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  • How to reply to email. MUP "Editorial office of the newspaper" Zarya

    How to reply to email. MUP

    Over the past decade, email has become perhaps one of the most popular means of business communication. Today it is quite difficult to find a person who does not use e-mail in his practice of interpersonal and intercultural communication.

    And for the employees of the Zarya newspaper, every working day not only begins with checking e-mail, but throughout the day they have to communicate with the authors of e-mails, since there are quite a few letters to the editorial office. At the same time, when sending the “pinned” documentation to the editorial office, many do not consider it necessary to write a minimal text with a greeting and a specific request (please publish the document in the newspaper from such and such a date). But the daily volume of mail in Zarya is large, and there is not always enough time to download attachments in order to understand the purpose of the letter. And in some cases, even after downloading the pinned material, you do not understand for what purpose it was sent, because it does not contain either the title or the author's name.

    We bring to your attention the basic rules of e-mail etiquette. Let's respect each other and write the right letters!

    Editorial office of the newspaper "Zarya"

    When sending a letter by e-mail, it is necessary to write a professional message in a business style. What should you pay attention to when writing an email to each user?

    We offer you the rules for writing an email.

    Rule 1. When filling out an email, be sure to fill in all the fields (the address and name of the sender, the recipient's address, the subject of the letter, the letter itself, consisting of a greeting, the main text of the letter, conclusion and signature).

    Rule 2. The address and name of the sender must be recognizable.

    For business correspondence, it is advisable to have an e-mail address that contains your real name and surname or the abbreviation of your company.

    Rule 3. Be sure to fill in the "Subject of the letter" column.

    The subject line is a special property of the letter. Its presence greatly facilitates the work with e-mail. The fate of a letter very often depends on its Subject, especially if the sender's name and address do not tell you anything. The subject is the purpose of your letter.

    Rule 4. Use "Re:" only for a reply.

    Usually, after reading an e-mail and wanting to answer it, you click with the mouse the corresponding button on the monitor screen, and a form for composing an answer opens, into which the address of your interlocutor, the text of his letter, as well as the subject of his letter, in front of which means "Re:" ("Re:" is an abbreviation of the English word "Reply:" or "Response:" and means "My answer to:"). Therefore, if the subject line of the letter changes, be sure to remove this symbol.

    Rule 5. Insert the recipient's address last.

    To avoid premature sending, insert the recipient's address only when the letter has been completed, checked and ready to send. Be careful with the "reply" button: make sure that you are sending the letter to whomever you wanted.

    Rule 6. Be sure to write a greeting, consisting of a greeting word and the recipient's name, before the main text of the letter.

    A greeting is a short sentence that should start a letter. The greeting carries information about the good breeding of the person who draws up the letter. As a greeting, use the following form of address: "Good afternoon, dear (respected) + name, middle name of the address" or "Dear (respected) + name, middle name of the address, hello" and only then proceed to the purpose of your message.

    Rule 7. Properly structure your letter.

    Since reading from a monitor screen is much more difficult than reading paper, it is very important to properly structure your email. Break your text into logical paragraphs and instead of overly long sentences, use a few short ones. Try to keep your sentences no more than 15-20 words. Separate paragraphs from each other with indentation or blank lines.

    Rule 8. Be short and write to the point.

    The main text of the letter from the first paragraph should attract the reader's attention no less than its Subject. Start with the purpose of the letter, it should be clearly stated in the first sentence. Email, unlike regular email, is designed to convey information quickly, so try not to send long emails. If you need to send important information containing a large amount, then it is better to write a short accompanying text in the email, and arrange the information itself as an attachment.

    Rule 9. Attach the attachment to the letter at the very beginning.

    Before you start writing your letter, attach an attachment. How many times did you have to receive a letter whose purpose was to forward an attachment, without an attachment ?! And then a letter came from the same sender with an attachment. Such carelessness may not reflect in the best way on your business reputation.

    Rule 10. When composing a response letter, answer ALL questions asked to you.

    If you answer someone to a letter, then try to answer all the questions that are asked to you. This rule seems so natural and understandable, but, nevertheless, it very often happens that people do not answer some of the questions asked to them - this is one of the most frequently violated rules of email correspondence. Hushing up the question is very unethical on your part - after all, the other person needs your answer and expects it, but does not receive it in the letter. If you find it difficult to answer, then write so directly. Just don't leave anything unanswered.

    Rule 11. Before sending a letter, check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.

    Just because email is a fast way to communicate doesn't mean it has to be sloppy. Build your phrases as correctly as possible in terms of spelling and grammar. This is important not only because a poorly written letter can ruin the impression of you, and because it is very difficult to read the text without commas and periods. And, if your program has a spell checker option, why not use it?

    Rule 12. E-mails must be answered.

    Email is about connecting with other people, and for that, a little politeness never hurts. According to the rules of etiquette, emails must be answered, and the response time should not exceed three days. Please note that if you do not respond to an email within this time frame, this is a clear refusal to communicate.

    If you receive unsolicited letters or letters from unknown people, you may not reply to them.

    Rule 13. Do not write in CAPITAL FONT.

    Don't capitalize the entire message text; a few words highlighted in this way will better emphasize the importance of the place. If you write in all caps, it seems that you are SCREAMING. This can cause irritation or other unwanted reactions from your reader.

    Rule 14. Never share confidential information by email.

    Be very careful when forwarding your bank card numbers or other sensitive information in the body of an email. Remember that e-mail in transit can be intercepted and used for personal gain. Do not forget that the e-mail you send will remain in the computer's memory forever.

    Rule 15. Do not overuse abbreviations and emotional design.

    Try not to use so-called smileys ("smiling faces") in business email. They are inappropriate in business correspondence, especially since your addressee may not know their meaning.

    Rule 16. At the end of the letter, be sure to put your signature.

    Sometimes letters come signed by "Marketing and Advertising Department" - this causes some confusion. To whom and how to contact in a reply letter? Simply, "Hello", sounds somehow impersonal. Therefore, be sure to put your signature at the end of the letter. A signature is a small block of text added to the end of your messages that identifies you and contains your contact information. Include in it several possible ways of contacting you (usually phone and fax numbers), as well as a link to your company's website.

    If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter

    These rules govern business email communications.

    rules not applicable for mailing lists, forums, discussion groups, as in these types of communities (interactions) it is advisable to use other principles of working with emails.

    Reaction time to incoming emails

    Delivery of an email from sender to recipient takes from a few seconds to several minutes. Therefore, emails, due to their operational nature, require a prompt response.

    It is unacceptable not to answer emails for more than 1 business day.

    For each received letter, you must give a prompt response (you do not need to give an answer about the receipt of an answer to responses about receiving your letter).

    If it takes more than 2 hours to process a letter, be sure to tell the author that his letter has been received and indicate the approximate time frame during which you will give an answer.

    Subject design

    Each letter should contain a Subject, formulated in a few words. By the subject line, the recipient must determine the content of the letter or find the letter in a long list of other messages.

    If this is a response letter, then usually before the subject line is indicated " RE:".

    If the letter needs to be forwarded, then before the subject line is indicated " FWD:".

    The "RE:" and "FWD:" inserts are usually done automatically by email clients.

    It is not recommended to change the subject of the letter in the course of correspondence (replies to subsequent letters of this topic), since many mail systems group letters by subject. And there is no need to discourage the recipient with a new topic for the old correspondence.

    Emails with empty subject lines are inconvenient when viewing mail lists and are marked as "possible spam" by some spam protection systems.

    Using backgrounds and design skins

    No backgrounds and design skins are allowed in service letters.

    It is desirable that the letter be in plain text. In this case, it is processed faster, transmitted faster, takes up less storage space, and is better understood by different email clients.

    Use of proper names in the "From" field

    Names must be written in Latin, in transliteration.

    For instance:

    Russian names are not allowed, as mail servers for employees of foreign companies and their representative offices in Russia can block or distort mail with headers in national encodings.


    There must be a greeting at the beginning of the letter. For instance:

    Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich!

    A letter without a greeting is sometimes judged by the recipient as disrespectful.


    The signature is separated from the main body of the letter by a blank line and a line with two hyphens.

    The signature must be:


    For letters sent outside the company, the signature must include the contact information and company name.

    An example of a valid signature:

    Quoting the original letter

    It is advisable to keep the previous texts during correspondence.

    The new text is placed at the beginning of the letter. Let the previous sources remain at the end. This is against the rules of many forums. However, mail is not forums. In the forums, all correspondence is saved initially. And in letters for some reason, the original texts are often deleted. And the letters themselves are often not archived - the mail is still not dimensionless. Over time, it becomes unclear who and what was talking about during the correspondence.

    If the letter becomes too long or the topic of discussion becomes too "spreading" or "goes to the side", then you can cut the letter, as a last resort. Do not forget to save the correspondence in the corporate CRM-system.

    Communication by e-mail is an integral part of the work of any modern office worker. And accountants are no exception. How to conduct correspondence in such a way that business communication is productive, emotionally comfortable and extremely ethical? Here are some practical tips for readers.

    TIP 1. Do not neglect in your letters a personal appeal to the addressee

    Thus, you will demonstrate your attention to the person's personality. If the letter is written to a specific recipient, then the absence of a personal appeal in it looks incorrect and impolite.

    When you write one of the first letters to the addressee, the question often arises: what is the best way to address him - just by name or by name and patronymic? In this case, you need to look at what is written in the signature, which ends this person's letter to you. If there is a name (without a middle name), for example "Svetlana Kotova", then feel free to contact by name. And if the signature says "Svetlana Vasilievna Kotova, Chief Accountant of Trenzor LLC", then you also need to address the addressee accordingly. In any case, the second option is extremely correct, and therefore a win-win.

    I do not recommend focusing on the information in the "From" field. Indeed, often it is initially filled not by the owner of the email address, but by the company's IT specialist when setting up an email address.

    By the way, I strongly advise you not to use the short form of the name ("Sash" instead of "Sasha", "An" instead of "Anya") when contacting a business partner or client, no matter how democratic your writing style and no matter how old your correspondence is. What is habitually heard in oral speech looks too simple in writing.

    TIP 2. Pay special attention to the greeting form

    Don't use the phrase "Good day!"... Even if you are guided by good intentions to match the recipient's time zone, this phrase sounds tasteless, I would even say, vulgar. Better to use neutral options: "Hello...", "Good afternoon..."... And of course, add the recipient's name to the greeting if you know it. For me personally, for example, it is much more pleasant instead of a faceless "Hello!" get personal "Hello Tamara!".

    Remember that this way you will greatly save the recipient's time. After all, he will be able to immediately assess the content of the letter received and promptly make a decision about its priority and importance.

    The wording of the topic should be short, but at the same time accurately reflect the subject of the correspondence. For instance, "Agreement, invoice, act from LLC Alpha" instead of "Documents". As you change aspects of the issue under discussion, clarify the topic. For instance, "Cooperation with Perm" → "Cooperation with Perm. Date of negotiations ”→“ Cooperation with Perm. Draft agreement".

    If in the process of correspondence you see that the "Subject" field is filled in by your addressee arbitrarily or is not filled at all, take the initiative in your own hands and try one of two scenarios.

    SCENARIO 1. When answering, fill in the "Subject" field yourself. If the addressee is attentive, perhaps this will already be enough to bring your correspondence into an adequate form.

    SCENARIO 2. If the addressee continues to ignore filling in the "Subject" field, write him a letter with approximately the following content: “Alla, I propose to indicate the subject of the letter in the Subject field. I think this will significantly increase the efficiency of our communication ".

    TIP 4. Pay attention to the "To" and "Cc" fields

    You need to clearly understand the general purpose of these fields in the business environment:

    • <если> only you appear in the “To” field - this means that the sender of the letter is expecting a response to his question or request from you;
    • <если> there are several addressees in the field - the sender is waiting for a response from each or from any of the recipients. In this case, when replying, keep the list of addressees set by the sender using the "Reply all" function (of course, provided that you deliberately do not want to reply only to the author of the letter, hiding the essence of your reply from the rest of the correspondence);
    • <если> your name appears in the "Cc" field - the sender wants you to be aware of the question, but he does not expect an answer from you. This means that you should not enter into correspondence on this issue. If you do decide to do this, then it will be a sign of good form to start writing one of the phrases: "If possible, I would like to join the discussion of this issue ...", "Let me give you my opinion ...".

    With regard to the Bcc field, this is the most controversial email tool in terms of business ethics. Sometimes it is perceived as an almost secret observation and information tool. After all, addressees placed in Bcc are not visible to other recipients. In some, as a rule, large companies, especially scrupulous in matters of ethics, it is strictly forbidden to use this field in corporate correspondence, except for mass mailings. But in most companies they use it, observing the following rules:

    • sending a letter with a filled in "Bcc" field assumes that the author of the letter has notified the hidden addressees (or is going to do so) about the reason and purpose of such a message form;
    • the hidden addressee does not need to enter into correspondence.

    During trainings, I am often asked the question: are there any generally accepted standards regarding the time during which it is necessary to respond to a letter from a client or colleague? But you will not give a universal answer to it.

    If we talk about internal correspondence, everything here is determined by the speed and rhythm of life of the company itself. There are companies in which a delay with a response of more than an hour and a half is considered bad manners. And somewhere the answer during the day is in the order of things.

    As a general rule, the most acceptable response time to a letter is within 2 - 3 hours. This is the so-called comfort waiting time, when the sender waits for a response and does not feel internal discomfort from the silence of his addressee.

    But what if, having received and read the letter, you understand that you cannot give a full answer to it within 24 hours? Then, according to the rules of good form, notify the sender of your receipt of the letter and the approximate time frame for a reply to it. For instance: “Hello, Sergei Vasilievich! I received your letter. I will answer in the next couple of days "or" Andrey, I received a letter. Thanks! I need more information to answer. I will try to answer no later ... ".

    TIP 6. Follow the basic rules for presenting information in a letter

    There are not many of them:

    • when reading a letter, the most comfortable volume is that fits into one screen, maximum - in an A4 page;
    • the volume of sent attachments should not exceed 3 MB. Larger files can cause mail to hang at the addressee;
    • when "packing" attachments, use the universal encodings zip or rar. Other extensions can be blocked or cut off in transit and create problems for the recipient;
    • never start a reply as a new letter (without saving the correspondence history). Otherwise, the recipient will be forced to waste time looking for the original message;
    • write in the language most understandable to the addressee. Many people wonder whether it is appropriate to use professional or internal corporate vocabulary, slang, acronyms and anglicisms.

    In each specific case, this must be addressed separately.

    For example, intracorporate correspondence in a company is almost always replete with slang and abbreviations: they are familiar and understandable to all participants and save time. But you need to be careful when using them in correspondence with contractors.

    In my practice, there was such a case. A colleague was preparing materials for the publishing house and in the last letter they wrote to her: "Masha, please send all your asap materials"... Masha decided that this was a designation of an unknown format, into which the text needed to be translated. She wasted a lot of time figuring out how to satisfy the publisher's request by hook or by crook. Imagine Machine is annoyed when, after 2 days, she finds out that the mysterious "asap" is an abbreviation of "as soon as possible", which is widely used in the English-speaking environment. But Masha could send the materials within half an hour after receiving the request!

    TIP 7. Complete each letter with a block of signature and your contacts

    Regardless of how closely you are familiar with the addressee and how long your correspondence has been going on, each letter should contain a block consisting of a signature and contact information. It is an integral part of the culture of business communication.

    The block must contain:

    • your first and last name. You do not need to use abbreviations. Instead “T.L. Vorotyntsev " in my signature I indicate "Tamara Leonidovna Vorotyntseva" or "Tamara Vorotyntseva"so that the addressee understands how to contact me in a reply letter;
    • your position. This gives the addressee the opportunity to understand the boundaries of your authority and professional competence in resolving issues;
    • contact information (phone, email, company name, website). So you will provide the addressee with the possibility of additional operational communication if necessary.

    To all that has been said, I want to add: your emails are the very clothes on which they are greeted. In other words, observing business correspondence etiquette, you will make the most pleasant impression on your addressee in absentia.

    Communication between people is a natural and vital process. Once the epistolary genre was the only available way of communication between people at a distance from each other.

    The post office has existed since the days of ancient Rome, if not earlier. People corresponded. Even novels and stories in letters are known in literature.

    Modern advances in technology offer new, better ways to communicate.

    At the same time, postal correspondence is preserved. This is an old but reliable way of communication that has its own unique qualities. The modern format of postal correspondence is e-mail, otherwise E-mail.

    E-mail, unlike regular mail, allows recipients to communicate almost instantly. I pressed the "Send" button (letter), and after a few seconds the recipient sees this letter in his mail, in the "Inbox" folder.

    Having become accessible and widespread among users, certain rules of correspondence are inherent in e-mail. These rules allow for the organization and conduct of correspondence within the framework of accepted cultural and business norms. The set of systematic rules for "e-mail" correspondence was called the unspoken "e-mail etiquette."

    Etiquette of electronic correspondence includes design features, writing letters, as well as the principles of communication between addressees. First, let's announce the entire list of rules:

    Rule 5. Fill in the mailing address of the recipient last.

    Rule 7. The text of the letter must meet certain requirements.

    And now more about each of the ten rules.

    Rule 1. Complete all fields in the email.

    For clarity, we will use (Fig. 1), which shows how a new letter looks in Yandex mail (after clicking on the "Write" button):

    Figure: 1 The Basics of Email Etiquette

    In almost all mail services (Yandex mail, Mail ru, Google, Rambler, etc.), the email contains the following information:

    1. The postal address (e-mail) and the sender's name (possibly also the surname) - number 1 in Fig. 1.
    2. The postal address (e-mail) of the recipient of the letter - number 2 in Fig. 1.
    3. The subject (title, title) of the letter is number 3 in Fig. 1.
    4. The content of the letter (number 4 in Fig. 1), which includes:
      • greeting,
      • main text,
      • conclusion,
      • signature.
    5. Attachment to the letter (attached files or attached files) - number 5 in Fig. 1.

    All of the above items are required, except for the last one (number 5 in Fig. 1) - the attachment to the letter. If you do not need to attach any files explaining the text of the letter to the letter, then you can forget about this point.

    Rule 2. The postal address and the name of the sender must be clear.

    Correspondence involves two parties, so you should pay attention to personal data. Personal data should be understandable and as complete as possible, so as not to cause misunderstanding, wariness and mysteriousness in the addressee.

    The most trustworthy is the mailing address containing the last name and first name, for example, [email protected]

    If the sender has a blog or a blog, then it will be useful to specify an address with the domain of the site, for example, [email protected]website. The fact is that by going to the site (site) specified after the @ sign, you can learn a lot about the author of the site from the materials presented on it.

    If the mailing address is [email protected], then not every recipient of a letter from such an addressee will decide to open this letter. What if there is a virus that blocks the computer, or spam, which after opening such a letter will go in an endless stream?

    Rule 3. The subject (title, title) of the letter must always be indicated.

    The heading of the letter is the only thing that the recipient sees when it comes to him. Very often its further fate depends on the name of the letter:

    • the recipient will open it
    • or delete without looking.

    Therefore, the headers of the letter should be treated with special reverence (that is, with reverence).

    Options for the fate of the received letter, depending on its title:

    • the letter will not be noticed among the heap of other letters,
    • will be considered useless and therefore will not even open
    • without hesitation, they will immediately send it to the "" or "Deleted Items" folder,
    • read in part or in full,
    • perhaps they will even answer.

    The heading of the letter is the key to getting the recipient interested in opening the letter, or rather, "catching", attracting attention. This is especially important if this is your first time writing to someone. Paraphrasing the words from the book "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" ("as you name the ship, so it will sail"), we can say that "as you name the letter, so it will reach the recipient."

    Thus, the title of the letter should be short (no more than 50 characters), interesting and to the point (express the essence of the letter).

    Moreover, in the course of the correspondence, if the recipient of the letter answers the author, the title of the letter should not change. It also should not change in the course of multiple correspondence, when the letter is sent many times in one direction or the other.

    If during the correspondence the topic of discussion changes, then it makes sense to change the subject of the letter or, perhaps, create a new letter with a new subject for further correspondence.

    Rule 4. When replying to a letter, consider whether you need to change the subject of the letter.

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, the subject of the letter does NOT need to be changed, below I will explain the reasons. But as you know, there are some exceptions to the rules. However, first things first.

    How to write a response letter

    Many novice users answer the letter incorrectly, namely, having received the letter, they read it and press the "Write" button to reply. This is fundamentally wrong.

    When replying to a letter, you should click on the "Reply" button in order to understand where you started the correspondence and where you came to. For this:

    • You need to open the letter. The "Reply" button will appear above or below the open letter (number 1 in Fig. 2).
    • Click on "Reply".
    • “Re:…” will automatically appear in the subject (heading) of the letter (number 2 in Fig. 2). The letters "Re" are a sign that this is exactly the answer to the letter.
    • Write your answer at the beginning of the letter so that the answer comes first, and below - the text of the previous letter.
    Figure: 2 How to write a response letter

    Many technical support services ask you to click on the "Reply" button when e-mailing about a problem. And at the same time, in the correspondence, do not change anything in the previous letters. More precisely, any technical support asks "keep quoting when answering." Because it’s easier to understand where they started to solve the problem and where they came to.

    Many novice users cannot find the previous letter, or for some other reason often DO NOT answer (that is, do not use the "Reply" button), but write a new letter (press the "Write" or "Create" button). Receiving a new letter each time, the recipient of a new letter may find it difficult to remember from scratch all the details of the previous letter, which greatly complicates the correspondence.

    And professional technical support may not respond at all to incorrectly executed letters.

    Note that "Re:" is short for "Reply:" or "Response:", which translates as "My answer to:". If the subject line has changed, delete that "Re:" and write a new subject line to reflect the new turn of events.

    Rule 5. The mailing address of the recipient (To) fill in last.

    It is best to fill in the "To" field last, after the letter has been written and checked. This will allow you to avoid frequently repeated mistakes when the sender of the letter sends it to the addressee not completed by accidentally clicking on the "Reply" button.

    And if you click on the "Reply" button, then before clicking, first check whether you are sending the letter to the right addressee. It can be very upsetting when a letter, especially if it contains personal or confidential information, does not go where you were going to send it.

    Rule 6. Save the text of the letter in a separate file before sending the letter.

    Unfortunately, this rule is only remembered when

    • there was an unexpected failure while sending the letter,
    • or when the letter is asked to be sent again, because it was not received for some reason.

    When sending important emails with a hand-typed "wall of text" rather than copied from somewhere, this is a very good rule of thumb. It greatly simplifies life.

    Rule 7. The text of the letter must meet the following requirements:

    1) The text of the letter must contain a greeting.

    At least "Hello." or "Good day." If you know the name, then "Dear (s) Name (possibly Patronymic)". The greeting “Good day” is often used when communicating on the Internet instead of “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or “Good evening”. This is due to the fact that the sender of a letter can never know exactly when his letter will be opened by the recipient. The sender and the receiver can be located on different parts of the Earth, in different time zones. Also, the sender never knows exactly when the recipient will open and read his letter.

    2) The text of the letter must be correct and not contain errors.

    For some reason, they do not attach much importance to literacy. Errors can be found on the official websites of serious companies, not to mention letters in which it is sometimes difficult to understand not only individual words, but also whole phrases, they can be formulated so illiterately and with errors. It is important to remember that illiterate writing is bad culture and has no place on the Internet.

    3) The text of the letter must be understandable in content.

    The sender always knows what he is writing about, but the recipient can only understand this from the text of the letter. The sender does not always write about his problem in a way that is understandable for the recipient. Messages that are incomprehensible in content can only irritate and annoy the recipient, since he spent time reading the letter, but did not understand what the sender wanted to tell him.

    4) The text of the letter should cover the framework of one topic.

    If the sender has something to say to the recipient on different topics, then it is better to send one letter for each topic. This will make it easier for the recipient to perceive the information and will allow him to give you an accurate and comprehensive answer.

    5) The text of the letter should be structured in terms of content and external perception.

    Structured text is easy to read. And it is perceived as the author of the letter intended. Unstructured text with leaps of thought, with a predominance of emotions rather than facts, with incomprehensible connections, etc. may be perceived by the recipient of the letter in a completely different way than it was intended by the sender. As a result, communication by E-mail will not work. It will not take place at all, or you will need a phone, Skype and other means of communication.

    6) The text of the letter should be of the optimal size.

    Very short letters of 5-7 words to read, of course, it is pleasant, but you need to understand a very talented writer in order to put the main idea into these words. It is better for an inexperienced letter writer to write as much as possible in order to convey information or information sent to the addressee as accurately as possible.

    At the same time, an unnecessarily long letter replete with repetitions, additional explanations, unnecessary information not on the topic, etc. is perceived by the recipient as a “wall of text”, tires him and causes a negative reaction. A measure is needed in everything;

    7) The font of the text of the letter must be of a common type that will be displayed in all mail services.

    Fans of exotic fonts, for example, ones that resemble handwritten text with a quill pen, should remember that the recipient, instead of the text of the letter, may end up with an unreadable gibberish. Lovers of exoticism should take care that the exotic font used by them is sent in a letter along with the text.

    8) The size of the font in the text of the letter should be uniform.

    You can write any minor notes in small print, everything else should be done in a font of the same size. Some email services generally use a single universal font. This should always be remembered, since all of the sender's delights in decorating text with fonts of different sizes will end up looking like monotonous text to the recipient. So why should you try so hard?

    9) In the body of the letter, you should not abuse the use of uppercase and lowercase letters.

    It is difficult to read letters where all letters are small, even at the beginning of a sentence, or vice versa, where all letters are CAPITAL. Remember that the LETTER WRITTEN WITH THE CAPS LOCK KEY ON AND CONSISTING OF CAPITAL LETTERS IS PERCEPTED ON THE INTERNET as a SCREAM and means only a scream and nothing else.

    10) The tone of the letter should in no case have features of aggressiveness, irritability.

    The text of the letter should not contain curses and insults. It is best to write a letter in a balanced and reasonable state. Light playfulness and appropriate humor are encouraged if the addressee maintains a similar tone of communication and is able to appreciate it.

    11) At the end, you should always leave a signature (name, surname, nickname, position for business letters) with possible wishes to the interlocutor.

    The wishes include: Best regards, With gratitude, etc.

    Rule 8. E-mails must be answered.

    It is always customary to reply to a letter, so you need to find the time and opportunity to pay mutual attention and respect to the senders.

    Email does not tolerate stagnation. Working with e-mail largely depends on the discipline and organization of the recipient. This consists in regularly monitoring your mailbox, familiarizing yourself with incoming correspondence, studying it, organizing and composing responses.

    One of the important points is the response sent on time, which in itself speaks of the recipient from the positive side and characterizes his degree of responsibility and interest.

    Email is not the usual paper mail with postmen, cars, airplanes, trains. Emails are delivered in seconds, and senders look forward to a quick response. In electronic communication, a completely different pace is adopted, we can say that it is "here and now". Being late in time can lead to the loss of relevance of the topic under discussion.

    Rule 9. Do not send confidential information by email.

    E-mail, alas, can be hacked, intercepted. And then the passwords, bank card numbers, pin codes, etc. recorded in e-mails. can become available to unauthorized persons who can use them for personal gain. Therefore, such information should not be trusted by email.

    Rule 10. Do not publish information from personal letters without the consent of their senders.

    Respecting other people's confidential information, you respect both yourself and your right to privacy.

    Communication via e-mail without mutual visual and auditory contact requires adherence to the rules of etiquette, which in turn contribute to the establishment of a literate and cultural dialogue between people.

    In one of his letters, Antoine Saint-Exupery remarked:

    "Look for me in what I write."

    This is a very apt expression, including in relation to the aforementioned principles of etiquette when communicating by e-mail.

  • Settings, folders - create, edit and delete
  • Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and protection from spam
  • Add mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes, via mail
  • This section of settings is designed to customize the appearance of letter headers, internal functionality when working with letters and an additional function when working with the address book.

    You can enter the settings section from your e-mail, enter the mail, click in the upper right corner "Settings", next to the "Exit" button, or click the "More" button and select "Settings".

    Go to the section "Working with letters" - you can select in the menu on the left or right with an icon in the form of a sealed envelope.

    In the item "List size", you can select the number of letters per page - 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100 or 200 (by default 25 letters per page). To change the number of displayed letters on the page, click on the button with the number of letters (for example, "25 letters per page") and select the required number in the drop-down menu.

    The checkbox in the "Show the beginning of the letter" column means that the first words from the text of the letter will be visible in the list of letters, if removed, only the subject line will be shown.

    "Compact form of letter" - if you check this box, the colored icons and photos will not be visible in the headers of letters.

    in the notification column, you can enable the display of new email notifications in the Google Chrome browser. But for these notifications to be visible, you need to go to the browser settings, select additional settings, in the "personal data" section, click the "Content settings" button. After that, we find "Alerts" and select "Allow all sites to show alerts". After all these actions, the alerts should be shown on the desktop (I really didn't see the alert).

    The column "Include the contents of the original letter in the reply" means that if you are replying to any letter, the text of the letter to which you are responding will be automatically attached below. An irreplaceable thing for business correspondence (especially if this correspondence lasts more than one month). If the text of the original letter is not needed, uncheck the box.

    For example, I clicked reply on the first letter I came across. Under my signature is the text of the previous letter.

    "Emptying folders" - by checking the box in the item "Empty the folder" Trash "on exit", respectively, all messages from the "Trash" will be deleted. The principle of the "Recycle Bin" in e-mail is the same as, for example, in Windows OS - all deleted messages are placed in the "trash" and, if necessary, they can be restored. If you empty the "Trash", the emails will be deleted permanently.

    "After deleting the letter" is the action that will take place if you open the letter and delete it. You can go to the next letter in the list, or go to the list of all letters (that is, to the Inbox, Sent Items, or the like, depending on which letter you are deleting).

    In the item "Address book", by default, all new addresses are automatically saved in the address book and then, when writing a letter, you can select the desired address from this book. The email addresses to which you sent letters will be added to the address book. It helps a lot if needed