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  • How to get pregnant if you are a guy. When a husband is against a child, how to get pregnant without his knowledge? Practice interrupted PA

    How to get pregnant if you are a guy. When a husband is against a child, how to get pregnant without his knowledge? Practice interrupted PA

    How to get pregnant if a guy doesn't want to?

      Dear Nika, your desire to have a baby is great! Just think first about whether you can put the baby on his feet on his own if your half (God forbid!) Will make legs? Being a mother means being responsible for the little person. I do not condemn you! I just want your pity to have a still powerful base.

      And so ... PPA is a very controversial method of protection. Let's think about it. What is important in this matter? Get your bearings in time. And if a person is slightly relaxed (a little alcohol, for example), then the very moment can be missed. You can also insist on having sex in a condom (think of whatever reason you like, but even if you just wanted to), but you yourself damage the contraceptive through the sheath with a needle.

      Well, in general, just talk seriously with the person. If it is not important for you whether he will remain afterwards or leave, just tell him, they say, it will not oblige you to anything. And only then, seeing you with a cute tummy, fatherly feelings will wake up and the man will understand what a fool he was, denying such happiness.

      Love you and an early easy pregnancy!

      Probably all because you are not officially married, because children in unmarried guys do not particularly touch the heart. This is if you at least somehow push him into the idea that it's time for us to start a family dear, and the guy is not ready he still has no family of his own, I mean he did not get married, and then the children. This means that you are ripe for a family and already want to see your child next to this partner, so do not rush to conclusions, ask and find out directly from your boyfriend for what purpose he is dating you. If he says that he is good with you and everything, then he thinks only about his needs, if you live together for several years and there are no shifts, then he again uses you, but already entrusting you with his housing your care for nm and he is very it is convenient to have a second mom ... And you think about something completely different, that soon, soon he will offer to get married and have a joint child. I’ll tell you so! From the beginning a reliable partner, marriage, and then at least 3 children at a time!

      Why get pregnant if he doesn't want to? Maybe it's better to find a more worthy candidate, or is it worth at least to think about the seriousness of such a relationship? If a man loves, he always wants a child from his beloved woman!

      I suppose the point here is not whether he will stay with you later or not, but in some legal matters, which he is well aware of. If paternity is proven (and it is very easy to prove it. Moreover, if a man refuses examination, he is automatically appointed by the father), the man is obliged to pay alimony, regardless of his own desire / unwillingness to have children. Your current assurances regarding further claims, apparently, do not work on him (and he, along the way, is right). I don't think you should deceive a guy - it is very ugly and mean, and he has his own life and his rights. The only thing that can be done is to make it wanted make you the mother of your children.

      Good advice in this case is a subjective concept.

      Maybe someone will find my advice practical, but you will not like it.

      My husband is 4 years younger than me, he also did not want children, and I was 27 years old. But a couple of times I had a conversation with him that, like, let's at least start to get used to each other hormonal , because nowadays it is not so easy to get pregnant and in one case out of 1000 it turns out the first time. A couple of times hysterical on the topic that I have to go, and if he is not ready yet, then we are not on the way. Of course, this is not the right maneuver, but it turned out like this on emotions. Then she apologized and said that we would wait as God willing. In general, in the end I insisted that we do not use contraception. Pregnancy came only six months later.

      Now he is the best and loving dad in the world at the age of 24. But! I was sure of him. I was sure that he loves me, that he is faithful to me, that, despite his reluctance to have children yet, in any case he will be responsible for me and the baby.

      So weigh the pros and cons well. Are you confident in your man? How serious is he about you? And does he see the future with you?

      If you have any doubts, there is only one piece of advice: leave this person, he is not yours. There is no need to be afraid to break off relations, warming in himself the hope that everything will change, that he will become better and in a month he will want children.

      Your person will meet on the way when you least expect it. The age of 29 is not yet a sentence, this is the time to prepare yourself for the birth of children and the creation of a cozy home. You say it doesn't matter whether he stays with you or not? It sounds a little selfish. Does your future baby deserve to grow up without a father? Believe me, not one even the best and kind stepfather will replace the baby's own father! I myself grew up with my stepfather, we have an excellent relationship and he has never offended me, I love and respect him very much. But this is not dad! He never stroked my head so tenderly before going to bed, as he stroked my brother (he and his mother had a common son), never carried me in his arms and never said how much he loved me.

      And now I will make every effort to ensure that my baby grows up in a complete and happy family with his mother and father!

      find another guy) but in general, if the guy does not want, then he is not yet ripe for the family.

      Getting pregnant is easy if you have sex without protection. The bigger, the better. If a guy controls the process, that is, always with a condom, complain about chafing and fear that the condom will remain inside and tell him that you are taking birth control pills. naturally, do not drink them. Only this is what pregnancy, which the guy does not want, can lead to, to talk for a long time, but the bottom line is one thing, you can easily remain a single mother, who will not be remembered or will be remembered with hatred.

      You want to get pregnant, so to speak, for yourself. But the child will require a lot of mental, physical and material costs from you. I know what I'm talking about, since my baby is now 8 months old.

      Pregnancy is different for everyone, and it can be extremely difficult. You may need help and support even before your baby is born. And counting on this on the part of a man who is made a father by cunning is not necessary.

      And then, a baby will be born, and after a few years he will ask where is my dad? Children are very sensitive to the absence of one of the parents. What will you answer him?

      Now you have set a goal and it seems to you that you will deal with all the problems later. But they will overtake you immediately upon reaching it. It is better when children are desired by both parents.

      Get pregnant if a man does not want but want a child with this man is difficult, but solvable. In any case, I would advise you to have a serious explanation with him. Be sure to say that it's high time for you and you don't want to wait any longer. Whether he wants or does not want a child, these are his problems. Put the question squarely, or it makes you a baby, or knocks down on any of the four sides. Nowadays, if you have grandmothers, and even more so if you have a good salary, you can hire a nanny, it is not so difficult to raise a child than in the post-war period, but they did raise it. After all, a child is such happiness, this is a new life and the most dear person. And even if your man does not want to understand you, for a woman, if she is young and healthy, there is no problem to have a child, there would be a great desire and courage. And my advice is not to create the conditions for pregnancy as if by accident, this can push your man away, act honestly, not all men forgive deception.

      Why do you need it? Pregnancy and childbirth should be a mutual decision! Making him a father without his knowledge is not right! How will your life and his life turn after all this, and most importantly, how will the child's life turn? Maybe he will grow up without a father or with a dad coming ... or maybe he will not have enough attention and care of a dad who is not yet ripe to become a father? He may not have enough toys, activities, diapers, food, which parents who have failed in life simply cannot afford to financially! Everything in good time! This is a very important step and you also need to prepare responsibly for it! Don't ruin anyone's life! Don't look for these ways!

      It cannot be a normal phenomenon either at the age of 29 or at any other age to lead to pregnancy against the will of someone who is actually forced to be a father as a result of deception. In fact, you want to deceive a man who does not want to be a father and impose paternity on him for the sake of only yourself and your desire. And then wake up hang up to his debts still debts and glue the stigma Oh, what a freak man, he does not support his own child, he does not feed him, he does not help me. now we can say that No, I don’t need anything, I just want to become a mother, and as a child to be born, very rarely who does not want to kick the ex. I've seen enough of the lawsuits.

      But if you are so indifferent and you are quite capable of abusing trust and cheating for the sake of your personal pleasing, then getting pregnant is not difficult for a woman. Choose a time when a man's vigilance will not be high and do it physically so that the likelihood of getting pregnant increases. Already with such a method of protection as PPA, it is not difficult for a woman, he will not fight with you in the process, and he will not have time. But men who categorically do not want to be a father do not use such a method as PAP, since it is dubious and not guaranteed in itself. And if a man counts on PPA as an option that guarantees the prevention of pregnancy, then he is either stupid or naively relies on a woman and pregnancy for him as Russian roulette;.

      But all the same, of course, it jars from such a desire of women to give birth to children from men who obviously do not want these children, despite the fact that there are enough men who, if not husbands, then fathers, are ready and want to be, and this is not important for the mother in the first place, but for a child, since a mother can find a man at any time as much as she wants, but a father is not so easy for a child.

      I do not want to convince you that this is good or bad. I will answer specifically on the essence of the question. Let me, of course, be told that my advice is very shameless or selfish, but this is such a thing that either pan or disappeared.

      I am certainly not an expert in this matter, but it seems to me that the simplest and most effective way to get pregnant without a man's knowledge is:

      Tell him that you have started using birth control and that he may not be worried about getting pregnant. Well, of course you don't drink them. And when you do get pregnant, then say that it turns out that you are not the first to get with this particular manufacturer and become pregnant by accident.

    The topic of pregnancy is perhaps the most popular on the Internet. The worldwide network will tell you the date of ovulation, planning the sex of the child, useful advice for pregnant women and much more.

    How to get pregnant if the husband does not want a child? Many people are also looking for an answer to this question. A girl's maternal instinct manifests itself before the guy is ready to become a dad. Lately, women's magazines have been talking about child-free men. This is the type who does not accept children, does not like and does not want to have them.

    The topic of children should be raised even before the wedding. A guy and a girl are obliged to discuss their future family life and planning for the child, so that later they do not resort to tricks and the help of a psychologist.

    Five Dishonest Ways to Get Pregnant

    So, no way out of the situation has been found. The man considers the baby superfluous. Better together and no problems, diapers, diapers, sleepless nights. At this moment, a woman is ready for a lot. Throughout history, women have resorted to various tricks to get pregnant when their husbands are against.

    Trick number 1

    If a couple uses different methods of contraception, except for PPA (interrupted intercourse) and a condom, this is a big plus. Everything is very simple. For several months, you can protect yourself with oral contraception, pills, suppositories. The husband will only be glad.

    It is impossible to get pregnant if the wife is protected, just as when the husband does it. After 2-3 months, the man loses vigilance and you can take a break in protection. A woman can, elementarily, imitate taking pills and candles. The main point is to convince her husband that it is absolutely safe, and that other forms of protection are unacceptable and painful for her.

    If everything is done correctly, you can get pregnant within 3-4 months. No need to start talking about children. It must be remembered that the husband is against and does not want children. When asked how it happened to answer: “it just happened”.

    Trick number 2

    If you are not using, no method of contraception. For example, PPA. You can use the method of one famous Hollywood star. The girl waited until the guy went to the shower after sex, collected the sperm, into a pre-prepared clean syringe and inserted it into the vagina. That is, it fertilized itself. Why not? At the same time, the probability of getting pregnant is quite high.

    Trick number 3

    Condom piercing didn't help much, but it's worth a try. You need to be careful and careful. The hole from the needle in the condom box will be visible in strong light. The light in the room should be dim, or better, if it will not be at all. The husband should not understand that his wife is cheating. Otherwise, trust will disappear, and he will not only be against the baby, but he will not want sex.

    Trick number 4

    Sexual intercourse immediately after your period is a good technique to get pregnant. If the husband is sure that 3-4 days before and after menstruation are "safe days", then you can safely get down to business. After all, even from school, everyone knows that you can't get pregnant during your period. Although gynecologists have already come to the conclusion that fertilization in some women occurs precisely on the "red days".

    Important to remember!!!On critical days, a woman's health weakens and becomes vulnerable. Before having sex, consider whether it is worth doing.

    Trick number 5

    This is the most dishonest and possibly sneaky way to get pregnant, but sometimes the woman has nothing else to do. Years go by, but everyone wants a baby. They say that a husband only gets used to the thought of a child when he already exists. If a man is against and does not want a child in any way, persuasions, threats and other methods do not help, then some women resort to deception. They find a suitable candidate for the role of "dad", with the same rhesus and blood type as their beloved and ... until the end of their lives they experience shame and remorse.

    Attention!!!This method cannot be promoted or recommended.

    "Legal" methods of pregnancy

    Modern psychologists argue that you cannot force a man to do anything. The child should be desired, and if the husband does not want or is not ready, then it is worth talking to him. It may take time to get pregnant and some nudging action.

    Male infantility

    Men of this type usually answer: "Yes, dear, we will have a child, but later ... I am against children until we get on our feet." Such excuses continue for another 5 years.

    Oddly enough, the infantilism of the second half is associated with the inaction of a woman. In fact, the husband is not entirely categorical. If you use women's tricks and tricks, you can achieve your goal in a short time. It is necessary to get rid of the habit of yelling, crying and being offended. The wife's voice should be clear, soft and convincing. You can talk to your husband about your future child. Finding out when he wants children, for example, after 1.5 - 2 years. You need to make an appointment with a gynecologist, and explain to your husband that the key to pregnancy without problems is health.

    By the way, my husband can also go to the doctor. Men are creatures susceptible to suggestion and feminine influence, quickly learn to trust and are carried away by the process. In a year, the husband will subconsciously be ready for children and will perceive everything normally. Especially if you consult with him about planning gender, name and small nuances of conceiving a child. A great option is a joint vacation. The sun, sea, beach and evening sunsets will do the trick.

    The selfishness of a man can be seen with the naked eye. He thinks only for himself. The refusal to have a child is that it is too early to create a social unit. You need to get on your feet, buy a car, housing, make euro repairs and go on a trip around the world.

    Often, such excuses are found by men who stand firmly on their feet, have a prestigious job and good prospects. In fact, everything is trite and simple. The husband does not want to shackle himself with additional obligations and spend his free time on raising a child. He has his own plans: friends, football, a gym and freedom.

    It requires a heart-to-heart talk.

    A great idea is a romantic dinner. During dinner, you can make a list of all the pros and cons. The couple must discuss each thesis, get rid of unnecessary arguments and come to a compromise together. You can discuss planning a pregnancy, going to the doctor together, and new repairs. A man must get used to the idea of \u200b\u200ba future pregnancy. During the renovation, you can make a small redevelopment of the apartment, discuss where the children's room will be, which wallpaper or furniture is better so that dust settles less.

    Living with the thought of the future baby, the husband will be fired up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcompleting the job. If this still does not help, then you can present a list from which all the arguments have been crossed out one by one.

    Perfectionists have dynamic thinking. Usually they say: "I am still against the child, because I want to provide him with a good life so that he does not need anything." The husband wants the child to have a good childhood, lots of toys, a large railway and a prestigious college.

    There are usually two types of men who suffer from perfectionism.

    • The first is those who had a difficult childhood, constant need and lack of parental attention.
    • The second are typical excellent students. They are always doing well and right. We need to wean it from this !!!

    A woman can suggest a joint trip to a cafe and with the words: "let's put off cleaning the house and all things for later" invite him to spend time together. The syndrome of "pedantry and neatness" is treated for the opposite. In a month, the other husband will not mind taking a walk or going to the movies, putting things on the back burner.

    An important point !!!A woman must behave tactfully and accurately. Offer actions in the form of a game. For example: “come on today, let's make a mess and go hang out until morning, then we'll sleep all day”.

    As soon as it becomes noticeable that the husband does not mind, you can proceed to the next stage. It consists in talking about the dangers of late childbirth and pregnancy, about how wonderful it is to have a large family and how to take care of your health, taking care of the future generation. A good husband, who wants everything to be correct, will definitely go to the doctor to personally supervise everything.

    An important nuance is the "casual" trip to the children's store. Why not stop by the mall for a coffee after big shopping at the supermarket. There are a lot of children's stores, whose shelves are bursting with colorful toy boxes, children's clothes and other accessories. Usually people, having got to such a paradise, remember how they wanted an airplane or a radio-controlled car, but, unfortunately, parents did not buy a toy.

    With the birth of a baby, parents seem to plunge into childhood, follow the novelties, take care of the dollhouse or assemble the designer. Any man has his own weaknesses and hidden desires. After such maneuvers, he will definitely say that he wants a child.

    Most often, the initiative to create a family comes from the woman's side. They, as a rule, strive to quickly establish a relationship, pushing the guy to the first step, and immediately lead the gentleman to the registry office in all possible ways, and not always tolerant. More often the initiative to have children comes from a woman. Probably, the maternal instinct is triggered and I want to educate someone. Or the biological clock is ticking, and the fear of not being in time increases. Sometimes there is a sneaky deception: girls become pregnant so that they can be married, putting pressure on the feeling of guilt and responsibility. Whatever it was, we will try to tell you how to get pregnant when a guy does not want, and what such actions are fraught with.

    How to get pregnant if a guy doesn't want

    So, the most common variant of deception, otherwise you cannot name it, is to take protection into your own hands, saying that you are taking birth control pills. The pills themselves must, of course, be purchased and pretended to be heavily used. Naturally, you don't really need to do this, just remember to throw away one pill every time you have to drink them. If everything is in order and both of your bodies are healthy, pregnancy will surely come, perhaps not immediately, but after a few weeks or months, but what will be, will not be avoided. If suddenly there are problems with the body, you will have to go to a doctor's consultation secretly from your beloved.

    How to get pregnant if a guy doesn't want a photo

    If you are planning to get pregnant in order to get married, and you don’t really need the child, then it’s not necessary to get pregnant. You can simply announce your interesting position, even without being in it, and later with bitterness in your voice say that a miscarriage has occurred. Alas, the loss of a child is a very common case, and no one will blame you for this.

    It is very easy to pull off such a scam, moreover, now you can buy anything on the Internet. Even positive pregnancy tests, for more believability. So be sure that your deception is unlikely to be seen by anyone.

    If you dream of getting pregnant for the sake of a child, and your partner is not yet ready for children, do not hesitate - when the baby is born, the situation will not change. People who say that fathers change after the birth of an heir are deeply mistaken. If a person was not ready for sleepless nights, then when they come, no one will be happy about it. Moreover, the child will annoy and strain - your beloved will not make a good father. You will have to change diapers, sterilize bottles and do other things alone. By the way, scandals can arise at home on this occasion, so think about whether you need it or not.

    A man and a woman - they are so different and so different from each other. If a woman, getting married, begins to think about the birth of a child almost immediately, then a man for such a decisive step may take a lot of time to realize the importance of the issue of procreation. He may have a thousand excuses: we are still young, have not achieved success in life, there is no apartment and not enough money. What should a woman do in such a situation, how to get pregnant, if her husband does not want children?

    There may be several answers to the question of how to get pregnant. The simplest one is to come to terms with the unwillingness of the other half and continue to live on, cherishing the dream that someday your beloved will agree. You can try by persuasion and requests to make your husband decide to have a baby. If this method does not help, but the woman is sure that the man really loves her, it is worth experiencing blackmail on his feelings and threatening to break off the relationship. When pleas and threats do not help, then you have to leave and find a person who himself wants to have a child.

    But what to do when a woman cannot find the strength to leave, and the thought of a child does not leave. In this case, you can resort to deception and get pregnant secretly from your husband, hoping that in the future a man will be able to accept and love an unexpected and unplanned baby for him.

    Before deciding to cheat, it is still worth thinking about what to do to get pregnant in an honest way.

    One of the proven methods is psychological attack. Do not be afraid to go to baby shops, look at baby accessories (cribs, clothes, toys, strollers). It is advisable to spend as much time as possible with married couples who already have children. The more interest a woman shows to other people's children, the more confidence a man will have that having a child is really important for the second half. Perhaps soon he himself will start talking about the baby.

    Another important aspect of pressure can be talking about age. It is worth trying to convince your husband that the female age is short, and, having missed the moment today, you can forever lose the chance to ever get pregnant. Sometimes discussing all the benefits of being born can change a husband's mood.

    Cheating or how to get pregnant if the husband does not want

    And now all the methods have been tried, but the beloved did not agree. There is no choice but to resort to deception. So what's the right way to get pregnant by dishonest means? There are several ways: refuse to take contraceptives, talk about the ectopic spiral, which in fact does not exist, pierce a condom, collect semen in a syringe and insert it into the vagina, use "safe days", etc.

    Deception options, how to get pregnant, if the husband does not want enough. Only the question arises, how a seemingly small lie can be reflected in the future on Will it become and will not entail many problems and scandals, will the husband be able to forgive, and will it not leave the life of his beloved forever? The choice is up to the woman!

    On the Internet, women are vividly discussing the question of how to get pregnant without the consent of her husband. Someone opposes such an idea, while someone gives valuable advice and suggests the most unexpected solutions to this problem.

    The reasons why a woman decides to conceive a child without the knowledge of her husband can be very different.

    • One of them is age. “I am already 25 years old and it’s high time to give birth, but my husband still finds some excuses,” some say.
    • Others already have children and a happy family, but they lack one more child for complete satisfaction. In such cases, women may try to conceive by deception. Is this good or bad?

    Should you scam your pregnancy?

    Each woman will answer this question in her own way. Much of the answer will depend on the upbringing received in childhood.

    Sometimes a woman decides to take such a step in order to keep her beloved man, since it is customary to marry after the news of the imminent appearance of a child. The concept of a happy family life will also influence the decision.

    Some people seriously believe that the key to family happiness lies in raising children, with or without a husband. Against this concept of family happiness, they say situations when a husband, who was not informed that he will soon become a dad, angrily demands to have an abortion or ceases to trust his wife and respect her. Having kept the marriage in such a situation, many spouses were never able to become happy. And when the children grew up, the family could completely cease to exist. When a woman decides to conceive a child without the knowledge of her husband, it jeopardizes family happiness.

    Sometimes a man acts more prosaically - he leaves the family altogether. He treats a child conceived without his knowledge as a stranger. In this case, the husband acts only as a sperm donor.

    Having gone to certain tricks, a woman manages to get pregnant, despite the danger of losing her beloved man. Should you take this step if you have a strong desire to have a child? Each family is different. Assuming what will be the reaction of the husband and choosing the best method of "tricky pregnancy", a woman can take risks.

    How to conceive a child by cheating?

    There are many ways how you can get pregnant without your husband's knowledge. Many of them are on the verge of absurdity, some are beyond. Thanks to them, some families have become happy raising their beloved children. Let's look at some of the tricks.

    • Take advantage of the situation... If the only reason why you and your husband do not have children is a condom, then some decide to seduce the future dad in a situation where there is no way to protect themselves. Some women threw away all condoms that were at home or persuaded men to have sex in places where they simply could not be, such as on an airplane, in a car, or at someone's home. Many women who succeeded in such a "cunning" trick took advantage of the help of light alcoholic intoxication, which dulls the man's vigilance. It is worth remembering that such attempts should be made during ovulation, so that everything is “for sure”.
    • Stop taking oral contraceptives... If, in the first case, pregnancy without the knowledge of the husband will be just a surprise for him, then this method of conception can be called to some extent "fraudulent." A man trusts a woman when she cares about contraception. In case of pregnancy, a man may lose such confidence in his wife. For some, this fact does not bother in any way. A woman can replace OK with ordinary vitamins and drink them in the presence of a man for persuasiveness.
    • Spoil condoms... It will be quite difficult to do this so that the husband does not notice. Nevertheless, practice shows that such a method of getting pregnant without the knowledge of the husband can be crowned with success. The women poked condoms with a needle or used other means to spoil them. Such a method may remain unsolved. A common practice, when a couple was not going to have children, relying on the strength of the condom, turned out to be parents due to an unscrupulous manufacturer. Well, an artificial marriage can be disguised as a factory one.

    Controversial Conception Methods

    • use a syringe or spoon.After intercourse, you can collect sperm from the used condom or from the abdomen with a syringe or spoon, while the husband is in the shower, and send it "where it is necessary". After such an operation, you need to lie down a little, lifting your legs up. This action can be called “criminal”, since the husband will definitely understand that the child was intentionally conceived without his knowledge. Many are not scared at all and they deliberately go for such a trick.
    • get pregnant from another man... On the scale of "criminality", this method of getting pregnant without the knowledge of the husband can be called the most dangerous and risky. For most women, this method is not suitable, no matter how much they want to have children, love for their husband does not allow them to cheat. Desperate women who decide on such a "trick" should choose a lover who is outwardly comparable to her husband, so that with age the child will be more or less like him. Before deciding on such a step, it is worth thinking very carefully.

    These are just some of the methods that allow women to ensure a happy life for themselves by having a child without the consent of their husband. Some are not as shocking as others, and some are completely beyond ethics.

    Real life cases

    What is the outcome of applying the above tips?
    One woman wanted to get pregnant from a man she had been dating for a long time. He was not going to tie himself to her by marriage. He was quite wealthy, and the woman decided to conceive a child by deception, counting on marriage or, at least, substantial alimony. To implement her insidious plan, she just had to stop taking oral contraceptives.

    What was the result? The man did not agree with this scenario and insisted on an abortion. As a result, the relationship came to an end.

    Another case is with a happy ending. The woman met for a long time with a wealthy Italian, who visited her from time to time. Once, after one of these "visits", a woman collected sperm from her abdomen with a syringe and injected it into herself.

    The couple are now happily married, raising their five-year-old son.

    A similar case happened to a woman who became pregnant without the knowledge of her partner with the help of sperm remaining in a condom.

    Now the child is already two years old, and the roommate, who has become a husband, intends to give the baby a brother or sister.

    These cases show that the decision to become pregnant without the knowledge of the husband must be made after weighing the pros and cons. Such an act can cause irreparable harm to family happiness, or it can become a good "impetus" for a man who does not dare to have children for a long time. Before making a decision about pregnancy by deception, you should talk to your husband and try to convince him to do everything by mutual agreement.