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  • An artifact is ... Types of artifacts. What is an artifact and how to create one Weathered artifact

    An artifact is ... Types of artifacts. What is an artifact and how to create one Weathered artifact


    Find the literature you need. Coins play an especially important role in the search for artifacts, as they are among the most informative finds. Purchase several catalogs with coins from different periods, or use the Internet to compare them. To get started, use the well-known catalogs: Shchelokov (coins of 1917-1991), Orlov and Uezdnikov (coins of the pre-revolutionary period); find the early writings of Melnikova. If a future find concerns a certain period, then the catalog of objects should also be antiquities of that era (there may be accompanying objects that will tell you in which direction to move).

    Determine where to search. If the search is limited or the castle, the ruins of which have survived, then the task is not difficult even for novice archaeologists and searchers. But if you need to find the location of an old tavern or a cemetery that has long been destroyed, look for old maps. Get a modern map of the area and plot old roads, riverbeds, bridges, taverns, mills and villages on it.

    Pick up your gear. To find artifacts, you will need special equipment and inventory: a shovel with a sharpened tip, a knife, brushes, a probe (a stick with a sharpened steel rod), a pick and a metal detector - an indispensable attribute of a modern artifact search engine. The modern market provides a wide selection of devices for beginners and professionals with a wide range of prices.

    Mark or define the search area, better mark the boundaries.

    Set up the detector, walk slowly, moving the detector dish back and forth from side to side, hold the detector in your left hand.

    If you find an object, put marks, or immediately probe the soil and excavate. To do this, with a probe, which is in the right hand during the search, determine the contours of the object and the depth at which it is located. Start digging in the object without removing the dipstick from the ground. If the retrieved object is small, then use the metal detector again ("ring"), perhaps this is only the "upper" find.

    Having become the owners of ancient relics and antiquities, think about how to properly dispose of them, perhaps the found artifact will help make a new discovery, find out the secret of ancestors, change the idea of \u200b\u200bdescendants about their life.
    Search and excavation is quite a gamble. Not everyone who decides to do it succeeds in finding artifacts. Be patient, acquire experience and skills and do not become hostages of antiquities, which often have their own unsolved secrets and the most unpredictable stories, often demanding respect for those to whom they belonged.

    Artifact weapons are a powerful tool in your fight against the devastating forces of the Burning Legion invading Azeroth. There is a separate artifact weapon for each class specialization, and it can be enhanced by researching artifacts.

    Most important first

    In Legion, all level 100 players are challenged to acquire their first artifact weapon. In most cases, players first start looking for weapons for their main specialization or for the first chosen specialization of a new character. However, given the ease of changing specializations, the situation begins to get complicated already at level 102, as players get the opportunity to get all the other artifact weapons for their class. Players will be faced with a choice whether to distribute the power of the artifact between all available weapons or focus on one. Let's try to figure it out and see what to expect from weapon enhancement, and what methods of enhancement are there.

    Knowledge is power

    When your character reaches 110th level, in the hall of the class, he will be able to receive a new task that allows him to place orders for research. Each such order will supply you with artifact data that will familiarize you with the history of all artifact weapons available to you, as well as increase the rate of accumulation of artifact power for all artifact weapon items designed for the corresponding specializations of your class.

    Extra strength

    There are many ways in the game to accumulate the power of an artifact. In addition, you can get additional bonuses for artifacts for certain game activities - for example, for completing a dungeon or participating in a raid or PvP battle for the first time in a day. If you want to increase the power of your weapons as efficiently as possible, try to diversify your activities in the game.

    Power distribution

    Knowledge about the artifact will help you to strengthen your artifact weapon faster, but at what point should you switch from your main weapon to the second or even to the third? When your primary weapon reaches power level 13, the cost of further enhancing it will increase significantly. You can continue to enhance it further, but you can switch to another weapon - the cost of strengthening it from level 1 to 13 will be even lower than raising the level of the main weapon from 13 to 14.

    Alternative characters and how to enhance them

    And if you want to develop several characters at the same time? By focusing all your efforts on one character and his weapon, you will eventually reach perfection in the use of this weapon faster. But, of course, everyone plays at different speeds, and often with several characters - we have not forgotten about that either. It will be easier to enhance the artifact weapons of your secondary characters by speeding up the execution of orders for artifact research. The system tracks how much time has passed since the release of the update, and gradually reduces the time required to complete these orders, thereby accelerating the acquisition of knowledge about the artifact. So if you are simultaneously working on the development of an alternative character or just spend not too much time in the game, the system will automatically adapt to you.

    There are a lot of ways to accumulate the power of an artifact in the game, and ultimately it is up to you to decide which weapon and to what level you will enhance. More details about knowledge about artifacts are described

    Archeology is an amazing science that reveals the secrets of the past millennia to modern man. The work of scientists in this area is to search for material traces left by ancient civilizations. The item found by archaeologists during excavations has the name "artifact". This is any artificially created object that has a symbolic meaning.

    Types of artifacts

    We are used to understanding by this name priceless antiquities found by archaeologists or treasure seekers. In fact, an artifact is a very broad concept that covers different areas. Let's consider some of the meanings of this word.

    If we take archeology, then here ancient artifacts act as objects found during excavations and created by man. These can be tools, weapons, jewelry, dishes, processed bone and even coals from a fire once made by ancient people.

    In culture, an artifact is a man-made object that has special meaning. Moreover, it can be not only a material object, but also folklore, superstition or scientific theories.

    This word is well known to fans of computer games. In them, an artifact is a unique thing that cannot be created, but can only be found. She usually has special properties or has magic.

    Misplaced artifacts

    This term was introduced to refer to finds that go beyond a certain framework. For example, they are found where they should not be, or cause distrust due to the lack of our knowledge of the technologies of ancient civilizations. Inappropriate artifacts include the Antikythera Mechanism (which will be discussed separately), an iron column in Delhi, giant statues on Easter Island, and many other unusual finds.

    Among the artifacts, there are also fakes. The famous crystal skulls, allegedly carved by an ancient civilization from a single piece of precious rock, turned out to be a skillful imitation. Studies of several of the 13 skulls found so far have shown that they were made in the 19th and 20th centuries using modern technologies.

    Where can you see archaeological finds

    Ancient artifacts, which are recognized by scientists as the most valuable and interesting, go to museums and then are exhibited for visitors to see. The rest of the items are in storerooms or research institutes.

    Mysterious ancient artifacts - the mystery of millennia

    Sometimes archaeological finds baffle scientists. There are thousands of such examples. Writings were found near the city of Belgrade, called the Vinca alphabet. They date back to 6000 BC. Until now, they have not been able to decipher them, and scientists doubt that it will be possible to do this in the near future.

    In 1901, in Greece, among the wreckage of an ancient shipwreck, an unusual object was found, consisting of gears, scales and dials. It was possible to establish the date of manufacture of this mechanism - approximately 85 BC.

    If we compare this ancient artifact with devices of a later time, it corresponds to the technical level of the 8th century. How more than two thousand years ago and for what purposes this mechanism was created (it was called the Antikythera mechanism) is not known exactly. The device has been redesigned by several mechanical experts. They are convinced that it served to simulate the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets.

    Where to find the artifact and what to do with the find

    Finding an ancient treasure is almost everyone's dream. With the advent of metal detectors, the search for antiquities has become much easier. At all times, there have been groups or individuals who have searched for artifacts at an archaeological site. Today they are called "black archaeologists" or "diggers". They act in their personal interests and for the purpose of enrichment. The artifacts found do not end up in museums, but in private collections. Acting unprofessionally, "black archaeologists" during searches often destroy priceless antiquities.

    It should be remembered that the found artifacts of special cultural value belong to the state. In order to avoid possible problems with the law, it is better to take the find to the museum, where experts will give an opinion on this subject. If it is of no value to science, its value is divided between the finder and the owner of the land on whose site the artifact was discovered.

    We touched on the mechanics and pumping of this new type of weapon. In this part, we'll talk about how to change the appearance of World of Warcraft: Legion artifacts.

    Update Patch 7.2. Patch 7.2 introduced new Artifact skins. ...

    At the release, it is planned that the artifacts will have five different styles or types (the sixth will not be at the launch of the add-on, most likely it will be released in some kind of patch) and each style will have its own color scheme. There are several paths that will reveal these types and variations of the type of artifact to you. Remember that you can change them at the Artifact Forge in Class Hall.

    Several important notes. Remember that you can transmogrify an artifact using another weapon / A certain weapon style changes its type - for example, for VM-hunters, an artifact can be either a bow or a gun. The first five types that will be available at the start are described below:

    • classic look: quests related to the Class Hall;
    • improved appearance: achievements and quests related to the Class Hall, pumping artifacts and archeology;
    • valiant View: PvE Progress (5ppl Dungeons);
    • seasoned look: PvP progress (prestige levels);
    • hidden view: the path of obtaining varies for each individual spec;
    • other species: were discovered by data miners, but for what they can be obtained is still unknown.

    In order to open variations of a particular style, you must first open its "Main Tint". For example, in order to gain access to the "improved" style branch, you need to complete the Balance of Power quest chain, and only then you need to complete all the other achievements necessary to obtain other style variations.

    Style variations are open to each individual character and do not apply to all characters in the account - you will need to repeat achievements on each of them to gain access to the style of artifact weapons. The only exception to this rule is the "Glory to the Legion Hero" meta-upgrade, which is given for obtaining all achievements in 5ppl.

    Now more about how to access the view and its variations.

    How to change the appearance of artifacts

    Classic look (Classic)

    Main view (Mail Tint): given after completing the starting quest chain associated with the artifact

    Variation 2 (Tint # 2): Complete one of the Pillars of Creation quests. The list of quests is below:

    • subject Aegis of Aggramar / quest Securing the Aegi s / location Stormheim
    • subject Hammer of Khaz'goroth / quest The Hammer of Khaz'goroth / Highmountain location
    • subject Tear of Elune / quest The Tears of Elune / location Val'sharah
    • subject Tidestone of Golganneth / quest The Tidestone of Golganneth / location Azsuna
    • eye of Aman'Thul / Suramar location

    Variation 3 (Tint # 3): Complete the Heart of Light quest chain by returning it to the Class Hall. You need to complete the following quest chain:

    Variation 4 (Tint # 4): Requires completing the first part of the Class Hall campaign

    Fight in style: classic look.

    Improved view (Upgraded)

    Main view (Mail Tint): Completely close the Class Hall campaign (and complete the Battle Hardened achievement).

    Variation 2 (Tint # 2): Unlock all artifact traits (34 points, which require 5,216,130 Artifact Power) from the achievement Incarnate Power.

    Variation 3 (Tint # 3): fully study the entire history of the artifact (achievement Part of the story), which are tied to the fulfillment of orders in the Class Hall associated with pumping the Knowledge of the Artifact. Only available at level 110.

    Variation 4 (Tint # 4) Complete the 'This Side Up' achievement by looting eight rare archaeological items from the list. Only available at level 110.

    Unlocking all the style variations will earn you the achievement Fight in Style: Improved Look.


    Main view (Mail Tint): Complete the fairly long Balance of Power quest chain, requiring 30 Blood of Sargeras, completing several heroic dungeons, and items dropped in the Emerald Nightmare raid.

    Variation 2 (Tint # 2) Requires Monsters Unleashed Achievement (8 out of 10 Broken Isles World Bosses must be caught).

    Variation 3 (Tint # 3) Requires a Mythic dungeon level 15 or higher using your own key or someone else's.

    Variation 4 (Tint # 4) Requires 26 achievements to earn the Glory of the Legion Hero metaachiva on Mythic dungeon difficulty.

    Unlocking all the style variations will earn you the achievement Fight in Style: Valiant Look.

    Tempered View (War-Torn)

    Legion introduces a new PvP rank system. Weapons of this type can be unlocked by obtaining the appropriate levels of prestige.

    Main view (Mail Tint): Complete Victor's Spoils quest, get Prestige Level 1 and Honor Rank 50.

    Variation 2 (Tint # 2): Reach Prestige Level 5 (only available in Legion Season 2 PvP).