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  • Is it possible to engage in intimate life after scraping. Sex after a frozen pregnancy

    Is it possible to engage in intimate life after scraping. Sex after a frozen pregnancy


    It is possible to resume intercourse no earlier than 2-4 weeks after curettage of the uterus. It is recommended to consult with your doctor about this. Immediately before intimacy, you should visit a gynecologist to check if the damaged tissue is healing normally.

    Can I have sex immediately after scraping?

    You cannot have sex on the same day the cleaning was done. And it doesn't matter for what purpose it was performed - for diagnosis, termination of pregnancy or removal of the fetus in case of miscarriage. During curettage, the doctor removes the top layer of the cervical mucosa, which injures the organ. And the period of its recovery takes time. If you have sex on the first day, the uterus will be even more injured. The wound will not heal well, resulting in scarring. And this is dangerous for a woman, as it can lead to infertility.

    Why not?

    During the procedure, various tissue injuries can be performed. For example, for the diagnosis of some diseases, partial curettage is required, which is necessary for the collection of diagnostic material. After such an intervention, the patient should not have sex for about two weeks. But if a woman undergoes an abortion, then cleaning involves removing the fetus and mucous membrane. This procedure is very traumatic and tissue healing is slow. Therefore, at this time, intimate relationships for a long period of time are not recommended.

    That is, sex is contraindicated in women until the uterus is fully restored. In any case, even if you ignore the doctor's recommendations and start making love earlier, the patient will not experience pleasant sensations. Therefore, it is better to wait until the organ is completely healed.

    Resumption of sexual activity

    When can you have sex after uterine curettage? This should be treated by the attending physician after examining the patient. The uterus must be cleansed of blood, tissue particles, clots. And this takes at least 7-10 days. But the average period is about 2 weeks, although in some cases the doctor puts limits on 1-1.5 months.

    Be sure to use a condom. This will not only avoid infection of the delicate mucous membrane, but also prevent unwanted pregnancy. Fertilization becomes possible approximately 2 weeks after the procedure.

    Some women are reluctant to resume sex. Especially if the scraping was associated with the loss of a child. For them, sex is an opportunity to conceive and lose a baby again. This is already a psychological problem, and a gynecologist's consultation is required to solve it.

    Consequences and complications

    After cleansing the uterus, you need to wait a while before restoring sexual intercourse. Otherwise, a woman may experience some complications:

    1. There is a risk of postoperative infection. The uterus at this time is very sensitive, as its local immunity decreases. Even if a woman is confident in her man, it is better to abstain. After all, pathogenic microorganisms can live on the penis that do not bring discomfort to a man, and which he does not even know about. And if an infection is brought into the uterine cavity, inflammation will begin, the treatment of which requires taking antibiotic drugs. And because of them, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, which leads to a decrease in appetite and a violation of the stool.
    2. In addition, premature sex can cause vaginal microtrauma. They can provoke profuse bleeding. In this case, injuries can slowly heal, bringing the patient discomfort during urination.
    3. Injury to the cervical mucosa. As a result, the healing process is slowed down. Therefore, if you start having sex earlier, the wound may enlarge and bleed. In this case, sexual intercourse may be prohibited for an even longer period of time.

    After the restoration of sexual activity, a woman may experience some discomfort during the process. As a rule, there is increased dryness, pain and burning. To prevent this, special vaginal lubricants can be used, but they should not contain ingredients that cause a slight burning sensation. These symptoms should go away over time. But if this does not happen, you need to consult with your gynecologist. This condition may be associated with an inflammatory process. Additional treatment may be required.

    Thus, curettage of the uterus is a rather painful procedure, after which sexual rest is necessary. Also, a woman is not recommended to douch the vagina. Before restoring sexual activity, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

    A woman gets to scraping for various reasons. But when can you start having sex after scraping, will there be pregnancy after scraping? This article answers these questions.

    Curettage is a serious gynecological operation. Therefore, as with any surgery, the body needs time to recover. And also time for the regeneration of damaged tissues.

    Curettage is the removal of contents from the uterus: a fertilized egg, the remainder of the placenta. Also, this medical operation can be performed as a diagnostic study. For example, with polyps in the pelvic organs or some neoplasms.

    This procedure is carried out in a hospital under local or general anesthesia. In some cases, anesthesia is used during this operation. Therefore, before the operation, the woman is examined by a gynecologist already in the hospital, the doctor who will do curettage talks, and the anesthesiologist also conducts talks, identifying allergic reactions and chronic diseases of the patient.

    This operation is considered small, so the patient is kept in the hospital after it for about a day. If there are no problems and complications, she is sent home. For several days, a woman should monitor her condition herself: measure heart rate, temperature and monitor discharge.

    Most often, unfortunately, curettage is performed to terminate pregnancy. Young girls don't think about the severity of abortion. And the consequences can be very dire. When interrupting, curettage is done both in the early stages up to 12 weeks, and later, when it is necessary to remove the remnants of the placenta from the uterus, it is also possible with medical abortion, if the fertilized egg is not completely released. Sometimes, when placental abruption occurs, curettage is also carried out in the postpartum period to avoid inflammation of the internal organs. In any case, this is a serious gynecological operation.

    Serious complications can occur after curettage. Namely, inflammation of the uterus and cervix, profuse bleeding, damage to the pelvic organs with instruments, infertility and serious menstrual irregularities. You need to know this, since all this affects the subsequent possibility of conception and the health of the woman in principle. Therefore, sex after scraping is not desirable.

    The timing of sexual abstinence, of course, is voiced by the doctor individually for each case. It all depends on the volume of the operation, health and age of the patient. But all obstetricians and gynecologists are inclined to believe that it is better not to engage in vaginal sex after curettage for at least 2 weeks. During this time, the use of tampons, douching and bathing is also prohibited. Failure to comply with these rules can cause great complications. In the postoperative period, the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervix has not yet recovered, so during intercourse there is a high risk of contracting infectious diseases.

    You should not rely on a partner in this sense, since there are many hidden and sluggish infections that, under normal circumstances, were not transmitted, and during the period of tissue regeneration, any microbe or virus can cause serious inflammatory processes. It is also possible to damage organs by friction, which can cause profuse bleeding, which subsequently affects reproductive function.

    Therefore, it is better to start having sex after a control examination by a gynecologist. When intimate life is resumed, discomfort in the vagina may occur. For example, dryness, burning, discomfort, pain. This can be due to various reasons. Some of them are not serious and resolve by themselves over time, while others are subject to treatment. If the discomfort does not go away for a long time, then you should seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will examine the woman on the gynecological chair, do an ultrasound scan and give further recommendations.

    Most often, discomfort during intercourse is a normal condition for several months after curettage. Since the mucous membrane is restored for a long time. Plus, it is worth noting the psychological state of the woman. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body is immediately rebuilt, hormonal changes occur. When an abortion occurs, he still does not understand that there will be no childbirth and continues to work in an altered rhythm. Therefore, a defensive reaction occurs (involuntary compression of the neck) - due to which pain can occur. It takes time and patience to solve this problem.

    Also, burning and dryness can occur with insufficient lubrication of the neck, since the mucous membrane has not yet fully recovered. In this case, you can use a special additional lubricant for intercourse.

    But these same symptoms can also indicate serious problems. For example, organ inflammation. This can occur due to infection and poor curettage, when some particles remain in the uterus. In any case, you need a consultation with a gynecologist during a personal visit to the office.

    Speaking about sex after scraping, it is worth considering another question: pregnancy after scraping.

    Do not think that if there was an operation and hormonal changes in the body to a different regime are taking place, then conceiving a child is impossible. This is far from the case. A woman's reproductive capacity is restored within 2-3 weeks after scraping. But often by this time her body is not completely ready either physically or morally. Therefore, if there is no pregnancy in the plans immediately after scraping, then it is worth using protective equipment. For this purpose, you should not use the method of interrupted intercourse or the calculation of "safe" days.

    Since after curettage, as already mentioned, there is a hormonal disruption in the body, the uterus is inflamed, and the menstrual cycle is not completely restored, in this regard, the exact date of ovulation of the cell cannot be identified. With interrupted intercourse, the risk of getting pregnant is also very high, since the sperm on the head of the penis are also capable of fertilizing an egg, which is highly undesirable at this time.

    For protection, you should not use hormonal pills, as this can further aggravate the disruption of the woman's endocrine system. Therefore, it is best to use condoms with additional lubrication to prevent a new pregnancy. Such mechanical protection not only prevents unwanted pregnancies, but also protects the vulnerable mucous membrane of the cervix from infection.

    When will a woman's body be ready for childbirth? This issue is resolved individually with a gynecologist. The decision consists of many factors: the age of the patient, for what reason the scraping was done, whether there were complications after it, chronic diseases of the woman, normalization of hormonal levels. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe to drink special hormonal drugs to restore the endocrine system. Therefore, when planning a new pregnancy, you should first undergo an examination, consult with your doctor and only after that start unprotected sex with the aim of fertilization.

    It is also worth contacting an obstetrician for advice if conception does not occur after 9 months. Perhaps there are some health problems of the woman that need to be addressed.

    In summary, we can say that prolonged sexual abstinence after curettage is not necessary. But sex must be protected and partners must think about the consequences that arise after scraping.

    Scraping or curettage is a gynecological cleaning in which the surface layer of the uterine cavity is removed. This procedure is not complicated and lasts up to half an hour.

    In emergency cases, special preparation for the procedure is not required. It is advisable to schedule a planned operation a few days before menstruation. Before that, the patient is taken tests, and it is recommended to give up sexual intercourse 3 days before.

    Sex after scraping

    The duration of the body's recovery is individual, and depends on several factors. In particular, an important role will be played by:

    • Woman's health.
    • The amount of surgery.
    • The patient's age.

    On average, the postoperative period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, during which time sex after curettage is contraindicated. In this case, women may experience spotting from the vagina. Doctors recommend limiting intimate contact until the next menstrual period, which averages 28–35 days. During this period, the mucous membranes of the uterus and cervix will have time to recover.

    Perhaps for 2 months there will be discomfort during intercourse. But gradually the unpleasant sensations will subside.

    Reasons for restricting sex

    Before the procedure, many women are interested in why, after scraping, they will have to postpone intimacy with a man. Even if you feel good, before having sex, it is better to get the approval of a gynecologist for the following reasons:

    1. The first 10 days from the vagina there will certainly be a bright scarlet bloody discharge, at the end they will turn brown. This interferes with the establishment of a sex life.
    2. It is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of conception. Pregnancy can occur as early as 11 days after the procedure. But the body will find it difficult to cope with the increased stress, and the result will be an involuntary miscarriage.
    3. After surgery, the cervix is \u200b\u200bopen, and its cavity is an open wound. After all, the top layer of mucous membranes was completely removed. As a result, the body becomes very susceptible to pathogenic and opportunistic flora. With intercourse, the risk of postoperative infection increases significantly.
    4. The penis can injure an incompletely healed mucosa.
    5. During orgasm, the uterus contracts, which causes increased bleeding.

    Visit your gynecologist at the end of your period following curettage. The doctor will conduct an examination, if necessary, send for an ultrasound scan. And if the recovery process goes according to plan, it will give permission for intimacy.

    Important nuances

    Having decided to have sex after scraping, you must follow several rules - then the likelihood of complications will be minimal.

    1. Give preference to those positions in which the penis does not penetrate deep into the vagina.
    2. Avoid excessively intense movements, control the influx of passion. More gentleness and tenderness.
    3. For the first 3 months, limit sexual intercourse to 2 times a week, otherwise tissue recovery will slow down. If you have an increased sexual appetite, it is allowed to engage in oral sex, petting.
    4. Perhaps the first time will be observed vaginal dryness. In order not to cause additional microtraumas, use lubricants.
    5. Use condoms for the next 6 months. This will keep infections away and prevent pregnancy.

    If you follow the "safety technique" and accuracy, then sex after curettage will bring only pleasure and positive emotions.

    The consequences of scraping

    This procedure is simple and takes up to 30 minutes. But in some cases, complications are possible:

    • Tearing of the cervix. Its cause is the slipping of the bullet forceps. If the damage is minor, it will heal by itself. Otherwise, stitches are applied.
    • The development of inflammation occurs when an infection enters. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent complications.
    • Hematometer - a spasm of the cervix, which prevents the free flow of blood outside. For prevention, antispasmodics are prescribed.
    • Damage to the growth layer of the endometrium. It is difficult to be treated, there is a risk of infertility.
    • Perforation of the uterus. Excessive pressure on the tool may result in wall punching. Large holes must be sewn up immediately.
    • Re-growth of polyps, if they were not completely removed during curettage.

    Making love ahead of time will lead a woman to the following complications:

    • Mechanical damage to the mucous membranes and cervix.
    • Inflammation of the genitals.
    • Adhesion formation.
    • Bleeding, which in the future, can prevent pregnancy.
    • Infection.

    Even if you are completely confident in your partner, it is better to postpone sex after a frozen pregnancy and subsequent scraping. There are many bacteria that are not dangerous for a healthy person. But with the weakening of the body, they are actively developing and can lead to irreversible consequences.

    When is it urgent to see a doctor?

    After intercourse surgery, a woman may experience discomfort, burning; in the vagina, dryness appears. This is a normal situation that does not require treatment and, as a rule, things get better after a few months. But if:

    • After 8 weeks, the pain during sexual intercourse did not go away, but, on the contrary, intensified.
    • The temperature rose to 37.5 degrees and above.
    • Vaginal discharge lasts more than 10 days: has a structure of yellow mucus or bloody with a fetid odor.
    • General weakness.

    Go to the hospital urgently for an examination. These signs indicate the development of pathology.

    If you can't, but really want to

    In the case when the doctor recommends abstaining from vaginal sex, but the libido is off scale, you can do oral or anal. They do not put stress on the lining of the uterus and vagina, and therefore are safe after curettage. But from an aesthetic point of view, it is recommended to wait until the discharge has subsided.

    Oral sex

    The satisfaction of the partner occurs through the caresses of the genitals with the mouth. In the process, you can use lips, tongue, teeth. Erogenous zones kiss, lick, suck, bite lightly, etc. But you just need to be very careful. After all, the skin in those places is extremely sensitive, and inaccurate movement can cause pain.

    Depending on the techniques used, there are:

    • Blowjob - the penis is excited by the tongue, the teeth of the woman's lips.
    • Irrumation - a man performs active points with his penis in his partner's mouth. In this case, the movement of the palatine uvula with tension of the larynx is especially pleasure.
    • Tea bag - a man puts a scrotum in a woman's mouth, and makes a reciprocating motion, as if dipping the testicles.
    • Cunnilingus - caressing the clitoris and vulva with the tongue, lips, teeth. The most commonly used techniques are licking, sucking, kissing, light biting. Actions can be combined with finger movements in the vagina.
    • Oral cavity (pharyngitis, gingivitis, herpes, caries, periodontal disease, etc.).
    • Upper respiratory tract (ARVI, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, etc.).

    The infection can provoke the development of inflammation in the genitourinary system. At the same time, the developed clinical picture is atypical, which makes it difficult to correctly diagnose.

    It is important to use a condom when having oral sex with a new partner, as it is possible to contract an STD in the process.

    Oral sex after scraping is allowed because nothing is inserted into the woman's vagina. Plus, both partners have fun. The only thing is, it is better to caress the vagina not with your tongue, but with your hands, so as not to infect. And after the procedure, you should not immediately make love - it is better to wait a few days.

    Anal sex

    In this type of pleasure, the penis is inserted into the anus of the partner. There are many nerve endings in the anus, so when it is stimulated, many women experience arousal and orgasm. For men, this type of sex can bring even more pleasure than vaginal, due to the tight grip of the penis.


    • This method of intercourse is contraindicated in hemorrhoids, anal fissures, tumors in the rectum.
    • Before starting, it is recommended to clear the anus from feces, or do an enema.
    • Use a condom to prevent infection with STDs and the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the urethra.
    • Use a water-based, non-corrosive latex lubricant to prevent pain.
    • A man should move smoothly and accurately, accelerating in the absence of discomfort in a woman.

    In order for the pleasure to be mutual, it is better not to rush, responsive to the needs of the partner.

    Consider the postoperative period as an opportunity to diversify your sex life. Introduce new, previously unknown, notes into it.

    The procedure for therapeutic and diagnostic endometrial scraping is a surgical intervention, as a result of which a histological analysis of scraping is carried out. Scraping is also carried out in order to remove pathological neoplasms in the uterine cavity.

    After that, you cannot live sexually for two weeks, since the uterine wall during this time only restores its structure. If you have sexual intercourse at an earlier date, you can bring an infection into the uterine cavity, which in turn very often leads to the development of undesirable complications in the form of inflammation of the uterine wall, the development of systemic inflammation of the blood. Also, premature intercourse can provoke a cervical tear, uterine perforation and the development of a relapse of the disease.

    At first, intercourse can provoke painful sensations. If pain during sex persists for more than two months, then you should see a doctor.

    Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!

    The postoperative period begins at the end of the operation and lasts for several months, until full recovery - six months. And throughout this period, it is necessary to adhere to these recommendations by the doctor and lead an appropriate lifestyle. Certain restrictions apply to the genital area.

    How to prepare for a hysteroscopy

    In order to prepare for the operation, a number of laboratory and clinical examinations are required, consultations of other specialists in case of health problems of other organs and systems. Also, some change in lifestyle a few days before the operation. Often, women are interested in information about whether it is possible to have sex before hysteroscopy. Here you need to take into account the time period for what period of time it is planned to have sexual intercourse before the operation. If for a week, then you can have sex before hysteroscopy. But three days before the upcoming operation, you should refrain from sexual intercourse. Since this can provoke the development of infectious complications.

    Also, it is necessary to consider the diet on the eve of the operation. You should exclude "heavy" food, and include in dinner easily digestible food, which should be consumed no later than 6 pm if hysteroscopy is planned in the morning. Also, in the morning, on the day of surgery, food consumption should be completely excluded. And significantly limit fluid intake.

    Hysteroscopy operation

    Hysteroscopy is performed on the fifth to ninth day of the menstrual cycle in order to prevent bleeding, due to the presence of a thin mucous membrane of the uterus and the absence of its increased blood supply. Then the woman is placed on an ordinary gynecological chair, anesthetized and proceeded to the operation itself. By means of special instruments, after the treatment of the vagina and cervix with a disinfectant solution, the cervical canal is expanded and a hysteroscope is inserted through it into the uterine cavity. After that, for better visualization and expansion of the uterine cavity, a gas or a liquid medium is used and the diagnosis is started, and then, when pathological foci are identified and, to their removal. During the entire operation, the pressure of the injected gas, or the amount of liquid, as well as the vital parameters of the patient are carefully monitored.

    During the examination, the clinical picture of what is happening is displayed in the form of an image on the screen, along which the operating doctor is guided. At the end of the operation, a separate diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and the cervical canal is performed, with further histological examination of the material obtained.

    When can you have sex after hysteroscopy

    Taking into account the above-described moments of the operation, after the examination, the woman is given appropriate recommendations for restoring the body. After hysteroscopy, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to exclude infectious complications and the development of endometritis. For the same purpose, abstinence after hysteroscopy is recommended. So the sexual partner can be carriers of even the most commonplace pathogens that normally "live" in the woman's vagina. But, since the local immunity of the vagina is provoked by the operation, sex after hysteroresectoscopy can lead to the development of undesirable consequences - from the banal "thrush" to pelvioperitonitis (an ascending infectious process).

    So, how many days after hysteroscopy can you have sex? Following generally accepted guidelines, the calculation is not carried out in days. Only after three to four weeks, in the absence of complications and additional complaints from the patient, sexual activity is allowed after hysteroscopy. When you can start having sex, you should remember about contraceptive methods, since the body is not yet ready for pregnancy, this takes time. And now, when you can engage in intimate life after hysteroscopy, you should also not forget about the banal rules of personal hygiene.

    Are other types of sex possible?

    Often, women who have undergone hysteroscopy surgery undergo long courses of treatment before and after it for any disease, or in the fight against infertility. And against this background, recommendations can be made for a long time on abstinence from sexual activity. This is where the social question of the precariousness of family life comes into play. It happens that the spouses of patients are not able to abstain from intimacy for a long period, as a result of which the family idyll begins to stagger. Based on considerations of preserving the social unit, women ask the question: Is not quite traditional sex possible? Hysteroscopy of the uterus is a vaginal operation, and it does not affect other organs and systems. Therefore, oral sex after hysteroscopy is not prohibited at all. Reviews of the patients who have gone through this claim that attempts at anal sex are possible. This statement is incorrect. In the first four weeks, any load on the pelvic organs should be excluded, since an increase in intra-abdominal pressure can act as a provocative factor in the development of complications.


    Let's summarize. Hysteroscopy is performed by inserting a hysteroscope through the vagina. After that, it is necessary to exclude any stress on the abdomen, as well as contact with a potential carrier of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora, as a result of which all the rules of personal hygiene, the use of tampons and sexual intercourse must be observed within one month.