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  • Why is a person dreaming? Dream Interpretation: a familiar or unfamiliar person, people in a dream. Strangers interpretation of the dream book Why is a stranger dreaming

    Why is a person dreaming?  Dream Interpretation: a familiar or unfamiliar person, people in a dream.  Strangers interpretation of the dream book Why is a stranger dreaming

    Anything can happen in the realm of Hypnos. This is a magical world, but it also has its own patterns. If the dream character is of the same sex as the sleeping person, it means that it reflects part of his personality. Therefore, such dreams must be taken seriously.

    What if a stranger is dreaming?

    In a dream, both familiar and unknown people may be present. If with those whom the dreamer knows in real life, everything is more or less clear, with strangers - a little more complicated. Firstly, new faces that appear in a dream often portend new acquaintances in real life. Secondly, their appearance and behavior are very important for understanding what awaits a person in the future. To meet a handsome stranger in a dream portends positive changes in your personal life. It is by the appearance of a stranger that one can judge the nature of the upcoming changes. For example, if a person seen in a dream is dressed in rags, and he looks miserable, in the near future he will have to go through a period of material deprivation. To be in a dream in an unfamiliar society, watching people have fun - in real life, troubles are coming that will unsettle you for a long time. Perhaps the sleeper will close in on himself and move away from others. If the dreamer himself feels like a stranger to other characters in the dream, this indicates that strange events will soon occur that will cause the sleeper's misfortune.

    Seeing in a dream an unfamiliar young woman with long beautiful hair means that heartfelt joy awaits a person in the near future. A woman of unearthly beauty can be the guardian angel of a sleeping person. In this case, the dream will be prophetic.

    Seeing a general in a dream in a uniform corresponding to solemn occasions means that the bodies of inquiry will soon become interested in dreamers. If a sleeping person is arrested in a dream by a policeman unfamiliar to him, in real life he will receive an unexpected offer that will bring great financial benefits. If a person sees a dream in which a stranger in the form of a policeman comes to his house, if in real life someone is sick in the sleeping family, this dream portends his speedy recovery. A dream has an important meaning, in which a person sees a monk in a black cassock. This character is a messenger of significant events in the fate of the sleeper. The interpretation of dreams in this case depends entirely on the line of development of the plot and the details of the dream. For example, if a young girl sees on the eve of her wedding that a strange monk with a large cross around his neck climbs into the window of her apartment, and this causes her horror, then her future (window) will be filled with many trials. But it is pointless to complain about fate, since all of them were sent to her from above and will be given through the man she will marry.

    What portends?

    If a woman sees an unfamiliar sailor in a dream, she will have to endure the loss of a loved one. If a man sees such a character, this means an attack on his honor and dignity. Seeing an unfamiliar man in a woman's dream portends pleasure in real life. For a man, such a dream means that in the near future he will start a new business. The appearance of the character will tell you whether it will be successful. If a woman in a dream is subjected to violence by an unfamiliar man, this portends her an imminent successful marriage. If a man in a dream communicates with a black man, this indicates that an envious friend has appeared in his life. To meet a beggar in a dream - to domestic joys. Giving him alms - to exaltation, and refusing it - to losses in service. Very a good sign is such a character as a ferry carrier. His appearance predicts a big win. Seeing in a dream a stranger who works as a postman means receiving important news in the near future. If in a dream a tailor unfamiliar to him takes measurements from a sleeping person, it means that in real life someone will love this person very much.

    To understand what a stranger is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to the appearance and behavior of the character. Also important is the general atmosphere of sleep, what feelings does the sleeping action of a stranger cause, whether he is aggressive or friendly to the one who sees the dream.

    If a stranger in a dream is busy laying out a beautiful stove, this portends a period of deep sadness for the sleeper. If he is a worker, in real life a person will receive important news related to his work activity.

    Seeing an unfamiliar man in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport - in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person.

    An aggressive stranger pestering you on the street in a tipsy state - you will start a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to unexpected guests.

    A handsome stranger who attracted your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. An unfamiliar person of a ferocious appearance or with an ugly physiognomy is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

    A stranger who turned out to be your companion on a long journey - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will fall into decay for some time.

    If you dreamed that a horse descending on a parachute from the sky suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with his own, such a dream promises a serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

    If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and enter into sexual intercourse- your dissatisfaction with literally everything will bring anxiety into the life of your relatives; if you flee from him, in reality mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

    If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

    A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you will be unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

    Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, registration or car model, but certainly for a newer and better one.

    Watching in a dream the action of an unfamiliar device or device or studying its action - such an awkward dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

    Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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    A person sees many dreams, but he remembers only a small part. Such dreams are symbolic, since they contain a certain clue or advice on. To recognize it, you need to correctly interpret what you see.

    Why dream of strangers?

    If strangers were friendly, it means that soon in real life it will be possible to have an interesting conversation. Repulsive strangers in a dream portend the occurrence of numerous troubles.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman?

    A stranger in a dream personifies the state and mood of the dreamer, so if the woman was beautiful, then you should expect happy events. A repulsive stranger portends failure.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar young man?

    Most often, such a dream warns of the appearance of enemies in life. In one of the dream books, an unfamiliar man is a good sign that promises positive changes in many areas of life. A large number of strangers in a dream portends the emergence of a new hobby that will be relevant to large audiences.

    Why dream of kissing a stranger?

    A kiss on the lips portends an entry into a love affair, which will be short-lived. The dream book recommends reconsidering your own attitude to your personal life and not being sprayed on all men. A kiss on the neck means that in real life there are not enough emotions.

    Why dream of a feast with strangers?

    If the holiday was spoiled for some reason, then you should expect various and troubles. Night vision, in which the feast left only a good impression, promises good luck in business and respect for others.

    Why dream of dead strangers?

    Such a dream means that all experiences are in vain and everything will be fine. Another such plot may portend health problems, but they will be minor. The corpses of strangers promise good news.

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    A dream in which I happened to see a stranger is good for those who are burdened by loneliness. Why dream of strangers? The meaning of such a dream is interpreted quite simply - the sleeper will soon be among a large crowd of people. It can be a wedding, a chic party or any other event.

    To interpret the dream as accurately as possible, you should recall the details of what you saw. Each of the crowd was busy with a certain business? The sleeper will also find something to his liking.

    Was a crowd of strangers positively disposed towards you? Apparently, you dreamed of such a meeting in real life. Pleasant interlocutors in night dreams promise no less pleasant pastime in reality.

    Did the personalities in your dream cause concern, and, moreover, did they have a repulsive appearance? This can be reflected in troubles in real life, warns the Women's Dream Book.

    The meaning of sleep will not be so negative if communication with such people has been avoided. It is even better if you manage to put unpleasant interlocutors in their place - in reality, thanks to your oratory skills, you will brilliantly cope with any dispute, leaving your opponent with nothing.

    In your house

    What strangers may dream of in your home is most often the result of certain events that occurred in reality. So, the Modern Dream Book connects what he saw with the upcoming holiday in the family circle. Maybe it will be a wedding or a birthday to which a large number of people are invited.

    There is nothing surprising in your desire to arrange such an event without the slightest misses, therefore, even in a dream, you continue to rehearse this or that plot of the future holiday, trying not to miss the slightest detail.

    Miller's dream book gives a different interpretation to the dreamer. In his opinion, the key factor in dreaming is the house itself. It is likely that the sleeper is not sure that the walls of his own home can provide protection and safety - that's why he sees strangers in him. Try to get rid of anxiety, the dream book advises, in reality nothing threatens you.

    Invitation to visit

    Why dream of a feast surrounded by people you don't know? There is an answer to this Modern dream book. Remember what emotions this event left you with. Only positive ones? Then reality will present only pleasant things, the interpreter believes. But if the peaceful course of the feast was somehow disturbed, in reality conflicts and troubles may await you.

    A large amount of alcoholic drinks on the table is also considered a good sign, especially if they were spilled on the tablecloth or clothes of those present.

    As the Esoteric interpreter says, those who have recently had a chance to change their lifestyle see themselves as guests most often. For example, moving from a sparsely populated city to a bustling metropolis, getting a job in a large company, or understanding the beauty of going out. At first, such changes can cause slight discomfort, which can be felt even in a dream.

    Among the crowd

    According to Hasse's dream book, a crowd of strangers suggests that soon the sleeper will be involved in a field of activity that involves working with a large number of people. Maybe he will be fascinated by a political career, teaching, marketing research - everything that requires direct interaction with the masses.

    Among the crowd of strangers noticed yourself? On the advice of the dream book, remember the dream to the smallest detail - they will help to understand why in this moment luck has turned its back on you.

    What strangers dream of often also acts as a symbol of the dreamer's innermost secrets. In reality, he is afraid that they will be talked about at every corner. According to Erotic dream book, these secrets are of a romantic nature. It is possible that the sleeper does not want his love affairs to become public. Worrying about this is quite natural, but it’s absolutely not worth it, the dream book reassures. Your secrets will remain with you - the likelihood that someone else will find out about them tends to zero.

    On the other side

    A dream in which I happened to see the dead causes people quite understandable anxiety. But do not worry, the interpreter is encouraging. Everything bad that could happen is either left far behind, or it will not affect you. That's what this story is about. Sleep also has one more meaning - a slight weakness that will not affect your well-being in any way. Remember to give yourself more rest and everything will be back to normal.

    And why dream of the bodies of strangers? Contrary to expectations, they promise news that the sleeper will only be happy about. It may also happen that you are invited to participate in an interesting and profitable project. On the advice of dream books, agree. There may not be another chance like this.

    To figure out why the dead strangers are dreaming, you should remember the whole plot. It is in the context of a complete dream that a detailed interpretation can be obtained.

    For example, the funeral of a stranger seen in a dream, according to dream books, promises changes for the better. There will be new chances to solve what seemed unsolvable. New opportunities and new ways to achieve your goal will open up for you, try not to miss them, dream books advise.


    What can ghosts of strangers dream about? Not the most pleasant news awaits you in reality, but you will be more surprised than upset. It is quite possible that this will be news about the death of a famous person or a change in the political situation in the country.

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