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  • Nutrition for women after 30 years. Diet after thirty: a program of youth and beauty

    Nutrition for women after 30 years. Diet after thirty: a program of youth and beauty

    Thirty years of age is a time of female prime. To remain attractive, to maintain youthful skin and a slim figure, the correct nutrition system should be your constant companion.

    After 30 years, age-related changes begin in a woman's body. This frontier is characterized by a slowdown in metabolic processes, a weakening of the hormonal background, a decrease in volume, and its replacement with fatty deposits.

    The problem gets worseinadequate physical activity, measured pace of life and lack of active physical activity inherent in young girls. If at a young age, in order to quickly get in shape, it was enough for you to sit on a diet for a couple of days, then after 30 years you will need to make much more effort.

    Salt-free and low-calorie diets for women after 30 years are categorically not suitable. Firstly, they do not ensure the safety of the result obtained, the lost weight most often quickly returns back. Secondly, their high efficiency is usually due to either intensive excretion of fluid from the body, or a decrease in muscle tissue. All this inevitably leads to a deterioration in the color and condition of the skin, its flabbiness, the appearance of additional wrinkles and folds.

    Healthy diet after 30

    builds on:

    • a balanced diet of nutrients;
    • frequent, fractional meals with a volume of one serving not exceeding 200 g;
    • exclusion of the consumption of sugar, all confectionery sweets, smoked meats, culinary, animal fats;
    • limiting the use of salt, spices, seasonings when cooking;
    • daily inclusion of protein foods and sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the menu;
    • plentiful drinking regime during the day (at least 2-3 liters of clean water).

    Features of the diet after 30 years

    The main requirement of a diet after 30 is to follow the rules and:

    give priority to simple dishes consisting of 1-2 ingredients;

    do not combine different types of proteins, acids and carbohydrates in one meal;

    an ideal breakfast should be light (on fruits, berries, fermented milk drinks);

    any fresh (boiled, baked) vegetables, greens in unlimited quantities, starch-containing products are suitable for lunch;

    dinner should consist of proteins (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, soybeans, legumes, eggs);

    As a side dish, you can only use salads from fresh vegetables, herbs, herbs;

    milk and melons (melons, watermelons) are considered a separate meal;

    the same foods can be eaten with a frequency of 2-3 times a week;

    you should drink water 30 minutes before meals and not earlier than 2 hours after it.

    Diet menu after 30 years

    Examples to choose from:

    • breakfast:
    • yogurt, kefir, yogurt;
    • freshly squeezed juices;
    • fruits (apples, citrus fruits, plums), berries.
    • dinner:
    • vegetable salads, casseroles and cold cuts;
    • vegetarian dishes, soups with cereals in meat (fish) broth;
    • durum wheat pasta;
    • cereals, whole grain bread, bran.
    • dinner:
    • baked chicken (veal), lettuce / broccoli stew;
    • boiled sea fish (mackerel, sardine, tuna, salmon), cucumbers (cauliflower, celery);
    • stewed white beans with vegetables;
    • low fat cottage cheese.

    As a snack, you can use a handful of raw nuts, flax (pumpkin) seeds, dried fruits, yoghurts, dry biscuits.

    The average duration of the diet is 2-3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a monthly break. Regular outdoor sports (gymnastics, aerobics) will help improve the results.

    “You are what you eat”, “War is a war, and lunch is on schedule” - food has long ceased to be just fuel for the life of the body. This is a gastronomic pleasure, going to restaurants, accompaniment while watching a movie and the best antidepressant. But if you tend to be overweight or eat too many unhealthy foods, problems can arise. As a minimum, excess weight, as a maximum, the development of diseases (ulcers, diabetes). What should be a normal diet after 30 years - read below.

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    ✔ What products to refuse

    Medium-rare steak, hamburger and chocolate roll - sounds delicious, but these are the foods that clog the body. They should not be included in the nutritional system after age 30 for women. Because at the age of 30, the body begins to rebuild. This does not mean early aging, just the metabolism slows down a little, fat layers are deposited with great zeal, alcohol in the morning hurts the head more strongly and after running the dyspnea is stronger. To help your body cope with unnecessary stress, try not to include in your diet:

    • Fried potatoes and chips. This kind of food after 30 years is clearly not the best idea. Buttered potatoes are a killer combination of fat and starch that leads to obesity. The oil in which fast food fries are fried does not change during the week. It collects fat breakdown products that can cause malignant tumors. Meals at 35 years old may include crispy potatoes, but not more often than once every 10 days.
    • Alcohol. First, it is high in calories. Secondly, in combination with soda, it becomes even more harmful and more nutritious. Beer helps to round the belly. For a drink, go for dry wines. They are lower in calories and even good for digestion. Moreover, for women in their 30s, this is a classic aesthetic.
    • Sausages.
    • Chocolate bars. When the pace of life does not allow going to a full meal, they often turn to affordable snacks. For example, the much-hyped chocolate bars. Yes, they easily overcome the feeling of hunger, but in order to burn such food after 35 years, you need to run an average pace of 3.46 km. This applies to most sweet foods.

    ✔ What foods should you eat more

    To have a healthy diet for weight loss, replace one set of foods with another:

    • Instead of fried eggs for breakfast, a serving of oatmeal with fruit.
    • Instead of soda - water and juices, preferably freshly squeezed.
    • Instead of chocolate bars for a snack - an apple, blanched peanuts, or some dried fruit.
    • Instead of a burger, grilled pork, or sausages - boiled chicken, baked turkey, or beef stew. Also, a lot of protein is found in fish, which is easier for the body to digest and less calories. Meals after 35 years must include fish, and this is not only sushi!
    • Instead of a hearty dinner - fresh salad and boiled eggs.

    ✔ What else needs to be done after 35 years

    Since ancient times, women have been working on the creation of unspoken rules that will help to stay in good shape and will promote weight loss.

    • To start a metabolism, you need to eat often, but in small portions.
    • If you drink plenty of water, excess water will not remain in the body, and the skin will acquire a healthy complexion. Important! Drink water 20 minutes before meals and one hour after meals. This will prevent the formation of "porridge" in the stomach, which is difficult to digest.
    • Drinking vitamins is necessary not only for children. Try taking a fish oil capsule and a complex vitamin pill every day. After a week, you will feel the result: nails and hair will become stronger, and you will feel better in the morning. Also, taking vitamins dulls the feeling of constant hunger. Fish oil is a portion of healthy fats that are beneficial, but do not linger, do not settle in the body.
    • Add fiber to meals. It is sold in every pharmacy or supermarket. Helps to remove cholesterol from the body, normalizes glucose levels, carries many beneficial microorganisms into the body. Season salads with fiber, add to porridge or eat two tablespoons dry - in any case, there will be an effect.

    • Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime. If you adhere to this rule, the stomach will stop growing, and in the morning there will be no feeling of heaviness.
    • Morning exercise. If you do not have time or desire to go to the gym, do at least morning exercises and a vacuum in your stomach. You can also tighten your figure at home. Moreover, it is a charge of vivacity for the whole working day.
    • If you play sports, do not eat two hours before training, after training, too. So that calories are burned and not transferred to muscles. Lose weight first, then build muscle if needed.

    ✔ Vegetables, fruits and cereals

    It is on these products that Madonna's nutrition is built. The singer focuses on herbal products, and that's enough for her. If you want to lose weight quickly and painlessly, try eating according to the Madonna's method for a week. You can add nuts, various cereals to the menu. You can boil, stew, bake, grill, but not fry in oil.

    Every woman has to keep herself in shape. And not because society demands, but because it is most pleasant to be easier, fresher and more beautiful. And proper nutrition will help you with this.

    Many women who are over 30 more and more often notice that over the years it becomes more difficult to stay in shape, look light and slim. Even if we comply with all the conditions of a healthy lifestyle, namely - , fasting days, we move a lot, resort to sports, the excess weight is still in no hurry to disappear.

    Why is this happening to us?

    And this is explained quite simply ...

    After 30 years, our body's metabolism slows down, but we do not change our eating habits. We eat as in our youth the same dishes, with the same calorie content, although we need much less energy, and especially if a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, is inactive at work, does not engage in .

    Of course, in this case, activity is sharply limited in comparison with young years, but there is no need to despair. The most effective way to stay young is to revise your diet and adapt it to your age.
    Competent specialists - nutritionists and scientists will help us with this.

    Nutrition of a woman after 30 years

    Breakfast. So, in the morning we need to wake up and make our body work. For this reason, breakfast should contain protein and fiber. The most suitable breakfast can be fruits or cereals (you can have bread), and ordinary scrambled eggs are the best for saturating the body with protein. Such a well-balanced breakfast will make the intestines work slowly, which will lead to a decrease in the feeling of hunger and you will calmly "live" until lunch.

    Dinner. Now, so that we have enough energy before the end of the working day, let's try to recharge well. However, it does not follow that you should pounce on foods such as pasta, rolls, sweets ... These foods are high in carbohydrates, which will gradually lead you to obesity. But if you do decide to eat something from the "forbidden" foods, then try to introduce more vegetables into your diet, such as bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, green salad, broccoli, cucumbers ...

    As for the desserts. In an amicable way, after 30, you already need to start giving up on them, or at least choose dairy products that are low in fat and sugar. Good yoghurts, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese ... They not only satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also give strength during the day break.

    Dinner. As nutritionists say, after 18 hours it is better not to eat anything, but few people can apply this rule in practice. Do not be discouraged, because it is important not only the timing of the meal, but also what you eat.

    Make sure your dinner is tasty and healthy, but low in calories. To restore the required level of iron, fresh boiled meat or fish is perfect, and you can prepare a side dish from stewed vegetables or simply cut a salad.

    And if at the age of twenty it is allowed to eat at any time of the day, then food after 30 years is completely different. Since at this age the metabolism slows down significantly, it is not recommended to eat after eighteen hours. How to eat properly at thirty and older, so as not to spoil the figure?

    Thirty years is exactly the barrier after which the metabolism begins to slow down, and little by little any food debris begins to be deposited in the form of fat on the figure. This situation is not the most pleasant one, and needs special attention. In order for the figure not to deteriorate after thirty years, to be always graceful and beautiful, it is necessary to follow some rules.

    Proper nutrition for the age of thirty

    Fruits and vegetables. If at the age of twenty it was allowed to eat any food, then after the onset of thirty the main task is to carefully monitor the daily diet. The most important thing is to ensure that fruits and vegetables are present in the diet. They should be available daily, and in large quantities. To train yourself to eat vegetables, add them to your usual meals. For example, if you eat omelet or scrambled eggs for breakfast, complement it with herbs and tomatoes. Put a large amount of sweet peppers in the paste, and never forget about the herbs.

    Less fat. After thirty years, it is recommended to exclude fatty foods from the diet as much as possible. An exception may be fish and nuts, they can be left. If you love dairy products, choose only low fat options. Leave the olive oil and forget about the butter. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to completely exclude fats from the diet, because for women this can cause disturbances in the endocrine system, they only need to be reduced.

    Eliminate sugary foods. Sweets and sugars negatively affect your figure. It would seem that everyone is familiar with this truth. But until the age of thirty you somehow do not pay much attention to her, while allowing a little sweetness, if you really want to. From this age, sweets are allowed only until lunchtime, and only in small quantities. You also need to learn how to drink coffee and tea absolutely without sugar, and also refuse sweet pastries (you can eat dark chocolate for a dessert in the morning).

    Protein. To always have a firm figure, the body needs protein. Fatty oil, of course, is not needed for this purpose, but legumes, poultry and fish will ideally help to cope with this task. The body needs protein in order to build muscle mass, keep the body young and renew cells. Therefore, try to ensure that protein is in your daily diet. In general, with enough protein and regular exercise, the body will decrease fat significantly.

    Mode. Also, an important point for women over thirty is considered the diet, which should be correct and clear, and the option like "eat later" is not suitable, and you must forget about it. There should be five or six meals in your diet, three of which are considered basic and the rest are reminiscent (snacks). For breakfast, try diet cereals, toast, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal. Then eat an apple as a snack. For lunch, it is allowed to eat a small amount of side dishes, vegetables and protein. The second snack is fruit, yogurt or cottage cheese. For dinner, fish, poultry or vegetable salad will be ideal, and at night you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir. Remember - you shouldn't feel hungry, but don't pass it on either. Also remember to drink the right amount of water.

    Add fitness to proper nutrition to speed up metabolism, and try to get enough sleep. Then your figure will become perfect and will be so even after fifty years.