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  • Plank which muscles are trained. Exercise plank - how to do it right

    Plank which muscles are trained. Exercise plank - how to do it right

    (58 estimates, average: 4,57 out of 5)

    Today's article will focus on strengthening the muscles of the core and we will consider the plank exercise, how to do it correctly, when and how much.

    Exercise plank - how to do it right

    The plank belongs to isometric exercises (performed statically). Due to the colossal tension to counteract the force of gravity in this exercise, the muscles of the press, back, buttocks, muscles of the legs and arms are strengthened, posture and general muscle tone are improved.

    The benefits of plank exercise

    The plank strengthens the core muscles, which are responsible for stabilizing the spine, pelvis and hips. During a static load, these muscles are tense. The time under load is significantly longer than in dynamic exercises, in which the muscles do the work by changing their length.

    The impact occurs on the rectus abdominis muscle, internal and external oblique muscles, back extensor muscles, gluteal muscles and thigh muscles, in addition, the whole body is balanced and statically tensed to maintain a horizontal position.

    This exercise will not pump up your abs (), buttocks (), will not remove your waist () or belly (). It will tone the corresponding muscles (tighten them), increase their strength, strengthen the ligaments and tendons, and create a good base for other exercises.

    The increase in core muscle strength occurs in a much shorter time than in dynamic exercises. This is due to the fact that under static stress, the blood vessels contract, forcing the cells to work harder. All muscle energy goes into tension, which stimulates the development of the strength of these muscles.

    However, since muscles do not have to move, they use less energy. Recovery time is also shorter. This means you can use the plank to train your core muscles more often.

    It only takes a few minutes to work your core muscles, which is a significant time saving, unlike a regular workout, after which you need a long, full rest.

    The undoubted benefit of the plank exercise is the therapeutic effect of strengthening the back and improving posture. For people with spinal problems or recovering from a back injury, the plank is the best exercise to gradually develop and strengthen the natural muscle girdle of the middle and lower body.

    Exercise classic plank: how to do it right

    In order to train your abdominal muscles, back, legs, buttocks, and the whole body, using the plank you only need a floor and a soft mat.

    The most important thing in the plank exercise is to get into the correct starting position. Because there is no movement, all the little things should be strictly observed.

    The main position is a straight spine. From the pelvis to the top of your head, your body should be in a straight line. Keep your head so that the chin is perpendicular to the spine. Keep your eyes on the floor.

    In order not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulder joints, the elbows should be placed exactly under the shoulders. Bring the brushes together, forming the sides of the triangle with your hands. Do not strain your arms - they only serve as a fulcrum.

    Pull in your abdomen and tighten your abs. Hold this position while standing in the plank. It is unacceptable for your belly to sag like over a precipice. That's why it is a static exercise to keep the tension constant and as long as possible.

    The position of the back is the most difficult. The fact is that the deflection in the lower back is unacceptable. Because the resulting lordosis (deflection of the spine in the lumbar spine) will create a negative load on the vertebrae. Remember, the lumbar spine should be flat. Imagine that your back is pressed tightly against the back of the seat or against the wall. You can in advance, taking the starting position, round your back and then get into the bar.

    In order to maintain balance it was easier, strain your glutes with all your might and hold the bar until the end of the exercise. This tension also activates the muscles and makes them work.

    Keep your legs straight, do not bend them at the knees. Also, strain them, trying to maintain a straight position, because it is the hip region that is responsible for stabilizing the body.

    The last two points of support are the feet. Put your toes on the floor. The closer the feet are to each other, the harder it is to hold the bar, and the more stress on the abdominal muscles. The farther the feet are from each other, the easier it is to perform the exercise.

    A few words about proper breathing during the plank exercise. Breathe calmly and evenly. Do not try to hold your breath. Any kind of static exercise, especially the plank, with prolonged tension can cause an increase in blood pressure. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then either give up the plank or consult your doctor.

    How much and when to do the bar? Do it 3-4 times a week while still giving your muscles some rest. Try to hold out as long as possible - from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, performing 3-4 sets. If you can easily stand for more than 2 minutes, make the exercise harder. More on this below.

    Exercise plank: video

    To learn how to do the bar correctly, how to complicate the exercise, watch the video from Denis Semenikhin.


    The article discusses the plank exercise, how to do it correctly for your health. The exercise has a general strengthening and tonic effect, in addition, you train your will. Try standing in the plank for 5 minutes. I bet you take a different look at the world after that!

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    This (at first glance) simple exercise acts on all muscle groups in a magical way: thanks to the static load, the back, arms, abs, hips and buttocks are strengthened. But there is one thing. To have an effect, the bar must be performed perfectly. How? David Siukaev, trainer of the personal fitness studio PRO TRENER told.

    How to do the plank correctly

    1. Lie on your stomach on the floor.
    2. Pull your arms to your chest, rest your toes on the floor.
    3. Straighten your arms, lifting your body off the floor. The palms should be directly under the shoulders, the pelvis should not sag or rise up.
    4. The buttocks are tucked in, the stomach is pulled in. With the crown of your head, stretch up, stretching your neck, and pull your shoulders down. Keep your knees straight. The heels are not touching.

    How to tell if your plank is perfect

    How to learn to stand in a plank? There are several ways. The first is visual. You need to stand in front of the mirror. If you don't have a large mirror, put your laptop on the floor and turn on your webcam so you can see your reflection. At best, ask a trainer to follow you through the exercise. A friend can also be useful as a coach. The main thing is to know that from the side your body should be a perfect, even line, without bends in the lower back.

    The second way to know when your bar is out hoo is tactile. You should get into the plank and feel the abs work. Not the shoulders, not the broadest muscle, but the press - the rectus abdominis and obliques. You may also feel the back muscles tighten slightly. Remember that the back is not significantly involved in this exercise. If you are a beginner and find it very difficult to stand in the plank for more than 10 seconds, try getting into it from your knees. In doing so, you should also draw in your stomach and tighten its muscles.

    How to learn to stand in a plank for 10 minutes or longer

    First of all, you need to develop all muscle groups and combine the classic bar with the side and back. Because the muscles that surround the core muscles need to be as strong as the abs itself. Another great way to improve your bar is to move. For example, raise one arm, move it to the side and touch the floor, and then repeat the same with the other arm and legs. If you're a beginner, start with the knee plank and practice it every day. As soon as you can stand in such a bar for a minute, try the classic bar, and then both the side and reverse.

    The right bar: the most common mistakes

    1. Falling or raising the pelvis. This is due to an insufficiently strong transverse abdominal muscle, as well as weak arm muscles. To get on the right bar, a person must be well stabilized, that is, all his muscles must be well trained in aggregate. This can be achieved by standing in a plank on an unstable surface such as a Bosu platform or balance board. And also with periodic exercise for all muscle groups, and not just for one specific one.
    2. Rounding the back. First of all, the round back may be due to kyphosis. It occurs when a person has weak back muscles and shortened chest muscles. Most people (especially men) who start in the gym pay a lot of attention to the bench press. In this case, the chest muscle shortens and pulls the shoulders forward, rounding the back. And the back muscles are rarely given attention. Due to the fact that they are weak, the shoulders seem to "go" forward. To prevent this from happening, you need to stretch your chest muscles and strengthen your back muscles. Another reason for a rounded back is weak abdominal muscles. That is why a person begins to shift his body weight forward, because the upper section is stronger than the lower one.
    3. Bent knees. This comes from the fact that you can not control yourself. The muscles in the front of the thigh are always strong, so bent knees are the result of inattention. You can avoid this by looking at yourself from the side. Just be careful - straightening your knees, you can fall if the abs are not strong enough. In this case, it is better to start practicing the plank from your knees.
    4. The palms are anywhere but under the shoulders. Another mistake due to carelessness, which can be corrected by a coach or mirror.
    5. Incorrect head position. It is important not to lower it, not raise it, not pull it to the chest and not twist it to the sides. The head should take a stable position: the top of the head should be extended and pulled forward, while looking down at the floor without straining the neck muscles.

    The plank is one of the most popular static exercises for both women and men. At first glance, it is easy and simple to do. Maybe that is why many continue to disbelieve in its effectiveness and try to follow newfangled methods and techniques? However, as practice shows, often the most common physical exercises give the maximum effect. Without going into details, just evaluate the results from the photos before and after classes.

    Why and when to do Plank

    Hanging off the floor with a straight back and leaning only on the palms and tips of the toes can strengthen the muscles of the back, hips, abdomen, legs, buttocks, arms and shoulders. At the same time, endurance develops, the general tone of the body rises, and the figure acquires beautiful outlines.
    Before starting classes, you should understand what goals you want to achieve. Incorrectly set goals are one of the reasons for frustration and talk about Planck not working. You should start training if you have a strong desire:

    The Plank exercise is done in the morning instead of exercising or during the day. First, you need to slightly warm up the body - make a few bends, pull the neck, arms, feet, hands. On the other hand, static load will be an excellent completion of various complexes for pumping the abdominal muscles.

    Plank types: how to choose and do the right thing

    All people have different fitness levels. There are many varieties of Planks, among which there is an option for both beginners and those who are constantly involved in sports. You always need to start with simpler versions, gradually moving forward. There are 3 main types of Planks - classic, side, inverted.

    Classic version

    In this case, the face is looking at the floor and the back is at the ceiling. During classes, the upper and lower press, muscles of the legs, arms, buttocks work intensively. The figure in the abdomen and sides becomes noticeably slimmer after two weeks of exercise. There are several ways to make the classic Plank:

    Tip: The Classic Hand Plank is suitable for beginners and those looking to test their fitness level - 90 seconds in a standing position indicates good fitness.

    Side option

    Here the oblique muscles of the press work better, the supporting arm, hips, and calves are strengthened. As a result, the stomach becomes flat faster, and endurance is trained better.

    Several types of Side Planks and an understanding of how to do the exercise correctly will help you achieve the best results:

    Important: When moving to the other side, you do not need to lower yourself to the floor - it is better to make a turn through the classic bar.

    Inverted version

    A variation of the Plank, when the back looks at the floor, and the face is turned to the ceiling. Suitable for working on the gluteal and calf muscles, stretching and strengthening the shoulders. It is performed in several versions:

    Attention! Do not strive to break the records set by professionals - only a gradual increase in loads will give positive results and protect you from injury.

    How to do Plank correctly

    The main secret of success is body position during exercise. It is necessary to keep the body perfectly straight, avoiding the slightest curvature or deflection. Improper execution of the Plank will lead to excessive stress on the spine and joints - they will feel excessive fatigue or even injuries will appear, which people sometimes write about in their reviews.

    Tip: To make it easier to keep the body in the correct position, you need to tense the gluteal muscles and abs and not relax them until the end of the workout.

    Depending on how many people can stand in the Planck, there are several levels of preparedness:

    • Initial - up to 30 seconds
    • Basic - 30-60 seconds
    • Advanced - over 60 seconds

    Knowing only how to correctly stand in the Planck, it is impossible to achieve the desired results. You need to figure out how long you need to do this exercise. The main indicator is moderate muscle tension, while the following technique is recommended:

    • For beginners, time in Plank starts with 10 seconds, followed by a gradual increase in load - 2 sets of 30 seconds will be a good result
    • With good preparation, 3 sets of 60 seconds each are done

    You can do the exercise at home several times every day. It is advisable to practice at least 4 times a week. In the early days, you may notice leg tremors during exercise. This means that the muscles are still weak. There is nothing wrong with that, and over time, the legs will get stronger.

    What to do if Plank seems easy

    If you are good at doing Plank for 2-3 minutes and you do not feel very tired, it's time to complicate the exercise. This can be done using a fitball and simple dumbbells:

    Attention! Breathing during any Plank should be even and calm - holding the breath is unacceptable.

    Myths, reality and contraindications for Planck

    The real results from Planck can be seen in the photos taken before and after the start of training, or by reading the reviews. The benefits lie in the work and strengthening of a large number of body muscles, training the vestibular apparatus and endurance, reducing weight and improving the overall tone of the body.

    There are two main myths about Planck:

    1. Exercise will help you lose weight quickly and a lot - this, unfortunately, is a delusion. Weight is not lost much, but harmony appears due to muscle tightening. The proof of this is how many calories Planck burns - just 5 per minute. For example, jumping rope will consume 10 calories in the same time.
    2. Exercise will help to make the abs bumpy - another delusion. Cubes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe press will appear only after a special set of exercises.

    Despite the obvious benefits for most people, this exercise is discouraged for some. Training is possible only after consulting a doctor for those who sometimes have high blood pressure or have other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    It is strictly forbidden to do Plank for pregnant women at any time and for several months after a cesarean section. You should refrain from exercising during colds and other diseases. Exercise can harm the spine and joints if done incorrectly, that is, with a sagging back.

    Summing up

    The plank is a common exercise for men and women of all ages. It can be easily done at home - it only takes a couple of minutes during the day, a soft rug and some free space. Tightened body muscles, weight loss, beautiful posture, improved overall well-being - that's what will happen to you if you start doing the exercise every day. However, do not rush into the pool with your head - first make sure that you do not have problems with the cardiovascular system. Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for Planck.

    You may not immediately tell, but the plank is the best exercise for deep work of the abdominal muscles. Find out why a minute dedicated to the "plank" never goes to waste!

    If you've followed the debate that has erupted in recent years among fitness professionals, you've probably noticed that many are no longer considered the core exercise for abdominal training. I’m sure it seemed like a sacrilege at first, as most of us do crunches from school. Why change something?

    Now consider this: chances are you are outside the gym most of the day. And, probably, spend the lion's share of this time in a sitting position. You are sitting at your desk, you are sitting in the car. Slouching, you sit for hours in front of a monitor screen or in front of a TV. So is it worth continuing to exploit the sitting position by doing endless crunches in the gym?

    I am not saying that you cannot or should not include crunches in your program. It's just that if your abs workout is all about crunches, it's like doing just the bench press every day without working your shoulders or back. As a result, you do not develop basic strength indicators, the result of which is a disproportionate physique and insufficient development of individual muscle groups.

    But how do you work your abs without twisting? One of the most popular techniques is the good old plank exercise. Is it boring, you say? Then let me ask you: are you doing this exercise by all the rules? The answer is usually no.

    But if you're really good at the exercise technique and strong enough to doze off during your two-minute set, then it's time to raise the stakes. Fortunately, there are tons of plank options that increase the level of difficulty. But first, let's see what a real plank should look like.

    Plank: mastering the technique

    It is extremely important to learn how to correctly perform the basic frontal plank, and only after that move on to the more complicated options, because it is the observance of the fundamental rules that makes this exercise so effective. With a systematic and correct implementation, it will endow you (definitely endow!) With strength, which will subsequently help you make noticeable progress in. On the other hand, if done incorrectly, you risk aggravating lower back problems without the slightest benefit to your abdominal muscles. So the choice is yours!

    Let's start from the starting position: lean on your forearms, elbows at shoulder level, feet firmly on your toes. Have you taken the starting position? Probably not, since you are reading these lines. But that's okay, we're just getting ready to start!

    A key element of correct technique is a straight back. The most common mistake I encounter is the "failure" of the lower back, and the second place is occupied by another problem - the "hump" in the hip region. This "option" is usually preferred by people who say the plank is "too easy."

    A key element of correct technique is a straight back.

    I will give you some tips on how to keep your back in the correct position. If you place a gymnastic stick on your back during an effective exercise, it will touch the body in three places: head, upper back, and buttocks. Of course, you will have to ask someone to put a stick on your back, but you get the main idea.

    The second element of a good plank is proper shoulder position: try not to press them against your ears. And the last secret is the position of the head. You should keep your head in line with your spine as if you were standing straight and looking in front of you. Resist the temptation to stretch your neck up or drop your head down. To master this technique, try looking at your fists all the time.

    If you do everything right, your body stretches into a string from head to toe. Each of my tips will help you solve this problem and at the same time make the exercise more difficult - but that's what we want. Let me remind you again: the plank doesn't have to be simple.

    Advanced self-weight bar

    The basic front plank is an isometric exercise, which means that you hold a static position for a period of time. Some people like to stand there for minutes, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    However, if you can hold the bar for 45-60 seconds without trembling knees and unhappy puffing, then you deserve the right to move to the next level of difficulty. Of course, if that's what you want. As in the case of the classic plank, the more complicated options do not require additional adaptations - you only need your own body and iron willpower. At first they seem terribly exhausting to you, but mastering these techniques will work the muscles of the middle part of the body up and down.

    Reducing the contact patch

    The beauty of the plank is that the slightest change makes the exercise much more difficult. One effective way to increase the difficulty of the plank is to reduce contact points with the surface: simply lift one leg or one arm off the ground. Your body now has to work hard to withstand instability and rotational forces. Start by holding the correct plank - the emphasis on the correct one, standing on one leg, and then move on and raise one hand.

    One effective way to increase the complexity of the plank is to reduce the contact points with the surface.

    When you feel confident with three points of contact, remove one more support: one arm and one leg remains. When you can hold out in the correct position for 60-90 seconds, pat yourself on the shoulder and move on to even more difficult options.

    By the way, another way to complicate the bar is to extend one arm in front of you. Changing the length of the lever as the arm moves away from the center of gravity will make the exercise even more uncomfortable and difficult. But do not rush to complicate things, because you drive quieter - you will continue!


    The exercise, which many call the WPG plank, or the Russian Kettlebell Challenge plank, does not look much different from the classic plank. To the uninitiated viewer, they may even seem identical, but, in fact, an exponential increase in the level of complexity lies in the small differences. What are these differences?

    • The forearms are slightly extended forward.
    • The elbows are slightly closer together.
    • The quads are reduced.
    • The gluteus muscles are tense and contracted with maximum effort.

    It doesn't sound too scary, but it's worth trying and your opinion will change dramatically. Changing the position of the forearms and elbows reduces the area of \u200b\u200bsupport, as is the case with a one-arm break. But the key difference lies in the accentuated tension of the whole body. In this version of the plank, you must squeeze all the muscles involved in the process as much as possible - the same highly stressed style of work is promoted by the apologists of training with the Russian kettlebell.

    Do not be surprised if you cannot hold the HRG bar and half the time usual for the classical technique, because this exercise creates a tremendous load on all the muscles involved in the process. After analyzing both exercises, professional trainer and researcher Bret Contreras came to the conclusion that compared to the classical technique, the HRV plank is 4 times heavier for the lower press, three times more difficult for the external oblique muscles, and twice as much for the internal obliques. If you don't believe it, try it yourself.

    Sophisticated plank with additional accessories

    Don't worry, this article does not slide into another story about "functional training", and I will not start recommending ball exercises to barefoot. But the truth is that adding an unstable support surface to the bar is one of the most interesting and challenging variations of this exercise.

    Almost every gym is equipped with some kind of gymnastic balls. Therefore, let's throw aside the ball to the barefoot and take it in the hands of his older brother - a larger and less stable fitball, which will complicate holding our bar.

    All the rules of the classical plank remain in force: the string from the crown of the head to the toes, no failure and no hump of the back, we do not press our shoulders to the ears.

    Somehow not very hard? No problem. Just lift one leg off the floor, as in the previously discussed options for the complicated plank. An unstable surface, combined with a reduction in your fulcrum, will make the exercise 30 of the most grueling seconds of your life.


    It may seem that body movement is contrary to the fundamental principles of isometric plank exercise, since in all its variations we try to avoid the slightest movement of body parts in space. However, there are two options for the dynamic bar, which we will now talk about. Both are built around a basic exercise with an emphasis on dynamic stabilization; this means that you have to maintain balance while your body is in motion.

    In the "Saw" variant, take the starting position and place your feet on a gymnastic ball or movable platform. If neither one nor the other is at hand, adapt the mobile furniture fittings to your needs. Really!

    Having taken the starting position, slowly move your body back and forth using your forearms. As with the gymnastic roller, the more difficult the exercise is, the further away from the center of gravity your elbows are.


    The ejection is like a saw, only now your hands are on the movable support. When using a gymnastic ball in the starting position, you rest on your forearms, as is the case with the classic bar. Then we slowly begin to push the ball away from ourselves until we feel that a little more, and the lower back will fall down. At this point, we move on to returning to the starting position. Moving the ball 30-40 cm will do the trick.

    You may even think of another way to raise the difficulty level and add instability to the exercise.

    When using a movable platform, the ejection becomes much more difficult due to the potentially greater range of motion. Grasp the handrails and do the exercise in the same way as with the ball, slowly moving your arms forward. If you are strong enough, you can cover the entire distance and fully extend your arms.

    Once you've climbed this far, you'll realize that the plank isn't a waste of training time. Or maybe you even come up with another way to raise the difficulty level and add instability to the exercise. And perhaps the new trick will be the best thing you've ever done for your abs!

    The most important rule of the plank is an even back position. Your the lumbar spine must be absolutely flat... You can neither bend nor round the lower back. Otherwise, you run the risk of injury.

    Legs necessarily straight... By bending your knees slightly, you again increase the load on the lower back and, in general, further complicate an already difficult exercise.

    The gluteal muscles are tense. This will allow, firstly, to strengthen them, and secondly, to work out the core muscles better.

    Pelvis keep parallel to the floor, twist it. It will also ease the stress on the lower back.

    Joints under joints - the rule of all isometric exercises, allowing yourself not to harm. Make sure your elbows or wrists are exactly under the shoulder joints (unless otherwise noted).

    Neck, head, shoulders form one line, do not strain them.

    Plank exercise time - from 20 seconds to 2 minutes depending on your fitness and stamina. At the same time, it is better to stand in the plank for less, but with the correct technique, than 2 minutes with a back bend.

    Exercise plank. Contraindications

    The bar is prohibited for people with a hernia of the spine. It should be done with caution for those who have had spinal injuries and joint problems.

    How to prepare for a plank exercise

    If you don't feel confident about hitting the bar flawlessly right away, or have never done it at all, prepare for it gradually. To do this, perform the following exercise for the first time. Lower yourself into a plank with an emphasis on your elbows and knees, rest your toes on the floor, place your elbows under your shoulders. Pull your neck forward. Lift your right knee and straighten your leg, with the foot resting on the toe. Keeping the body straight, straighten your left leg in the same way. Then lower the right knee first, then the left knee to the floor and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise within a minute.

    When this exercise ceases to be difficult for you, you can proceed to full-fledged planks.

    Punk exercise. Options

    Classic elbow placket

    A classic of the genre for all fitness enthusiasts is the plank with an emphasis on the elbows: make sure that they are strictly under the shoulders. The pelvis is twisted, the lower back is flat, the knees are straight.

    Feet can be placed shoulder-width apart, or you can connect them to each other. The second option is more difficult: the wider the feet are apart, the easier it is to perform the bar.

    Classic arm plank

    A simplified version is a bar on straight arms. Although it seems that it is harder to stand this way, from the point of view of physics, this type of bar is simpler: the angle between the body and the floor increases and due to this the attraction of the body decreases. This rule applies to all planks.

    Follow the technique: the pelvis is twisted, the knees are straight, the wrist joints are strictly under the shoulders, the lower back does not bend.

    Plank on arms and one leg

    Get into the classic arm plank. Place the foot of the left leg on the midline of the body, and lift the straight right leg up. For convenience, you can put your hands wider. Hold the bar in static, as endurance as possible, and repeat the exercise on the other leg.

    To simplify,do the exercise from the elbow position.

    You can also do this bar in dynamics: alternately raise and lower your legs. Read all the rules of the dynamic bar

    Plank on legs and one arm

    Stand in the classic plank on your hands, placing your feet a little wider than usual, and, on the contrary, connect your palms in the center of the body. While maintaining balance, raise your right hand and move it to the side or forward. Hold this position as long as you can. Return to starting position. Repeat on the other hand. Do the exercise in dynamics,

    This type of plank exercise can be performed not only in statics, but also in dynamics: raised the right arm and left leg and immediately lowered it, raised the left arm, right leg and also immediately lowered it. With this approach, the load on the stabilizing muscles increases, the balance is perfectly worked out.

    Plank with hand steps

    Get into the classic arm plank. From this position, step forward with your right hand, transferring your body weight to your left supporting arm, return to the starting position by moving your hand back, and take a step with your left hand. Continue the exercise in dynamics, how much endurance will allow.


    Get into a classic hand plank with your feet together. Keeping balance, bring your right knee over the side to your right shoulder. Return to starting position and repeat the movement with your left leg. Do the exercise in dynamics,how much endurance will allow.

    Elbow side plank

    Sit on the mat on your right thigh, lower your right elbow to the floor, straighten your legs, and place your left foot in front of your right foot. Lift your pelvis up and line up the body. Extend your left hand up. Hold the plank in static, how much endurance allows. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

    Side plank on the arm

    A simplified version of the previous exercise is a plank on a straight arm.

    Side plank on the arm with a twist

    Stand in the side plank on your right hand. Keeping balance, move your left hand up. Move it under the right side and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in dynamics,how much endurance will allow. Do the exercise the other way.