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  • Unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation. On the problems of maintaining the unity of the educational space in the Russian Federation

    Unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation.  On the problems of maintaining the unity of the educational space in the Russian Federation

    Vladimir BURMATOV, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education:

    Legal support for the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation is currently normatively enshrined in several articles of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation": Article 3 - the principle of the unity of the educational space, Article 11 - federal state educational standards and federal state requirements. In the spring of 2015, by the decision of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Education, an inter-factional working group to improve legal regulation and the formation of the content of general education to develop recommendations for the implementation of paragraph 5 of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, adopted following the results of the forum "Quality education for the sake of the country" of the All-Russian Popular Front. The working group has formed a list of problems in terms of selecting the content of general education.

    Irina MANUYLOVA, Deputy Chairman of the Education Committee:

    The unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation today has become one of the main principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education. To ensure unity, we need to consider the whole range of such tools, and this, in our opinion, includes a system for forming the content of education, including the Federal State Educational Standard, and exemplary basic educational programs, and educational programs educational organizations. The second component is the means of education and upbringing, including textbooks and teaching aids, the third is a system for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of education, including an intermediate final assessment of students and the development of control and measuring materials. All three components are interconnected, but according to the concept of the law, the fundamental tool for shaping the content of education of the Federal State Educational Standards, which include requirements for the structure of the main educational programs , the ratio of the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in educational relations, to their volume, to the conditions for implementation and the results of mastering the main educational programs. At the same time, the Federal State Educational Standards should ensure both the continuity of the main educational programs, and the variability of their content, and the possibility of creating different programs in terms of complexity and focus, in order to take into account the educational needs and abilities of our students, as well as provide state guarantees for the level of education quality based on uniform requirements for the conditions for implementation and the results of mastering these programs. The law on education quite fully defines the composition of an exemplary educational program, the content of education is determined by educational programs that are independently approved by schools on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account exemplary educational programs, but the use of the content of exemplary basic educational programs in the formation of the school curriculum is not necessary, the law uses the term "taking into account". Thus, in the law itself, in its current version, in my opinion, there is excessive freedom to form an educational program that is mandatory for all schools, which creates a potential threat to the integrity of the country's educational space, and this is precisely where the main danger lies today in its loss. Today, the committee's portfolio already contains two bills that, in fact, have the same concept and a single common goal - to ensure the unity of the country's educational space. The difference between these bills is that they offer different tools to achieve the stated goal, so they are alternative, but nevertheless the goal is the same, but the mechanisms and ways of implementation are different. One of the possible ways was proposed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in his recent order to include the basic content of education in the federal standards of general education, the task of the professional community is to find the most correct algorithm for its formation, while ensuring the unity of the content of the mandatory part of the educational program, but at the same time reasonable variability of this school program, which will take into account the interests of schoolchildren and their parents. At the inter-factional group, which was created in the committee back in January 2015, we repeatedly discussed possible options for including the content of education in the Federal State Educational Standard, we propose to include in the standard not the requirements for results, as it sounds today, but the results of mastering the educational program, in this case the content in the Federal State Educational Standard will be presented in the form of learning outcomes for the entire educational program, there are meta-subject and personal results in the current standards, but today we will pay more attention to subject results, because it is s (the student must learn) and possible (the student will have the opportunity to learn) and are included respectively in the Federal State Educational Standard.
    The content of the mandatory part of the basic general education programs can be presented in the form of didactic units in all subjects studied, this should be included in the exemplary basic educational programs. In the mandatory part of the main general education programs, we propose to indicate the recommended number of hours for mastering a course or subject area, and in the form of an interval - from and to. The freedom and independence required by the school to form its own educational program will be implemented within the variable part of the educational program and should be ensured through the variety of exemplary educational programs that are developed taking into account their levels of focus on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard. Unfortunately, so far, despite the fact that the law has been in force for three years, there is no diversity sample programs not yet, this, in our opinion, is also partly one of the reasons for the difficulty in the practice of school work, because schools have nothing to choose from, they do not have a set of sample programs, so they often have to create a program on their own.
    The model proposed by the working group for the formation of the content of general education, and as a consequence of the content of the educational program of the school, easily allows you to take into account regional, national, and ethno-cultural characteristics; on the basis of such a program, you can easily construct subject-thematic content, select the prevailing types learning activities, to work on the individualization of the educational program, thereby ensuring an in-depth study of individual subjects, taking into account the interests of students as much as possible. Clearly defined results in the standard for each subject that will be included in the mandatory part of the program will guarantee that in all Russian schools, without exception, students will study the same mandatory content.
    It seems to us necessary to fix once again the area of ​​responsibility of the school, to determine what the school has the right to do on its own, because the question of the need and obligation for schools to independently develop their own educational program is quite serious. It is quite obvious that not all schools are ready and not all schools want to do this today, therefore, in our opinion, it would be right to secure the right of schools to use exemplary educational programs without any additional refinement.
    An additional mechanism for ensuring the unity of the educational space can also be the involvement of regional and municipal education authorities in managing the formation of the content of general education due to the fact that they can be empowered to harmonize educational programs developed by schools. Thus, we exclude another contradiction - the contradiction between the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and Law No. 83-FZ, when the school independently approves the program, and the founder approves the municipal task, the state task for the school, and he also finances this school for the implementation of programs.
    The second, and extremely important, component is the means of education and upbringing, which include the textbook, the role of which, by the way, in the educational process is not legally fixed today. Numerous complaints about the unjustifiably large federal list of recommended textbooks became the basis for the preparation of a corresponding bill, despite the fact that over the past period this list has been reduced by almost three times, but the main thing is not even the quantity, the main thing is the quality of these textbooks. The reason, in our opinion, is the imperfection of the very procedure for their examination, because it is impossible to give an objective assessment of textbooks in terms of content, because we correlate the textbook with the standard, there is no content in the standard, and therefore there are no grounds for a negative conclusion either. Today there are no legal grounds for using exemplary educational programs. Unfortunately, the procedure for the formation of textbooks, the requirements for them are not yet reflected in the law, and this is also one of the reasons for the distribution of low-quality textbooks. The representation and possibility of paying for the examination of educational and methodological complexes are highly doubtful and, in my opinion, even corrupt. Today it is proposed to legislate the definition of teaching materials for a separate subject, which is included in the textbook as an integral part, while teaching materials should be part of the textbook. The educational and methodical set should include, in addition to the textbook, teaching aids, workbooks for students and an electronic form of the textbook. Of course, it is necessary to provide the teacher with the opportunity to use other additional teaching aids, such materials as primary sources, anthologies, documents, periodicals, scientific articles.
    The following sequence of development of the compulsory content of general education seems logical: the Federal State Educational Standard, an approximate basic educational program, then work programs in subjects, and, finally, textbooks. It is quite acceptable to talk about basic or basic textbooks, the content of which in compulsory academic subjects must fully comply not only with the content included in the Federal State Educational Standard, but also with the content of the mandatory part of the exemplary educational program. We propose to establish a procedure for the development of textbooks for students with handicapped health, textbooks for in-depth and extended education of compulsory subjects, with the condition that their content will also include the content of basic or basic textbooks. This approach will allow to get rid of unnecessary diversity, while maintaining a single educational space, but at the same time it will provide the variability that will allow each student, depending on the chosen program, to find his most optimal textbook for him.
    Another important issue related to the preservation of a single educational space is about the sources of formation of control and measuring materials for the final certification. The law today determines that KIMs are developed on the basis of the standard, but if there is no content in the standard, then it is impossible to build control and measuring materials, so the proposed scheme, in our opinion, eliminates this gap and allows you to designate the boundaries of the quality of graduate training. Today, the place and role of various subject concepts need to be discussed. Today, there are already concepts of philological and mathematical education, a historical and cultural standard, all of which are designed to regulate the content in the entire legal framework, but the place for the formation of the content of education has not yet been determined, this gap, in our opinion, also needs to be eliminated. Subject concepts must be developed in all subjects or subject areas of the compulsory part of the main educational program.
    Today we are talking about general education, but the norms of the law on education in relation to the Federal State Educational Standards, federal state requirements, exemplary programs and programs of educational organizations apply equally to all levels of education. In case of accepting the developments proposed by the working group, it is necessary to understand that there must be at least two legal models for the formation of the content of education: one, respectively, for general education and one more for all other levels. This will require additional elaboration, additional separate analysis.

    Continued in "UG-M" No. 45

    State owned. This function is as follows:

    • building the structure of education;
    • determination of the basic principles of its functioning;
    • choice of direction (prospects) of development.

    The main role in the field of education is played by the principles of state policy. These principles govern the work of all educational institutions and educational authorities in the Russian Federation. Educational programs must necessarily comply with these principles.

    The principles of state policy in the field of education are reflected in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". They consist of the following twelve provisions:

    • priority of education;
    • ensuring the right of every person to education, the absence of discrimination in the field of education;
    • the humanism of education, the priority of human life and health, the consideration of the rights and freedoms of the individual, the possibility of free development of the individual, the education in a person of mutual respect, diligence, patriotism, responsibility, a culture of law, environmental culture, rational use of natural resources;
    • the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of ethnic and cultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;
    • the possibility of integrating the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;
    • secular education in state and municipal organizations engaged in educational activities;
    • freedom of choice in obtaining education, taking into account the inclinations and needs of a person, providing conditions for a person’s self-realization, developing his abilities, including granting the right to choose the forms of education, forms of education, the organization that carries out educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teachers with freedom in choosing forms of education, methods of teaching and education;
    • ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of a person;
    • autonomy of educational organizations, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;
    • democratic nature of education management, ensuring equal rights teachers, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students to participate in the management of educational organizations;
    • lack of restrictions and healthy competition in the field of education;
    • balance of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

    Let's take a closer look at some of these principles.

    The principle of prioritizing education

    The priority of education lies in its very essence. Education should be aimed at educating an independent, capable of independent thinking, a citizen who accepts Active participation in the development of the surrounding society. The educational process should contribute to the cultural development of the individual and, based on equality of opportunity, help a person develop his abilities and form a personal opinion. The purpose of education is to form a person who observes the moral standards accepted in society and is ready to take on social responsibility.

    At the end of the twentieth century, the priority of education was formal in the Russian Federation and was not implemented in practice. Today the situation is changing to a great extent. Underway big job. In particular, state standards for the average and higher education that reflect the latest advances in science. Special attention allocated to the financing of educational institutions, in recent years it has increased markedly. Most schools are equipped with computer classes and Internet access. New schools, universities, technical schools are being built. These are only the first steps in bringing education to priority positions.

    Right to education

    The right to education is enshrined not only in the law "On Education", but also in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to education. In this case, any discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, or language is unacceptable. A person has the right to receive an education regardless of place of residence, religion, beliefs, membership in public organizations, age, state of health, social, official and property status, criminal record.

    The humanism of education

    The humanism of education lies in the recognition of the highest and unconditional value of all participants in the educational process. The main priority of this process is the personality.

    The implementation of the principle of humanistic education cannot do without the following components:

    • person-centered approach to learning;
    • focus on personal growth and self-development of the individual;
    • attitude towards the student as a subject of independent work and creativity;
    • creating an atmosphere of goodwill, trust and mutual respect between the participants in the educational process.

    Unity of educational space

    The main tools for ensuring the unity of the educational space in the Russian Federation are federal state educational standards (FSES) and federal state requirements. Federal State Educational Standards determine the requirements for the structure of basic educational programs, as well as for the conditions for implementation and the results of their development. The standards should ensure the continuity of educational programs and, at the same time, the variability of their content.

    The pitfalls of this provision should be noted. Federal State Educational Standards imply the variability of programs and at the same time do not fix the amount of knowledge that a student needs to learn. Content described in general terms and, although this volume should ensure the possibility of continuing education at the next level, the standards for the next level also lack a clearly defined content. Accordingly, the standard cannot provide a uniform level of knowledge on specific academic disciplines. At the same stage of education can give a completely different level of knowledge. How different? As the educational institution wants or can, as the student wants or can get.

    Secular education in a secular state

    The secularity of education is determined by compliance with the following legal criteria:

    • the inadmissibility of establishing any worldview, including religious, as mandatory in educational institutions;
    • inadmissibility of interference of religious and public associations in the management of any educational institutions;
    • the inadmissibility of transferring to religious and public associations the powers and functions of the administrations of state and municipal educational institutions;
    • ensuring the rights of students and teachers to freedom of conscience and speech;
    • inadmissibility of coercion in the teaching of religion or the study of religious culture, as well as to join any association or stay in it;
    • inadmissibility of holding religious ceremonies in state and municipal educational institutions;
    • the inadmissibility of the orientation of education in state or municipal educational institutions to the professional religious (spiritual) training of religious ministers.

    The principle of secular education is the realization by a person of freedom of conscience, ensuring freedom of choice of worldview and eliminating the threat of discrimination based on religious beliefs.

    State and education

    Public policy is important in various areas of society. But in education it should be especially clear and consistent. The extent to which a thinking, competitive society will be created on the territory of the Russian Federation depends on the competent intervention of the state in this sphere of life and the formation of society.

    Creation of a unified educational space

    The Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation is aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for obtaining quality education, spiritual and moral development and education of students. Along with other areas, ensuring the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation was chosen. The educational space of Russia is understood as the totality of its educational institutions different type public and state organizations interacting with them, as well as ongoing educational and educational processes. Together they create a space for the socialization of a person, turning him into a person, provide a certain level of education, intelligence and culture of society, interpersonal, political, economic, social, military, ethical and all other relations.

    A single educational space, according to E.A. Yamburg, is the “space” of the region. Its structure includes a medical and psychological service for diagnosing children; service of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of "problem" children; service of work with gifted children; service of cultural and informational relations and communication, etc. All this contributes to the cause of education, training and development. The creation of such a space requires a change in goal-setting, the content of education, teaching and upbringing methods, styles of relationships, living conditions, and the management system.

    In the context of the diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions, in order to achieve the main result of education - knowledge of the world, effective implementation and development of the educational program by students, individual development for all students, on the basis of mastering universal educational activities, it is necessary to create a single educational space within the framework of one educational institution.

    The requirements of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards assume: "... the active role of all participants in the educational process in the formation of a competent personality; ... ensuring the transition in education ... from simple relaying of knowledge to the development of students' creative abilities, revealing their capabilities" and provide for the preparation and implementation of "... programs for the development of universal learning activities for students."

    The task of developing a creative personality in the process of education and training is one of the significant tasks of modern Russian society. This is also stated in the law "On Education"

    The problem arises of creating favorable conditions in a single educational space of the school, which contributes to the manifestation of the natural inclinations of the student and their development into general or special abilities.

    Educational space is a world of activity and a world of ideas, imagination, cultural meanings and signs. It contains a lot of ideas, concepts, scientific knowledge and human values, experiences, emotions. A person “plunges” into this world, makes his personal choice.

    The space in an educational institution, adapted to solve educational problems, exists within the pedagogical reality, thanks to specially organized activities created by adults with the help of children, it serves the cause of children's development. An active educational space is remarkable in that it provides each child with the opportunity to choose various types of activities (educational, artistic, sports, profiled, etc.), including students in them through dialogue and self-realization on the principles of mutual enrichment, mutual respect, cooperation of teachers, students, parents and administration, i.e. positive experience of joint activities of children and adults

    Turning real environment into a single educational space is possible only in a purposeful way. The main feature of a single educational space is that the educational and upbringing processes are interconnected.

    The task of the teacher is to make the most of the educational opportunities of the unified educational environment and space where the educational institution operates; connect knowledge with the interests of the individual; help the child take an active position in the team and fill the educational process with personal, emotionally colored events; give a socially useful orientation to his individual hobbies, abilities and needs; organize joint activities of children and adults; cause positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior, activities.

    On the other hand, the task of the teacher, psychologist and parent is to create a space that would allow this student to experience the situation of success in the chosen type of activity. Here, emotional positive acceptance of any result and the task performed by the child is very important. Thus, we can talk about the space of success for the child.

    The personality of the student and teacher is central to the educational space. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the creative potential is inherent in every person, it must be developed, formed in order to get a comprehensively developed personality. The rich, varied structure of the space provides a high probability of realizing the child's subjective position. The converse statement is also true: the student's subjective position creates the conditions for his self-realization. The child, being the subject of space, structures it himself, thereby creating a space for himself.

    Work to improve the creative experience of students is carried out in a single educational space school, which builds educational and educational activities in the following areas:

      Educational activities(lessons, special courses, elective courses, electives);

      Extracurricular activities (a system of additional art education, as well as circles, studios, sports sections according to personal interests and abilities);

      Interaction between family and school;

      Cooperation between schools and cultural and educational institutions;

      Improving the qualifications of school teachers and additional education.

    The educational process is a single pedagogical system, where its three components are interconnected: training-education-development. When planning their system, aimed at obtaining a competent subject of education of the 1st level, the teacher primary school it is important to implement one of the main provisions “there are no main and negative subjects in primary education. Every item matters general development child." At the same time, subjects must be studied in interconnection, focusing on the educational and general educational skills of students.

    The school is a space of trials through which self-development, self-realization, socialization of the student takes place. The school with its culture, traditions, system of values ​​and attitudes becomes a factor in improving the creative experience of students and at the same time reflects the existing norms and values. The school has the following tasks:

      To create a comfortable educational environment for the disclosure of the creative potential of students, to ensure the development, self-development, self-realization of students through health-saving technologies of education and upbringing, cooperation between students and teachers in various types activities;

      To form a professional environment conducive to the successful work of teachers;

      To educate a person of the new millennium: self-sufficient, self-developing, able to adapt and live in modern society.

    Many educators put forward requirements for modern lesson. The emphasis is on the developmental nature, so the lesson must be enriched with new information and communication technologies.

    The formation of educational and general educational skills, ensuring the individual needs of students is facilitated by an increase in teaching hours, the introduction of interest courses and extracurricular activities in various areas.

    Along with classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular and out-of-school work, additional education of children is also developing in a single educational space. Gives a positive effect Team work schools with educational institutions of additional education for children, as a result of which programs of work with gifted children and children with disabilities are implemented.

    modern society a person capable of self-improvement and self-development is needed; therefore, it is necessary to apply various, unusual teaching methods that ensure the formation of educational and general educational skills of students, the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, the enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity, as suggested by the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Draft federal law

    "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    Article 11. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements.

    1. Federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as GEFs - V. S.) and federal state requirements ... are the basis for an objective assessment of the quality of education of persons who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and focus, regardless of the form of education.

    2. Federal State Educational Standards and federal state requirements, as well as educational standards established by universities, provide:

    1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

    2) continuity of the main educational programs;

    3) the variability of the content of educational programs of the corresponding level of education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students;

    4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs.

    3. Federal State Educational Standards are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities.

    4. GEFs include requirements for:

    1) the structure of the main educational programs, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume;

    2) conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;

    3) the results of mastering the main educational programs.

    Federal State Educational Standards establish terms for obtaining general and vocational education.

    5. In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, special requirements are included in the Federal State Educational Standards and (or) special federal state educational standards are established.

    6. Federal State Educational Standards are developed according to levels of education, Federal State Educational Standards for vocational education - according to professions, areas of training and specialties of the corresponding levels of vocational education 97 .





    Standard, standardization is the establishment and observance of certain norms in any type of activity and in the results created in the process of activity.

    Rationing in education has always existed in the form of national traditions associated with ideas about ideals, common goals, content and forms of education and upbringing, as well as in the form of legislative acts, normative documents, curricula, programs, textbooks.

    For the first time, the text of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation includes a provision that the state establishes the Federal State Educational Standards and supports various forms of education and self-education (Article 43).

    The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" reveals the content and essence of the state standard. The standard normalizes (defines) the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum volume of the study load of students, the requirements for the level of graduates' training.

    GEFs are designed, therefore, to provide a guaranteed minimum of mandatory training for each student, regardless of which educational institution of a given level and profile he receives education. Federal State Educational Standards ensure the unity of educational requirements for the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities, and, consequently, the unity of the educational space of the country; they are designed to protect students from overload (determines the maximum allowable load), provide a single objective assessment of the success of educational activities and the work of educational institutions, and ultimately guarantee the quality of education.

    For all its positive qualities, the educational standard also carries certain dangers associated with the possibility of returning to a unified, strictly regulated school, with the risk of turning the standard into a template, into a way of suppressing the individuality of the child and the creativity of the teacher. V. S. Lednev is right when he wrote that such standards are needed that would consolidate democratic principles in education, protect the interests of the child and the creativity of the teacher, and at the same time preserve the level of education necessary for society, the unity of the educational space of the country.

    Of course, one should not standardize the pedagogical process itself, regulate its variability, creative diversity. The standard is a means of ensuring the minimum required quality of education and its unity in the educational space of the Federation, a condition for the variability of education without destroying its foundations. Hence the requirement for the flexibility of standards, the variability of their use. A school, any educational institution should have sufficient "variable space" for planning, for operational maneuver, to take into account the real situation. At the same time, the priority of humanistic values, the preservation of the moral, mental and physical health of a schoolchild or student 98 must be observed.



    L. P. Krivshenko, M. E. Weindorf-Sysoeva, and others.

    In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, education standards (or educational standards) have been introduced in our country. The concept of "standard" comes from the English word "standard", meaning a sample, norm, measure. The standard of education is a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal.

    The main objects of standardization in education are: its structure, content, the volume of the teaching load and the level of training of students. The norms and requirements established by the standard are accepted as a standard in assessing the quality of education.

    The need for standardization of education is caused by fundamental changes in the field of education as a social phenomenon. Russia's turn to democracy, to market relations, to the rights and freedoms of the individual required a rethinking of education policy. The sphere of education is now focused primarily on meeting the spiritual needs of the individual, and not on the interests of the state. This, in turn, led to significant changes in the organization of education. Educational institutions have acquired greater independence in the choice of content, forms and methods of education.

    The standardization of education is also related to the fact that the transition of schools to new, freer forms of organization of the educational process, the change in the status of many schools, the introduction of new curricula, a freer choice by schools of subjects and volumes of study of the latter, the introduction of alternative textbooks, the creation of new teaching technologies, multi-level and differentiated education - all this required concern for maintaining the basic unity of the educational space, which makes it possible to ensure a single level of education received by students in different types of general educational institutions. The standard is the mechanism that ensures the existence of a single educational space in the country.

    The standardization of education is also caused by the desire of Russia to enter the system of world culture, which requires that in the formation of general education, the achievements in this area of ​​international educational practice be taken into account. This provides Russian citizens with the recognition of their education documents abroad.

    The idea of ​​standardizing education in Russia is not new. It existed even in Soviet times. Although in the USSR, as a rule, the concept of a state educational standard was not used, its role was actually performed by unified curricula 99 .





    The education standard is the main normative document that carries the interpretation of a certain part of the Law "On Education". It develops and concretizes such characteristics of education as the content, level and form of presentation, indicates the methods and ways of measuring and interpreting learning outcomes. An important indicator of the education system is the degree of democracy of its standard, which is characterized by the ratio of the share of education, centrally normalized by the authorities, with the share of education, independently determined by educational institutions.

    The Law on Education provides that government bodies authorities only standardize the minimum required level of education. Determining the content of education in excess of this norm is within the competence of the regions and educational institutions. That is why the state standard of general secondary education distinguishes three levels: federal, national-regional and school.

    The federal level determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space in Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

    The national-regional level contains standards in the field of the native language and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They fall within the competence of the regions and educational institutions.

    The school level is determined by the educational institution. However, the standard indicates the scope of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and focus of a particular educational institution.

    The federal and national-regional levels of the education standard include:

    requirements for the minimum necessary such training for students within the specified scope of content;

    the maximum allowable amount of teaching load for schoolchildren by year of study.

    The determination of the minimum requirements for the general education of students opens up opportunities for resolving the contradiction between the rights and obligations of the student: the student is obliged to fulfill state requirements for the level of general education and has the right, if there is a corresponding desire, to move further in mastering the content of education.

    The right to limit the study of a difficult or unloved subject to minimum requirements frees the student from an unbearable academic load and allows him to realize his interests and inclinations. The standard enables the student to consciously choose an individual trajectory of his learning and development, which to a large extent relieves the unjustified emotional and psychological stress of students, allows everyone to study at the highest possible level, forms positive learning motives and creates conditions for the full development of the student.

    The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard contributes to ensuring the unity of the educational space in the context of a variety of types of schools, national and regional models of education; the formation of students' positive motivation for learning due to the increase in the availability of educational material, the normalization of the teaching load, knowledge of the requirements for the level of education and the criteria for its assessment; the transition to the assessment of the results of the work of the teacher on the basis of the correspondence of the educational achievements of students to the standard of education; guaranteed allocation in the curriculum of time for classes of the choice of students in accordance with their abilities, interests and inclinations.

    Based on the education standard, working curricula 100 can be developed.

    "History of the Day of National Unity" - The townspeople played the main role in it. Association regardless of strata, nationality, religion. In 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected a new tsar, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. From the history of troubled times. Tarutino. It was the militia that decided the fate of the Russian state. People's militia in 1941.

    "Exploration of outer space" - The launch is scheduled for the coming years. NASA specialists have begun preparing an unprecedented expedition - a flight to the Sun. LEONOV Alexey Arkhipovich - the first pilot-cosmonaut who went into outer space. E.K. Tsiolkovsky. In 1 hour 48 minutes, Yuri Gagarin circled Earth and landed safely.

    "Angle between lines in space" - Decision. In the cube A…D1 find the angle between the lines: AB1 and CD1. In the cube A…D1 find the angle between the lines: AB1 and BC1. Angle between lines in space. In the cube A…D1 find the angle between the lines: AA1 and BC1. In the cube A…D1 find the angle between the lines: AA1 and BC. In the cube A…D1 find the angle between the lines: AA1 and BD1. In the cube A…D1 find the angle between the lines: AB1 and BD1.

    "Coordinate system in space" - The work of M. Escher reflects the idea of ​​introducing a rectangular coordinate system in space. V. Bryusov. Rectangular coordinate system in space. Ox is the abscissa axis, Oy is the ordinate axis, Oz is the applicate axis. Listen to sonata spheres with Pythagoras, Atoms count for a long time, like Democritus. The Cartesian coordinate system is not the only one.

    "Parallelism in space" - Table of contents. 2. Consequence. Parallelism of three lines. A line and a plane have only one point. Segments of parallel lines enclosed between parallel planes are equal. Three cases of mutual arrangement of a straight line and a plane in space are possible: A straight line lies in a plane. Parallelism of a line and a plane.