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  • How gestures and facial expressions betray a deceiver
  • How gestures and facial expressions betray a deceiver. How to recognize a lie

    How gestures and facial expressions betray a deceiver. How to recognize a lie

    Often, during a conversation with another person, you cannot understand whether he is telling the truth or lying. And you don't want to be deceived by your interlocutor at all. So is it possible to determine whether a person is telling the truth or is openly lying to you? Are there any methods?

    Of course, there are methods for distinguishing between falsehood and truth. Moreover, you do not need to be a professional psychologist to quickly see a liar and almost accurately determine the falsity of his messages and arguments.

    You just need to carefully observe the behavior of a person, analyze what he says, fix the obvious dissonance between his words and gestures. In this case, you need to trust your eyes more than your ears.

    How to determine by the external signs of a person that he is lying?

    Revealing a lie is easy and simple by observing facial expressions, listening to the voice and words being spoken, and also paying special attention to the gestures and postures used by the person lying to you. Here are some examples.

    One person is trying to appear before you extremely honest, an opponent of all lies. Therefore, he constantly repeats: "honestly", "believe me", "I swear to you", "this is one hundred percent truth." He does not believe himself and tries to convince himself.

    Another, in order not to lie, will try in every possible way to evade the topic under discussion, from direct questions being asked. To this end, he will convince you that he is not aware of what is at stake. Or he simply has no desire to talk about it.

    Sometimes a liar turns to outright rudeness, he can start being rude, rude, so as not to talk about what he will have to lie about. In such cases, it can come to screams, scandal and even assault.

    Remember that an honest person, on the contrary, will try to tell you everything in detail, to defend his position, to explain in detail the circumstances of the case. In some cases, he may simply be deliberately delusional, but not lie in any way.

    Often you have to deceive in the name of your own salvation or to shield a loved one. This is the so-called "good lie." This must have happened to each of us at home in the family and at work with colleagues.

    Some try to close their bodies, others begin to scratch their nose, and still others look around. As you know, his eyes can tell a lot about a person. The liar will try not to look you directly in the eyes, will take his own aside, run his eyes.

    If you ask him a specific question, he will start to get lost from surprise, stutter, stutter, blush, because a false legend, as a rule, is not thought through to the end and has to be thought out on the fly.

    A lying person feels emotionally uncomfortable, his behavior is unnatural, he may be too active or too passive. If you know the interlocutor well, then you can easily determine that he is lying.

    How to recognize a lie by the eyes?

    1) Psychologists have long noticed that a lying person, as a rule, turns his eyes from the interlocutor to the left, and then lowers them down. So he tries to find the right words or to invent images to lie.

    If you notice such behavior in your interlocutor, there is reason to believe that he is insincere with you. But it is not yet an established fact that he is openly lying to you. We need to continue observing his behavior.

    2) If during a conversation a person looks up, it means that he is trying to isolate and describe images from visual or visual memory. If he turns his head to the right or left side, it means that he is working with auditory or auditory memory.

    If your interlocutor lowers his head down, it means that he wants to concentrate and carefully controls everything said. Watch him carefully, it is at this moment that he can begin to invent and voice lies.

    3) It is important to record the first reaction of the interlocutor to the question asked to him. If, at the same time, he begins to roll his eyes up and to the right or lowers them down and to the left, it means that he is panicky trying to come up with some acceptable false legend.

    It should be remembered that a professional liar, i.e. a person who lies constantly, has become skilled in this matter, and even has good acting skills, it is very difficult to catch a lie in the eyes.

    4) If you have repeatedly come across the fact that a particular interlocutor is lying to you, then try to remember how he behaves in this case. This will help you in the future to catch him in a lie.

    You should remember the entire strategy of his behavior: how he “runs” with his eyes, what phrases he utters, in which direction he looks, how he generally behaves. This information will further help you not to become a victim of a liar.

    Every person knows how to deceive. It starts with a childish tendency to fantasize, and adults over the course of life just get used to lying to each other, even over little things. Some people do it without thinking.

    However, the deceived side suffers from inaccurate information, receives psychological trauma: parents deceive children, and parents' children, spouses lie to each other, and friends mercilessly misinform their best friends.

    A story made up on the go is just as easily forgotten. If you ask a liar a second time on the same topic, he will come up with a completely or partially different version. And you will understand that you were blatantly deceived.

    Sometimes a constant lie turns into a real pathology. In psychology, there is the concept of a pathological liar. This disease destroys the patient's consciousness, he himself ceases to understand where the truth is and where the lie.

    Let's see what a lie is, and when can it become a problem not only for others, but also for the liar himself, and turn into a difficult-to-treat pathology? Lies are untrue information that is given by one person to another.

    In modern psychology, there are three types of people who are prone to lying.

    1) A person who wants to always look smarter than everyone else in society. He loves to take an active part in a variety of discussions, proving to his interlocutors that they have a good classical education and a lot of life experience.

    To reveal his lies, it is enough to ask a couple of simple clarifying questions on the topic under discussion. The lying person will immediately try to answer specific questions with general phrases, and it will become clear that he is cheating.

    2) A person who lies out of selfish motives tends to make a lot of different, sometimes just inappropriate compliments. In this way, he wants to lull the vigilance of his interlocutor and get his own selfish benefits from him.

    This is how fraudsters of all stripes work, deceiving gullible and suggestible citizens. These are deceivers in the style of Sergei Mavrodi. Only one's own life experience and intellect can help here.

    3) There are people who have the ability to cheat from birth. They lie "for the soul", perceiving lies as art. As a rule, they have good acting skills and are able to cheat anyone.

    Often there is no protection against them. Such a liar will play a whole performance in front of you, wrap it up to the skin, and you will like it. While playing, for a minute he himself believes in what he says. These are liars in the style of Ostap Bender.

    4) Pathological liars deceive both people and themselves. They invent their own lives (test pilot, confidant of the President, son of the Prosecutor General) and believe in their own fiction. In real life, such liars, as a rule, have a low social status.

    If you demand from a pathological liar to prove his words, he will immediately tell a beautiful story about how he was forgotten or confused in the hospital, deliberately deprived of his status or simply burned documents at the behest of the Kremlin.

    How to recognize a lie?

    Psychologists have developed a number of methods that should be used to understand whether a person is telling you the truth or is simply lying. These methods do not give one hundred percent guarantee, but they undoubtedly provide serious help.

    Method One: Reveal Lie by Answer

    If a person, after a question has been raised, repeats it in whole or in part, or is silent for several minutes, it means that he is thinking about how to answer it correctly so as not to harm himself or other people.

    This behavior indicates that he is insincere with you and most often ends up answering deceitfully. A truthful person, without hesitation, lays out all the information he has on your question.

    Method Two: Reveal Lies by No Answer

    If, in response to a question, your interlocutor tells a joke or otherwise leads the conversation away, it means that he does not want to share with you, he has something to hide. By the rules of etiquette, you should appreciate his wit and laugh.

    If you continue to insist on getting an answer, you may be considered a bore. This is such a well-known tactic of not lying, but also not telling the truth, often used by liars in society.

    Method three: identify lies by behavior

    Instead of answering, you get a nervous reaction from your interlocutor. He begins to cough, scratch, can sharply change the tempo of his speech, etc. This suggests that he is psychologically preparing to lie to you.

    You should be careful with such a person, because you can actually become a victim of deception. Although such behavior is not typical for a professional liar, after all, he has long been accustomed to lying and has his own benefit from it.

    Method four: detect lies by gestures

    Sometimes the interlocutor begins to automatically make specific gestures during the conversation: (scratching the back of his head, touching his face, etc.). This suggests that he is trying to subconsciously isolate himself from you.

    Sometimes he backs away from the interlocutor, shifts from foot to foot, tries to move away. This means that at the subconscious level, he understands that now he will have to tell a lie. And this is unpleasant for him.

    Carefully study the behavior of your family and friends at a time when they, according to your assumptions, are lying. This will help you not to spoil your relationship with them in vain, but simply to know when they told a lie, and to protect yourself from it in a timely manner.

    Psychology, the theory of insincerity of lies

    All people lie every day

    Just don't deny it. All of us have a time to benefit, get off the water. Time " for the benefit of»People who are dear to us and are not indifferent. And who just came up with this lie? After all, without her it is much better, and life is somehow bright in those moments when there is not a second of lies in it. Is it possible to make life bright and very true? A rhetorical question….

    How to recognize lies by gestures?

    I wonder if we will stop lying when we find out that our lies can be exposed? Recognizing lies is extremely important for those people whose profession is connected with buying and selling, the underworld…. What can I say? Are there people who feel good about being lied to? It is especially offensive if someone you trust is cheating. After experiencing a lie on yourself, you generally don't want to trust someone and rely on someone. Every time we make a promise to ourselves not to trust anyone else, we, of course, break it, because not to believe is just as impossible as not to deceive.

    In order not to "burn ourselves" once again and be prepared in advance for a lie, there are various methods and ways that "warn" us about it. the main thingso that you have time " catch»The moment of true lie and accept it, ignoring, subsequently, everything that the interlocutor will say afterwards.

    Sign Language - False

    I will tell you the secrets of the psychology of gestures, you can determine whether a person is lying. This is what a man who wants to lie does:

    1. Ptouches the earlobes, rubbing and scratching them. Let's say your boyfriend tells you he was on a business trip without leaving his ear alone. Perhaps his business trip was of a somewhat different kind.
    2. Pcombing his nose. This gesture should be treated with caution, as the nose can often itch and just like that.
    3. Strange unnatural smile... You have most likely seen such a smile more than once. One gets the impression that a person "squeezes" a smile out of himself, like a toothpaste from a tube.
    4. Dholds on to something nearby (chair, doorknob, purse). Girls, if your boyfriend is holding on to a bouquet of flowers, it doesn't count.
    5. Truffles hair. Is it possible, in the hair, to "confuse" the lie? However, if the person you are talking to is tormenting their hair in this way, they may be trying to hide the truth.
    6. When a woman lies, she usually begins to carefully tidy herself up, diligently paint her lips, comb her hair (sharply and quickly).
    7. A person who hides the truth, either lowers his eyes, avoiding collision of his gaze with the gaze of the interlocutor, or, on the contrary, “glares” into the opposite eyes, trying to “absorb” the invented sincerity into them.
    8. Dhe holds his hand at his mouth, as if trying to cover it, or the hand is in the throat. Maybe there's just nowhere else to put your hand? In fact, such a gesture is a “signal” to lie.
    9. The human body is like “ goes away»Back. This can be noticed when a person, suddenly, during a conversation, leans back (as during a trip in transport).
    10. Pbiting lips or nails. Remember how once, when your neighbor came to visit you to drink tea, she bit all her “manicured” nails when she told me that she had met a celebrity.
    11. You observe the knee tremor in the interlocutor, which he tries to restrain, but in vain: strangely irrepressible trembling.
    12. Hthe person you are talking to straightens the laces or collar. Yes, this can be observed, in our time, quite often.
    13. The interlocutor put his hands in the groin area (not on purpose, of course, but somehow accidentally, unconsciously).
    14. The person you communicate with very often changes position... You might get the impression that you have an uncomfortable sofa or chair.
    15. He pretends to put things in order. If you think logically, then everything becomes clear: a person trying to hide lies for their actions.
    16. Coughs frequently... Apparently, something dissuades him from lying, not allowing him to say a word.
    17. Pwhen smoking, very often dragged on... So the cigarette turned out to be a good "detective".
    18. Pshades hands (hides them wherever possible).
    19. The person takes a small step back or moves from foot to foot. This may resemble a situation where a person is cold and is trying to somehow warm up.
    20. If the interlocutor crosses his legs and arms - he fenced off from you to make it easier to deceive.
    21. Head tilted back or down - that's a huge the desire to close from you.
    22. Man, while deceiving, holds your breath.
    23. The interlocutor sits with closed or half-closed eyes - he is overcome by a huge sense of guilt. the main thing, do not confuse the "closed" eyes with the fact that the person is simply tired and wants to sleep so much that he cannot keep his eyes open.
    24. TOwhen a person lies, he first speaks more quietly, then, unexpectedly for himself and others, they begin to speak very loudly.

    If your interlocutor, during a conversation, suddenly, he looks left or right, this does not mean that he is lying to you. When he looks to the right, a picture is “spinning” in his imagination. If to the left - he goes over, in memory, memories.

    Man is so madethat it is very difficult for him to tell a lie without gestures. But he also does not know how to lie. There are those people who have read a bunch of literature in order to learn not to let deception into their lives (at least from their side). However, unfortunately, it is impossible not to lie. Yes, conscience torments. Even insomnia, quite often, "sneaks up". But they will not be able to "dissuade" people from lying.

    People find excuses like "today I lied one less lie." Well, you have to start somewhere. Better - less lies than usual.

    So what to do with the lie "for the good"?

    And you can’t do anything with her: she will stay with you, not leaving you. Lying is like a bad habit. And then, when it “appears” during a “necessary situation” that requires lying, there is no way to run away from it at all.

    With rare exceptions, each of us feels the need for communication, that's how a person is.

    People share information with each other, jointly develop new ideas, get to know each other and start relationships, get charged with positive and become infected with negative emotions - all this happens through communication.

    Due to the exceptional importance of this process in all areas of life, we are often very offended when they lie to us, but we do not notice it. Probably, learning to recognize lies, so that for sure and always - the blue dream of mankind. Unfortunately, this is hardly possible, if only because often a person cannot distinguish even his own inventions from reality.

    However, in order to suspect something was wrong and keep your eye on the alert, even special devices are not required - it is enough during a conversation to pay attention to some indirect signs that unwittingly appear in your interlocutor, which can confirm or deny his words.

    Lies are usually inconvenient for the person who makes them up. He feels discomfort, nervousness, fear that he might be exposed, even when it comes to something completely harmless. And when it comes to something serious that can affect a person's future life, if the truth is revealed, then only a person with good self-control can behave correctly at such moments. But even in this case, if you know what to look for, you can find vivid signs indicating a person's nervousness, as well as in which places in his stories and answers it manifests itself most sharply. Let's look at these signs.


    In our communication, words directly account for 20-40% of the transmitted information, that is, less than half. Everything else is non-verbal (i.e. non-verbal) information. The methods of its transmission are studied by such a branch of linguistics as paralinguistics.

    Pauses is the most common sign of deception. They can be either too long or frequent. The presence of interjections - "um", "well", "uh" - also indicates that you, perhaps, are being told a lie or something is not being told.

    Raising tone is a likely sign. The speech becomes louder and faster, the person experiences excitement. The reasons can be different - anger, delight, fear. But there may be a lie.

    Useless facts... To make the story compelling, people try to saturate their fictional story with real events that are far from the subject of the conversation. For example, if you want to find out in detail about the people with whom your interlocutor met, what, for example, he needs to hide, then you will hear expanded micro-stories about how wonderful the food was, great weather, what emotions were caused by certain everyday events, and about people can only be said in passing. In a word, they will clearly draw a vast background for you, and in the center of the picture they will only sketch a blurry sketch.

    Guess the answer... It is necessary to ensure that the person answers directly, while it is not necessary to correct him and thereby put pressure on him. Remember that the question asked to the question is only an indirect answer.
    If you asked, "Have you watched TV today?" And someone objected to you, "Well, you know I couldn't do that?" - then we must understand that this is a departure from a direct answer. However, it should be noted that people can only answer like this because they are offended by their mistrust and do not consider it necessary to answer directly.
    Another variant of an indirect answer, when you are also asked to think out what was said on your own, but do not speak directly, for example, to the question "Are you sure you can fix this?" the phrase "Friends consider me an excellent master!" may follow. From it we can conclude that a person is not confident in his abilities, but he does not want to admit it either.

    As you asked, so you were answered. Frequent and accurate use of phrases from your question, as well as the complete repetition of the question before the person starts to answer, may indicate insincerity. In such situations, your interlocutor does not have time to think of what to answer, so he uses your own words or takes time before answering in order to have time to construct a plausible version.

    A joke instead of an answer... Pay attention to the "funny" answers. You asked, you were cleverly answered, you appreciated, laughed and moved on to another question, or did not bother this funny interlocutor at all - a common situation. But you need to think about it, if a person often laughs it off, instead of directly answering, perhaps he does it on purpose.

    Speech at different speeds... Frequent coughing, trying to clear the throat, or sudden changes in speech from normal to faster or slower may mean that the person is nervous, or may be lying. This is also indicated by any objectively unconditioned change in the voice, tone of the speaker.

    If, in the course of the story, a person goes back in the course of the story and supplements it with something: clarifies, says that he forgot to mention something, adds details, then this indicates a sincere story. It is difficult to remember a story made up on the go, add it in the middle, and then continue to think it out from the end - there is a high probability of getting lost and confused


    First of all, you should pay attention to the pose of the interlocutor.

    Well-known "closed poses" - crossed arms and legs. They say at least that the interlocutor is not very inclined to communicate with you. A person may look relaxed, but attempts to hide their hands, fold them over their chest or lock them on their knees give them away. It's not a fact that he is lying to you - but he clearly wants to hide something from you, not to let it slip.

    It happens that a liar cringes as if he wants to take up as little space as possible.

    Another posture: if a person takes a step back during a conversation, most likely he himself does not believe in what he is telling you.

    There are “slips of the tongue,” a kind of non-verbal information leak. Not every liar allows them, but if they happen, it is a sure sign of his intentions.

    If a person touches his face with his hands: scratches his nose, covers his mouth, then these are signs that he subconsciously closes himself off from you, put a barrier between you.

    The most common gestures of deception are:

    An involuntary shrug speaks of indifference, that a person does not care. And if he pulls with one shoulder, it means that he is lying with a very high degree of probability.

    Rubbing eyes.When a child does not want to look at something, he closes his eyes with his palms. An adult has this gesture ttransformed into rubbing of the eye. Thus, the brain tries to block something unpleasant for us (deception, doubt, or an unpleasant sight).
    In men, this is a more pronounced gesture - they rub their eyes, as if a speck had hit them.
    In women, this gesture is less noticeable and may well pass for correcting makeup, since ladies usually rub their lower eyelids gently with their finger.
    But even here it is worth being careful - suddenly a speck or an eyelash has really hit!

    P touching the nose (often with a quick, elusive movement) is also a sign of lying. This gesture is called the "Pinocchio symptom"
    Remember the story about Pinocchio, where his nose began to grow rapidly when he lied? In fact, physically, this process really takes place - in the body, special substances catelohamines are released, which lead to irritation of the nasal mucosa, pressure also increases, blood flow increases and the nose really increases slightly. But this is not noticeable, but it is noticeable how your interlocutor begins to reach for his nose and scratch it.
    Covering your mouth with your hand or coughing into a fist, according to psychologists, shows a desire to suppress the uttering of one's own false words, to prevent them from breaking out.
    Brushing imaginary fuzz off clothes... The interlocutor does not approve of what he has heard. He does not want (or cannot) say it out loud, but the gesture betrays his thoughts.
    Collar pull-back.
    A familiar gesture, right? As if it becomes stuffy and it is hard for a person to breathe. Cheating leads to increased blood pressure and increased sweating, especially if the cheater is afraid of being caught in a lie.

    Other gestures of deception include

    Rubbing the earlobe.
    Let's go back to our monkeys! This is a "I hear nothing" gesture. It is usually accompanied by a sideways glance. Variants of this gesture: rubbing the earlobe, scratching the neck behind the ear, picking (sorry) in the ear, or twisting it into a tube.

    Scratching the neck.
    Typically, people do this with the index finger of the hand with which they write. On average, a person scratches their neck 5 times a day. This gesture means doubt. That is, if a person says something like “Yes, yes! I totally agree with you ”and at the same time reaches out to scratch his neck, which means that in fact he does not agree and doubts.

    Fingers in the mouth.
    The most striking character with a finger in his mouth is Doctor Evil from the film about Austin Powers. He almost always keeps his little finger near his mouth. This is a person's unconscious attempt to return to the state of security commonly associated with infancy and sucking on the same nipple. An adult sucks on a cigar, pipe, temples, pen, or chews gum. Most of the touching of the mouth is associated with deception, but it also suggests that the person needs approval. Maybe he's lying because he's afraid you won't like the truth.

    Note a gesture such as extended middle finger... He can just lie on his knee or a person accidentally touches his face with it. This is a gesture of hostility and hidden aggression: the interlocutor seems to send you to hell.

    You should also notice if the interlocutor shifts from foot to foot or even takes a small step back. This indicates a desire to leave, to distance yourself from you, so as not to give away something.
    It is especially important to pay attention to back movement when asking questions. If a the head of the respondent will be abruptly pulled back or down - this, perhaps, is also an attempt to close.


    The behavior of a person is strikingly different depending on whether he is telling the truth or lying.

    If there is a lie, then a person's emotions will be much deeper and more sensual. Any lie implies the presence of a certain mask that a person puts on himself and builds an appropriate line of his behavior. Often, the "mask" and other emotions are mixed with each other. For example, a light smile is a mask of pleasure, if this feeling is not actually experienced, mixed with signs of fear, sadness, disgust or anger. In the case of sincere joy, our eyes will see not only a smile, but also the movement of the muscles located around the eyes.

    Bad reaction... Watch the other person's emotions as you talk. If a person is hiding something from you, then emotions can be expressed with a delay, remain unusually long on the person's face, and then suddenly disappear, appear before you finish the phrase.
    This happens because a person is tensely thinking about something of his own, poorly supporting the thread of the conversation and demonstrating emotions that he does not actually feel.

    Facial expressions lasting 5-10 seconds are usually fake. Most sincere emotions appear on the face for only a few seconds. Otherwise, they will look like a mockery. For example, a surprise that does not pass in a person for more than 5 seconds is a fake emotion.
    For a sincere person, words, gestures and facial expressions are synchronized. If someone shouts: "How tired of you!" And an angry expression appears only after the reply, the anger is most likely fake.

    American psychologist Paul Ekman studied facial expressions and counted 46 independent facial movements. However, he found that in combination with each other, they can convey about 7000 unique emotions! Interestingly, many of the muscles that set the face in motion are not controlled by consciousness. This means that a fake smile will always, albeit slightly, but differ from the real one.

    Behavior in provocation

    Rapid breathing, heaving of the chest, frequent swallowing, perspiration that comes out are signs of intense anxiety. It is possible that they are lying to you. Blush is a sign of embarrassment, but you can also be embarrassed out of shame for lying.

    Do you like field hockey? If you try to abruptly change the subject, a person who is telling a lie will take it with relief, support your initiative, because he understands that the less you talk to him, the less chances he will have to “pierce” and betray himself. If the interlocutor is sincere, then his natural reaction will be a lack of understanding of the reason for the change of topic, dissatisfaction that his story was not heard. He will try to get back to the topic of the conversation.

    I don't like you guys ... If you have doubts about the veracity of the interlocutor's words, MirSovetov advises to implicitly show that you do not believe the interlocutor's story: after his answer to the next question, pause, look closely, with disbelief. If they are not honest with you, it will cause embarrassment, uncertainty. If a person is telling the truth, then often he begins to get irritated, to stare at you. The following changes can be noted in it: embarrassment disappears, lips are compressed, eyebrows frown.

    Eye movements

    It is rightly said that the eyes are the window to the soul. A person is designed so that the eyes are actively involved in the process of thinking.

    They take a position depending on which area of \u200b\u200bthe brain is currently involved. Knowing this, we can assume what the brain is doing at one point or another in the dialogue: inventing something new or processing real information.

    If a person confidently wants to defend his lie and deliberately lies, he tries to maintain eye contact. He looks deeply into the eyes. This is to know if you believe his lies.

    And when a person is caught off guard and wants to lie so that everyone will forget about it, he immediately switches your attention: he goes to another room supposedly on business, or starts tying his shoes, sorting through papers and muttering something under his breath ...

    However, sometimes a person looks into the eyes in the hope of seeing support. He may not lie, but be very unsure of his righteousness.

    Watch your blinking. When they lie, they often blink involuntarily, because for many a lie is all the same. But, in addition, increased blinking can mean that the subject of the conversation is unpleasant to him, it gives pain. And the less often a person blinks, the happier he is at that moment.

    When asking a question, pay attention to the movement of the eyes at the moment when the person answers. When a person really tries to remember all the details and tell you, he looks to the right. When a person comes up with something, his gaze moves to the left.

    Usually when a person is something remembers (comes up with) he looks not just to the side, but down (right down, left down)

    See the neurolinguist chart for what eye movements indicate.

    Let's imagine that the picture is the face of your interlocutor. Further, in order to avoid confusion, we will agree to write about you when you look at the "interlocutor's face", and in brackets there will be instructions regarding the person shown in the diagram

    You see that the eyes of the interlocutor

    • Watching left and up from you (the person looks to the upper right corner), this indicates the construction of the picture.
    • To the right and up from you (for him, this is the upper left corner) - an appeal to visual memory.
    • Watching to the left (right side for the interlocutor) - comes up with a sound,
    • to the right (for him the left side) - tries to remember what he heard.
    • Eyes bottom and left(lower right corner) - test of sensations and feelings.
    • Bottom and right (lower left corner) - reflects on the situation, talks to himself.
    • If the look straight, then the person perceives the information.

    For example, if you asked your boss about the salary date, and, while answering, he looked down and to the right relative to you, then he thought about it for the first time and forms an answer “on the fly”, reflects. And if just to the right, then he says what he heard earlier from the higher authorities.

    Pay attention to this nuance:if you are speaking to a left-handed person, then the left and right sides are opposite to each other. This is also true for right-handed people, in whom the left hemisphere, however, predominates over the right, for example, the so-called. retrained left-handers.

    There is an opinion that a direct eye-to-eye gaze symbolizes a person's sincerity, but if the eyes are averted, then they say that someone "hides" his eyes and hides something. In reality, this is not the case. In the course of a conversation, it is often necessary to break eye contact in order to focus on some thought, think, remember.
    Based on materials from,

    Interesting fact:

    Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo have developed a high-tech polygraph. Based on eye movements, it recognizes when a person is telling the truth and when a lie. According to the researchers, their system is capable of detecting a false statement with an accuracy of over 80%.

    The new system has been tested on volunteers. Before the experiment began, they were asked to guess if they had stolen a check that was written in the name of a political party they do not support. An interrogator sat next to the subjects, who first asked questions not related to the topic, and then directly asked about "theft".

    At this time, the program, using webcams, monitored the violation of the trajectory of eye movement, the speed of blinking and the frequency with which the participants in the experiment shifted their gaze. As a result, the system was able to successfully identify lies in 82.2% of cases, while for experienced investigators this ratio was about 60%.

    How to recognize lies by facial expressions and gestures:

    It should be noted that as in nature there are no two identical personalities, each person is individual in his own way, so there is no universal set of signals that reveal a lie. Therefore, all signs must be carefully analyzed in the context of the current situation, and pay attention to both the voice and emotions, and not forget about body movements. The tongue can lie, but the body cannot lie.

    However, be careful and do not jump to conclusions, no matter how perceptive people you are, because even Sherlock Holmes once suspected the girl of a terrible crime, mistaking her awkward gesture for trying to hide the truth. Later it turned out that the girl was just ashamed of her not powdered nose: o).

    And what do you think,

    True feelings are reflected on our face because facial expressions can be involuntary, not subject to our thoughts and intentions. But the face can lie, as we are able to control our facial expressions, not allowing people to see the truth and forcing them to accept the lie. The face leads a double life, combining expressions that we deliberately accept with those that sometimes appear spontaneously, without our knowledge.

    Truth is rarely pure and never unambiguous. (Oscar Wilde)

    In fact, when a person communicates, he is always accompanied by micro expressions, and they can be seen. This suggests that even diplomats or intelligence officers are not always excellent at lying and restraining my facial expressions during strong emotions.

    Mimic movements - this is a joyful, tense, mournful expression on the face, etc. - are involuntary and not purposeful. All voluntary movements, however, have a mimic aspect: they are not identical to each other even when one and the same goal is meant, and vary in the same person depending on his emotional state.
    On the one hand, the face seems to obey our will. On the other hand, it lives by itself, by its own, unknown to us. The unaccountable, involuntary component is constantly present, very often it becomes predominant - and most of all, when we are gripped by some kind of feeling. Crying, laughter, squeezing pleasure, furious grin, as well as simple yawning - all these are spasms of the facial muscles, proceeding somewhat differently ... Two levels of life of the face - voluntary and involuntary - are quite consistent with our inner stratification: consciousness and subconsciousness. The face is the focus of the mental muscles - the organ of communication of the psyche with another psyche - and with itself. The organ of the soul.
    The face is a very valuable source of information for the verifier, because it can lie, and speak the truth, and do both at the same time. Usually a person carries two messages at once - what the liar wants to say and what he would like to hide. Some facial expressions support the lie, giving us the wrong information, while others betray the truth, because they look fake, and true feelings seep through all attempts to hide them. At some point, the face, being deceitful, may look quite convincing, but after a moment, hidden thoughts may appear on it. And it also happens that both sincere and ostentatious emotions are transmitted by different parts of the face at the same time. I think most people cannot immediately see through a liar simply because they cannot distinguish between genuine and false facial expressions.

    Along with involuntary and intentional expressions, there are also expressions that were once memorized by us and now appear automatically, whether we wish it or not, and sometimes even in spite of this and, as a rule, without our awareness. An example of this is facial expressions that have become habitual and become "ritual"; they quite often appear on our face, especially when, for example, we cannot express our anger towards a high-ranking person. However, now we will only be interested in intentional, controlled, false expressions used by people when trying to mislead, and involuntary, spontaneous, emotional, which sometimes betray the true feelings of a liar despite all his efforts to hide them.
    The involuntary expression of emotions on the face is the result of evolution. Many human facial expressions are similar to those seen in primates. Some emotional expressions - at least those that speak of happiness, fear, anger, disgust, sadness, grief, and possibly a number of other emotions - are universal, the same for all people, regardless of age, gender, racial and cultural differences.
    These expressions give us rich information about a person's feelings, giving out the slightest movements of his soul. The face can convey such shades of emotional experiences that only a poet can express in words. It can tell us:
    - what emotions a person experiences (anger, fear, sadness, disgust, grief, joy, satisfaction, excitement, surprise, contempt) - each of these emotions has its own specific facial expression;
    - about the imposition of emotions - often a person experiences two emotions at once, and both are partially reflected on his face;
    - about the strength of the emotions experienced - all emotions have various degrees of manifestation - from mild irritation to rage, from fear to horror, and so on.
    In addition to automatic, habitual facial expressions, people may have quite conscious ones, which they accept, suppressing the manifestation of their true emotions and imitating others that are not actually experienced. Most people are great at using some kind of facial deception. Almost everyone can recall a case when someone's facial expression completely confused him, but almost everyone knows the opposite, when it is perfectly visible from a person's face that he is lying. In the life of every married couple there are moments when one reads on the other's face a feeling (usually fear or anger), which his partner not only does not realize, but also denies.

    There are thousands of different facial expressions, and they are all different from each other. Many of them have nothing to do with emotions and belong to the so-called speech signs, which, like illustrations, correspond to stress and punctuation (for example, facial expressions reflecting a question or exclamation mark). But there are also mimic emblems: winking, surprised twitching of eyebrows, contemptuous squinting of eyes, a horseshoe mouth, skeptical grimace, drooping jaw, etc. There are also mimic manipulations - biting and licking lips, smacking, puffing out cheeks. In addition, there are simply emotional facial expressions, both sincere and feigned.

    Moreover, one emotion corresponds not to one facial expression, but dozens, and sometimes even hundreds.
    Each emotion has a distinct and very specific set of expressions. This is not surprising, because each emotion corresponds not to one situation, but a whole series. Let's look at expressions of anger. Anger differs in:
    - its intensity (from mild irritation to rage);
    - the degree of control (from an explosion to an undercurrent);
    - the rate of development (from a sudden flash to a slow boil);
    - the rate of extinction (from sudden to protracted);
    - heat (from boiling to cold-blooded);
    - the degree of sincerity (from genuine to feigned - like parents who scold their naughty but beloved child).
    And if we add to this the admixtures of other emotions to the anger: gloating, guilt, righteousness, contempt, then there will be even more components of this series.

    Disgust. With disgust, the eyebrows are frowned and the nose wrinkles, the upper lip rises, and the lower lip drops, the mouth takes on an angular shape. The tongue sticks out slightly, as if pushing out an unpleasant substance that has got into the mouth. Children, feeling disgusted, stick out their tongue and say "fu" or "be", adults can express this emotion only with a movement of the upper lip or a barely noticeable wrinkling of the nose. These movements are sometimes so elusive that they can go unnoticed by others. Sometimes they are involuntary, and the person does not realize that he is disgusted.

    Sadness. In a sad person, the inner ends of the eyebrows are raised and brought to the bridge of the nose, the eyes are slightly narrowed, and the corners of the mouth are lowered. Sometimes you can observe a slight tremor of the slightly extended chin. Depending on the person's age and the intensity of the sadness experienced, her facial expressions may be accompanied by crying. Mimically, sadness lasts for a few seconds, but the experience can last longer. She usually gives herself away in one way or another, although her signs can be almost subtle. The face looks faded, devoid of muscle tone, the eyes appear dull. A sad person speaks little and reluctantly, the pace of his speech is slowed down.

    Contempt is a complex pantomime expression. Depicting contempt, a person becomes taller: he straightens up, tilts his head slightly and looks at the source of emotion, as if from top to bottom. With all his appearance, he seems to show his superiority over the "rival". At the moment of contempt, the eyebrows and upper lip are raised, the corners of the lips can be compressed, the mouth is slightly raised, and small symmetrical depressions form in the region of the cheeks adjacent to the corners of the mouth. The eyebrow may be raised or the head tilted back and sideways.

    Happiness. The forehead and eyebrows are at rest, the lower eyelids are raised but not tense. The outer corners of the eyes have wrinkles called spider's or crow's feet. The corners of the lips are pulled to the sides and raised.

    Surprise. The eyebrows are raised, horizontal wrinkles can form on the forehead. The upper eyelids are raised and show the sclera, the lower eyelids are relaxed. The lips are relaxed and parted.

    Fear. The eyebrows are drawn together and raised, which can form wrinkles in the center of the forehead. The upper eyelids are raised so that the sclera above the iris is visible. The lips are tense and stretched to the sides, and the mouth is slightly parted.

    Unlike a mask or a grimace, a living face changes incomprehensibly every moment - and it is its micromimics that change - the ratio of the tones of different muscles, the play of their fibers and ligaments in infinitely varied combinations and vibrations. Tonus micromimics conveys secret movements of the soul, deep moods and states of mind, conveys character.
    Big facial expressions can be played like a ball, juggle with masks. You can frown menacingly, you can smile affectionately; you can sly squint or, raising your eyebrows, portray surprise; you can paint your face with horror, rage, despair, cloak yourself in impenetrability - everything is possible and beyond that; but - if you are not a professional actor, not an ace of acting - you never know exactly what happens and what the possible impression is ...
    It is very difficult to control the tone of the face - micromimics, which alone give the expressions liveliness, authenticity and persuasiveness. No wonder: unlike the arms, legs and torso of our physiognomy (like, sorry, the back physiognomy) we do not see - and by nature we should not see, we communicate with it blindly. Yes, least of all, oddly enough, we know and understand our own face - all our life it is for us the most unfamiliar, the most unexpected, the biggest mystery ... Hence the insatiable need to communicate with mirrors ...

    Not every politician is capable of manipulating facial expressions so skillfully. Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wrote about his youthful attempts to learn to control facial muscles: “… Politics was my hobby. In those years, Mussolini ruled in Italy. I saw his photographs and read about how he was able to change his facial expression in front of the public, taking on a hard or aggressive look, so that people, looking at him, read the power and strength in every feature of his face. It fascinated me. I stood at home in front of a mirror and tried to imitate the imperiousness of his face, but my results were disappointing. My face muscles just got tired, and it hurt - that's all. "
    How to understand what politicians say sincerely, and what they have been taught? Olga Gladneva and a psychologist helped to understand facial expressions.

    “In this photo, Viktor Andreevich is disappointed and annoyed, trying to choose his words so as not to offend anyone,” comments Olga Gladneva, a specialist at the EVAX-BiS center, with her face. - This is a very characteristic picture - in uncomfortable situations it is difficult to see the president openly indignant. Because, based on the laws of physiognomy, such a person a priori will not strive for leadership, and therefore he speaks, as a rule, as if through force quite often. With an innate gentleness, he bribes women, whom he listens to, but acts in his own way. Viktor Andreevich knows how to work scrupulously and for a long time, is patient, sees shortcomings, including his own, has a mathematical mindset and has logical thinking. "

    “Here Yulia Vladimirovna is confidently talking about what she does not really believe in,” says Olga Gladneva. - With her hairdo, she emphasizes her organizational skills, and an open forehead signals a readiness to hear criticism. But if we consider that image-makers are working on the image of the prime minister, then “readiness” can be insincere. Her face is a challenge. She is probably the only politician to whom no one is indifferent. This is because the character of this woman is a paradox (high cheekbones and a sharp chin betray this): when she tries to do good things, she gets a bad result, and vice versa. It is not surprising that in the ranks of her subordinates there are people opposed to her, and among the opponents - sincerely admiring her. "

    The fact that the emotions of Viktor Fyodorovich in public are rather monotonous, according to Olga Gladneva, suggests that he does not play roles, and such people, as a rule, are well versed in the business they will undertake. They make decisions quickly. “In this photo, Viktor Yanukovych is definitely glad to see someone. Although the smile on his face is not always natural: when everything is not good around, he cannot pretend. And if you analyze a photo, say, 10 years ago, you can see that since then he has become less categorical and tough, - says Olga. - The general analysis of Yanukovych's face shows that he does not always say what he really wants to say. But in general, the work of specialists on his facial expressions is minimal. "

    “Yatsenyuk has an unusual face for a politician,” says physiognomist Olga Gladneva. - There is no imprint of self-confidence on him - facial features are small. But he is observant, sees all the shortcomings - small eyes speak about this. Able to make grandiose plans, while taking into account everything. Because of this, decisions take a long time and also embodies them. He knows how to invent, but he needs hands that will embody his ideas, his own energy is not enough for him. He is polite according to the Western cliché, to the question: "How are you?" answers: "Good", and it doesn't matter how it really is. "

    “Vladimir Mikhailovich, an analysis of his facial expressions suggests that he is an open, emotional person who loves to express himself and talk. In a circle of acquaintances he likes to joke. People with such facial features do not have real power, but they know how to act covertly, through others. He has unusual ideas, creative thinking - this is emphasized by his cheekbones. Knows how to listen and analyze, to present any idea beautifully. But it is difficult for him to finish what he started.

    Symonenko's face speaks of his decisiveness: “He is inclined to bring everything to the end, but the result is not always the way he was intended,” says Olga Gladneva. - In the process, cases may acquire new details, and this politician does not always respond to changes in a mobile manner. He knows how to embellish events, but sees them in real light. In this photo, when leaving the Presidential Secretariat, he has a worried face, although it is clear that he is thinking about something of his own. And this is always the case with this politician: he can think about the personal, but affairs are primary for him all the same. "

    Oleg Tyagnibok “There is some difference between his personal attitudes and those that he expresses to a large audience - in the photo, the look is both provocative and confident,” says Olga Gladneva with her face. - That is why he quickly makes decisions, quickly implements them. He looks at things realistically, but positions himself as an optimist. From the general analysis of the person it follows that in his team there will always be those opposed to him. "

    People, as a rule, say one thing, but think quite differently, so it is very important to understand their true state. When transmitting information, only 7% of it is communicated through words (verbally), 30 percent is expressed by the sound of the voice (tonalities, intonation) and more than 60% goes through other non-verbal (glance, gestures, facial expressions, etc.) channels.
    Thus, if facial expressions are the movement of facial muscles, reflecting the internal emotional state of a communication partner, then the mastery of facial expressions is necessary, in fact, for any person, but especially for those who, by the nature of their activities, have numerous contacts with people.

    All parents try to teach their child to tell the truth.

    Both folk wisdom, embodied in sayings, proverbs and fairy tales, and Christian morality teach us from childhood that lying is bad.

    At the same time, all children at a certain age learn to lie in order to avoid punishment, ridicule and unpleasant situations.

    If a child grows up in a family that adheres to a soft parenting style, he rarely and rather ineptly lies. But in a family with an authoritarian parenting style, children (especially adolescents) learn to lie simply masterly.

    And they continue to use this skill in adulthood. Sometimes in such cases, finding out the truth is critically important, and if you do not know how to recognize a lie, psychology can suggest the answer to this question.

    Kinds of untruth

    In adults, outright lies are less common than in adolescents and children - most people prefer not to tell the whole truth or remain silent in response. But this is just a more convenient option for hiding the truth.

    A person cannot not lie at all - too often the truth contradicts generally accepted ethics, politeness and even morality (how many will answer the question of a not very nice friend “how do I look?” To the question of a not very nice friend?). Statistics say that each person on average lies about 4 times a day.

    Sometimes this is a completely harmless deception - we do not want to escalate the situation, so when asked why such a view is dull, we answer "everything is in order." In a couple of minutes our emotions will subside and really everything will be all right.

    But not every lie is harmless - in the overwhelming majority of cases, even a small lie in relationships between people can create big problems. Building a good relationship on deception is very problematic, so it is important for women to know how to recognize a man's lie.

    Research has shown:

    • That socially active people have to lie more often.
    • Extroverts are more likely to cheat than introverts.
    • Women tend to lie about everyday issues (the cost of things, etc.), and men - about relationships (for example, a well-meaning man may lie, claiming that he is satisfied with everything, but discontent will still erupt from time out and will be an unpleasant surprise for the couple).

    How do you know if someone is lying to you?

    Some people are able to notice lies through life experience and innate observation. But being able to spot lies is a skill, not a special talent.

    Therefore, absolutely every person, thanks to a well-developed methodology and hard work, can learn to recognize a lie. For example, you can learn how to recognize a lie from your eyes.

    The liar can be betrayed by:

    • Frequent pauses in conversation, unreasonable change in intonation, the use of repetitions and interjections.
    • The direction of gaze and the frequency of eye contact with the interlocutor.
    • Inconsistent work of the facial muscles (asymmetry).
    • Inconsistency of words and facial expressions.
    • Fast change of emotions.
    • A specific smile (lips form an oblong line, as they are slightly pulled back from the teeth).
    • Active use of gestures.

    When building a lie recognition system, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the "suspect." So, a shy and timid person, even speaking sincerely, can go astray, repeat and speak with a tremor in his voice, and a cold-blooded and self-confident person can lie in an even dispassionate tone without the slightest hesitation.

    How to identify deception by the eyes of the interlocutor

    Probably, many remember how in childhood parents demanded during a conversation: "Look me in the eyes!" Indeed, the eyes as a "mirror of the soul" can tell us a lot.

    Studies have shown that:

    • When communicating, a sincere person looks into the eyes of the interlocutor about 70% of the time of communication, and a liar - no more than 30%. An experienced liar will try to look you in the eye all the time, which is also unnatural for normal communication.
    • Lying is usually accompanied by glittering eyes and dilated pupils due to the experience of the liar.
    • The lying person will look down a little (if you imagine the dial, this zone will correspond to the interval between 16 and 18 hours). Lies of men and women differ in nature, therefore, mainly lying men "admire" the sex. A lying woman may well look at the ceiling (the zone from 9.30 to 11 o'clock, which is responsible for figurative memory).

    In addition, stress affects the frequency of blinking, so the lying person will blink frequently during the conversation. Since lies are often accompanied by certain gestures, it is important to know how to recognize a lie by facial expressions and gestures.

    Liar's gestures

    During a conversation, first it is important to pay attention to the person's posture - crossed legs or arms indicate a desire to close, and constant fidgeting indicates that the topic of the conversation is straining the interlocutor. When trying to keep silent about something, the palms are closed as much as possible.

    Lying may involve touching your nose, throat, or mouth area, rubbing your hands, touching objects, biting your lips, or trying to smoke. All these actions subconsciously distract the interlocutor from the dialogue.

    In addition, the discrepancy between gestures and the tempo of speech indicates a lie. At the same time, it is important to compare the usual behavior of this person with the behavior that aroused suspicion, since all people have their own characteristics.

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    Since there is no specific facial expression or tone of voice that can uniquely identify a lie, a lie can only be recognized systemically.