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  • The composition of the department. Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, Moscow State University Teaching foreign citizens

    The composition of the department.  Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, Moscow State University Teaching foreign citizens

    The Department of the French Language was founded in May 1995 in the status of a university-wide for the implementation educational activities at all faculties of the Higher School of Economics. In 2014, the department became part of the Department foreign languages.

    The department employs highly qualified specialists, including authors of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and other universities of the country. The teachers of the Department of French strive to create textbooks and teaching aids that reflect the goals, objectives and specifics of teaching a foreign language at the Higher School of Economics. As a result of cooperation with the publishing house "Yurayt", a whole series of textbooks was prepared on the main areas of the department's work. One cannot but rejoice at the fact that in the presence of a huge offer on the market, many of our colleagues - French teachers from different regions of Russia choose exactly the textbooks of the authors from the Higher School of Economics.

    According to the Yurayt publishing house, according to the textbook "French for Lawyers"(authors: N.V. Zhukova, O.B. Samsonova) students from 59 universities are studying, including

    Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan).

    "French for Economists"(authors: T.E. Zmeeva, M.S. Levina) is used in 78 major universities, including:

    Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Economics.

    St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

    Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Moscow)

    Belgorod State National Research University (Belgorod)

    Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation(Moscow city)

    Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan)

    Kursk State University (Kursk)

    Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm)

    Russian Academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

    Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin (Moscow)

    Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow)

    Samara State University of Economics (Samara)

    "French. NouveauVirage"(authors: M.S. Levina, O.B. Samsonova, V.V. Kharauzova) entered the top five textbooks - winners of the "Editor's Choice" contest. It is also the choice of 161 universities. Among them are such prestigious

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

    Saint Petersburg State University

    Academy of the FSB of Russia (Moscow)

    Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

    All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

    State University of Management (Moscow)

    Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboyedov (Moscow)

    Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky (Simferopol)

    National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk)

    Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow)

    Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Koroleva (National Research University) (Samara)

    North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova (Yakutsk)

    Pacific State University (Khabarovsk)

    Tyumen State University (Tyumen)

    Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov (Yaroslavl).

    The teachers of the department have modern methods teaching foreign languages ​​and constantly improve their professional skills at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov, during internships in France, in particular within the framework of the HSE Cooperation Project with French Universities, as well as during scientific and methodological seminars held by the French Embassy in the Russian Federation, the French Institute (Institut Français), leading French publishing houses educational literature in foreign languages ​​Didier and Hachette.

    The research activity of the teachers of the department contributes to the development of topical problems of modern romance, methods of teaching foreign languages. "Theory and practice of teaching a foreign language in higher education", "Actual problems of Romance philology" are the main directions of the research work of the department. In the sphere of scientific interests of the teachers of the department there are issues related to the methodology of teaching a foreign language for general, special, academic purposes, finding ways to intensify and optimize the educational process, a competency-based approach to learning, using andragogical principles in teaching a foreign language in higher education and creating teaching materials, communicative semantics, text grammar, speech pragmatics, etc.

    Department teachers

    Øparticipate in international, all-Russian, Russian-French,

    interuniversity scientific and methodological conferences and seminars;

    Ø act as opponents at the defense of Ph.D. theses;

    Ø Review:

    Dissertations, articles;

    Textbooks, teaching aids of the publishing houses "Higher School", Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University;

    Final qualifying works of students of Moscow universities;

    Ø carry out external expertise USE materials and All-Russian Olympiads in


    Exchange of experience with the departments of the French language of the leading universities of the country (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow State Linguistic University, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, RUDN) allows you to get acquainted with new technologies of education in higher education, existing systems for assessing communicative competencies in the context of adaptation to European requirements.

    To get acquainted with new foreign methods of teaching French, the department maintains regular contacts with representatives of the French Embassy in Russia, responsible for cooperation in the field of linguistics and methods of teaching French as a foreign language, as well as with representatives of the French Institute (Institut Français) and the French Cultural Center in Moscow .

    To expand and deepen inter-university cooperation, the department holds an annual inter-university scientific and methodological seminar "French: Theory and Practice of Teaching", which every year is dedicated to a specific problem. The seminars deal with topical issues of philology, methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in general and in a non-linguistic university in particular, organization and scientific and methodological support of the process of teaching French in the context of Russia's integration into the European educational space, requiring adaptation to the pan-European requirements for the levels of foreign language proficiency, the system for assessing communicative competencies. Leading specialists of Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow State University, VAVT and other Russian universities take part in the work of the seminar, make presentations and reports.

    Since 2010, teachers of the department have been taking Active participation in competitions of the HSE Educational Innovation Foundation and have been their winners for several years:

    In 2010, Art. teacher of the department N.V. Zhukov with the development of "Using Google Sites technologies in organizing students' independent work online";

    In 2011, Art. teacher of the department N.V. Zhukov with the development of "A complex of interactive educational and methodological models created using the Didapages program";

    In 2012, the winner of the competition was the team of authors of the department (Associate Professor I.Yu. Barteneva, Associate Professor O.V. Zheltkova, Associate Professor M.S. Levina) with the development of “Zigzags” - a complex of interactive educational and methodological materials aimed at for the development of competencies necessary for the implementation of intercultural communication”;

    2014 - Associate Professor of the Department N.V. Zhukova and Professor I.V. Nikolaev with the development of "French for Academic Purposes".

    In 2000, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris delegated to the department the right to take qualifying examinations in French business language, having opened its own (the third in Moscow after MGIMO and VAVT) on the basis of the Higher School of Economics, which confirms high level educational services provided by the department. The Center prepares students to pass qualifying exams for various diplomas and certificates of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris ( French for business communication, French for lawyers), preparing examination materials for the oral part of the exams, taking exams. Teaching is conducted by highly qualified teachers who have extensive experience and have completed internships at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris and other training centers in France. The examination committee includes employees of the French Embassy in Russia, representatives of French enterprises and banks, as well as Russian teachers specializing in teaching FL for professional purposes.

    The Department of French Language provides French language instruction at almost all HSE faculties, including within the framework of paid groups at Language Training Center, given the succession educational programs from A1 to C1, including both academic and professional component.

    In order to popularize the French language, the department is actively engaged in extracurricular activities with students and teachers.

    Since 2007, the department has been holding the International Interuniversity Scientific Conference for students and graduate students in French. Every year the conference is dedicated to relevant topics, for example, "Dialogue between the two powers: history, modernity, prospects", "Socio-economic reforms in France", "The strength and attractiveness of France in the diversity of its regions", etc. In 2017, a conference on the topic " France in scientific, economic and cultural space World” was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Higher School of Economics and the 25th anniversary of cooperation between the Higher School of Economics and French universities. In 2016 and 2017, thanks to cooperation with the French Embassy, ​​the French Institute in Russia (Institut Français de Russie), the Center for Franco-Russian Studies in Moscow and the MGIMO French Community, a record number of students and experts took part in the conference.

    Since 2006, the department has been holding various cultural and educational events, which eventually formed in

    The Department of French was founded in 1954. Over the years, the department was successfully led by highly qualified specialists Solovieva L.I., Pravikov V.V. In the 80s. The department was headed by candidates of philological sciences Shumeyko V.N., Boleyko A.F., Cheslavskaya L.A.

    List of teachers of the department

    Vasilenko Anatoly Petrovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor
    Grishechkina Anna Mikhailovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
    Kosareva Irina Viktorovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
    Zalipaeva Zhanna Pavlovna - Senior Lecturer
    Boleyko Arkadiy Fedorovich - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

    Research work

    The scope of scientific interests of teachers of the department:
    1) Professor A.P. Vasilenko - phraseology of the French language, comparative phraseology of French, English, Russian;
    2) associate professor I.V. Kosareva - lexicography and lexicology;
    3) Associate Professor A.M. Grishechkina - methods of teaching foreign languages;
    4) senior lecturer Zh.P. Zalipaeva - psycholinguistics, pedagogy;
    5) Associate Professor A.F. Boleyko - theoretical grammar of the French language, comparative typology of French and Russian languages.

    Over the past 5 years, teachers have published: 7 monographs; 11 teaching aids; 62 scientific articles; two editions of the "Dictionary of Russian-French Parallels" (Boleiko A.F., Grishechkina A.M., Kosareva I.V.); the "Dictionary of synonyms of phraseological units of the Russian and French languages" was published, and two patents for the registration of electronic resources were received (Boleiko A.F., Grishechkina A.M.).

    Professor Vasilenko A.P. took second place in the regional competition for the best scientific work of graduate students and young scientists of the Bryansk region in the humanities in 2014, in 2015 he became a laureate of the II degree of the International Competition "Pedagogical Achievements" (Krasnoyarsk), and also took III place in the competition for the best scientific work of Scientists of the Bryansk region in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences "Science of the region - Bryansk region", 2016.

    Skachkova L., post-graduate student of Professor A.P. Vasilenko, is the winner of the competition “Modern Scientific Achievements. Bryansk-2017".

    IN scientific work students of the department also actively participate: 4th year student Egor Kozhadey, who is a member of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, published 4 scientific articles in collections of student papers; in different years, students of the department published 15 works in co-authorship; received a grant from BSU (Slavina V., supervisor - Associate Professor A.M. Grishechkina).

    Learning activities departments

    The undoubted success is the active participation of students of the department in Olympiads and competitions of the All-Russian level. The following student achievements were the result of these performances:
    - Tolstokorova Regina Andreevna, who took 1st place in All-Russian Competition schoolchildren and students “Do you know France and its regions?”, Moscow, 2013 and I place in the International Olympiad in foreign languages, Krasnoyarsk, 2014;
    - Slavina Valeria Sergeevna, who took II place in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures, 2013;
    - Kondratyuk Tatyana Rodionovna, who took III place in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Irkutsk, 2013;
    - Shastov Kirill Stanislavovich, who took IV place in the All-Russian Competition for schoolchildren and students “Do you know France and its regions?”, Moscow, 2013;
    - Kashpur Anton and Chasova Darina, who took IV and VII places in the All-Russian Competition for schoolchildren and students “Do you know France and its regions?” Moscow, 2015
    - Lina Lakhtikova and Yegor Kozhadei, who took II and III places in the All-Russian Competition for schoolchildren and students “Do you know France and its regions?” Moscow, 2017, who completed an internship in France in July 2017.

    All five of our participants became finalists of the 2017 competition: Ryabokonova Alisa, Khalibekova Polina, Fursa Vlada.

    Head of the department, associate professor I.V. Kosareva and senior lecturer Zh.P. Zalipaev, following the results of training students in French, were repeatedly awarded Letters of Appreciation from the Embassy of France in Russia and the Association of French Teachers, of which they are members.

    The international cooperation

    The department carries out international cooperation. In 2015 an Agreement on research, educational and social and cultural activities was concluded between BSU and international school French "International House" Nice, France. School director William Rubinstein and school employee Sebastien Rubinstein during a scientific and practical internship in 2015-2016. The Department of French held two seminars on the topics "Education in France" and "Russian Classical Literature in the Paradigm of French Education", as well as numerous practical classes, in which 1-5 year students and teachers took part. Teachers of the department travel with students for language study internships in France, and also work as translators of the Children of Chernobyl Association.

    Cooperation between education and culture

    The department constantly cooperates with the city methodical association teachers of the French language of institutions of secondary education in Bryansk and the Bryansk region, conducts seminars, organizes meetings of students with representatives of schools in the region.

    The team of teachers of the department is represented in the jury of the regional theater festival of the French language "Kaleidoscope", in which students of the French department also take part.

    The department cooperates closely with the Department of Foreign Literature of the Regional Scientific Library. F.I. Tyutchev, where presentations of scientific works of teachers of the department, master classes, meetings of French teachers with students are organized.

    Department of French provides teaching of theoretical and practical courses of French as a first and second foreign language in groups of students studying in the direction 45.03.02 "Linguistics" (profile "Translation and translation studies", qualification - bachelor), specialty 45.01.01 "Translation and translation studies" (specialization "Linguistic support of military activities", qualification - specialist).

    Training in practical knowledge of the French language is conducted in the disciplines "Practical course" (1-4 semesters) and "Workshop on the culture of speech communication" (5-10 semesters).

    The cycle of theoretical courses includes "History of Language", "Theoretical Grammar", "Lexicology", "Stylistics" for students studying French as their first foreign language.

    The department employs 12 people, 5 of them have the degree of candidate of philological sciences. Scientific and methodological work The department is carried out in various areas, including the development and compilation of curricula for the practice of the French language and theoretical courses, writing manuals, teaching materials, selection and adaptation of texts.

    In 2013-2015 were published prepared by the teachers of the department teaching aids with a total volume of 43 pp, incl. “Fundamentals of the theory of a second foreign language. French language” (in 2 volumes) and “Lexicologie de la langue française”, the authors of which are Professor Z.K. Burnatseva and associate professor V.V. Pylakin. On the eve of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, the leading Russian publishing house of translation and translation literature "R.Valent" published a textbook on winter Olympic sports "Snow and Ice", one of the co-authors of which is the head of the department E.M. Solntsev. The manual was actively used to train simultaneous interpreters and volunteers who worked at the Olympics.

    In 2014-2015 teachers of the department published 6 scientific articles on the problems of novelistics and comparative linguistics, 4 of them in collections recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Head of the Department E.M. Solntsev is the author of an article about state of the art French language in the collection of INION RAS "Linguistic situation in Europe at the beginning of the XXI century" (Moscow, 2015)

    Cand. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department L.M. Zhdanova is the executive secretary of the editorial board of issues of the MSLU Bulletin devoted to the problems of novelistics.

    Teachers of the department are actively involved in the management of the scientific work of students. In November 2015, 4th year student Aleksandra Filipchenko was awarded a 2nd degree diploma from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference "Student Science" for her report on the problems of French lexicology (supervisor - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of French Language of the Faculty of Translation V. V. Pylakin).

    Within the framework of cooperation with the universities of France, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries, representatives of the teaching staff go on scientific internships abroad, are involved in work as translators for negotiating and performing representational tasks.

    From 1986 to 2016, the department was headed by Ph.D. philol. Sciences, Professor Zinaida Konstantinovna Burnatseva, a graduate of the Faculty of Translation of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. M. Torez (MGLU), 1969.

    Since September 2016, the head of the department is Candidate of Philology. Evgeny Maksimovich Solntsev, graduate of the Faculty of Translation of Moscow State Linguistic University in 1996.

    About the department

    The Department of French Language and Culture was formed in 2015 on the basis of the merger of the Department of Francophone Cultures (until December 2009 - the Department of French for the Faculty of Natural Sciences) and the Department of French for the Humanities. Both merged departments have more than half a century of history. Founded in the 40s of the 20th century, they conducted and continue to conduct classes in student and postgraduate groups at the humanities and natural faculties of Moscow State University.

    Since December 2009, due to the increasing need for regional and cultural studies experts with deep knowledge of the French language and cultures of French-speaking countries, the teaching of French language and culture at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies - Department of Regional Studies and International Relations has become an important area of ​​work for the department (region Western Europe: France), as well as the department of cultural studies of the FIYAR.

    The main areas of work of the department:

    • Conducting classes in French language and culture at the Department of Cultural Studies of the FIYAR, the Department of Regional Studies of the FIYAR (Region Western Europe: France),
    • groups of humanitarian faculties of Moscow State University: economic, philosophical, faculties of psychology, sociology, political science, pedagogical education, political science.
    • Teaching French in undergraduate and postgraduate groups of natural faculties of Moscow State University: Mechanics and Mathematics, VMiK, Chemical, Biological, Fundamental Medicine.
    • Reading courses and special courses at the Department of Cultural Studies of the FIYAR and the Faculty of Philosophy, at the Department of Regional Studies of the FIYAR (Region Western Europe: France).
    • Reading a course in the specialty 10.02.05 for postgraduate students of FINR " Topical issues novelism in an interdisciplinary aspect".
    • Reading interfaculty courses. In 2014 and 2017 the course "Languages ​​and cultures of the Francophonie countries: France, Belgium, Canada (Quebec)" was given
    • Management of course, diploma and dissertation (candidate and doctoral) works.
    • International cooperation with Franche-Comte University (France).
    • International cooperation with French language centers (Perpignan, Brest, Touraine, Corsica).
    • Optimization of the teaching of the French language and culture of France.
    • Organization of internships in the regions of France.
    • Holding annual autumn and spring interdisciplinary scientific and practical forums for students and graduate students studying French .
    • Participation in the work of international scientific organizations - editorial boards of international journals, including the French journal " Le fran ç ais dans le monde – Recherches et applications »

    · In the framework of cooperation with international scientific organizations, the department took part in the preparation of issue 63 of the international journal Entrées historiques et diversité de l "enseignement du français dans l'espace russophone / Coord. par T. Zagryazkina / / Recherches et application - Le français dans le monde. No. 63, janvier 2018. Ed. Cle international (coordinator of the issue - Zagryazkina T.Yu.).