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  • Feng Shui in the bedroom to attract love. Feng Shui to attract love and marriage

    Feng Shui in the bedroom to attract love. Feng Shui to attract love and marriage

    Attracting love by feng shui

    One of the strongest and most ancient human instincts is the instinct for the continuation of the human race, which finds its expression in the psychological need to love and be loved. The loneliness of a man or woman is perceived as a failure in life, and many successful enough people are ready to sacrifice almost everything they have in order to find their love and keep it.

    Love represents one of the true values \u200b\u200bof the human race, shaping the personality and its destiny, awakening all the best that is inherent in human nature. Love is the most altruistic state of the soul, an inexhaustible source of happiness.

    In the teachings of feng shui, love is one of the basic concepts. Feng Shui teachings that each person can attract love by their actions, all that is needed is faith in a favorable outcome and some of your efforts in this direction.

    Feng Shui attaches great importance to creating romantic relationships and an atmosphere of love in your home.

    Feng Shui ways to attract love

    In order to attract the feeling of love and to ensure that love accompanies you everywhere and always, various symbols are used in feng shui, the energy of action of which attracts love into your life. directly harmonizes the relationship between a man and a woman, attracts special feelings into your life.

    For this, both symbols of love are used, and certain actions are performed that enhance their effect.

    Finding true love in feng shui

    Feng Shui tips for attracting a desired friend, partner or spouse into your life:

      Painting "Moon path"

      Hang a picture of the moon and moon path in your bedroom. It is believed that the energy of the moon increases the ability to attract a partner.

    • Hang pictures or paintings of your favorite person of the opposite sex in your home to attract your soul mate into your life.
    • On a full moon, it is recommended to light several candles floating in a vessel with water.
    • During a date, an important meeting, try to dress in such a way that your clothes have red details. Red color .
    • Paired objects attract future life partners well. For example, a sculpture of two mandarin ducks, a pair of swans or pigeons .
    • You should not install mirrors in your bedroom, especially if your bed is reflected in them. They can take the luck of partnership and love out of your life.
    • It is recommended to put a seashell in the southwest part of the bedroom, which attracts a new partner into your life or strengthens a relationship with an existing one.
    • In order to attract a loved one, try to organize your workplace in a room or office in the northwest part of the room, and place red objects (vase, picture, photograph) in its east part.
    • Hang images of phoenixes, peacocks, or other birds in your living room. They attract good luck in love and marriage, help to find a loved one, a partner.
    • Get rid of everything that is in your home and reminds of your past hobbies and love relationships. There should be no place in your home for sentimental correspondence with ex-partners, romantic trinkets and gifts given by them. Remember that if you want to attract something new to yourself, you need to get rid of the old, free up space.
    • Take a look at the walls and check if they have paintings, photographs of lonely people. Such images can attract the energy of loneliness into the house. It is also better to remove your portraits or paintings.
    • Buddha footprints

      See if your home is like a lone wolf's dwelling: one chair, a single bed, a single bedside table, everywhere only your personal belongings. Such a dwelling does not "expect" new people to appear. It is necessary to put a double bed, access to which will be provided from both sides, and on the bed itself there must be one blanket and two pillows. Also, nothing should hang over the bed. It is not recommended to hang shelves, massive decorations here. You can't force the space under the bed with anything. Energy must circulate freely. In the interior of the bedroom, it is desirable to have fewer sharp corners. It is advisable that after waking up, your gaze immediately falls on something pleasant and beautiful, evoking pleasant emotions that set you up for positive. It can be a beautiful vase, figurine, painting. It is also not recommended to put the bed so that the head is directed to the window, and the legs to the door. When you are in bed, you should be able to see the door. You cannot make a bedroom in a walk-through room.

    • Perhaps there is a lot of feminine energy in your home. Lace, jewelry, ruffles, vases, bottles, and other feminine accessories can scare your partner away from your room, in which he will feel uncomfortable.
    • Your room should not be filled with various soft toys of childhood, dolls, since the energy of a mature relationship is unlikely to appear in such a home.
    • If you want to attract a man and especially know his hobbies, add to the interior of the room something that might please or interest him.
    • In the zone of Love, everything should contribute to feelings and there should be only that which is directly related to love relationships. Light candles, bring in a light scent of natural essential oils, which are aphrodisiacs that help heighten sex drive.
    • A computer, TV, working documents, unnecessary things (all the more dirty) have no place here. Transfer them to another place if you want to spin in a whirlpool of love.
    • Take care of cleanliness and sufficient illumination in the Love Zone, which is always located in the far right corner in relation to the entrance.
    • The correct search for a man. You should always remember that you do not need any partner of the opposite sex, but the one you want to see as your chosen one. Fate may offer you various options, but not all may suit you. In order to obtain a more specific scenario for the development of events, you need to do the following: make a list of the most important qualities that you would like to see in your chosen one. Moreover, the more varied your list is, the more surprises you can avoid. You should not write on this list something with which you can never come to terms. Then rewrite the entire list on pink or red paper (the color of love), roll it up with a tube, be sure to tie it with a red ribbon and place it in the extreme right corner of the front door. This is the corner of marriage.

    Talismans and symbols of love

    Painting with peonies - the talisman of Love

    In his practice, he uses numerous symbols and talismans.

    Painting with peonies. Peonies are considered one of the most effective and powerful love talismans. A picture with peonies for love in Feng Shui, placed at the entrance to the bedroom, attracts life partners to the life of single women. Married women can also use the wonderful effect of peonies to make their husbands more loving. But you should be aware of a possible side effect that can cause husbands to be interested in other women, so in this case it is recommended to place them not in the bedroom, but in the living room.

    A popular symbol of feng shui love is various paired characters... Only two creatures of different sex can serve as such a symbol: figurines or images of paired footprints of Buddha, fish, mandarin ducks, pigeons, swans, images of a girl and a boy.

    Earth symbols... They are widely used in Feng Shui crystals, which are considered to be one of the most powerful talismans of “mother earth”. In order for them to have their magical effect, they must be located in the southwest of the bedroom. Crystals must first be cleaned using a weak saline solution, in which the crystal is placed for a week. If a woman wants a man not to hide his passionate feelings, it is necessary to illuminate the crystal.

    If you do not have the opportunity to use a crystal, then you can use a fairly simple method to attract love.

    Take a clear, round bowl or small vase made of crystal or glass. Fill it with water, and put a ring and pebbles on the bottom of the vase. The ring can be anything, silver or gold, but without any stones. On top of the water are placed the petals of a flower, better than a peony or a rose, and also two floating candles descend. The vase should be placed in the southwest of the bedroom. Every evening you need to light candles regularly, and also remember to change the water and petals in the vase. You can put some kind of paired symbol next to the vase, which will definitely help you if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui.

    Formula of the Flower of Romance

    In the summer of love, even complete cynics, inveterate careerists and people who are pragmatic and are not inclined to sentiment, want love. Therefore, I decided to find out how quickly and with a guaranteed result to attract love into life. And I found as many as 11 ways to do it.

    Method 1: duck tales

    First of all, I entered the query "how to attract love" into one of the Internet search engines. Oddly enough, several dozen links that dropped out on the first page were devoted to the theme of "mandarin duck". At first I decided that this was some kind of technical glitch - of course, love also happens, judging by the number of ducklings in Moscow's reservoirs, but I'm looking for a man, not a drake.

    But it turned out that the mandarin duck is one of the main talismans of feng shui, which helps to attract and retain love. In nature, mandarin ducks always stick together, fly in pairs and show tender care for each other, which is symbolic in itself. According to the Chinese, everyone can envy the devotion and mutual love of these birds. If a couple of mandarin ducks (ceramic, of course) settled in your house, you will soon meet true love.

    Method 2: vocabulary

    Many famous psychologists are convinced of the power of positive thinking. Therefore, if you are trying to lure love into your life, you need to constantly repeat several affirmations such as “I radiate love all the time”, “Giving love, I get more love,” “People are just waiting to love me, and I I let them do it. " It is better to repeat it to yourself, so that friends and colleagues do not think that you are crazy.

    Method 3: softer than the bottom

    “To attract love, treat yourself to a shopping trip. Buy yourself some stunning red underwear, the feng shui experts advised me. - Shopping brings a positive attitude into our life. The purchase of underwear symbolizes an inner readiness for a sexual relationship. And red attracts love. "

    Method 4: everyone is dancing!

    Music has a profound effect on our psychological and physical well-being. If you want to meet true love, listen to passionate Latin American songs. Better yet, go to Latin American discos and learn to dance salsa, cumbia and merengue. A girl who can move beautifully will not be left alone for a long time!

    Method 5: homework

    Do a general cleaning at home. Get rid of old things, sort out cabinets, dust off. Garbage is negative energy that prevents love from coming into your home. And yet, remember: during the cleaning you should be in a good mood, only in this case the energy of love will be on your side.

    Method 6: cacti - no

    Feng Shui experts believe that all objects with sharp corners negatively affect our personal life. Therefore, to attract love to your home, soften the corners of the room with round and oval objects. And most importantly, get rid of all the cacti! This plant is the main enemy in your personal life, give it to your rival.

    Method 7: as per order

    Take a notebook and pen and write a clear description of “your” man. Imagine what it will look like, what to do, what books to read, etc. Psychologists assure that the more you describe the man of your dreams, the more chances you have of meeting a person with whom you will be happy.

    Method 8: birch conspiracy

    “If you want to find love, hug a birch tree,” my grandmother said. It turns out that birch has been considered the personification of purity, virtue and love since ancient times. She gives women vitality and charm. So at lunchtime, go outside and hug a birch tree - love will not keep itself waiting long. (By the way, men should hug an oak tree.)

    Method 9: floral motifs

    After the story with the birch, my grandmother remembered another folk recipe. In order to attract love, you need to grow pansies at home. There are no explanations for this, but beautiful flowers have not spoiled a single house. Of course, you need to water them more often than cacti! But love requires sacrifice and free time.

    Method 10: the oven bakes

    There is one more way, tested by time and by more than one generation. True, for the sake of it, you will have to forget about diets for a while. Get up early on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday and bake a pie. While preparing it, think that you are ready to meet your love. It doesn't matter what recipe you bake and what kind of filling the cake will have. But you must eat it completely within one calendar day. The larger the cake, the sooner you will meet your love.

    Method 11: Venus hair

    In Crimea, jewelry with a “stone of love”, which has many names, is very popular - Hair of Venus, Arrows of Cupid, Quartz-hairy. According to legend, the goddess of love Venus, while swimming in a mountain lake, lost a lock of her golden hair. Winter came, and the water in that lake turned into ice, and then into a beautiful crystal, a stone that preserved the hair of Venus ... Now this stone is the best talisman for those who dream of meeting their love. Perhaps these are just beautiful tales of Crimean jewelers, but my friend met her second husband right after she bought this stone.

    Chronic loneliness is not a diagnosis. And even less a sentence. This is a situation that needs to be resolved. If there is no man in your house, you need to attract him. How to attract a man into your life with Feng Shui - technologies - will tell you one of the most ancient teachings about the harmonization of external space and internal state.

    Make way for Qi!

    First of all, Feng Shui masters recommend bringing order to the house. Dirt, dust, garbage, unnecessary things interfere with the healthy flow of life-giving Qi energy through the house. Dull windows, dull chandeliers, deposits of old magazines - all this prevents sunlight from entering the house, and with it - the male element of Yang.

    You need to clean up conscientiously, because invisible and invisible dirt under sofas, wardrobes and in closets can be one of the main reasons for stagnation in your life.

    • carpets and pillows - dry cleaning;
    • dishes with chips and cracks - into the garbage chute;
    • unnecessary but good things - to sell;
    • what remains is to distribute;
    • full rubbish along with old fur coats, grandmother's towels and chargers from non-existent phones - also into the garbage chute;
    • wipe or vacuum books in the closet;
    • sort clothes into bags or organizers;
    • disassemble and wash the computer keyboard, vacuum the laptop keyboard;
    • permanently remove the computer or laptop from the sleeping area.

    This amount of work does not have to be done in one day. But you shouldn't stretch it either. A week is a very realistic time to prepare the home for the second stage and learn how to attract a man in Feng Shui.

    Room zoning

    In the practice of Feng Shui, the Bagua octagon is actively used. This is a handy tip for adjusting the energies in the zones of each room. The south-west side of your bedroom (or other room) is responsible for love.

    The sector color on the octagon is pink. So the love zone in the house should be determined by the same color. Also red, beige, ocher are considered favorable colors. And the unfavorable ones are black, blue, green.

    Squares and triangles are the optimal shape for everything that falls into this zone. Rectangular things are best moved to a different location.

    Talismans for love

    In order for feng shui to start working to attract a man, special talismans must be installed in the love zone, attracting feelings - these are rose quartz crystals. Ideally, hearts from it.

    Peonies are also considered a symbol of love in this system. Therefore, a picture with their image will become a very powerful talisman. Figurines or dolls in the form of happy couples also normalize the yin-yang balance.

    In general, everything in the bedroom should be paired: pillows, candles (2 red candles - in the love sector!), Bedside tables, frames. Be sure to have two birds - live or porcelain. Mandarin ducks and cranes work especially well.

    But paintings depicting lonely girls are unacceptable.

    Elements at the service of the senses

    In the southwest sector, the main element is Land... Therefore, the presence of a houseplant there (but by no means trees!)

    Feeding element - the fire... Light two red candles in the love zone regularly.

    Wood and metal should be present there to a minimum, since they weaken the zone.

    An excellent island of the "Earth" element will create a stack of flat pebbles and pebbles. To enhance the properties, you can tie it with a red ribbon.

    Home for love

    To the question of how to attract a man into your life, Feng Shui gives an unequivocal answer - prepare your house for the life of two. The bed should be double, with two pillows and comfortable approaches on both sides.

    The rooms should contain purely masculine things that carry Yang energy. These are magazines, shirts, hygiene items, slippers.

    To balance the energies, you need to hang crystal balls on the windows, the light, laid out on a spectral rainbow, brings the desired harmony.

    Thoughts for love

    To attract a man, Feng Shui suggests repeating special affirmations aloud or silently every day.

    These are short texts that calm the inner storms and tune in to the result. For instance:

    My life is full of joy. I love myself and accept who I am. I love the whole world. And love enters my life freely and easily, I learn to accept it with dignity and gratitude.

    Choose the formula that is optimal for your inner state, clothe it in beautiful words and repeat it several times a day. In doing so, be sincere!

    Waiting for miracles

    The house is cleaned, the love zone is all in pink, the bed is moved away from the wall, flowers and rainbows are all around. And where is the prince? Calm down! He's on his way. In the meantime, your house is being transformed, the flows of energy are normalized, it seems that even the air has become fresher and cleaner. This is the beginning of great changes. It is important not to stop and move on.

    • always wear beautiful lingerie;
    • bring food into the house that could please the man;
    • occasionally turn on sports channels during football or hockey matches;
    • learn to tie a tie and cook borsch;
    • tidy up your hair and manicure;
    • write down on two pink sheets of paper the qualities that the future loved one should have and the traits that should not be, roll the sheets into tubes and place them in the love zone;
    • yes, it's very cool at home now, but the prince will not come here himself, so go out, communicate, meet, soon He will meet you.
    • do not share your deeds and achievements with friends or relatives, the told dream comes true with great difficulty;
    • if you feel discouraged, buy flowers. Another easy way is to wash off the melancholy with water and scented oils. A candlelit bath will tell your body that you love it;
    • keep things in order every day. It only takes half an hour and saves a lot of nerve cells.
    • throw away one thing every day in addition to household waste. Unnecessary, of course. This will free up space in the closets for your man's things.

    Here you will find useful tips to help you maintain love and harmony in your marriage, avoid cheating, regain your former passion, and make your family relationships more trusting and friendly. Feng Shui masters often compare love with a fire - if it is not supported with wood, it will quickly burn out. Likewise, love does not tolerate monotony and constantly needs new emotions. Many people, having become a couple, stop surprising each other, care for each other tenderly, their life turns into a boring routine - this is a dangerous disease that can end in a breakup.

    Special recommendation feng shui for married readers. As you activate your home's luck to attract wealth and prosperity, you should be aware of the hidden danger. You need to be sure that you are not energizing your husband's sidewalk. Feng Shui, originally created to attract wealth and prosperity to the house, can sometimes, through an oversight, cause adultery.

    First of all,

    Be careful with water symbols. Water symbols should be placed to the left of the door. These guidelines apply whether the symbols are inside or outside the home. Water symbols within sight of your front door will always bring more wealth if they align with the east, southeast, or north of your garden. But if you place your water symbols in these three directions and are forced to place them to the right of the front door, then you better not have them at all, as prosperity will not benefit you if you lose your husband! This does not bring abundance, but creates a lot of trouble and unhappiness.

    Families with pools should be particularly careful about their location. If the pool is to the right of the front door (looking out of the door), there is a very high chance of infidelity issues. And it can become an impetus for the development of a husband's love interests outside of marriage. Right side means - to your right when you stand in the doorway, facing out.


    Be very careful with the flowers in the bedroom. Do not put fresh flowers in any image of water in the bedroom. You can read more about Feng Shui plants. Flowers in the bedroom signify the presence of many women in your life, just like in the old days when one man had many wives and concubines. Do not agree to hang pictures of flowers or so-called art depictions of nude women in the bedroom. If your husband insists on this, hang these pictures in your study or other part of the house, but not in your bedroom.

    What to do to avoid
    feng shui adultery

    To do this, make sure that the bed is not reflected in a mirror, TV screen, computer, or other reflective surface.

    Bedroom mirrors are really not recommended for any type of relationship, it doesn't matter if you are in the beginning or in the middle of your relationship, especially if you are seriously interested in that person! Mirrors are believed to often reflect a third party in a relationship, symbolizing the other person always standing between you. This often means "extra marital bond", but sometimes the third person can be discouraging relative, jealous friend, etc. Remove mirrors, hide them or curtain! You can read more about mirrors in the article "How to hang a mirror in Feng Shui".

    Avoid dark red roses with thorns

    While this is a classic Valentine's Day bouquet, dark red roses actually have a rather negative Feng Shui meaning! The color red (besides being used in marriage) symbolizes blood, and this is a very negative meaning, especially if flowers are presented on the occasion of a holiday of love, friendship and happiness. The energy of red thorny roses is even more undesirable, so if you plan to send flowers to your loved one as a gift, avoid red thorny roses. Roses themselves are not bad flowers - in fact, pink, yellow, peach or cream roses (no thorns) have a wonderful symbolic meaning associated with youthful love!

    Mandarin ducks -
    symbol of marital fidelity

    The royal duck or mandarin duck is an emblem of good luck and got its name from its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species.

    Ducks fly in pairs, which is why the bird is considered a symbol of marriage. In feng shui, in general, any paired sign is especially favorable for family relationships, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose their partner once for their whole life and die if they have to be separated. Therefore, tangerines are also a symbol of marital fidelity. Ducks are best placed in the sector of love and relationships - in the southwest. You can put a picture of a pair of ducks in the bedroom. The talisman will bring well-being, prosperity and good luck to your family, contribute to the normalization or improvement of marital relations.

    More effectively this talisman will "work" near the aquarium or indoor plants. You can also activate the Ducks with the help of wedding rings, placing them at night next to the figures. If you don't have the habit of taking off rings at night, you can put a marriage certificate at the mascot.

    To bring passion back to a relationship
    and past love in Feng Shui:

    Take a red cloth and place it under your loved one's mattress. The result will not be long in coming. You can decorate your entire bedroom with red. If red is too bright for you, use shades of it. For example, peach, or pink.

    Feng Shui ritual to strengthen relationships
    "27 confessions"

    You will need an envelope and 27 pieces of paper, preferably red or pink. It's great if the envelope is red. You can buy a special love envelope, which are sold in all Feng Shui stores,

    It is better to start this ritual on an auspicious day, and preferably in the morning. You need to relax, let go of all problems and try not to think about anything. Take a few deep breaths, then hold your breath and write the phrase "Love Amplifier" on the front of the envelope and sign your name on the back of the envelope. By the way, the pen must be new, bought specifically for the ritual.

    Every day, on one of the 27 leaves, write a sincere declaration of love. Choose the most beautiful words, you can write poetry, the main thing is that the confessions are sincere, and come from the very heart. It is even better to do this together with your loved one, then you write a confession on one side of the leaf, and he on the other!

    The more sincerely you do this, the more effective the result will be. As you write, imagine how your love grows and grows stronger every day, how you both cannot imagine life without each other. After writing, put the piece of paper in an envelope.

    Every day before bed, imagine that the envelope of love confessions continues to strengthen and multiply your love.

    If you performed the ritual together, then after 27 days, when all the leaves are covered, arrange a "holiday of love" with your loved one: prepare a romantic dinner, read your confessions to each other!

    If not, then arrange a romantic evening for yourself, beloved. For example, prepare yourself a bath with candles, basking in it, re-read all 27 pieces of paper, relax, dream.

    After that, the leaves and the envelope must be burned so that other people's hands do not touch them.

    This ritual is very effective, but if you missed even 1 day, you will have to start all over again.

    To make your relationship more trusting and friendly:

    Feng Shui swallows and peonies

    Swallows symbolize hope, home comfort, pure and bright love, as well as numerous offspring.

    Peonies are regal beauty, perfect dignity and prosperity. Auspicious talisman for young married couples!

    Most suitable room: bedroom, southwestern part of it.

    For this, everything described above is suitable. And also many other recommendations. For example, you can activate the personal sectors responsible for romantic luck with bouquets of fresh flowers every three days. This is the so-called "Flower of Fortune". For those born in the years of the Horse, Tiger and Dog - this is the east, in the years of the Pig, Goat and Rabbit - the north, the Rat, Monkey and Dragon - the west, and the Rooster, Ox and Snake - the south. It is a very effective way to improve your personal life.

    Be sure to do some good feng shui in your bedroom with your spouse. It is helpful to place a massive earth element in the southwest corner of the bedroom, which will symbolically ground it and make your relationship stable and lasting. Place here also some of the romantic symbols that are recommended to activate the southwest of the house. There should also be no photos of children in the bedroom. Or images of a man or woman surrounded by several members of the opposite sex. This is just as harmful as the image of a lonely person, or a lonely figurine. The bedside table between the beds, like the mattress, divided into two halves, symbolically contributes to the separation and disunity between the spouses. Look around - what else in your bedroom can attract unwanted situations? Think about what else you can bring there to enhance your romantic luck? Do it now.

    From time to time, cleanse the space of your home, remove stagnant energies, and attract movement and Chi. A good way to enhance your luck is by using scents.

    There are many ways. Choose the ones that you like best, get creative with the process. You yourself can come up with your own way to enhance romantic luck for yourself. Listen to your intuition. And remember, it's important to have the right mindset and intention in doing so. This can greatly increase your chances of success, although feng shui works without it. But thought is material.

    To attract love? It is important to properly organize the space in the house, get rid of objects - symbols of loneliness and fill the rooms with love talismans.

    Apartment design

    The most important thing in Eastern teachings is to properly organize the space in the house in which you live. This should be done first of all, and only then select talismans and symbols of love to decorate the interior.

    General Tips:

    • Print photos of handsome men (strangers only) and hang them around the house. It is very important that these are abstract people, not stars or guys from your environment.
    • Remove all items that represent loneliness. These can be sad, decorative figurines. Replace them with paired ones. For example, it is better to exchange a figurine of one angel for a figurine, where there are already two angels. And so on
    • Birds, according to Feng Shui, are a symbol of love. Therefore, fill the space with paintings, figurines, figurines and any other images of birds. Best of all, if they are phoenixes or peacocks
    • All gifts from ex-men must be thrown away or destroyed. Do not regret anything, otherwise the past will never allow you to build normal relations with new chosen ones. Burn photos mercilessly, hand out expensive gifts and jewelry to your friends. If you feel sorry for it, sell it and spend the money for your pleasure.
    • Keep all the "female things" in one place, do not distribute them throughout the apartment. These are cosmetics, jewelry, lace underwear, little things dear to the heart, and so on.

    The most important place to attract love is considered. Therefore, the space in this room must be organized very carefully. Observe the following rules:

    1. At the head of the bed, you can hang pictures depicting the Moon and everything connected with it. This attracts lunar energy, which is very important for a woman to fill.
    2. Mirrors should be positioned so that they are not reflected in them. It is believed that the mirror image takes away love energy.
    3. You cannot keep fresh flowers in the bedroom, it is better to place them in the sector of wealth and luck, in the southeastern part of the apartment
    4. Keep more paired items at home. A double bed, two pillows, two toothbrushes, slippers and more - all these things attract men to your life.
    5. It is undesirable to place the bed so that you sleep in the direction "feet to the door"
    6. The bedroom should not be a walk-through room, ideally it is a separate room with one entrance door
    7. Objects symbolizing marine objects attract love. Decorate your bedroom with seashells, sea stones, themed appliques
    8. Store baby toys in the baby's room. If there is no separate room for the nursery, place them anywhere but in the bedroom.

    Natalia's tips for attracting love and marriage:

    1. If the bedroom is oversaturated with feminine energy, the chances of meeting the other half are slim. Therefore, you need to get rid of the little things that are cute to a woman's heart: soft toys, pink items, an excessive number of pillows
    2. Imagine that every night in your bedroom you fall asleep not alone, but with a man. What will the room look like then? Place not one, but two pillows on the bed. Free the shelf in the wardrobe of the future husband, do not litter the place under the mirror with makeup
    3. Electrical appliances cannot be stored in the love sector. From there, you need to remove all household appliances: from the TV to the hair dryer. This will remove the “non-living” energy that prevents love from appearing in your life.
    4. Fill the space of love in the house (southwest part of the apartment) with symbolic things. These can be pictures of happy couples, figurines in the shape of hearts, red scented candles.
    5. To maximize the energy of love, make a wish card. Fill in the appropriate sector of the card with images of happy couples, weddings, romantic dates, sign with the correct affirmations (“I met the love of my life”, “I married the man of my dreams”)

    In addition, in order to meet your chosen one, you need to clearly understand what he should be. Therefore, try to first visualize the image of a suitable partner, and only then start decorating the house in Feng Shui.

    Watch a video on how to attract love with Feng Shui:

    According to Eastern philosophy, it is necessary not only to monitor the correct organization of space, but also to follow some other recommendations.

    They are as follows:

    • Take the time and think about the kind of man you want to meet. Write on paper in detail all the features of the future chosen one. What it should be, and what qualities can push you away. Visualize pictures of your acquaintance, imagine how the relationship will develop. The finished list can be tied with a red thread and put away in a secluded place
    • Light red scented candles at home occasionally. Red color and the energy of Fire attract flows of love energy, fill a woman with attractiveness and beauty
    • When going on a date, wear a red dress. As a last resort, use accessories of this color
    • Keep your house tidy. Find a place for each item and always put it away after use. Get rid of broken and damaged objects that block the flow of energy in time

    You will be surprised at how quickly feng shui methods start to work. Once you organize the space correctly, many opportunities will come into your life to meet the man of your dreams.