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  • Fitness or gym for weight loss. What is better and more effective for losing weight: fitness or gym? Gym - goodbye hated kilos

    Fitness or gym for weight loss. What is better and more effective for losing weight: fitness or gym? Gym - goodbye hated kilos

    Many people think that training with iron is not a woman's business, suddenly I will become like a man. I'd rather go to group classes and jump with the girls. Girls look at fitness instructors and think that they will soon be as slim as they are. But I assure you, you are unlikely to become similar in figure. These instructors have been jumping for 20 years to look like this. I have worked in many halls and I will tell you the truth. These instructors, after a lesson, run to the buffet, busting cakes, and then jump again so as not to gain weight. This is 1 hour for you, three times a week, and they have 5-8 lessons every day, and now imagine what you can achieve in this hour? I've always teased new girls by showing them two posters hanging in the gym. The first one hung on the door of the fitness instructor, the second one in the gym. And now I say, look who looks better visually in the photographs and who does what. The answer is obvious, the one that deals with iron looks much more attractive, and will achieve results much faster. I personally know many instructors who have been working in group fitness programs for 20 years and who look worse than girls who have been doing the right thing in the gym for a year. Okay, it's all lyrics, but now I will give reasons.

    Group exercises or just a treadmill burn about 350 kcal per hour. Usually they do it 3 times a week, and it turns out that they burn about 1000 kcal. Since the time for cardio is one of the most important factors for losing weight, I wrote about this in the article “how to do cardio correctly”, I can say with confidence that you spent these 1000 kcal without burning your fat reserves, but burned carbohydrates from food. 1 gram of fat is 9 kcal. If your diet has not changed, and you just go to fitness, then it turns out, 1000 divided by 9 \u003d 111 grams of fat, burned in a week. Agree, this is negligible.
    Since resistance training also helps us, and gaining muscle mass this gives a big plus in losing weight. Strength training for weight loss much more effective than fitness and group training for many reasons:

    1. The more muscle you have, the more calories are wasted, even at rest, as it takes a lot of energy to maintain muscle.

    2.After resistance training, our metabolism is increased by more than a day (as it takes a lot of energy to repair damaged muscles and create new ones). And after cardio only for a few hours. As soon as you eat, the fat burning process stopped.

    3. When exercising in simulators, you have the opportunity to correct certain parts of your body, in contrast to aerobics.

    For maximum effect in losing weight, it is advisable to combine exercises in the gym and aerobics.

    A large number of people have now realized that it is to their own detriment to be ill and began to be interested in the question of how best to preserve their health. Various health establishments have been created and operate successfully in many cities. It is difficult for an inexperienced person who has decided to spend his free time on health to figure out which is better than a gym or fitness.

    To tell the truth, no one can give an exact answer to this question. It's the same if you ask someone which is better than a bun with butter or grapes. Among the buns, you can choose the most delicious, with grapes it will not work that way, because someone likes it with sourness, and someone loves sweet, but still, there is something to compare with.

    So it is with our question, which is better gym or fitness. Among the gyms located in your village, you can advise which one is better. And among the fitness clubs, you can also choose the best institution. But if there is only one gym and fitness club, then you have to choose which one is better.

    Our task is to tell you what awaits you within the walls of these health establishments and how classes on strength simulators differ from those equipment and training methods offered by fitness clubs.

    Let's define the concepts and consider what is meant by the word fitness. This term is used to call any physical activity that helps to improve health and not only. This is the same aerobics, if you will, but just a little expanded concept. You can simply choose simple exercises for yourself and practice this system without leaving your home.

    But since there is a desire to go somewhere and there, under the guidance of a coach or an experienced mentor, to start playing sports, then you need to decide what you expect from these activities. In the gym, everything will be aimed at increasing the volume of your muscles, making them stronger and, just like in fitness, shedding those extra pounds.

    Which is better gym or fitness? In the fitness center, the task is different. There, the training program is entirely aimed at burning excess fat. Muscles, of course, will become stronger, but you will not have to wait for their large increase, because there is no celite. But endurance will appear, a fresh blush and efficiency will increase.

    Now it becomes a little clear what awaits us outside the door. Men, naturally, will want to go straight to the gym to become like a real macho. For some reason, women go there with great reluctance. There is a persistent prejudice that if a woman has "small" muscles, it is not beautiful.

    And this prejudice, otherwise you cannot name it, scares off many girls from classes with heavy objects. For some reason, nowhere and no one says that due to the characteristics of the female body, it is simply impossible to pump up large muscles. They will grow a little, this is true, but their appearance will not in the least disfigure the figure. On the contrary, it will give her grace and harmony.

    In the fitness center, you will mainly find cardio training. These will be long and exhausting activities that will help you get rid of extra pounds over time, if you do not overdo it and find the strength to limit your appetite. And he will appear, be sure. And the more you spend calories, the more you will want to eat that same forbidden fruit.

    Fitness classes include a treadmill or exercise bike. And again there will be a problem with the choice. In fact, which is better. It turns out that both are very good. Both the bike and the track lose weight well, the main thing is to pick up the load so that you have enough strength to get or run to the end of the class. Just don't get carried away with light loads. In addition to increasing your appetite, they will not give you anything. Fat must be burned, but "do not heat it over low heat" ...

    Now we can summarize. As you can see, we have not discovered anything new, but now it should be clear where to start and what to expect from doing sports. The decision is, of course, yours. We can only add that in everything we need measure and variety. It doesn't matter where you go to work out in order to find out which is the best gym or fitness club.

    Believe me, long sessions of the same thing sooner or later exhaust the nervous system and there may come a moment when you no longer want to go anywhere and train again. There is one cure for this. This is the variety in the exercise. You need jogging, cycling, just hiking or dumbbell exercises.

    Of course, you cannot do without an instructor who will help you to correctly compose all these workouts. And it is easier to find it in centers where they deal with people who want to improve their health. And there you can find out where it will be best for you to train in a fitness club or gym.

    Those who seek to gain an attractive figure have to actively work on their bodies. This can be done in different ways. And this is where beginners get stuck on the problem of choice. Where to go for pumping muscles - to the gym or to aerobics classes? Which is better: gym or fitness? To make the right choice for yourself, you need to consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both options. Then you can decide what will be better in your case - fitness or gym.

    If you want your parameters to approach ideal, you need to control your diet and work out in the gym. If you follow one diet, you can, of course, lose weight. However, along with it, muscle mass and tone will go away. Therefore, it is important to combine strength exercises with aerobic ones. So, let's try to figure out how a fitness club differs from a gym and where you should go.

    First of all, let's explain what fitness is. This is any physical activity that improves health and helps you lose weight. In fact, it is aerobics, but in a broader sense. Today there are many varieties of it: power, with steps, zumba, several other dance variations, and so on.

    You can do fitness even at home by choosing for yourself several video tutorials with simple exercises. But only a specially designed training program in a fitness club provides for high-quality burning of excess fat. Muscles in such exercises, of course, also strengthen, but they do not particularly increase in volume.

    Fitness is not meant to build muscle at all. But it makes it possible to become more resilient, increase working capacity and acquire a fresh blush.


    Fitness classes, like any other type of physical activity, have their pros and cons. It is necessary to know them. At least in order to determine whether the load of this nature is right for you.

    • The most important advantage and difference of fitness is versatility and comprehensibility. Even those who are very far from sports can master the complex of basic movements. But in order to work out in the gym, especially without a coach, you will need not only to know well how to do the exercises correctly, but also to be aware of some of the nuances.
    • If you often find it difficult to organize yourself, choose the best fitness in the club. With a group lesson, you will no longer be able to distract yourself, be lazy or exercise carelessly - the coach will not let you do this.
    • You can choose a technique that suits you the most (power, dance, and so on). Some clubs may offer alternating workouts. It is recommended that you try out a few basic fitness programs to find the best fit.


    The disadvantage of doing fitness in a specialized club is their cost (higher than in the gym), as well as a strict schedule. If you decide to study in a group, you will have to plan your week taking into account the visit to this institution at the appointed hours and days.

    Some clubs practice pre-registration, since in a small room the number of people simultaneously engaged is limited. This is also inconvenient.


    They mainly go to the gym to build muscles, strengthen them and, of course, lose weight. Therefore, if you need to pump up muscles, do not hesitate to go to the simulators. With the right program, you will also lose weight. That is, the result will be complex.


    So, here's what exactly you can get by visiting the gym:

    • slim figure;
    • flexible and strong body;
    • targeted impact on certain muscle groups;
    • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
    • endurance.

    Gyms differ from fitness clubs primarily in equipment. Here you will have the opportunity to use a variety of exercise equipment (both strength and cardio), as well as sports equipment (rugs, balls, skipping ropes, harnesses, barbells of various sizes and dumbbells).


    Here are some of the indisputable advantages of a gym that should be considered when comparing with a fitness club and when choosing an institution.


    Despite the fact that there are a lot of advantages and they are all obvious, the disadvantages should also be mentioned.

    A beginner's eyes may run wild from a variety of all kinds of shells, simulators and devices. If attempts at independent exercise are not crowned with success, nothing really works out, the person is disappointed, leaves and does not return.

    Lack of experience in the gym is no big deal. Simply in this case, you will need the guidance of a coach or a more experienced friend with whom you will visit the gym.

    There is one more unpleasant nuance. It consists in the overcrowding of the simulator in the evening. This happens because mostly people come to workout after the end of the working day. There are two ways out of this situation: accept or visit the hall in the morning or afternoon.

    When trying to figure out which is more effective and better - doing fitness as part of a group or going to the gym, there are some important points to consider.

    For beginners, of course, it is better to choose fitness. They will receive a pre-prepared and carefully designed lesson plan. The instructor will carefully monitor the correctness of the exercises and correct mistakes.

    However, a strict schedule in a fitness club may not be convenient for you. If you are late for class, you will be forced to settle down where there is free space. And it is not always comfortable. Skipping a day in most cases simply "burns out", since it is not possible to reschedule the date.

    Not satisfied? Then the gym is your choice. Little knowledge and no experience at all? A trainer will help you get comfortable and do the exercises without mistakes.

    If you have serious problems with self-control and motivation, it is better to prefer group activities. A common goal and attitude is great for stimulating and instilling self-confidence.

    Let's summarize

    Today, many fitness clubs provide a fairly extensive list of training programs. The ideal option is to find a combination of light fitness with training on simulators. Such a set of exercises will not only allow you to put your figure in order and lose weight, but also will not have time to get bored. If the choice of programs is limited, it is better to prefer a gym with an equipped cardio zone.

    Let us emphasize that with excess weight exceeding 5 kg, the training program must be combined with diet correction. Then it is the excess fat that will go away, and the muscle mass will not suffer.

    Noticing extra folds on the body, people begin to rush from one extreme to another: follow diets right up to starvation, go to sports clubs, exhausting themselves daily with heavy physical exertion. But, few ask the question: what is actually more effective? First of all, a person must determine for himself what result he wants to get and in what time frame.

    Fitness club - a fashion trend or a way to lose weight?

    Fitness is considered a simple and easy form of exercise to keep fit or to lose weight by a small amount of pounds. Exercise helps you relax, lift your mood and keep your muscles toned. In addition, fitness can help you improve your figure, develop coordination and relieve stress. The maximum effect of exercise can be achieved with a constant change in load.

    To get rid of extra pounds in fitness, emphasis is placed on stretching, aerobics, as well as a number of exercises with medium intensity load. Much attention is paid to fitness. It is recommended to eat foods high in carbohydrates. Weight will be reduced by stored fat rather than muscle mass.

    Gym - goodbye hated kilos

    With the help of exercises in the gym, you can quickly remove body fat, give muscle tone. This method of fighting overweight involves the use of physical activity according to an individual scheme, which is determined by the instructor. Exercising on simulators will help strengthen the cardiovascular system, give the body the desired shape and increase endurance.

    Simulators are divided into two groups. The first is cardiovascular equipment. These include treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines. It is this group that is used to get rid of extra pounds. The second type includes power trainers: dumbbells, barbells. They will also help you remove unnecessary body fat and build muscle. Power loads are performed on different muscle groups. This will help strengthen them and give the figure the desired shape.

    To obtain the intended result, you need to follow simple recommendations:

    1. The first, if possible, and subsequent sessions should be conducted under the guidance of an instructor.
    2. Physical activity should be carried out regularly, systematically.
    3. Do not wear yourself out with heavy loads, this can only harm your health.
    4. It is worth revising the composition of the diet and adhering to it on an ongoing basis.

    Where to go to fitness or to the gym, everyone decides for himself. Take a one-time subscription and there and there, so it will be easier to decide what is right for you.

    At this time, being healthy and keeping track of your physical shape has become a fashion trend. People realized that why waste time and money on treatment, if you can do health prevention and maintain immunity. It has also been known for a long time that being overweight is not only ugly, but also detrimental to health. Increased pressure, limitation of movement, and fat enveloping the internal organs prevent the body from functioning properly. Therefore, the younger generation tries not to drink alcohol, smoke and make sure not to become overweight.

    The path to losing weight and gaining a beautiful, fit figure is not easy. Women who have embarked on this thorny path must work hard and hard on themselves. There are many ways to lose weight today, but the most common are fitness and the gym. Therefore, women need to decide for themselves which fitness or gym is better for losing weight. In order to make the right decision you need to consider the efficiency, pros and cons of both gym and fitness.

    Everyone knows that in addition to regular physical activity, you also need to reconsider your daily habits, and especially nutrition. Diet changes and revisions lead not only to weight loss, but also to muscle loss. The body becomes less elastic as the muscles lose their tone. For this reason, it is necessary to combine and alternate power and aerobic loads.

    Depending on the goals pursued, you can choose the right, effective program. If weight loss is the main goal, then frequent cardio training and eating well are appropriate. If the desired result is to build muscles and tone the whole body, then strength training is simply extremely necessary.

    Among the many exercise machines, some are better at burning fat than others. The most effective machine for destroying body fat is the elliptical trainer (or as it is sometimes called simply "skis"). Exercising on an elliptical trainer, the shoulders, abdominal muscles, buttocks, knees, back muscles, ankle joints work. In short, almost all muscle groups are involved in this simulator. Therefore, the elliptical trainer is so popular, since the total load is of great benefit, rather than working on certain areas where there are imperfections, it is better to do everything in a complex manner. A treadmill will also work for weight loss.

    Stepper, on the other hand, will absolutely not help a person in the fight against obesity. A stepper exercise uses joints and works them out perfectly.

    Cardio equipment helps in:

    • Endurance training.
    • Dumping excess fatty tissue.
    • Prevention of cardiovascular disease.

    Workouts should take place at an energetic pace, bring pleasure, and, if possible, not bring unpleasant sensations. If you notice any unpleasant symptoms during or after classes, you should consult a specialist. You may be misbalancing the load.

    Exercise frequency and duration of exercise on cardiovascular equipment

    It is optimal to exercise on cardiovascular equipment three times a week for no more than an hour. More frequent and even daily activities are also acceptable. But with daily workouts, the duration of a cardio session should not exceed 40 minutes. It is also worth giving your body at least one day of rest to recover.

    There comes a time when after training the body does not hurt and after doing the exercises it does not even feel that there was any load on the body. This means that you need to either change the training program or increase the load. It is recommended to consult with a trainer when setting up a training program and increasing loads for best results and to avoid injury.

    You can sign up for fitness to maintain the result. Fitness does not require as much willpower as going to the gym and is considered a lighter exercise for the body. In fitness, a girl enjoys, relaxes and gets distracted from her routine.

    It is also good to start with fitness for people who have not been involved in sports regularly or for a long time, as well as girls who want to restore their figure after childbirth. Light loads will not shock the body, they are perfect for the process of preparing for more complex loads.

    Aqua aerobics, swimming or any activity in the water can help the figure regain its former shape and strengthen the tone of the abdominal muscles and remove imperfections in other parts of the body.

    Today, there are many sports clubs that offer different types of membership. It is often possible to combine gym activities with fitness, swimming and more. Alternating and pairing fitness with a gym is ideal for body shaping. Another advantage is that such a variety of programs will not have time to get bored. But if time or money does not allow you to combine fitness with going to the gym, then it is better to give preference to the gym.

    For people who want to get rid of excess weight, experts recommend regular exercise in combination with proper nutrition. Such a correct program will help get rid of body fat and build muscle mass. Nowadays, interval training is popular, it prepares the muscles for the main workout.

    The most optimal frequency of classes is 3 days a week. The session should consist of a warm-up, main load and stretching. Time after training is equally important. After exercise, the body is depleted, so you need to give it time to rest and fill it with the right carbohydrates and proteins.

    So, in conclusion, the woman herself will answer the question of which fitness or gym is better for weight loss, considering her goals and her feelings after classes. Both may be effective, or may not bring the desired result, it all depends on many factors. The choice of the sport was correct, whether it is combined with a proper nutrition program, whether it feels positive during and after training, and other important factors.

    Of course, achieving a beautiful fit and maintaining it is a daily work on yourself, making efforts, changing habits. But you can try to find a less painful program for yourself and stick to it.

    A beautiful figure is not only health, but also a beautiful appearance, and an increase in self-esteem. Regular exercise and diet will ultimately give you inner self-satisfaction and improve your overall health and mood. We wish you to achieve the desired results!