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  • Most minority agree with the predicate. Approval of the predicate and the subject material for preparing for the exam (gia) in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic

    Most minority agree with the predicate. Approval of the predicate and the subject material for preparing for the exam (gia) in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic

    Syntactic norms. Coordination standards. Building sentences with homogeneous members. Management standards.

    Building complex sentences.

    Coordination standards.

    Matching participles with the defined word.


    The participle agrees in gender, number, and case with the word being defined.


    Find the designated word, ask him a question for the sacrament. Ending in the question \u003d ending of the sacrament (keep in mind that the letters O and E in the ending are equal).

    Matching the application with the word being defined.


    A name in quotation marks given with a generic word (story, novel, painting, symphony, hotel) is an inconsistent appendix and must be in the nominative case. If there is no generic word, then the name in quotation marks begins to change.


    In the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" reveals a dark kingdom ruled by wild boars and wild boars.

    In "The Thunder" A.N. Ostrovsky reveals a dark kingdom ruled by wild boars and wild ones.

    Building a sentence with homogeneous members.

    the rule common mistakes
    the general addition requires from homogeneous members of the sentence one case and a preposition DO NOT: watching (what?) And is fond of (what?) Serials
    different parts of speech cannot be combined into homogeneous members of a sentence DO NOT: Learned French and Fight Duels
    it is impossible to combine heterogeneous syntactic constructions DO NOT: The book describes the origin of religion and how it developed
    it is impossible to make wrong pairs of comparative conjunctions NOT ONLY ... BUT, HOW ... SO AND DO NOT: At school, they educate not only knowledge, but educate a personality.

    Management standards.


    incarnation into anything transformation into something
    identical to anything similar to anything
    be offended by anything offended by something
    be happy about something happy about something
    pay attention to something pay attention to something
    lean on anything be based on something
    feedback about something review of anything
    full of anything filled with anything
    superiority over anything advantage over anything
    warn against something warn about something
    distinguish what and what distinguish what from what
    get angry about anything angry about something
    confidence in anything belief in anything
    be surprised at something surprised by anything
    pay for something pay something

    Building a complex sentence.


    Indirect speech is a way of transmitting someone else's speech in the form of a subordinate clause. In indirect speech, the form of the pronoun changes.

    Pushkin wrote: “In my cruel age I glorified freedom” - Pushkin wrote that “in a cruel age he glorified” freedom.

    Algorithm of actions.

    1) Sequentially look at the answer options for all possible errors.

    2) Check:

    All words are in the correct case;

    Do subject and predicate agree in gender, number and case;

    Are participial phrases consistent with the word on which they depend;

    Is direct speech translated into indirect speech correctly, etc.

    Analysis of the task.

    Indicate a sentence without a grammatical error (without violating the syntactic norm).

    1) Great attention should be paid to the development of imaginative thinking.

    2) Success in the competition depends not only on skill, but on knowledge of technology.

    3) When the mother asked her son why he reads forbidden books, Paul replied that he wanted to know everything.

    4) He respects and cares for his front-line comrades.

    Option number 1.

    This proposal violated management norms: instead of pay great attention (to what?) development used by pay great attention to development.

    Option number 2.

    The rules for using a double union are violated: instead of not only but used not only ... but

    Option number 3.

    The sentence is built taking into account all grammar rules.

    Option number 4.

    The norms are violated when using homogeneous members of the sentence: verb respects requires the accusative dependent word (who? what?), and the verb cares in a prepositional (about whom? about what?). However, they have one common addition their front-line comrades.

    In this way, the correct answer is option number 3.


    1. Indicate a sentence with a grammatical error (with a violation of the syntactic norm).

    1) Most of the buildings that define the historic city center date from the 17th century.

    2) Those who regularly engage in various sports rarely get colds.

    3) Meetings with prominent figures of art and literature have become traditional on the Kultura channel.

    4) Climate change on the planet is predicted by the largest physicists both in our country and in the countries of Europe and America.

    2. Indicate a sentence with a grammatical error (with a violation of the syntactic norm).

    1) Thanks to modern technologies, scientists have explored the depths of Lake Samotlor and found the richest oil deposits under the muddy bottom.

    2) On one of the autumn days, refreshed by the cold air, the forest seemed to look younger, shone with gold and a reddish network of birch branches.

    Matching - morphological assimilation of the form of the dependent word to the form of the main word. The weak point is the choice of ways to reconcile the predicate with the subject in Russian.

    Here are some of the rules governing norms of agreement of the subject with a predicate:

    1. The predicate is put in the formsingular, if the subject includes nouns with the meaning of a certain amount ( flock, group, threesome, pair, ten, hundred etc.):Troika horses harnessed into the cart. A flock of birds flew south.

    2. The predicate is put in the formsingular, e if the subject contains nouns with the meaning time period (hour, day, year etc.):Has passed two years. Ten days of rest passed imperceptibly.

    3. With a subject expressed by a collective noun (row , majority, minority, part ) and the word some + noun in genitive plural, the predicate can be singular or plural.

    In the shape ofsingular in the following cases:

      a noun denotes an inanimate object:Part light bulbs burned out;

      predicate precedes subject: Several people came up. Most of the exhibits were removed;

      with subject there is a definition: The overwhelming majority voted “For”;

      if the predicate is expressed by a passive participle:Most of the soldiers were injured.

    The predicate is put in plural:

      noun denotes an animate object:Several workers were laid off;

      the predicate or subject contains homogeneous members: Several boys and girls stood at the entrance. Most of the children had a good rest, gained strength and started their studies;

      between the subject and the predicate there is a subordinate or determinative turnover:Several campers waiting for the bus walked along the alley ... The predicate here adjusts to the closest component -waiting.

    4. If the utterance conveys the joint action of several persons, plural, when both objects (persons) act as equal producers of the action:Maxim with Oleg long were waiting father's return .

    If the second object accompanies the main producer of the action, then the second noun is an addition, the predicate is put in the form singular: Grandmother with grandson went to the store.

    5. The question often arises as to how the definition (in the nominative or genitive) is consistent with a combination of a noun and a numeraltwo three four. The choice of the nominative or genitive form depends on whether the definition is before or after the number:

    The definition is after the numeral:

      the definition is put ingenitive case, if the noun is masculine or neuter: Threenew the car rolled off the assembly line. Two neighboring the fields are sown with rye.

      if the noun is feminine, then the definition is put in nominative case: Four white lilies swam in the water.

      - the definition comes before the numeral:

      usednominative regardless of gendernoun:With them he traded greyhounds three dogs ... New four houses appeared in the microdistrict.

    6. If the subject, which includes numerals, is preceded byrestrictive particles (only, only, only, etc.), then the predicate is put in the formsingular: Total only five people came to class.

    7. If the subject contains a compound numeral that ends inone ( forty one, three hundred seventy one, five hundred thirty one etc.), then the predicate is put in the form singular: In the conference accepted participation one hundred twenty one student. Thirty-one women have received maternity awards.

    8. If the subject includes numeralsthousand, million, billion, then the predicate is put in the formsingular : One thousand person came out on a clean-up day.

    9. If the subject includes words about, less, more, over , then the predicate can be used as inthe only oneand inplural: More than one hundred students are engaged in (are) scientific work.

    Lesson plan number 33

    Subject Russian language

    Topic of section: Simple sentence syntax.

    Lesson topic: Features of the agreement of the predicate with the subject. .

    Lesson objectives :

    Educational : to acquaint students with the norms of coordination of the subject and predicate, to develop the skills of independent use of the norms of coordination of the subject and predicate in speech;

    Educational : fostering patriotic feelings, the ability to think analytically;

    Developing : develop the skills of analytical thinking, the ability to apply new rules in independent speech activity.

    Lesson type : combined

    Applied technologies, methods and techniques: elements of technology for communicative teaching of foreign language culture,open and closed tests, graphic and distributive dictations.

    Interdisciplinary connections : Russian literature, history, cultural studies.

    Lesson equipment : test material, table, lexical material on the development of speech (dialogues).


    1. Zhanalina L.K., Shmanova N.N. Russian language for grade 11 schools with Kazakh language of instruction, Almaty, 2015

    2. Ismagulova B.Kh. and other Russian language. Methodical manual for general education schools with the Kazakh language of instruction - 10 cells. Astana, 2014

    Lesson plan:

    І. Organizing time

    1. Greetings

    During the classes:

    II. Warm up

      Tongue Twisters

      Graphic dictation.

    If a b you need to put in - put "plus". If not put - "minus".

    Learning ... smiling is always useful ... smiling. Let Aybek learn ... in your class.

    You need to prepare for classes ... every day. Let every student prepare for the Olympiad. Let him appear ... on the left side, we will wait for him there. He should appear ... unexpectedly.

    III ... Checking homework and updating basic knowledge

    1. Distribute sentences by type of predicate

    1) After the argument, I realized that my friend was right in this matter.

    2) Travelers who were wrecked found themselves on a desert island.

    3) Friends should have called yesterday.

    4) A neighbor owes me a large amount of money.

    5) Children should be attentive to their parents.

    6) We were at the exhibition.

    7) I could help you, but I have to leave.

    8) The parents were happy to welcome the guests.

    9) The commander gave the order to attack.

    10) Students are serious and focused.

    2.Work on tests

    IV ... Lesson topic

    1. Read the jokes. Use correct verbs.

      Where are you (to work)?

    Nowhere (to work).

    What are you (to do)?

    Nothing to do).

    What's a good job?

    Yes, but what a lot of competition!

      Katya, what are you (to do)?

    - (Write) a letter.

    So what? My friend is also small, she cannot (read).

    But you are little, you cannot (be able to) (write)!

      When I was little, I (do) whatever (want) my father. Now I (do) whatever my kids (want). And when I (do) that I myself (want).

    2. Make up dialogues in the following situations, express REQUEST, PROMISE, REFUSAL. Use the verbs you want.

      Your teacher said the phrase very quickly. You did not understand. (repeat-repeat)

      Your teacher said a word you don't know. (write - write)

      Your teacher has given you new words. She wants you to understand them well. (teach - learn)

      Your friend goes to the store because he doesn't have a dictionary. You don't have a good vocabulary either. (buy - buy)

      You have no bread at home. Your friend goes to the store. (buy - buy)

      You are in the store now. You see a very nice scarf, but it hangs far away. Talk to the seller. (show-show)

      You are now in the bank. You have to write a receipt, but you don't have a pen. The other person has a pen. (give-give)

      In the evening, you will have important information for your friend. (call - call)

      Your friend cooks pilaf well. Today you want to eat pilaf. (cook - cook)

      Your friend came from Seoul. You want to know more about this city. (tell-tell)

      You don't know how to go to TSUM, but your friend knows. He explains the way to you, but you don't understand, you need a plan. (draw - draw)

      You have guests. You make tea for them. They miss. You give them chess. (play-play)

      Your girlfriend goes home after class. You want to go to the bus stop together, but first you must talk to the instructor. (wait-wait)

    The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it doesn't work:
    The kids are grateful to the chefs for the gift.
    Children are singular, therefore, grateful, but children are grateful.

    With a subject that includes the words set, series, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in the genitive case (such as the majority of students, a number of schools), the predicate can stand in both the plural and the singular.
    Singular used in the event that
    - noun means
    inanimate objects (a row of tables stood ...);
    activity is not emphasized actors (most of the students were absent).
    The plural is used for
    highlighting activity actions of persons (Some of the students passed the exams).

    With a subject expressed in a quantitative-nominal combination (seven hours, several people ...), the predicate can stand in the singular and plural forms.
    Formplural highlightsactivity characters: And thirty beautiful knights // Clear waters emerge in succession (A.S. Pushkin).
    The form
    singular predicate is used:
    - under underscore
    passivity characters: Twenty people stood aside;
    - if a noun in the subject denotes
    inanimate object or animal : A hundred years have passed - and what is left // From these strong, proud husbands, // So full of passion? (A.S. Pushkin);
    - at
    compound numeral ending inone (Thirty-three heroes leave, and thirty-one heroes leave).

    The predicate is put in the only one number, if the subject contains words a lot, a little, a little, only, only: Many students have already visited this exhibition.

    A predicate with a subject of the type brother and sister can be put in both the singular and the plural.Plural number underlinesequality, activity characters: And the weaver with the cook, // With the bridegroom Baba Babarikha // They want to exterminate her (A.S. Pushkin).
    The only thing the number indicates that one actor -the main thing : An old man lived with his old woman (A.S. Pushkin).

    There can be an attachment with the subject, but this does not affect the agreement. The predicate agrees with the defined word : At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first. But: "Zhiguli" came first (here "Zhiguli" is no longer an application); The director of the school, Frolova, went to the meeting.

    The difficulty is caused by the agreement of the predicate with several subjects.
    When direct order words the predicate is put in the form plural numbers, at reverse predicate is consistent with the closest subject .
    Compare: Her fate, her end // In impenetrable darkness // They are closed from us. and Both the helmsman and the swimmer were killed (A.S. Pushkin).

    V ... Anchoring

    1. Write the endings, matching the predicate with the subject. Explain the choice of predicate form.

    1. A number of events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. A. Bunin were held in Yelets, Voronezh, Orel. 2. The group of students, directed to field practice, consists of forty one people. 3. Several of our high school students took part in the city Olympiad. 4. To me came those who have been ... near the last few years. 5. The overwhelming majority of the students showed ... profound knowledge in the exams. 6. A number of specialists are sent ... to the factories of the Urals, some of the engineers are commanded ... to Siberia. 7. In the memory of everyone who knew ... Platonov, he remained a great lover of life.

    2. What sentences are wrong? Correct them.
    1. Most of the poet's works are devoted to the theme of love. 2. Some of the students have already passed exams in their specialty. 3. Twenty people stood aside. 4. A row of tables were in the middle of a large room. 5. Those who have not studied themselves will never reach a deep understanding of people. 6. A multitude of dark clouds vaguely spread across the sky. 7. Ten students graduated from schools with certificates of merit in the Russian language.

    3. Choose the desired predicate form, justify the choice.

    1. Alarm clock (deteriorated, deteriorated) on the first day. 2. Plant-laboratory (completed, completed) urgent order. 3. In the museum (open, open) exhibition-viewing of new paintings. 4. The newspaper "Vedomosti" has repeatedly (raised, raised) this problem. 5. A female doctor (gave, gave) a referral to the hospital.

    4. Match the predicate with the subject correctly.

    1. The Don River flooded widely .. last spring. 2. Mount Elbrus is high ... 3. TV company "REN-TB" has started .. a series of programs dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory. 4. The site of Neanderthals Kostenki-1 was developed .. at the end of the last century. 5. The writer's apartment museum will be open .. for visitors at the end of the year. 6. Letter of receipt delivered .. to the addressee.

    Highlight the basics in sentences.

    1. The heavenly is not measurable by the mind, the azure is hidden from the minds. (A. Blok) 2. They say that I will soon become a famous Russian poet. (S. Yesenin) 3. The old man was a master of fairy tales. (P. Bazhov) 4. The city is simple and eternal at night. (D.Samoilov) 5. My song was devoid of motive, but it couldn't be sung in chorus. (I. Brodsky) 6. She was simple-minded, flirtatious, loved to have fun. (S. Dovlatov) 7. Everyone is sick with the flu now. (V.Nabokov) 8. The spring did not go well. 9. Krasnov behaved with deep dignity. 10. The meeting breathed chill. (M.Sholokhov)

    6. Put the predicate in the desired form.
    1.Most students on all issues on the agenda unanimously (support) the speaker. 2. Most teachers in the school will (make) high demands on students and (achieve) deep knowledge of students. 3. The majority of workers, engineers, factory employees (speak out) against the candidate. 4. On the shore (stand) several pussy willows. 5. Some of the students (leave) for the competition. 6. Most of the guys living in our yard have already (gone) on a hike. 7. Behind the carriage (run) four dogs. 8. Overhead (whistle) two bullets. 9. A lot of children annually (rest) in various health centers.

    VI ... Checking on the topic of the lesson

    Test on the topic "Concordance of the predicate with the subject"

    1. In what case does the predicate require the singular in a sentence?

    1) A lot of bees, wasps, bumblebees hummed together .. in the branches of acacia.
    2) For hundreds of years people were drawn to the Volga expanses.
    3) The students of the city took part in the restoration of the church.
    4) Millions of lights before and after beckoned .. not only me with their proximity.

    2. When does the predicate in a sentence require a plural form?

    1) A row of tables stood .. in the middle of the audience.
    2) It's been .. a hundred years.
    3) Thirty-one delegates arrived at the meeting.
    4) By seven o'clock came .. only three guests.

    3. Which sentence contains an error caused by a violation of the rules for matching the subject with the predicate?

    1) During the audit, many different flaws were identified.
    2) Fifty-four tours will be sold this summer.
    3) Three new Olympic records have been set.
    4) Forty-four deputies supported the speaker.

    4. In which sentence does the predicate have the masculine form?

    1) The famous .. couturier was .. invited .. to Moscow.
    2) The UN has announced ... an extraordinary meeting.
    3) the CIS has united .. several former republics of the USSR.
    4) Kohlrabi got .. spread not only in Europe.

    5. In which sentence is there a grammatical error?

    1) Contrary to the rules of the road, minibus taxi drivers overtake on tram lines.
    2) Moscow State University recruits students for both day and evening departments.
    3) Those who smoke a lot often suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases.
    4) Small business produces horizontal and vertical blinds.

    6. In which sentence is there a grammatical error?

    1) When preparing for the exams, I studied a lot of special literature.
    2) Currently, Russian citizens receive a passport at the age of 14.
    3) The colon is placed not only in a complex sentence, but also in a simple one.
    4) Everyone who was at the performance was very pleased.

    7. The subject is incorrectly matched with the predicate in the sentence:

    1) Several students approached the writing table.
    2) Most of the houses are dilapidated.
    3) Forty-one people entered the bond.
    4) The driving force of history is the people.

    8. The subject is correctly coordinated with the predicate in the sentence:

    1) Young people gain knowledge.
    2) Most of them were pretty kind people.
    3) None of us at the beginning could cope with the problem.
    4) Professor Sergeeva took the floor.

    9. Find a sentence with a grammatical error:

    1) Light and heat came from the fire.
    2) Those who have chosen the profession of a doctor must have a good heart.
    3) Some of the machines were sent.
    4) There are three candlesticks on the table.

    10. Find a sentence without a grammatical error:

    1) Hundreds of athletes scattered across the stadium.
    2) the media held a one-day protest action.
    3) Five years have passed since then.
    4) His pride, or rather selfishness, unpleasantly struck everyone

    Vii ... Lesson summary

    VIII .Homework

    Zhanalina L.K., Shmanova N.N. Russian language for grade 11, Almaty, 2015

    P.72, No. 101-102, p.75-76

    1) With a subject that includes words many, row, part, majority, minority and a genitive controlled noun (like most students, a number of schools), the predicate can stand both in the plural and in the singular.

    The singular is used if:

    - the noun denotes inanimate objects ( A row of tables stood ...);

    - the activity of the actors is not emphasized ( Most of the students were absent).

    The plural is used to emphasize the activity of the actions of persons ( Some of the students passed the exams).

    2) With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ( seven o'clock, several people ...), the predicate can be singular or plural.

    The plural form emphasizes the activity of the characters.

    And thirty beautiful knights

    From the waters come out clear(A.S. Pushkin).

    The singular form of the predicate is used:

    - while emphasizing the passivity of the characters:

    Twenty people stoodaside.

    - if a noun that is part of the subject denotes an inanimate object or animal:

    Has passed a hundred years.

    3) The predicate is put in the singular if the subject includes words a lot, a little, a little, only, only.

    There are already many students attendedthis exhibition.

    4) Predicated with a subject of type brother and sistercan be both singular and plural. The plural emphasizes the equality and activity of the actors.

    And the weaver with the cook,

    With bridegroom Baba Babarikha

    Exorcise her want

    (A.S. Pushkin).

    The singular number indicates that one character is the main one.

    An old man lived with his old woman(A.S. Pushkin).



    Exercise 4. Analyze the forms of agreement between the predicate and the subject. Explain the reasons for choosing one form or another.

    1) Many carriages have already traveled along this road. 2) Most of the people were silent. 3) Most people wanted to do something. 4) Most looked at it seriously, even gloomily. 5) Many of the smallest marine life live one year and die by winter. 6) The guys were surprised and pleased by this wonderful trip across the country. Most of them have never been further than their neighborhood. 7) A number of mutually beneficial trade agreements and contracts have been concluded between our countries. 8) Many people admired this bright constellation of the southern black sky.

    Exercise 5. Choose the correct form of agreement between the predicate and the subject.

    1) The Congress was attended by ... 117 delegates, and most of them were ... representatives of the participating countries. 2) Some part of our employees still needs ... retraining. 3) Most of the athletes, in spite of their fatigue, were ... ready ... for new games. 4) Most of the items on the table were ... covered with ... dust. 5) Most of the countries represented at the conference were recently ... colonies. 6) Most of the team players fought for the victory with dedication.

    Exercise 6. Choose the correct form of agreement between the predicate and the subject, expressed in quantitative-nominal combination.

    1) More than 80 tailors, hairdressers, photographers and other service masters work in the modern building of the House of Life. 2)… 20 people actively participated in the seminar. 3) All five students came ... on time. 4) As a result of a bold operation of the patriots ... 9 enemy soldiers were killed ... 5) More than two thousand specialists work in the country on the restoration of museum values.

    Exercise 7. Indicate whether the predicate is consistent with the subject of the type brother and sister, are options possible. Make corrections if necessary.

    1) After the incident, the father and child decided to move to another city. 2) I will leave with my sons earlier, and then you and the girls go. 3) The writer and his family spent the summer in the village. 4) Mother and daughter could not sleep for a long time from excitement.

    ▲ theory

    Information 3

    Matching the definition with the word being defined

    1. The definition for a general noun is placed in the form of the feminine or masculine gender, depending on what gender the person is designated by the noun.

    Masha - bigsweet tooth.

    Misha - largesweet tooth.

    2. Very often the question arises, in what form to put the definition, if the noun has numerals two three four.How correctly: Two new housesor Two new houses?

    If the definition comes after the numbers two three fourand refer to a masculine or neuter noun, then it is put in the genitive plural.

    Four newcars rolled off the assembly line.

    If the definition refers to a feminine noun, then it is put in the nominative plural.

    Three in-depthin the ground

    And moss overgrownsteps

    They say about the Swedish king(A.S. Pushkin).



    Exercise 8. Put the definition for the nouns of the general gender in the desired gender form.

    1) My brother is great ... sweet tooth! 2) Well ... she's a slob!
    3) Ivanov was ... round ... an orphan. 4) My friend is an incorrigible ... nonsense. 5) This ... bully Andrey got into a fight again.

    Exercise 9. Select the required form, explain your choice.

    1) Two (best, best) friends left to study in another city. 2) Over the past three (last, last) months, many artists have visited the city. 3) Two (new, new) car models went on sale. 4) (Whole, whole) two months we were preparing for this exam. 5) Three (ours, ours) athletes reached the final of the competition.

    ▲ theory

    Information 3

    Stylistic errors associated with a violation of the syntactic structure of a complex sentence

    1. The combination of one of the members of the sentence and the clause. In one row, you cannot put, for example, an addition and a subordinate clause: It is necessary to find out the reasons for what happened and what conclusions should be drawn. It is also illegal to combine the participial turnover and the subordinate attributive: People who accept criticism and correct their mistakes deserve indulgence.

    2. The use of two unambiguous conjunctions side by side: Your recommendations deserve attention, but, however, it is not yet possible to implement this project. He claims that the plane was malfunctioning.

    3. Wrong choice of union: Your assumption will be confirmed only if the guilt of this person is proven.(instead if aneed a union when).

    4. It would be inappropriate to repeat the particle in the subordinate part ( If these measures were taken, everything would end happily.).

    5. Repetition of conjunctions or union words with successive subordination of clauses: In the distance, the tops of the mountains were visible, which were covered with snow that sparkled in the sun. Compare: In the distance, the peaks of the mountains were visible, covered with snow, which sparkled in the sun.

    6. The absence of a pronoun necessary in writing in the main sentence: The most tragic thing is that there is no way out of this situation.

    7. Contamination (mixing) of direct and indirect speech: A neighbor on my desk asked who would go to the movies with me. We must not forget that when converting direct speech into indirect speech, the form of the pronoun changes: A neighbor on the desk asked who would go to the movies with him.



    Exercise 10. Determine the nature of the error in the structure of complex sentences. Correct these errors.

    1) The Duma accuses him of many processes, what is happening in the country. 2) Until now, among the staff of the hospital, which is now located within the walls of this house, this legend lives. 3) The most unpleasant thing is that sometimes I begin to think that she is right, that this question is completely insoluble. 4) This means that the very friendly atmosphere will disappear, for which children are sent to private schools.

    Exercise 11. Use two simple sentences to form complex sentences.

    1) I had to go through Tomsk. The train arrived in Tomsk at noon. 2) The forest was very rare. It started right behind the village. 3) An old man caught up with us near the station. We recognized him as our yesterday's friend. 4) Silence was over the fields. The solemnity of this silence was not disturbed by a single sound. 5) On our way we came across a small lake. The water in it was cloudy and tasteless. 6) The woman turned sharply. Her face burned with anger.

    Exercise 12. Describe mistakes in complex sentences; make a stylistic change.

    1) On Saturday, a lecture was held for parents with preschool children. 2) The speaker drew attention to the issue that is often raised at such meetings. 3) It would be desirable if economists appeared on the pages of our newspaper. 4) It was hard to imagine these products, how they would be sold. 5) The journalist who reported this data and turned out to be a real patriot made an interesting comparison. 6) Whoever needs additional classes, it is necessary for that to provide them.

    Exercise 13. From these simple sentences, make up possible complex and complex sentences.

    1) The woods surrounded the village in a dense ring. There were always a lot of raspberries and mushrooms. 2) We have a deep night. On another continent, in America, the working day is in full swing. 3) The salary of a senior researcher cannot support a family. Keeping scientific personnel in Russia is a big problem. 4) I love my homeland. I will have to live the rest of my life away from Russia. 5) With difficulty we found this hut in the mountains. There was no one else in it. 6) The morning is wiser than the evening. Let's leave this conversation for tomorrow.


    Test tasks for offset

    Exercise 1.Find in each sentence the word you have chosen incorrectly.

    1) But in all this there is a tremendous danger. 2) From this situation, the head stands on end. 3) It goes well with your blonde hairstyle. 4) We were given such comments. 5) I don't like to give compliments. 6) More often than not, I experience completely different thoughts.
    7) Tired or not, what your mood is - everything plays a huge role.

    Task 2.Find cases of lexical collocation violations. Note the phenomena of contamination. Make stylistic edits.

    1) These words did not play any meaning before the elections.
    2) We made the lowest prices. 3) Our party does not know how to conduct an election campaign in such conditions. 4) A resident of Beijing has conquered all the records this time. 5) Business partners spoke highly of her. 6) Our work has different directions. 7) He gave us thanks.

    Task 3.Find cases of lexical collocation violations. Make stylistic edits.

    1) Sometimes we start from time to time to feel abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss. 2) In all fairy tales, princesses usually require their chosen ones to perform a feat. 3) I really like moles, especially on the neck. 4) The artists' tour is doomed to success. 5) It was all terribly fun. 6) I believed in inevitable luck, and she smiled at me. 7) The academician has made a brilliant scientific career. 8) The candidate's election program did not play a decisive role here.

    Task 4.Find cases of lexical deficiency and redundancy. Make stylistic edits.

    1) This player scored for the hundredth time. 2) This comical situation seemed funny to everyone. 3) The students did a lot and hardworking.
    4) We value every minute of time. 5) This is very musical music. 6) Purchased purchases are not accepted back. 7) She was his legal wife. 8) Come on, tell me your stories. 9) I would not want to start living over again. 10) He opened the window a little. 11) There is a funny comedy in the cinema. 12) They are just work colleagues.

    Task 5.Find a stylistic mistake, make an edit.

    1) Due to the large number of visitors, the number of inveterate Muscovites is not that great. 2) I would like to get acquainted with the representatives of this new movement. 3) Leonardo DiCaprio played the title role in the movie "Titanic". 4) So, put on your headphones! 5) He tries to explain the contents of the manuscript. 6) This money could have been spent in another way. 7) Balm for rubbing into the skin. 8) There is a deep difference between us. 9) He gets up, puts on a fur coat, a hat, boots and, as if nothing had happened, goes out into the street.

    Task 6. Insert one of the paronyms instead of dots; motivate your choice.

    1) At the ticket office, everyone presented their ... ( business trip - business travelers) identity. 2) It seems to me that I remember ... ( face - personality) this person. 3) A young actor plays ... ( main - capital) role in the play "Wolves and Sheep" by A. N. Ostrovsky. 4) A group of students ... ( came - went) to the museum for a lecture.
    5) (Effective - effective) managing the economy is of great importance.

    Task 7. Add the necessary letters instead of dots. Explain what guided you by choosing the appropriate form.

    1) "L'Humanite" made an appeal to take an active part in the elections. 2) Peru was ... one of the first victims of the Spanish conquerors. 3) Newspapers report falling prices for black ... coffee. 4) As an auxiliary language, Esperanto was ... created ... by Dr. L. Zamenhof. 5) Sochi is located ... on the Black Sea coast, south of it is sunny ... Sukhumi.

    Task 8. Choose the genitive plural form of the noun.

    1) Not a single New Year's table is complete without (tangerines). 2) There are many different varieties used in Italian cuisine (pasta). 3) In Spain this year, due to a sharp change in weather, the harvest (lemons) has decreased. 4) The market often came across beautiful, shiny pyramids (eggplant). 5) Several peeled oranges were brought to the table.

    Task 9.Select the shape you want. Explain your choice.

    1) Most of the works of this writer (ends, ends) are tragic. 2) At exactly six o'clock in the evening (sounded, sounded) eleven shots. 3) This year in the capital (opened, opened) ten new schools. 4) For them, several metropolitan factories (sew, sew) costumes. 5) Most of the poet's works (dedicated, dedicated) to the theme of love. 6) Three benches (stood, stood) against the wall.

    Task 10.

    1) (happened, happened) two (amazing, amazing) events. 2) Then (died, died) several workers. 3) For this decision (voted, voted) 238 deputies. 4) Most people (answered, answered) the question "yes". 5) Most of the staff (were, were) excellent specialists.

    Task 11.Choose the correct predicate shape. Justify your choice.

    1) A series of new laws (rejected, rejected) by the Duma this week. 2) Many people (passed, passed) past the monument. 3) Several thousand city residents (live, live) in the danger zone. 4) Some of the tenants (moved, moved) to their relatives.

    Task 12.From the predicate forms given in brackets, choose the desired one.

    1) A lot of people (came, came) to meet with the writer. 2) A number of supporters of a military solution to the conflict (expressed, expressed) an opinion on the continuation of hostilities in Chechnya. 3) The majority of voters (did not come, did not come) to the polling stations. 4) A number of cultural figures (provided, provided) support to the current president. 5) Many will accept (point out, point out) to change the weather.

    Task 13.Select the desired predicate from the predicate forms below.

    1) Seven people entered the hall (entered, entered). 2) This summer, two theaters were on tour in our city (came, came). 3) He (had, had) two families - one legal, the other secret. 4) 25 reviews for the book (received, received). 5) Only five newspapers are published daily (published, published). 6) Three families (lived, lived) in the house.

    Task 14.From the definition forms given in brackets, select the required one.

    1) Two (old, antique) vases were presented as a gift. 2) We spent two (next, subsequent) months at sea. 3) Aeroflot purchased twenty two (new, new) aircraft. 4) He was accompanied by two (close, close) acquaintances. 5) The inheritance between relatives is divided into three (unequal, unequal) parts. 6) This man was a (terrible, terrible) glutton.

    Task 15. Indicate shortcomings, stylistic mistakes in the construction of complex sentences, edit them.

    1) If these activities had been carried out, the epidemic would not have broken out. 2) Ivanov entered the office with the appearance of such an employee who had completely fulfilled all the instructions. 3) It is necessary that the knowledge and skills that students acquire in secondary school could subsequently be applied by them in life. 4) Many people believe that the plant is not able to fulfill the order.

    The norm of the Russian language is grammatical reconciliationdefined word with the main word in the phrase ( great luck, great success) and a predicate with a subject ( The mother said; Father said). But in some cases, the choice of a dependent form causes difficulties and requires taking into account a number of conditions.

    1. In colloquial speech, the use of semantic (and not grammatical) agreement is often used with masculine nouns characterizing female persons.

    The doctor came; The professor said; The headmaster quit her job.

      However, in official speech, the replacement of grammatical agreement by semantic one is not allowed, except for those cases when such a noun has a proper noun with it, for example: doctor Petrova... In such constructions, the definition and the predicate agree with the nearest noun.

      For instance: Experienced doctor Petrova is attentive to patients... The participle definition is always consistent with a proper name: doctor Petrova who entered the ward.

    2. The agreement of definitions with nouns that depend on the numbers two, three, four is subject to the following rules.

      For masculine and neuter nouns, definitions are used in the genitive plural form (the noun in this case stands in the genitive form) - two large tables, two large windows.

      With feminine nouns, the definition is put in the nominative plural (the noun in this case also stands in the nominative plural) - two large vases.

      If the feminine noun is in the genitive singular, then the definition can also be in the genitive, but plural ( two high mountains).

      A definition before a numeral or a separate definition is placed in the nominative case, regardless of the gender of the noun:

      large two tables; two oil paintingshung on the wall; Two letters written by brother, alarmed me.

      An exception make up adjectives whole, full, kind, which usually appear in the genitive case and before the numeral ( two whole weeks, full three months), although in living speech, the use of the nominative case is very common.

    3. Harmonization of the predicate with the subject, the expressed noun with a collective quantitative meaning ( majority, part, number etc.) is determined by the following factors.

      If the noun has no controlled words or the controlled word is in the singular, then the predicate is used in the singular:

      The majority supported the speaker; Most of the team supported the coach.

      If the controlled word is in the plural, then the predicate, as a rule, agrees with the collective noun and is put in the singular:

      Most of the staff supported the director.

    note to the fact that the predicate is consistent in gender with the noun in the nominative case!

    Wed: The majority of the deputies supported the decision; Some of the deputies supported the decision; A number of MPs supported the decision.

    The plural is usually used in such cases:

    and) between the subject and the predicate there are other members of the sentence, especially the participle with a participle in the plural, a subordinate clause with a union word that is plural. (Although this rule is not mandatory, it is still desirable to use the plural of the predicate in such constructions.)

    Most people, watched the film, highly appreciated the work of the director; Most people, who watched the movie, highly appreciated the work of the director;

    b) the noun has several manageable plural forms:

    Most workers, engineers and employees the plant was supported by the director;

    in) with the subject there are homogeneous predicates:

    Most of the students passed the tests and prepared well for the exams;

    d) the sentence uses a compound nominal predicate, and the nominal part is expressed by adjectives and participles:

    Most of the children were smart and cheerful; Most of the houses on this street are wooden.

      In speech, it is very common to use the predicate in the singular form with a subject indicating inanimate objects (see the last example), but such use in literary language is undesirable.

      Similar rules apply to the subject - a quantitative-nominal combination with words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, how much, so much, a little... The basic rule is the use of the singular predicate. To put the predicate in the plural, additional factors are required. For example, the most common is the plural form of the predicate with a subject indicating animate objects, primarily people.

    4. The same system of factors determines the agreement between the predicate and the subject, expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ( two brothers, thirty two chairs etc.), that is, a combination of a numeral with a genitive case of a noun. The main norm is the statement of the predicate in the singular:

    Five matches won; Five fighters went on reconnaissance.

      An exception make up sentences with a subject including the numbers two, three, four. As a rule, with such a subject, the predicate is in the plural form:

      Three houses call for the evening (Pushkin).


    With a compound numeral ending in one, the predicate is in the singular, and, since this numeral changes by gender, the gender of the predicate can also be different:

    The conference was attended by twenty-one representatives of thirty European countries; Twenty-one delegations attended the meeting.

    Gender agreement is also present in the numeral thousand, million, billion.

    A thousand people appeared.

    In other cases, the singular predicate usually has the neuter form.

    Five minutes passed.

      In addition to the factors that were indicated above, some specific conditions also affect the agreement of the predicate with the subject - the quantitative-nominal combination.

      The tendency to use the singular is found when the number of objects named in the subject appears as something whole. This is most often manifested in cases where the predicate verb has the meaning of being, presence, existence, position in space, flow in time. In such contexts, there are actually no separate objects, and the numeral is only a measurement of one temporal or spatial whole:

      The room had two windows; Six chairs stood against the wall; Five years have passed since then.

      Word order plays an important role in choosing the form of the predicate. So, with the reverse order of words (the predicate precedes the subject), the singular form is also more often used.

      Wed: Three hours passed unnoticed; Three hours passed.

      The singular predicate prevails when there are words in the sentence everything, only, only:

      It's only been two days.

      The plural form is mandatory when the actors perform more than one general act, but act in isolation:

      Five people from different directions rushed to the criminal; The two cars parted in different directions; The three little dogs scattered.

      The plural form is usually used in cases where the independence of the action of each member of the set is emphasized. This can be especially often observed with a subject that names the number of people, other animate subjects:

      Two girls in white dresses, with the same roses in black hair, sat down in the same way (L. Tolstoy).

      However, the plural form can also be used with a subject that names the number of inanimate objects:

      For instance: Three young trees grow in front of the cave door - linden, birch and maple (M. Gorky). In this sentence, the independent perception of each individual tree is emphasized by the fact that each of them belongs to a different species.

    notethat with a subject that names a large number of inanimate objects, the singular form is more common, since a large group is perceived as a single whole:

    Two hundred people donated blood for the victims of the accident.

    The factors that determine the choice of the plural form in the predicate also include the following:

    and) the presence of a separate definition in the plural for the subject:

    The three hours spent in his company gave us great pleasure;

    b) the presence of a subordinate clause with a union word with the subject which the in plural:

    Five former officers, recognizable by their precise movements and bearing, immediately took command;

    in) presence in the subject of definition all these:

    All ten books were on the director's desk; These five weeks passed almost unnoticed.

      Of particular note is cases when collective numerals are found in the subject ( two, three etc.). With them, the plural form is especially often used:

      She was helped by three lackeys, not combed from the cradle.

    5. The coordination of the predicate in sentences with homogeneous subjects has its specificity.

      The choice of the predicate form largely depends on the order of the subject group and the predicate group.

      When direct order words (subjects stand before the predicate), the plural form of the predicate is usually used:

      Screams and sobs were heard from the next room.

      When reverse order words, the singular form is often used, and the predicate agrees with the nearest of the homogeneous terms:

      Screaming and sobbing was heard from the next room.

      At the same time, the plural form of the predicate can also be found in the reverse word order.

      Wed: Shouts and sobs were heard from the next room.

      Most often, this phenomenon is observed if one of the subjects is in the plural form.

      Jealousy and tears put her in bed (Chekhov).

      In addition, the plural form is preferable if a large number of characters are emphasized (usually animate subjects):

      Vitya, Pavlik, Cyril and Arseny Romanovich, running around them, shouted.

    note the fact that the plural form with the reverse word order is normative in the official business and scientific styles, where the semantic accuracy of the statement comes to the fore ( The meeting was attended by ...; elected to the Presidium ...).

      The choice of the form of the predicate also depends on the type of unions connecting homogeneous members.

      When connecting unions ( and, yes, no ... no), as well as in case of non-union connection of homogeneous subjects, the above factors usually act.

      When dividing unions ( or, either, not that ... not that, then ... then) the agreement of the predicate goes with the closest subject:

      Outside the window, it was either snowing or a light rain; Experienced fear or instant fright seems strange after just a minute.

      An exception make up sentences in which homogeneous subjects are represented by nouns of different kinds, and the predicate is in the past tense. In this case, the plural form of the predicate is used.

      Wed: Brother or Sister Arriving - A brother or sister was to come.

      When adversary unions ( but, but, however, but) when the word order is reversed, the predicate usually agrees with the closest subject:

      In direct word order, the predicate agrees with the subject, which is the real performer of the action:

      Not you, but fate is to blame; A novel, not a story will be published in the next issue of the magazine.

      If there is between homogeneous subjects of a comparative union both ... and the predicate is plural:

      Both mother and daughter play the piano beautifully.

      With other comparative unions ( not only but; not so much ... as; if not ... then etc.) the predicate usually agrees with the closest of the homogeneous subjects.

      Not only your mother, but also your father condemned your act; Not so much your mother as your father condemned your act; If not your mother, then your father will condemn your act.

      If there are personal pronouns among homogeneous subjects, then when agreeing in person, the first person is given preference over the second and third, the second person over the third.

      Wed: You and I will be able to do it; You and he will be able to do it.