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  • Interesting and beautiful words in English. Beautiful words and quotes that will make life better

    Interesting and beautiful words in English.  Beautiful words and quotes that will make life better

    Each language has its own unique set of words that sound great, can evoke the most tender feelings and create sensations. As you learn English, you will learn many new words and phrases. At the time of article publication, there are approximately 1,025,109 registered words in the English language. In today's article, we want to pay attention only to 11 of our favorite words, with transcription, translation and, of course, an example of use in speech! And so, there is no better time than now to learn something new!

    1. Ethereal[ɪ’θɪərɪəl] is so light and gentle that it seems magical. (Unearthly, divine)
      Example: Many people speak about the ethereal beauty of the Northern Lights. I'd love to see them myself one day. - Many people talk about the unearthly beauty of the Northern Lights. I would like to see him one day.
    2. Ineffable[ɪ'nefəbl] - too big or too big to be expressed in words. (Indescribable)
      Example: The Grand Canyon left me in an ineffable daze; the immense size and scale of the sight was unbelievable. “The Grand Canyon left me in unspeakable amazement; the sheer size and scale were incredible.
    3. Melancholy[‘Melənk (ə) lɪ] - a feeling of thoughtful sadness, usually without a clear reason. (Melancholy)
      Example: I love listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it's raining. The melody is sweet but full of melancholy. - I love listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it rains. The melody is sweet but full of melancholy.
    4. Mellifluous- a sweet, smooth sound that's good to hear. (Mellifluous)
      Example: The singer had a soft, mellifluous voice and performed her song beautifully. - The singer had a soft, sweet-sounding voice and sang his song beautifully.
    5. Nefarious- evil, criminal, villainous, or despicable. (Unholy)
      Example: The man was stopped by police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed far more nefarious crimes. “The man was stopped by the police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed much more heinous crimes.
    6. Opulent[‘Ɔpjulənt] - something lush or luxurious, rich. (Pompous, chic)
      Example: The Palace of Versailles is one of the most opulent historical buildings in France. I wish I could live there! - The Versailles Palace is one of the most luxurious historic buildings in France. I would like to live there!
    7. Ripple['Rɪpl] is a small wave or series of waves on the surface of the water. (Ripple)
      Example: When I was young, I loved throwing pebbles into the lake and watching the ripples they created. - When I was young, I loved to throw pebbles into the lake and watch the ripples that it created.
    8. Solitude['Sɔlɪt (j) uːd] - a state of isolation or a feeling that you are alone / alone in the whole world. (Solitude, loneliness)
      Example: Some people need to socialize all the time, but I think it’s important to understand the value of solitude too. - Some people need to communicate all the time, but I think it's important to understand the value of being alone too.
    9. Wanderlust['Wɔndəlʌst] - passion for travel; wanderlust.
      Example: I watched "Eat Pray Love" with my mum yesterday, and now I’m experiencing strong wanderlust... I want to catch the next flight to Bali! “I watched Eat Pray Love with my mom yesterday and now I have a strong wanderlust. I want to catch the next flight to Bali!
    10. Catharsis- the realization of emotional stress, especially through art or music. (Catharsis)
      Example: I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them let go of their troubles. - I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh have experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them let go of their problems.
    11. Cuddle[‘Kʌdl] - long hugs full of affection and / or love.
      Example: One of my favorite things to do in winter is to watch a movie and cuddle my cat, whose name is Fluffy, on the sofa. - One of my favorite things in winter is watching a movie while sitting on the couch and hugging my cat named Fuzzy.

    Surely you have repeatedly asked yourself the question: why are some words in the English language so melodic and beautiful? And the reason is not that this language is the most popular, but that you have the opportunity to discover another world in which your possibilities will multiply. Very often people decide to learn English precisely because they like the sound of some of its words.

    Why is this language beautiful?

    English is attractive to many people for a number of the following reasons:

    Subconscious craving for euphony. There are no sibilant consonants that are similar in sound, but there are a large number of long vowels. Also, there are no words that are difficult to pronounce, despite the fact that in order to pronounce some, you need to have certain articulatory abilities.

    Language semantics. Most words are easy to recognize as they are universal. Some of them were borrowed in other languages, for example: fantastic - fantastic, delicacy - delicacy, eternity - eternity, galaxy - galaxy, freedom - liberty. English can be compared to a sponge - it has absorbed valuable linguistic forms, which is why it seems so beautiful.

    Incredible emotional vocabulary. This includes the presence of idioms and unusual colloquial slang, as well as the use of affectionate suffixes and other techniques.

    The invaluable experience of linguists

    Linguists from Britain love to organize various polls. Not so long ago, they decided to create another one. Its purpose is to find words that are pleasing to the ear. The survey was conducted among foreigners, since it is difficult for a native resident of Britain to determine the attractiveness of a particular word - he simply ties them to certain meanings. And, as for non-native speakers, they are often attracted to unknown words.

    The first place in the poll was taken by the very melodic word mother, which is known by every person from birth. The rest of the results varied, depending on the age and level of the social group:

    Young people prefer romantic words, as well as those associated with music.

    The older people liked the philosophical concepts.

    Businessmen love the tactile business terms.

    Housewives love everyday words, as well as those that are often found in the field of shopping and in TV shows.

    As you can see, the survey did not give any definite results. This was another proof that the environment in which a particular person lives and works influences lexical preferences. Each language has attractive words.

    List of attractive English words

    But still, among a million words, it turned out to distinguish between beautiful words in English that attract people and make them want to learn the language:

    1. Blossom - to blossom.
    2. Bumblebee is a bumblebee.
    3. Banana is a banana.
    4. Observatory is an observatory.
    5. Bliss is bliss.
    6. Aqua is water.
    7. Cozy - cozy.
    8. Blue - blue.
    9. Cute is cute.
    10. Bubble is a bubble.
    11. Galaxy is a galaxy.
    12. Destiny is destiny.
    13. Mint - mint.
    14. Gorgeous - great.
    15. Rainbow is a rainbow.
    16. Sentiment - feeling, mood.
    17. Freedom is freedom.
    18. Delicacy is a delicacy.
    19. Cherish - to cherish.
    20. Cosmopolitan is a cosmopolitan.
    21. Extravaganza - extravaganza.
    22. Fantastic is fantastic.
    23. Grace is grace.
    24. Hope is hope.
    25. Lullaby is a lullaby.
    26. Moment is a moment.
    27. Pet is an animal.
    28. Lollipop is a lollipop.
    29. Peace is peace.
    30. Sweetheart is a sweetheart.
    31. Smile - smile.
    32. Enthusiasm - enthusiasm.
    33. Sunshine - sunlight.
    34. Paradox is a paradox.
    35. Hilarious - hilarious.
    36. Passion is passion.
    37. Peekaboo is a hide and seek game.
    38. Kangaroo is a kangaroo.
    39. Love is love.
    40. Emotion is emotion.
    41. Sophisticated - sophisticated.
    42. Twinkle - twinkle.
    43. Tranquility is calmness.
    44. Umbrella is an umbrella.
    45. Sunflower - sunflower.

    And these are considered the most beautiful words in English:

    1. Bubble is a bubble.
    2. Hope is hope.
    3. Blue - blue.
    4. Love is love.
    5. Smile - smile.
    6. Mother is a mother.
    7. Camomile is a chamomile.

    The secret of the beauty of words

    You've probably noticed that these words have not only beautiful pronunciation, but also meaning. They are positive in meaning, evoke only pleasant emotions, because beauty is associated with kindness.

    The survey was also conducted among marketers, designers, workers. And, in their opinion, with the help of beautiful words in English, you can attract the attention of the target audience and not only.

    And, if you have a desire to learn English, we strongly recommend the Lim English training service. Here you will not only learn many beautiful words in English with translation, but also expand your vocabulary, learn to pronounce sentences correctly and beautifully. After all, a person who knows English owns the whole world. And it's hard to argue with that.

    In this article, we'll take a look at beautiful English words. The beauty of a word is combined not only with the form of the word, but it just so happens that the word is beautiful when it also has a beautiful designation, pleasing to the eyes or hearing. To make it easier to remember words, we will divide them into general categories.

    Please note: the most beautiful words in English, as well as in Russian, are the words "mother" - mother, "family" - family. This proves once again that in many cases people closely associate the shell of a word with its designation.

    Feelings and description

    • Happiness is happiness.
    • Kindness is kindness.
    • Wonderful is wonderful.
    • Beautiful is beautiful.
    • Generous is generous.
    • Demure is humble.
    • Gorgeous - beautiful, gorgeous.
    • Hilarious - hilarious.

    Examples of

    Let's put together examples to help you remember each beautiful word in English.

    Happiness is the sense of life for many people. - Happiness is the meaning of life for many people.

    Kindness is a very important trait, it says a lot about human personality. - Kindness is a very important trait, it says a lot about a person's personality.

    The evening was wonderful and we had a lot of fun. - The evening was wonderful and we had a lot of fun.

    Today was a beautiful sunset, looking at it you forget everything. - Today was a beautiful sunset, looking at which, you forget everything.

    Your friend is very generous, he offered to pay for our dinner. - Your friend is very generous, he offered to pay for our dinner.

    The girl is extremely demure. - The girl is extremely modest.

    I have seen our new coworker today, I am afraid we have a problem - he is very gorgeous. - I saw our new employee, I'm afraid that we have a problem - he is very handsome.

    Mike is hilarious, he can crack jokes and laugh at them even if the rest of us smiling out of politeness. - Mike is a funny guy, he can make jokes and laugh at them, even when everyone else is smiling out of politeness.


    The following beautiful words in English with translation mean animals and natural phenomena.

    • Nature is nature.
    • Rainbow is a rainbow.
    • Butterfly is a butterfly.
    • Dragonfly is a dragonfly.
    • Sunshine - sunlight.
    • Lagoon - lagoon.
    • Blossom - bloom.
    • Galaxy is a galaxy.
    • Kangaroo is a kangaroo.
    • Coconut is a coconut.
    • Hippopotamus - hippopotamus.
    • Aqua is water.
    • Banana is a banana.

    Examples of

    Nature includes not only plants, but also animals. - Nature includes not only plants, but also animals.

    Blue Lagoon is a wonderful place where you can spend the vacation with your family. - The Blue Lagoon is a wonderful place to spend a vacation with your family.

    When we see an arch of colors in the sky we call it a rainbow. - When we see an arch of flowers in the sky, we call it a rainbow.

    The life span of butterflies varies and depends on many factors. - The lifespan of butterflies is different and depends on many factors.

    The eyes of a dragonfly are made of thousands of small eyes. - The eyes of a dragonfly are made up of a thousand small eyes.

    In Japan cherry blossom symbolizes hope. - In Japan, cherry blossoms symbolize hope.

    Coconut water is identical to human blood plasma. - Coconut water is identical to human blood plasma.

    There are trillions of galaxies, it is something that very difficult to imagine for human brain. - There are trillions of galaxies, it is difficult for the human brain to imagine.

    An adult hippo can be very dangerous and aggressive. - An adult hippo can be very dangerous and aggressive.

    Aqua consists of microscopic crystals, their form reminds polygon. - Water consists of microscopic crystals, the shape of which resembles a polyhedron.

    Cherry blossom in Japan - cherry blossom in Japan


    • Elixir is an elixir.
    • Lollipop - Chupa Chups.
    • Pumpkin - pumpkin
    • Bubble is a bubble.
    • Umbrella is an umbrella.

    Examples of

    Take an umbrella with you - it looks like the day will be rainy. - Take an umbrella with you - it seems that the day will be rainy.

    Lollipops are hard candies with short stick. - Chupa-chups are hard candies on a stick.

    Pumpkin shell is carved to make Halloween Jack-o-lantern. - The insides of the pumpkin are carved to make Jack's flashlight.

    My niece likes to blow bubbles and watch them. - My niece loves to blow bubbles and watch them.

    Concepts and phenomena

    • Family is a family.
    • Smile - smile.
    • Liberty is freedom.
    • Paradox is a paradox.
    • Sentiment - feeling, sentimentality.
    • Moment is a moment.
    • Cosmopolitan is a multinational, Citizen of the World (also free from national prejudices).
    • Beauty is beauty.
    • Hope is hope.

    Examples of

    Family should come first in life of every person. - The family should be in the first place in the life of every person.

    Your smile always supports and inspires me. - Your smile always supports and inspires me.

    The original name of Statue of Liberty was Liberty Enlightening the World. - The original name of the Statue of Liberty was "Freedom that Illuminates the World."

    Love is not a sentiment that words can express. - Love is not a feeling that can be expressed in words.

    If she asks you to wait for a moment and goes to the shop you have at least an hour until she will come back. - If she asks you to wait a minute and goes to the store, then you have at least an hour until she returns.

    A cosmopolitan person feels comfortable at home as well as everywhere in the world. - Citizen of the World feels comfortable at home, as well as anywhere in the world.

    Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart. - Beauty is not in the face, beauty is in the radiance of the heart.

    I hope we will come to the station in time. - I hope we get to the station on time.

    In a circle of family - in the bosom of the family

    Beautiful phrases and quotes

    Let's see what beautiful English phrases with translation exist.

    About love

    Love is friendship set on fire. - Love is friendship on fire.

    Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Keep love in your heart. Life without her is like a garden without the sun with dead flowers.

    Life is the flower for which love is the honey. - Life is a flower for which love is honey.

    In the flash of love’s life we ​​dare to be brave. “In the light of the love of life, we challenge courage.

    Love is the beauty of a soul. - Love is the beauty of the soul.

    Love conquers all. - Love conquers everything.

    You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. “You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.

    Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. “Distance is just a test of how far love can travel.

    We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice. - We fall in love by chance, but we remain in love consciously.

    About friendship

    Friendship is a special gift, generously given, happily accepted and deeply appreciated! - Friendship is a special gift that is generously given, accepted with joy and deeply appreciated.

    True friendship isn’t about being inseparable - it is about being separated and nothing changes. - True friendship is not when friends are inseparable, but when nothing changes in separation.

    Friendship isn’t about whom you known the longest, it is about who came and never left your side. - A friend is not the one you know the longest, but the one who came and never left you.

    Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. - Friends are a family that we choose for ourselves.

    A friend is one who knows us but loves us anyway. - A friend is one who knows, but still loves.

    Friendship is not one big thing, but millions of little ones

    About life

    See what beautiful quotes and phrases in English about life are.

    Do not squander time - this is stuff life is made of. - Do not waste your time - life is made of it.

    Don’t judge my choices without understanding my reasons. - Do not judge my choice without understanding the reasons.

    Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. - Don't be afraid of life. Believe that it is worth living, and your faith will help make it a reality.

    Rule # 1 of life. Do what makes YOU happy. - Rule of life # 1. Do what makes YOU happy.

    About myself and about life

    You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself. - You can find the worst enemy or the best friend in yourself.

    The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Consciousness is everything. You are shaped by your thoughts.

    When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. “When I let go of who I am, I become who I want to be.

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. “A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

    A good head and a good heart is always a formidable combination. - A good head and a good heart are always an amazing combination.

    Vocabulary from phrases

    Complete your vocabulary with words from the examples and phrases we reviewed above.

    • To dare - make up your mind, have the audacity.
    • Brave is brave.
    • Soul is a soul.
    • To conquer - to conquer, conquer.
    • Trait is a character trait.
    • Sunset - sunset.
    • To offer - to offer.
    • Coworker - colleague, employee.
    • Politeness is politeness.
    • To crack jokes - make jokes.
    • To include - include.
    • Plants are plants.
    • Vacation - vacation, vacation.
    • To vary - to change, to vary.
    • To symbolize - to symbolize.
    • Difficult is difficult.
    • Brain - brain, mind.
    • Identical is the same, identical.
    • To imagine - to imagine.
    • To consist - to consist.
    • To remind - to remind.
    • Rainy - rainy.
    • Stick is a stick.
    • To inspire is to inspire.
    • To express - to express.
    • To carve - cut.
    • Journey - trip, journey.
    • Formidable is awesome, impressive.

    Learn other beautiful words in English from quotes with translation: