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  • The South Russian Institute of Management is a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. North Caucasus Academy of Civil Service Skags transcript

    The South Russian Institute of Management is a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. North Caucasus Academy of Civil Service Skags transcript

    - North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education.


    The head of the South-Russian Institute-Branch of RANEPA is Vladimirovich.

    The Academy began its work in 1992 as the North Caucasian Personnel Center of the Main Directorate for Training Personnel for Civil Service under the Government of the Russian Federation.

    In 1995, the university received the status of the North Caucasian Academy of Civil Service, becoming the leading South Russian scientific and educational center for training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel for the systems of state and municipal administration, enterprises of the South and North Caucasian Federal Districts, scientific and methodological accompanying their activities.

    On September 20, 2010, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, at the suggestion of the Government of the Russian Federation, the “Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation” (RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation) was established - a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education. It also includes twelve academies that train state and municipal employees in the regions. Among them is the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration, which was transformed into the South Russian Institute, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. The functions of the Academy founder are performed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    SKAGS today

    Today, the institute trains highly qualified state and municipal employees, economists, managers, political scientists, and lawyers. Master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies work.

    The creation of the South Russian Institute of the Presidential Academy ensures both the preservation of the achievements of SKAGS and strengthens the leading position of the university in the region.

    The institute has created conditions for leisure and development of students: there is a cultural center "Orpheus", a discussion club, various sports sections, the student council is actively working. Having your own television and newspaper is a good use of your creativity. Students take part in various Olympiads, conferences, festivals ...

    The Institute hostel is located in the center of Rostov-on-Don, just a five-minute walk from the academic building.

    SKAGS structure

    • Directorate
    • Academic Council
    • Chairs
    • Postgraduate studies
    • Educational-methodical department
    • Advanced training center
    • Center for Business Education and Consulting
    • Alumni Career Planning and Development Center
    • Educational and scientific center
    • International Relations Department
    • Innovation and Technology Center
    • Information and analytical center
    • Trade union committee

    License No. 1138.0000 dated 12.04.2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

    Accreditation No. 953.0000 dated 25.06.2012 00:00, valid until 25.06.2018 00:00.

    Director: Rudoy Vasily Vladimirovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor State Councilor of the Rostov Region, Grade 3
    Chairman of the Academic Council of the South Russian Institute of Management, RANEPA
    Born on October 28, 1974 in the town of Gulkevichi, Krasnodar Territory.
    In 1992 he graduated from secondary school No. 1 in Gulkevichi with a "gold medal" and entered the faculty of state and municipal administration of the North Caucasus Personnel Center (since 1995 - the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration).
    In 1996, he was awarded a special state scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation for his academic success.
    In 1997, he graduated with honors from the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration and in the same year entered the graduate school of SKAGS in the Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship.
    In 1999 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences on the topic: "The economic foundations of local government in the transition to the market."
    In 2006 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
    In 2001 he was invited to work in the apparatus of the Administration of the Rostov region. From 2005 to 2008 he headed the center for information and methodological work and training of personnel of the Regional Administration. The center specializes in the development and implementation of innovative projects in the field of state and municipal administration, organization of training for state and municipal service personnel, coordination of activities for the implementation of the President's program for training management personnel in the Rostov region.
    He combined administrative work with teaching and research activities.
    From 1998 to the present - Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration SKAGS (since 2011 - FSBEI HPE South-Russian Institute of Management "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation").
    From 2008 to 2011, rector of the GOU VPO of the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration. In 2011, in connection with the formation of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and the reorganization of the North Caucasian Academy of Public Administration, he was appointed director of the South Russian Institute of Management Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation ...
    The general experience of professional activity is 16 years.
    Full member of the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences and Arts
    (St. Petersburg), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Political Science.
    Since 2010, it has been included in the management personnel reserve under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation ("Presidential Hundred").
    Research interests - administrative and municipal reforms, development of state and municipal services, training of state and municipal government personnel.
    Author of 81 scientific publications on this topic, including 26 textbooks and teaching aids.
    Information about expert participation
    ... Member of the Council on Local Self-Government Issues under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.
    Member of the Council for Personnel Policy, State and Municipal Service Issues under the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.
    Member of the Commission for Administrative Reform in the Rostov Region.
    Member of the commission for organizing interagency cooperation in the provision of state and municipal services in the Rostov region.
    Member of the Council for the State Civil Service of the Rostov Region under the Governor of the Rostov Region.
    Member of the commission for the formation and training of the reserve of management personnel of the Rostov region

    - Rector of SKAGS,

    Honored Scientist

    Russian Federation,

    doctor of Economic Sciences,


    15 years of service to Russia

    The scientific and educational activities of the staff of our educational institution began 15 years ago. Russia's entry into the era of socio-economic and political transformations in the early 90s of the last century with an objective necessity required the formation of a new type of managerscapable of providing an effective solution to the tasks facing the Russian state. There were no such specialists, and specific forms and structures were needed to implement innovative transformations in the formation and training of personnel, capable of providing an effective and high-quality policy for creating a system of market economic relations and its corresponding democratic structures for managing society.

    To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation in the period from October 1991 to January 1992 adopts a number of resolutions on the formation in Russia of a system of training, professional retraining and advanced training of public administration personnel, on the creation of personnel centers in all economic regions of the country designed to provide training of management personnel of a new formation.By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 4, 1992 No. 17 in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the North Caucasian Personnel Center Roskadrov under the Government of the Russian Federation (SKKTs) was created as a federal state educational institution of higher professional education, designed to provide training, retraining and advanced training of state and municipal employees of the North Caucasus region, personnel of a market economy in new social, economic and political conditions.

    In 1995, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the SKCC was reorganized into the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration.

    Over the past 15 years, the Academy, thanks to the creative work of its entire team, has become a very prestigious federal higher educational institution, well known not only in the South of Russia, but also in the country as a whole.

    In the rating of civil educational institutions of higher professional education, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, SKAGSfor most indicators belongs to the first quarter of 174 academies of the Russian Federation.Since 1997, SKAGS has been a constant leader in the publication of monographs for 100 faculty members, and in terms of the qualitative composition of scientific and pedagogical personnel, it is also consistently among the top ten academies in Russia. In recent years, SKAGS has been among the best, according to the rating of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 4-6 places among universities that train specialists for public service, yielding leadership to such major universities as the Civil Registry Office, North-West AGS, MGIMO.

    From the first steps of the Academy's activities, the administration and the Academic Council, deans and departments, other structural divisions of SKAGS direct their efforts to improve management efficiency, improve the educational process of scientific research, and form a single educational and scientific complex. The team considered and considers its primary tasks to be the provision of high-quality training, professional retraining and advanced training of leaders and specialists of state and municipal administration in accordance with the requirements of the time and taking into account the specifics of a very complex region of Russia - the North Caucasus.

    Assessing the results of the activities of the administration, the Academic Council, led by them the entire staff of the academy, it should be noted that by 2007, compared with the middle of 1992, the number of specialties in which training was conducted at the university increased from 1 to 5 - the specialty “State and municipal administration” was added “Jurisprudence”, “ World Economy ”,“ Taxes and Taxation ”,“ Organization Management ”. The number of departments providing the educational process in these specialties, including the training of students of the faculty of professional retraining and the center for advanced training, has increased 3 times, the number of full-time faculty members - 4 times.

    In solving the problems of the formation and development of our university as a scientific and educational center for the provision and training of specialists for state and municipal administration of the North Caucasian region, the team constantly relied and relies on the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, the leadership of the Rostov region, republics of the North Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, and in recent years - for the support of the staff of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.

    A special contribution to the formation of the academy at different stages of its development was played by the professor, vice-rector for academic affairs, professor, vice-rector for AHC, deans, heads of departments, and others who worked as vice-rector for academic affairs, professor, vice-rector for science. The professor - the director of the Institute of World Economy, the director of the professor and the deputy director of the Institute of World Economy Director Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Taxation and Management Professor

    In 1996, 2000 and 2004, the North Caucasus Academy of Civil Service successfully passed the certification examination for the main educational program "State and Municipal Administration", and in 2000 and 2004 for the educational programs "Jurisprudence" and "World Economy".

    At present, a particularly large contribution to the training of specialists is made by the deans of the faculties: state and municipal administration - associate professor, jurisprudence - associate professor, world economy - associate professor Mironova O. A, taxation and management - professor Ponomarev, programs of additional professional education are provided at the faculty professor) and at the Center for Advanced Studies (headed by Associate Professor).

    In the 2006/2007 academic year, 5468 students receive higher professional education at the faculties and institutes of SKAGS (excluding branches).

    If we consider that in the 1992/92 academic year we had 760 students, then as a result of the 15th anniversary, the number of students increased by almost an order of magnitude. In 2006, 755 graduates of the Academy received diplomas in the basic educational programs of higher professional education. In other words, now graduate from the Academy annually as many graduates as there were students in the North Caucasian Personnel Center in the first years of its existence.

    It is also important that recently, for each academic year, at least five hundred students are undergoing professional training, 1700 state and municipal employees improve their qualifications at the Academy in various areas of state and municipal administration.

    With the development of SKAGS branches general contingent students and listeners in all specialties and areas reached ten thousand people.Over the past year alone, the region has been replenished with 1,373 highly qualified specialists trained in SKAGS and its branches.

    Over the years of the Academy the corps of the teaching staff has significantly strengthened and replenished at the expense of young teachers, mainly graduates of the Academy, who then successfully complete postgraduate studies with the defense of a Ph.D. thesis. Graduates working at the Academy strive to preserve and enhance the good traditions of highly qualified personnel training for state and municipal service. Currently, over 77 percent of teachers have academic degrees and titles, every fifth of them is a doctor of science, professor.

    The academy teachers have undergone training in leading educational and research centers in Russia, Germany, Holland, France, Great Britain, Greece and other countries. Over the years of the Academy's existence, teachers:,, and others have successfully defended dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science.

    A number of teachers of the Academy in different years were recognized by the Administration of the Rostov region as the best scientists of the Don. Among them are professors,

    Leading scientists and teachers of the academy were awarded state and industry awards. The professor was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", professors and the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation". Professors - Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" was awarded, Solodkov of physical culture and sports are, Lepke is a worker of culture -

    A prominent place in the activities of the Academy to expand the educational space in the North Caucasus region is occupied by branches, which train specialists in licensed educational programs higher professional education for the subjects of the Federation of the North Caucasus. Since 1997, the Academy has been expanding its educational space and influence in the North Caucasus region by creating branches and representative offices. In 1997, a branch was established in Pyatigorsk (director of pro.), In 1998 - in Krasnodar (director of prof.), In 1999 in Maikop (director of associate prof.), In 2000 - in Stavropol ( Director Assoc.), in 2001 - in Makhachkala (director prof., then prof.). The branches employ 166 full-time teachers, 111 of whom 66.8% have academic degrees and titles, including 7%) doctors of sciences, professors. The branches of the academy as a whole effectively provide training, professional retraining and advanced training of state and municipal administration personnel for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the North Caucasus region.

    3071 students study in all forms of personnel training in the branches, including 1289 full-time students, 46 part-time (evening) students, 1736 students by correspondence. 1454 students study in the Pyatigorsk branch, 859 students in the Stavropol branch, 477 in the Adygea branch, and 281 students in the Makhachkala branch.

    To provide the Academy and its branches, as well as other universities with teaching staff, the Academy implements postgraduate professional education programs (postgraduate studies) in 17 scientific specialties (Head of the Postgraduate School, Candidate of Economic Sciences). Over the years of the Academy's existence, 780 graduate students and applicants have been trained in graduate school. Their scientific guidance is carried out by the most authoritative professors of the Academy, who achieve high-quality preparation of dissertation research and their timely defense. Postgraduate professional education programs are also licensed at the SKAGS branch in Pyatigorsk.

    A key role in the implementation and improvement of the educational process, development and the use of the latest techniques and innovative teaching technologies are played by the departments of the Academy.The Academic Council, administration, departments have made a lot of effort to bring the educational process in line with the requirements of the current state educational standards.

    A well-known role in ensuring the quality of the educational process and the development of the information support system for personnel training is played by the department of automation of control and quality of the educational processheaded by Associate Professor Babanov, together with the departments, the automation of the organization of the educational process is ensured, the testing of students' knowledge in the disciplines of the federal component of the State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, the maintenance of the SKAGS website, the use of ICT, multimedia equipment, and other TSO.

    The academy effectively operates graduates departments for basic educational programs. In the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" these are the Departments of State and Municipal Administration (head of the department prof.), Economic theory and entrepreneurship (head of the department prof.), Economics, finance and environmental management (head of the department prof.); in the specialty "Jurisprudence" - the department of civil and business law (head of the department prof.), administrative and service law (head of the department prof. Akopov L. V.), constitutional and municipal law (head of the department prof.), procedural law (head of the department prof.), criminal law disciplines (head of the department assistant professor); in the specialty "World Economy" - the Department of International Economic Relations (head of the department prof.); in the specialty "Taxes and Taxation" - the Department of Taxation and Accounting (head of the department prof.); in the specialty "Management of the organization" - the department of management (head of the department prof.).

    Training in the disciplines of state educational standards with a social and humanitarian orientation is successfully carried out by general academic departments: philosophy and methodology of science (head of the department prof.), Sociology (head of the department prof.), Political science and ethnopolitics (head of the department prof.), foreign languages \u200b\u200band speech communications (head of the department assistant professor), physical education (head of the department assistant professor), information technology (head of the department assistant professor). The teachers of the departments in their pedagogical activities use modern methods and techniques in the process of teaching students and listeners.

    Under the guidance of the Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, Associate Professor at the Academy, much attention is paid to improving not only the educational process, but also education of students.The administration initiated the creation of the cultural and aesthetic center "Orpheus" (head), which contributes to the improvement of the culture of students, the formation of aesthetic taste, the identification and development of the creative abilities of students of the Academy. Physical education of students is served by the work of sports sections in various sports. Among SKAGS students there are laureates and champions of Russian and international competitions, contests and championships.

    Our main result in 15 years - 24,500 highly qualified specialists of state and municipal service who graduated from SKAGS, its faculties, postgraduate studies, the Center for Advanced Training of Management Personnel. Among the graduates of SKAGS are many leaders and well-known specialists in the state and municipal service in the Rostov region, the republics of the North Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions.

    Providing training for students and trainees in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" and other new specialties, the teachers of the Academy, in the conditions of the almost complete absence of textbooks in the first years, were actively engaged in are engaged in the creation of the necessary teaching aids and developments. Our creative teams have provided all the new training courses with their textbooks and teaching aids. In the last 5 years alone, the Academy has published in significant circulations (several thousand copies) 220 textbooks and teaching aids. A number of them are stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, UMO, NMS, and have been reprinted several times.

    The successful scientific and methodological activities of teachers found recognition in that one hundred SKAGS were awarded first degree diplomas and the title of laureates of the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th Russian competitions of educational programs and methodological support for training personnel for municipal administration.

    An important a feature of the educational activities of SKAGS is its innovative naturebased on the fundamental and applied research of the Academy scientists in the field of state and municipal systems of management, state regulation of the economy, jurisprudence, ethnopolitical science of the North Caucasus.

    Much work in this regard is being carried out under the guidance of the vice-rector for science and work with the regions, professor

    The time of deep state transformations, reforming the economy and social sphere required solid scientific developments problems of the current transformation period. And the creative team of SKAGS took up the challenge of the time, put forward a number of well-known Russian scientists, including professors,,; Associate professors, currently working as the head of the Center for Information and Methodological Work and Personnel Training of the Administration of the Rostov Region. The heads of the branches are actively working on the problems of socio-economic and ethnopolitical development of the North Caucasus region and the heads of the branches - Pyatigorsk - professor, Stavropol - associate professor

    An important role in identifying new ideas and trends, approbation of conclusions, recommendations and scientific provisions of SKAGS scientists, generalization of the practical experience of state and municipal administration, problems of public life of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus, the formation of administrative and political elites in them and the resolution of conflict situations play scientific and practical conferences.

    If in the early 90s of the last century, the academy held mainly regional and regional conferences, then after 1995, all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences and other events are mainly held. Since 2000, at least two or three international conferences have been held annually at the academy, with the participation of scientists and experts from Germany, England, USA, Bulgaria, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and other countries of the near and far abroad.

    A large group of academics of the Academy is actively engaged in research and development of problems improving the efficiency of state and municipal servicesin the context of administrative reform in Russia. Every year, the teaching staff of the Academy carries out from two to five research projects on the indicated topic.

    For all research works, except for reports, monographs are prepared and published, their materials are included in textbooks and teaching aids created by the faculty of SKAGS based on materials from the North Caucasus region.

    Although the budgetary funding of scientific works is carried out very modestly, in SKAGS at the expense of attracted and own funds (from funds, under agreements with regional administrations, from extra-budgetary funds of the Academy, etc.) the scale of research work is increasing. Over the years, the average annual volume of research performed amounted to more than two million rubles, and in 2006 it exceeded the amount of 3 million rubles.

    The need to further expand and develop scientific activities, improve its organization and coordination, strengthen the connection of the Academy with the regions of the North Caucasus demanded the creation of department of scientific research and work with regions... An important role in the formation since 1999 of the department rightfully belongs to the doctors of legal sciences, doctor of political sciences, doctor of sociological sciences V.A Samedov, candidate of historical sciences, candidate of economic sciences, who headed it in certain periods.

    The activities of the department from the very beginning are focused on promoting the activation of scientists in the scientific development of urgent problems of reforming and increasing the efficiency of the work of government and local governments, state and municipal services, on the study of regional socio-economic, political, cultural and ethnopolitical problems of the South of Russia.

    Analysis of the results of the 15th anniversary of SKAGS allows the administration, the Academic Council to better see the unresolved problems and further prospects in the activities of the Academy. We are aware that there is an urgent need to further improve the effectiveness of educational, methodological and especially educational work with students, to provide comprehensive equipping of the educational process with even more modern technical means, greater returns for the practice of state and municipal management of research of academics, consistent development of business, creative ties with the executive and legislative authorities of the Rostov region and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the North Caucasus region, a more active influence on personnel processes and the ethnopolitical situation in the Southern Federal District.

    Celebrating the 15th anniversary of SKAGS, the staff of the Academy looks to the future with confidence, is open for fruitful cooperation and is united in its desire to reach qualitatively higher levels and scales of their creative activity in the coming years.

    Department of Management

    Responsible editor Doctor of Economics, prof. Nekrasov V.N.

    Starygina A.M.

    Organization Theory: Teaching Method. complex. - Rostov n / D .: SKAGS Publishing House, 2010.42 p.

    The educational and methodological complex has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard. Contains a curriculum, course program, seminar plans, questions to prepare for the exam, a list of basic and additional literature, tests and a glossary.

    Designed for students of all forms of education in the specialty 080507.65. Management of the organization, bachelor's degree "Management" 080500.62

    Published by the decision of the department.

    General course information

    The results of the research work of scientists and practitioners have revealed a number of complex problems focused in the conscious activities of people in the field of management and functioning of organizational systems.

    The theory of organization creates the basis for the assimilation of organizational laws, principles and rules that require thinking, serves as the basis for developing skills in a systemic and integrated approach to solving practical problems. This makes it possible to increase the degree of validity of the decisions made, to make fuller use of the existing potential.

    The discipline "Organization Theory" (OPD.F.09) is one of the basic theoretical courses for training managers.

    The course is based on the need to ensure the quality of special theoretical training for economists and managers, both working in enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership and sectors of the national economy, and employees in state, central and local government bodies.

    Cspruceacademic discipline - preparing students for the application of laws that govern social organizations in terms of designing and adjusting organizational systems.

    Objectives of the discipline:

    To reveal the basic laws and principles of the functioning and development of organizational systems;

    To form the skills of developing systemic approaches to identify and implement the organizational reserves for the development of social systems;

    Explain the features of the activities of state municipal organizations, modern business structures, public organizations;

      develop the ability and skills to develop goals, determine values, coordinate the implementation of tasks and functions to achieve effective results of the organization.

    As a result of studying the discipline, students should

    know: laws governing the activities of social organizations, principles of operation of organizations of a static and dynamic type, principles of rationalization, as well as techniques for building organizational systems;

    be able to: distinguish between static and dynamic features of social organizations, understand the intricacies of organizational culture, design and adjust organizational structures;

    have skills: analysis of the processes taking place in organizational systems, including the patterns and problems of the development of organizations, which are a purposeful association of individuals into groups for joint activities.

    The discipline "Theory of organization" is connected and based on the knowledge of students of such courses as "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Social Psychology", "Cybernetics", and also has a direct connection with a number of related disciplines studied within the specialty "Management of the organization ". These are organizational behavior, personnel management, research of management systems, development of management solutions, strategic management, quality management, anti-crisis management, marketing, logistics, etc.

    Tasks for independent work of students are aimed at a deeper study of the main issues and problems of the training course, the formation of practical skills and abilities required by the manager.

    The final form of control of students' knowledge is an exam.