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  • What is a mite and what does it mean to contribute. The meaning of the phrase `` contribute to the contribution to the common cause

    What is a mite and what does it mean to contribute.  The meaning of the phrase `` contribute to the contribution to the common cause

    The meaning of the phraseological unit "make your own contribution"

    The expression "to do your bit" means a feasible contribution to some common cause. Moreover, this contribution can be both small and significant. Actually, therefore, he is called feasible, that is, to the extent of his abilities and capabilities.

    The expression can mean not only the contribution of some material values ​​in the form of voluntary donations or dropping into the "common pot" of their share or, as they say, "who can, as much as he can," but also the fruits of his labor when working in a team for the implementation of any a certain task, goal.

    Here are some examples of the use of the phraseologism "do your bit" in fiction:

    “Svetlana Yegorovna found out that Leva had died when his widow called and asked if his first wife wanted to contribute to the building of a gravestone for the deceased. "

    YM Polyakov (1954), "Plaster trumpeter, or the end of the film", 2008

    “That is why Chairman Golubev was sitting in his office now and contributed into general and large paperwork. "

    VN Voinovich (1932), "The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of the Soldier Ivan Chonkin", 1963-1970.

    “It used to happen in the fall, as all sorts of faithful contribute- the devil is sick. "

    M.M. Zoshchenko (1894-1958), "Monastery", 1925

    “In a word, Bylinkin made Lizochka Rundukova an official offer with a request not to worry about future welfare, even if Lizochka Rundukova will continue to remain unemployed and will not be able to bring in feasible mite into a common modest cauldron. "

    M.M. Zoshchenko (1894-1958), "What the nightingale sang about", 1925

    "Repent, meanwhile, and hit yourself in the chest

    AND mite give a modest one to the church, sir. "

    IV Goethe (1749-1832), "Faust", 1774-1832, translation - BL Pasternak.

    “This, he says, is from my side mite... The other, he says, does not produce values ​​either, and he thinks ignorantly - this is disgusting. And I’m still nothing. ” And Ivan the Poor did not think at all about the distribution of wealth (he had no time for it), but, instead, produced values. And he also said: “This is from my side mite».

    M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1829), "Neighbors", 1885

    “She wants to be useful to the fatherland and everyone and to bring her mite».

    F.M.Dostoevsky (1821-1881), "The Humiliated and Insulted", 1861

    The origin of the phraseological unit "to do your bit"

    To begin with, it should be clarified that in ancient Greece the smallest coin was called "mite". The name of the coin comes from the Greek word "leptos", which means small.

    So why did the smallest coin turn out to be synonymous with contribution to a common cause? The fact is that the appearance of the expression "to do your bit" was preceded by the parable of the poor widow, described in the New Testament. It is found in the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Luke, therefore the phraseologism "to do your bit" is considered biblical.

    The parable tells of donations to the treasury of the Jerusalem temple, where Jesus was present. Along with the generous donations of noble and wealthy people, a certain poor widow made her small contribution in the form of two mites, giving all her last money.

    Jesus appreciated the widow's deed, calling her donation the greatest and most expensive contribution, since the donations of other people, although they were larger in monetary terms, their financial situation did not suffer a little, and the poor widow gave everything that she had, nothing not leaving yourself.

    After all, this was done sincerely, and her faith in God is so strong that the widow entrusted her life and fate to him, knowing that God can take care of her. And this is the most important thing for God.

    “Mark 12:41. And Jesus sat down opposite the treasury and watched as the people put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in a lot.

    Mark 12:42. On arriving, one poor widow put in two mites, which is a kodrant.

    Mark 12:43. Calling His disciples, Jesus said to them: Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all those who went to the treasury.

    Mark 12:44. for they all put in out of their abundance, but out of her poverty she put in all that she had, all her food. "

    Gospel of Mark. Christ's approval of the poor widow (12: 41-44)

    1 - 4. Two mites of a widow.

    Luke 21: 1. And looking, He saw the rich, putting their gifts into the treasury;

    Luke 21: 2. I saw also the poor widow, who put two mites there,

    Luke 21: 3. And he said, Truly, I say to you, this poor widow laid down more than all;

    Luke 21: 4. for all those out of their abundance put it as a gift to God, but out of her poverty she put in all her food that she had.

    Gospel of Luke, Chapter 21, verses 1-4.

    Since then, the expression "to do your bit" has become widespread and has become popular and frequently used in many countries around the world.

    The expression "to do your bit" means a feasible contribution to some common cause. Moreover, this contribution can be both small and significant. Actually, therefore, he is called feasible, that is, to the extent of his abilities and capabilities.

    The expression to do its bit is quite ingenuous in origin. Even if a person does not understand the meaning of the word mite, he understands that we are talking about making his own contribution, his share in some enterprise, some venture or business.

    The expression can mean not only the contribution of some material values ​​in the form of voluntary donations or dropping into the "common pot" of their share or, as they say, "who can, as much as he can," but also the fruits of his labor when working in a team for the implementation of any a certain task, goal.
    In Russian, the word lepta means "Alms, contribution" (Explanatory Dictionary of D. N. Ushakov, 1935-1940). Modern euros minted in Greece still bear the name of this coin (Lepto).

    Since January 1, 2002, the euro has become the official currency of Greece, replacing the Greek drachma, and the mite has been replaced by the euro cent. Eurocents in Greek have two names - lepta and cent; on the "national" side of Greek coins in eurocents, the denomination is indicated in lepta.

    Here are some examples of the use of the phraseologism "do your bit" in fiction:

    “Svetlana Yegorovna found out that Leva had died when his widow called and asked if the first wife wanted to contribute to the creation of the tombstone for the deceased.” YM Polyakov (1954), "Plaster trumpeter, or the end of the film", 2008

    “That is why Chairman Golubev was sitting in his office now and was making a contribution to the common and large paperwork.” VN Voinovich (1932), "The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of the Soldier Ivan Chonkin", 1963-1970.

    "It used to happen in the fall, as all the believers adamantly, as soon as they begin to contribute, the devil's sick." M.M. Zoshchenko (1894-1958), "Monastery", 1925

    “In a word, Bylinkin made Lizochka Rundukova an official proposal with a request not to worry about her future welfare, even if Lizochka Rundukova will continue to remain unemployed and will not be able to contribute to the common modest cauldron.” M.M. Zoshchenko (1894-1958), "What the nightingale sang about", 1925

    "Repent, meanwhile, and hit yourself in the chest
    And give a modest mite to the church, sir. "
    IV Goethe (1749-1832), "Faust", 1774-1832, translation - BL Pasternak.

    “This, he says, is a mite on my part. The other, he says, does not produce values ​​either, and he thinks ignorantly - this is disgusting. And I’m still nothing. ” And Ivan the Poor did not think at all about the distribution of wealth (he had no time for it), but, instead, produced values. And he also said: "This is a contribution on my part." M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1829), "Neighbors", 1885

    "She wants to be useful to the fatherland and everyone, and to bring her own contribution to the general benefit." F.M.Dostoevsky (1821-1881), "The Humiliated and Insulted", 1861
    The origin of the phraseological unit "to do your bit"
    To begin with, it should be clarified that in ancient Greece the smallest coin was called "mite". The name of the coin comes from the Greek word "leptos", which means small.

    So why did the smallest coin turn out to be synonymous with contribution to a common cause? The fact is that the appearance of the expression "to do your bit" was preceded by the parable of the poor widow, described in the New Testament. It is found in the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Luke, therefore the phraseologism "to do your bit" is considered biblical.

    The parable tells of donations to the treasury of the Jerusalem temple, where Jesus was present. Along with the generous donations of noble and rich people, a certain poor widow made her small contribution in the form of two mites, giving all her last money.

    Jesus appreciated the widow's deed, calling her donation the greatest and most expensive contribution, since the donations of other people, although they were larger in monetary terms, their financial situation did not suffer a little, and the poor widow gave everything that she had, nothing not leaving yourself. After all, this was done sincerely, and her faith in God is so strong that the widow entrusted her life and fate to him, knowing that God can take care of her. And this is the most important thing for God.
    Since then, the expression "to do your bit" has become widespread and has become popular and frequently used in many countries around the world.

    Sources: ptu.html

    This is a copy of the article located at

      World Hello Day is celebrated annually on November 21. Its main goal is to draw the attention of the general public to the importance of personal communication for the preservation of peace. After all, only through good communication, and not using force, can almost any conflict be resolved. This holiday of greetings was invented in 1973 by two American brothers, Michael and Brian McCormack, at the height of the Cold War, in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel. The day was needed ...

      Silent toast - table toast; the proposer raises his glass (or other vessel for alcohol) and utters as few words as possible or does not utter them at all.

      Dale Carnegie's Theory of Effective Communication is a collection of ideas, positions and statements by the American lecturer and speaker Dale Carnegie, aimed at helping people become successful and influential in the field of communication and communication, avoid conflicts and gain confidence in their own words and actions. Dale Carnegie's ideas were expressed in such works of the author as: "How to win friends and influence people" (How to Win Friends and Influence People; 1936), "How to stop ...

      The Otto Hahn Gold Medal of Peace is named after a nuclear chemist, Nobel Prize laureate, honorary citizen of the federal state and the city of Berlin, professor, candidate of chemical sciences. It recalls his active civic position for peace and the development of humanitarian relations around the world, especially after the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

      "Magnificent Adventures" (VP project) is the first Russian comics magazine, published from 1999 to 2003. The author of the idea and editor-in-chief Dmitry Smirnov (child psychologist). In just 4 years, 26 issues were released. The genre of the series can be defined as a comedy educational story with elements of fantasy and adventure. The comic series was an illustrated story about a group of "self-made" young people living a full and interesting life. The magazine promoted a healthy lifestyle in every possible way ...

    ) - to take an active part in any business (Big phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: AST-Press. E.N. Telia. 2006)

    To contribute- what to take part in as much as possible [according to the Gospel legend about the modest offering of the widow, who gave her last and was recognized by Jesus Christ as the most dear of all donations]. Contribute to the common cause. (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (1992), N. Yu. Shvedova, by the word "lepta")

    Mite- transfer. Feasible alms, contribution (from the gospel story about the widow's mite) (book, obsolete). Labor contribution. To contribute.(Explanatory Dictionary, 1935-1940, by the word "mite").

    Mite- wives. ancient Jewish, small coin, they say instead of money, penny, in general · meaning. Please accept my contribution as well. And he made his contribution to this matter.((1863 - 1866))

    Lepta is the name of a disused ancient coin. This coin was used in Greece. Modern euros minted in Greece still bear the name of this coin (Lepto).

    The literal meaning of the expression is to bring your money into the business.

    Why did the name of the Greek coin get into the Russian language?

    An expression from the biblical story about donations to the treasury of the Jerusalem temple of two mites to a poor widow. Jesus compared her contribution to the generous contributions of the rich who donated out of excess. For Jesus, two mites of a widow were more meaningful and more pleasant.

    This story is told in chapter 12 of the Gospel of Mark:

    Mark 12:41 And Jesus sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in much.

    Mark 12:42 Having come, one poor widow put in two mites, which is a kodrant.

    Mark 12:43 calling His disciples, [Jesus] said to them: Truly, I say to you, this poor widow put more than all those who went to the treasury,

    Mark 12:44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but out of her poverty she put in everything that she had, all her food. "

    and the Gospel of Luke (chapter 21, pp. 1-4):

    "1. And looking, He saw the rich, putting their gifts into the treasury;

    2. saw also the poor widow, who put two mites there,

    3. And he said, Truly I say to you, this poor widow laid down more than all;

    4. For all those out of their abundance put it as a gift to God, but she out of her poverty put in all her food that she had. "

    Examples of

    Basovskaya Natalia Ivanovna (b. 1941)

    "All Heroes of World History" (2018), chapter "Spartacus. Eternal Symbol":

    "If all the movements unite, it will be really scary for Rome. Spartacus movement contributed into the general atmosphere of the disaster. "

    Stephen King

    The Green Mile (1996), translated by Victor Weber, Dmitry Weber, Part 5, Ch. 6:

    “But then I took the initiative. When, a little later, the threat loomed over us for the third time, it was Harry's turn. So, believe me, that night each of us made a worthy contribution."

    "It" (1986), translator Victor Weber, part 2, ch. 9, 9 - that each of the guys spoke on the topic:

    "Eddie started, but so did Ben and Bev contributed."