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  • The main types of a modern lesson in chemistry. Methodological features of conducting chemistry lessons

    The main types of a modern lesson in chemistry.  Methodological features of conducting chemistry lessons

    Modern chemistry lesson: requirements, problems, directions of improvement Elena Adamovna Segen methodologist of management of educational and methodological work The concept of the academic subject "Chemistry" System-structural approach Integrative approach Competence-based approach Culturological approach Personal-activity approach The goals of the subject "Chemistry" Formation of systemic chemical knowledge Formation and development of the subject -special and key competencies Boden and Marton: "If you have no idea what situations your students may face in the future, teach them what they can apply in any situation." Key competencies Key competencies are the most general (universal) abilities and skills that allow a person to understand the situation and achieve results in personal and professional life in the context of the increasing dynamism of modern society. Key competencies - a set of a successful person Learning to think Solve problems Search for information Be able to navigate Cooperate Get down to business Adapt Communicate Lesson A lesson is a logically complete, holistic, limited segment of the educational process, in which educational work is carried out with a constant composition of students of approximately the same age . A lesson is a dynamic variable form of organizing the process of purposeful interaction (activity and communication) between a teacher and students (permanent staff), including content, forms, methods and means of teaching and systematically used to solve the problems of education, upbringing and development of the student in the learning process. Motivation (from lat. "movere") - an incentive to act; a dynamic process of a physiological and psychological plan that controls human behavior, determines its direction, organization, activity and stability. Conditions for the educational motivation of a modern student 1. Providing freedom of choice 2. The maximum possible removal of external control 3. Learning objectives come from the needs and interests of the student 4. The lesson is interesting from beginning to end 5. Creating an atmosphere of cooperation MAIN COMPONENTS OF A MODERN LESSON: 1. Organizational - the organization of the class throughout the lesson, the readiness of students for the lesson, order and discipline. 2. Target - setting learning goals for students, both for the entire lesson and for its individual stages. MAIN COMPONENTS OF A MODERN LESSON: 3. Motivational - determining the significance of the material being studied both in this topic and in the entire course. 4. Communicative - the level of communication between the teacher and the class and children among themselves MAIN COMPONENTS OF A MODERN LESSON: 5. Content - the selection of material for study, consolidation, repetition, independent work, etc. 6. Technological - the choice of forms, methods and teaching methods that are optimal for a given type of lesson, for a given topic, for a given class, etc. MAIN COMPONENTS OF A MODERN LESSON: 7. Control and evaluation - the use of evaluation of the student's activities in the lesson to stimulate his activity and develop cognitive interest. 8. Analytical - summing up the results of the lesson, analyzing the activities of students in the lesson, analyzing the results of their own activities in organizing the lesson. Modern lesson 1. Designing active interaction between a student and a teacher 2. Structure of a lesson 3. Health of students 4. Personality of a modern teacher Lesson as a system Purpose of SPS Content Teacher Students Result Who does not clearly see the goal - is very surprised when he comes to the wrong place ... Teaching purpose of the lesson: Possession students with the following skills: be able to apply theoretical knowledge (concepts, laws and theories of chemistry), draw up chemical formulas and equations, carry out calculations using formulas and equations, be able to conduct a chemical experiment in strict accordance with safety rules Educational tasks form the worldview of students, their system of views and beliefs. To teach and educate is like a zipper on a jacket: both sides are tightened simultaneously and firmly by the unhurried movement of the lock - creative thought. This idea is the main thing in the lesson. The developing goal of the modern lesson To set a goal in the lesson, formulating it as follows: to teach children to think, it means never to achieve it. The ability to think consists of students mastering the ability to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare, systematize, prove, explain, pose and solve problems. Pedagogical tasks of the modern lesson: 1. Informational: What will we teach and what will we learn? 2. Operational: How and in what way will we learn? 3. Motivational: Why do we need this? 4. Communicative: With whom and where? Rules for every day: I am not a source of knowledge in the lesson - I am the organizer of the lesson and the assistant to the children. The child should know why he needs it? the goals of the lesson must be formulated in the lesson together with the children, and these goals should be in the sphere of interests of the child; Rules for every day: No monologues in class! Only dialogue, alive, in which everyone participates. Almost at every lesson there is work in groups: pairs, fours, large groups. We learn to communicate, argue, defend our opinion, ask for help or offer it. The most important thing is the emotional mood of the teacher Classification of lessons According to the main didactic goal According to the form of conducting The main types of lessons according to the form of conducting lesson-lecture; lesson-seminar; lesson-test; practical lesson; lesson-excursion; lesson-discussion; The main types of lessons in the form of a lesson-consultation; integrated lesson; theatrical lesson; lesson-competition; lesson with didactic game; lesson - business game; lesson - role-playing game; The main types of lessons for the didactic purpose Combined lesson Lesson for studying new material Lesson for consolidating and applying ZUN Lesson for repetition and generalization Control lesson Requirements for a modern lesson Structure: interpenetration of lesson stages, a decrease in the proportion of combined lessons; Purpose: diagnostic goal-setting, preservation of the triune goal of the lesson (ZUN, key competencies, values); Content: highlighting the most significant (main) material and its repeated study (learning material in the lesson); Teaching aids: a minimum educational complex Requirements for a modern lesson Teaching methods: an optimal combination of different groups of methods (with a predominance of problem-based and research teaching methods); Forms: IR, PR, GR, KR DZ: optimal, based on the principles of individualization and differentiation. Compliance with psychological and hygienic requirements The structure of the lesson is understood as the logical mutual arrangement and connection of its elements, ensuring the integrity of the lesson. The allocation of the stages of the lesson is based on the logic of the process of mastering knowledge: perception - comprehension - memorization - application - generalization - reflection A set of stages of the lesson that form its structure stage of studying new knowledge and methods of activity 5. stage of primary verification of understanding of what has been studied A set of stages of a training session that form its structure 6. stage of consolidating what has been learned 7. stage of applying what has been learned 8. stage of generalization and systematization 9. stage of control and self-control 10. stage of correction 11. stage of information about homework 12. stage of summing up the lesson 13. stage of reflection Student health Firstly, it is rational to organize a lesson, which involves physical education minutes at 20 and 35 minutes of the lesson, emotional discharge, a change in the types of teaching and activities of students. Game warm-ups can become minutes of rest. Health of students Secondly, the main thing that allows you to maintain mental health is a moral atmosphere, which is determined by the teacher. An atmosphere of friendliness, respect is what keeps our health and the health of our children Health of students Thirdly, do not be lazy and do not miss the opportunity to connect the topic of your lesson with the problems of maintaining health: physical, mental, social Fourthly, the teacher must be healthy himself . A sick teacher will not teach children to take care of their health. The personality of a modern teacher In order to successfully perform the professional work of a teacher, a person must have certain personal qualities, the basis of which is interest (positively colored emotional attitude) to life, interest in a person, interest in culture. For the lesson to be successful, it is necessary: ​​Formation of subject competence Development of cognitive activity Formation of information culture Development of thinking Development of creative abilities Formation of communicative competence Creation of a comfortable environment Change of activities Be proud that you are a teacher! And enjoy the ability to be the best!!!

    Lesson- this is systematically applied (within certain time limits) to solve didactic tasks - education, upbringing and development of students united in a class team - the main organizational form of education that ensures the implementation in a single process of content, means, forms and methods of education.

    The most important features (characteristics) of the lesson are the following:

    • systematic, constancy of application of this organizational form;
    • this is a form of education that is mandatory for all students (as opposed to electives, circles);
    • the constancy of the composition of the students of the class throughout the study of the subject; the established duration of the lesson (40-45 minutes), the permanent place of the lesson (the chemistry room); each lesson is included in the curriculum;
    • students of the class are engaged in a single curriculum and it is the lesson that ensures the systematic assimilation of program knowledge and skills by all students; achievement of complex learning goals.

    The didactic components of the lesson, as well as the entire learning process, are: goals; content; methods and means of teaching; organization of educational activities of teachers and students; final results.

    Requirements for the didactic components of the lesson.

    So, the purpose of the lesson is the most important component. Without a goal, there is no management; without a goal, there is no result.

    The objectives of the lesson should be in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum, with the characteristics of the educational material, i.e. the teacher does not come up with goals, but selects and formulates them on the basis of the program. Objectives should be focused on the characteristics of a particular class and individual students. The purpose of the lesson should reflect both cognitive, and developing, and educational aspects, i.e. be triune and concretized in tasks. The purpose of the lesson should be real, specific, too broad and vague formulations should be excluded, for example, “implement environmental, moral education" etc.; the goal must be formulated diagnostically, i.e., so that the degree of its achievement can be determined.

    Designing goals for chemistry lessons

    Lesson Objectives




    - Ensure absorption

    (consolidation, generalization ...)

    concepts (laws, facts…);

    - create (continue)

    shaping, applying...)

    subject skills:

    carry out chemical

    experiment (to solve problems)

    – Continue the formation of worldviews


    - promote labor




    - Develop techniques

    thinking: analysis



    - develop emotions

    (motives, will...)

    The next didactic component of the lesson is its content. It is determined by the goals, requirements of the curriculum. When selecting the content of the lesson, didactic principles are taken into account: scientific character, accessibility, establishment of intra- and inter-subject communications. It is important to ensure consideration of the polytechnical aspects of the educational material, to use the possibilities of an eco-friendly approach. The content of the lesson should contribute to the implementation of not only educational, but also educating, developing learning functions.

    With the objectives of the lesson, its content are closely related teaching methods. Here are the most important points when planning and applying teaching methods:

    • taking into account the requirements of the program, the objectives of the lesson, the learning opportunities of students, the profile of the class;
    • compliance with didactic principles;
    • reflection of the teaching, developing, educating function;
    • a combination of reproductive and productive teaching methods, with an increase in the share of the latter, if possible;
    • a combination of verbal, visual, practical teaching methods;
    • realization of opportunities specific methods(chemical experiment, solution of chemical problems);
    • effective application independent work of students;
    • rational use of various teaching aids.

    front shape- this is such a form in which the teacher sets a common goal and gives tasks of the same volume and complexity to all students at the same time, limiting their work in time, and monitors the progress and order of work.

    group form- this is such a form in which the teacher sets a common goal and defines private goals for groups of students temporarily created in the class, offering them different or identical tasks for joint intragroup work, limiting their work in time, and monitors the progress and order of work.

    The individual form of work involves the activities of students without contact with other students.

    An individualized form is a form in which the teacher gives each student a class that is different in nature, volume, complexity or time to complete the task, taking into account the learning abilities of students.

    Lesson structure represents a set of stages with their didactic components. One of the most important requirements for the structure of the lesson is the integrity of the lesson, the interconnection of the stages.

    Allocate the following stages educational process:

    • introductory part: preparing students for the perception of new knowledge and skills;
    • main part:
    • students' perception of new material;
    • generalization and formation of concepts and laws;
    • improving knowledge and skills, consolidating them in the process of exercises;
    • application of knowledge and skills;
    • analysis of students' achievements, testing the assimilation of knowledge and skills;
    • the final part of the lesson: summing up the lesson; without this stage, the logical incompleteness of the lesson is felt.

    Among the variety of lessons, several types can be distinguished, characterized by common and essential features. There are several lesson classification systems.

    1. Based on the leading didactic goal:

    • mastering new knowledge and skills (learning new material);
    • improvement and application of knowledge and skills;
    • generalization and systematization of knowledge;
    • control and accounting lessons;
    • combined lessons.

    2. Based on the method of conducting lessons, the prevailing methods are:

    • lessons-lectures;
    • seminars;
    • lessons with the organization of independent work of students;
    • offsets, etc.
    Read also:
    1. I. Purpose, classification, device and principle of operation of the machine.
    2. Acts of official interpretation of legal norms: concept, signs, classification.
    3. Acts of applying the rules of law: concept, classification, effectiveness of action. The ratio of normative-legal and law enforcement acts.
    4. Aluminum. Classification of aluminum-based alloys, marking
    5. Anomalies in the development of organs and systems. Classification of developmental anomalies.
    6. arteries. Morpho-functional characteristic. Classification, development, structure, function of arteries. Relationship between arterial structure and hemodynamic conditions. Age changes.
    7. Berg S. Classical qigong for women. Complete course in 10 lessons. - St. Petersburg. : Vector, 2014. - 160 p. – (Health at 100)
    8. Types of psychological assistance: definition, structure. Psychologist training. Personal qualities of a psychologist

    Organizational forms teaching chemistry in high school.


    1. Lesson is the main organizational form of education. Requirements for a chemistry lesson.

    2. Classification of chemistry lessons. The structure of chemistry lessons of different types.

    3. Preparing the teacher for a chemistry lesson.

    4. Optional classes in chemistry. Study tours in chemistry

    5. Extracurricular work in chemistry.

    Organizational forms of education are specially organized joint activities of the teacher and students, proceeding according to the established order in a certain mode. (G.I. Schukina).

    Organizational forms of education are divided into :

    1) educational : lessons, electives, elective courses, study tours and additional classes;

    2) extracurricular : individual, group (chemical circle) and mass (chemical evenings, KVN, etc.).

    Lesson- This is a systematically applied 45-minute lesson with a constant composition of students with the leading role of a teacher, during which certain educational tasks are solved.

    Requirements for a chemistry lesson. (according to R.G. Ivanova)

    1) focus on achieving specific goals of training, education, development of students (implementation of the principles of didactics);

    2) scientific content: theoretically and methodologically correct disclosure of the basic theories, laws, concepts, facts of chemistry indicated in the school curriculum;

    3) using all the possibilities of the content and teaching methods to develop students' interest in learning, logical thinking, and creative abilities; widespread use of problem-based learning;

    4) training taking into account interdisciplinary connections;

    5) a combination of various teaching methods that correspond to the objectives of the lesson and the content of the educational material, ensuring the accessibility of learning; expedient application of all types of chemical experiment and complexes of teaching aids, including technical means (teacher's skill);

    6) instilling the skills of independent work of students in the classroom in its frontal, group and individual forms;

    7) the purposefulness and integrity of the lesson in all its parameters (content, didactic links), determined by the learning objectives, the consistency of all its parts; saving study time;

    8) a calm, business-like atmosphere in the lesson, based on the goodwill and mutual trust of the teacher and students and a common interest in the success of the lesson.

    Classification of chemistry lessons and their structure.

    1. According to the main stages of the educational process:

    introductory lessons;

    lessons of initial acquaintance with educational material;

    training lessons;

    credit lessons.

    2. According to the dominant teaching method (according to the method of conducting) :

    lecture, conversation, seminar, practical lesson, etc.

    3. By the nature of the cognitive activity of students :

    lessons using the explanatory and illustrative method;

    lessons using the heuristic method;

    lessons using the research method;

    Classification 2 And 3 relative, since with one leading method, the teacher usually uses many more auxiliary methods and techniques. Sometimes the variety of methods in a lesson is so great that it is generally impossible to accurately determine its type, but the methods should always be appropriate for the learning objectives, the content of the lesson and the specific conditions in the classroom.

    4. For didactic purposes :

    Specialized Lessons(one didactic goal is realized):

    lessons in transferring and acquiring new knowledge;

    lessons of consolidation and improvement of knowledge and skills;

    lessons for checking learning outcomes.

    Combined Lessons(several didactic goals are being implemented).

    Such a classification is relative, because the teaching nature of the lesson involves, along with the transfer of new knowledge, to ensure their consolidation and control their assimilation.

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    "A modern lesson in chemistry in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation"

    The main form of education in elementary school today is still the lesson. For both students and teachers, a lesson is interesting when it is up-to-date in the broadest sense of the word. Modern is both completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - relevant. Actual [from lat. actualis - active] means important, essential for the present time. And also - effective, directly related to the interests of a living person today, urgent, existing, manifesting itself in reality. In addition, if the lesson is modern, then it certainly lays the foundation for the future.

    For many reasons, each student learns new material in his own way. The understanding of the subject is affected by the lack of study hours, the lack of practice. For some students, the school curriculum seems too complicated, and assignments cause more stress than interest. And this is really a problem. Chemistry is an interesting and progressive science, which, unfortunately, is not given much attention in the school curriculum. BUT modern science needs specialists in the field of nanotechnology, genetics, biomedicine. Chemistry is an important part of multidisciplinary research in biology, geology, and physics. Without qualified chemists, the development of medicine, the food industry and even astronautics is impossible. And in order to enroll in such a specialty and become a highly qualified specialist, you need to meet the education standards that are determined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    What main points should a teacher take into account when preparing for a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard? How to build a lesson within the framework of a system-activity approach in order to implement the requirements of the Second Generation Standards?

    There are several most important aspects of such a lesson.

    The first aspect - Motivational goal setting.

    The goal of a modern lesson should be specific and measurable. The result of the lesson is not academic performance, not the amount of material studied, but the acquired ULD of students (such as the ability to act, the ability to apply knowledge, implement their own projects, the ability of social action, i.e.). The new educational goals of the lesson include goals that students formulate on their own and realize their significance for themselves.

    The second aspect of the modern lesson is activity

    The new meaning of the lesson is the solution of problems by the students themselves in the process of the lesson through independent cognitive activity. The problematic nature of the lesson can be considered with certainty as a departure from the reproductive approach in the classroom. The more independent activity in the lesson, the better, because. students acquire problem solving skills, informational competence when working with text.

    The modern lesson is distinguished by the use of activity methods and teaching techniques such as educational discussion, dialogue, business and role-playing games, open-ended questions, brainstorming, etc.

    The development of UUD in the classroom is facilitated by the use of modern pedagogical technologies: critical thinking technology, project activity, research work, discussion technology, collective and individual mental activity. It is important that the teacher does not distort the technology, using only certain techniques from it.

    A distinctive feature of the modern lesson is its integrity. Integrity of the lesson , its subordination to one idea is provided by two major components - motivation and generalization. If generalization is the content-semantic core of the lesson, those. that, "for the sake of what" the lesson is held, then motivation, which ensures the emergence of the question, is the dynamic core of the lesson, those. that, “because of what” the lesson is conducted. Thanks to generalization, meaningful integrity, or unity of the lesson, is ensured, and thanks to motivation, its psychological integrity is ensured. causing the psychological coherence and necessity of all stages, preventing the breakdown of the lesson into separate components.

    The main didactic structure of the lesson is displayed in the lesson plan and in its technological map. It has both static elements, which do not change depending on the types of lesson, and dynamic elements, which are characterized by a more flexible structure.

    Rules for every day that will help the teacher:

    I am not a source of knowledge in the lesson - I am the organizer of the lesson and the assistant to the guys;

    The child must know why he needs it, i.e. the objectives of the lesson must be formulated in the lesson together with the children, and these goals are in the sphere of interests of the child;

    Eliminated the words “wrong answer”, “wrong”, etc. from my vocabulary. Instead, constantly addressing everyone, I propose to discuss: “What do you think ...”, “I think that ..., but maybe I'm wrong ...”;

    No monologues in class! Only dialogue, alive, in which everyone participates.

    What is the main thing in the lesson?

    Each teacher has his own, completely firm opinion on this matter. For some, success is ensured by a spectacular start, literally captivating students immediately with the appearance of a teacher. For others, on the contrary, summing up the results, discussing what has been achieved is much more important. For the third - an explanation, for the fourth - a survey, etc. The times when teachers were forced to adhere to strict and unambiguous requirements for organizing a lesson are over. The time for “ready-made” lessons is gradually moving away. The novelty of modern Russian education requires the teacher’s personal beginning, which allows him to either “teach”, filling students with knowledge and skills, or give a lesson, developing an understanding of this knowledge, skills, skills, creating conditions for generating their values ​​and meanings. One can argue for a long time about what the lesson should be. One thing is indisputable: it must be animated by the personality of the teacher

    It should be remembered that information is most effectively absorbed, which:

    Is consistent with the current, perceived needs and interests of the person;

    consistent with the current situation, known information;

    Affects the feelings of a particular person;

    Actively carried out through different channels of perception

    Is the basis for decision making

    At each lesson - work in groups: pairs, fours, large groups. We learn to communicate, argue, defend our opinion, ask for help or offer it to others.

    The most important thing is the emotional mood of the lesson. Teacher strategy:

    I know how to manage my emotions and teach this to children.

    If after my lesson the child has no questions left, he has nothing to talk about with his comrades or with me, he doesn’t want to tell anything to those who were not with him at the lesson - that means, even if the lesson was good from my point of view, then he left no trace on the child.

    What main points should a teacher take into account when preparing for a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard?

    The lesson should not be subject to communication and testing of knowledge (although such lessons are needed), but to identify the experience of students in relation to the content presented. To do this, in my lessons I strive to:

    Create an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class;

    Encourage students to speak, use different ways to complete tasks without fear of making a mistake, getting the wrong answer, etc.

    Use during the lesson didactic materials that allow the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him;

    Evaluate the student's activities not only by the end result (correct - wrong), but also by the process of achieving it;

    Encourage the student's aspirations to find his own way of working (solving a problem), analyze the ways of work of other students, choose and master the most rational ones;

    Create pedagogical situations communication in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, selectivity in ways of working; create an environment for the natural expression of the student.

    How to design a lesson?

    How to design a lesson that would form not only subject, but also meta-subject results?

    First of all, it is necessary to consider the stages of constructing a lesson:

    1. Determination of the topic of educational material.

    2. Definition of the didactic purpose of the topic.

    3. Determination of the type of lesson: a lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge; consolidation of new knowledge; integrated application of knowledge, skills and abilities; generalization and systematization of knowledge; verification, assessment and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

    4. Thinking through the structure of the lesson.

    5. Security of the lesson (table).

    7. Choice of teaching methods.

    8. The choice of forms of organization of pedagogical activity

    9. Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    10. Lesson reflection.

    Subject: chemistry

    Type of lesson: lesson setting a learning task

    Lesson topic: Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. electrolytic dissociation.

    The purpose of the lesson: to form students' understanding of electrolytes and non-electrolytes of electrolytic dissociation, to create conditions for development for the development of general educational cognitive actions (analysis, synthesis and evaluation), as well as information UUD.

    The lesson was developed according to the program of Rudzitis G.E.

    Activity goal: the formation of students' ability to a new way of action.

    Planned results:





    Technological map with didactic lesson structure

    Didactic lesson structure

    Teacher activity

    Student activities

    Planned results


    Organizing time

    Good afternoon!

    Emotional mood for the lesson:

    Stand in a circle and hold hands. We will play with you the game "Pass the mood."

    The impulse of good mood will be given to us by the highest student of the class

    Welcome teachers.

    When the handshake goes around the circle, all students raise their hands up.

    Inclusion in learning activities

    Motivation and goal setting

    Turns on the light in the office and reads the poem "Electricity in my life" (Appendix 1)

    Questions: Why did the lamps in the office light up? What is electric current? What particles create an electric current?

    What substances are good conductors of electricity?

    I ask you to create a circuit diagram

    I propose to insert two electrodes into the circuit and check what happens when the circuit is closed through the electrodes.

    From the course of physics give the definition of electric current.

    During the conversation, they recall the metallic bond and the structure of the metallic crystal lattice, a feature of which is the presence of free electrons. Metals are said to be good conductors of electricity.

    Group work.

    Create a circuit and explain how it works.

    Watch the light bulb burn.

    Cognitive UUD:

    Learning new material

    Today we will work with you under the motto: “Knowledge is not tested by experience,

    Mother of great certainty,

    Barren and full of errors."

    Leonardo da Vinci

    How do you understand it?

    So, we found out that metals conduct electricity, and let's check the electrical conductivity of other substances, for example, table salt

    Let's test the electrical conductivity of distilled water.

    Add salt crystals to distilled water.

    What particles became the source of electric current

    Together with the students, find out the reason for the dissolution of substances in water.

    What problems are we going to solve at the lesson today?

    The 1st group experimentally tests solutions of the following substances for electrical conductivity: CuSO 4 , NaOH, HCl and writes equations for the decomposition of substances into ions.

    The 2nd group will conduct a thought experiment and try to suggest the ability to conduct electricity based on the structure of substances.

    Enter the data in the table (Appendix 2)

    Why did the theoretical assumptions not coincide with the experimental results?

    And what conclusion will you draw?

    And what examples of the use of acids as a source of electric current in technology do you know?

    What is the common name for sulfuric acid?

    So how do we call substances that are highly soluble in water, having an ionic or strongly covalent polar bond?

    And what substances will be called non-electrolytes?

    Let's try to uncover the meaning of the concept of "electrolytic dissociation"

    What do you think is the main reason for dissociation?

    Let's clarify the purpose of the lesson, taking into account the considered concept.

    What do you think, and a sugar solution will be an electrolyte. Sugar formula C 12 H 22 O 11

    Let's continue the experiment: check the electrical conductivity of the sugar solution.

    3rd group will present the results

    What conclusion will we draw?

    Using the table of solubility of acids, salts and alkalis, give the classification of ions and fill in the table (Appendix 3)

    Explain the meaning of experiment in chemistry

    group work

    Students dip the electrodes into salt crystals and

    do not observe the burning of the lamp. They conclude: crystalline NaCl does not conduct electricity.

    The burning of the lamp is not observed. Conclusion: distilled water does not conduct electricity

    Observe the burning of the lamp. They conclude that an aqueous solution of common salt conducts electricity.

    Students assume the appearance of free particles (ions) that appear when a substance is dissolved in water.

    When clarifying the reasons, they use posters, models of the crystal lattice.

    Their assumptions are confirmed by the text of the textbook.

    Write the equation for the decay of a salt crystal into ions

    They participate in the formulation of problems and offer to find out which substances and why conduct or do not conduct electric current.

    First, the 2nd group speaks, which presents the completed table

    (p-re HCl does not conduct electricity, the light does not light)

    The 1st group speaks, which presents the results of the experiment (light bulbs burn in all solutions).

    Formulate the conclusion: "Solutions of substances with a covalent polar bond are also conductors of electric current"

    An example of the use of sulfuric acid in a battery is given.



    Give a definition.

    "Electrolytic" from the word electrolyte, and dissociation - decay

    Dissociation occurs due to the interaction of the polar molecules of the solvent with the molecules of the crystal lattice of the solute

    They put forward options for the formulation of the goal and participate in the discussion.

    The purpose of the lesson appears: “To form an idea about electrolytes, non-electrolytes and electrolytic dissociation; explain the causes of electrolytic dissociation.

    It is assumed that, as in the example with hydrochloric acid, the lamp will light up, since the substance has a covalent polar bond.

    The reverse phenomenon is observed, the light bulb does not light.

    They discuss and come to the conclusion that not all substances with a covalent polar bond are electrolytes, but only with a strong covalent polar bond.

    According to the solubility table, students name ions (cations, anions), divide them into simple and complex

    One student talks about S. Arrhenius and introduces the main provisions of TED (homework)

    dig an idea of

    Form an idea about ions

    To form an idea of ​​the dissolution process

    To form an idea about electrolytes, non-electrolytes and about electrolytic dissociation

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. Ability to see the problem

    2. The ability to ask questions.

    Regulatory UUD:

    Communicative UUD:

    Communication skills:

    Communication and interaction with partners joint activities or exchange of information

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. Ability to analyze

    2. Ability to compare

    4. Ability to conduct


    Communication skills:

    Cognitive UUD

    Ability to classify

    Fixing new material

    Exercise 1. Add an unfinished sentence (Option I) (Appendix 4)

    Exercise 2. Which statements are true? (Option II) (Appendix 5).

    Return notebooks to each other.

    Exercise 3. Write the formulas of electrolytes, in an aqueous solution of which there are ions (for all) (Appendix 6)

    Work on options.

    Then they exchange notebooks and pass a mutual check. First, they check themselves, and then check with ready-made answers to the presentations.

    Check with the correct answers on the slide.

    To consolidate knowledge about electrolytes and non-electrolytes, to be able to determine electrolytes by the formula.

    To consolidate the ability to write the equations of electrolytic dissociation.

    Regulatory UUD:


    You are already experienced students - how is it better for you to learn to evaluate your results yourself or for others to always do it for you? I suggest you do a self-evaluation of your work with the help of a memo. (Annex 7)

    The most prepared student can be asked to comment aloud.

    Working with memory.

    Regulatory UUD:


    I ask you to circle your left hand on a piece of paper.

    Each finger is a position on which you need to express your opinion:

    Big - for me it was important and interesting ...

    Indicative - on this issue I received a specific recommendation ...

    Medium - it was difficult for me (I did not like it)

    Nameless - my assessment of the psychological atmosphere ... ..

    Little finger - I was not enough ...

    Analyze their activities aloud showing a finger.

    Regulatory UUD:


    § 1, ex. 1-5, task 1 (p. 13), write out in the dictionary and learn the terms, write down the main provisions of TED.

    Creative task: Why is it impossible to work with electrical appliances with raw hands?

    Attachment 1

    Fragment of the poem "Electricity in my life." Kosovsky Alexander (

    Poor old man

    He did not know electricity.

    In darkness he lived from century to century,

    Illuminated the beam of the hut.

    The nineteenth century has arrived

    And Michael Faraday

    For the first time he told people

    How to make the world brighter.

    He discovered electricity

    Learned his law.

    Since then used by the whole world

    The discovery of those times.

    Here is the current running through the wires,

    Comes to every home

    He gives us warmth and light,

    We live easier with him.

    Appendix 2

    Substance formula

    Connection class

    Type of chemical bond

    Burning light bulb

    Annex 3

    Ion classification

    Ion charge

    Appendix 4

    Exercise 1. Complete an unfinished sentence.

      The reason that electrolyte solutions conduct electricity is due to…..

      The water molecule has a special structure and is ....

      The process of interaction of water molecules with particles of matter is called ....

      Substances with the type of bond dissociate best of all ...

      The process of decomposition of an electrolyte into ions is called ... ..

    Appendix 4

    Exercise 2. Which statements are true.

      Electrolytes conduct electricity.

      If the substance is in dry form, it does not conduct current.

      Electrons are the current source in the electrolyte solution.

      Cations are negatively charged, anions positively.

      Electrolyte solutions conduct electricity due to the presence of positive and negative ions in them.

      The process of interaction of water with particles of matter is called hydration.

      Distilled water conducts electricity.

      The reason for the dissociation of substances in water is the special structure of water molecules.

      All soluble acids are strong electrolytes.

      All soluble bases and salts are strong electrolytes.

    Appendix 5

    Exercise 3. Write the formulas of electrolytes, in an aqueous solution of which there are ions:

      1. Ca 2+ and HCO 3 -

    Appendix 6

    Self-Assessment Algorithm

      What was the task? What was the goal, what should have been the result?

      Were you able to get a result? Found a solution, an answer?

      Did you cope correctly or with a minor error (what, in what)?

      Did you cope completely on your own or with a little help (who helped, in what)?

      On what grounds do we distinguish estimates (“2”, “3”, “4”, “5”)?

      What mark do you give yourself?

    Technological map of the lesson

    Subject area: chemistry

    Class: 9

    Topic: Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. electrolytic dissociation.

    Lesson type: study of new material and primary consolidation

    The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for the development of general educational cognitive actions (analysis, synthesis and evaluation), as well as information UUD.

    Planned results:

      Personal: be able to express and argue their position, tolerance towards another point of view.

      Cognitive: be able to operate with the conceptual apparatus of chemistry; dialectically analyze, compare, classify, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships, explore;

      Regulatory: to be able to act according to the plan; control the process and results of their activities.

      Communicative: be able to cooperate, enter into a discussion, analyze, prove, defend one's opinion; be able to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

    Lesson stages

    Student activities

    1. Organizing moment

    Good afternoon!

    Let's remember our motto.

    Say the motto of chemistry lessons: " We know chemistry without a doubt, like a multiplication table!!!”

    Inclusion in educational activities.

    2. Motivation and updating of educational activities of students.

    In the last lesson, we talked about various solvents. What is the nature of solvents?

    How do you understand the rule of medieval alchemists

    "Like dissolves into like"? Give an example.

    I propose to perform a test on the topic "Types of chemical bond"

    Let's summarize the work: you see the correct answers on the slide, if you completed the test correctly, rate "5", if you made 1-2 mistakes - "4", and if more, then you need to repeat the material on this topic.

    Solvents can be polar or non-polar.

    Substances with ionic and covalent bonds dissolve well in polar solvents, and substances with covalent non-polar bonds - in non-polar solvents

    (for example, sulfur and iodine, substances with a covalent non-polar bond, dissolve in non-polar solvent gasoline)

    Perform a test.

    Communicative UUD:

    1. The ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. The ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

    Regulatory UUD:

    Ability to conduct self-control;

    The ability to evaluate your performance.

    3. Goal setting

    There are leaflets on your tables, where the topic of our lesson is hidden among a set of letters. About what

    are we going to have a conversation today?

    What concept have you encountered in your life?

    What it is? Where is it used? What is used as an electrolyte?

    Let's try to uncover the meaning of the concept of "Electrolytic dissociation"

    What problem are we trying to solve? What will be the purpose of our lesson?

    Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Electrolytic dissociation


    May be sulphuric acid, alkali.

    "Electrolytic" from the word "electrolyte", but what does the word "dissociation" mean? Perhaps it is decay, decay.

    Put forward options for the formulation of the goal, participate in their discussion.

    The purpose of the lesson appears.

    “To form an idea about electrolytes, non-electrolytes and electrolytic dissociation; explain the causes of electrolytic dissociation"

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. Ability to see the problem

    2. The ability to ask questions.

    Regulatory UUD:

    Ability to set goals and plan your work.

    Communicative UUD:

    The ability to cooperate, enter into a discussion, analyze, prove, defend one's opinion.

    4. Stage of discovery of new knowledge

    Let's turn to the science of physics. What is electric current?

    What are substances that conduct electricity called? Give examples

    Why do many metal tools have a rubber or plastic coating, such as screwdrivers? What are substances that do not conduct electricity called?

    Which charged particles conduct electricity in metals?

    What other charged particles do you know?

    Do you think ions can create an electric current?

    To test the above assumption, we will conduct a series of experiments and enter the results in the table. To fill in the table, remember the causal relationships: structure - properties.

    We will investigate the following substances: air, distilled water, crystalline table salt, a solution of table salt in water, a solution of hydrogen chloride in water (hydrochloric acid), crystalline sugar, a solution of sugar in water.

    Enter in the appropriate columns of table No. 1 the names of substances, their molecular formulas, the type of chemical bond and your assumptions about their electrical conductivity with the symbols "+" or "-"

    We will conduct an experiment using a device for determining the electrical conductivity of substances, and enter the experimental data in the table.

    Let's see if all our assumptions are confirmed by experimental data. Let's find contradictions between supposed and experimental data and formulate them as problems and try to solve them.

    Time to complete the task - 5 minutes.

    Electric current is the directed movement of charged particles.

    Substances that conduct electricity are called conductors, such as metals: silver, copper, aluminum, etc.

    Substances that do not conduct electricity are called insulators, such as plastics, rubber, porcelain, amber, air.

    In metals, the mobile charged particles are socialized electrons.

    Ions: positively charged - cations and negatively charged - anions.

    I think they can, since electric current is the movement of charged particles, and ions are charged particles.

    It is known that the properties depend on the structure. The structure refers to the type of crystal lattice, the type of chemical bond and the structure of the atom.

    They work in pairs.

    Carry out mutual control

    Investigate the conductivity of substances using a device for determining the electrical conductivity of substances, and fill out the table.

    On a magnetic board, students attach cards with formulas of substances that conduct or non-conduct electricity in two columns.

    Communication skills:

    3.Present specific content and communicate it orally.

    4. Participate in a collective discussion of the problem.

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. Ability to analyze

    2. Ability to compare

    3. The ability to establish causal relationships.

    4 ability to conduct


    5. Ability to classify

    Communication skills:

    1. Possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

    Regulatory UUD:

    Ability to organize, monitor and evaluate learning activities.

    5. Awareness, comprehension of educational material

    Let's formulate problematic questions:

    Let's try to solve the problems. We work in groups, put forward hypotheses. The group needs to solve one problematic issue.

    Let's try to solve problem #1

    Are there ions in salt crystals?

    Why does crystalline salt not conduct electricity?

    Then why does NaCl solution conduct electricity?

    Why do you think this happened? Formulate a hypothesis.

    Let's try to solve problem #2

    Are there ions in the hydrogen chloride molecule?

    Does a hydrogen chloride solution conduct electricity?

    Think about what caused them. Formulate a hypothesis.

    Your hypotheses are correct. Today in the lesson you saw substances whose solutions conduct electricity. They are called electrolytes. Let's sign the column on the board above.

    Establish causal relationships: structure-properties and draw a diagram.

    What class of substances do electrolytes belong to?

    Such substances decompose into ions when dissolved in water or melted.

    Guys, what is electrolytic dissociation?

    Quite right.

    This is a reversible process that can be represented in general form by the following equation: NaCl → Na + + Cl -

    We solve problem number 3

    Are there any ions in crystalline sucrose?

    Are there ions in sucrose solution?

    Formulate a hypothesis.

    What conclusion can be drawn about the conductivity of substances?

    What is the name of such substances?

    Analyze, based on our experience, which substances are non-electrolytes?

      Why solution

    sodium chloride, unlike solid salt and distilled water, conducts electricity?

    2. Why does an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride (a substance with a covalent polar bond) conduct an electric current?

    3. Why does a solution of sucrose (a substance with a covalent polar bond) not conduct electricity?

    Yes, because salt is an ionic compound

    Crystalline salt does not conduct electricity because there is no movement of ions. They are connected by the forces of electrostatic attraction.

    If a NaCl solution conducts an electric current, then there is movement of ions in it. Therefore, the ions became free.

    The crystal lattice sites of sodium chloride contain ions that become mobile upon contact with water molecules, which determines the electrical conductivity of the sodium chloride solution. This is confirmed by experimental data.

    Yes. So it has ions!

    If a solution of hydrogen chloride conducts an electric current, then it contains ions formed as a result of the interaction of hydrogen chloride with water during dissolution. This is confirmed by the experimental data.

    Substances with ionic and covalent highly polar bonds conduct electric current and are electrolytes.

    Make a chart in your notebook.

    These include soluble salts, acids and bases.

    Formulate a definition:

    The breakdown of electrolytes into ions during dissolution or melting is called electrolytic dissociation.

    No, since this is a substance with a covalent polar bond.

    No, because its solution does not conduct electricity.

    If a solution of sucrose does not conduct electricity, then when it is dissolved in water, ions are not formed.

    There are not only substances whose solutions conduct electricity, but also substances whose solutions do not conduct electricity.

    They are called non-electrolytes.

    These are substances with a covalent non-polar and low-polar bond: air, organic substances (alcohol, gasoline, sucrose), distilled water.

    Continue drawing up the diagram.

    Communication skills:

    The ability to act taking into account the position of another and be able to coordinate their actions:

    1.Understanding the possibility of different points of view that do not coincide with one's own.

    2. Willingness to discuss different points of view and develop a common (group position)

    Cognitive UUD:

    put questions.

    2. Ability to see the problem

    3. Ability to put forward hypotheses

    4. Ability to prove

    or refute the hypothesis put forward;

    5. Ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

    6. Ability to establish causal relationships

    6. Generalization

    So, we summarize the data obtained and formulate the conclusions:

    What are electrolytes?

    What are nonelectrolytes?

    What do you think causes electrolytic dissociation?

    The electrical conductivity of solutions was discovered in the early 19th century by Michael Faraday.

    By the way, there is the famous "Faraday's error", he believed that ions are formed under the influence of an electric current

    Electrolytes are substances whose solutions conduct electricity.

    Non-electrolytes are substances whose solutions do not conduct electricity.

    I think that the breakdown of electrolytes into ions causes dissolution in water

    Communication skills:

    Communication and interaction with partners for joint activities or information exchange

    1. The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. The ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

    2. The ability to define concepts.

    7. Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

    Write homework in a diary

    8. Primary consolidation of the material considered in the lesson

    We will perform differentiated tasks of choice.

    Check the correctness of the assignments using the correct answers on the slide.

    Perform optional tasks.

    Check answers

    Regulatory UUD:

    Ability to organize, monitor and evaluate learning activities.

    Ability to conduct self-control;

    9. Reflection

    What was our goal? How do you think we answered the questions? What did we get? What difficulties arose?

    Analyze activities to achieve the goal

    Regulatory UUD: Reflection of the ability to organize one's own activity. Forecasting.

    The main focus of the lesson is:

    ➢ not to surprise with innovative technologies, but to teach students;

    ➢ At the lesson, students should make some kind of discovery for themselves - to see something new.

    You can talk about the modern lesson for a long time. But the most important thing is the ability of the teacher himself to learn, to master something new, the desire to study and introduce innovations into his practice, the ability to ignite his students with a thirst for knowledge.

    There are three forces that make children learn: obedience, passion, and purpose. Obedience pushes, purpose beckons, and passion moves. If children are indifferent to the subject, study becomes a heavy duty. Therefore, in teaching the natural sciences, and in particular in chemistry, the main task of the teacher is, first of all, to interest and captivate students in the process of cognition: to teach them to raise questions and try to find answers to them, to explain the results, to draw conclusions.