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  • Depression every winter. Winter depression and how to deal with it

    Depression every winter. Winter depression and how to deal with it

    Depression has become a modern disease of humanity. All psychologists are often faced with the need to help people eliminate depressive conditions, which often occur seasonally. So, winter depression becomes frequent, the main reason for which is considered to be a lack of sunlight. It manifests itself in the usual symptoms and needs treatment.

    Specialists of the online magazine site say that people are increasingly suffering from the effects of the winter depression. They feel tired and irritable. A depressed person feels distracted, overeats, lacks energy, and is socially isolated. Doctors should be consulted if symptoms of depression last for more than two weeks, thoughts of suicide, feelings of hopelessness, or a decline in the quality of life at work or in the family.

    Winter depression is attributed to three main factors that become common during this period:

    1. Lack of sunlight.
    2. Vitamin deficiency.
    3. Diseases of a debilitating nature, for example, infectious respiratory diseases.

    You should help yourself to get rid of the winter depression. The main recommendation is frequent walks in the fresh air, which a person should take regularly during the day. You should also eat well, exercise, and socialize with pleasant people.

    What is Winter Depression?

    Seasonal manifestations of depression are distinguished into a separate category. What is Winter Depression? It is an affective disorder that occurs during the winter and is manifested by impaired thought activity and emotional depression. Many can remember similar states, when in the morning they do not want to get out of bed, there is a "wolfish" appetite, because it is damp and cold outside.

    Winter depression is marked by a decline in strength that is difficult to recover. A person becomes emotionally depressed, he has no desires and energy is not generated.

    Winter depression affects all people, regardless of age and gender. However, the peak falls on the age of 18-30, when a person is acutely aware of the changes in strength and energy. In any case, if the depressive state is not eliminated, then complications can arise:

    • Social isolation.
    • Suicidal thoughts and actions.
    • Problems at work, school or home.
    • Development of addictions:, medicinal,.

    Every person experiences winter depression symptoms differently. In some, they manifest themselves in full force, significantly interfering with a full life, while others only partially unbalance a person. It is worth noting that the winter depression can take place at the onset of spring, or it can last longer, which also depends on the degree. If it is impossible to cope with depressive symptoms on your own, then the help of a psychologist is offered.

    Since winter depression is a quarter of life, ways should be found to eliminate it. This will help the analysis of the causes of the winter (seasonal) depression.

    Causes of winter depression

    Since we are talking about a specific period of the year, you should find out why depression occurs not in summer or autumn, but in winter. The reason for the winter depression, scientists note the lack of sunlight, which is noted in short days and the need for a person to spend daytime in closed (office, factory) premises.

    The light beam hits the retina of the eye, from where a signal is sent to the brain. If there is not enough sunlight, then the brain produces a small amount of serotonin, a hormone responsible for raising mood, generating energy and eliminating drowsiness.

    In winter, a person feels drowsy. This is due to a lack of sunlight, which allows the brain to produce large amounts of melatonin, the calm hormone that makes a person sluggish and sleepy. This, of course, does not affect a person's ability to eat well and provide himself with warmth and shelter. However, it is during this period that a person cannot take an active life position, which looks like a "hibernation".

    Other biological causes of winter depression are:

    1. Temperature drops, their sharp decrease.
    2. Slowdown of metabolic processes.
    3. Infectious diseases that are common in the winter.
    4. Avitaminosis.

    Winter becomes the period when a person is most sentimental. The failures that arise seem catastrophic, and the inability to spend the time the way you want, makes you feel unnecessary and lonely. Stresses do not leave a person in winter, who can experience them not only on a psycho-emotional level, but also on a physical one.

    The following categories of people fall into the risk group:

    • Middle-aged women.
    • Elderly people.
    • Lonely individuals who are acutely lonely during the winter holidays.
    • People from 20 to 40 years old.

    Signs of winter depression

    Winter depression has its own individual character for each person. The severity of symptoms and their duration may also vary. However, the signs of winter depression should be identified so that, with their prolonged presence, you can seek medical help in time.

    Signs of winter depression:

    1. Emotional sphere:
    • Aggravated irritability.
    • Feelings of despair.
    • Gloomy, depressed mood, melancholy.
    • Loss of attraction and interest in activities that previously brought moral satisfaction.
    • Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness.
    • An agonizing feeling of unhappiness.
    • Loss of the ability to experience positive emotions.
    • Decreased self-esteem.
    • Increased anxiety and stress levels.
    • Lethargy, a feeling of "leaden" legs, deterioration of health.
    1. Physiological symptoms:
    • Partial or complete decrease in libido.
    • Obvious eating disorders: gluttony or unwillingness to eat. A person may start to eat a lot of sweets or become addicted to alcohol.
    • Loss of energy tone: a noticeable feeling of weakness, loss of strength, increased fatigue with loads that are familiar to a person.
    • Sleep disturbance, when a person wakes up often or sleeps for a long time, but does not feel like he is rested, which requires additional time to sleep.
    • Decreased ability to deal with stressful situations, decreased performance.
    • Digestive disorders, decreased immunity, tendency to develop infectious diseases.
    • Joint pain.
    1. Behavioral symptoms:
    • Isolation from people around you.
    • Striving for loneliness, seclusion.
    • Decreased empathy.
    • Conflict in relationships with others.
    • Problems arising at work, at home, at school.
    1. Cognitive sphere:
    • Difficulty making decisions.
    • Decreased concentration and concentration.
    • The emergence of ideas about their own uselessness.
    • Having depressing and dark thoughts.
    • Memory impairment.
    • Suicidal ideas.

    The duration of the symptoms of winter depression differs from person to person. It usually starts at the end of November and ends at the end of March. It passes gradually or against the background of hypomania, hyperactivity:

    1. With hypomania, the symptoms of depression gradually pass without obvious changes in mood.
    2. With hyperactivity, there is a sudden change in mood, agitation (agitation).

    A rather unpleasant, but mild form of winter depression is latent. It is marked by such signs:

    • Fatigue.
    • Lethargy.
    • Disturbed appetite and sleep.

    Some may ignore the symptoms of winter depression, but they recur every time the winter comes. In order not to spend a quarter of your life in a depressive state, you need to resort to various methods of treatment.

    Winter depression treatment

    Since the main cause of winter depression is sunlight deficiency, light therapy is the main focus of treatment. For it, fluorescent lamps are used, which in many ways exceed the intensity of conventional lamps. Even outside on a rainy day, there is more light than in a well-lit room. That is why it is recommended to use lamps with a brightness of 2500 Lx or more in winter.

    Light therapy can be used both as a treatment and to prevent winter depression. It will be sufficient to stay in such lighting for at least 30 minutes daily for at least 2 weeks. After this period, a person begins to feel energetic and cheerful.

    Other treatments for winter depression are:

    1. Hiking on sunny days.
    2. Food that should be fortified.
    3. Making morning exercises.
    4. Connection of additional physical activity or sports.
    5. Using a bright lamp in the bedroom to simulate daylight.
    6. Observance of the correct regime of the day and rest. Get enough sleep, but do not overshoot.
    7. Communication with nice people, visiting interesting places and institutions.
    8. Surrounding yourself with bright and cheerful colors and things, avoiding gloomy tones.
    9. Passionate yourself into various hobbies during the winter to distract yourself from gloomy thoughts.

    You should not be afraid to see a psychologist if the symptoms of winter depression last more than 2 weeks. Only in this case can we talk about the pathological development of the condition, which needs to be subjected to specialized treatment. It rarely includes medications (antidepressants). Often everything is limited only to psychotherapy, which helps in eliminating psychological or emotional problems.

    There is no need to talk about any "psychiatric hospital" or illness, as long as a person realizes his own state and wants to correct the situation. Through conversations with a psychotherapist, you can identify all the causes of winter depression. Often we are talking about psychological stresses and experiences that a person can hardly endure in winter. Only in exceptional cases does a person need medical help to relax and unwind.


    Winter depression does not negatively affect the person who learns to cope with it and takes all actions to resume a normal lifestyle. The result is always successful, since any manipulation leads to positive events.

    The prognosis may worsen if a person ignores winter depression. It can go away on its own with the onset of spring and summer. However, with the arrival of winter, it will show itself again. In order not to waste time on unnecessary experiences and sensations, you should help yourself or use psychological help.

    Friends, I greet you, my dears!

    Greetings on the first day of winter! \u003d)

    How are you, how are you?

    Do you manage to stay positive and vigorous in the cold, or do you feel sadness-unreasonable melancholy, you don't want to do anything, do you feel fatigue and constant sleepiness?

    If, after all, the second option, then I think this article will be just in time for you!

    We will work with you to figure out where such unpleasant conditions come from in the autumn-winter period, and what you can do on your own to help yourself "return to life."

    To regain joy, activity and a cheerful state of mind, regardless of any frosts and winds, especially since it is quite easy to do this.

    To do this, you need to know a few "tricks", using which, you will always feel great, look great and keep positive, absolutely no matter what time of year it is outside the window!

    Where does this "winter melancholy" come from? We declassify the enemy!

    In this article, you will learn:

    Winter depression - how to beat winter melancholy

    Most people tend to consider late autumn and winter as one of the saddest and most apathetic periods of the year.

    And this - even despite the large number of merry New Year and Christmas holidays!

    Of course, there are many reasons for this:

    • There is a lack of a bright and positive sun, juicy and tasty fruits and berries, vitamin greens right from the garden
    • Still very annoying are these constant slush-blizzards.
    • Air temperature, together with vitality and good spirits, as a rule, actively "strives for zero" ...
    • Therefore, it is very bad for us to keep a good mood, to cope with stress and turmoil.

    And problems during this period, for some reason, begin to pour in, as from the "cornucopia", as not one thing, so the other overcomes, have you noticed?

    If there is a constant loss of strength, a feeling of fatigue that does not pass, even when there is no special reason for this; if you feel constant drowsiness, scattered, you often want to eat something sweet or starchy; If your mood resembles a "swing", you are often irritated, you feel melancholy and blues almost every day, then all these are the main features of the so-called "winter depression", which in European countries is called seasonal emotional disorder (SAD).

    There is another name for this state - "winter blues".

    It sounds beautiful and poetic, but in fact, this state is completely opposite to optimism.

    The main cause of the "winter blues" is the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for regulating the correct biorhythms of sleep. Melatonin works in tandem with the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for keeping you awake. Therefore, in order for us to feel good, it is necessary that these hormones are in balance. And when melatonin becomes more than serotonin, then we become drowsy, lethargic, passive and want nothing ...

    The main signs of a winter depression

    Symptoms of "winter depression" may not necessarily appear all together, they can appear both individually and only selectively: for example, two or three symptoms at the same time.

    And their manifestation, as a rule, always occurs at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

    A decrease in the background mood during this period is not a "classic" depression. Rather, it is closer to the form of physical lethargy, apathy, to the desire for isolation, when you do not want society and communication, closer to the loss of your usual interests. The symptoms of real depression are much more severe and serious, to the above, many other unpleasant manifestations are added there ...

    So, the signs of winter depression can be:

    • Apathy, lethargy, loss of interests.
    • Sleep disturbances. During the "winter depression" - this is a common occurrence. During the day - sleepiness, at night - insomnia. It's annoying, tiring and exhausting.
    • There are often great difficulties with waking up in the morning, even if the sleep was strong and prolonged at night. In the cold season, the need for sleep duration increases by about an hour or two.
    • Changing appetite in the autumn-winter cold is a very big problem, and quite common. Unlike usual depression, when appetite, on the contrary, is reduced, during the "winter depression" there is a significant increase. Draws, first of all, for everything flour, sweet, fatty and heavy.
    • Add here less than usual amount of active movement, and as a result - excess weight. Which, by the way, is typed somehow quite even "imperceptibly"
    • All the symptoms of "winter depression" are especially pronounced if we rarely leave the house, as well as on days when it is very cloudy, cloudy, snowing or raining.
    • And vice versa, if it's sunny outside, if we walk enough outside during the day, then the mood, and, accordingly, our condition can be assessed as very good. Have you noticed this, friends?
    • Moreover, even if it's gloomy, cold and cloudy outside, but we still try to move as much as possible in the fresh air, then we feel much better than when we spend all day indoors, right?

    Research & Facts Who is most affected by the winter blues?

    I found interesting data from one recent study, friends.

    It was carried out as part of the study of the issue of the autumn-winter depression.

    And this study showed that after the New Year and Christmas holidays, the condition of people who were previously moping often improved significantly.

    And it was concluded that this is not because the New Year, gifts and impressions, no!

    It turned out that this was because people very often went outside, walked, went to skating rinks, sledged with children, went to the city Christmas tree, etc. In general, more than usual actively moved in the fresh air!

    But after the holidays, the depression was here again, as it was here, and everything returned to "normal" ...

    Summary: the winter blues are more often exposed to people who move little in the fresh air every day and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

    Data from one statistic: only 20% of people have really good psychological health. The remaining 80% - alas ...

    And it is they, unfortunately, who are the first "contenders" to start moping from the very beginning of the cold weather with all the ensuing consequences.

    Most of all "winter depression" are the inhabitants of northern countries and women.

    How to get over the "winter depression" - effective steps to joy and cheerfulness

    If you have noticed some of the signs mentioned above in yourself, then try to use rather simple but effective recommendations on how to improve your condition.

    A couple of weeks will pass, and you will feel that you have returned to a normal and fulfilling life again, feel its taste and genuine interest in it!

    In some cases, if you are especially suffering from severe "winter depression", you cannot get out of the blues on your own.

    You have persistent physical weakness, apathy, irritability, then it may make sense to visit a specialist.

    So the process of returning to the joy of life will be faster.

    But, in any case, all of the methods listed below can (and should) be applied independently to enhance the effect of working with a psychologist.

    What you can do on your own, without resorting to the help of a specialist, in order to feel the joy and taste for life again.

    • 1) Bring novelty and variety to your life

    Any apathetic state is only aggravated by the fact that we are in a monotonous daily routine. We know everything in advance - our every day is like “Groundhog Day”.

    Therefore, it is imperative to do everything in order to break this vicious circle and break out of it.

    To do this, try to walk more often, change the environment at every opportunity, visit new places, go to interesting cultural events.

    Try to do even the most ordinary things in a new way: for example, go to a new supermarket instead of the nearest supermarket, to which you are used to going, for groceries.

    • Discover a couple of new shops to shop.
    • Meet new people.
    • Call those who have wanted for a long time, but did not find the time for this, or a reason to call.
    • Invite friends over to visit.
    • Go to a new cafe.
    • Take a picnic with your friends.
    • If you wanted to acquire any new skills, attend master classes, courses, take any trainings, take part in online marathons, then now is the time! And don't think that you are not ready now. You do not have the moral strength, etc. ... If you don't start, you will not have the strength for this. And if you start, you will see for yourself how they "suddenly" appear!
    • Start running in the morning. So what if it's cold? And you are only five to ten minutes! Get dressed, get out, run, albeit slowly, albeit a little, but EVERY morning. And there, you see, you will get so involved that without it you can no longer. Can you imagine how happy you will be after all that you started ?!
    • The same story with the gym (dancing, swimming, stretching, pilates, tennis, etc.). How long can you “wait for the right moment” for this? You know. That there will be no "convenient moment"! You, and only YOU YOURSELF, can create it for yourself!
    • Do what you have wanted for a long time, but believed that you have absolutely no time for this: embroidery, knitting, learning languages \u200b\u200bor reading history books. If you have wanted to draw for a long time, buy everything you need and start, do not postpone your desires for "later", "later" will never come! You yourself have already been convinced of this many times, right?

    The next step.

    • 2) Come up with new and enjoyable rituals

    These are actions that either were not in your life up to this moment, or they were not regular.

    For instance:

    • every evening - a bath with foam and candles, a face mask, reading a couple of pages of your favorite novel for the soul,
    • once a week - a trip to a beautician, for a massage,
    • every Sunday - lunch with parents, relatives or friends,
    • in the evenings, before going to bed - a cup of fragrant relaxation tea, sincere conversations with loved ones,
    • every evening before - a must walk in any weather for a good and restful sleep.

    This list can be continued indefinitely ... Make your own, personal list of what you would like, what will bring you pleasant emotions, fill you with joy and pleasure.

    Even the most super-busy person can find time for such pleasant pleasures for the soul. This is a very IMPORTANT moment, friends, very often we do not find time for such things, because we think that they are not so important, that we have more important things to do that are worth spending our time on ... And as a result, how we rest? Yeah, exactly - we "stick" with TV shows and social networks, and what is most offensive, we DO NOT FEEL any satisfaction afterwards, right?

    And the more you have your own rituals that bring you joy, the more satisfaction you will feel from life, verified!

    • 3) Deal with clutter at home

    It is unrealistic to bring you back to life, lifts your spirit, makes you feel a sense of lightness and liberation!

    You probably remember very well how good it becomes after a thorough spring cleaning, right?

    And, if you also connect to all this getting rid of unnecessary things, to put it simply - rubbish, which is a pity to throw away and use - you don't use, then look at your state: it will be flight, joy, a feeling of drive, there will be a desire that - do something else, and life will "wrap around" around, believe me!

    The main thing is to START, and then everything will go by itself. The most important (and most difficult) step is to take the first step. And then you will not be stopped!

    After the clutter of your home, you will want to take up other areas in your life that you had never reached before: your health, relationships with loved ones, relatives, children, you will set new career goals and take steps to achieve them.

    This is confirmed by many hundreds of thousands of people who began all their BEST CHANGES IN LIFE with just such a seemingly insignificant step as the de-cluttering of the house. I confirm!

    • 4) Be always busy with something

    Of course, we are not talking about watching TV shows and "sticking" in social media. networks ... It is about active and constructive physical and mental activity, thanks to which you improve something in your life.

    This can seem very complicated. Well, how is that? There is no desire even in the morning to get up and go to work, but you call for constant, and even vigorous activity!

    Yes, there is such a state when you understand that you simply, well, you cannot do anything, your hands simply do not rise, there is neither physical nor moral strength ... Of course, it happens! Someone more often, someone less, but it happens to everyone! We are all people, and we are all the same, so do not "gnaw" yourself at such moments, do not!

    And even in such, especially difficult situations, when your hands dropped almost completely, you, nevertheless, get up and start doing something.

    I really like one ancient oriental expression: "If you feel that you can not do ANYTHING, then do ANYTHING!" Cool, isn't it?

    At least clean the drawer of the table, at least put things in their places, wipe the mirror in the bathroom, delete unnecessary files from the computer, throw the laundry, wash your hair.

    Such seemingly elementary things, but they start the "process of Life" by inertia, friends!

    By the way, about “wash your hair”. It has been proven to be just a super-effective remedy for all sorts of bad thoughts, bad mood, apathy, etc. Feel like you don't want anything? Go and wash your hair, and then see how you feel good, well, an order of magnitude, or even more, it will definitely be better!

    This is an absolutely proven fact, verified repeatedly by me on my own, and, for me personally, it is beyond doubt!

    I often use this trick when I need to bring clarity in my head and “join” in Life.

    By the way, it doesn't matter at all if you have a clean head, no, don't look for reasons, just go and wash again. And then write to me in the comments, did it work? It is very interesting to me!

    • 5) Movement and physical activity

    Movement and regular physical activity are the worst enemies of the "winter depression"!

    Be physically active, move around, exercise. Do it !!!

    Any physical activity and exercise promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, which is the "hormone of joy" and is responsible for our good mood.

    Even a short walk during your lunch break will do its job, and you will return to your workplace in a completely different state!

    Don't feel like moving around and playing sports?

    And you start "through yourself", force yourself. Trust me. You don't have to force yourself for a long time, our body is very wise, and soon you will feel.

    That your body itself "pulls" you for a walk, for sports, for a run, in the pool.

    And the best part is that you won't want to deny him this, so you won't have to persuade yourself!

    • 6) Sunlight + fresh air \u003d "zero" blues.

    Sunlight and active oxygen supply to the body can work wonders!

    The sun and fresh air are an instant burst of strength, good mood, cheerfulness and joy!

    If you are enough to be in the sun every day and breathe fresh air, then you will not be afraid of any depression.

    If the sun is not enough, get yourself special daylight lamps, now there are many different ones on sale. Search by searching for "lamps, light therapy lamps".

    During the day, open the window more often and ventilate the room.

    If you combine physical activity and fresh air, it will be a real "fighting blow" on the winter blues!

    • 7) eat healthy and delicious foods

    In the cold season, despite the fact that you want hot food and drinks, do not forget about fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

    Eat fatty fish, eggs, homemade butter. They are rich in Omega-3 and vitamin D.

    Large quantities of greens, turkey, bananas, oatmeal, cheese, mushrooms, nuts are excellent for raising your mood.

    You should not lean on fatty, sweet, flour. It has been proven that from the use of such products, our mood becomes much worse.

    In addition, take vitamins and minerals, eat superfoods: flax seeds, spirulina, chlorella, chyavanprash, etc.

    Everything will only be in favor!

    • 8) Correct daily routine and adequate sleep.

    Go to bed on time, get up early. This is the key to your good mood for the whole day!

    Since our need for sleep increases in winter, it is necessary to organize your night's sleep in such a way that this condition is provided for yourself.

    How we will feel afterwards during the day critically depends on this.

    In order to get up early, you have to go to bed earlier, there is no other way!

    • 9) Use an ionizer and humidifier)

    Negatively charged air has a positive effect on our mood, and a humidifier will help reduce dry air in rooms.

    Dry air is an invisible enemy "to our mood, we often do not even realize how important it is for good health - enough humidified air in the room!

    • 10) Give up alcohol.

    It has been proven that alcohol is a "killer" of a positive state of mind. Regularly consumed alcohol, even in small quantities and not strong, is capable of turning absolutely any person into a depressive "whiner".

    Avoid it, friends!

    That's it for today, friends.

    Write in the comments, and what do you do when you feel that your mood is going down?

    All Health and Great Mood!

    Alena was with you, see you soon!

    "Winter Depression" is not a joke, it is an official term. Photo by:

    There is such a term: "winter depression" is a psychological condition in which people have feelings of hopelessness, guilt, increased anxiety, irritability, apathy and lethargy. And even joint pain. And all this - increases with the decrease in the length of the day.

    At the same time, people suffering from similar symptoms feel good in the rest of the year, but everything repeats every winter: in the interval between September and April - just in the darkest time of the year.

    Winter depression can start at any age, but the most common period for its development is 18-30 years. Experts believe that the depressive state is caused by a small amount of sun in the winter season, so this phenomenon is extremely rare in countries where the number of sunny days does not change with the change of the season.

    Weather change affects about 40% of the world's population, but in the form of depression it manifests itself in about 10%, for example, in European countries this figure is 5-7% annually. Moreover, women suffer from this ailment almost 2 times more often.

    Consider the second main question: how to get rid of the winter depression?

    Light therapy fights one of the main causes of winter depression - there is much less light in life (especially in the northern regions: hello to residents of St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and other northern cities!)

    Light therapy: returning to a joyful life

    In Moscow, the duration of the sunshine on an average December day is no more than 2 hours. In the room in the autumn-winter period, the light is 300 times less than outside on a bright sunny day. In this regard, those who have the opportunity try to visit warm countries to replenish the energy emanating from the sun.

    Light therapy is considered a natural treatment for depression and can significantly improve the condition. Moreover, for the inhabitants of the north, back in the days of the USSR, health prevention with the help of light therapy was mandatory.

    The illumination of light therapy lamps ranges from 2500 to 10,000 lux, which is equivalent to sunlight on a summer day. For a therapeutic effect, 2 weeks are enough, and the result of the session is felt after several days of treatment.

    The lamps can be used even during operation, by placing them at the desired distance from the computer screen (during the session, the treatment lamps are usually placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from the patient). For successful treatment, it is recommended to conduct sessions in the morning in order to “recharge” energy for the whole day.

    Previously, light therapy was only available within the walls of medical institutions due to the high cost of lamps, but today a home light therapy lamp (as in the photo) can be purchased in many stores on your own and used at home.

    However, treating depression with this method requires a doctor's prescription. In some cases, side effects can occur from light therapy: nervousness, irritability, insomnia, and nausea.

    Exercise as a cure for winter depression

    Sports are a great way to get rid of winter depression. A number of scientific studies have shown that regular exercise improves mood.

    One experiment recruited over 1,000 participants with depression. They were divided into 3 groups, the first of which was treated with antidepressants, the second went in for sports 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, the third combined both methods.

    After a few months, the condition of all participants in the experiment improved, but after 10 months, 40% of the participants in the first group and 30% of the participants in the second group returned symptoms of depression, the third group showed better results - the return was about 10%. In other words, the presence of sports in the lives of people prone to depression reduces the risk of re-developing the disease, and also helps to prevent its development.

    Regular physical activity can alleviate the course of depression, and sometimes completely get rid of it. Even ordinary walks on the street are a good prevention against winter depression.

    Landscape therapy for winter depression

    And in winter they can be diversified with skiing, which not only energizes, but also significantly improves mood. Skiing is also called the funny word "landscape therapy" - and we did not invent this word either. Landscape therapy - improves mood, energizes from nature, hardens the body, makes it more enduring.

    These factors combine to improve depression during depression. And you can choose the cross-country skiing that suits you on this site.

    Serotonin: Eating the Right Food

    The main source of "joy" is the hormone serotonin, or the so-called "hormone of happiness", produced by our body from tryptophan (an amino acid, the "building material" of proteins). It can be obtained from food.

    These foods can help you fight your winter depression:

    1. Fatty fish... Contains in its composition Omega-3 acids necessary for the full functioning of the body. D and B6 increase immunity.

    2. Orange fruits and vegetables... Orange, pepper, apricot are rich in bioflavonoids that improve blood circulation in the brain.

    3. Spices... Cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg can not only warm, but also create a peaceful atmosphere. A pinch of spices in a glass of warm milk is enough to feel a boost of vivacity.

    4. Bananas... They are taken out separately from the category of fruits, as they contain in their composition a unique substance alkaloid harman, which is responsible for the occurrence of a feeling of euphoria.

    5. Legumes... Due to the content of B vitamins, the work of the nervous system is improved, mood improves and sleep is normalized.

    To prevent the development of winter depression, try to be outside as often as possible, eat foods containing fatty acids, get enough sleep, and in general - live more in a light (in every sense of the word) atmosphere.

    In winter, many people lose their vitality, mood, desire to engage in vigorous activity, and, conversely, the need for food and sleep increases. I want to hibernate like a bear and not wake up until spring. These are manifestations of the winter depression, which experts consider as a type of seasonal depression. Often this condition does not begin in winter, but in late autumn, when daylight hours are greatly reduced.

    Scientists call it seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

    Scientists have identified seven symptoms of this disorder. One of them is emotional disorders: low mood, inability to experience positive emotions, apathy, increased irritability, decreased self-esteem. The other is cognitive impairment: difficulty concentrating, memory loss, decreased intellectual activity.

    Also, the criteria are fatigue, increased fatigue and drowsiness, an increase in the need for sleep, in which a person does not get enough sleep, it is difficult to wake up in the morning.

    The other three criteria are an increased need for food, cravings for starchy foods and sweets, which leads to a set of extra pounds; reduced immunity, which increases the frequency of colds and other diseases; avoidance of social contacts, reduced need for communication, desire to stay at home. In winter, in severe frosts, it can also increase, which people are exposed to in any season.

    However, as experts of the Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences write, researching this problem under the guidance of Dr. Vladimir Medvedev , for the diagnosis of "seasonal depression", it is necessary that the depressive attacks recur for three years in the same season and pass in the same way with the onset of the next season.

    Women are much more likely to suffer from this condition than men, at least in the sample of people with SAD the researchers studied were 76 women and 21 men. The complex of symptoms observed in most of them included "increased appetite with cravings for sugary and other carbohydrate-rich foods, weight gain, increased sleep duration, and daytime sleepiness in the absence of a sense of rest." At the same time, there were also atypical forms of SAD, in which appetite and sleep were decreased, and body weight fell. Moreover, these atypical forms were the most severe forms of depression.

    According to experts, the main causes of winter depression are hormonal changes under the influence of a decrease in daylight hours.

    Because of this, the circadian, diurnal, rhythms of the body are inconsistent with external conditions. In winter, the secretion of melatonin (a hormone that is produced in the dark) is disrupted and less serotonin (a neurotransmitter that greatly affects our emotions and mood) is produced.

    It is believed that seasonal depression affects up to 10% of people in the population, usually after 18 years of age.

    Women suffer from it more often than men, due to increased emotionality.

    According to the specialists of the Belarusian State Medical University, who are studying this problem in medical students, SAD was observed in 16% of girls and another 23% had a weak (subsyndromal) form of its manifestation. Among male students, only 6% had mild SAD. Interestingly, winter depression was more pronounced among students living in a dormitory than among students living at home.

    Influence of personality type on susceptibility to seasonal mood swings recently researched by Polish experts from the Institute of Applied Psychology in Krakow. They argue that winter depression is more common in women. This state is promoted by greater personality neuroticism, as well as a quality that psychologists call harm avoidance. This refers to a personality type that avoids dangers and unpleasant situations and prefers to behave passively in response to a threat. More often, less socially active individuals, introverts, suffer from winter depression.

    The most important question is how to deal with winter depression?

    According to the majority of specialists, Russian and foreign, light helps in its treatment best.

    Light therapy can be carried out in clinics, in special boxes, in which patients are irradiated with high-intensity visible light.

    But you can fight winter depression on your own. For this, experts give several tips.

    Spend more time outdoors, even in cloudy weather. Even in the absence of the sun, the lighting level is higher outdoors than indoors.

    Eat a balanced diet. Eat more complex carbohydrates and cut back on sugary foods, and be mindful of vitamins, especially C, A and D.

    Red vegetables and fruits (dried apricots, red peppers, beets) are beneficial, containing nutrients that help overcome depression. Dark chocolate can help increase serotonin levels.

    Find time for physical activity. Exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week, but more is better.

    Lead an active social life, keep in touch with people, diversify daily activities.

    Doctors strongly do not recommend alcohol as a means of fighting the autumn-winter blues.

    This will only bring a temporary improvement in mood, but not a lasting effect. And long-term abuse will result in serious health problems.

    Many modern people are interested in the question of how to deal with winter depression. This problem is most urgent for residents of large cities. Routine, work, household chores and the constant rush of a modern metropolis put pressure on the human psyche, and cloudy winter days and cold only exacerbate a bad mood and cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as winter depression. Such a condition leads not only to a decrease in a person's performance and a high risk of conflicts with others, but also worsens overall well-being.

    It is for these reasons that every person needs to know how to get out of winter depression and what means to fight it.

    What is called winter depression

    The term "winter depression" most often refers to a seasonal deterioration in mood and general condition during the colder months. In most cases, it goes away on its own in early spring. Many people confuse bad mood and apathy with so-called "true depression". Depression is a rather severe psychological condition that needs treatment rather than correction, and mood deterioration in winter is a seasonal behavioral disorder that you can cope with on your own.

    Modern people often diagnose themselves and try to cope with the problem by resorting to serious means, for example, they begin to take potent medications that can harm a healthy person. It is for this reason that, before choosing methods and methods of treatment, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. Only he can correctly assess the severity of the patient's condition and prescribe competent therapy.

    It is known that winter depression is a widespread phenomenon in northern countries, in areas with a cold climate, long winters and a catastrophic lack of sunlight. According to statistics, women are susceptible to winter depression about 2 times more often than men, and such a disorder in the beautiful half of humanity is much more severe. In addition, the elderly and patients with weakened immunity are susceptible to winter depression.

    Winter depression can be very unpleasant. These may include:

    • deterioration in performance;
    • unmotivated aggressiveness;
    • excessive irritability;
    • insomnia;
    • apathy;
    • general deterioration in well-being.

    In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to fight the depression and make every effort to ensure that the winter depression does not affect you and your loved ones.

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    Fighting Winter Depression

    Every year, about 70-80% of urban residents undergo a sharp deterioration in mood in winter. That is why people have invented many ways to get out of this unpleasant state. It is worth considering that the fight will be most successful if a person combines several of these methods at once. First of all, to overcome depression, apathy and irritability will help such means as:

    • increased physical activity;
    • changes in diet;
    • high level of illumination.

    The main reason for a bad mood in winter is a lack of substances such as endorphins and serotonin, which are also called the hormones of happiness. Accordingly, it is necessary to try to raise the level of their content in the body using your favorite methods.

    As a means of dealing with seasonal disorders, experts suggest that patients practice feasible physical exercises and walks in the fresh air. Due to bad weather, people often limit their stay on the street and reduce their activity to a minimum.

    It is worth remembering that a passive lifestyle and staying in a stuffy, unventilated room can seriously affect a person's mood. That is why it is worth doing exercises or morning jogging in the park in winter. Even regular walks in the fresh air can seriously relieve depression.

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    Methods of dealing with winter gloom

    Eating can seriously affect a person's mood. An improperly selected diet interferes with the production of substances necessary for the body. This problem is especially relevant in winter, when foods contain few vitamins and minerals, so it is worth diversifying the diet with foods high in serotonin and sugar. Products such as the following can help you with this:

    • watermelons;
    • tomatoes;
    • any citrus fruits;
    • hard cheese;
    • confectionery.

    The main thing is to remember the need to comply with the measure. An excess of sugar can seriously harm the body, weakened by cold weather.

    In addition to the lack of serotonin and endorphin, in the human body in winter, there is often a deficiency of extremely important vitamins. Their deficiency causes lethargy, a feeling of weakness and other unpleasant symptoms in a person. All this seriously affects the mood, only increasing the feeling of despondency and winter depression.

    To avoid this, it is recommended to take aqueous solutions of group D vitamins. Such funds are available and inexpensive, but it is worth remembering that taking medications must first be agreed with your doctor.

    You can independently adjust the diet by adding foods containing the necessary trace elements to it.

    Include fatty fish and egg yolk in your diet.

    The lack of ultraviolet radiation can also affect the mood. In winter and autumn, due to bad weather, sunlight is sorely lacking, and this affects people's moods, becoming the main cause of winter depression. To combat this problem, experts recommend "catching" light wherever possible.

    In winter, enhanced lighting of the workplace and recreation areas is necessary. It is wiser to give preference to bulbs with warm light - yellow or reddish. When at work or at home, try to sit close to the window, do not draw the curtains during the day. On sunny days, try to walk more, take leisurely walks. In addition, going to the solarium will help to improve your mood.