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  • ArcheAge Transfer: Basic Principles. Resuming Archeage Transfer Character Transfer to Another Server

    ArcheAge Transfer: Basic Principles. Resuming Archeage Transfer Character Transfer to Another Server

    Let me put it bluntly - apparently, in the next couple of months you shouldn't wait for the transfer function on the Russian Archeage servers. There are technical problems in the mechanics of this process, but, I think, it's not just them. We can grumble or shout. Depends on temperament. I'd rather tell you why "transfer" right now is a good and correct decision.

    By "transfer" now, of course, I mean not transferring your character, but transferring your consciousness to the server that you consider more promising. Yes, it is clear that you have a character, his equipment, gold and real estate on the current server. But now is the time to drop it all and go on a new journey. Why? There are several reasons.

    Throw the gun and come up quickly
    First of all, the value of your character, his equipment, gold and real estate is determined by your personal desire to play. As soon as this desire disappears, all these benefits will turn into digital dust on an account to which you will not even be able to remember the password in six months. It makes no sense to hold on to the accumulated, if in the process of waiting you spend the rest of your sympathy for the game.

    Catch before dawn
    Your character is probably at maximum level now. That is, the fiftieth. Maybe a few more branches in the asset. But as soon as addon 1.2 is introduced, all these branches and your level will turn out to be strong middlings. If you jump and create a new character, then you need to do this right now in order to gain levels without a race and by the time the add-on is introduced to continue the development of the character in a new place of residence.
    New passport
    By the way, about the new character. Now you have the opportunity to create the appearance of a new character without haste. Because when the transfer is launched for everyone, it will be another race. And in this race one of the problems will be the name. Even if your current name on the server you want to go to is already taken, over time the options will only decrease.
    Accommodation by the sea, inexpensive
    Today is the seventh of July. The Premium Membership for those starting with Early Access expired on July 6th. This means that some of the players, even if they paid taxes until the last, will now lose their property when they refuse the next payment of a premium subscription. Imagine how much demand for real estate will increase on populated servers after the introduction of a transfer for everyone. Now you have a real opportunity in the first three servers to occupy even entire arrays of sites located next to each other.

    Strict North
    You may not have thought about it yet, but for many, the attraction of the Primordial Continent is constrained by the need to travel there every day or spend the stones of distant wanderings. After all, the main PvE activity still remains on the NPC continents. But if you remember where the new 50+ locations are located, you will quickly realize that all activity after entering 1.2 will move just to the North, while your real estate will remain on the NPC mainland. Perhaps this is the moment when you should think about the original setting of the residence in the North? And again, this is the right moment for this.

    For fishing lovers, I have a separate hint:

    Yes, this is the North. After 1.2.

    It is always difficult to give up what you have accumulated. But perhaps now is the right time to take the risk. And you always have the opportunity, at a minimum, to carefully create a character, go on exploration, evaluate the auction and the state with free spaces for real estate. Recommend.

    From today in test mode the modified and corrected work begins. Please note that it has been significantly redesigned from a technical point of view, so there is a possibility of interruptions. If you encounter problems, please contact technical support and our specialists will help.

    In addition, in the first few days, due to the increased load on the service, the transfer process may be delayed. Please understand this.

    Please note: using the transfer system on one character, you can transfer it again in 24 hours.

    Transfer requirements

    • The character cannot be in the game.
    • The character must not be at a distance.
    • The character must be level 45 or higher.
    • The character cannot be a member of a guild, family, union of nations.
    • A character cannot be carried over with a siege declaration.
    • The character cannot own real estate or a shipyard (they will need to be destroyed). You can transfer a house or farm project.
    • You cannot transfer a character if he has items and money in the mail or in the "Delivery" section (except for system letters).
    • A character must have no items or bids at auction.
    • The character must not be blocked.

    What will and will not be carried over during the transfer

    Experience, skill points, PVP counter, etc. Will be saved.
    Items in inventory Will be transferred.
    Exceptions: siege declarations.
    Gold Will be carried over.
    Items in stock Will be carried over without restrictions.
    Regular mail If there are items or gold in the mail (except for system letters), it is impossible to apply for a transfer. Also, you cannot apply if the number of letters exceeds 1000.
    Mail delivery If there are items in the "Delivery" section, it is impossible to apply for a transfer.
    Small Council Position and Bounty Cloak The post will not be saved when you move it. The cloak will be removed from the character's inventory.
    Binding teleport points Notes from the Hearths section will be deleted. The marks in the Road Atlas will remain.
    Character coordinates The character will be returned to the starting location of his race.
    Custom Images Will be deleted.
    House If the character has real estate, it is not possible to apply for a transfer. It needs to be demolished.
    Furniture in the house All character property must be demolished before applying for a transfer. You can only transfer furniture that is in inventory or in a warehouse.
    Chests in the house All character property must be demolished before applying for a transfer. You can only transfer chests (and their contents) that are in inventory or in a warehouse.
    Animals and plants on farms All character property must be demolished before applying for a transfer. You can only transfer animals and plants that are in your inventory or warehouse.
    Handicraft orders Before applying for a transfer, you need to cancel all active craft orders and return resources from already created applications that are in bags (using the "Resource Return" tab in craft workshops).
    A family Before applying for a transfer, you must leave the family.
    Guild Before applying for a transfer, you must leave the guild.
    Union of Nations Before applying for a transfer, you need to leave the Union of Nations (return to the starting faction).
    Friends and disaster list Will be cleared.
    Territory and castle You cannot apply for a transfer as a guild leader. Therefore, the castle cannot be destroyed in connection with the transfer.

    Server availability for transfer

    Servers available for transfer in both directions:

    • Ashyara;
    • "Gartarein";
    • Glenn;
    • "Kiproza";
    • "Leviathan";
    • Lorea;
    • Lucius;
    • "Marley";
    • Melisara;
    • "Morpheos";
    • "Never";
    • Ernard.

    Transfer from the "Aria" server is possible only to the "Ishtar" server. Development server "Haze" is not available for transferring characters.

    In the near future, the auctions on the Aria and Ishtar servers will be merged into the two existing auction groups. After that, both servers will become available for free transfer of characters. We will provide more details closer to this event.

    Starting today, the modified and corrected character transfer system begins to work in test mode. It has been significantly redesigned from a technical point of view, so there is a possibility of interruptions. In the first week - until August 7 inclusive - the transfer will be completely free!

    From 15:00 Moscow time on March 22, the service for transferring characters to another server, except for Leviathan, will be available. Its cost is 1000 crystals, the transfer to the eastern continent of "Kiproza" and "Ashyara" is free. You can use the service at any time, and the process itself will take about 15 minutes.

    Want to change the scene or join your teammates on a different server? Do you dream of meeting face to face with the inhabitants of other gaming worlds in order to find out once and for all which of you is stronger? You will be able to do it very soon!

    Already on March 22, starting at 15:00 Moscow time, we begin the preparatory stage for the launch of the character transfer system. It will start with a free transfer to the 2 most free servers - "Kiproza" and "Ashyara". We recommend a transfer to these servers for those players who already have a character of a suitable level, but are faced with a lack of land. At the end of the first stage (approximately it will take 2 weeks), a paid transfer will be launched. You can use the service at any time until the weekly hero limit is reached, and the transfer process itself will take about 15 minutes.

    More about transfer

    • Transfer to Ashyara and the eastern mainland of Kiproza \u200b\u200bis free of charge.
    • During the first week after launch, only 100 heroes can be transferred to each server.
    • After the end of the first stage, only a certain number of characters can be transferred to each server. The counter resets at 0:00 Moscow time on Tuesday and is not displayed anywhere, so if you are transported by a large group of characters, for example, a guild, do this after resetting the counter.
    • After the launch of the service, race restrictions may be introduced on the target servers.
    • In case of heavy load, the server will be removed from the list of available for transfer.
    • When applying for a transfer, you can change the name or keep the old one. If your nickname is busy on the target server, you will have to choose a new one.

    Transfer requirements

    • The character cannot be in the game.
    • The character must not be at a distance.
    • The character must be level 45 or higher.
    • The character cannot be a member of a guild, family, union of nations.
    • A character cannot be carried over with a siege declaration.
    • The character cannot own real estate or a shipyard (it will need to be destroyed). A house or farm project can be transferred.
    • You cannot transfer a character if he has items and money in the mail and in the "Delivery" section (except for system letters).
    • There should be no items or bids in the auction.
    • The character must not be blocked.

    What will be rescheduled and not rescheduled upon transfer

    Experience, skill points, PVP counter, etc. Will be saved.
    Items in inventory Will be transferred.
    Exceptions: Siege declarations cannot be carried over.
    Gold Will be carried over.
    Items in stock Will be carried over without restrictions.
    Regular mail If there are items or gold in the mail (except for system letters), it is impossible to apply for a transfer. You cannot submit an application if the number of letters exceeds 1000.
    Mail delivery If there are items in the "Delivery" section, it is impossible to apply for a transfer.
    Binding teleport points Notes from the Hearths section will be deleted. The marks in the Road Atlas will remain.
    Character coordinates The character will be returned to the starting location of his race.
    Custom Images Will be deleted.
    House If the character has real estate, it is not possible to apply for a transfer. It must first be demolished.
    Furniture in the house All character property must be demolished before applying for a transfer. Furniture can only be moved in inventory or warehouse.
    Chests in the house All character property must be demolished before applying for a transfer. Therefore, chests and their contents can only be transferred in inventory or in a warehouse.
    Animals and plants on farms Since all real estate must be demolished before applying for a transfer, it will not be possible to transfer animals and plants (only in inventory or in a warehouse).
    A family Before applying, you need to leave your family.
    Guild Before applying, you need to leave the guild.
    Union of Nations Before applying, you need to leave the union of nations (return to the starting faction).
    Friends and disaster list Will be cleared.
    Territory and castle You cannot apply for a transfer as a guild leader. Therefore, the castle cannot be destroyed in connection with the transfer.

    More about paid transfer

    • Paid transfers will start after the end of the first stage. The exact dates will be announced separately.
    • The cost of the service is 1000 crystals.
    • Depending on the balance of power on the servers, restrictions may be introduced.
    • Transferring characters to the Leviathan is not possible.

    Dear players!

    Ahead of the transfer and server merger to invite players from other servers to your guild / family / CP, you can use the temporary section "Recruiting"... Please note that this section will be deleted after the merge of servers and the topic for recruiting new players will need to be recreated already in the restructured section.

    When creating a topic, adhere to the forum rules and the supplementary section rules, which you can find at the link:\u003d178197

    The theme name should be styled in accordance with the template: “Guild / KP / family [Name]. [Fraction]. [Server]"

    General issues

    So should the property be demolished?

    Transfer: must be demolished, otherwise the character cannot be transferred.
    Merging servers: you cannot demolish, otherwise at the time of merging you will have a regular blueprint instead of a special one that does not require resources to build.

    Will compensation and blueprints come for each transferred character or account?

    One compensation package is issued per account (via the "Shopping Cart" on the website).
    If you have multiple characters, some of which are on the merged servers and others on the servers that are not participating in the merge, you will receive a reward for changing servers.
    Demolition compensation is only available for fully built homes and farms. To receive a "Special Project", which does not require resources for construction, the property must be standing at the time the servers are merged. Gold is given to each character, depending on his buildings - within three days after the servers are combined.

    Will I get all the items from the chests at home or just 40 items?

    You will receive all the items.

    What will happen to the machines (pavilions)?

    Also sent with a special drawing.

    "Special projects" can be deployed in a year, if there is no suitable place before?

    Projects are sent to mail, which is stored for a limited time, they must be picked up from the mail. Taking them from there, you can use "Spetsproekt" at a time convenient for you.

    100 bills of compensation - is it for each construction or for all together?

    Only 100.

    Why is compensation of bills not included in the calculation of buildings?

    For each building, in addition to promissory notes, you will receive gold compensation.

    If I have a character on different servers on the same account, I will receive gifts in the account basket on the site and I will be able to independently decide to whom to redirect the full compensation package?

    Yes, you can independently choose which character to get the items indicated here in paragraph 2. Compensation in gold for the identified property will be received by the owner character.

    If the crystal of true akhium was created a long time ago, will it be removed? If so, will compensation be paid for it?

    The timing of the creation of the crystal does not matter, it will be deleted, as stated in the news. No compensation is planned.

    Is it possible that when submitting an application, I may be refused if the server is full?

    We are not planning such restrictions.

    What will happen to the tasks from the library, will they remain or be reset?

    Progress will continue.

    Can I transfer Spetsproekt?

    No. "Special projects" are personal.


    Can I only transfer 1 character?

    No, as long as they meet the conditions of the transfer.

    Is there a paid transfer after the merger planned after some time?

    At the moment, only the already announced one is planned.

    I would like to use the transfer, but I have prepaid property tax, can I use the transfer?

    Yes, you can, the prepaid property needs to be demolished.

    Will a premium transfer be required?

    No premium transfer required.

    Are buildings on the character to be demolished by the time the transfer is applied or by the transfer itself?

    Must be torn down by the time of application.

    After the server merge, I can use the transfer, if I want to transfer the character to some other server, for example, "Ernard" or "Marley", and not "Glenn", as according to the table, will the buildings have to be demolished?

    After the server merge, the transfer will not be available. If you want to get into a unified server group, different from the one that the server you are playing on will fall into, then yes, you need to first apply for a transfer and, accordingly, demolish the property.

    If I have a pirate character, will it remain so when I transfer it?

    Yes, the character will remain a pirate.

    What will happen to the letters from the return of packs (gold, craft materials, etc.)? Will this negatively affect my application?

    System letters (and letters from the delivery of packs - system letters) will not affect.

    Merging servers

    If on the day of the merger I am unable to enter due to employment, will I be able to take a place for real estate?

    You can: note that on the day of the unification, the lands will not be captured in the north, so the houses in the north can be occupied on December 13th.

    Will the north be recaptured on servers where there was no merge?

    On such servers, everything will remain as it is.

    Will there be any restrictions on building scarecrows?

    Will not.

    What time will the servers open after the merge?

    We will announce the time in advance, follow the publications on the site to keep abreast of the latest news. Surely we can say that this will happen towards the end of the day, so that many can have time after work to start.

    If there is a level 50 and 9 character on the same account, will the second character be deleted upon merging?

    No, characters will not be deleted when merged.

    Will my character be deleted when merging servers if I put it on deletion before merging?

    No, the deletion will be canceled, you will have to put it again after the merge.

    Will the bills in your inventory carry over when merged?

    All items from the inventory will be preserved when combined.

    Will "special projects" of houses and scarecrows appear at once upon entering a new server?

    Yes, you will receive "special projects" immediately by mail.

    I have 1 house and 3 scares on my character, will I be able to put them back or will there be a limit on the number of real estate to be installed and I will have to pre-sell them on a mortgage?

    You can, there will be no such limit.

    All real estate will be in the inventory after the merger, and the chests installed in the houses, everything that is stored in the chests, as well as furniture from the house will also be preserved and put together with everything?

    The news contains information in corresponding table:


    How are things going with the change of side (west or east) when uniting?

    There will be no possibility of changing sides.

    Will my premium continue?

    If you have it active at the time of the merge, it will remain.

    Will my character's appearance remain?

    Yes, the appearance will remain.

    What will happen to the scarecrows, machines and chests on them?

    What will be the compensation for the rotunda?

    Compensation for the rotunda will be issued in accordance with its area - 28x28.

    Will the Scroll of Strong Armor / Armor / Jeweler Spells remain?

    They will remain, as will the crystals of the true solar, lunar and stellar akhium. The speech in the news is about the crystal needed to seize territory in the North - it is called exactly as indicated, and it does not have the "solar" prefix.

    Will there be compensation for the hives placed on the scarecrows?

    Hives are not considered real estate and are not re-issued.

    Will the area of \u200b\u200bsettlements for buildings be increased after the merger or will everything remain as it is now?

    The amount of space will not change.

    When entering the game, what territory will my character be in after the server merge?

    In the starting villages of the races.

    Do I need to demolish the property myself if you don't want to use the transfer first?

    In order to receive compensation for the demolished real estate, server players that will be affected by the merger must complete the entire real estate. You do not need to demolish it yourself.

    Will the premium be refunded for the duration of the server offline?

    Server consolidation and transfer is a complex technical process, and in the process of its implementation, an increase in the time of technical work is possible. Therefore, players will be able to use a set of compensations, but there is no premium reimbursement among them.

    If I sold a scarecrow from a twink, after the merger who will receive "Spetsproekt", me or the twink?

    The current owner.

    After combining the servers and before the capture of the castles, will it be possible to place buildings in the north?

    The ability to set up real estate is not available until the territories are captured.

    Will there be a restriction on the installation of real estate so that they can only put on special projects?

    The limitation is not planned.

    Will the crest templates from the inventory be destroyed as well?

    All uploaded images will be destroyed.

    When can I go to the new server?

    Its launch will be announced separately.

    Will there be compensation for akhium trees?

    No such compensation is planned.

    In the event of a merger, the prepayment will burn out or how will the bills arrive at the post office upon demolition?

    When such real estate is demolished, prepayment bills are returned to the post office.

    Please tell me what will happen to the unfinished and unpaid real estate during the merger?

    The unfinished property will be destroyed.

    Will the property on servers not participating in the merger be torn down and remain in place?

    Yes, it will remain in place.

    Are there any plans to compensate for the subsea farms when the servers are merged, and will their drawings be sent to the mail after the merge?

    Yes, everything is according to the rules (see.

    November 21 Free character transfers will be available in ArcheAge. The transfer of characters will be available until the maintenance works that take place November 27... Players of all servers will be able to use the free transfer, except for Lucius, Kiproza, Melisara, and Nevera. Also, players will not be able to transfer their characters to the world of "Lucius".

    Attention! By submitting a transfer request, you cannot change or cancel it.

    You can apply for a free transfer a few minutes after the last entry into the game, using a special form on the official website of the game. You cannot do this while in the game. You can transfer a hero of level 10 and above, created before November 21 and meets the following conditions:

    • the character does not have to be a guild leader;
    • the character should not be at a distance;
    • the character or account must not be blocked;
    • the character does not own real estate or shipyard;
    • there should be no items or bids in the auction;
    • characters do not have items or money in the mail (from other players) or in the "Delivery" section, as well as a declaration of siege.

    If the server selected for the transfer already has a character with the same name as your hero, you will be asked to enter a new name in the application.

    After applying and before actual transfer, scheduled for November 27, the following restrictions will be imposed on your character:

    • the character cannot be deleted;
    • it is impossible to use the auction;
    • you cannot receive letters with gold or objects from other characters;
    • you cannot establish real estate;
    • the character cannot be chosen as a guild leader;
    • you cannot buy items in the in-game store or the Union store for a gift (and also receive them as a gift). However, it is possible to purchase premium subscriptions as well as items on other characters in the same account.

    When transferring, the following are saved for the character:

    • experience, skill points, PvP counter, etc .;
    • items in inventory;
    • gold;
    • items in stock;
    • marks in the "Road Atlas".

    The transfer does not apply to:

    • mail from other players and the "Delivery" section;
    • notes from the section "Homes";
    • custom images;
    • farm animals and plants;
    • family and guild;
    • list of friends and emergency situations;
    • trade cargo.

    ArcheAge Server Consolidation Planned for December 3rd with the aim of enlivening the gameplay. If we take into account that even now it is impossible to find a place even for a small scarecrow on not one of the servers, then after combining the servers, many farmers risk being left without the opportunity to re-start a vegetable garden. And this situation can be detrimental to both the general online and the economy of the game. I would like to believe that the developers took into account such a moment.