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  • Pedagogical situations and ways to solve them are examples. Pedagogical situations in family education

    Pedagogical situations and ways to solve them are examples.  Pedagogical situations in family education

    A pedagogical situation is the interaction of a teacher with a class team or a student on the basis of opposing interests, values ​​and norms, which is accompanied by significant manifestations of emotions and is aimed at changing the previously established relationship, both for the better and for the worse.

    What do pedagogical situations affect?

    Even though pedagogical situations are short in time, they usually deeply affect two forms of human activity: visible behavior or interaction and relationships - these are attitudes, emotional reactions, expectations.

    It is known that if there is an acute pedagogical situation, then a special type of relationship and interaction is most suitable for its resolution - business, organized, or relations of dependence and subordination, relations of responsible dependence. This type of relationship is the most difficult for adults and schoolchildren, it is difficult to come to an agreement in them, to achieve cooperation. It was not without reason that A.S. Makarenko believed that it was necessary to educate schoolchildren with two abilities: the ability to obey and the ability to order.

    Phases of the course of the pedagogical situation

    The first phase is an acute conflict beginning with a violation of social and value norms and rules by one participant in the situation.

    The second phase is the opponent's response, the content and form of which determines the outcome of the conflict and, most importantly, its consequences, that is, the direction of changes in the relations that had developed before. The second phase is the centerpiece of the situation. Usually, going through it is accompanied by stress, it jeopardizes the honor of the individual as a whole. Often the lack of information and time does not provide an opportunity for a decent answer. Always in such situations, in the process of pedagogical activity, resourcefulness, endurance and experience gained earlier help out. Therefore, a beginner teacher needs to pay great attention to gaining experience in solving pedagogical situations.

    The third phase is a radical and rapid change in existing values ​​and norms (it happens that individual norms are destroyed) in two different directions - the deterioration or improvement of the relations that have developed up to this time. Thanks to the third phase, pedagogical influences are very significant.

    Why pedagogical situations arise

    Of course, both experienced teachers and those who are just starting to practice have pedagogical situations at school. All of them are capable of reflecting deep psychological processes in the environment of students, especially in the relationship between teachers and students, as well as student and pedagogical collectives.

    It is believed that if a student has challenged the teacher, then he has some kind of need for it. After all, a student is like a litmus test, and you need to quickly respond to a child's signal. And various inhumane actions on the part of the teacher can cause opposition.

    The pedagogical situation affects not only students but also teachers. For the latter, it becomes very important to come out of the conflict with creative satisfaction and dignity. There is always an opportunity to postpone the search for a way out of an acute situation for an indefinite period, but each of them is an acute signal that speaks of a problem in the development of a child or a whole group.

    Analysis of the pedagogical situation allows you to see the complex processes of personality actualization and try to intervene in their development in time in order to eliminate unwanted consequences in the future.

    It should be borne in mind that in order to comprehend a seemingly small pedagogical fact, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and conduct significant research work, create a scheme for studying a person and a team as a whole.

    It would be wiser to begin a deep examination when minor symptoms of distress appear than to resort to this when serious deviations in the development of the individual and the team have already occurred.

    The importance of making the right decision

    Various pedagogical situations and their solution are a necessary element of the professional pedagogical training of a future teacher. In the psychological skill of a teacher, the main thing is to prevent the emergence of acute conflict situations, which are based on a sharp and, possibly, tactless reaction of the teacher to the inappropriate behavior of schoolchildren. It turns out that the student behaves unworthily, and the teacher responds directly and rudely to this, and thus shows pedagogical weakness. The bottom line of all this is that the student and the whole class turn against the teacher.

    Rules of pedagogical communication

    In order for pedagogical situations to arise as rarely as possible, the teacher must adhere to the following rules:

    It is not necessary to see only negative motives behind all the negative actions of students.

    Be sure to prepare well for the upcoming lesson.

    Pupils are better at following the indirect orders of the teacher.

    There is an opportunity to change the student for the better with the help of techniques for assessing his personality.

    It is known that joint activities can bring people closer and increase their authority, if, of course, it has a good organization.

    The correctness and foresight of the teacher's behavior can reduce the tension in communication.

    Analysis of the pedagogical situation

    In order to organize the analysis, you must:

    1. Choose a methodology that is appropriate for the situation and conduct a study of the desired characteristics at a conventional object.

    2. Conduct an analysis of the data that was obtained.

    Below are examples of pedagogical situations and possible ways to solve them. The proposed sample solution should be taken as a guideline.

    Situation 1: a little about self-control

    A 7th grade student is grossly violating discipline. After conversations with him, the class teacher and the school administration assures that this will not happen again. But leaving the classroom door, everything starts all over again. This behavior has been going on for a long time ...

    An example of solving a pedagogical situation will be carried out in stages.

    At stage 1, we define the "nodes" of the conflict. Relying on the student's personality profile, it can be assumed that one of the causes of the conflict is the poor development of the student's volitional self-control.

    During stage 2, conditional psychodiagnostics of personality traits as the causes of the conflict is carried out. To do this, you need to study a questionnaire that allows you to identify the degree of volitional self-control. After getting acquainted with the technique, it is carried out at a conditional object (you can complete all the tasks yourself or offer it to a friend).

    At stage 3, the interpretation of empirical data takes place. The obtained data are processed and conclusions are drawn about the level of development of the state of volitional self-control.

    Stage 4 involves the correction of personality characteristics. With insufficient development of volitional self-control of the student, it is necessary to apply various methods of education and self-education of the will.

    Situation 2: "prompter"

    The child has a very good memory and can easily memorize any texts, songs, information. During the holidays, he not only fulfills the role assigned to him, but also prompts the roles of the other children. Therefore, it prevents others from showing themselves, the whole course of the holiday is disrupted.

    This pedagogical situation can be solved as follows: the child is offered the role of a prompter. His task will be to ensure that the other children do not get confused during the speech, forgetting the words. If someone does not remember his speech, then it is necessary to help him with a hint.

    You can have a conversation before the event on the topic "How a real artist should behave."

    There is an opportunity to interest the child in something else (circle work).

    It is advisable to work with parents. Find out what is their attitude to this behavior of the child. In the event that the parents agree that the problem exists, you can invite them to attend, together with the child, a psychologist's classes on the formation of the volitional sphere of the personality. Offer to do chess, checkers, etc. together.

    If the parents do not see this as a problem, then it is necessary to find common ground concerning the formation of adequate self-esteem.

    Situation 3: "test"

    In one of the 8 classes of the school, there was a student who was not the first time in the second year and was older than the rest. At the beginning of the school year, he decided to test one of the teachers. From the first minute of the lesson, the teenager began to beat the beat of a melody, interfering with the lesson. The teacher made a remark, but it didn't work. He didn't stop. The class began to laugh. The lesson could be frustrated. Then the teacher pulled herself together and began to lead her lesson further according to the plan, the rest of the children sat quietly and completed all the tasks. This went on for 3 lessons. Realizing that he would not wait for any reaction from the teacher, the student stopped banging on the desk and did not violate discipline until the end of the school year.

    Situation 4: athlete or artist?

    There are also pedagogical situations in kindergarten, which, like in school, require prompt resolution.

    From early childhood, the boy (7 years old) shows a tendency to drawing, modeling, and construction. He fantasizes well, creates unusual designs. The teacher suggested that his parents send him to an art school. However, the parents wanted to see their child in the sports section. In kindergarten, the boy has few friends. Quite often, conflict situations arise with peers if they prevent him from doing what he loves. If someone expresses a desire to play together, then the boy will not let him in. He is very withdrawn, slow, it is very difficult to distract him from the lesson, we can say that "a child in himself."

    Socio-pedagogical situations of this kind can be solved in various ways:

    1. A child with clearly low self-esteem, not recognized by his parents. We need to try to increase his self-esteem by offering to participate in various competitions, to exhibit his work for everyone to see, so that parents and children can appreciate his success.

    2. It is necessary to conduct sociometry in the group. Reveal which children the child is disposed to, try to bring them closer by offering them joint tasks to complete. You can give a child a special task, after completing it, appreciate it, praise it in front of other children, thereby increasing his self-esteem.

    3. Work should be done with the parents as well. It is necessary to help them understand and see the child's hobbies. And also invite them to take into account the opinion of the boy, choosing additional education for him, so that he is really passionate about him. Sports can be done by the whole family in their free time.

    All examples of pedagogical situations indicate that there is no single solution method and it does not always lie on the surface. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time to get out of a situation with dignity.

    Pedagogical task

    The pedagogical situation and the pedagogical task are the units of the pedagogical process. As a result of the interaction of teachers with pupils, different situations usually arise. Those that correlate with the purpose of the activity, as well as with the conditions for its implementation, are the pedagogical tasks.

    In any teaching activity there are pedagogical situations, and their solution should always be in favor of the student, focused on the development and improvement of his personality in the future. Thus, a teacher is a person who must not only know his subject perfectly, but also be a good psychologist.


    Situation "Control"

    Call for a lesson. The teacher enters the classroom and sees that the assignment for the test, written on the board, has been erased.

    Possible solution:

    Teacher: "Let the one who did this write the assignment again, and in the remaining time you will have to solve the test."

    Standing Lesson Situation

    The lesson began as usual. The teacher entered the classroom. The disciples stood up to greet. But after the teacher's words: “Hello, sit down,” everyone continues to stand.

    Possible solution:

    It is necessary that the students themselves understand that it is more comfortable to sit in the lesson than to stand for 45 minutes. One way to do this is to start the lesson as usual, without focusing on what the class is worth.

    Situation "Decoration"

    An English lesson in the tenth grade is taught by a young teacher. In the course of the lesson, passing through the classroom, she pauses at Viti's desk. Vitya notices an amber ornament on the teacher's dress and immediately throws a remark to the side: "Just think, I've put on rosin."

    Possible solution:

    Situation "Unusual use of a chair"

    The music teacher enters the eighth grade. At the last desk, an "accelerator" with loose hair fell apart. He has a chair on his head.

    The whole class mischievously glances at the teacher, then at the student and waits for her reaction.

    Possible answer for the teacher: "What, are they already sitting in this place?"

    The class explodes with laughter. The apprentice blushed. He is clearly embarrassed and now does not know what to do. The teacher, as if nothing had happened, begins the lesson. The chair is back in place.

    Situation "Late"

    Natasha is regularly late for her first lesson. So today, once again (no one knows what the score is), she enters the classroom 15 minutes after the call, when the lesson is in full swing.

    Your actions:

    1. Do not pay any attention to this lateness (accustomed).

    2. Praise Natasha for coming as much as 15 seconds earlier than usual. Progress.

    3. Arrange a “solemn” meeting of “Her Majesty Natasha” with thunderous applause from the whole class and admiring exclamations from the teacher.

    Situation "System"

    The sixth grade children decided to disrupt a history lesson from a young teacher (who has been working at school for the second year), who was replacing a sick colleague. Students, as it turned out later (boys, 5-6 people), agreed to "grunt". When the teacher entered the classroom, a corresponding sound was heard. But the teacher did not react, because she did not know what it was: a system or an accident. She launched her "attack" after the second grunt.

    Possible solution:

    “Thank you, Vitya, he reminded me. On Saturday, my class and I (she was the homeroom teacher in a parallel class) planned an excursion to a pig farm. Whichever of you wishes, I can take it with me. Vitya will help us in our "communication". I have already heard from the guys about your hobby, but I didn't think it was so serious. Can you help, Vitya? "

    The lesson was successful. There were no people willing to interfere.

    Situation "Sign in"

    A biology lesson in ninth grade is taught by a young teacher. Five minutes after the start of the lesson, the door opens with a noise and, impudently asking permission to enter the classroom, three "difficult" students stop on the threshold. The teacher requires them to enter, as befits students in the school.

    The guys go out into the corridor. A minute later, the door opens again, and they crawl into the classroom on all fours ...

    Possible solution:

    The teacher addresses the class: "Guys, we have the opportunity to observe how the distant ancestors of primitive people moved." And - to the students on all fours: "Please, crawl into your seats." There was a burst of laughter in the class. The embarrassed pranksters can't stand it, get to their feet and rush to take their places. The teacher thanks them and continues the lesson.

    (Vishnyakova N.F.Conflict - is it creative? = The conflict - is it creative ?: Training workshop on conflictology. - Minsk, 1996.)

    Chernyshev A.S. Workshop on solving conflict pedagogical situations. - M., 1999.

    The task: Describe the pedagogical situations according to the algorithm:

    1. Assessment of the situation.

    2. Forecasting.

    3. Solution.

    4. Use educational methods, forms of education, communication and management styles in assessing, forecasting and solving.

    Methodological help for this assignment!

    Pedagogical situation- an integral part of the pedagogical process, pedagogical reality, through which the engineer-teacher manages the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system. This is a concentrated expression of the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system in their temporal space. The importance of pedagogical situations is enormous. They concentrate in themselves all the advantages and disadvantages of the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system as a whole. They play a significant role in shaping the experience of teaching. Any teacher should have his own "archive" of situations recorded on cards in a diary. This archive has been carefully preserved all his life; it constitutes the professional wealth of any teacher.

    The essence of any pedagogical situation lies in the presence of a contradiction in it, its development and resolution. Therefore, any situation is essentially problematic. The pedagogical situation is always specific, it can be pre-projected or arise spontaneously in the process of conducting a lesson, exam, excursion.

    Classification of pedagogical situations:

    1. At the place of origin and flow (in the classroom, outside, on the street, at home, in a hostel, in workshops, etc.);

    2. By the degree of projectivity (intentionally created, natural, spontaneous, projected);

    3. By the degree of originality (standard, non-standard, original);

    4. By the degree of controllability (rigidly set, uncontrolled, controlled);

    5. By participants (student-student, student-teacher, etc.);

    6. By inherent contradictions (conflict, non-conflict, critical);

    Most situations are communicative in nature (communication situations).

    8. By nature (disciplinary, interdisciplinary, general scientific).

    Problem situation - a situation that generates a cognitive need due to the inability to achieve the goal by means of already existing knowledge and developed methods of action.

    An example of an analysis of a pedagogical situation.

    happy birthday teacher

    11th grade. Pupils congratulate their teacher of literature and at the same time the class teacher on her birthday, give her flowers and a gift prepared in advance by the parent committee. To such a congratulation, the teacher replies with a dry "thank you" and leaves. The children did not understand this reaction and decided to find out what happened. It turned out that the teacher was expecting a completely different congratulation - she wanted each of her students to come up to her, give some trifle and congratulate her. She accused the children of inattention and dislike and decided to abandon the class leadership and teaching in this class. After some time, the children decided to apologize to her. She accepted their apology, but many hours of class were spent on normalizing the situation. Accordingly, the children did not receive the knowledge they needed on some topics.


    The students paid due attention to their teacher. They congratulated her, although they didn't have to. The teacher mixed her personal relationships with professional activities.


    Students will lose respect for their teacher. In their senior year, they will be left without the proper support of the homeroom teacher. Their academic performance in literature will decrease.


    The teacher should not be so vivid about his emotions. You don't need to mix professional activities and your own feelings. She needs to pay more attention to teaching children literature, and leave the showdown for extracurricular time.

    (Masha L, 2nd year student)

    Yes ... I wonder who behaved like a child here: schoolchildren or a teacher? ..

    Actually, in my opinion, take offense at children for congratulating"not so ”is not very correct. All the same, the children tried ... Well, and if the teacher is dissatisfied with his students, is it not his fault?

    (Irina Khomenko)

    Examples of pedagogical situations.

    1. The teacher invites the student to the blackboard, asks him to turn to face the class, and himself, standing to the left of the student, asks him questions. Mythologically, it is assumed that the class is strongly interested in listening to the student's answer. Further, the student at the blackboard begins to rush between the need to answer the questioner from the point of view of etiquette, and to look at him and at the same time try to look the whole class in the eyes.

    2. “You know,” the teacher says, “I just don't have the strength to make it through the fifth and sixth lessons. what to do, I just don't know. "

    3. I have been working at school for the fifth year. My wife also works at the school. In grade 10 "A" for six months already, student Lisa K. refuses to answer in the lesson and complete any tasks that I prepare specially for her. She is fine in other subjects. When I come to her house to talk to her and her parents, she defiantly gets up and leaves, despite the protests of her parents. My wife thinks that the girl is in love with me, but that doesn't make it easier for me, especially since many high school girls began to look at me “somehow strange.

    4. Any attempt by a teacher teaching history in grades 5-7 to get students to listen to the explanation, complete assignments, react to her grades, is futile. The teacher re-read a mountain of literature, consulted with everyone with whom it was possible, including the school psychologist, but nothing could be changed. The teacher attended many lessons from luminaries, but she did not succeed in understanding why and how they manage to captivate the children, to find remove the contact.

    5. A 9th grade student Slava K. told the teacher a terrible secret, taking her word of honor that she would never tell anyone what she had heard from him. It was about a very serious criminal offense, as well as the fact that a criminal group is forcing a teenager to go further down this path. The student assured that if she made any reckless movements, she would simply be killed. The teacher is terrified.

    6. The teacher took the eighth-graders out of town, into the woods. At first, the guys ran, shouted, threw themselves with cones and branches, then sat down, putting their heads on their backpacks and bags, and fell silent. They no longer wanted to do anything, move, talk. When they returned, they complained of boredom and wasted time. What should have been done to stir them up, how to interest them?

    7. Teachers for a long time prepared, together with student activists, a subject evening on literature, but that evening none of the students showed up, despite the announcements issued to each invitation, an attractive topic of the evening.

    8. A teacher appeared at school, who once a week leads some kind of special course without grades. His lessons are fun, uninhibited, the children have fun, there is no need to do homework. At school, they only talk about this teacher. The children are crazy about him, all the other teachers have faded and lost their authority. Students use this teacher's methods as an example and are dismissive of homework in other subjects.

    9. Eighth graders agreed to ignore class hours and instead gather with almost the whole class at someone's home and, by special agreement, having prepared in advance, talk about all sorts of interesting things, events, discoveries, and then drink tea and coffee or phantom and cola and dance ... They do not invite their class teacher to these feasts, but the parents told the teacher about this, and he thought ...

    10. The child has average abilities, but the family set out to make him a child prodigy. His whole day is scheduled by the minute, his mother, father, grandmother and grandfather assigned him to different circles and sections. He is forced to do lessons for 5-6 hours a day, scolded for any mistake. In the summer, at the dacha, a child must read non-curriculum classics, listen to serious music for hours, learn the poems of great poets, when guests come, the boy must show them his talents.

    11. The teacher dug up a questionnaire somewhere with the following questions:

    Who would you like to be? - Most of the 9th grade students answered: I don't know.

    What is the main thing in life? - The students answered: Money.

    Why study? - Answer: So that parents do not pester.

    The answers of the students amazed the teacher, and he decided that something had to be done. But what?

    12. The girl fell in love with a classmate, he seemed to have answered her at first

    reciprocity, but then began to assert itself at her expense, mocking and making fun of her.

    13. The teacher tried all the ways to extinguish the spark of curiosity in one inquisitive boy: he called his parents, and took him to the director - and he knows himself at every lesson he sits with his hand raised and strives to ask such questions, the answers to which are not in school textbooks.

    14. The teacher found out that the pupils of the 10th grade have an average of three tests, two tests, three oral interviews per person per week. Students also need to read, outline, or learn 150 pages of a wide variety of assignments per week. The teacher decided to remedy the situation. How this story ended, try to guess.

    15. In October, at 9 "B" grade, the class journal was replaced by another, in which someone entered all the texts, changing only the students' grades in a strange way: all grades were underestimated by one or two points.

    (from Rybakov M.M. Conflicts and interaction in the pedagogical process. - M., 1994)

    Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

    state budgetary professional educational institution

    Sverdlovsk region

    "Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College"


    pedagogical situationsin education

    primary school children

    Kamyshlov, 2016

    Collection of pedagogical situations in the upbringing of primary school children / comp. R. R. Iordanyan - Kamyshlov: GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College"

    Leader: A.I. Shtyrkina - teacher of pedagogical disciplines

    The collection contains actual situations that parents and teachers face on a daily basis when raising children of primary school age. The main purpose of the book is to help students, parents, teachers in search of an answer to the question "How to act in a given situation?" This manual can be used when conducting workshops with students to master their pedagogical knowledge. It is possible to use the materials of the manual as illustrative examples for the disclosure of the topic; as a method of activation when organizing a dispute; as a means of helping to determine how correct theoretical positions are understood by future teachers. Collective analysis helps to come to the most optimal solution to pedagogical problems.

    Explanatory note

    One can speak about morality only when a person behaves morally due to internal motivation, when his own views and beliefs act as a control. The development of such views and beliefs and the corresponding behavioral habits are the essence of moral education.

    On the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the curriculum of an educational institution, a collection of pedagogical situations has been compiled, aimed at the formation of the ethical behavior of younger students.

    Each new time poses new challenges for teachers. When raising children, we must turn their gaze to the good, the eternal, the good. Teachers are left alone with the monsters of the XXI century: debauchery, cruelty, a cult of destructive power. In these conditions, teachers must find moral strength, knowledge, wisdom, that pedagogical theory that will help to fulfill the task of moral and civic education of schoolchildren, reveal its spiritual qualities, develop moral feelings, instill the skills of fighting evil, the ability to make the right choice, moral self-determination.

    Negative tendencies in the youth environment continue to grow: indifference, selfishness, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespectful attitude towards the state and institutions of power are spreading; a high level of crime persists, drug addiction and alcoholism are spreading among young people; the physical and mental state of young people is deteriorating. Thanks to work with ethical behavior, the following value orientations will develop: emotional attitude to kindness, anger, benevolence, conflict, politeness.

    Ethical behavior is an integral part of the moral education of children, consisting in fostering a culture of behavior at home, at school, in public places, on the street. Ethical education includes: the study of moral norms as a support for the rules of behavior, the formation of concepts about the rules of behavior in various conditions, the development of skills and abilities of the moral and ethical qualities of a person. Through ethical education, educators teach children how to behave in a wide variety of settings.

    Based on this concept, the following levels of ethical behavior are distinguished:

      Disadaptation level;

      Identification level;

      Individualization level;

      Socialization level;

      Integration level.

    A collection of tasks is a publication containing various works by one or several authors, as well as various materials.

    This manual is addressed to primary school teachers. These pedagogical situations, depending on the goals of education, the teacher can use both in the lesson and outside the lesson.

    Purpose: a selection and systematization of pedagogical situations aimed at the formation of ethical education in younger students.

    This collection consists of 3 sections that can be used in any order:

    1 section "Difficult situations of success", in which there are 8 pedagogical situations.

    Section 2 "Situations of Success", in which there are 5 pedagogical situations. Tasks may be performed out of order.

    3 section "Problem situations", in which there are 5 pedagogical situations.

    In total, the collection contains 18 pedagogical situations.

    Practical significance: for students to form ethical education among younger students, both in extracurricular activities and during lessons. The teacher also uses the material to shape ethical behavior.

      Difficult situations of success:

    Situation 1

    In the Russian language lesson, the student lies on the desk and is almost asleep. The teacher asks: “What is happening to you? The student replies: "I did not get enough sleep."

    I will give the whole class independent work and try to find out from this child why he did not get enough sleep. Perhaps he helped his parents with the housework or was at a relative's funeral, so he went to bed late.

    Perhaps other students will be unhappy that the boy does not work, but talks (outside the office) with the teacher, but I will explain to them after the lesson why this was necessary.

    Solution. If a student really did not get enough sleep for a very good reason, I may call the parents and let them know that I am letting (as the homeroom teacher) their son out of class so that he can rest and sleep well. And tomorrow let him come with lessons learned and a good mood. I will tell the students that no matter how difficult it was for their classmate yesterday, he still came to class today, which speaks of his responsible and conscientious attitude to study. In this case, it will be possible to avoid a conflict situation and prevent the possibility of its occurrence in the future. "

    Situation 2

    The teacher calls the student to recite a poem, and the boy stutters, worries, gets confused. In class, someone starts laughing.

    This child is always active in the classroom, but stuttering confuses him. Every time he “drags on” the answer, he considers himself a little guilty. And children generally tend to laugh at a person who is knocked out of their group.

    It is necessary that the child does not feel inferior and his classmates do not organize his persecution.

    As a result of this incident, an inferiority complex may develop even more strongly, the student will withdraw into himself, stop working in the lesson. And classmates might tease him.

    Solution. If reading by heart causes such difficulties, then it is better for the teacher to listen to the child at recess, without focusing on it. If the teacher is calm, there are no classmates in the class, the student will calm down, and the work will go better. And with the students, I would have a conversation about relationships in a team, mutual understanding, sympathy, compassion, mercy.

    Situation 3

    Two students were late for class. They explained to the teacher that they were in the dining room.

    I will try to find out the reason for the delay: they did not hear the call, because of the long queue, we bought lunch late and did not have time to eat ...

    It is necessary to ensure that this situation does not happen again, and to maintain good relations with all students.

    If you scold them, then they will hide the resentment or will be late anyway, and classmates will observe with interest what the teacher will do again.

    Solution. I will say that it is not bad when children follow the diet, especially if they cook so deliciously in our dining room. But labor discipline must also be observed. Today I will leave latecomers after class and with them at recess we will do what they missed while eating. If this happens again, I will have to detain the entire class. I will have to explain the new material twice (for most of the class). Therefore, so that all classmates do not suffer, it is necessary to come to class on time. I consider it important to be educated in a team and through a team, as the excellent teacher A.S. Makarenko did.

    Situation 4

    The student refused to participate in cleaning the class.

    I will try to find out the reason. It turned out that the girl is studying at a music school and can ruin her hands.

    It is necessary that all children participate in the cleaning of the class, maintaining a good relationship with the teacher and classmates.

    If you release a girl from work, she will feel superior, and other children will be outraged by such injustice and will negatively treat her and condemn the teacher.

    Solution. I will say that it is very good when a child, in addition to a general education school, is also fond of music. It is commendable that the musician is so kind to his hands. But everyone has to work in the classroom. I will choose a job in which her brushes will perform a minimum load: watering flowers, wiping dust from plants, from cabinets and shelves. ... And then I will ask the girl to invite the whole class team to a reporting concert, where she will perform, and we will be sick with the whole class for her.

    Situation 5

    In the fifth lesson, students are tired, make noise, talk loudly.

    The reason is clear - children's fatigue.

    The teacher needs to establish discipline, create a working atmosphere in the lesson, so that the children successfully learn the material.

    If the teacher starts screaming and scolding them for this, then he is unlikely to achieve the above goals. Even inappropriate actions of students are possible.

    Solution. Of course, I will spend a physical education with the children. Then I will say: “I understand that you are tired. Me too. Let's make every effort with you and make the lesson interesting and fun. " Any exercise can be carried out in a playful way: "The smartest", "Who is the first?", "Proofreader", "The smartest", etc. Children will find it much more interesting to work, and discipline will improve.

    Situation 6

    During the test, the student asks for permission to go to the toilet. The teacher says: "Of course, go out, just leave the phone." Student: "No, I won't go without a phone, my parents told me to always keep it with me - you never know what will happen."

    The reason - the child wants to find a solution to the test on the Internet or to consult with someone.

    It is necessary to ensure that the student completes the task on his own, to avoid a conflict situation, and also not to lose credibility among the students.

    If I start to insist on my own categorically, then in return I can get rude and "slamming the door". The situation can get out of hand and the teacher's authority will suffer.

    Solution. I will say: “It’s very good that your parents are so worried about you, but I think that nothing terrible will happen during the visit to the toilet. Please leave the phone on my desk. I guarantee its safety. Otherwise, you will have to stay after lessons and complete another variant of the task. You and I value time very much, so I am sure you will do the right thing. " In this case, it will be possible to avoid a conflict situation.

    Situation 7

    One student does not study well, does not work in the classroom, responds to the teacher's comments in the classroom: "I will go to university anyway, my dad has great connections in the city."

    The reason must be sought in the family, it may be the wrong upbringing and the perverted motivation of the life credo on the part of the parents.

    Try to convince both the student and the parents that their position in life is wrong and flawed. Also, ensure that all children fulfill the teacher's requirements in the lesson.

    If you ignore his remark, then, firstly, other students will think about whether it is worth working in the lesson. Second, they will question moral values.

    Solution. I will visit the family of this child, talk with the parents and find out the reason for this son's behavior. If his parents set him up like this, then it is useless to prove something of his own. Let's compromise with them and agree that the son will work in the lesson, and not mess around. In class I will conduct a conversation about the benefits of knowledge with specific examples from life.

    Situation 8

    Schoolchildren are fighting in the school corridor. They do not react to the teacher who comes up.

    I find out the reason for the fight: one student called the other, touching on national feelings.

    I will try to stop the fight, reconcile them, exclude such situations in the future. I will try to teach you to be tolerant, to treat others, regardless of their race and nationality.

    If you just separate them, then the fight can resume elsewhere. Perhaps other students will gather to watch her.

    Solution. I will separate the guys and take them to my office. There I will try to find out the instigator of the fight. I will say that both are guilty, tk. only the stupid ones prove their innocence with the help of fists, and all the rest sort out their relations in a civilized manner, with the help of arguments. I will explain to both that each person, regardless of nationality, should be tolerant of others, because we live in a multinational state. After reconciliation, I will take them to the class teacher and recommend that they spend a class hour on the topic "Tolerance."

      Success situations

    Situation 1

    In the 4th "a" they transferred the boy Yura, who did not have time for the Russian language. In the class where he ended up, the Russian language was taught by a very attentive to children and a talented teacher. The teenager was an intelligent and quick-witted student, but the relationship with the Russian teacher in the previous grade did not work out. And Yura began to skip Russian lessons and was careless about assignments on this subject. After a few lessons, the new teacher invited Yura to study additionally after school. One day he said to her:

    Ekaterina Alekseevna, don't work in vain. Don't waste your time. Nothing will help me. I will not keep up, I have known this for a long time. I am incapable.

    How do you know?

    Everyone says like that.

    And do you believe it?

    You have to prove otherwise. Have you heard the expression: who wants to - he will achieve? And you can achieve. You just have to work hard. Let's practice.

    They worked diligently for a whole quarter. And so Yura got the first four in the Russian language. Success inspired the teenager. Since then, Yuri began to study more diligently not only in the Russian language.

    Situation 2

    Misha did not remember well poems and stories. At the blackboard, he usually uttered the first two or three phrases and fell silent or began to say something completely different. Each of his two badly responded in the heart of both the teacher and the student. From the guys she learned that Misha is very proud.

    Then I risked playing on his pride, - Maria Alexandrovna later told her colleagues. - After another call to the blackboard, I put a three in Misha's diary, saying that today he learned much better than before, and it would be possible to put four, if not for intonation errors.

    The boy beamed and proudly walked to his desk.

    The next day I called Misha to the board again. And to everyone, surprisingly, he perfectly recounted the content of the story. In the magazine and diary, the first five in literature appeared. It was a victory. Soon Misha began to successfully study literature.

    Situation 3

    Knowing Natasha's shyness, the teacher warns:

    I will ask you soon. Get ready. Here is the text you can handle on your own.

    She gives the girl a card with a text that she must read. Natasha has time to overcome her embarrassment, to collect her thoughts. For many, the teacher has already given encouraging grades on this topic, but Natasha does not have a grade yet. The girl is very excitable, her studies are not easy for her.

    Situation 4

    Once, of all those who wanted to go to answer on the map, the geographer Oleg Ivanovich chose Kuzin Misha. The student was a diligent boy, but he did not always have time to prepare well for the lesson. In addition, he was clumsy, clumsy and baggy ...

    The teacher asked him a simple question: to find Australia on the map.

    Misha was confused and barely got up from the table. Shyly approaching the teacher's desk, he glanced guiltily at it and turned to the map.

    The teacher, seeing his condition, approached him, put his hand on his shoulder and said gently:

    Do not worry, it will be good. Here is a pointer, start bolder! You know - Oleg Ivanovich tried to instill confidence in the teenager.

    The cousin walked slowly towards the map. But instead of the Eastern Hemisphere ... he ended up in the Western. The noise was growing in the classroom. Oleg Ivanovich behaved with restraint. Anyone else in his place would have made more than one remark during this ridiculous scene, shouted at someone and put Misha in his place. But the teacher's face was still calm, his gaze attentive, but not stern.

    Taking the boy by the hand, Oleg Ivanovich led him to the map of the hemispheres and said:

    Tell me first, how many hemispheres? You probably know that ...

    Two, West and East, ”replied Kuzin.

    Right. Think now, where should we look for Australia?

    And then Kuzin spoke as boldly and confidently as never before ...

    Oleg Ivanovich listened to Misha with great attention. He did not hide his joy for Misha's success. When the student finished his story, Oleg Ivanovich said loudly:

    Well done! Here is a clever girl! You know everything perfectly well, even more than is written in the textbook. Thanks for the answer!

    Situation 5

    The first grader was given a non-standard task:

    This is not an easy task, but I am sure, - said the teacher, - that you can solve it yourself.

    My grandmother is now 50 years old.

    How old was she when she started first grade?

    The same age as me, 7 years old.

    Well, how do you know how many years have passed since your grandmother went to school, if she is now 50 years old, and she went to school from the age of 7?

    She went to school at the age of 7, which means, - the baby argues, - she went to the first grade - from 50 to take away 7 - 43 years ago. Subtract 43 from 2016, you get 1973. Hooray! I know what year my grandmother went to first grade - 1973.

    Well done! You reasoned correctly and successfully coped with such a difficult task.

    Solution: the teacher created a situation of success, stimulating and ensuring the growth of achievements("This is not an easy task, but I am sure that you can solve it yourself"), thanks to which the child got down to work and was not afraid of obstacles and failures. Was also applied persuasion situation: the teacher convinced the child of his strength that he could cope with the difficult task. Problem situation A productive character manifested itself when the first grader started solving the problem: “In what year did your grandmother go to the first grade? How old was she when she went to first grade? " And after the boy solved the difficult problem, the teacher encouraged him (verbally), he said: “Well done! You reasoned correctly and successfully coped with such a difficult task ”, this“ inspired ”the child and it can be assumed that when solving another difficult task, the student will be able to cope on his own without the help of outside help.

      Problematic situations:

    Situation 1

    Lesson "The World Around". Most rodents feed on solid plant foods, which they gnaw off and grind with their teeth. Teeth should be worn out, "worn out", but they are always the same size. How can you explain that a beaver, which sharpens tree trunks all its life, does not shrink or dull teeth throughout its life? (Answer: Rodent teeth grow throughout life.) (1 class)

    Situation 2

    Russian language lesson. The word "airplane" is written on the board. It is necessary to select the root in the word. Different opinions arise. On the basis of word-formation analysis, children come to a new way of isolating the root (in complex words). (Grade 2)

    Situation 3

    So in the lesson of the Russian language: today we will get acquainted with new words that we use in speech. Children already know that there are words-objects, words denoting signs and actions of objects. But they do not know that words in speech are connected with each other in some cases by prepositions. Students easily name words-objects, words-signs of objects and words-actions of objects. When composing a sentence from the following words: golden bird, cage, sitting, children cannot compose a sentence for a long time. They have a question about how to make a sentence: many words, few words, how to get a complete thought.

    This is a problematic task with conflicting data. To solve it, I use the lead dialog:

    Let's try to figure it out together:

    What words-objects are offered to us? (cage, bird)

    Which word is better to attribute this sign: golden "?

    What subject does the action refer to? (bird)

    Where can a bird sit?

    What helped us locate the bird?

    Where did you meet these words?

    What is the meaning of these words?

    The teacher makes a generalization: indeed, these are new words that helped us connect familiar words in speech.

    Who already knows what they are called? (this question arose because none of the guys used the name "prepositions")

    Situation 4

    A sixth grade student, Oksana, does poorly in her studies, is irritable and rude in communication with the teacher. At one of the lessons, the girl prevented other children from completing assignments, threw pieces of paper at the children, did not react to the teacher even after several remarks about herself. Oksana also did not react to the teacher's request to leave the classroom, remaining to sit still. The teacher's irritation led him to the decision to stop teaching, and after the call to leave the whole class after lessons. This naturally led to the discontent of the guys.

    Situation solution:

    After Oksana ignored the teacher's request to stop interfering with the children, the teacher could get out of the situation by jokingly saying something with an ironic smile to the girl, for example: the piece of paper never reached the addressee. " After that, calmly continue to lead the lesson further.

    After the lesson, you could try to talk to the girl, show her your benevolent attitude, understanding, desire to help. It is a good idea to talk to the girl's parents to find out the possible reason for this behavior. Paying more attention to the girl, trusting responsible assignments, providing assistance in completing tasks, encouraging her actions with praise - all this would be useful in the process of bringing the conflict to a constructive outcome.

    Situation 5

    The teacher writes on the blackboard 3+ 6 x 4 = 36 and 3 + 6 x 4 = 27.

    Teacher: I see you are surprised (reaction of surprise). Why?

    Pupils: The examples are the same, but the answers are different!

    Teacher: So, what question will we think about?

    Pupils: Why did we get different answers in the same examples? ( Mathematics, grade 3).


    Situation 1.

    Morning. There is an unusual animation in the group room: new toys have appeared in the play corner. All the guys are looking at them carefully. An interesting game is planned. Only Vasya, secluded, looks at the children indifferently.

    Why are you so sad? Are you sick? - asks his teacher.

    No ... I’m so, ”the boy whispers, turning to the wall so that no one will see the tears welling up in his eyes. And suddenly, burying himself in the teacher's dress, he sobbed:

    I'm sorry for mom ... Papa came late again and drank wine with Uncle Tolya. And my mother kept crying. Daddy made a lot of noise all night.

    Analyze how Vasya's father's behavior affects the child's condition. What, in your opinion, can kindergarten help a family in creating a healthy life?

    Vasya's father's behavior has a negative impact on the child's psyche, affects his emotional well-being. As a result, the child may develop neuroses, mental retardation, psychopathy, organic diseases of the central nervous system, etc. The kindergarten is able to provide social and psychological assistance to the family: advice to parents (in particular, father) on the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle, inform parents on issues of child psychology, assist the family in increasing its educational potential. All this is included in the plan of individual work with the boy's family. In addition, individual work can be carried out in various forms: conversations, trainings, reading, solving problem situations, etc. To work with a family, an educator must involve a teacher-psychologist. Only the joint activity of educators and a psychologist will lead to the best result.

    Situation 2.

    The teacher invited all parents to the clean-up day, posting information about this on the group stand. 2 people came. The teacher is unhappy. The Saturday clean-up had to be postponed. How can you explain what happened? What to do next.

    What happened can be explained primarily by the fact that there was no direct contact between the teacher and the parents. Parents (and perhaps not all) saw the information on the stand, and, most likely, perceived this information as optional. Most likely, the teacher does not work with parents in the proper volume. To prevent this from happening again, it is necessary to work with parents in close contact, to carry out all kinds of work with them: parent meetings, consultations, involve parents in performing creative work, conduct open classes for parents, invite parents to participate in matinees, arrange excursions and hiking with children and their parents, etc. If the teacher implements these and other forms of work with parents and announces at the cleanup, first at the parent meeting, and only then post information on the stand, then more parents will come to the aid of the kindergarten.

    Situation 3.

    The teacher of the preparatory group at a parent meeting told about how to prepare children for school, developing them physically. One boy's grandmother actively insisted that her grandson should not be taken for a walk or in the pool. he often gets cold. She argued this fact by the fact that teachers do not follow how children dress, but at this age they cannot do it on their own. When the teacher asked about how Seryozha would dress at school, the grandmother explained that she, like in kindergarten, would help him with this, for which she specially quit her job.

    How to organize work with Serezha's parents? What can you offer your grandmother to solve this?

    It is necessary to conduct consultations, conversations with Seryozha's parents, recommend for reading scientific and methodological literature on the psychology of older preschool children, literature on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. It is necessary to make it clear to the boy's parents and grandmother that the child should be independent. Only then will he learn to dress himself when he tries to do it without assistance. Also, parents should understand the importance of walking in the fresh air and visiting the pool, because this hardens the child's body, strengthens his immunity. To work with Seryozha's family, the teacher must involve a physical education instructor, a nurse and a psychologist. Together with these specialists, you can conduct an individual consultation with the child's family. A physical education instructor will explain that physical activity, swimming and walks harden the child's body, increase immunity. The instructor can also invite the parents to watch the activity in the pool. The teacher can involve parents in a joint walk with children, in order to show parents that the child, thanks to outdoor games, does not freeze on the street, that walks harden, develop physically. The nurse must also make it clear to the parents that a physically developed child is less likely to get sick. Parents should be sure that in bad weather, walks are not carried out, that the temperature of the water in the pool will not allow the child to freeze, etc. The educational psychologist should hold a consultation with the parents on the topic of the child's independence. The purpose of this consultation is to make parents understand that overprotection prevents a child from growing up and being independent. After all, why be independent when they will do everything for you and tell you what and how? And it will be difficult for a dependent child in a school environment, because there is not much to wait for help from anyone. The grandmother, with her help, can cause ridicule from the grandson's peers, which will negatively affect the boy's relationship with other children.

    Situation 4.

    Andrei's mom communicates with her son as if he has available, positive, strengths of personality and character have already been formed. Therefore, she builds her communication with him as follows: “Why did you take this car in kindergarten? I know that you are kind and honest. So take it to your children tomorrow, because they want to play with it too. " But Kolya's mother in a similar situation tells him: “Why did you take this typewriter in kindergarten? You are bad! You're a thief!".

    What is the fundamental difference between these mothers' communication with their children?

    The words that parents call their child leave an imprint on the formation of positive or negative character traits. In this case, Andrei's mother contributes to the formation of positive character traits in him, calling her son affectionately, with kind words, indicating his good qualities. And Kolya's mother, on the contrary, forms negative character traits, calling the boy bad words, thereby rooting in the child's mind that he is “bad” and “a thief”. Thus, mothers evaluate the actions of their sons (good or bad), and, accordingly, the child will grow up "bad" or "good". In the future, he will become what was laid in him since childhood. All assessments of the child's actions are "recorded" in the child's internal system in the form of self-assessment and his emotional state.

    Situation 5.

    Evening. Your shift is already ending, but my mother did not come for Vanya. Suddenly, 15-year-old brother Vanya appears in the doorway and hands out a note from his mother with permission to pick up the child from the kindergarten. Your actions?

    It is necessary to call the boy's mother and find out the reason why she cannot come to the kindergarten herself for the child. If the reason is compelling (for example, the mother was admitted to the hospital), then it is necessary to accompany the children home and make sure that the youngest child is not left unattended. If there are no compelling reasons, then the teacher should insist that the mother or any other adult relative come for the child. If the mother refuses to do this and asks all the same to give the child to a minor, then the teacher must again accompany the children to the house and subsequently inform the head of the kindergarten about the mother's act. In a conversation with the boy's parents, it is necessary to be guided by the Charter of the preschool educational institution. To prevent such behavior of parents, it is necessary to hold a parent meeting on the topic "Familiarization of parents with regulatory documents."

    Meeting progress:

    1) Familiarization of parents with the regulatory documents governing the educational process: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Standard Provisions of Preschool Educational Institutions, "Convention on the Rights of the Child", Charter of the Preschool Educational Institution. For this, a multimedia presentation is used.

    2) Distribute to parents in printed form excerpts from the documentation that are directly related to the parents of the pupils, the organization of educational activities, the development of children.

    3) Invite parents to answer questions about the content of the documentation.

    4) For independent, more detailed study, offer parents methodological literature on this topic, links in Internet sources.

    Situation 6.

    Sasha shuddered from loud noises and conversations every time, and if one of the adults tried to hug the child, he covered himself with his hand, bent and trembled. Educators often see bruises and traces of beatings on the boy's body. It is clear, because the boy is from a dysfunctional family. Your actions.

    It is urgently necessary to involve a teacher-psychologist in the work with the boy. In this case, the psychologist and educators work together. It is also necessary to notify the head of the kindergarten, who must take action. The parents of the child are interviewed together with the psychologist and the manager. The psychologist must explain to the parents that the unfavorable situation in the family negatively affects the psyche of the child, and the beatings cripple him not only physically, but also morally. Such an attitude towards the boy will not allow him to become a full-fledged personality in the future. The manager must put the parents in front of the fact that if new beatings appear on the child's body, she will immediately notify the guardianship authorities, which, in turn, will take further action. In general, it was necessary to take measures at the very beginning, when the teacher saw the first bruises in the child. In this case, subsequent beatings could be avoided. If the situation with the boy does not change, then everything possible must be done so that the child is taken from the family. This requires the help of the guardianship authorities (social workers and psychologists).

    Situation 7.

    Anton (6 years old) was given an expensive car with remote control for his birthday. He brought the car to kindergarten, but warned that he would not let anyone play with it, as he had instructions from his mother not to give anyone a car. Anton refused to give children a toy, giving a variety of explanations: "You are a girl - you cannot be a chauffeur", "And you, Ilya (his best friend), do not know how to manage it."

    The teacher offered to show how you can operate the car, and then hand it over to Ilya. Anton did not agree with the educator's proposal, explaining that Ilya is dull and will not cope with management.

    The children did not lose hope, but Anton was relentless. They got tired of asking, and they left Anton alone. At first Anton calmed down, but then began to glance in the direction of the playing children. He took the car to a locker. Then he could not resist and tried to make contact with the children: "Can I go with you?"

    “Nope! Go be greedy, we will play without you, ”Ilya answered him.

    Flushed Anton, with tears in his eyes, shouted: "I'm not a greedy man - I'll give it to you!" But Ilya began to list other children, wondering if they would get the car. Anton ran into the locker room, grabbed the car and smashed it to smithereens. When Anton's mom learned about what had happened, she defined her attitude as follows: "I knew it, I said: don't take the car to kindergarten." She blamed Ilya for everything.

    Analyze the nature of the relationship between mom and son, what they are based on. What psychological and pedagogical assistance can a teacher provide to this family? Imagine a one-on-one consultation with Anton's mom.

    The boy found himself in conflicting feelings: on the one hand, he strove to fulfill his mother's order, and on the other, to remain on friendly terms with the children. The child is afraid of not fulfilling the mother's order and forbids children to play with the typewriter, thereby pushing the children away from themselves. As a result, he fulfilled the order of his mother, but he could not fulfill his desire (to play with the children). The boy was in psychological stress, he tried to take it off by offering the toy to his friend, but he refused and thereby deprived Anton of the opportunity to relieve the tension that had arisen. And the child found a way out - he broke the car, which, most likely, will lead to a conflict with his mother. Authoritarian style of relationship between mother and child. The mother suppresses the boy, imposing her opinion on him and putting herself in the position of "I am right, but you are not!". The teacher needs to have a conversation with mom about what happened. The mother should try to listen to the opinion of her son, allow more independence in the child's decision-making, compromise in relations with her son. In an individual consultation with the mother, the educator should talk about the psychological characteristics of preschool children, about the styles of relationships between parents and children, you can also recommend the mother literature on the problems of relationships within the family, offer reminders on the styles of relationships for their comparison (compare authoritarian, democratic and conniving styles). The task of the educator in this situation will be to improve Anton's relationship with the children.

    Situation 8.

    A mother reprimands her five-year-old daughter for driving her younger brother away from her desk:

    Behaving badly. After all, he is smaller than you, he must yield.

    All give in and give in! And if he interferes with me ?! If in my drawing he draws kalyaki-malyaki ?!

    All the same, you're older than him!

    Supported by his mother, the boy continues his work.

    Ah well? - the girl is angry, - you will know how to spoil other people's drawings! Here's to you for that!

    A girl in hearts pushes her brother. The conflict is escalating. As a result, both cry.

    In a conversation with the teacher, mother complains that the children are not friendly, they do not know how to get along with each other.

    What do you see as the cause of the conflict between brother and sister? Why do we not observe in this family the manifestations of such a psychological trait of a girl as a tendency to guardianship?

    The reason for the conflict between siblings is that children feel unequal to themselves from their mothers. It is wrong to make a remark based on the fact that the daughter is the eldest and therefore must yield to her brother. This is what contributes to the growth of conflict between children. It turns out that everything is possible for a brother, everything is allowed, because he is small, and the girl must yield to him as the eldest. This position of the mother (position of inequality) is not correct. In this family, we do not observe such a psychological peculiarity of the girl as a tendency to guardianship, because the mother, with her wrong attitude towards the children, put the girl in the position “You are the eldest, therefore you must”. Thus, the girl feels slighted, perhaps, feels jealousy and, offending her brother, she throws out all the negativity on him. In order for the girl to take care of her brother, the mother had to put her in the position "You are the eldest, so you can help the youngest, because you know and can do more than he does." The mother had to ask the girl for help to her younger brother, to build a dialogue with him in a slightly different way. When the boy ruined her drawing, the mother had to calm the girl down and give each child a blank sheet of paper and agree that everyone draws only on their own sheet, and the daughter could show her brother how to draw correctly. In addition, the mother should praise her daughter more often.

    A group event to bring families together, improve family relationships, can be carried out in the form of training. It is necessary to involve a teacher-psychologist in the event.

    "Training for the correction of intra-family relations"

    1) "Hello, can you imagine ..."

    The goal is to activate and bring the group closer, relieve tension, increase self-confidence.

    The course of the exercise: parents turn to each other in turn, ending the phrase: "Hello, can you imagine ..." and begin to describe some funny incident that happened to him and his child, or an unusual episode from family life.

    2) "What kind of parent am I?"

    The goal is self-reflection.

    Course of the exercise: each participant can write down at least 30 characteristics - answers to the question "What kind of parent am I?" Then the parents sit in a large circle and take turns speaking out, commenting on their story about themselves and answering questions.

    3) "Marriage announcement"

    The goal is to develop the desire for self-improvement.

    The course of the exercise: present the text of the marriage announcement, in which you must first of all indicate your main advantages, and also describe your ideal in a few words.

    4) "Affectionate name"

    The goal is to reorganize the arsenal of family communication tools.

    The course of the exercise: parents sit in a circle and tell what affectionate names they call their child, their wife (husband). When? Why?

    5) "I am through the eyes of the family"

    The goal is the awareness of interpersonal relationships in the family.

    Course of the exercise: the participant must imagine himself surrounded by people close to him and make assumptions. "The son considers me ...", "The husband (wife) thinks that I ...".

    6) "Frankly speaking"

    The goal is to respond to emotions.

    The course of the exercise: you need to complete the sentences that are given, expressing those by the very same your attitude to what is happening.

    · During the lesson, I realized that….

    · I think the most effective ...

    · I could not be more frank because ...

    · I did not succeed in class ...

    · Most of all I liked how I worked ...

    · In the place of the leader, I ...

    Situation 9.

    The mother asks the teacher:

    Why did the child become wayward, disobedient? He was small - they did not know grief with him. And now (soon to school!) He has become different: he criticizes our orders. He is rude to all his opinions ... But we are always very strict with our son. We never deviate from our word: if they said, it means that he must fulfill exactly. No concessions!

    Analyze the nature of the relationship between adults and their son, what they are based on. Why did the boy become naughty? Suggest ways to help this family?

    In this case, the child must unconditionally obey the will of adults. It is clear that while the child was small, he followed the instructions of the parents, obeying their authority without further ado, but the child grew up, he has his own opinion on everything, which he opposes to the will of the parents. But, since the parents do not take his opinion into account, emphasizing that they never back down from their word, a conflict arises between the adults and the boy's emerging personality. And, therefore, the child begins to show self-will, ceases to obey his parents, is rude or does not yield.

    The family should be helped by educators and a psychologist. You can conduct an individual conversation with the boy's parents on the development of the child as a person. A parent must understand that strictness in upbringing is not constant requirements for the child and submission to his will, but a combination of requirements with a respectful attitude towards the child as a developing personality. Parents should be encouraged to spend as much time as possible with their child. Joint games, reading books, walking will allow parents to better understand their son, to listen to his opinion. Only when the parents begin to concede to their child in some way, to compromise, only then will he concede, and if not in everything, then in many respects agree with them.

    Situation 10.

    A five-year-old girl, rocking the doll, spanks it, irritably saying:

    Dare, just don't sleep! Close your eyes now! The teacher, noticing this, says:

    Mothers don't treat their daughter like that. Better caress her, sing a song, she will fall asleep.

    But the girl does not listen to her, objects:

    And mom always does this when her little sister does not fall asleep for a long time.

    How to explain the actions of the child in the game, based on the psychological characteristics of the girl? Name them.

    What did the teacher have to answer to the girl? What kind of conversation should I have with my mother?

    "Children are the mirror of their parents."

    In this case, the girl strives to be like her mother, to be an "adult", therefore she imitates her mother, rocking the doll and spanking it. She does what a mother does to her younger sister - she repeats the gestures, words and actions of her mother in playing with the doll. The girl shows negative qualities, but in her understanding this is not considered bad (after all, a mother cannot do bad things).

    The mother should learn from the teacher about how her daughter copies her words and deeds and thus "see" herself from the outside. The caregiver and psychologist must help the mother to do this. The mother must understand that if she does not change her behavior for the better, then the image of a cruel and evil mother will be fixed in the girl's mind. To the girl, the teacher had to say something like the following: “Look, but the doll was crying, she thought they would kiss her, they would sing a song, but instead she got it in the ass. Oh, how upset the doll is! " Thus, the teacher will focus on what the doll “feels”, and most likely the girl will think about whether she did the right thing or not. And in no case should you scold a child, say "you are bad or you are not right."

    The following techniques can be used to diagnose parent-child relationships:

    1) "Faces of parental love."

    This questionnaire will help both the father and the mother assess the basis on which their attitude towards the child is based.

    2) "Measure of concern"

    Many behavioral and developmental disorders of the child are associated with insufficient or excessive attention to him by parents. This test will help you figure out how correct the educational position is.

    3) "Methodology for identifying children with their parents" (questionnaire by A. I. Zarov).

    Diagnostics of the competence and prestige of parents in the perception of children, and the peculiarities of emotional relationships with parents.

    4) PARI technique (adapted by T.V. Neshcheret).

    Designed to study the attitude of parents to different aspects of family life (family role, to the child: optimal emotional contact, excessive emotional distance with the child, excessive concentration on the child).

    5) "Strategies for family education"

    Assessment of the family education strategy.

    6) "Scale of communication between parent and child" (A. I. Barkan)

    On this scale, you can approximately understand the state of the child at the moment and at this time, find out how they communicate with the child at home, what emotions prevail in the process of communication between the child and the parent.

    7) For a child, you can use projective techniques such as "Family drawing" and "Non-existent animal". These methods will make it possible to draw a conclusion about family relationships, what place the child occupies in the family and what parents mean to him.