume the world. It should have been. "

    By the weakest deity, the dagger means N'Zoth - in general, she often notices his successes and the gradual weakening of his dungeon. But in our case, something else is important - that Ksal'atat puts himself on a par with the Old Gods and, in fact, reckons himself with them.

    “I look forward to the day when our hosts can truly move into this dimension. You saw only fragments, shadows, the dimmest echoes. Ask the Ethereals about what one of its manifestations is capable of. ”

    And this quote is notable for the fact that the dagger calls its masters the Lords of the Abyss. Coupled with the fact that she considers the Old Gods to be equal to herself, this is another coin in the piggy bank of the theory that she was once an Old God herself.

    Indeed, the Chronicle does not mention a specific number of the Old Gods at the time of their coming to Azeroth. So Xal'atath could well have been swallowed up in the early days of the Dark Empire, as some of the theories of Azeroth's historians describe. However, so far they still remain only theories.

    The Old Gods Beyond Azeroth

    IN World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (January 2007) The first evidence emerges that the Old Gods of Azeroth are not the only ones of their kind. The first evidence is historyharbinger of Skyriss, the prophet of the qiraji, captured in the Arcatraz. He was somehow imprisoned in the space prison of the naaru, from which he was freed thanks to telepathy: he simply drove the head jailer of the blood elves who occupied the satellites of Tempest Keep. Fortunately, the heroes managed to kill him immediately. And judging by the fact that enough of Azeroth's inhabitants, such as Nefarian's dragonfly, were captured in the Arcatraz, Skyriss was probably also from Azeroth. If he were just akir, it would be a different question.

    However, Skyriss has made it clear that the powers he serves extend far beyond Azeroth: “<В голосе А’дала слышится негармоничная нота.>

    Prince Kael'thas made a mistake in choosing a jailer, and now the entities we have trapped in the Arcatraz are beginning to break free. Among them is a servant of the Old Gods known as the Harbinger of Skyriss, who wishes to fulfill the vision of his masters to conquer all worlds in the universe. You must stop him from escaping. Return to Tempest Keep, infiltrate the Arcatraz and slay Harbinger Skyriss before it's too late! ”

    And his quote after killing the qiraji:

    “<Кристаллический тембр голоса А’дала начинает звучать в твоем разуме более гармоничной мелодией, нежели в последний раз, когда вы говорили> The Harbinger Skyriss is said to be a servant of the Old Gods. They also say that he has a large scroll with him containing instructions on how he should command life in the universe on their behalf.

    My current customer wants to get his hands on this scroll, even though he is not even able to read the language in which it is written. Go to the Arcatraz of Tempest Keep and get it for me, okay? "

    And his quote when handing over the scroll:

    “I dare not touch the scroll, otherwise I would also risk attracting the attention of the Old Gods. I will assign the delivery of this package to one of my assistants. You more than deserve your reward and I wish you the best of luck in all known worlds. "

    And here is the second evidence - in fact, an unknown Ancient God from some other world. He is known to us only as"Called Old God" and "ancient and powerful evil." Arakkoa ghosts from the Dark Conclave tried to summon him.

    “The spirits of the dark conclave are attempting to invoke an ancient and powerful evil through a ritual they are currently performing at the lava pits south of Camp Sket'lon. Gul'dan's magic merged with their own, and she gave them the strength to help this creature appear in our world! We have to stop them. It is impossible to imagine how much death and destruction this creature will bring with it! ”- Parshah

    A former member of the Dark Conclave named Parshah and an unnamed hero were able to stop the ritual of summoning this monster.

    And in the first volume of "Chronicles" it already became known that the Lords of the Abyss threw into reality an unknown number of these wicked creatures in order to desecrate the sleeping souls of the titans. In the course of his travels, Sargeras discovered a soul-world corrupted by the Old Gods and split it in two. The explosion that followed consumed the Old Gods and their energies, but also killed the newborn titan.